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The Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 6
11,M amt ICS ?t�I1rA , J1 NS iti. teeth OUR OTTAWA W ITER. Prom our own terrc.rondeut. Citt;I :a, June t)th. The volanlinous etateueente that : - have been ma: e public this week in London and Washington, end in the Xi(y set'ttt Commons here, have thrown saint: ,:(lditit gni light upon the cum- plieated :Alaskan boundary dispute.! The cleat e or less ini omplcte an- notint:teine'ntd that have appeared from time to time during the past three wt.eks, gave already enabled the public i.to eta c neia1 and fa lr- 1gttC„til•.Le idea t}} the position ir1 the deletion, and the additional in, fortuatioo now given appears to con- :flrnl the understanding thus arrived at. The propesal of the British Con) miseionets was that there sheuid be the immediate appointment of an arbitraition:a tribunal to determine the boundary between Alaska and Carnal suet) tribunal to consist of, three: jurists, one appointed by the Iulpetiai Privy Council, one by the President of the United States and the thine by these two. The Anglo. Russian treaty of 1525 to be accepted as the basis of the negotiations. It she evidence showed possession of any territory by either party for a tet'tti of til'ty years such possession was to make good the title; of owner- spilt, which should also be considered est,tl,iisl.eti by the application of any et tett leae+;;nized p.it:ciples of inter at ti i:ai law. rile AMERICAN 1'nOPOIALS.. `.1.'1-u United States Commissiouers aet:et:tett these proposal's as far as they spout except that they desired the arbitration board to c•lrsist of • jurists, tbree nominated by each teoutory, and moreover, they proposed that "itt• eousidcring the 'et:dst' rte fees eti to in the said treaties it is under stood that the coast of the eon- ithent is intended, and that all towns and settlements of tidewater settled under authority of the United States at i he date of this treaty shall remain within the territory and jarisdietion -of tee United States." As the acceptance of this proposi- tion i.ractieally meant conceding one: of the principal points of dispute at ate, out -et tele British Commis3ioners sleetssaris)• were compelled to deeline to agree and for that reason the whole ilue::tion was ieferred by each side to its Lionle Government for diplomatic tteaunent, The terms finder which the initial Connmissioo• ere preliart d to pureed were inden- •tieal with there which formed the bard. IX tea Venezuelan arbitration • and ea, at the time of that dispute, ('Peat Britain cuneeded (ouch more than site /night reasonably be re- quired t++, rattler than end anger Trieedie relations with the United ww,ratlil lite, appear to . be t t. weer if no United Staten t:ere weer.. w:,rair.uet the i+re.ietil negotia- tt ,> l+ •.w the same basis. ;DA f.T.tNDs.irau. T wit: the p)-irittn art tvhivh the n et ter wasleft when tail'. Commission erdj ,l'es't) el three neln-irs ago. AS to plat hie taken place subsequently s:t tr e enure,: of the e•rrresrondence bet,w,•ern the three Govet'ntnents, no l'1 ciat statement has been Glade th r than the annouvieement that 'ar 'tions proposi:inns have been under Anel they HST THE are disifeased use the world`s grzafest kidney core s Kidney -Liver Pitts 'ea a simple matter to test the kidneys. You need not consult a doctor. By asidng yourself three questions you can determine whether or .not your kidneys are deranged. First : "Have. you backache, or wad:, lame S c 7nd:'t)eyonhave difficulty in•urinating for a too frequent desire to urinate?" TJtird: "Are there deposits like brick dust in the urine after it has stood for twenty -tout hours?" In its earlier stages kidney' disease is readily cur.'s by a few boxes of Dr. Chase's 11idney- Liv •r Pills, a trreirarattinn which has made Dr. Chaet famous throu elu,ut the world for his eeenti rful ate.; of diseases of the kidneys. if you have Ulmer th�.ease you can take T)r. