The Wingham Times, 1899-08-25, Page 4ai
iDena ;WORE.
Guaranteed or money
cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth,
hardens the gums and
purifies the mouth and
perfumes the breath.
Prree 25e. Large Tube.
For sale only at
THE' w1NUl•IAM TIM1i'S, AUGUST 251 %b a4.
?7,i W 5011001t xt GU1.°.4.TIQ. ayi`a. I. of janior leaving stauding the
following ;—)tending, drawing, gets- Wingham, August 24, 1690. 1 r'11
IMPORTANT CHANGES AUTEORIZLA 133' gruphy, botany (or ag!riealture), writ- worrected by J.'. Deans, Rroduce Dealer, ; 1E1
,ll crone .T * ION DEPARTMENT AGRI- ing with book-kee in and eounnea-,'lou= per 100 '
tba.. ., 1 :;0 to 2 0,Q
Cr OUt+TUR uwenTdlk',P—GIIaaoitTol eial transactions, •T`Inglish gra�mmer, f=ill Writ 0 05 to 0 tis
t� ng ;yhca,t. , , . Ov EU 0 lS5
l IN Pofnts tV. AND V. 01" RURAL. English t literature lrithmetie. and • (.4t 0 28 to 0 30'
1rIA1ZIUlET 111111'ta lZ ti.
t� esti a.M.
w+�-..L,s^+..+..^.-iv+'•'•'s^^^'.ti""''�..'.'-`..".-nw.. -. Q �� „ ,1 Y.Y YY YYYY YYYp IUIY
..e!!■1� *!"R�} tiro.!!.flele:ee�. 9�s�4!1�,!!� ee t?¢ �.:qi "�'� f?t4°�?y � 2= vitt .��'°�
YY 4c�y�.SQYir:#lR„^I€ . .'1i;In � .Jt.:.r deli �idlLdgdiiiiil�i�gl4!SR4trYiY4�adYtl
° ii Wblilt�d di,4!14 44rwaPrpr,l.Irri4!lyl.r44r41�M44 P yyy
1111. Y XAI:
Y Ln, 18 t , ,
i' a ur ttion English oten osition !Bel y 000 to 0 s5
8.:410014-111Z SA1'U ON ROOIi•KNE 1 mensuration, , , i 0 00 to 0 it`d
1 'NG IN NIGH SelWolS. land history. The course in agrieul-i �r Q •.... ;..�,.....,, 0 00 to
IC0 001ittgam froants
1 J IDA.Y, AUGUST 25, 1899.
A meeting of the Liberals of Wing
ham and surrounding country will
take place in the council chamber,
Wingham, on Tuesday evening, 29th
inst., at 8.80 p. m., for the purpose
of considering the propriety of invit-
ing Sir Wilfrid Laurier to speak in
By Order.
0 00
tare will include what ii taken up In [areae ' . 0 05 to 0 06
Important changes in the courses! the :authorized text -book as far as l Duolas, per pair* , , , 0 40 to 0 50
of study in the high schools and i page 76. The course in the other Butter.,,.. ... ,. 0. 12 to 0 15
higher forms of the public seism's of : subjects edit liaa based as heretofore `gaper do :6 , ., ... • f1iA to
0 740
the Province mill take place. In `, o .•..
upon the work prescribed hi the Aet1yors poi tcbn,.. ,, . ., a 00 to "0 00
accordance with the amended re- regulations of Forms I. and II. sub- Pota,toes4per bnshelt .... 0. 80 to 040
gulations issued Friday by the Ede I jeer to requirements for examinations :I allow, liar lb...,.. ..... 0 8 to 0 4
cation Department, agriculture ishereinafter mentioned. For 1900 I 0 Dried Apples, per tb. , .. , ., 0 4 top 5
made an obligatory sub's.tin Forms reading, Wool 00 to 00
jexamination will be held in pressed hoes 5 CO to 6 00
IV. and V. of the rural schools, and English literature;, drawing, book- awakens 0 20 to 0 00
book-keeping must be taught in the
high schools. Agriculture and man-
ual training become nptionaesubjeets
with high school pupils.. The ex-
amination for puhlie school leaving
will hereafter be the same as that.
for the first part of the junior leav-
ing' course, The examination for
Form L of the bigh schools is
abolished. The following are the
amendments in detail :—
The public school course of study
is amended so as to include agricul-
ture among the obligatory subjects and Greek, (u) German and Greek,
in all rural schools for Forms IV: (c) French, German and chemistry,
(d) French, physics and chemistry,.
