The Huron Expositor, 1981-02-26, Page 24HO HURON EXPOSI,TOR, FEBRUARY 26, 1981
— — ,
' Pawerfulag on aWidaSeiection ,
&Parts fnant your Heaciquartats
$27-0120 6EAFORTH
21/2 " x. 8"
0 Pecial •Sisag*,•42-`:$
Hydraulic Cylinder
$630 16 -
dam itupainpit,
valves;coupline — not
cylinders, hoses, pumps,
111 only for IH equipment, but
'competitive makes as well
APPLIANCES- In the heart of downtown Varna,!,!
sales and service of most makes
7 I 43. I Verna, Ont. r •
Cheryl Kruse Barbara 'Penn Joanne Flannigan _Dave Tilley
Bill Martin Marion MacDonald
Morton, Jackie Schenck, Dave Menheere.
rum, Auatin Murray Bennewies, Linda Guichelaar
Erinnomn TIRE
C. Winsor Holdings Ltd,
Seaforth, Ontiorio
• '!", ;.^.• -!• • ••
H . Potpowri •
- by Jeanne Kirkby
, .
- Are electiOs becomi4 a
sign.of VON in this
country? On March 19th-
Ontatians will•go to the polls.
to choose a_ new provincial
government. Bill Davis
hopes to achieve majority
wvernment. Stuart Smith
_wants to replace, years of
'con.servatiVe rule with a
1;fh-era.1:! BrOVinOal• .govern=
F0•0111 Ad-W*1 caisicky'iS
eager, ,to'bead iip."Ptitarto's
• ,guvernMent.
'anada:must be .4 ,pe..thie4y
fonSc At ilte.:OXR0*.
Con at is e gos et-amen t
and now our federal MP. Mr.
Murray Cardiff IS a Consers •
ative in 913.4wa's Liberal
government. Apout all that-
thb proves is that the voters
in the area. ea' and4O- Vote
either vi Nirg
more for the candidate t an
for -the, Party that is fepre-,
seined. This rietecouldwally,
dependant the public percep-
tiOn orth+:.v,andidt:ki tela the
The NDP parts was the
first to choose their map.
nominating Tony McQuail.
their recent representatiVe in
the federat eleenOtt. Mr,
MCQauil, itripreSsod many.
' people 41.011K <iiis ;previous,
campaign..kVith his ,speaking
gthintio,` his,proparedness
ASetiss • relevant topics
know:100413f 'And articu-
lately, During this federal
campaign., the NOP 'vine in
this riding:Aid increase. and
In the riding of Huron-
Brtice, an interesting contest
is shaping up, tvleiray Gaunt
oer well respected member
at Queen's Park for 181/2
years. has retired at the apex
of his career, to devote more
time to home and family
interests, This period of Lib
eral representation was PrU-
` vetted, try Conservative lotto
Hann:Ws' term, so the .area
. can 0 either way, wide open
,rot ittrge tigweolPer*.'
.attron-13Fiwe, has level-
' (Ted -a tradition of alyiqtYs
hating A t'epreSentative uti
el1,10.5' the caMpatgli- • the opposing Sufe ' of the
itig .arid •involvernept or an gOvornmentt„ for exanittle,
election' in the offing. "Mr* Gaunt always sersed in a
Ne `"' w :Canadian Tire Dealer.
Is a 'timer
so even if he ~as not the
w inner; he has shad 11 sonic
measure of success..
Next. the Consery atiVes
held their nomination meet-
ings. and although people at
first could on!) identify the
successful candidate as "a
man who lives outside the
riding'. it's raptdli. breeds-
log apparent that Oars Hat,:
cost NkO had •promised to
moice into the riding, is A
man' with considerable ex -
perience in nniniCipai politic*
'4100 , -,44,botigh • .doh.Ved by
Liberal Sargent Ur the .
Provincial election in
Bruce-Groy, will be' a "strong
contender in this open
The Liberal nominAtion
meeting was held in Lucia:low
this past week. Eir. Stuart
Smith. accompanied by his
attractive wife. Patty.
opened the, event w ith the
speech in which Ne christ-
ened the' Premier as "Dr.
Dolittle". and theii no less
than six nominees a cre pre-
volved in a campaign to the
level of soliciting funds.
being delegates at a imnveri-
Lion, planning and organiz-
ing a campaign. holding
party office. or running in an
election. The other pereen-
[age of the population didn't
even bother to vote.
