The Wingham Times, 1899-08-11, Page 1VOL. XXVII -NO. 1425.
Y. AUGUST 11, 1899.
Having resolved to 'go oat of the
Dry. Goods and Grocery business,
we shall at once commence selling
.0Verything in these . two lines at cost
.or below,
—By the end of
Between' now and that time we
shall give the greatest bafgains ever
heard of in Wingham. Now is the
time to secure some of them, First
comers gets best choice. This is a
„great opportunity; don't miss it.
We shall still continue the Tailor-
oring, Gents' Furnishing, and Boots
and Shoes Departments with a
larger stock than ever before.
Commercial School in Canada is the
E ARIA' mixTv CENT'. of the
students . we enrolled daring the
past year from outside of Strat-
ford came from neater other busi-
ii colleges than ours. Write for
our new catalogue. It's the finest
business eollege catalogue Can-
ada and represents the Most Pro.,
'gressive and I3est School,
W, J. ELLIOTT.. Principal.
Marriago Licenses
1001164 by Prang PaTRIIs011. No Via -
$01 iit street, Wingham, Ont. No withesees
Our Clubbing list.
In railer to sa“3 our subscribers the trouble of
melting two Or more remittances we have made
special arrangements with the publishers by which
we are enabled to offer the following publi6ations in
tonneetion with the WEIGIIAM TIMES et (medal
ow rates from now until Dee, 5160690.
Timesend weekly Globe, - • $1 26
Times and western Advertiser, • 1 40
The and Family Herald and Weekly Star
and Picture . . 1 75
Times and Fanners' Advorate, • 1 90
Times and Farming, weekly, • • 176
Time end Montreal Weekly Winless, . I go
Tlineeand Verniers' Sun, • . 130
Times and Daily (Maim • 4 23
(ii Times end Daily World • 3 00
runescountry gentlemen 2 70
s WeeklyMall end Empire 1 25
Times e *
Daily Mowed lierald, 2 00
r. Wel clubbing Teti, With all newspapers and
sines quoted on application.
4dUr.aOan orders to or ran la the
se. •
See Halsey Park's Etivertioennnt.
Dr. Butler, of Loodon, will be at the
Queen's Rotel,. Wiegham, on the fleet
Wednesaay of each month from 11.130 aan.
till 3 o'clock p. mn. for .consnitation in
diseases of the eye, ear, nese and throat.
layszeasere—Mr J 1.1 Careeroe, Priuopal,
of the Brussels pub ic sehool; was married
on Thursday last t Miss. Annie, daughter
of Mrs Sleintoon, o iruseels. The young
O0Uple are spending their honeymoon trip
en the upper lalres1
.11011TH WESTERN ALL FAZE —The poster
for the North.Wee er
rn Fall Fair,to be heI
in. Wingbara on Sapterober 10th and 9.0th
are out and pesteci up, The prize list
now in the betide of the printer and wi
be delivered to Ole Secretary, Mr WI
Robertson the Art of next week.
Weneen—On short term plan. A youn
man to learn tailoring and cutting, Appl
to Webster et Co, Queen's Block, Wing
POS mat STAlla. OMI. --:-.1SrOt shit
Canada became a, minion has a sur
charged stereos beezfissued until the 3
stamp lately in, QilcJnIation was surcharged
to represent in Val a 2.cent stamp. The
rarity of the ow rrence and the limited
supply has arouse stamp collectors, and
they are in bot pu suit of the rarity while
the supply bests. V
'Try King's, Clearing Sale All 10e prints
for 5o. sigh Class Organdy M minus and
summer dress goods at half price. King
pays oath, for butter and egge. Try the
pale during July and August.
tf G E Knee, Winglsam.
