The Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 54 people rom south' a. send Winhipeg. MRS. CECILIA RYAN . 3454028 The... sympathy of the community IS extended to all the . relatives of Joseph Malone who passed away Monday. Januar) IA . in: Winnipeg. Those attending the funeral in Winnipeg »crc Mrs. Claire Mum'', . St Columbian. Wayne L Sheila Dolinage. Seaforth., Jut, o. How to plant wind brealq Mr. and Mrt Herb Browne 'No. 8 highway Dublin, have • returned home from a inpntei holiday with relatives 'in Scotland. The Dublin Athletic Association has started: their weekly Bingo in St. Patrick's School. every Friday night. Winners for JAIL 16o 1981 R. Whetlaver, K. Flligtt, Mrs. Lee. .1- Brown, J,.arcnitn, H. Chessel, L. Ryan, 4. Brawn. Special Mrs. Waif; eamP, $23.50; Mrs. H. Wolfeaunp; Fleming, R. Goverdoek, L. Rohfriteb, " Mrs. a • • •••,1.., - • THE HURON EX PbSITOR. 4ANUAR 4 Dorothy Elligsen and 'John St; Peter's Lutheran Church for several days. Mr. and Brodhagen. at the morning Mrs'. John- Bender' and worship Service were in children, Kitchener, also memory of George and visited with thew on Sunday. Lavina Beuermap, they were Miss • Gayle aeuernian place4; there by the familly. visited with her fantily and td,!I, Ron RetternIAPA Att to Plioenta, Arizona last 'TirrOaX to. COtitinite her , ,course Ilk the , k.• ' Aonekte; QU, Gael . With his uerepsesser, Inver' the , 0.0 Carl Vock vent Vtionny `attention anti . liver Christmas In4 returned anddallghterS Feeney of Mill St.. OublmhA41$04.441k4tOgd the. ptism 'contracts fir additions and weekend, 'and, ow,..4tenctect the, Stephen Horst had the fiStii of..their granddaughter misfortune to fall on the iee Kimberly Ann. -daughter uf and: fracture his good' ivAr• and Mrs. Ken ` Fa0St, at healing wished for him. Grace Lutheran- Church. The flowers on the Altar in Mitchell. Sunday morning. ev,ening LOindon With Mr: •1 and lyfts. Jade MacRae", Jan Remember, it take Inn moment to place an Ex- positor ' Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. Corresoondent DON MacRAE :145:7114.7 East Huron Produce has given thetr,plaq another face lift and 'also have Added another "sectionm John St, The giant en44.0"1. UP to 60 people and is. running at 'fa eaptteitystOr five days a Wecit- , fuhoral C Trom9rty, $300 in bottle drive TAO** • Mitchel!, trey RIX Glidy Pride, 4.4 btoutS raiSe •Woffeclintri, -IPP Hesse!. Special K.:. Stitteai S23.50. Mrs— Malley, glat*,..E. Elliott, Special P. 0004194, 414,5.0 Mrs. DOetj K. rtudY, Shane, M. Hieer*IfildROtt; Door Eti-a9; Jackpot • Mitchell and Otilin• DTs Lions attkrir tgo winner! for to start it and Mrs. •'than ,McLeod •has ‘olunteered as _leader. Other volunteers w ill also be' needed. The society is also starting a Horticultural librat v pot-table library art is needed', also-books and-mag- azines. Members ill be ;able ClutoSe their trc Or shrubs for spring: planting at the February and KlarcIt nteet ings, bonbon'. ' Visitors with Bessie Smile, were -Doris Hackney, 'Exeter, Jean Hildebrand, Seaforth,.. but Hildebrand. 'Mr. and Mis. Art Stnale. Staffa and. Margaret Smale: Despite the stormy • weather 'We have, been 'fortunate to base. tor many visitors who braved the, storm to' visit us! " i ant glad to hejr so many remark about our traditioinal Winter. The scenery is beau 'LL iful with the trees stun) - covered or hoar frost on them. My niece Liz in California. remarked in a recent letter host. she %%mild love to have the snow to play in. When I spent the Christ- mas season in 'California in 1963. I w,as amused to see the decorations one native used. He tried to make a skating scene on his, front lawn. using cotton batten for' snow, piled up around a blue rink with small animated figures in bright coloured Suits skating on it: It was lighted and created a start• ling effect. There it: a saying, "Everyone • talks about. the weather but no one. does anything abOut it." Our young , people- and not so young capitalize 00 it and make the best of it by doing the ,winter sports. skating, snow-shoeing. Aihich has been !mire ^npajar in later BY MABEL TURNBULL Visitors with Oliser and Charlie McKay Were Mr. and Mrs. Mel Glanville and Mr;. Beulah McKay. of Hensall. . Visitors with Mabel Turn= Mrs. Posno' complimented Mr, Wilson said the Mini- bull were D.J. Hillis. liteor• the board on haVing a_fairly --stry plants 441.000 trees per soil, and Mr. and 'Mrs. .1 A. SteWart. Visitors with Anna Hooky. whose behavioural: commun- board must have a special . tion system with 10 or , 1-2 'trees planted per acre. This MIS. Marie Muegge. Patti Every the bill is ,iti place now. ' , Superintendent John Mc- ' special education'teachers. senice, is done With the Muegge and David Spence:. ice Tonal; intellectual, physic education advisory commit: Caulei said, following ,-,,the ,.. In other business .r_ the . owner paying the cest'of the , St. Mary b and Mr. and Mrs. cal or multiple exceptionali- tee, he,saidl ties are such that he is A.PLAN BY 1982 .. tneeting. that the Huron- board finalized the safe' tif 'a trees only% S President 'Partodney 'Bill Seildan, Exeter and Betty Considered to need place,: : Mr. McLeod -said- the pro- ment in a special , education , gram is to instituted in 1985. 