The Huron Expositor, 1981-02-26, Page 5We have over 40 panels
in stock to choose from.
Now until the end of
February or while supply
lasts, we are reducing'
all stock panelling
SITORs _FE ,RUARY '264 1931--
rs. Barry
er 80th birthda
Correspondent Mr, Larty,Merray, Miss- Ryan 4 .Feb- 17th members
CE:CitIA RYAN issauga. Ont. with Mr.' and a Rai(ittopi14 —ufet' twt7ille
3415,20213 . Mrs. Steve Murray. IV* of Mrs. Klaver. The
A surprise birthday party arid' Mrs. Norman dub name win he "The
Was held at the home of Mr. De Meyer fritin Sarnia visited Patient Sewers,." ,
and Mrs.. Joe Harry 'on, Sat. with' Mr. and Mr*., Vino* Alterations were ntatl.9 594
celebrate the tiOth WO on $aiurtlay byttijng.. • V.est,S ,.4.00; 41E, and, 0,0
birthday Mts..Estgt Barr) . Mrs. Margaret MacRae,; .:00030`i Ott*ni
Members of 'her 14404 at 44.on.Y and 14P from rotor and titxterial. t next in0y-
toodjilg +were. hlrs agrilad, visited: with Mt,- 40 MO,lagWV will SO met
441 '')OVtia,.n. l.R. P2 Non. -94*Ice ItY40 Ore$P004-- 4/**1114'!.93`.;90•' les.
'tdr' ,
4rOttiiartti ffttti. :Mi ' 140 .tiwyed.titta"their... noiit
Tot*o. H. after • -from how 4- it1110*94.,'-, ,place. y4tippi‘o*e47:1*.
arty Mts. Harry!- . • . ". foil m[t. „ Mts.,' vAjicir -evcrpto enjoyed'
. 'Mt. and Mrs. 14 ,Crileih Theo vatt )14et•
Lisa. Poppe.
. . by Linda and '
atilt Mr. .and Mrs.. • Dave.
lunch provided
ly. Sandra and `Jinx' vis aye 4» _.M.
Greenwood in Sarnia on
Mr. Joseph Hicknell, St,
Peter's. Seminary. London
and Miss Theresa Hicknell
frorn Stratford visited with
their parents Mr. and Mrs.
Frapcis Hicknell on the
Misses Mary-Anne and
Maureen ' Mayer. Sarnia
with `Mr' and Mrs. Louis
ILEAANIPid TO SAVE A LIFE-,,Gord Rirnmer IS instructed in the M'civ-er.
proper cardioputrnonary., resuscitation:methqd (CPR) to use on a 41teart Miss Kathy O'Leary from
Toronto, spent the weekend
'attack victim by Seafoith ambulance driver ,Art MIxiaughton- at-Saturday with her parents Mr, and
morning's workshop On lifesaving"technioues Mrs. John O'Leary.
Oupie returns
from holiday
- I P gasses.give et,,c_harico- Mr. and Mrs. R. Ankley;
Gary and Kevin of Blyth •have
returned from a holiday if-i\
Tampa. Florida and dropped
in at Dublin to pick up the
youngest member of their
family. baby, Michael who'
ployed as a part-time assist-
Saturday evening was en-
joyed by 46 horseracing fans
from the area when. they
travelled to Flamboro Downs
by bus. The Canadian Legion
Landmark the rib cage again.
but this - time make four
thrusts above /he sternal
notch. de,gressing the chest
up to two inches in depth.
Mrs. Hetherington said the
Sympathy goes Out to fam-
ily and friends of Mrs.
Gerdice Dickins who died in
Saulte Ste. Marie on Tuesday
Feb. 24; /81.
Mrs: Tessie Costello visit-
• ed in Kitchener with Mr. and
Mrs. Donny Costello and
family.. They celebrated
Danny and. Father John Cos-
telloN birifidaYs. The pair
were born in the same date
five years apart. Congratula.
tions to Father John,
Continued from page I. ing the procedure. before ithe The technique 'demon7 ,
strated. recommended VY the
Ontario„ Heart Foundation.
combines the Heimlich tech•
nique with other procedureS.
The first step is to brace the was being,/ ared for by Seaforth Sports Committee
'person so they can't collapse, first thrust would be half an grandparents" Mr. and Mrs. arranged this evening.
bend them over and give four inch. the second an, inch and James Small of James St. Do you have worthwhile soon. These procedures are sharp blows between—their news pleae drop into the pest
shoulder 'blades. , Then continued in the order de- " ,Doreen Small is taking office as' early as, possible
'landmark" or locate the scribed until the object is /raining as a C.itsualemPloyee Monday or phone 345-2842,
victim's ribcage, finding the .dislodged from the throat• at the Dublin Post OffiCe, Pic/tire's are always welcome
sternal notch: where the rib
cage comes together. With
one iingei in the notch and
one above, make a fist of
your other' hand, with the
thumb turned in. andput this
below thernotch. Then make
four qnick abdominal
thrusts, to force air tip , to
dislodge the food blocking
the person's throat. If this.
doesn't work. again lea n the.
victim over supporting them
with an.,arm across the chest
and apply four more blows
between the shoulder blades.
patient is'properly rtnived.