BesZietise itiorcs.-1. e'Brussele Basebal
club dropped into tow on Thursday even
ing of last week to p y a friendly gam
with the Wihglutto he tossers There ha
been sone misundo tending about th
arreegements and th Wingbam boyo di
not expect the Belles s team until Pride;
evening, However, ter the visitors ha
arrived here about fo r o'clock the Moe
boys hustled around d got a team to
gether, Notwitlistat ing the ellen noble
about three hundred overs of the spin
were at the park and 'a,w Wines= trim
the Brussels team to •.,e tune of 21 rune to 9
The visitors went to .et Bad and before
they were retieed 'five runs had been
tallied. Angus,. i . the bo. for the borne
team, wae wilct in t le memo, hut in the
second be settled d.`,n and pitched superb
ball for the Wane. of the garnet the vis-
itors only scoring . our znore runs in that
many innings. W , en the Wingham team
went to bat for th*',r bra of the fifth the
score stood 9.9. Every man up iiit the
bell and assisted y errors in the field
eleven runs had be. scored for two men
out. The game wiz then octiled on account
of darkeess. Pea urea of the game were
n the
Losneox Oze Dors. The re union Of the
London Old Boys on 4turcay last was not
the 4;1011;30e which w4 enticipated. A
bitch in arrangements as °tweed by some
of the reception mom ootur4uoo as well as a
number of th1eitor,Q °fusing to go to
Springbank on aecoun of the street rail-
way employees' sty ke. About two
thousand "old. boys" Waited the
C 0 0 F Pion Tim picnic on Tuesday
afternoon, under e auspices of the Wine-
baen Council, Cenadlen Order of Chosen
Friends, was 11 01100eell, in every particular,
About 150 "Friends" and their friends as.
senebled on the Welke of the aIaitlatid in
Lower Winghatn and spent throe or four
pleasauWrs in imolai intercourse, boas
ball, et etween and seven o'clock
refreshments were segved in abundance by
MARRIED IN 11arIToB4tIxr Geo B.
g Blackwell, son of Mr Geo Blaeltivell. of
5' this town,, was married in Glendale,
Man, on Wednesday, August 2nd, to
Miss Mary Sirett, dagghter of Mrtskott,
member of the Local Legislate reWlete
• ceremeny was performed In the IVietho-
diet church, Glendale la the -presence of
a large n mbar of friencle. The groom's
many friends 112 Wiegham will join the
Taenia in wishing them a long and pros-
perous wedded life.
FOR SATI3.—A, two volume Funk &
Wagrialls Standard Dictionary, as good
.as new, for sale cheap. Apply at Turns
SHOOTING MATCH. A shooting inatele
between the Winghan and Teeewater
Gun Clubs toolr plac at the Belgrave
1 raege On Wedneed Y felleanooll and
. resulted in a vietory ,for the Wingbain
e ' ;theaters by 93 pointq The score, Wing -
d ham • .0 Nicholson 2. E Saekrider 104,
e T Emburn 10t, W H le 95, Geo Davide
a 93, A Brooks 97; tot 592. Teeswater
y W Smith Da, F Si1iil, 70, 71 Smith 88,
d Jos IvIcKaanie 03, W Gardner 87,,john
1 Farqitharson 90 ; toqti 502.
-1 An Orez Dein Pewee -Fifteen years ago
O ;4 locel money lender keened a noting -man
e rrn
'amen man's father, who
• was then in good oirc mistimed, endorsed
• his note for the arno 1. Subsequently
, the fuller felled in bo iness and the young
men went away. T e momey-lencier had
given up all Wee of vex again hearing
from him or about b s money. Mucli to
ithe surprise of the br ter he received a
letter one day lest week from the young
man with a cheque 1'0 a300.00 enclosed
and asking him to ;meat big account for the
interest which would 'e pai
LETTER PROM PINE (1TL lre have had
an interesting letter h nde to us by Mrs
A.A.ederson, GIenanne. ,written to heir by
her son, Mr Peter G nderson, of Pine
catches by Hawn oed and Linklater in City, B C. The letter as written on the
the outeld41h of duly and eon tans considerable
.he core.
