The Wingham Times, 1899-08-18, Page 8°IND00
d *Values in .c*OQd
inches. wide, half bleached,
lure linen Table Damask, good
leeway make, satin finish, at 45e.
Wash Goods Prices are
Down Here,
Those who are wanting ono! goods
this riot weather will appreema'le get-
ting such a beautiful variety et cool
and effeetive cotton materials at
such little cost.
Blouses at Less than
Half Price.
The assortment is complete,
as patterns and'sizes.
At less than half price to clear bel
auce. Don't miss this chance.
Boots and Shoes.
Ext a special in all lines of fine
Dress Goods.
Very interesting news of value in
fine Dress Goods, Silk, Muslin and
Prints, Call and inspect,
Gloves and Hosiery.
Don't Miss seeing our Gloves: and.
Hosiery at
Miss Fisher is - ihiting friends in Pais-
Mra C Dallas is the guest of Mrs Emigb,
Miss Lizzie Piuetyis visiting friends in
Miss Lena. Shaw is visiting friends in
Mr. G E King is spending a few days in
Dr and Mrs Towler axe holidaying at
Mr T Rolls,. of Listowel, was in town
on Wednesday.
Mr <Tohn Ritchie was in Goderich Mon-
day on business.
Mr Geo Awde is spending a week at his
n p. home ni Drayton.
Mies. Nellie Bond was visiting friends in
Listowel this week.
Mr W H (been spent Sunday with his
family at Lochalsh.
Mr and Mrs Harry Jeffery are visiting
friends in Seaforth.
Mr Thos Endes, of Brussels, was visiting
friends in town this week.
Mr and Mrs It till, of Walkerton, were
in Wingham over Sunday,
Mrs McLeod, of Toronto, is the guest of
her mother, Mrs A Dawson.
Mr Jos Beck, of iiarristou, spent Sun-
day with Wingham friends.
Mica Carrie Fisher visited friends in
Blyth a few days this eel
Mr J Carruthers, of Buffalo,. is renew-
ing oldetegnaintances in town.
Mesas Prank Ceases end C A Camp,
bel[ are holidaying in Muskoka.
Mr and Mrs C N Griffin were visiting
friendir in Hamilton tbie week.
14fiss M Young, of London, is the guest
of her sister. Miss Maggie Young.
Miss Lizzie ILobinson, of Grand Valley,
was visiting- at Mr I ]I Eodertis'.
Mee Lizzie Drew, of Wingham, is visit -
log friends in town,.—Gorrie Vidette.
>lir and Mrs A Grey, of inulnth, are
Visiting relatives and friends in town,
Mre (Dr) I%Kenzie, of Concord, Cal, is
guest rt Mr and Mrs Geo McHenzie's,
Mr >H H Metndoo has returned from a
holiday trip to Toronto aniother planes.
Misr Lawrie Hodgson, of Toronto, ti
spending her holidays it her heme here.
Mika A It Davidson, of Guelph, Wee
os 2 g en WinSheivi hiendit en Saturdays.
bar .1 !.:: •,i, • isult, rf I•:veesteri, ftl,
Waal U . ,.. : „I .ir t ituiyim, jr, last Week.
Jae tousle, of Wingbsm, frog the guest
of Mrs Shane yesterday. --Blyth Stand•
Miss Ada Bonner, of Now York city,
was the guest of Miss Maud Davis last
Mr and Ayre T H Walker, of Ingersoll,
were calling on Wingham friends laat Sat-
Miss Murdock and Miss McDonald, v
Lucknow, are the guests .of Mae Millie
Mra Jae McLaughlin, Miss Maggie and
Mr Gus McLaughlin were visiting frieude
Ur Win Johnston, of London, was re -
inswing old acquaintances in town on
Urs Saflows, of Goderich, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs J D Long, t
returned home this week.
14fr, Paulus, of \4ingliam, has been vis-
itingrelatives in this section for a few
days. --Hensel' Observer.
141iss Jennie Stewart Left Wednesday o
an extended visit to frieudh in Niagara
Palls, Toronto and Buffalo.
Miss Jean Bell, Bliss Birdie McIntosh
and 11r H 0 Bell left last week for an
extended trip tip the lakes.
lliraA E Bradwin and children, of 13ly tb
are guests at Air Jos Bradwin's. ) r A L
13radwin spent Sunday in town.
42r Alex Galbraith, of Chatham, who
has been visiting at his home here, left on
Thursday morning to visit friends m Galt.
M H Aiolndoo, of Wingham, was in t
Goderich on Afonday .... It Beatier of v
Wingham was in town Monday.—Goderich t
Star, v
1 II. +a INO1IAM TOMS, AUGUST 18. 1890.
has also been determined the
officers and men H ho served in
the North West rebellion of 1885
and obtained the medal therefor also
be entitled to the General Service
Night oalle at Button Block, or Wil+tla
door south of .blobool [•loube. Shap op-
posits Macdonald block.