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills with perfect confid- ence that what has proved an absolute cure in to many thousands of cases will not fail yen. Ser hang' as the cells of the kidneys are not crone letcly wasted away, as in the last stages of 'eight's disease', Dr. Chas,c's I{idney-Liver Kis will givetlmtn new vigor and strength and tetat:e than strong, healthy and active. One 21cill .t dose, eye. a Lux, at alt dealers, Or im:lnaon, Late & Co„ Toronto, KIBNEYS TEE \ } iN U HA • rimEs S1. JUNE consideration and that all the parties a prominent feature ill the present interested, are actively engaged in an development of the country, will. inert!, earnest endeavor to. arrive at a steels• than make up file the loss of the en• Factory ,iced permanent solution, It eouragenent atibrded by the bones -es would :et:ttt'cely be profitable at this now to be abolished, and it will, I. nznintent tooeeupy space in discussing moreover, be a much more neutral these various proposals tar there have and pet tuatient assistttuce. been sew ntany contradictory state, nients respecting thou that there is Ruled by the Stars. no ebsulotely eunelesive data to work upt'n. This much, hovt'ever, has beeea Isere is an okl astrological predie very clearly shown that the Cana• tion said to indicate with tolerable dian Commissioners have upheld certainty the oharaetcr of the girl Canada's claims to suck a degree, according* to the month she happens that even same of the best informed to be born in, says an exchange: newspapers in the Old Country have If a girl is born in January, she been led to utter a mild remonstrance will be a prudent housewife, given to and to urge the Dominion to take a melancholy, but good tezi)pered. • less detertnieed stand, Me are not If in February, ta. humane and of hearing anything these days about fectionate wife and tender mother. If 't March, frivolous"latae •- 1)a c 1 the sacrificing of Canada's interests to the Yankees, but on the Other box, somewhat given to quarreling. hand, --.and I gladly give all credit if in April, ineonsiscent, not intern. where itis due, --Sir Charles Tupper gent, but likely to be good looking. has epeeificaliy withdrawn his hos, if in May, handsome and 11ke1y to the attitude towards the Government be happy. on this question, and intimates that If in June, itupetuoae, will lnarl'y the Opposition will cordially support early and be frivolous, the Administration in carrying on If in July,passably handsome, but the negotiations. t with a sulky temper. NOT OF uNE sixlen. If hi August, amiable and praeti-, eal, likely to marry rich, The waren weather has struck the If in September, discreet, affable Capital at last, and a week or two of and muehliked. eighty in the shade will materially If in October, pretty and co• help to quiet the turbulent spirits quettisb and, likely to be unhappy. who are inclined to delay the .expe• if in November, liberal, kind, of a dittous transaction 01 public business. mild disposition. No further progress has been made, If in December, well proportioned, with the Redistribution Bill in the fond of novelty and extravagant. House itself, but the developments nutsitle this, week are all in the ! Laxa•Lfver Pills have bocome the direetion of simplifying .the prospect ladies' favorite cathartic. They act and shortening the inevitable dis• • without any gririing, purging or sicken cussion. The Opposition are far in apd it persisted in for a time cure from being of one mind as to the habitual Oonatipation- policy to be pursued, Sir Charles Sheep Dip For Hogs. Tupper favoring a stubborn resist. once at every stage, while Mr. Foster A swine breeder who had a num- recognizing the futility .of such a ber of pigs fi or 10weeks old, old course at:d fearing that the Govern- enough to wean, noticed that they inent may, if thwarted this session, were not doing well, and on closer