The Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 6,,,:,tet., t R�. THE VV ES', JUNE from the eonstituenciee of wh'leb they discussion developed the Ater that 4 a 1M properly belonged, tali Ltberale had the Finance 11Iihtate�r Way; ab$01lltely bast deprived of ten Otes,on. tt divi correct told that, the outyT de1lutte and atteseasteeetteateateresetersateetate stun in the ,'louse: tat' ('otkluluna after t ff` absolute eontteet ettnteined hi the t bulled.. 0I{N1. ,10. 1890. . O R OTTAWA LEITER From our own tbrrespar,dt:nt, • Ottawa, June 24. The debate on the motion for the mond reading of the liedtatributien Hilt which was commenced on Friday last gave the Poet Master General, who 'las made the question of repro - actuation in the House of Commons a etude'. tun opportunity of presenting for the i;onaideratian of the I1ousu tend the country solve intereetinir data which he has spent =eh time and etre in gathering r•e,pecting the various constituencies to Western Ontario which were affected by the Redistributiou Bills of 1882 and 1802 and tuiltendments, tie pointed out that the dominating and permeating prineipte .of the measure which the Government has introduced was that there should be no breaking of county Lines and no carving of seats out of fragments of different counties. This . was in contrast to the bill of 1882 'which in order to provides for the four Dew seats to whish Ontario was untitled as a two ridings Into adjoin- ing constituencies, changed the boundaries of fifty constituencies. The only reason or argument which would justify the general breaking 1.f county boundaries which took place would be to make ridings with symmetrical boundaries and equality of population. The census of 1881 gave: an average population for the Ontario constituencies of 20,904• The Post Master General showed that t,f tete 9.? seats which there were at that dose in the Province of OD- tarkv only 23 were by the provisions of thet bill given population between 19,000 and 22,000 ' white no less than 30 had a population less than 19,000 and thirty tour had a popula- tion of upwards ot 22,000, and the population of these constituencies ranged from 12,000 the lowest in Leeds and Grenville, represented by the Conservative whip, to 38,000 in West Tomato. These figures effec- tually tually disposed of the cry that the &1ppo,ition are now rising of "Rep by Pop ' in so far as it was illustrat- ed by them in practice, when they had tee upportullity ot giving force -to the principle, as they profess to -desire; to apply- it now. Bat as Mr. Mulluok painted out this principle bad never been contended for even by the most cherished :dols of the .opposition in the sense that Sir Charles Tapper had demanded. The only sense in which it bad ever bee i sought to be applied was in reference to the r:otnparative representation of the two provinces in the Old Pro- vince of Upper Canada. However, the records indicated. plainly that equalization of population in the re• ilpective constitueneies was not a factor in the determination of the boundaries when the Conservative Taal ty lied tbt, opportunity of giving to that principle the force of law. .,1.r. Matlock gave the house an en- tertaining n- tel t i ing remote of.the results pro• xlut.ed in tate four general elections 'renter, had been held since the tie. diabteinn Act of 1882. After analiz- ang the, vete east in the 40 constit- uencies affeeted by that net he showed that by the 'hiving of the Grits in a few e.•nstituencies and the manipula- tion of Utinaervative majorities in 4"owilstlip villages, and freedom of 3s'lun:etpali'.iee tvltielf were detached MLT REII1VI TOIITIIRES tette awa%r before the magical effect of i». Chase's Ointment the election of 1882, 12 votes after puliey ie to pay it stated amount on the eleettvn of 1801, and 14 votes in ' bion brofagttt Out the fact very clearly . ',hat none) of the companies can rely upon beiug able to realize 4it por , cent.