Mr, James MeCool•has bought the'
Beattie livery, Clinton, and is now in.
possession, The barn was owned by
Mr, Beattie, sr, and the dwelling by
Mr, Ferran. and the walls of.the
former elteroaehing upon Mr, liar.
ran's ground, as the the easiest solo.
tion of the diffienity Mr. Farren
bought the barn and has leased it to
Mr. McOont, Mr. S. Beattie left for
Trehern, Man., Tuesday afternoons,
aking with him a half car load ire'•
eluding three horses.
A large number of large brown
butterflies on the (J nadian banks of
Lake Huron has been a matter.of'
u remark among' summer visitors. On
the Arneriean coasts of Lakes Rnr' n
and Miehigitn these insects etre idle• Pirstxelass farm for sale or to rent; I:
nominally eutnerons At Petoskey acres,. being Lot s,"3,. Con 1, Culross:
cniilons on. millions of . these butter- buitable for grain or pasture, neverrfltil
dies suddenly appeared'. For sever. ing spring water, • two good barns ands
. at hours the streets of the city were `stables,rsucnfortable l•welline house, good,
filled with the flu'tter'ing rtrseets, and orchard,•about one to+ile frem e cbool,, nci:
I four mtloa Prom UVinghaum. ripply to•
in places the surface' of the streets Wm, Dawson; Lot i 3 Con 3, Culross;.. ort
o. was covered with them. All the: JosephDawson,Tborndale P.O., Middles
way to Charlevoix,. a diata,i,ce of +sea County, Ont.
eighteen miles, they would rice front
he road bei'bre an advancing
ehiele lin dense brown clouds so
b ek in places as to obscure the
t The north halt of lot 13, con.2,1•Iieeris.
Apply to E. W. Bruce, 24.(1 Borden St.,
Toronto ; or to Adam Reid, Wiugbaur.
paving moved to town to therree4
deisce lately occupied by Geo P llreJJs;.
cor+nPrCentre and Alfred streets,. bear
the GT R, I am prepared to pity the
high/eat east) priced for all kinds of Rhg„o,.
Itubltera, Copper, fictive Hair, Wood
.Piclimga, Iron and Metal of all hinds,;
deli%s:ered• Fit my residence, or if. wordbe
lett, h wilt'eali for•eame.
G. GOOD1VIV,1rR; t
Lorne Pringle arrived home from a visit
to It ingham.....)as Pox and W J Stewart
were at Winghain on Tuesday,—Brussels#
Mr and Airs Green and son and daughter
and Catherine McTavish were the guests+
of Mr and Mrs Bobt Henderson in Gode-
rich last weals.
Mrs W Crowson and family left on
Friday last to join Mr Crowston at Mani-
towanning, Man Island, Mrs Thos Mc-
Lean accompanied them.
Miss Maggie Clark, of Winnipeg, and.
Mrs J Gilrnor and daughter, of Inger-
soll, are visiting their sister, Mrs Gavin
Wilson, "Pair View" farm, Tarnberry.
Miss Sarah Wilson, of Philadelphia.
Mrs Dr L A t eienre, of Blackwood, N
3, who have been the guests of Mrs Alex
Ross, left Wednesday morning to visit
friends in Oil Springs.
W Fyfe wheeled over from Wingham rani
Saturday for the day.:.,,.Mrs Marls
Cassels, of Wingham, who was an old resi-
dent here years ago, bas been in town for
a few days visiting old friends. She leaves.
this week for Flint,Michwhere she has a son
residing.—Clinton New Era.
Miss Jessie Gray, of Wingham, spent;
Sunday in town, the guest of Miss Dorsi
Lees....Messrs Frank Ceasar and :Will'
Clark, of Wingbam, spent Sunday in town
141r and Mrs Frank Seli, of Wingham,
and Mrs John Scott and children, of Lon-
don, spent Sunday last the guests of Mrs
James Bryan, of this village,—Lucknow
• Mr and Mrs J H Hall, of Pasadena.
California.. arrived on Monday on a visit
to Mr Hall's parents in town, Mr Hall
has recently graduated with Honors
from the Northern Illinois College of
Opthomology and Otology. He receiyed
90 per cent. on Opthomology and 100 per
gent. on Refraction, thus, winning the
degree not often conferred, Bachelor of
Opthornology and Otology. After visiting
relatives in Wingham and Owen Sound,
Mr Hall will return to his practice in
flaying bee asked dell for Crowe's
Great Indian Remedies , people who
have been great'; bene, ted by them, 1
now carry a co et stook. Call and
enquire about the
J E DAvis,
druggist, Wingham.