introduce a>, more drastic treasure examination found that "some werel next, is inclined to offer very little lousy, some mangy, and .others look- opposition. The rank and file are ed measlyfied.r' He used kerosene divided behind these leaders, the sup- oil, but it failed to relieve the trou ble, porters of Sir Charles being largely and it occurred to him that as sheep made up of his personal follower's dip - was good ' to ' cure sheep from the Maritime Provinees and suffering similar troubles he those Ontario Conservatives whose would give it a trial, and the reports constituences are seriously affected the result as follows: " I put in a by the Bill. With i11r. Foster are barrel 25 gallons of water and a the members who are not personally quart of dip and stirred it up good, afTeeted,eand the not inconsiderable then dipped the' pigs,: Never saw section who recognize the fairness of such a change. Not over 15 minutes the measure and the unwisdom of work. `Left barrel in the pen, and arousing the country by reckless an- : whenever I saw a pig having the tagonisnt to such a necessary amend- least thing the matter with the skin ment of the present law. But perhaps I dumped it in the barrel of dip. I the most potent" factor in checking have the cleanest, nicest lot of shotes resistance to the measure is the dart ever raised and advised all raisers of now party well 'established that the hogs to try it. Dip your pigs several Senate will not throw it out, as it times from 4 to 12 weeks old and see was at first expected that they would. !for yourselves. It will Imre than. It is an open secret that there is not; save the price in feed and better the most cordial feeling between the growth, kills all lice and humor of Opposition leaders in the two housesthe skin, besides disenfecting the and Sir Mackenzie Bowel will not call 1 pigs." The pens also should have upon his followers to offer effectivebeen thoroughly eleaned 'and rid of resistence to the 13111. i + lice by sprinkling with solution of Ttfn FEDERAL VETO APPLIED. .carbolic acid or anything else. that • I would have the same effeet,' and The announeerne.nt that Federal probally this was•done,--Live Stook. Government has disallowed the Anti- .Yapenese legislation passed by the Weather Prophets. Ctrlumbig. Parliament was by no means unexpected, for it has long' s ov a iae mre tit u hewer noes when been known that the imperial auth i+llilburn'e 13,bdumatic Pills his weather oritie:i had made very strong repre- forecasting is spoiled. oT'his remedy re- sentations to Ottawa upon the sub- moves every trace of Rheumatism. jeet. This was largely owing to the protests entered by Japan, that An 'Old House.. country resenting the action of the late Turner Government in classing The old Bell house at the Zippers ; the industrious and intelligent Jap- mills, built in 1835, just 65 years' anese with the Canton coolies, the ago, is receiving a. thorough over. 1 scum of the Chinese em elm who form hauling at the hands of Paterson the vapt majority of the immigrants Bros. and J. Steaey. This old house from that country, Had the exela- which is a two storey frame on itOnO sign ant affected the Chinese alone it foundation, was built when this ioc• is not probable that the Trecleral I tion was a forest, and Seaforth, Government would have interferred, Clinton and Exeter were unknown, but as there exists no power to veto and over 40 years before iiensall a part of the measure the entire act was thought of. Dispite her age, so had to be disallowed, It fa still com- god was the material used In its petent for British Colombia to enact construction that the new roof now a law dealing with Chinese inunigra- being put on is the first repair the tion, tend after ell that is the real evil building has received. The first whieh the Petrillo Province is anxious shingles were hand made. The to minimize, place has been in the hands of the Bell family till recently, and is now Tref; Ilea v AND S rlu i, lr:in;sxx>;s, owned by G. Duncan McLean, This The proposal glade by the Govern was the first frame house erected in ment to gradually abolish the bonuses the ldttron tract, and • oat aecoa,n 1 of now paid upon pie- iron, puddled its age is somewhat historical, -.