'program by a committee In the meantime. the boards eStablished for .this purpose. must have a comprehensive .' Mr. MacLeod said it be- tplan ready by May' 1982 Joseph's School in Clinton to, corned everyone. Mrs. Rod- Buetentniller., who comes , . . the.Clinton Kinsmen's Club ney said. a- ' prog ram in regularly and reads to her. for 52.000: The portabluis to - Hortitherapy will be started grandmother. I be removed front the school soon. Ray Halword of Royal Rev. J. Vanslyke , s isited prnperty. by May ,16-., Botanical Gardens willhelp his.'flock' at Kilbarchan this week. Correspondent MR.s.HIRMAN morilHARDT 345.7444 Mr. and Mrs., Maynard Hoegy haVe returned from a week's.:. vaeatIon in the RaFbackPlerherstaYett at the Sam Lord's gsstle,,, and. report the, weather. IOC:1091.M, temperature 9,00.404*o* W44..3,5 E4**14 ,SchOtarAlv "R.R 1, Rarptuitsn and Mr. and Mr;. • John KnobleA Mann( FOrest, visited •their mother Mrs. John Koehler. • hod sister Mrs. Warret Snyder at Lteloltay Reach Florida.... • Mr. George Elligsen from PortlandOregon, visited with ; comes complicated when yOu combine thil regulations with this -. Act, but "we should think in 'terms of the pupils. andk what it does tor them." . He said no one is excepted from: education-: .• - --• He spoke of the provisions in the Aetior the hard 'ttn` serve pupils--those assessed to be unable tp profit from instruction offered by a board due to a mental handi4- eap and/or additional handi- capg. spoke of the,trainable mentally retarded and also:of the .gifted pupil and how these are identified and 'pro- vided for: He 4iscussed the respon- provide the, progiwris and services • needed. He said when --a child is identified as - requiting special edutation a , Meeting must be held with the parent to' discuss the ceptional pupil as a pupil program advised.. sophistica d special educa- year on private land with 900 which will have to he subMit- • ted to the ministry for appro- val by'May 1982: He reported there ,,are 21 boards across Optario (three in. WeStern Ontario) in pilot ,,Projects which -will provide planning guides for the - whole program. He said these boards are working very well. When aSked-ahnirt the cost of implementing the whole program in 1985 he '. Said pilot projeca•will give a better idea Of what the costs Will be l t() meet' the needs of this special program. He said it is a challenge for ' the ministry of, education. to make the new Act' work for . the best for every child. -Thewiltittistry—will---help - boards b sending ministry"- people to `act as liaisOn and to hold meetings. He 'said there is agobd commit ,:tent so far. And 'while' there is some concern about the costs Joseph's School and inter- Mediates at St. Michael's School. both in Stratford and all_ grades at St. Joseph's in Clinton. • He said there is a continu- um of services right in' the classroom with the teacher identifying and setting the , program. and if she needs -help she can go, to the special education resource teacher in each of the 19 schools in the system (50 per centin each school). The third step when, the school has exhausted these two alternatives: and with the riatent's co.operti, tioni is to apply 'to the Program Placement and Re- view Conamittee to review the child's; needs in light of the possibility of both chang- es in program arid place- ment. ' TheiJanuary meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural Society was held at the Public School on ,Jan. 14. Nancy Kale introduced the guest speaker. Hurry Wilson of the Ministry of Natural Resources, whn spoke on care and planting .of wind breaks. Mr. Wilson' said, three rows of trees are most • effective. planted at right angles to 'the prevailing winds. St.r)en feet between rows and wind breaks with the most rapid growing trees in the centre row 'are" best, ' BeS varieties of trees for wind-breaks are white ,„-41nuce. norway spruce. white. cedar: scotch•pme,--earolina ,. poplar and white' pine: if you have a .minimum et five acres of land, trees are available front a /Ministry Nursery (St. WillianiS is the closest) at a cost of 21/2 cents each, minimum order 50 trees. Bent Malone., Shedden, Fr. J a. t, Y ostenti. Mrs. Pats) MWill% ray . Chatham: Mrs. Jean Cproshok. London. Mrs. Doroth) Krauskt.pf. Guelph. C ()steno. Kitchener and Ronal