interestiog informal° regarding the
0 -
Wingbam21 14 Gold Fields. Mr An erson has been in
.. . e... ........ 5
Pine City •1....laitt anuary and has
Brussels.. ,
A. WOMB: Remo
We take pleasure in
of our readers to the
awl encouraging re,
Business College, o
scholastic- year en
which proved to be
the, history of this
business traieing4
representatives fro
villages in Canada,
Union, together
Prom Brooalyris N
Manitoba and the
were students in at endanoe. Th613401
has now acquired a entinental reputation,
and is well weedier f the strong support
which it is enjoyin The home reputa-
tion is beet shown its home %tipped.
Chadians. 0,n4 Kent aunty alone luta over
100 pupils in attend, beep while 23 counties
and districteouteid of Ohathatn sent 198
Manitob and the North-West
Territories sent si while five States of
the Union sent 10 r presentativese Per.
baps the meat inter eting part of the year's
work to those wo are contemplating
either acourse of lisinese or shorthand
7 9 perch e number of litres In different
41( OETITY mines.1Jone of his of au is paying bina
ailing the attention an ounce a day to the m n and it is worth
exoeptionaily bright
e time the letter
n had not heard
for over four
now broken up
ve three times a
f the country is
the letter was
waq cold and
Anderson adds
eek in the year.
ey lettere nearly
ight. '
$1.7 at the Mint,. At
was written MtAnder
from, the outside wor
-weeks, but the .lakee a
he Ineet seeee'sael fe and a boat will now er
refereed institution of week. Tbe climete
he attendance showed severe. On the day
133 Cities, towns and
written (4th of 4413)
nd usa Mates of the windy and. snowing.; lg
ord of the Canada
• Chatham, for the
ing June BOth lest,
with Nawf011edh4ed• that there is frost.eviary
ori the sleuth, to At this timeof the yeat
rim:vies on the north, twenty-four hours of dey
• trainiteg will be the
secured good V
Seventeen menthe
-pupil§ found, or wet'
tins with good bin
Certainly a tonarita
have this listtprepa
who might while to,
certainly a Most en
congtatulate Mee&
their ,success, Th
for even greatet
apprdaehieg solo
undetattend, clam
ecord of students who
• dons. During the
nding June 1st, 235
placed in good posi.
nese bowies. This le
le showing, and they
d to aetta oat to those
0 it. The result
ouragIng one, end we
1) McLachlan & Co on
y have our beet wishes
roaperity during the
stio yea', *Melte we
enees September 5th
Motareeeni Sam—There will be offered
at public auction on. the, premises in the
V Wage of Fordwicanin the County ofHuron,
on Thursday, the 51st day of August, A. D,
1899, at three o'clock, afternoon, the
following valuable property :—The west.
erly four Acres of Park lot, No 22, in the
old Village of Fordwioh. There are upon
the premises a first elites frame sawmill
and lath mill with stone boiler house ; a 60
horse power engineand two 35 bonze power
bolters, with modern machinery, all in good
running order; a full line of planing
machinery, consisting of planer de matcher,
revolving bed planer, four aided
moulding inedible, hoed save, rip
saws and ellet-off -tables, seed drum
and shaper a good frame greeted la
story dwed • g house, with kitchen and
wood hon attached; a good frame barn
and stab ; two driving elieds, end about
a doze first claws bearing frit trees.
Terms •f stale :-10 per cent. of purchase
Mone down on day aside and the beamed
in a eye when poseeseion will be given.
For either particulars and information
y to the aridersigned or to Me A El
S erne, arordWich. J A Morton, 'Vendor's
Dated 241h of July, 1899.
way XtWX'2Mj2.1q .19 comiso.:
The highwayneatt %conning to Wirighere
and on arrival he will at ones go to Ta*
—Secure the Tom tU the and of the Moll and buy a Landon cigar. The
,ears; only 40 cede. Landon Is the heat in the and for Sc.