(e) Gelman, physics and chemistry,
(f) botany, physics and chemistry.
A candidate who has already ob=
tamed a certificate of having passed
Part I. of Form II. will not be re-
quired to take the papers in arithme•
tic and ,mensuration, English gram -
mer and rheterip and the obligatory
pby sits.
In order to .obtain seeior leaving
keeping, botany or agriculture, but I
no name of a student who has not 1� U TT- R AND
given due. attention to these subjects f /°1
is to be included in the confidential ir(es n
report of principal,
The subjects° prescribed tor part
ofjunior leaving standing are the
following :--English grammar and
rhetoric, English composition, Eng.
lish literature, ancient history, arith-
metic and mensuration, Algerba,
geometry, physics and Latin and one
of the following groups ;—(a) French
and V. ; for the latter form the text
books are to be used by the, pupils,
but for the former the .instruction is
to be by conversation only. Agri-
culture will remain optional for all
public schools in urban municipalities:
Needlework, domestic economy, and
manual training may be taken up in
urban schools with the approval or
the trustees. In poetical literature,
the course for Form V. will embrace
such selections from the high school
reader as are recommended by the
teacher- No special selections ar
prescribed by the ` departmet
Where the trustees bave provide
books for supplementary readin
such works as are recommended b
the teacher, ander the direction
the inspector, may also be read..
The high school course -of study
amended by making bookkeepin
obligatory, and by adding agricu
ture and manual training to tbe
of optional subjects. In poetic
literature for Forms L and' II. n
special tea's are prescribed by t
department, but ' the, 'pupils sha
study such selections from 'the hig
re -
The members of the Christian
Endeavor were "at home" to tbeir
friends, and the Blyth Christain
Endeavor on Friday evening of last
week. A very appropriate program
was rendered, after which refresh-
ments were served. All report
spendirg a very enjoyable evening.
On Tuesday, of this week, the
Lection men had a narrow escape
from being struck by the train.
The men were on the jigger at a
curve in the road and could not see
a special train coming until it was
a short distance from them. They
just had time to jump off and
run up the bank when the jigger
was struck by the train, Part, of
the jigger was carried about twenty
Mr. M. Maines had the misfortune
to fall and break a ceupie of ribs
this week. We hope to see Mat.
able to start work age)/ ha a short
Misses A. Riddell and L. Ouimette
bave been spending a few days in
Exeter, visiting friends. .
Remember the entertainment and
views in tbe Methodist church on
Friday. evening. The views will be
given by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Coup.
land. Don't miss it.
School opened on Monday morn- EXAMINATION STANDING.
.ng, much to the "joy" of the scholars. At the high school entrance exa
Mr. Pratt has been engaged as teacher ination the paper in arithmetic w
for the senior room and Miss Kirk -Include such questions as will spec
will continue to instruct the junior l'y test the sccuraey of the candida
pupils. ' Mr. Nair, the former prinei hi the simple rules, as well as th
pais is attending the Normal at knowledge of the subject, and
Ottawa. paper in dictation will call fur
On Tuesday evening Prof. Moran study of the authorized spelling bo
entertained quite a dumber on the The public school leaving. exat
square. The programme consisted
of singing, dancing, club swinging,
etc. `
Miss Jessie Coupland is at present
i11 with typhoid fever, but is doing
as well as can be expected.
e. standing• a candidate must pass the
t examination of Part I. of junior
leaving standing, and in addition
the subjects herein prescribed for
Parts I. and II, of 'senior leaving
ostanding, which may be taken at
• • one examination or different exams
isinoations. Unsuccessful candidates
g_ at. any previous senior leaving ex-
amination will be allowed to write
t in 1900 .'for senior leaving standing
al` by selecting the same options in the
o course, as they were, allowed to take
he in 1899.
11 The subjects of Part L of senior
h leaving standing are the following.:
—English composition, English liter-
ature, Algerba, geometry, trigono-'
inetry, English and ancient history.