} upoil their investments, many of tt.enl only being able to make 4 per cent and even less and the fact was generally admitted that eon- tentiou.a of the Finilltee Minister that. the Goverment had .;toted wisely in' the 'natter. By the compromise till neer business will be done after the let of January next upon the basis of 3x• per eerie. and the time of ap- plyniet the new rates to the business now in tutee has: been extended for Mord three years beyond the time at first he points for holding a reg. 1 proposed. Tile Companies by ac- meeting are Clinton and Dungan» cepting. the compromise confirms the supplementary: Kintail, Auburn, soundness of the Government's policy In insisting. upon the insurance basis 'teas being placed upon, a soul d basis. the election of 18817, 10 votes After Maturity of the laotfce', 'r'he,diseus the resent Varliatuent. Since the hill wits introdueed the (xoverinnent has made a change in the prupuaed dlstl ibntion Of seats. Tine member widen was formerly given tt. the eonstituency of Bothwell. the integral parts of which now re- vert to the eountiett to which they properts•T belong, has. been given to the Citi of. Toronto, and by this. course the main objection ''aired by the leader of the Opposition to the bill, namely : —'''hat it gave an un - d ae ; epresentat•,on to Liberal counties while elepriving Toronto of thatt re presentation to which in virtue of its urge popnlution and Conservative endencies it was entitled; has been •entered, In the bill as originally rafted this member was given to Tient county whielt it was proposed o divide into three 'constituencies, y the amendment tient will— be laced on the list of counties sending wo members awl suffers no injustice o this as it gains one »?ember, and a in the sante eategort with Lamb - on which has a population 800 in xeess of it. ,although the Gov�ern- ent, has by this change, met the emends of the Opposition to a, very urge extent It does not appear to lave succeeded in avoiding the°ob- uruction tactics wbieli have been hreatened since the 13111 was first in. reduced. On Friday night Sir Charles ositively refused to give any assur nee ti) the Government that thee" will be no obstruction to the rneasuye r even that the vote nn the second ending would he reached this week. The Government in response -to he request of the millers and deal- rsof Canada Wive withdrawn the bill eating with the inspeetion of wheat nd substituted it rnodified measure. it Henri Joly voiced the sentiments i tbe community when he declared bat tbe maintenance of the repo f anionn u Canadian wheat in the arkets of the world was of greater nine to the material interests of anada than all the gold of the liken ten times over, In the mended bill the Mge standard sea the measure as at- first introduced or export wheat is maintained, revision is made, however, by. hieh the exigencies of the home ade as presented by the millers Itd dealers of Eastern Canada has een met by a provision which en- bles there, if desired, to secure sup- ewentary inspection in the East of' heat, for home consumption. t t p i e m I t s L t P a 0 e d 0 S 0 a t v Y a in fo P w tr b a pl w 0 !1) 1410 pot believe there is a ease of dy'spep- sia, indigestion. or Any stomach trouble that cannot be re- lieved at once and rmanently cured by my "WS/141)8'1ACURE. 14IENYON. 4.t all druggist's, 25e. a. vial. G'Itld4 to health and tnedi+545 eel advice free, 1 Areli street, 1 bila. Stertli�ig Confessions Sbow that 2a per cent. of men and women suffer the tortures of itching piles. investigation proves that Dr, A,. W. Chase's Ointment bas neYer yet 3i` WCBR:. failed to cure itching piles, and all of these•tiien apd won en cools end their sufferings at once by using it. Scores WHAT THIS [ oOLISTI, x NBizvA'rINc S.tt.,1ati4.TI1 SBIWIOIS. M t;,'.l' IQ.DI$P-..,.ltov. Dr. l'850004 tree "."