Manufactured .; W. E. Crowe, the origin,.
ai Native Indian Doctor Saugeen Indian
Reserve. 2t
or THE HEART, Erri4E?.1E WEAK-
NESS% ASD N•PvfW0t, . HBA.D.
In the little hamlet of Montrose,
Welland County, resides a lathy •who
gives mush praise MI the. earative
power of 1Jr. Rtillia:n3a" Bink Pills..
The subject of this testimony is :Mid,
B chard Ramie,' an estimable lady
w$io has resided in that locality for
many years. A, reporter seeping an
interview with Mrs. Hanna found
belt willing to, give Sold: details,
wbieh are given: in• her own words.
Five years. ag ' 1i was `ta' keai ill, I
attributed the. trouble at the time
to, an injury sustained -hat a fall,
Time went on, and It dirt not get
better. The syaninto na ofEIy com- were palpitation, off the.heart,
e trene weakness,. stot troubles
and terrible bead,aehes. L was -very
nervous, had Do appetite—and experi-
enced ninth wa,lsefulr,ess at night.
Finally I was.coulpelleci: to take to
my bed, being too, weak to, situp any
longer. In this e nnc ition,l'; was treat-
ed at differenttimes by three doctors,
and took a great quantity a medicine
but realized no.benefit. one of my
neighbors .thonght I ou.M get well.
In the meantime I ought myself
that death %moulds(, °s end my suffer
ings. One day frig' Smith, of Port
Robinson, caine to;'. e me and'per-
suaded my latnsba1 d ta. procure for.
me some of Dr. A illi« rias' Pink Pills;
and he purchase six boxes. After
taking the six k+xes. t bad improved:
very rued) an •': w is able to be up,
though yet ttu > eakto. walk. 1. sent
for another si boxes and as a result
consider my ;,ore eompletee. I can
relish food, la tter, sleep soundly, and;
stand more `ittigue than I could for
years pre ous. Although I have
passed the '+, eridian of life I feel as
healtby when I was in my
twenties, Witb great pleasure and
a grater heart 1 give this testimony,-
The blie is cautioned against
numer s pink colored imitations of
these f mous pills The genuine are
sold ly in boxes, the wrapper
omit wbieh bears the words "Dr.
Will' ms' .Pink Pills for Pale,l?copld,"
If y ' ' r dealer does not leave them
the will be, sent post paid at 50 eta.
a , ,x, or sic boxes for $2.50, by ad.
dr -sing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Brockville, Ont,
Items of Into est.
The Erie Railway has cut the rate
for round trip tickets between Chi-
cago and. New York and intermediate
points, and a rate war is probable.;
They sell a round trip for $i$.45,
where the single fare was $20.
Those people who delight in dis-
covering something new to pass
laws against will be pleased with
the suggestion that barn raising
.races should be prohib"ed. The
proposal will hardly mecz. with en-
dorsement from the average farmer,
to whom the excitement of a barn.
= raising is a source of much joy. Be.
cattle a few clumsy people get kilted
the Toting farmer won't be able to
gee why he should be deprived of
the exhilaration of running along the
plate driving pegs and searing the
Wits out of the young ladies by his
daring, Neither will his rival in
barn gymnastics he able to see it
A despatclt received on Saturday
At the Department of Militia, Otta-
wa, from the Colonial Office states
that the Imperial War Office Irne
aceepted the design for the ribbon
for the Oenerat Service medal, it
Cook's Cotton Root Compouct
iC successfully Used monthly by over
14,000Ledled. Sete, effectual. LaditeNask
your druggist for Cook's Cents Root Sees
▪ d."take no other, as alt Mixtures, pills and
imitations ttre dangeroudt. Prise, No. I, $i ver
sox; are, ar,lOdegreesstronger, ssDer box, No.
1 or 2 mailed onreee t
i of rice and
two Feent
fuss, The Cook company' Windsor Ont.
Ott. rand 2 sold and recommended by alt
rettpensible Druggiete in Canada.
xo.1 rind No, 2 for sale by Cohn A. Campbell
Oi' 'HE .
is pure and cold and
The undersigned offers for sale Irl:.
► two farms%.ibt 10;. in the fourth (mimeo.1 sion of Purirberry, containing 160 acres;.
and lot 11, in the fifth concession, con,
twining Meares.. All the necessary
buildings are`on both farms ; both well)
fenced and'plen•tu or water, Situated,
12z wiles Diem. Blaevale and 5 •miles
from Wingham, ror terrine and :tom
tienlars applt ors the premises, or ta.
5t • Blueva,iin
Farmers,.wkly pay 534 and 6 per+rentt.