-lien, iron bars and steel ingots made in sell Observer. Canada, is meeting with general ap•i . .d..... proval. The inanufaeturers Ynost James Forsythe, near Walkerton, direetly interested admitting, that it lost both eyes by being struck in the; will not injuriously :effect their in. face by a staple he was pulling. dustries. The iron industry of Canada is growing' rapidly, new AGENTS WANTED' - MP "Telt; LTFE Awry, smelting works are being established 1 M0tievements tw° Admiral Dewey," the world's . irro tent :verily, sty .v0,14 meow. ttta !•r„ in various parts of the country and i to,L' frim+l anti odmtrt+r oT tbn natimt',r idol, ail those at present in existence are be ir:tet ret d treat honk ; over 6c0 pr,, te, 8xto rocket . npariy Itflr pai<ee haletnue iim,strat+nen, tihly >ttr, I. ing enlarged The improvement in , i:nnr,t,oas demand. lsih, at tt 1 lone. Gutftt fen •, transporation faeilities which is Meeh chance of a lined"', wvrlits qquick. Tho tronwtuion + Convoy, and %'Jour Caxton uletic,, „ntel.,;o, A cold is dungen, OUP, ,Don't lett it et the start of you. A inr Cold w -Cure doseeof will break up any torte of cold in a few hours and prevent htheria andppneumonia. should be in every henna and every Fest aocltot. It is better than a life ausurs, once policy,. AIUNION,. At all drusg1aty,. 29c. a vital, Outdo to Health and lwfetifoni' ndviro icor. t5n5 Aroh Rt.. Phila. .111,1 , 11 w tt T 1aWATER., 1: S Division court will be held in Tees. water on Monday, June •pith•. S. R. l'i'nt made 16,500 pounds of butter dtarine, the 21 dive on wince 'the et eaugery was in operation in May.. IIe shipped a car load of butter to London, England. last week, A. Campbell, Itispeetor of P, 8, for West 1:retce, visited Our school best week. In conversation wail Mr. Campbell;, the News learned that every departntout t;f the sOhool was in splendid Wm king order, and that it would be,dff ieuls tot,eeure a better staff ttff teaeherl;.. He thinks tear the proposed reduction of the stall' is a mistake, Miss Carss, who for some time has bad charge of the second department of oar sclu ol, has requested the Board to release her in about two weeks its she intends going to 15.'0. to take the examinations there about the 1st ,of Jttly. The Board will, no doubt, grant her request as she pro- mises - to put in a substitute for the remainder of the term. • We are sorry to lase'' Hiss Uarss, as.she .has. been t. capable and pains taking teacher and we wistt her every suc- ees in her new field in the growing West. Bleyelistii Should keep On hand a bottle of Ilag- yut•d's Yellow Oil, 1t is clean to use toad will not soil the clothes.. Cures cuts and bruises, takes out pain and limbers up stilt, gore joints and nLuealetsl Mon who would never think of at - lowing notes or large accounts to stand open are frequently careless in regard to small, aet:o1 nts. .After all, says a writer. in one of the trade journals, we etre judged by small things and what gond is it if a man meets his bank obligations promptly and he causes a number of people to whom he owed petty accounts to go about taking about how bard it is to get hint to pay up., Be as parti- cular about the small accounts as the big ones. Do not snub a collector when he calls ti,r a small account when it in due. It is your fault that he has .10 call• Some people resent either .being called upon or drawn upon for amen aeeourit• They for- get that it is tete other man that has to stand the expense and trouble of collecting. ' 13a also as prompt in collecting yourown accotxnts as in paying others. If the losses made each >ear by small debts, neglected because they are small, could be re- covered, there would be some hand- some dividends in moat buslnessess, Children Ot`i% for 1��'•' -ate . V+.. T eNtq Stable Revered at Brockville, Boy with marches, .The ••4 SA,.BLiAT 1 ,J.G.t?k1,VIo.k:t ii ,C! F» 4 Mk.,T,XIODIS'J.'