-.1. t � l , ,t 1:.� --t5 Pt nl,i:+ibis+- 1'\"Ia:(tX 1''xilf>eil' 14fO11CINC, or. Services at 11 am and p Idt, 1'Itl'.' .SSY 1 1 I4 N^ -Rev, D. 1oorrie in nor. Services et 11 tI Mand 7 p EPISCOPAL, PISCOPAL, St. Paul's -•-1 ev. Wm. Lowe, rektor: Serviose at 11 ti in and "f p m. • BAPTIST —Rev, W. Freed, "pastor, Services at 11 a mand i p nt CONGREGATIONAL-- - rev. .1. Crulliit, pastor. Services at 11 a flat and r 7pm.. CHRISTIAN' woi t mitts --= alieses Outrain and Look in tlt.mmund, Services at�:3p ruand 8pm, S,A LV.r.T I ON X111 1Y--Oapt..11 oLeocl 500 witty in command. Services at 11 a, in,3pat and 811m, In , ag ah at the above named ohurohes Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p na. HAMILTON coni BANK of St, Helens, Lt"eitern, Miss Rose, Port W I N G I- A. M. Albert,- Carlow, 13eniniller, Holmes - Capital, 41,404,52Q. Best, ;'1,000,000 Proeloont--•Dons 5rvRa1'. vice -President -,-d. 0, RaatsAs, Xerift.ZC'leoitta Joos PanoToa, ono. Roaon, wet Oissox, nr lr, A. T, Woo», M. P, A. B. Lisp, (Toronto), Cnshioi;—J, TURNBUJLL, Savinge Baume,—J1ours,10 to 0; Saturdays, 10 to alliepposits of 81 and upwards received and tntorost. lowed. Special Unseats also received at current of thousands have been cured bythis. RAMP DOLS Fort 1'arI IND, rates of t ,.rest. Dram cis. tlreat Britain and the• United States treatment. Everybody can be cured in. ! bought arid mold vitte, F. 0. 'E roltla, iec'y, Chilciren ]ry for R J A tbe same way. - Worry is forethuugbtgone to sen ' Worry is discounting possible feuta West Huron Farmers' institute. sorrows so that the individual m d' E. L. U OKINSnN, Solicitor. re W. (3oRB.oII1a1), AouNT ay - he Money to Loan on Notes. The annual meeting of the West have present 'Misery. Worry is t Huron, Farmers' Institute was held father of fut, Worry ty the r (mu at Nile on Tuesday, June 20, at 1.30 traitol•- n our cardio that danipens our powder, wealteasour aim Und the guise of helping' us to bear the p,m. The Secretary opened the meeting preseut and be ready for the futu wet ry mut 'piled enemies vi'ithin our mind to sap our strength. Worry is the dominance of our hind by a singly, vague, restli•ss, un - regulations, gave his report in in his usual able manner. satieiied, fearing and (cite fill idea. e;,• 44Totes Discounted re ATt` REASONABLE RATES Money ad4aucect on Mortgages at 5 pot oentwflh privilege of paying at tho end of any Year. ICnt, and accounts coilected. , Deaver Black Winchaln, Ont by reading the announcement of the same. Minutes of the last annual meeting were react and adopted.• The President,: after reading the The.. report cuntaitied some good Ttte mental energy and force that suggestions for the future benefit ot Y should he duties of-„tttl art d on the sec. the institute. On motion by Messrs.t]Sen ,,ur of the day Is constant 1.‘„and • suri•e liUoud abst a ted. Hetherington and Wilson the report i' y r c. was received, and :±bsorht tt by this one tiled idea. • The full r On motion by DlessrsrMorrish and rani strength of the ancon- Elfurd it was deeided that Miss biose scions working, of the mind, that be engaged for four meetings. which prudtiees our heat success, that a The report of the President was then adopted.' It was decided to bave three directors for each municipality, Ashfield --•J. N. McKenzie, J. An- drews, J. Hayden. W. Wawanosh-G. Howatt, Mart. Young, Wm. Bailie. E. Wawanosh—M, Lockhart, R. C. McGowan, A. ,Currie. Colborne --- N. Kernighan, R. There is perhaps no economie Young, J. Dustow. measure which tbe Government has Hallett -Wm. Jackson, Jno. Wil- introduced at this Parliament that is 800, Jas. Snell. of greater importance than the In- Turnberre —Gavin Wilson, . suranee Bill, and although there was Blyth—F. Metcalf, C. Hamilton, some Opposition to tbe measure on A. Sloan. the part of the interested companies, - Clinton --D. A. Forrester, W.Weir. or some of them, the compromise tioderich—ti4Ic,D. Allan, Warnock which was arrived at in the end was Heaton, an eminently fair one, The Finance Goderieh township—F. 0, Elford, Afinister struck a responsive ebord W. Marquis, G. Acheson. when he asserted as the cardinal Auditors -R. Diellwain, Charles of the bill, which the. Government Girvin. was determined to preserve, that, the The President siguified his `inten- principle amount of the insurance, tion -of withdrawing, and the Insti- tbe amount which the eompanies bad tute gave him a hearty vote of contracted to pay to the families of thanks, and (nude him an honorary policyholders should be kept intact, member, for bis ten years of faithful The Oppositioncame from those who service as president of the. W.FI F.I. had taken out sharing or participat The President'then introduced J. ing policies under which they, every T. Darrow to the audience. Mr. year, received or expected to l-eeeive Garrow"in. his opening remarks, ex a share of the profits of the company, pressed his sympathy with tne tar - and who saw a danger that if the vier, and spoke of the dependetee of companies„ were compelled tit put a all upon the agricultural interests. larger proportion of the peridiums to He said he, was independent in rest account than formerly they politiesand other matters and a eon. would not get as .Targe a dividend servative by nature. What we want. annually as they have been getting is the honest man with t -he Upright in the past, Mr. -Fielding pointed character. Inteileetaality should be out, however, that the wwliolequestion cultivated; mind rules the world Was one of figures,that under the All knowledge should he open to the changing" circumstances the rate of farrier; • scientific agriculture is a interest having decreased very iia- necessity. lie thea gave a; very ex- teriaily in recent years the 'same cellent and instructive address on amount laid aside each year would "Common, every day Law,” dealing t produce as mueh as was the case principally with waters and water rmerly and tterefore, it was neves. coarses I. tie tasty spoke on that stt,bjeet ry in order to be on the safe side of highways, fund advised`councils' at the amount, should be increased etc.,. to be. very easeful lest they in the willows and fain:lies of poliev vire law suit by their negligence or bottlers were to be assured of getting the public roads. the fuil amount of their policies' in Otr:motion by Lookhal't and An the future, and he was emphatic derson, and discussed by Couneillol•b that, as between the :haring of pro- and ex councillors Mead, i3arelay. fits for the present and the paytncnt Hunter, Kernighan and nth f of the full amount of the poker• colt-. " hearty vote o ere, e traeted for by the Company, the ' 1F r, e t o thanks s was tendered 1, , 't3ttrd4'iv for, his is U able address, Government would protect the in- A meeting of the Directors wfas tercets of the ttidow and orphans, called at.;the close of the annual Itis dcelaration ti at, the policy bul'zers meeting ' and the following stale of Litt d after alt no definite ,contract officers elected :-'-Pres,. Jas, Snell; rider Which they shared tin profits 1st vice-president, R. Young;2nd as at first questioned, btct a little vice, J. Wilson ; See,• 'ren, 1te, C Ito The tortures of Salt Rheum nre almost be. fo Tend human endurance, and as the flush bo. sa comes raw, and the itching and burning increase, the suffering is so intense as to th almost drive one crazy. if In desperation salves and ointments are. ttpptic'I, only to give rise to further disappoint. =tent and despair. Out then; is hope. 'there is assurance that you eau b� cured just as scores and hundreds of others have been by using 1)r. Chase's dOintmtit. stir. John Siron, of Aultsville, Ont., writes: 2�or seven year; I es -as a"sufferer from Salt Rheum and t t l n hands were t •t l 1 had yl ti to eft Rheum, Nothing wear eased gloves. e. $to help m Lid n i e I as induced to try I.)r. Chases Uint- trifent, and one box cured me completely. "There i, not 1 trice of the Salt Rheum left." 