The subjects of Part II. of senior
leaving standing are the following :
-Physics, Latin and one of the
following groups :-,(a) French and
Greek, • (b) German and Greek,
(c) French and German, (d) French
and 'chemistry, (e) German and
chemistry, (f) biology and . chem.
school reader as may be, reeommen
rinc'i al to ether wi
ed b 'the g
y p P
such books for supplementary readi
as be may recommend, and whi
may be obtained from. the literary
tbe school. In the case of pupils' p
paring for university matriculati
or taking the course for a' comm
eat diploma, or where the boa
induces manual training or a
other branch of teehnieal edneatio
on the recommendation of the prin
pal' less time may be • given by t
pupils concerned to onemore of t
obligatory subjects of the high sch
course so as to meet as far .as pr
ticeable the aims of the.puprls.
I am prepared to pay the highestd
cash price tor all good butter an
eggs delivered at my warehouse
near the G. T. Ii;'
et. istry. •
he The papers in Part I. for junior
ool- leaving standing will be different
ae- from those set for matriculation.
The examiners will be expected,
moreover,to set papers for the
purpose of candidates who desire to
become teachers, butit is not in-
tended that the questions shall be
more difficult, than !the regulations
have called, , for since 1896. The
papers in 'arithmetic and mensur-
ation and grammar and rhetoric,
as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be
submitted to candidates, when writ
ing on Pettit. of the junior leaving-
TLE rillaqui °i7°QD] VirsAft STORE.
:191: '/yitv�L+e
"�ter11.1 1.
v@fib 411/4: 4'rCbCs g
:1611. 10
r11 Y
For good and well finished photos try
M- E. Zurbrigg in the down Moor gal-
lery. He has a better collection than
ever in his window. Gives you any-
thing you want in the photo line from
the little stamp photo at
18 Photos for • 2Sn
to the 16 x 20 size. Also Crayon and
Water Colors. -
Gallery Opposite Pregbytertau Church.
E. Z14IBRRIC4134,
Boy wanted to learn Photography.
m -
wA1 'Vol
is a necessity, and
we can now supply
you with ' one from
$4.50 tel).
from peddlers or ad-
vertising fakes. Bet-
ter far to buy from
us. We warrant them
five years.
nation will hereafter be idents
with the examination prescribed
Pert L of junior leaving standing.
Public school leaving certificates will
be issued by the public school in.
spectre. to all pupils of public schools
in his inspectorate who pass the ex
aminations of Part L of junior leav-
ing standing. The present holders of
public school leaving certificates will
1,g entitled to certificates of having
passed the `examination of Part L of
junior leaving standing by passing
the examinations in arithmetic and
for course, in addition to the papers in
these, subjects taken by candidates
when wiriting on Part I. For the
optional groups, tbe examinations
will be equal in difficulty, as near
as may be, in order that candidates
who begin the optional subjects at
the same time during their high
school course may have 'equal 'ad
vantages In preparing. ..for the ex-
Each question paper. will here
Frotu lot 2, con.
14, two hite pigs,
lbs. ears and thiu.
for a. informatit:.
Morris, on Aug.
weight about 100
$1.00 will be'giveh
which will lead to
' A. ROE,
Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
Lawrence Wheeler, of Morris,,
started this season with eighteen
colonies of bees and so far has ex=
traeted 1,000 -pounds of honey.,
Coil/sty is noted- for its
apples. . One farmer has refused
81,000 for the product of his orchard.
In some sections the yieltl is not so
large as other years, but the quality,
is better. r
Y �,�y.,,s¢�,�
.1111 siessieliteieleseellenteseeeveses
.11111 r
1 r
yll II:'
Y Illlr
{(�� {{(�� ""ONE 6 •111111:
�g IVI 1 � ` L iv ■.Y.V ■l � Y� IIIIIII.
D�iE BfI1���GQ—lt1'1���^_!_ M11u:
This Sale is on as announced last week and those
who come first are of course- getting first choice. -
No Reserve—all must be sold. .
Terms Spot Cash or Trade. All goods -must
bepi for' before leaving' the store. @
This is •your opportunity, if you want Dry
Goods, Groceries, Crcckery, China, Glassware,
School Supplies, Stationery, Smallwares, tic,, &c., at
wholesale prices..'
Blue Printed Stone Chinaware at half price.
lot of odds and ends at half price.
