The Wingham Times, 1899-06-22, Page 8R REA0111 0 tj I-4 R, TRADE. Busitieqs is good with us, htlt we `WM to do more. WEI WANT YOUR TRADE. 'We are doine our usrocst u merit It We've gathered the beet stock that brains, energy and cw h could gather, We marked the sellinge price as close Pr; possiblix. Of/ r tune over is lerge, :eel a little tel the tot does for us, People who do their ehoping here say they buy to bettor advan- tage and get better goods than they find elsewhere; and we krow if you, try as e on will say the same thing, These departments • aee especially interesting : Dres;$ Goods The best or all our best stocks, Ready-Wlade Clothing People that look through our stek - of clothing and compare values, buy where they are ready to make the investment, Parasols, Gloves and Hosiery The stock is overflowing with choice goods—just the kind that are sought for by those who know what's the cerrect styles. Carpets and Lace Cartains, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishings and Waterproof Coats, all at special prices. The looking irt any department at any time will be appreciated, and you'll not be made to feel that you are expected to buy. Shop early tsG M. FL i19NDOO. RABSONA118, Mr W Gonstab e was in Loudon on Mon- day last. Miss Strong is visiting with Blyth friends this week. Mrs Andrews is visiting with her parents in Listowel. Diss John Dixon is visiting with friends in Ilarrxiltoft. Miss Lottie Bisbee is visiting with friend in Goderich this week. Mrs Barry Jeffery is visiting under th parental roof at Seaforth. Mrs John Tilt has returned home from a visit with friends in Guelph • Mr Pilchard Arscott, of London, was in town for a few days this week. Miss L Sutherland, of Blyth, visited he 'sister, Mrs A E Carr this week, Thos Gregory has been spending .a few days on a trip lap the lakes. lrflas May Broadfoot, of Seafortn, ' with her condos, the Misses Cline lo Blackwell has gone to Manitoba • he intends residing for a few months osT G Snarling left this morning for W*Oeg, wherehe intends spending about a frolath• uharlie Cluff and Mr George Duck, of Toronto, are visiting at Mel:leery Kerr's *hie week. Master Gen Gray; who has been attend - hag school at Jitiuiira,N !, is home for the holidays. Mrs Geo opp, of Duluth, is visiting with her eiters, Mrs R $ McGee add Mrs Jos Gray. Miss Kew, operator at the G N tele. graph office, is visiting with friends at MISS Maggie Lind lett here On Tueeday for Winnipeg, where she purposes residing for a few months. Mrs Walker, of Ingersoll, who, has been 'visiting with her son, Me 0 Ile Walker, returned home this week. Mist Hillhouse and Mies 'Young, of Clifford, were guests at the home of Mr. and lars. B. Davis on Thursday. Dr and etre Towler were in nxe'ter On Tuesday aed Wednesday, attending the enunal convention of the Huron County 0 k 'Union and SR Association, Mrs A. G Stewart, formerly of the Tees - sneer New* and Mr A 1h:tolled, editor of the Teeswater News, were in town on Thursday last week. elle Stewart left Teeswater 011 Thursday for the West. Ite infrerels vieiting the Dauphin and Swann leiter districts and if he geese, favorably opening will permanently locate fe the Wast, enel.TUVel. Xieneee, The buildings and grounds of the Egli- muth Ladies College (Episcopalian) at London have been sold to the Sisters ef St Joseph. Rev Ur (login and wife and Mr Robert Currie, er, attended the meetiuge of the Congregate:eat Haim of Oriterio and Quebec:, a Brentford. They report enthusieetic and prosperous gatherings Baptist ("hurch.---Lord's day, June 25. 11. a. m. j.memorial eervice will ig• held in conneotion with the death of the tato i[tkiRobt. Molciath. 7 p. m. The subject for evenieg diseoeree will b eruture Puu. isle:woe or is there a Ilene"' The follow lag Lord's, dey evening the sehiect will be Heeveli." All are nestle welcome. Bev Geo F Salton, Pit B, of Eamilton, formerly of Brussels and wal.knowniu Winghatn, has suffs?red Ilk deep berua-ement in the death from diphtheria his pro, timing young 6011, X'etuy. blow is rendered the more distressing by the illness of MIR Salto,* and his sou Haroh,i, from the some dist ase The Sunday Schdol convention of the Anglinan churches in the deanery of Huron was held at lieneall on Wednesday of last wevit. Bev W Lowe of tawli, witir itt.. tendance. Several good panels were read and discussed, and the following °Moors for the ensuing