IAlas Bra1niXeiWiu Bolt caught
one of the largest lilac base on Wednes-
day that has been tobei out of the Meet.
Iland for some time. The fish weighed
over four po ode and ' measured 19 inches
in length, • VMS is
a "fish" a ory,
ED TO .11ENT.--A. dwelling coutabe.
ing ix or seven rooms, in central
loe ty. Possessien before September
, Artery to W Lewis, 1.4eopold St.
well bas sold his pr
to Mr L Faeroe at
Blackwell will mov
Moosornin, N VJJ
side in future
Will leave for tbei
Tuesday, August 2
Paan OVER THE DA On Saturday last
an accident mould at the dam which
might have resultedtin the loss of one of
Mr Jas 111o1..Eslinus' qorses. Ile was draw.
ing eton e and whette driving on the foot
bridge on the top nit the dem one of the
horses stumbled andifell over the railing,
Tate other horse breed himself and held
the falling one in the air. As there was
twentyt of a zip where the:tunnel was
hanging nothing c eld be done to get it
back on the b 'd, Consequently the
harm ws uuhitch4 ad It& ovia into
the water below. r he frame for the club
work had been pet; ill at the bottom and
the horsefell ou it ;Mit went throueh inter
the water. FesteeevYlerienlae•ofeet-Iseeatifeare
Jesseliti escaped withonly a few &mat h
and was re-hittlied'nend put to work.
Green has a gang, ize men busily engaged
with the curb work ancl expects to have it
completed ni &met three weeks,
Cutter HEADINO.—You can .get' the tflIES
apd Weekly Globe until the end, of 4.1899
• for 00 cents.
fish story, but not
IVIr Geo Black-
eorty on the B line
a fair ilgere, Mr
with hie family to
here they will re -
!Woven, and family
western home on
Cempbell's Headache Wafere paean.
- teed to mire heedaelie. • . .
, s
Thre e Wingbaublic salmi will not.
open ontil Tuesday,'iSeptember 5th.
—Mr R Babb, whh has resided in Blyth,
Jia e; opened .up a jewellery store in Tees -
—Mr David MoDmeld shipped a car
load of sheep, per G T R, to Toronto on
Monday last..
A 11 CENTS will pay for the Tines till
'Tie/ Jet:eery Ist, 1900t '
—Howick voters' List is completed; the
township has 1243 voters, 033 of whom are
qualified jurors. e
• —Yesterday was Clafford's civic holiday.
A. large number of tie citizens spent the
day et Southampton. ,
We guarantee eDampo" to cure tired,
sore or sweating feet or money refencted.
Caropbellas drug store
—Breese% nand henalz.organizza and are
holding regular .practices. What, is the
matter with WingliatePs band?
—PostmasterFarrow, of tirussele, finieli•
ed his tenth yoar of •sertice in the poet
oflice on Monday, baying taken the position
on Aegust lat, 1889.
—Mr as A. Cline Was confined te the
house for a few days last week, through'
Hitless, but we are pleased to report that
he is able to be around igain.
—About one hundred pressmen left T, -
route Tuesday at neonate's the Canadian
Press Association excursion to the Petit%
toast. Mr II B Ellintke of the Tines,was
among the party ' i?
That's the way we test.
Usually the eyes differ in. sight.
A glass which suits one injures the
other, and ultimately both suffer.
We use modern appliances, and the
greatest are 'to avoid a misfit.
A misfit would hurt your eyes and
;our aputation,
j* E. DAVIS,
—Clinton's tax rate t
on the tioller.
—A refreshing rain
on Wednesday night,
ie year will be 23
ell in this locality
60 CENTS for the Them end Weekly
•Globe until Janeery, 1000.
—The ,eregular nleet,iog of Court
Maitland, NO 25-, a t Pi. will be held
this (Prictay) eveniot4 A fell attend-
ance le requested.