'Dr. Chase's Ointment has effected most rnir tcnloua cures in all parts of tins great is ir)omininn. Couhl you have better assurance lab it will tut.er:17 I-orsale by all deafen, } ar�c'kt.nianiou, Atte* .-C*., Toronto W • represents vat' finest aeti'vity, is tap- ped, led away and -wasted on wot i'y. 'd'oe'r`' must not be' colifuaed,with" - anxiety, though both wot-ds -agree in meaning ltri„ 'batty, a "choking," or a "strangling," referring:rof Bourse to the throttling et?ettt upon indivi: dual activity Anxiety faces large issues of life i.eriously, calmly with dignity. Anxiety always suggests hopeful •pu,sibility ; it. is actrve. in .being ready and devising measures to meet the 'outcome, Worry is not one large itldivitlual sorrow ; it is a colonel of (tear, vague, insignificant, restleis, itops of fear, that become import' ut only from their combine: tion, their eoubtency, their 'iteration. --11'iltialn OPt>rge Jordan in The Satu.rrtay 1tvi'uil11.: Pot., 5!" INCH M STEAM PUMP WORKS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. • Daniel Showers, I ant now prepared to supply. the public with wiw,:.meyvnevsu,MFA M-�u _,w..Wu..,aM,wrrlrt�e Noy n ;bac � 9 c .+ o isease 8' 2 In its advanced stages—That Roo. eon Why -Danger Prevented by hien Timely Use+ of Dr. i3. W. Chaba'er Itie/nolpLitrcr Pina. To understand frights Disease ,s to know that in its advanced stages it is past the reach of human aid. The cells of the kidneys undergo a wasting ohange, which leaves then' . dead so far as perforating their functions is concerned, Just think of having the kidneys' dead. Think of trite poisons left in the system when these organs could no longer perform their duties as .filters of the blood, It would be difficult to conceive of anything more dreadful, e and yet this is the goal to which everycnse of neglected kidney disease tnust lead, When the back aches, when urinating is difficult or too frequent, when there are de, posits in the urine after standing for 24 hours, there is no time to lose in procuring Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. It is not claimed that they will cure Bright's Disease in its last stages. They are an ohso- , lute euro for kidney disease, antiso long as the kidneys ere not entirety wasted away they will give new strength and vigor and enable theta to resume their duties of filtering the blood. jr.aChases Kidney -Liver .fills will stop backache and headache in short order by re- . moving the cause, and will positively prevent Bright's Disease. One pill a dose, 25e, a box. At all dealers, or Yvon:anson, 13...tes 41 Co,. Tdrente. Cavcatsaiid'; rade•Mn-k't obtained, and alt patent business conducted for MODERATE PEES, My office) hi the • immediate vicinity 'n't o f thePatent Office, ai cend my facilities for seaming patents ate nwpsseiSend model, sketch or photograph oftdvertion,wit description andstaterfier,tas to advantagqes claimed, °1 Ntrcicnroro•Wa shade foraaottinforte as to xthttlhfhM1j,r and rte fee for prosccutintt the applleeion titl��i nod 3o daltect for rt -n fhb pedanttrtilourect, "ltssmt'rons' Cutis;'' can. mainingfurl informationscat free. Afl Cpfrtmuhlo S*ttIOfS conttddi'odl S5 ttr1Ctl' ecnffderilal. H. HOUGH �.^ it Aegrte 0144.0111iCIMICON.0 7M» in. Stseste, . ALCSTEEL . lu . lir IGL Aco FuitTTHAT 111Lt1S Wood and Irons Force and Lift .Pumps, Brass - and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, •Baths, Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies, Galvanized Steel Windmills tor power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing. promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. 