year were elected i—Ron pres, Rrirel Dean Hodgins; pres, Rev 0 T Mills; vice pros, Miss fIohnes, Clinton ; convention sec, Mr Prank INIetcalfe, Blyth ; rec sec, Ch4e So.nders, •Seaforth. The next convention will be held in Blyth, Tha children's service held iu the Con- gregational church the first Sunday of this month was a marked success. The pro. gramme was a long one, but was well sus. Mined throtighont. Mrs Jackman, wife of Rev Mr Jackman, of Chicago, was present and gave valuable assistance; her own three little children reciting and assisting in the song service with winning naivete. Mr Gavin Wilson, superintendent or the school. and Bev Jno W Goffin gave ad- dresses. THE WEST HURON TRIAL. • The mountain has travailed, and • up to the present the mouse hasn't appeared, Monday last the eleetion trial •against' Hon, J. T. Garrow in West Huron was begun, and after three full days in court the result is as follows: Fifty two charges were pre- ferred, of which thirty were dismiss- ed absolutely, some half-dozen were reserved. pending the establishing of agency, ,and the remainder were withdrawn. Goderich town, frorn which the opponents of lion. Mr, Garrow hoped for great things, because of theman- ner in which it bad so nobly support. ed him on that occasion, proved to be without spot or blemish, The chargee against the members of the Club Blazes vanished into thin air when was discovered that the Club was merely an organization to promote the candidaey of M. G. Cameron for the Commons. Some of the members s , mated that they felt sore at first be- cause Mr, Cameron was not the running mate of Mr. Garrow at the Convention, but all had loyally got into line on election day without pay, • eighteen years of age, stands six y,appears feet in his stockings, and weighs no less than 225 ponds. so.keromiotamassommes......*elasemersomenftraftyremsalaraemr Gooles Cotton /toot Compoun promise or hope of reward Wingham, on the contrar GORRiX Mr, T. H. McLaughlin is attend. in g the Presbyterian General Mum by meeting.at Hamilton.. -.Mr. 4. Spotton„ B. A.,. well-known in this vicinity, has. opened a tam Office at Harriston. His friernIS here wish him .every SUCCS8S. Miss Carrie Ardell, of Greaten, is visiting with her mother here, Mrs A. B. Parney and children, are imuy Ou utwoniontbs' visit with friends in Stmeoe Comity, N� service was held in the Presoy-- teriaa earth last Sunday, The pastor le. attending the -Genera As- sembly at Hamilton, Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of 11.1olcs.worth, will eon- dact the $ervices. next Sanday. Oa. Wednesday, ;lune rith, Dr, J. J. Williams,. of Li6le, was united in marriage to MiSS Annie, only daught- er of the late James Perkins The ceremony took place at the (may residence and wits performed by Rev, 13, Parney, assisted by Rev, W. Lowe, of Wingliam. Rub, Akin, an old Howiek. boy, who now resides in $hertuan, Texas, is at present. renewing old aequatetances here. The •ane[ of death has again tome into our midst, and on Thar& • day, June- 8th, claimed another of Gorrie's .eitizensin the person of -Mr. Thomas Nash, sr„ at the advaueed. age of 72 years. Mr. Nash has been a resident ot • this township 'for a number of years and latterly resided in, orrie. • The funeral took -place en Saturday afternoon and was fol. lowed to the cemetery by • a large concourse of friends. 'A widow, two sons and three danghters are left to imam his demise. Ury for fa R. A. McKee, of Seaforth, was drowned while bathing at Min neclosa. Welland Town. has ioted to bor- row 840,000 for streets, schools and town hall. There are in the Baptist Associa- Lion of Toronto 5,467 inembers, an 'increase of 217, ' The Scott Aet was repealed in Brome county-, the majority against the act being b' 40. N. X, Dingman, of Palmerston, Out , has been appointed inspector of inland 1.eventte for the Stratford division, in place of the late 31r. Hamilton, of Belleville. The Mayor of Stratford. believes July 1st -to be the proper day on •which to celebrate Dominion Dai , and for that reason has refased to change the holiday to Monday, the 3rd. The Bayfield line people can well boast of .the biggest boy in the town- ship for his age, and that is Arthur Welsh, son of Alex. Welsh, who is to be a bad town when a boodleris r 1 on deck, and •there are some very crooked Tories living in it. On the night of the 6th or morning of the 7th an Unknown