Front theititerest apparent
in that packed steamy twit .
in „LuFkot,1*„ would, seem'
:that the portentages-could be
,upped- since .'1-04(41, Seeleg
MereSettlig neePk PMetl.1
• -also_ a sign 01:"PrP.RFO.Y4'
Change. its ottryolitibal Char-
uctor Involv.ornent. ;deans
-that the netiple, . less 'apailt;,
et*, do believe that- :their '
participation Matters and can
shape. political derision*.
'Thts aniaurit of interest in- „,
&caws an exteitMg contest •
coming up Huron-Bruce,
before March 19th. We'll be
anxious to attend an all-
candidates , meeting, and
learn what -these three ran-
lidates Proposet for our area. ,
together to attend without
wives. but there, are still a
few things that I would like to
'see- Some female nominees
on that platform should be
the rule rather than the
exception. and we need more
female scrutineers passing
thebellot boxes and counting'
the votes. Women can he
trusted, believe
• StAti.Stip-.frOtil a polhitial
science '4ourSo. in my est.
the Milbraithe,.. Qtadultor
'Chart Celt' us that there. arc .
levels of lineal .stn- ''
tipnaV woo:: lit 1`
$0441 a 6•:$44iltatis.lett Into
the spectator'group; .'whese
e4 voting, listening to adver,.
tising,.`discussing add being
interested. 10-20%,'. were in •
the transitional stage.
making political contribu-
tions, belonging to a party.
working in a campaign. at-
tending meetings and rallies.
Only 3% were , directly in-
that in case of emergency.
it's better to run forward'
than back, as running to the
door Would just get you
trampled. I guess other
people get these thoughts
too, in a crowded situation.
The race was close, with
low man dropping. out on
each vote. No tally of 'votes
was annettneed. perhaps
setrol 19-l; reir .014fole7r ere. ,CE; tartP .
as apparent' in the,
Otatiti b4. at
AWL The -nittnitilsfOweci
aware of digit
00:4,hevtietipvenr.,•tpat.iats.ehssus:45.4.7-ire - pthroa. ,.
gress. with-. -the option of
• standing or dropping out. At.
the end cif the fourth - vote.
Murray . Elston. a lawyer
from Wingham. was an-
nounced' the winner.
We've come a long, way.
since the time when a politi-
cal nomination meeting was
an event that the men got
seined for the selection of„the
voting group.
The capacity of the Luck-
now arena is said to be
approximately 750. and it
was a '•ittild foggy winter's
night. Upwards,of, 1000 vot-
ing memberships had been
soldprevious to the-meeting,
-so. tildea-,Y04--arri-v-,ed4tefote
PAO. VeldIft almost
1 waS.$tAnitilt:pacitett
ly at the toacir Oft,he
1.4fR .fliepath wherF
tho piper- pipeor in Or. sotto:
and the -dignitaries. Jr- was
tbett .hetween. faint
.41.4 100, „-the heal Of ,the
ronzii.,'. or 'rentoving layer by
Layer. those Witrm winter
clothes, and • fanning yOur
head and neck with the tracts -
thoughtfully provided at the
door. It looked like a' very
long evening indeed;
With fleeting thoughts of
that disco fire in Ireland. you
tried to stay close by the exit.
One man in front remarked
Leche will rent umps MD IC
breastfeeding endeavours.,
than women who have only
information or only support.'
Due to unavoidable cir-
cumstances. the next meet-
ing will be held at the home
of Mrs. W. HogenbIrk. Bel-
grave, for this time only.
When 'Byron 'WM sot. de-
cided to become a Canadian
Tire dealer; the Goderich
resident assumed his family
would have to pack up and
move to another province,
despite the fact they'd en-
joyed hying in the county for
almost seven years. It was a
"pleasant .surprise's then
that Just when he-'d comp-
leted the company's dealer.
training program. Seaforth's
Canadian Tire dealer Fred
' Tilley decided to sell the local,
business. Last Thursday By-
ron Win SOT assumed man-
agerrient of• the Seaforth
The new Canadian Tire
dealer, a Maritimer who
now lives in Goderich with-
his wife Sheila, a registered
nurse. and three young
children. worked at Cham-
pion , Road Machinery as
corporate director of employ-
ee, relations for six-and-a-half
years. Prior to that, he spent
the same length of time in
the field of administration
;and personnel at the giant
Churchill Falls Hydro project
in Labrador.