—Rov. Dr. Pascoe, pas 1 / 0.1 or. Services at 11 a in and 7 p in. I v P1"ii'�r�aY'XBR1:#i.11T•^-l8t', l), Perris pastor. Services at 11.a a1 and7 P tu. l PISCOPAT,,. St. Paul's—Rev. Wen. Lowe, , rector. ,S'ervtees at. 11.a its and 71 p m, S .PTIST iwov, 4V, l+trerd, pastor.1 Services et 11. a re and 7 p to CONGREGATIONAL-- Rev, J. W.1 (otilu, pastor. Services at 11 a in and 7 p its.. CHRISTIAN WORKERS •••- itilsses Outraut rand Look in oi.tlttnuild, Services at3p nland fl'pto. S AUVeeTION Ali!'-4)apt. McLeod Ono wife in'eo0tlnan t; Services at 1.1 et. tn, 3 t3 tet and 3 p m, > n each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 240 p la, BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, §1,250,000• Bost, 2775,000 Presidunt-Jolts swear, VJue•kresldent-A. 0. Ramsay. DI1Es,'F.,OTOR5 Jones enemas, Ono, keels, Wit Gelaoi, t<i-P, A. T. WOOD, A. A. Las (Toronto).. Cashier -rd. TURNIIULL. Savings $ziul:--Hours, 10 to 8; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of 01 and upwards received and :interest allowed, Sptoial Deposita also recei+•od at current rates of ic,-:rest, »rafts Ni Oreat Britain and the United. Stater: bought and sold W. 0011130ULD, AGM= t • B. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor, Money to 1.oan on Notess. Notes Discounted 131.T RE Et,wS"ON,A.BLE RATES stoney advanced on rulortgeges at 6 pet nentwlth privitere of paying at tho end of any year. Not, and accounts collosted. JZOBT. MoXN1100. Seaver Block wtn¢hnm,.Ont WINGHAM STEAM PUMP %NORKS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Sbowera,.I am now prepared to supply the public with i \IrL�TEEL U n1lCt raY ws<,r a comrazse, A1l.l. J S Wood and Iron .Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron. Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing, Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths,Pipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con nectien with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power ard pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality.. Repairing promptly attended to. • Patties; writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well, All work guaranteed or no sale. �'. ©RNINGSTAR I flat --IM PIitrl 18111;1'.-. LIVERY 1?11I1/e1')' let f?Ii1�ll to —AT TIM—, 1Vl1Mrat AFI,1C , 4QSKRHINE Steel= WI1 I-1AM, ON'1't',.xix0. StibsCr1Ption pi ice, tat pr .r y oawi',ln adviilti ADVEUTIS1NC RATES j,uuo l' 1 yr. 1 biro. 1 liita. p On Column $00 00 eid0 q0 See 00 00 Halt 40110 ;a la 00 $4 tluarter" 00 00 10 09 7 09 4 ea 0000. (Incnell :,un ;!icer 0 00 1 CO .cutter taut other eaaiiat navel Useseent, So perm fol Ors t 1s tartion,aud So per lino for oaoltdubsoqueat tesartiee, ylu,esrlrettby-nonpatail wale, l,oa'al notices 10e, per floc for Ora ,usertiou, 64per Jew for eachsitbsatlaent insm'tice. Advertisements of Lost, Found , lit rayed, Situation and Ausinee+a -Changes 11 anted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, 51 for drat month, and 50o, for Saab. 'ubsegaent mantis, Housed and Fauns for Salo; not exceeding 8 lite. §1 for tirst month, 60e, per subsequent month' Larger advertisements h, p"opottlen. ''hese terms veil be afrlctly tulherod to s)leeiat rates ler larger nivertisewents, or or ' • longer periods. Adverbsetnents and local notices w,tthoutspeoitie directions. will be inserted till forbid and ohargedi a000rditiSly. Tranaltury advertisements intuit he paid in ad; snot, Chaneee for oontraot advertisements must be in the aloe by Wnduesday noon, to order to appear that week #I, B. ELLIOTT, Peoreniroa, AND Pimustata WI All HOSPITAL.. SURGICAL CAthe tent SES o DISEASES 1 tad 8 For WOMEN oulars• address Medical Superinte dent, t tupham,Onti R. VANSTQNk:, BARRISTER, SuLICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to Joan at lditest rate; Interest, No commission charged. Mortgagee, town and term property.. bought and seta OFFICE --Beaver Block 1w um't nM. J. A. itORT01e , BAft iliSTEle,:Sc., Wtnghau., • (tee, i • L. DICE111NSON, DAB111ST3;. t, RTC. soenneele TO BA'NIfi OF HAMX.T.T0N. Ar8naY T!?, LOAN. ()ince-Meyer Blank. n'ingham 0. CAIIXFd(Wt, �1�Taa • . BARRISTER. 