CPR can 'also be' used,1,-, 3
two;rnan technique. but, this
is usually done. ‘0,/hin a
i medicafacility. ., . 1,\
Mrs. Hetherington also
demonstr ted how to siKe a
person , with 'fetid or some-
thing else lodged in dick
throat. When a • total gb-
truction takes place. , she
--said-.--the-.-vietim-ban't qiei.i'V
can't breath or can't esen
choke-they can't make a
any souna to indicate the
problem. The 'universal dis:„
tress signal to indicate you're
choking is crossing your
hands over your throat.'
When assisting „4;onieiine
in this situation, she advised-
workshop' participants to first
ask'Can,,you 'speak?":„ thee
to 'reassure the • - Vlbtim.
"Don't worry,'[ knoW, how to
help yoit.”
pUC employee who suffered
a heart attack was revived by
a 16-year iz)ld who used.
cardiopulmonary, resuscita-
tion to saVe the man's life:
Mrs., Hetherington said
the only time CPR isn't
advised is if you know the
patient is terminally ill. and
can't be saved by the emer-
gency procedure.
' Art MeNougliton told
workshop participants once
the victim'goes into "cardiac
arrest", they're clinically
dead. As long as the person
using. CPR en the victim is
attempting to- bring them
back to life, and evbn if some
.bones might accidentaly fie
broken in the process.. the
rescuer can't be held Liable.
He said, you can only be sued
if you !Intake matters Worse
for the patient"-such as
starting CPR and then stop!).
A LIFESAVING PAT ON THE BACK --Deb Jamieson administers four'
quick blows between Lorri Cronin..s shoulder bladoS to try and dislodge
whatever is hlocking her throat, preventing her frbrn speaking or getting
,air. The two nurses learned the procethire at the Heartsave wOrk"ShOP at
Seaforth hospiial, given tAt .Darlene Hetheringlon and Art McNaughton,
On Saturday morning. Photo by Cribb)
Then 'the victim should be
taken to the hospital to check
that all the materialtad been
Two of the people at the
workshop had used the tech-
nique within the past year to
save people choking on food.
Mrs. Hetherington said
any individuals or groupS
interested in the course can
contact Seaforth Community
Hospital. Also, the hospital
is interested in finding more
instructors Versed, in the
lifesaving techniques.
under.. the direction of Post-
master Don. Macrae.
Hours at the Dublin Post
Office bear 'repeating-Wicket
hours are from 9:00 a m. -
12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m; till
5:00 p.m. Please, do not ask
for mail before 9:00 a.m. All
registered mail should- be
. presented lay 4:45 p.m. for
same day processing. Mail
early ,and for_the_best.
service. Loci box custenners
6 are requested to use their
keYs at"all times.
' Donna Paratchek is ern-e
ing time.
Find ouf how 011 quay
If you're ad Ontario isidentunder
65, you may qualify-for one or
more of three Ontario Tax Credits,
even ,if you have no taxable -
To claim the credits you must
complete the mauve Ontario Tax .
Credit form and mail it together
with youriederaLincome tax
..A reminder: Fill it in and mail
it - Ontario Tax Credits, are for you.
Property ,
Tax Credit
The PropertyTax Credit
reduces the burden of municipal -
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taxable income.
• Tax Credit
This credit returns a portion. •
Of money, paid in provincial
retail sales tax:,it is based On per-
sonal exemOotiS and tairable
income. The maximum amount
that May be claimed roil Property
and Sales Tax Credits is $500.
Political Contribution Tax Credit
This credit may be claimed
by Ontario residents who con-
tributed to a registered Ontario
political party, constituency
association or candidate in an
Ontario provincial eledion. •
This claim applies if your, pro-
vhicial tax payable is more than
yourProperty and Sales Tax
The maximum Political
Contribution Tax'Credit that may
be claimed is $500.-
AttentionSenior Citizens!
The Ontario Tax Grants intro
duced in 1980 replace Ontario
Property and. Sales Tax Credits fa
residents who were 65 years
or older as of December 31,1980.
If you are filing a federal income
iax return, you should not
complete the' Ontario Tax Credit
'1 form unless ,you are claiming the
Political Contribution Tax Credit
Nursing Home Residents
Residents in nursing homes
' and similar institutions are not,
usually eligible to claim the Pro-
perty Tax Credit or the Property
Tax Grant.
For more information or
copies of the Ontario Tax Credit
Guide, call the Ministry of
Revenue's toll-free Information
Centre,e .
out Metro: Toronto dial 965-8470
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Operatorior Zenith 8-2000
aln all other areas -
dial 1-800-268-7121
The Ontario Government -
working to help people.
Ministry of'ReVenue,
Lorne Maeck. Minist4
William -Davisr Premier
• • •