Butters. St. Thomas.: i ith Mr..and Mrst ,X'un el Lane on the weekend ncic • ,ohn and Catherine C) Itetlh „tram StrattOrd 'and Brian Lane. 1 nronto.' Brian also I. isited Stith his. parents Mr and Mrs. Jack Lane. Marilyn Murray., Kitchen- er and Mark 'Murray. Ridge- n spent the weekend with thcir parents •Mr. and- Mrs. Thomas Murray, 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Ryan and Matthew front Mel- , bourne visited on Sunday ‘k ith Mr. and Mrs, Clarence \ ear's. Skiing. Cross-country has become very "popular vkitlythoSe Who; want to take, part in this invigorating sport but w1,10• do -nut in to take the hills. Leave that:ter the. experienced.' Sn, owmobilingi a %%inter ,sport which takes you placeS as a' substitute for cars. busA our was arranged in los Angeles to cover the city to • see the ,-decorationsi.-- Correspondent MRS, JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 . Mr's. Zo Kay. Mrs. Pat Sim Mrs. Margaret Howard: London. and:Mr. and. Mrs. John. -Drake attended the funeral of John and tors. sister, Mrs. Pete Pidgeon, in Galt on Thukday, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller have returned honie front a holiday in Jamaica. Th,e .-Iromarty Scouts held a very successful bottle drive . and say thanka to . all who centributed'bottles and Cash and 'to the parents who drove. Well over VW-was raised to help support the scouts. cubs and beavers' activities • noticed each Street seemed, to follow the ,same pattein, eg.' all would have w whit& "decdrated Christmas tree: lighted on,thefrOnt lawn with parcels underneath the 'tree gift-wrapped. It was all quite air exPertenced but' gilie ' the Canadian winter! Ten years in Muskoka did it for me. What was meie thrilling 5 than a beloW zero tempera- ture on a moonlight night • The ladies 1 of, Hibbert United Church hel0,...s pot luck dinner in the'Famirydifc Centre on , Wednesday Pre- veeding their January. meet- ing. , Mrs. John Templeman attended a spring execrative meeting of Sub Division 23, at the home of Mrs, Willis Matheson. Harrington. At the January, meeting of the South Hibbert 'Athletic Association held at the home of Ivan Norris, it was decided to, have a dinner meeting at the Pineridge Chalet west of Hensalkagain thiS, year fir the annual meeting. This is.to be-held on March 7 at 7 p.m, ,, with a dance to follow. when over the smoke, with, DC wind, rose straight' sky- ward: 'driving across Fairy Lake with a horse,and' Cutter or skating on Renter's Bay! BoWling results: Lillian Edmiston 128, Ruby Ander- son 1119. ri Expositor Klisiified will-pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. acid Jenny of OakWood Acres West London. Mr. Jerry. Murray John Dublin sp. at the weekend snowinobiling on Jack Lake, north of Peter- borough along with Jan McLean and friend of Mon kton. anst Bill Butters nttode4 a ; birthday tiirtY $Vorday.,•svfotiv :#,FAutitt paradise for Sheila Parents. 14, and Flowl. (.4 Mitchell, Who, arc betty celebriting birthdays this Month- . BY: WILMA OKE Two members of the London regional office of the ministry of education attend- ed the Huron-Perth County catholic sehool board meet- ing Monday to outline some_ ,of the details of Bill 82. an act' to amend the Education. Act on behalf of special educa:. thin.' Sandy 'Posno and regional superintendent, Douglas. G. MacLeod. explained the bill will bring ,the first major change in education in years- moving education from "may" tp "shall." The. bill gives Education Minister 'Bette Stephenson the responsibility of ensuring all .exeeptintial. children in- Ontart ;have appropriate eiki special cation programs and irefvices without .1 the payment of fees by parents or guardiara. • The act describes an ex- , Mrs, Katie Perth Catholic board has a solid base of special educa- tion programming with its - present general „disability classes at three .schools- nrimary-jtmior at -The Store that Selves You More- MEN'S.BOYS'A AMES' GIRLS AND RABIES' WEAR YARN GOODS FAIIRICS•SEWING MACHINE-GROCERIES `SttertOrSitlittg toon MacRae • Bill 82 new\ded foti:spe0 I student :P beard heart Open MON.-THURS. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. 'FRIDAY 9 A.M..9,P.M.% SATURDAY 9 A.M.-5 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS, HIGHWAY NO. 4 - SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA Residents enjoying winter BOB & BETTY variety & Gifts Seaforth Open 7 days a week? A'4:411 11 P.M. Be sure and enroll in our DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD ., SALES WITH SERVICE SEWING CLASSES 3 Week JEAN COURSE '12. 4 Week LINGERIE COURSE -'16. Toes 9 15 am 11 15 om toes 7 00 pm 9 00 pm r-ALLO IN STOCK higg 744, noy Apohana nc NEW AND USED !Ipttsoll 262-2.72 Closed Mondays CRAIG, BLAUVUNKT, „LEAR JEt, MOTOROLA -ALL REDUCED 20% . *)