Mr. Win sm., who plans to
move to Seaforth .as soon as
the family can sell their
Goderieh home, said over the
years he'd had some exper-
ience in sideline businesses
and developed a desire to be
totally on his own. Since he's
meehanically 'inclined and
since Canadian Tire has been
Greeters on Sunday . at
Duff's United Church were =
Edna Hackwell and. Annie
Reid. UsherS were Steven
}fuether, John „Reedier and
Steven Dennis. Don McDon-
ald satibtsolo, "The Loral's :
My Shepherd." accompan'
red by 'the organist for this
month. Margery' Huether.
The Rev. Charles A. Swan
took as his sermon,' "Trust is
Urgent' Now".
"such a successful organiza-
tion". Mr ,Win sor applied.
to take the dealer's training
coarse. During his training,
he worked in four different
stores . around the'.'' province
apd attended several week-
long seminars at the Toronto
head office.
'Mr. Win sor said he feels
he's fortu,nate to be able to
take over the store from a
dealer like Mr. Tilley —who
did such an excellent job'over •
the 14 years when he opera-
ted the Seithrthstere." The
new dealersaid he hopes to
continue,Mr, Title is 'tradi-
tion of service to customers
• and- is looking forward to "a
good Ititure in Seaforth."
Mr. Win sor said he's al-
ready' noticed Seaforth
dents are particularly friend-
ly" and added, "Seaforth is
the kind of town -you're
anxious to become a part
• Seaforth's first Canadian
Tire dealership opened on
the town's -Main. Street in
1950. The dealer was Giir
Wmith. . who'd previously
' operated a Dublin garage for
30 yeast; When the late Mr.
his nephew William Smith
• operated the store until 1967„
-when it , was purchased b-y
• Mr:" Tilley. In the early
1970'S the Canadian Tire
_ Every week more and,
more people discover what
mighty jobs are accom-
plished by low cost Huron
Expositor Want Ads. Dial
La Leche League 'of Bel- mother wishing to rent one of
brave met at the home of these may contact Mrs. Kerr
Mrs. L. Nolan, Wingham to' at 887-9253..
discuss • the torn( "Art of Discussion was . opened
Breastfeeding and Overcom- with desciiptions of feelings
ing , Difficulties." Many when a mother held and
mothers attended despite the , nursed her baby for -the first
foggy weather, w nth one time after bith. Feelings of ,
woman travelling all the way awe, Wonderment, joy, hap-
from near Durham)) to learn piness were coMmonly ex-,
about nursing babies. pressed'. "It is possible for
B. Kerr gave an attitudes orkociety to cause „iPtirs.
up-date on the Conference difficulties while nursing." -
coming up in July heing this premise was discussed
held at the Conrad Hilton in by the mothers in view of
Chicago. The opening pres- their nursing experiences in
'entation• will be given by the hospital and at home. It
Doctors Stanway from Eng- was felt that,,confidence in
land, who have written the the ways of mothering was
book "Breast is Best.", and most important, whatever
• will speak about breastfeed- ,choices wereinade.
ing. A review of LLLI Mem- A suryey, researched by
bership categories were Alice K. Lade. Ed, D. found
reviewed, ranging from $15 that many difficulties, en-
for a mother's membership ' countered- by nursing
to $1000 for a sustaining mothers and babies were
membership. Each contribie significantly related to lack of
tor receives a receipt,for he r information. and 'resulted in
donation to LLL, a non-profit mothers stopping breast-
organization. ...This- •-year.---feelfig- before they -wished:-
special llyer_„anniyersary This survey also- concluded
cards willthe given to mem- trot -"Women who have both
bM'S. Also, LLL Beigrave is information of the type given
now a depot for two Egnell by LLL and se0Pdfillave a,
electric breastpumps. Any better -outcome to their
dealership outgrew it's ori-
ginal location in the store,
which later housed Roth's
Grocery, and in 1974. Cana-
dian Tire relocated to the
corper of Crombie and South
'Main Street. The move into
the former Boshart furniture
factory, which provided both
additional retail and , ware-
house space. required a zon-
ing change and an , OMB
Mr. Windsor said the peo-
ple of Seaforth are fortunate
to have a Canadian Tire snare
of this size in the community.
He said the building itself is
larger than the norm for• a
town this size.
The store presently 'em-
ploys 18 people, on a full and
part-time basis. The Cana-
dian Tire chain in Canada
now includes 340 stores.
Mr. Windsor. whoSe hob-
bies includes sports. flying-
he holds. a • private pilcit's
license- and involvement in
church work, added he's
"motions to, get to know the
local people and to become
part of the town."
Fred They and' his wife--
Betty were presented with a
• silver rose bowl by -the
store's staff
Mrs. Tilley said she and
her-husband are planning to
stay on - in the Seaforth