The Wingham Times, 1899-08-25, Page 8Val e a were calling on friends day. -Ur Wm Sharp, of S i icing friends in W'iugb week, "Mics Mab.l Waiter in G00. . Baiting friends in t flen°i, j'.Limes, i Mrs Furrow vi.. O inches wide, laat'-f bleached,' Ceddes,. In Wingllatn last week. Ifruasele ; of WING1JAM ' .'..,MES, .AU(. uST 25, 1 own ea lion- ` Carom Itsanixa----Yon can get the TAM; and Wcekly Glebe until the end of 18;10 use, Than, was vie- for GO ciente. m anti vicinity last --Messrs Armon a car load of eggs t has returned from a ear load to glen# inehorn. Exeter , -:hiss Atm Cla 1 of Stephen totinnsb i• ed her twice, Mrs t of Refuge on 1+`r ty eisht years faflrel It Meavy make, satin itnisla, at 45e. ing at her Immo hes 1 Toronto. Mr A F. Smitherai 0 Aber Co, Lowell, Wash Goode ; Tuesday, + ' 'e f 1litas ];`lorencc Down Here. College, St Thom maid. nen Table Damask, good :Hiss ;Ataxyl,Io,siar Fortier's. Those Who are riaatinsw' cool goods Ati,:a :stand Curr, this hilt weather will <tpprecia e get- frieude fn 5weabor ting such a beautiful variety of cool returucd. and effective cotton materials at Stich little cost. Blouses at Less than.. Half Price The assortment is complete, both as pa tterus and sizes,, Parasols. At Iess than half price too clear bal. ance. Don't miss this chance. • 33oots and Shoes. Extra special in all lilies of fin Shoes, Dress Goods. Very interesting news of value in fine Dress Goods, Silk, Muslin and Print. Call and inspect. Gloves and Hosiery. Don't miss seeing our Gloves and ,Hosiery at PI; 's GN'AT'S. Will Moser, of B yth, spent Sunday in town, Mrs J W Dodd is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr John Elder , s in Blyth Tuesday on business. a Miss Maggie Yo ng is visiting friends in Walkerton. MrJohn Snell, '.f Goderioh, spent Sun day in town. Mies Tena Robertson is visiting friends in Lucknow. - Miss Winnie HoImes is visiting relatives an Palmerston. Mr W Doesburg:, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Burkhold r was in Listowel Tues- 4day on business. Miss L Forbes was visiting friends in Brussels last wee .. Mr Wm Weir, of St Marys, was in town on Tharsd Miss Jennet 1' Pringle is the guest of St Marys' friend Mr Jelin. McE • -n was visiting friends in Rockwood this w:ek. Mr T E Reid, • Owen Sound, is visit- ing at his hotne h: ten Miss Maggie Mandela Woodst Miss Johnston, Mies D°Ilie Johns Miss Maggie M 5n Lucknow last Miss E Beek, tgneet of Mrs V W Mase Mabel Le ,guest of Miss L Mita Sadie Bra 4day with friends Miss Scrag*, the Misses Fiche who has been snit. left OH 't'uesday ler , traveller for the J e lase, seta hi town on +' James, of Alma 1 e, is ,t guest of ;dr L • vim luta tonin Visiting d Maeda -took, l i anaedatook, hie' r iVTacAllistcr shipped British Clolurnbia and al daring the ween. a former resident p, dial in the Bono 14y last. She was. if age, " On R'edueadl lir J I, M 11r•rnglit a h.ad of flax to the mi Sellick weighe+f 8,7 it pountla. '$hf ordered a big load or one teem. V'e anir•tntee' ;tlumpo" to cure re or evre oti*u !tot or stoney rt: (.in bt ll'n drug store, - The Palmer to branch of th f Hamilton ill be moved ink qt rtere in th' ear future. The b s h.iui thnroug ly remodelled, •—The Profile Niue drove to Wal !'van—ea—lay to trine of busebal u press we bay, oNenzi3 II here ie eon- f00 0n- feed, funds cit o Dank o new gilding ng the renin of that town a Upto the time of going not heard the score. le, who is advertising his ttcher business for 8410, a 200 -acre stock ;arm , and will move there short. Tetras Jenui,i Campbell, of Toronto. is ' g 1ta, Mr and • Mfrs D i t visiting her par am Wien. ,11ir Robt Wilson, :Monday for Poriizg will reside,', Master Will Dav ham, visited in toe wicli Record. Mr Ned Foster work at lji3 triad News -Record. wife and family left out - 1lr D Print la i Prairie where the Property and b bas purchased dm, from near wing; near Petrol' n oa Sunday.—Ford-i Iy' Fos .Atli Clime ----A good dwelling Hoose, s one to Winghani to ' good -table and fruit trees on premises. of coaper.