1�. MORNMG TAR 13sr 144 Wingitam, Ont. EARLY LO1 , Before placing yatir order for Spring Clothing call and see our . NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half more than new and better goods of the latest styles will c:�. _i tt ca. 8 to da. �' 1 We Vitale clothes that fit. tf.9 acarr10E,JOS CratltN S1 i4T LV1ZCCrl>a14I, ONTAlt1o. Subsolipticulpr10c,$1 Yellr,111144VA410e Atte i RTIDIN , tLVrr3 yr, ' 1 t oro 1 tt 1001 1 ua0 on, Colutt.n 800 00" S1G Ota ->U i,p' halt 4a 00 10 12 00 00 quarter "' 10 001 12 00 - 7 00 2 0<i. one Ocit I 5 001 8 011 • k 00 I oq 1'aeat Witt 011107 u t'ol'l amettisenleut, 8e per Ude- re/ th•s4insortion.tunlito per line torcaoheubsctltrent, in-arti•'o iloasurori hl nonpareil mato. ,.ossa notices 10,•, per lien for tires insertion, G.:. per line tor ouch sttlreu.quont ;neerticr. A,trcrtiseatents of Lost, 1''Ound, Strayed, Situr/010Se 8 line uonpii}oli, 01 inoss forrtm Drata' month,andnot r60e to 011,40 subsequent month, doI; ses and Terms far Salo, not exceeding 8 'lino, 0. for first month, GOo, per subsequent mon*Larger adrortlstvn ^its in: proportion. These, urine teat bo strictly adhered to ' " Special rates for larger advertise!), or on• lougorperiods, Advort,ietnents and lotiiitnotfeos without speeida Monitions will no inserted till' forbid and charged' accordingly'. Transttury advortiswnonts must 5e paid in adeanca Changes for contract advertisements must be. in theofMae by Wednesday neon, 10 order to 5ppeari that weak IL 0, ELLIOTT, PAorantroa Axe Pun51a0144 INGFIA.M HOSPITAL SURGICALhe treatment of DISEASES ICot WOMENAnd re- address KEN Medical thiperintendc t 1nghant, Ont: DvANSToi i% * BARRlSTER, SOLICIT011" Etc„ Private and Company tunas to loan' at lowest tato. interest. No commission charred, • Itdottgn as, town and farm proper* Wn wlit and sold OFFICE—Beaver Bleak t5.i0on.&n, ' 0, A, titrBTON BARRISTER, ac.. W,ngitan., Out, E. L. DJOK[1'OION, DARlsrsTER, ETC. bo5I0 11' .013 To aunt OF IIA3fiLTol:. ara:tl3p" :'('s LOAN, OMco—Moyer Blank. Svit,gbam c M 0, CAMERON,' iARRlSTER, SOLICITOR, , t.t?l+l'V.EIANCEH, dtC, QI}icc—Corner Ilamfltun afar 8t: Antlre3l, streata" ` opposite Colborne Hotel. oe»iSaaCt3, ONTAnit), It RTIMR, J. IRWIN, DE 8, L D 8, Doctor of Dantat Surgery 'of rho Pennsy`.lvauis. Centel College Sod Llcuoti,te r t the;toyud College .01 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oittee over Posta Moe, R ugham; ' t A. 01ROt10; Z. D. S , DENTIST IIAS WITH'v • tutu b. 0. Ross, graduate of the 1t. C. D. S. of Ontario, and is prepared • to do all manner aft Dental work at reasonable prices. Beaver shock, opposite the Brunswick ,Souse, Winghani. "'{ onN I iromE' s ^ GENERAL 1115II IANCE AO1;N1` Wrsotratt, QNTAuree; JEANS, Ja., witmaau, LICl asap AUCTIONEER FOh. .. -U1 COcNT or IIUI1ON. Sales attended In Any part of the Cro. Charge Moderate. %RN ctrRI4I18, tinxttifAM, Uvx., e�. L1CrN81:X1 AiJCTIONEER, Sales of t!drm'Stock and ?!arm" Implements specialty. • All orders left at tree Titins ottico promptly atten.f od to. Terms reasonable. . - G,r'1ANlt TRUNK NK II,AIL'W.B . Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Itfncardine ntrard' ,. Aiii3Iv#'I G 40 a, tn. 3 05 p. ttx .830p to10e0pm 855nIll 305plit 653am11109;in 38ei,tri 800pm 11 10 a In d 48 a ml 880pm 380pm 1020pm 8'80aat SOCIETY AMEETINeSR . • Q t+' _Camp Caledonia, ;No. Ili, meet r . 06—the first nett third trondoy- Iu every Mouth, in .he Odd Fellows Ftal,. Viitinu brethren totem'' J. Murray, Chief. & ElliotU, Rae, -Ser . JOB PiOiT1NG . NCLODING} Oo0ks, Pamphlets, Posters, 131 Heads, Circulars, &c., 82o., executed In the best Style ofthe art, at moderato prices, and do ober* notice,' Apply address Dept y or 112LL i3. ELLIOTT. 7` less Ctttoe, Winghaani BOOKBINDING Elr? ri il.fiJ are tvdtona that 'lhockas9nt;tt itt anfBatiks queen's Block.' }rotiItatte)ton. PrleasforBinding to any rude will: be gave» nal anpliosti4u 0 the T0408 nttloe