—Mr Jae Hearn, o Clinton, eat bread
which bad been put i the (teller for rate,
last week. Nothing serious resulted, but
lie was a sick man forOeveral limns.
—cilintoeas base bel club has been re.
organized. "conimitt ee has been appoint.
ed to early the town or subscriptions end
AD effort ill be mad to have a winning
—1 the ange Excursion to
Ma ra Falls on' We esday next, 16 inst.
Re rn fare from Wneghans, $2.15; child-
reter 12, half rake. Tiokete good for
le residence of Ralph itogere, situat-
ed on lot 23, on' the, west side of Edward
street, has been sold tor Mr Samuel Youhill,
real estate agent, to Mr Henry Sant ray
man of Wingham, ate fair figur
Dr. Macdonald lanow perm nentIv
haitshpoamtreoriasnd can be consulted by
—ten another page 1 this issue will be
fouled a shed report 1 the International
Convention of the E worth Leagues of
Canadaand the Unite States, for which
we are indebted to the rusaels Post-
-George Guy, boa black, has had a
Stand both and place in front of the
ll now :live his Ustornere 0 come
Beunswink Hotel. Gtrge is up-to-date
and wi
tenable chair to sit in while having
their boots shined.
—A eumber of your; people from tnn
attended the social at fhe resiaence of Ur
W J ,Johnston on Thtirsday night of last
Week, The social Wasientler the auspices
of the 'Willing Workees of the Bluevale
Cirouittof ilee Methodial chnieb and was a
anqcess in eikeefizertiznalsirs
--Theinemenittee of e gineere and ' lire
enrol of the Grand Pru4 Railway, whith
has been in almost daily consultation with
Superintendent Morse a Montreal for the
last couple of months, a nounces that an
increase of wages has been agreed to by
the management.
—A me, /leg of the tbireetors of the
Trnbot Agricultural pociety will be
held a Sweets' hotel on Saturday, Aug.
ust a le let 2 o'clock p#1, to complete
arr, gements for the fallshow. A. full
at dance of the Directs is requested.
mport Glass -5,000 feet double, single
d fancy glass. ' Jut) avert & Co.
• —Mildnuty will ha a celebration on
Labor Day, Septemb 4th. A baseball
match between Palm rston and Walkerton
has been arranged. The Mildmay and
Fordwich football te2jmns will try conclu-
sions. Teeswater band leis been me.
—John Nieson, ofi ilclittay, was kielied
in the face by a hoAlta on Monday of last
week. His jaw waslisloonted and several
of his teeth knocked one. He also received
several bad cute on Ithe face. It took
fifteen stitches to se* up the wound.
HOUSE AND LOT ron, SATE.—That detir-
able property on the south side of the
Diagonal road, belonging to T Bowies is
offered for sale. Per terms and particu.
lars, apply to Emmen & SoN,
—The annum/ in ding of the Ontario
Grand Encarripme t, Iedepenclerzt. Order
of Oddfellows, was held in Termite On
Tuesday last. a delegateti from here
were: Mrs W Ho gin of the Rebecca,
odga; Mr John ;slime, of Maitland
Lod e. and Mr J e Chisholm, of the
E• moment,
Messrs Horny zt on have decided
to go vet of the dr goods and grocery
business acrd hay inagurated e sale to
dispose oil th 'r et k in these two 4-1e-
pertrnents • Thfly will continue the
tailoring, gents' prnishinga, and boot
and Shoe busineeis in the old stand.
Seo na in another column. '
—The Molgoininbank robbery neyetery
at Winnipeg, which oecturred last fell.
bas been at lot e eared up. The man
charged With tan oriole is J W Atider.
son, employed junior clerk in the
bank at the title Of the robbery. The
money WAs reins in a valise buried near
the river tank. 11 is reported that el
the money stole • has been reeotered
and that Anders. lens confeested.
• Then something is wrong. To the
young it always means trouble. It is a
warning to any ono, unless they arc already
tee fat. 1O11% Emulsion checks this
• waste and kksings up your weight
DRUG ST01111,
• SOIC001, BOAR».