—Clfnt°ri t ly to M Lamont, box 107, Wing. tf Mrs (Dr) (amps ell, of Brooklyn, N and alra Bays, of Loolrnow, are gu at Mr H Davis'. Miss Will/ams, . f Norwalk, Ohio. has been the guest of Miss Mary Rite has returned hom:. Miss L Mitchel . who has been spend the holidays at he home .here, left t week for 1'Iatsvill Mr Samuel Bea tie, of Brussels, was guest o£ his son=, Raland and Rob Beattie, on Tues < y. Mies at Daiwa e, of Belleville, and Thos Damage, ot Chi go, are guests the Brunswick H+ user Airs A Roe a;nMrs Gen D untold turned Monday e ening from an ext -ended visit to friends in Chicago. Mr Jas Black, t ( Mount Morris, Mich, a former Wingba.,. rte, was renewing old acquaintances in own on Sunday, Miss Gregory :. d Miss Kent, of Wing., ham, were in tot n on Monday the guests •f Mrs J C Hay. Listowel Banner. Mr and Mrs J B Mulholland, of Mild• may, were in to • this week attending the marriaje of her ter, Miss Emma Netter- field. Y, ! —:ilr Geo Foun , formerly of this -town, ests ` who bas been • +ondaoting a hardware business in Riple far the past two years, who has sold out an purchased a similar lire, business in Gorri •--The Allan L o S.S Company have in invited all their: cents to take a trip on Bigg their new steamsh p Bavarian from Mont- real to Quebeo ort , lti r B. Davis, the local the agent, will leave on September 7th to er4 take in the trip. —The pork f+ •tory building and its Mr fittings, says ti - Palmerston Spectator, at are now nearing completion. tea few weeks the sriuea of the pigs will be heard. re- The 910,000 ice Miss 1stansy visiting at tier h day for Toront peniugs. 'Chief of Polis day for Manitob Mr Robb Fergue his absence. Miss Maggie city, who has b Mrs Jas Mel., home on !Satinet 1Ir Jas Ander Pontypool, Ont, riends in Wingb ass three weeks Misses Jessie or Toronto last take a course at Mis's ,Tessio w/ openings, Miss Louise S•. thug, of Wingham, Ont., arrived yestarda to spend a couple of weeks with Mr a d Mrs N M Young. Miss Sperling is a co :in of Mr Young. -e. porter, Casselton North Dakota. ynolds, 'who has been e here, left on Saturn to attend the millinery Val/norman left on Toes. to spend his holidays. n is acting Chief during Laughlin, of New York en visiting her mother, ghlin, returned to ner y. on, wifo and family, of v! -o have been visiting in and vicinity for the have returned home. d Lizzie Cummings left eek. Miss Lizzie wilt the Normal School, and attend the millinery SMA t LOCALS. Campbell's Headache afers gnaran• teed to cure headache. —Judge Doyl held Division Court here on Thursda . —The thermo eter reached 95 in the shade on Sand . It was very hot 1 —Mr John oaks, of Belgrave, ha- nds nioviog a family to town to day. CENTS will pay for the Titigs till ti✓ January 1st, 1900. —Over 600 ileo le left Toronto on Tues- day on the barye excursion to the North West. ---The High urs of the Ancient Order of Forest is meeting in Toronto this week. import Glass -5,000 feet double, single d fancy glass. Jxo Ci;r uc, & Co. --Over sixty le t Brussels on Tuesday rning on the harvest excursion to e North West. Beech nuts w I be plentiful this year, It is several years ince there was as good a yield. —Mr Oliver Gil Inlet has an apple tree hi his garden wh h has blossoms, bods apples on it. •Messrs Beatti ,Bros /lave added a new am -colored tea , with white manes and taller to their liver outfit. at shome and ea*s be a permanently by his patrons. - y --McIntyre, wh pitched a game of base ball for Kincardin against Clinton, hie made a record, stri ing out 17 mien. WANTtn—c ., short tp'rm plan. A young man to learn tailoring and cutting. .Apply to Webster &Co, Queen's Block, Wing. ham. Henderson is visiting to ck. Q Detroit, is the guest of ° nt tin Was visiting Mende ek. f Harriston, `via the azole. nex, of Detroit, is the orbes. an igia, of Blyth, spent Bun• n town. f Guelph, is the guest of b this week. Master Rennie Hardy, of Springffaia, is guest at Mr A ; nrkholder's. Miss Anders°. of Blyth, wits the guest of the- Misses Tit ker this week. Georgefrills a nt a eauple of days Ibis and Week with friend in Seafortla. Mr Allan Jur 1, of tturgeasville, eras oro in town Wean de on business. Mr Buokbor6, of Waterloo, wax the guest of Rev R It bbs last week, ]kir and Mrs L neon are holidaying lir Detroit, Clevelan > ._and other place. Miert Lillie Gra • was the guest of Mira fi+wls M T)rr 1 Tn Lrlcknovr, lett weak, hit . :4 ' ii .l it,, ,.f she Star retrain'. Ant, 1ra,. 