0oLICZToa, CONVEYANCER, &c,. Office -Corner Ifamtitonand St. Andrew;treats opposite Colborne /Intel. Gousaretr, '-oh:ThizlO; ARTIDIR J. Ilrwt'11•, T! D S, L 1) 0, Doctor. of Dental Surgery of aim Pennsylvania.. Dental College and Licenti»te of the Roy al College. of Deatnl Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Petit OThoo, W,neham, • rS, JEROME, L. D. S , DENTIST, RAS MITI D, D. Ross, .graduate ot.tbe 1t 0,1% S. of Ontario, and is prepareo to do ail manner of Dental work at reasonable prleas. Bearer Block, opposite the Brueseeek House, wwhniihatu• JOHN, IttTCnI$= ,+1ENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Wltsawl ut, ()XTAligt; 0DEANS. Ja., ww'I\Qrtan, LICENSED CTION iE1t, role ,y3E COUNT OP #IRON. Salo§ attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderato. JOHN CURRIE, 1VINOE/Aa1, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. a Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements ciat Set 140 Wirdzhawn, Ont. spAei1 oly. rdors)nit at the TIMES orrice promptly atten,4 ed to. Teras 'amenable. HA ; F EARLY BEAUTY CLOSING Not in the features so much as in the Grace and Vitality of a Healthy i3ody--T r. A. W. Chas's Nerveand Blood pills make Women Beautiful, Tiere'8 tt certain charm of beauty in the graceliti, elastic: movement and clear com• plexion of a healthy woman in which the feu, tures tlo not play an important part. The pale, sallow consolation and dull leaden color of the skin dark circles under the eyes, headaches, pains in the back and sides, 'dull eyes, weakness, nervousness, despondency and low spirits are symptoms of weak, watery blood and improperlynourishetl nerves. No won►an can be beautiful until the blood is enriched anti the nerve' strengthened. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food is it food for the blood and nerves. I)r. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food restores the energy and strength to it run-down system. Note your weight before using them, and the increase week by week as the brightness re. turn%to the eyes, the color to the cheeks and the. form rounds out with firm, healthy flesh,. the natural result of rich, pure blood and a healthy nervous system. Fnce cut and fac;simile signature of Dr. A. W. Chase ern every box of the genuine. sec. e box, all dealers, Or I::dnwanoon, Batch & Toronto. Before placing yensrorder for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We caii aff'o 'el to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half more than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to .clay. We make clothe text fit. WEBSTER, & CO., Qtleeli's Block, GRAND TRUNK 1'LWA . DEPA1tT' entavE Toronto and Bast O 49 seer). 3 05 p, irb 3 80p .m 10 .23 p Int. Palmerston mixed 854A. ni 8 05p ra, Londonand South 6 53 a ra 11 10 a m a8P'pin 8O0pm 1 inoaraine 11 10 a in G 40 a m 8 30 p rn 8 30 p x1 10'20pm 830Yata SOCIETY MEETINGS. • nd4 Critttp Caledonia No. 40, meet hie e y, the first ani third Iiionday' (u every month, in she (5dd Fellows Ilett• Vteitfnrr hrethrou Weicein' J. Murray, Chief, II ti lililott, .ttcn-See jOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books Parephlete, restore, H i" .L Heads, Ciroulare, etc., &o,, executed' in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on cion notice, Apply or address If, n. m t.IOTT. r nes Office, Winehattt BOOKBINDING. We aro ptnaeed to announce that any Rooke or Magazines loft with us for Aindin will have our will he given on atmilea.flontl a the To 11101tfiuos ityte