Interest:on,y!aurloons when money. mak
be had fate 6. per, €ant. Payments 'made
to suit borrower. Charges low.
Agenoy i>htaric Mutual Life Aureus,•.
ante Company.
At.ofiioe-lil lay afternoon and °alder
Macdonald Block, Wingiinmt,
We: will
TForoid Cement
at, greatl. `reduced pries; it•
order to unload a heavy
stt fe .... • M N w , . . , . . . . # . .fid.•. ... ,}
'NG & PauLIN
!The 'est r FarLot . on
SEPTEMBER Tilt h. to loth, 1899.
Entries einser$eptember Cebu Space alltatted un receipt of entry,.
Exhibits will) be unsurpasseds attractions better than ever. •H,lppmfihonse.
tatiariot Races, OBampion Sword •Lonteste . Imperial Japs, Minions • Lady Riders,
,World renowned Gymnasts and.Alzriat.Atrtistsgalore. Fireworks eacbteveningv'ala...
rBritisb and Americans in Samoap'and,all,rine and platform attraoti'ons.
Special excunsion trains wiilt'leave Lopdnra each everting after,. the, frieetonfeea,
`Carounds will be -beautifully illuminated.
Send for Prize Lists and Pl ogramwee,.
.3.itiNEL11.111 .
FtIv-July and Aug3ust:.
Coanfontabie, solid and reliable, foot.
wear, at and below cost. We, have•all
styles- suitable, for the season. MY you
want: al idttin better article ate a, little
lowei'•pnide.tbanyou expect ta,)layc.eeinne'
to th is -store. Space will/not, allow tie to
.quote•many prices, but note, Vara of the
Men's. Sarong Working Shoes;solid
leather,. all sizes, 6 to J 1, at 90achlen's
Fine. Box Calf Bois, Goodlyeer• Welt,
w.osth e.31. ,sale price $2.50,s Ladies' fine
$mlenciaKidd, hand turned; buttoned and
;gn.d,$ale, worth 03.25, sale. prise $2.50 ;
imadieer fine French IOid, ramps and
Quartets with ' Vesting Tbps, Buttoned
and Bads, worth $3.25, sale price $2.50 ;
uis5,3Spairs of Ladies! fine. Button and
,Lace Boots which cost trona $1.50 to
$50, sizes 2,1, 3 and 3 ,,wiih clear the lot
at,90.). These are extra values.
CHA.'J!i1Li 131, ONT.
Canada's greatest Seliool of-'Shortrlsand and Business Training.
236 OTI-'OUR PUPILS .SECUfii'itD: GOOD POSITIONS+in. tete, seventeen
months endtng June 1s41S99. What do -you think of caoh a recornalY @ur-pupils
are now in strong demand with many ot the leading business houses. WJben we.
tell you that this large number .seoeredipositions, we are also prepared, to.fnraisll
the list showing where .they were piaoedi:and with whom. If interested; write for it.
TSl)g BEST S3HO,O , 01.7 311112 IN'TP23111EISID..
We pay the railway farm f ettrdeiate. coming fromra distance,,prorxided itdoes
not exceed'f$8.00, whicle is the iitt 02' oor allowance in, this connection, Ct,a secure
good board for gentler en, at $2.00ito,$22 5O per week and for ladies -gat.
During the year which closed ;Pune 30tb, we hed pupils iu^mattendenoe trona
Newfoundland on the#Atlantio, tea Seattle on the Pacific ; froth, Atani,ioba on the
North to, Brooklyn, ,11. Y., on the. Smith. There were 133 Cities, 'Theca and Vila
lages in ietnada, and dive States of the• Upton represented with, us. Twenty-three
Countios.and Districts outside sent us i:93 pupils, Chatham and Kent
County,.aione sent as over 100 pupils; while Msnilioba and the.N'or1tn•west Terris
tories sent us six. WHAT WEE fie> ' W11 HOLD.
Write.for handsome catalogue of either department. Mention: while) catalogue
you_ want.
DI. ittert.A.1QCHLI I alit Ctd.,. Chatham, Ont.
SEE jlitlrTA7 THE
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Pres!' Beef and Pork.
Lamb' Bologna
Pickled led Pork headcheese
Breakfast Bacon. Sausage
Smoked ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe
Corn Beef Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c,,
always on hand,
Our prices are right. Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town
Your patronage eolietted%
is Priceless
Get your sight tested. It costs 'nothing.
• Sciet fteatly, Correctly, 1 easy ably.
Try tis.
A choice assortment just opened out. We are selling them at
prices that will surprise you. -
Refrigerators and Screen Windows
at'greatly reduced prices.
We are la.eadqusrters' for Threshers' Supplies,
Leather Mats and General Hardware.