The Wingham Times, 1899-06-30, Page 2Lava -Liver Pills have neenate the COUNTY .00TJRT,
ladieel favorite cathartic. They act'
withoet any griping, purging or sicken- CIVIL AND CRIMINAL OASES DISPOSE
huh mei pereisted in fur it time eure oe j juxem meesoy; LAST weves,„
habitual Ceinetleation
A nein eeelom does anYthing. the The County Court and. General
way a Women thinke it slieald be Ses,Sieus c't the 1)°"e ewlinemed at
(Ilene. 12 o'eloek p. in. on Jane 13th, before
Ills 'lunar Judge Masson, in the
A fl. IX '401,4'1 shteeld he built of !town hall, the ',court house being
wonttriz on end lighted by :engaged with the election court.
a, bay wiedow. 1 The grand jury consisted of
i Luther Allan, Colborne ; George
!Beattie, Stanley, ; James Ballantyne,
tn,, ' 1, I7ehorne ; Wan Gallagher, liowicle
,,....._ 1, Edward Galbraith, Howiete; Joeeplt
11Ienderson, MeKillop ; Robert Ham -
'to• T • 1 • • • • - i• • -
4, ut e tot i y , 1 howee jeu ewe,
eflne.) I f.loderich townehip ; left McNair,
r l Grey • Wm, Netherly, East Wawan-
nee L; t es:il
• 1 r• n ri `.:0 '..-<",
?L!Li l'740
cent; John Itothivell, Stanley, and
Louis Weiner,. Stanley Robert
I. Hamilton was clown lutetium. ,
l• ''. eFarlane vs. McFarlance-Aetion
loll a promissory note. Pnilip atilt
t t..• ---. • i _. •
Reg, vs, Lase young,1Ventilating the Ilouee en Summer.
"Admit Sunlight at ieast a part of
the day in as many ef the tonins as
poesible, e,pecialle in the. sitting
room, dinning room and kitchen,"
says the writer or ..Five•Nlinute
Talks on Good Health," in the July
puritan "ievery
were heard. Youug iaiinseit was iLadies' Home I
wtio is an Indian, was eliarged with
breaking into the house ot Lobt.
Bell, jr., at Hensall, and, stealing
therefrom $12 in a purse and also
sumo napkin rings and other articles,
P. Holt defended the prisoner. A
number of witnesses ou both sides
very interesting witness, tie eiairaediroom should be aired daily and given
that he had bought the articles found
in his possession from one Maher.
son, a white man, in the swamp be-
tween 'Zurich and Hensall, and he
accounted very well for the money
he had apd that which he had been
spending. A subpeena was issued for
OP the attendance of McPherson,
nut it was served on the wrong man,
and the right man then ceuld not be
found. The prisoner was found not
guilty, .
Firm. DA's --seeuenev,
Polley vs, Aliller.—Aetion for bal
si-efriseeee.......e.e.e 1
the benefit of the sunlight, it not; of
sunshine directly. Should you Ouse
the hose or a. part of it during the
day, do not do it so eompletely as to
shut out the moving air, but invite
it in through the open windows at
the bottom, and after its mission of ,
purification is aecomplished give it
free egress. through the windows:
opened at the top. The dust may
find its way in ante, but better some
dust and some .air than no dust and
no air. Bear in mind that a cool
room in summer he not desirable icor
bealthfel if the coolneas-has been e
fordeft.iii pit G. 1 elltair fur deft . anee of account. Garrow Freud - parchased at the expense of fresh
....11;ifeii4e h,s y consent Of connsel trial was post have every window of very living -
e 1
room lowered from the top, if only a
'-'" aud costs of action. few inches.
EE.COND DA r—WEDNESDA”Y. McConnell vs. Harrison. — This
Court opened at 10 o'clock a. m. was an action to recover the penalty
Strongh vs. Cousley et al.--Aetion for non -return of convictions of de -
for board and nursing. Philip Holt fendant as a Justice of the Peace
within the time provided by order in -
council was passed remitting the
penalty, and the ease stands for ar-
gument on legal points. E. Campion,
Q. C., for plff. ; Philip Holt for deft.
Fawcett vs. Ross.—Action to re-
cover the price of fishing material.
rtotaveeIer exnern:
11,74tio FL
Thee, rierem Lees "-^eespeesia,
A. per.
Dir', 271o:ea, Drewsi.-
tes, t:1."7:-.zt:r.,:ri the "Alcuile Ceatesl. Tongie.
l'ata ie. the They
Devels. ze-.....te Vegetable.:
• -(7. •..Dcoz.f.a;
Subs i-,itution
ate -2..-a7.7.4 of /leo deee
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
InsL-.t and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
another permanent cure
by 13.B.P.. after two
doottQi.a failed.