The regular meeting of the School Board
Was tel in the conuoil chamber on. Tries -
day night. The members present were
Messrs ON Griffin, ellairms.n, Wm Moore,
Win Bulton 71 Lee; Thos Abraham and
z Kerr. The minutes; of last ;meeting
read and adopted. •
Moved by Wm Batton, seconded by H
Kerr, that the action ei the Chairmen end
Secretary be ratified in issuing an order
for $31,70, balance of salary due Miss N R.
Gray.—Carried. •
The accounts of W Walker, fixing tabIeri,
L75; Shoveers, fi)A9g pump, al ; 3'sts
Duffield, supplies, 620, eferer ordered to be
paid. at ' • • a
Moved lei 71 err„ seconded by
Moore, that the "teachers' ;and o cerea
salaries for the month of Pauly be paid.,
°exiled. , 4c• • * •"`•at
'imptembe.5t The "
was cteeidedo open ,the_seehtee
again until Ted*ta
day of openjes,/ is FredeeenSeWitialgatee
but as the following Monday is titbor day
it was the opinion of the Board that it
would not be prudent te; open the sehool
far the last day of the week lied then doge
again for Monday, eonsequontly it will not
be opened until Tuesday as stated above.
Rev W R Telford, pastor of Kincardine
Baptist church, wmll exchange pulpits
with Past Freed on Sunday next. Pastor
Freed will remain id Kincardine for it
week enjoying the lake breezes.
Rev and Mrs D Perris and familv, who
have been holidaying for the past five
weeks, have returned tia town, Mr Perri
will occny-the pulpit at the Presbyterian
eleureh next Sabbath both worming and
Wsenet, In ve„,„„neigham, on Wearies:a
dare Augu t Oth,Ato a the wife of Win
enkel ; a souV 1.1
Poconic.—In Tur berry, on Wednes-
day, August 9th. the wife of Rick
Poelookjr ; a son*,f
SOME HS . —In r olisels, on July 31st,
t the wife of Mr ErmA ani Somers ; a so.
an—It Win ham, on Aug, 3r8
to the wife of Mr. Wenzelpi daughter
WEST—In Clintoe, no July 31st, the
to wife of Mr. John ;West; a son.
,.,„ , „ .,,,,. , „„
Bneekweren—weeerTeett tee meetnectist
church, Glendale, 41an., on Wednesday,
August 2nd, Mr. Geo. H. Blatikettell, eon
of Geo. 131ackwellakif Wiegham, to Miele
ary Sirett, of Gli(ndale,
Ronsursoet--- Beetratt—At the" Ionize
of the bride's motler, Edward street, on
August 10tb, by rester, W. Freed. Mr,
JOhn Robertson, Of Neepawa, lai, W. ‘,
to Miss Janet 14a;ter, of Wingharo;
CA5rEtton--346; eron.—At the reside -
neo of the bride's, ' mother, Brutteehe on
Wednesday, Aug St 2rid, by Rev. john
Roos. B. A., J. E, Cameron, principal
Brussels ?ubii oboo1, to Mies Annie
Leanne -4n 0 net on August t:lied,
1899 David Leen*, aged 74 years and 2
il1011tbs, 1'
IVEnAnnisrien.— n Clint, on Menday,
August 7th. Archto ald IvioAllister, aged
80 yeare and 5 too ths. • .•
IVIzeMtieteset.—IteClintati, on Mendit
August 7th1 Isabella Illta1i11414 aged 68
years and 6 menthe.'
Having be asked daily for eremite
Great Indi Remedies by people who
have bee ieatly benefitted by them, I'
now ca 0 complete stook. Cell end
enquil,out theni.
j E Dors,
Druggist, WitIghtiM.
tnnfaelnrcd by W 11Crowe, the origin-
ative ratan Doctor, Saugeen Indian
ve. 2t