41,,11 +sty Friday on business. Mr atnd MI D tion, or Niagara Falls, achfne bas been installed and thoroughly' ested, --Mrs P1B +lliott, entertained about twenty chiidrer on Tuesday afternoon in honor of her nephew, Master Frank Biliott, who as celebrating his third birthday. 'l'i e little tots, as well as the larger ones, ape t a pleasant time. --Miss Do11i Johnston entertained a number of you g peop'e on Tuesday nicht. Early in the a. •nieg a bicycle ride was in order after w 'ch theyreturned to the house where efresbnlents were served. The evening w a pleasantly spent in music, social intercou se, etc. —The ,Want'rton and Kincardine base- balI teams p1 yed a vary exiting game of ball at the lattr place on Saturday last. Walkerton won out by a score of 15.14pthe winning run b:'ng made in the last fa - ning. Both earns were loaded up with, '°ringers." —1 load of young .people from town attended the arden party. at Mr Wm Montgomery's, near Wroxeter, on Tuesday night. The affit was given by the Ladies' Aid of the Wro eter Methodist °Murch, and was a success i 1 every particular, although the weather Iv somewbat cool for garden a ies. Severtty-a . von people - left town on Tuesday morn rig for Manitoba on the harvest exour. on. 'l llueaday evening a t.ouple of farere w 10 reside near town were looking; f r men. One farreer in- formed a repr; entative of the Tam' that Alen wer• very ecareo, --"Mt. Fore.t'a Chinese laundryan Jim Lae, pull d up stakes and lit out Monday, Our ownspeopl4 had nonuse a Chinaman • ith an excellent. E:ngli laundry in tow , and 'im- had to -go take charity." 1rourit Forest Represen tive. fide pe pie of Mt Forest are to commended for heir action and if of towns would pr fit by their •exarple' thing for the country. wing particular. we Letter received. by D ;1Q ;t f 0 WALKER BROS. & BUTTON R1f b RTAKr,Ft;,, wINcHAM. Night galls at Button Bloclk, or l.'ifth door south of Hanoi. Hub Shop op- 1 posit° Macdonald krlaok. FARM TO RENT, The north halt of f l t 3, conn.% Morris. Apply to E. W. Brue% Zit Borden St., Toronto or to Adarn Rid, Wiargbutn, ULJD NOTICE. Ilnring proved G to own to the real• tisriuo lonely ocuupred by Geo P Wells, t+r,rtli+t CMotre and Alfred streets, near the GTR, I taus prepared to pay the h iz:best clash prices for tcI1 kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Stopper, Horse Hair, Wool iPervjnered gs, a.Itromn y and restdeMetalnoeof all kindsordbe, deliv, or U w 1eft, .I will oatl for same. FA i'irst.olase far acres, being La Suitable for grain ing spring water, stables, conlfortab orchard, about o four miles fro Win, Dawson, Joseph Daws sex County, (I• GQO»1fA.N, FOR SALE. for ;ale or to rent, 120 °, Coo 1, Culross. Pasture ,. hover -fail - good barns and ling hones, good ow:school and -to Oultr osor , AXiddle- edt e mild Wingb of 30 Can Thorndale t, FAR S FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his two farms, lot 10, in the fourth conceR- etonn of Turnbarry, containing 160 acres, and lot 11 in the fifth concession, con- taining buildings are on ;'both.bothAll farmsenecessary well fenced and plenty of water, Situated 1s f um Wingham. wiles from i For lterrns and par- ticulars apply on the premises, or to JAMES BLLiQT, 5t - Bineva:le.' AN ITEM...OF INTEREST, - Farmers, why pay 514 and 6 per cent. interest on pour loans when money .may be bird at 5 per cent: - Payments made to suit borrower. Charges low. Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur- ance Company. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. - A'BNER QOSEIviS, Macdonald Block, Wine:tani. THE SALE CQUTINBJES IN liOTSANO SHOES For July and August. Comfortable, solid and reliable foot- wear at and below cost. We have all styles suitable for the season. If you want a little better artiole at a little lower price than you expect to pay, come to this store. Space will not allow us to quote many prices, but note a few of the following : ' ?4 tea's Strong Working Shoes, solid leather, all sizes, 0 to 11, at90c;Men's Fine Box Calf Bale, Goodyear Welt, worth 43,50, sale price 4,50 i6Ladies' fine - French Kidd, hand turned, buttoned and and Bats, worth 93.25, sale price 32.50-; _'or and Bals, worth $3.25, sale price $2,50; an, Ladies' fine French Kid