Ask any doctor and he will tell you
that, next to cancer, scrofula is one
of the hardest 'eases to cure.
Yet Burdock D.00d Bitters applied
externally to the pats affected and
taken interne "y cured Rev. Wm.
Stout, of Kirkten, Ont., permanently,
after many prominent physicians
failed; Cured Mrs. W. Bennet, of
Crewson's Corners, Ont., perman-
ently, when everyone thought she
would die. Now Mr. H. H. Forest,
Windsor Mills, PQ., states his case
,s follows:
"After having used Burdock Blood Bit-
ters for scrofula in the blood, I feel it my
duty to make known the results. I was
treated by two skilled physicians, but they
failed to cure me. I had running sores
.on my hands and legs which I could get
nothing to heal until I tried B. B.B. This
remedy healed them completely and per-
•manently, leaving the skin and flesh sound
and whole,"
court, -
counsel for plaintiff. G. 1?.
counsel fur defendant. The plaintiff,
Mrs. Strough, keeps a private board-
ing house in Goderieh, and took
aetien. t) recover from tne executors
of the late Thomas Taylor an ac-
count for board and nursing of the
deeeased. Judgment was given for The defendant is a resident of Bay-
piainsiff for $103.59, with costs to field. William Proticifoot for plff. ;
plaintiff fixed at $60, the plaintiff Philip Holt for deft. Stttled out of
consenting to a set off of $75, the court ber counsel.
amount of her husband's note to the This concluded the business before
deceased, set off to be without costs.
The court adjourned until 10
o'clock Thursday morning
Tne election trial having been con-
cluded, the court was held in the
court house.
Jones et al. vs. Eeonomieal Fire
Insurance Company.—Action on an
insurance policy. J. T. Garrow, Q.
C., and L. II.°Diekson (Exeter) for awaiting trial at tbis court, one 'in-
sane. We recommend a more suit-
plffse J. P. Woods, Q. C. (Stratford),
able residence for the jailor and his
for (lefts. One of the jurors, after 4.
being sworn, was excused on the iam„"Y•
ground that he was an agent nf de- ROBERT HAMILTON,
fendants, and, by consent of counsel Foreinan.
the trial proceeded with :eleven Goderich, June lath.
jurors. The plaintiff, Jones, is al
merchant at Winchelsea and in ad-
dition to his business as a storekeeper
he conducted an apple evaporating
"Tis worth a lag. of gold." This ap-
plies with special force to Hood's Sarsa-
parilla, America's Greatest rdedicias.
Before. After. Wood's Phosphodino,
The Great English Berney.
• ir .i druggists in Canada. Only reit.
Sold and recommended by ell
., :
'..;•`. - f '\.... able medicine discovered. $LT
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelPb
of price, one package 51, six, St. One wig please,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Winghani by Colin A. Campbell,
the court, which rose at 11 a. in.
The jurors for our lady the Queen
beg to present that they have exam-
ined the jail and find all the rooms FIRST MAN : "Hello Bill, whatFA R
(fieeelin:ir? r ,
e ve
k _
', - 1:4 V" I
'ill; ;;N: -Te-gete- bitt-Prepa-r-e-ti-on-fo-r'-'A75---'
sialitatilo, theFoodandllegula-
tir; theSIvatomarizend.130weis of
.., elAktnie
• • • • •
ETC15° SI 1 laGirdSriellitg,Ceosnttin;Csireirthrtiel;
Opani,Morphine -nor Mineral.
• • I I • 1
rum/hitt Sea
.(114-.Settnez •
Road& Saki —
.Ethe Seed .
Di CatAenakSan•
Ji, Sea -
etterilid Stujor •
ig•lOtyrcen. Nam:
Ape -feel Ilemedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Wrens ,Convulsionsjeverish-
s and Loss or SLEEP.