was at work. He s was very drunk, and was trying to '' act the fairy godmother to everyone in sight, so far as the distribution of ' Wm -dollar bills was concerned, No evidence was produced to show that- a solitary vote was affected by the pro miseuous distribution of the two -spots, but any amount of testimony was given to prove that, if the Winghatle Tory is accerding to the sample pro duced in court, from a moral stand point he is not a very strong prop to the British constitatior4 so far as the Maintenance of the law is coneerned, Theophilus Finnen, like Oliver 'twist, wanted "More I" Hobbs swore CHAS, iltNieRSON, • Wingbare P., O. that he had been bribed and had , then unblushingly taken the oath at is Is successfully tiled monthly by ove 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies as your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rind Com - paned. Take no qtker. as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Priee,No. 1, $1 per box, No,2, 10 degrees stronger, 53 per box: No. or 2, Mailed on receipt of price and two s-oent stoups, The Cook Companyairindsor, Ont. rW"Nos. 1 and Soid anti recommended bg all responsible Druggists bu Canada. No.1 and No. 2 f sale by Colin A. Campbell DrUggist k • STRAY HEIFER Strayed ont3 the premises of the un. dersianed, lots 7 end 8, concession 1, Morris, about the tniddle of May, one year old heifer. Owner tuay get pos- seesion of same try proving- property and paying all expenses. the poll ; some of the others were not so brazen in their declarations, but nearly every- one was glad of e chance to reach oat for the stuff. Net Pringle LEADING one of them admitted that his vote had been affected, but one and all stood by the principles of the grand UTGHER old Conservative party—and an ap. propriation, The ease has been transferred to Toronto, where the evidence of a Missing witness is to be submitted to the eourt, and argument made on the question of agency, and Hon. tar. Garrow, and his friends confidently leave the matter in the hands or the court.—Ooderich The ease was called at Toronto on AeltZgia:01 tia;iZaDe"Azygr:1/ tL4TPE.w01:11,1°t Saturday last, bat the missing, f naval hero. Sy Mitratwtaiteade, the We'. nets was net present and the easel goat arrrgoVottn:iii,c'srerstc:014 pnngates16,IA 11(01°Ini. inches ; 8oth. bit June EnormOmi demand. Dig eounnissfons; Ontilt f 17. 1 1 Chance of liMerne, Write quick. The D nr959r; Company, tirct Moor Caxton 131dg., Dt11640.°1111 I Having purchased the butcher buei- nese next the Brunswiee, I am prepared to supply- the public with nit kinds of Fresh nod Salt Keefe, Sausage, Bologna, &c. Orders taken and meat delivered te any part of towo. A call solicited. 'PhoneNo. 0. rit.111(61-141.3. • . - ;The fast train service on the Cana - Wan Pacifie Railway started' nester day, trains being sent out from Montreal and Vancouver to cross the continent in four days. imseeze. Bou—In Wroxeter, on Alpe Sate wife of Mr, Robert Meek Remo. maitetite Iilereoer— freveie—A t the resideeoe of the bride's father, Victoria street, on June 21st, by Pastor Freed, Mr. 0harles. 4 KM, Ofrn berry,19 ivlise eseie M04- lwain, of Wingliatu.IF 4MAD; Belece..—In 'Porn berry. on Jen° 18th,, Jane, wale of Mr. James aged 40 ygos, 4 months and .17 daye,ir W.Tasn.—in Gorrie, on June 8th, Thos. Nash, sr„ aged 72 years, 11 months and 11 days.e, Why let your neighbors. know it? And why give therm a. chance to guess yotLare every five or ten years morel Better give them good' reasons for guessing the other way. It is very easy; for nothing tells of. age so. quickly :as gray hair.. ' :: • , Guewante Weamarantee. that this Paint, when properly used,,will not crack flakenr chaM of. and will cover more surface, work better, wear longer' and perManently look better than other paints, lneluding-Pure %flute Lead and OIL We hereby agree to forfeit the value of the Paint ena the e,ost et 1)1)&1, ing. If in any instance, it is not found, as above represented.. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. We are prepared to back this up and do-nothing more or Wet will: gladly furnish you plans and estimates upon any oFthe following lines: Eave-Troughing,. Hot Air, Steam, OF' Hot Water Heat- ing Bath Room. Fittings, Metal Siding and: Roofing, Metal rnteriOr Ceilings, Etc. We always, guarantee our work and ourprices.are always ft„ YOUNG 8z PAULIN HARDWARE MERCHANM, N.G. 8, LIGHT 'STEEL. ilfillER. Tho lap pattivn-io7ti atteili with eve ry. up-to-date improvement found on ear otla iitietnedatidallisoobofgindinaonn,y feethiteurrse,s•wiLecohatr make it an eminently atteesisful nmehinc- Roller and Ball Biarloge, Positive Gear Drive, High.") rive Wheel, Brim Barings for Canvas% Rollers, Siltiesret ItlienaoltUte4r,de' All Dyers Conveniently 0 per- ated b. Driver's Right Wi' OfACIT C6OSSiST 1NSPSO riori is a youth -renewer. It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never fails ta, restore color to gray hair. It will stop the hair from coming outalso. It feeds the hair bulbs. Thin hairbecomes thick hair, ancl short hair becomes long halr. t,cleanses thescalp; re- moves all dandruff, and is prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which .we will gladly send you. If yoa do not obtain all the bone. fits you expected front tho use of the Vigorwrite the doctor about it. Probably there is Acme difficulty rlrfel :ralsr5teuZge tflay boes itoya.Ad, h Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell, Mans, *teepee eeeemsne • 41 • Ata THE NOXON LINE OF MOWERS_ —,-7--,- - we lupe set out this year to please the^ ag,rictilturisti no matter what style or size of Mower he may set his mind Unary and we offer the greatest variety .of Up. to Date Grass Cutters manufactured Ly n,,any ono rM, Canadian or American, Our Mowers are fitted with Roller and Ball Bearings, Serrated Ledger Plates, Gears of Broad' Face, giv. ing large wearing surface. All our Frbnt,Out Patterns have Randy Foot Lifts, Examine critically our var- iety and you will make your choice , tvith us. • ; . . . .-N-0.)5..C>1\1`EWS • We have different style of Rakes to suit all classes of work and can please the most carefld and minions purcha.ser. • ALKER BROS. 84 BUTTON /WWI en oUr Agent or write us for catalOglIM JOHN OA.MPBELL, Agent, Wangnem. UNDERTAKERS, WINDHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Pirtle ,door south of School House. Shop op- postte Macdonald block. PUBLIC NOTICE. Having moved to town to the resi- dence lately oocumed by Geo P corner Centre and Alfred streets, near the GTR, I am prepared to pay the bighostoash prices for MI kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool Pickings,. Iron and Metal of all kieds, delivered at my residence, or if word be loft, I cynical' for sanu3, ea. OODMA.N. NOTICE TO CREDITORS t is - .:Lriceless • Get your sight tested. It 'costs nothing. WE Fri' SPECTAOLES Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.' Try us. R. 1UNSH OPTICIAN AND JEWNLER. Pursuant to an order of the MO Court of Jas. ace made in the matter of the estates settled by j • Crockett Willits, by will dated the 0Ist day Crockett Willitslate of the Township of Estates Act, 1805,the creditors of the estate of of July, 4.. D. 1890, and In the inatter of the Settled Howielc, in the Comity of Duren, Partner, decekCALL ND SEE ased, Who died in or about tho manta or August, A, 13.4soc, aro on or before the Ilth day of July, A, D. 1809, to tend by post prepaid to it. Vanstene, of the town of Wingbann, Wicker for the Toronto General Trusts corporation, the Trus- tees under the order made in this matter on the 25rcl day or September, A. D. 1800, their ehritalan and surnames, addresses end descriptions, the MO particulars Of their (+time, statement Of their accent -Its and the nature of the securitlet (11 any) held by then; In defanit thereof they will be peremptorily exeinded from tho benefit of the said order Every creditor bolding security 1sto pro. duce the same before um at my Chembere at the Town of Dederich on the 18th day et July; A, D. 1820, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, helot the time appeinteo for tjudication On the claims, Dated this 1251, day a June, A. D, 1890. It. VANSTONE, Wingham, B. L. Dont, Truttees' Soileiter. blaster at Dederick, LOUNGE REPAIRING QUICK MEAL GASOLINE AND BLUE FLAME oitsto4ve-.•• Ther are perfectly safe and warrarited to give satisfaction in both The undersigned is prepared to receive orders for repairing lounges and Bur —in g and Baking. matressesLounges re-covered, mat - mimes made over, carpets sewed and Lowest prices and good workman- ship. Orderpromptly attended td.. •NO DUST. NO SMELL NO NEAT Leaves orders at my rssidenoe, Oeiatte • , • street, next to Wm. trolmee',, or address SMITH box '54, Witigh Mb, •H WIC IltrAlltErt, FIE THIcK 1.2 6