Vamps and °n Quarters with Vesting' Tops, Buttoned sh ala, 33 pairs of Ladies' fine Button and or Lace Boots which ooss from: $1.54 to be 32-50' sizes 2 , 3 and 3i, will clear the lot heY at 903. Those are extra values. it J. G. KARGES. would be agoo —The .foil copied from a Gordon from i Oak River, quite well and crop were neve The only fear n had none as ye for the next t right, The j•ilst now. Thi and the harves The above wa 1890 re r G McIntyre, now of 1 anitoba : •'We are he prospects of a big brighter in this 3ouut• w is frost. We bac , and if we escape -fro weeks we will be al - armors are very anxious has been a wet summerhite in consequel,ce." written an August 14th. TO THE FRONT ry. SEE WHAT THE• e et • Oboit'o Cotton Boot Compound. is successfully afe,,effeu ak p oonad.-Taka o other, as sl1 Afixt urge Root pilin Mid irn.Itattona are dangerous. Prise. No. 1,11 tier box r 2. Maiilled en receipt of trot and t o tleent a l fnbb. The Cook company Windsor out. t Nos.1 and 2 sold Ana recommended by all t5reepruaslatondlble Druggists in (. ana da, No,1 and No. 2 for sale by WinA. Csaapbell TEE MILS O HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costss....rrrtr,rr.., latEr I XE W S i& WIMP. M . DIAMOND PORK SHOP Opposite Post Mine, Says: Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork XIeadebeese ]Breakfast Bacon Sausage . Smoked Ham Pressed .Beef Side Pork Tripe. • Corn Beef" Pressed'Tongae Spice 1lr3 1, Lard, Fowl, :c., always on band, Oar prices ate right. Orders called for and meat delivered to any part or the town. Your patronage solleited. BUM ENT... We will se11 . ent at greatly reduced prises at . order to unload a heavy' stock YOUNG ez 'PAULIN HARDWARE MERCHANTS. The est-rn Pair, London. SEPTEMBER 7tlx to 16th, 1899. .,Entries close September f1th, Spaceallottedon receipt of entry. Exhibits will be unsurpassed, attractions better than ever., Hippodrome Chariot Races, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Jape, Pau -mils Lady Rider#' m , World renownedGymnasts and Aerial Artistsgalore. Fireworks each evening, 'The British and Americans in Samoa," and all ring and platform attractions. Special exoureion'traips will leave Loudon each evening after the fireworks. Grounds will be beautifully illuminated, Send for Prize List$ and Programmes, LT. -CSL, W. X. GARTSHO8,B, J. A, NELLES, President, Secretary IT PAYS TO GO TO THE BEST..__., CH.i%l:TKAMI. ONT. -• Canada's greatest School of Shorthand and Business Training RE -OPENS FOR. THE : FALL TERM TUESDAY, STEP . 5th. 236 OF OUR PUPILS SECURED GOAD POSITIONS in the seventeen. months ending June 1st, 1899. What da you think of such a record ? ` Our pupils are now in strong demand with litany of the leading business houses. When we tell you that this large number secured positions, we are also prepared to furnish the list showing where they were placed and with whom. If interested write for it. . THE BEST, SCHOOL IS THE ' CHEAPEST IN THE END. We pay the railway faro of students comingfrom a distance, provided it.doea not exceed 38.00, which is the limit of our allowance in this connection. Can *secure good board for gentlemen at 912.00 to 52.50 per week and for ladies at $2.00. During the year which closedJune 30th,' we had pupils in attendance from Newfoundland on' the Atlantic, to Seattle on the Pacific from Manitoba on the North to Brooklyn, N, t, on the South, There were 133 Cities, Towns and Vil- lages in Canada, and live States of the Union represented with us. Twenty-three Counties and Districts outside of °bath m se t County alone sent us over 100' pupils, wbilenManit baLanditheNorth-west tTerri- ' sent tie six. WHAT WE GET WE HOLD. Write for handsome catalogue of either department. Mention which catalogue you want. J 111. 1ie1GALl£l'Q;IRLI1'1 & CO., Chatham, Ont. . Sight is iceless Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT SPECTACLES - Scientifically, 6orrectly Reasonably: Try us. - J. R. SHAW OPTICIAN AND 3EIV "LER. LAMPS A choice assortment just opened out. We are selling thern at prices that will surprise you. Harvest Tools Refrigerators and Screen Wiridoww at greatly reduced prices. We are headquarters for Threshers' Supplies, Leather Mits and General Hardware. SMITH •8]:]::1:HJCK it