Tee einile Signature of
Castoria is put up in ono-sizo bottles only. It
is not sold in befit. Don't allow anyone co
yen anything else on the elm or promise that it
is "just as good" mud "will answer every pur-
pose," tOr Bee that rya get 0. -11 -S -T -O -R -I -A.
Tho lac-
dgnatiao A:te, Ise"
of ° wrapper.
clean and in order. They find four are you driving at these days', you MERS
prisoners in jail, none of whom have
any complaints to M—one serving seem to be on the jump all the time
and walk as though you had inn
evvo .171.0 A
a sentence of three months, RE
portant business on hand."
establishment. When his place was
burned down, he included in his For infants and Children.
stock, and as coming within the
terms of the policy issued by dee szegt- is m
fendants, a quantity of apples; and Idlers
the snit arose over the question of
the reserve stock usually kept in a
country store. In charging the juryl THE PULPIT AND THE PEW.
His Honor directed that, a portion of i •
the apples being new stock, they;
could not be included in the policy. TION, AND THE CONGREGATION
The jury, however, brought in a ver- THE MINISTER.
diet for the full amount asked, $350. .
His Honor directed that on this ver -i Between a minister and his con; SECOND MAN : "1 don't. see why
diet judgment be entered for the gregation there is an action and y01: could not, but write and get
plaintiffs for $350 and costs of the ' reaction, so that the minister makes them to make you an offer."
FIRST MAN s "Thanks old man,1
I will, and P11 let you know how le i
tarns out." i
SECONu MAN : "Well, the,fact is,
Jack, a little prosperity puts the
drive in a man. I have struck -a
position at last, after a year of hard
luck, which is panning out first-rate."
FIRST MAN : "Well, that's your
luck, for I am doieg mighty little
these days. But what have you
SECOND MAN : "I have taken a.
hook agencv from '1 HE BRADLEY-
GABRESTON 'CO., (Limited) of Brant-
ford, Ont. They have been at me
for mouths te canvass, bat -I laughed
at the idea, and at last they made
me a geod offer, so. I thought I'd give
it a trial. I have been at the work
nonetwo months, and I like it first-
rate, and am going to gtick to it.''
FIReT MAN: "Say Bill, do YOU
• think I could do the work, for I saw
• the advertisement of this firm yester-
day, for more men." •
)0 YERS Ort action on and after the tbird day of the congregation, and the eongrega-
A, Belleville Lady, Vib.oin Doctors
Paged to Helps Cured at
township of Morris and occupy ad -
Last by Ilon's Kidney joining lands. It was claimed by
the plaintiff that through the nein-
the next sittings of the court. tion makes the minister. When one
Williams vs. Kelly.—Action for 'speaks of a minister's service to his
the loss of a horse E. L. Dickinson' -people one is not thinking of pew
(Wingbam) for plff.; E. Campion, Q. rents, and offertories, and statistics,
O.,for deft. The, plaintiff and the and crowds; nor of schools, and
defendant are both farmers in the guides, and classes, and lectures.
The chief question, therefore, to
consider about a minister' work is :
What kind of men has be made ?
And one, at least, of the most de-
cisive questions by which the mem.
bers of a. congregation can be judged
is : What have they made of their
minister? By that one does not
struetion properly guarded, a coltmean what salary they may give
tolonging to the plaintiff brokehim, nor how agreeable they may
through the fence and got into the be to him, but how far he has
barn, where it fell through the floor become a man and risen to his
acd was killed. The Plaintiffelaimed height in the atmosphere of bis
$100 damages, The ease commenced eongregation. Some eongregations
at 5.15 p. in. and was not concluded have ruined ministers by harassing
at 10 o'clock, when the court ad- them till they lost heart and self-
journed to the next day. • control and became peevish and ill-
tempered. Some congregations,
again, have ruined ministers by so
humoring and petting them that
they could etidure no contradiction,
and. became childish. That congre-
gation has done it duty most effec-
tively which has created alt attnos-
phere so genial, and yet so bracing,
that every good in its minister has
been fostered, and everything petty
killed.—Tati Maclaren in the July
Ladies' Home journal.
No one who has not suffered from kidney
disease can imagine the terrible torture
those endure who are the victims of some
disorder of these delicate filters of the
body. Mrs. Richard Rees, a well-known
andhighlyrespectediady of Belleville, Ont.,
had to bearthe burden of kidney complaint
for over 20 years and now Doan's Kidney
Pills have cured her when all else failed.