:Macdonald -Block,
rllL�l`Z_a 5
E==cel_$_ = Fn 5Bielieseseill
mensuration, grammar and history, after be valued at 100. Candidates
the prescribed percentage on the' for junior and senior leaving stand -
total of these subjects being also ing will be required to make 50 per
meted. cent. of the aggregate. marks pre -
There w ill no longer be held eit- scribed for each of the parts into
aminations for the high school Form which the examinations are divided,
L, but holders of Form 1. eertifioates as well as 83 18 per cent, on each
will be entitled to certificates of paper. Seventy-five per cent. di
having passed the examination of the aggregate will be required for i
Part I. ofjunior leaving standing by honors. If, after all the answer i
passing in .the subjects of arithmetic, papers are read, ,any question paper;
and mensuration, grammar and his should be found by the Board of
tory, the preseribed percentage en Examiners easier or more difficult 1
the total rf these subjects being also than intended, the minimum on the'
required. paper shall be correspondingly raised i
.1tJNIOR LEAVING 111XMINA'rtox, or lowered, and the total number of i
Ile:eafter junior ]caving standing marks correspondingly increased or,
will be obtained only by passing in diminished, Each candidate who 1
'i the prescribed subjt cts at one ex- makes the required aggregate may ,
in two parts (t. an
amination ord.IL,) be awarded a certificate, even though
•ts defined below which nifty be he should fail to obtain the minium amination
err different years.
� The stlbjeets prescribed foe'`'''i•rt (roivcLlrrisrt CiN
PAM?, 5)
` in a stthjeet, provided be was regard.
OS %i '" .. Ali • ,�
That does your mirror. say?
Does it tell you of some little
streaks of gray? Are you
pleased? Do your friends of
the same age show this loss
of power also?
Just remember that . gray
hair never becomes darker
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes gray when
once the change begins.
T. A. Mills has decided to clear out during the next 3o days.
his entire stock of Spring and Stammer Goods.
25 pieces Dress Gocds in plain
and figured, up-to-date, usual.
30e. for 25
Fancy Dress Muslins, were 12,1e.
- now 10
Figured Piques, usual 1.`22 e. now:. 8
10 .Pieces Cheek Gingham, beauti-
'ful patterns, usual price 15c.
now 124-
2t.Plaid White Organdies, Lavvns
and White Piques at special re-
duced prices
Prints, usual 121 f now ........10
Ladies' Wrappers assorted pat-
terns, usual price $1.25, now 1.00'
Shirt Waists, usual price 60'
Look at our bargain counter in.
Ladies' Fine Silk and Silk Taf-
feta Gloves
50e Gloves. for 40
40e Gloves for 30
30e Gloves for
20e Gloves for .. . .. ..........10
Also. a range of 750Kid Gloves
for 60
These goods mist be cleared out in order to make room
i• Goods which are arrivilig daily.
will bring back to your hair
the color of youth. It never
fails. It is. just {ts sure as
that bo:t molts snow, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp also
and prevents the formation of
dandruff. It feeds and nour-
ishes the burs of the hair.
making them produce a luau-
tient e,rowt'i. It stops the
hair from felling out and gives
a fine soft finish to the heir
a:, well.
wn hnro n bra;: n•t thtr nide Arta
Scrap •w1.it1. you may obtain Sr.°
Upon rope
if you (h. tot o'i .trnintthobottoittn
tot ourroted i .tit MO nab of Cul
.1 I1t. bout'
r owo:1, 2lroae.
for our New Fall.
The undersigned is prepared to receive
orders tot repairidg lounges and
matrasses. Lounges rs-covered, mat-
•resses made over, carpets sewed and
laid, Lowest prices and good workman-
ship. Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next to Wm. Holmes', er address
box 54, Wingbam.
We build our pumps to last for
years and rave them: in price from
$2.50 up..
I3rass 'Cylinders and Galvanised
Iron Piping.
We have a full stock of the above
Call and get prices when in need
of anything in our line.
.roux)'» rEll` 0141,
Opp. Beattie& Livery
D. Pringle
)laving purchased the butcher busi-
ness next the 1lrunswio'k, 1 am prepared
to supply 'the public with all kinds of
Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausage, Eologna,
any Orderspartof taktownen and meat delivered
A. call solicited, 'PhoneNo. J.'
D. ,1PRiK11tG1,1.
Ti0 :A.DV1 ." 1IsR+ ,