Her husband made the fellowieg state-
ment of her case: "For so years wy wWe
has been a sufferer from pain in the back,
sleeplessness and nervousness and general
prostratioe. Nothing seemed to help ber.
Doctors and medicines all failed, until we a FOURTE DAY—FRIDAY.
• t a ray of hope when we saw Dean's Williams vs. Kelly resitneed. The
Kidney ad.vertisect as a positive cure.
"She h egari to take them and they helped
her right away, end Mie is now better in
every respect. We can heartily recom-
mend Doan's Kidney Pills to all sufferers,
for theyseem to strike the right spot quickly,
arid their action is not only quick but it it
'I cannot say more' in favor of these
Iennderfui pills than that they saved my
wife from lingering torture, which she had
endured for 20 years past, and I sincerely
trust that all sufferers wilt give Doan's
Kidney Pitts a fair trial.'
gence of the defendant in net keep-
ing in repair the portion of the line
fence' winch he had agreed to- main-
tain, and in not having the ap-
proaehes to a berri in course of•cOn
jury retired at 4 20 p. m, and re
turned at 6 35 p. m. with the qttes-
dons submitted by His Reno: ans-
wered. The jury found in favor of
the plaintiff, and fixed the value of
the cult at $45'.
Reg. vs. Chambers, — Richard
Chambet s, of Goderieh township, was
arraigned for a serious assault upon
Edward Militant, of Colborne town
ship. County Crown attorney Lewis
proseeuted; Dudley Holmes appear
Five young men to travel, who would
not object spending part of their
time at canvassing. References.
Lout". cure eollmipation, bilion,snesn ed ibr the prisoner. After the hear. AellfgetmnenA grtattraltupargiA.adia tt,orlig
Melt lie.p4lef,o ing Of evidence aceordance With I, Ile; Mont atilt tiatUlreirot the nation's taol. Ett;:
Liver 1- ',IT 1.-,ist,,:cm.tL-11,--.T.3 His Honor's instructions theittry re- ig"tiandol;erst ;i °V e 8Tiineiet ;
anti to etwithout Ant' rg". di t 11 h 'irr rod do 0. .
50 Y EARS?
Anyone sending a sketell and description mal'
quickly ascertain our opinion free wbetber 531
invention is prebably patentable. Communica•
Hens strictly dentin]. Rand botik on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency Mr securthe eatent.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive
specie/ft/Ace, Without charge, in. the
This Trade tolark_is
on every Tag.
See that you get it
Will not be persuaded into purchasing the
unreliable Binder Twine which orne
dealers wish to sell for the.sake of the ad-'
ditional profit derived therefrom. '.ri.idel3r‘
made from low-grade fibres—such twine
1. contains but a' fraction of the quality,
strength and uniform evenness of °the high-
ly constructed Plymouth Brands.
21f your dealer does not handle our Twine, write Ply-
mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto.
................ __.._..,........__...„
1. l'
and the cold of Winter makes the use of different, break-
• fast foods almost imperative. for sotne natures. Rolled
• Oats nre nourishing but they heat the blood -some peo-
ple eau eat them and gait strength frotn them right
through the year.
is a rich. delicate, nourishing substitute for Rolled Oats -
for invalids and those of weak digestion, it serves an ideal
• purpose for the breakfast in hot weather. It Dm t•TOT
SEAT Tut?. EL000. Your grocer sells it by the pound,
The Tillson Co.'y Limited, Tilsonburg, Out.
A handsomely ilinotrated weekly. tamest els
mutt on 1, ourrial Terms. $3 a
Mall ?Air VOLithe, Sold by all Jrvaidtaleit.
MUNN & U0 36tereadway, new Tom
Branch 05103. ISi Kt. VirasIsinatnii. Cm, •
kW', Weakening or tut6 ver et of 00 tY. t gm=
PILLS erects. zsc. at all druggist:** prisoner being insane. COMpany,trd Niece Caxton Bldg., Chliatto. is
To PATENT Good Ideas 1_ • ,OGS 1
may be seemed by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore, Md.
WE Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
I An-slzes trt"4 to 24
WRITE EOR plums.
Tilt illiTili1111 Sttil PIPE 91,
"360 1-2 ADELAIDE ST. E.. r
trAerege AT Mitital. TORONTO
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done'atlowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Can and get priced be-
fore disposing of your timber.