The Wingham Times, 1899-06-16, Page 3III•••••••1.0v•••••••••
ili, zot lilwari whn Annual Meeting of S. 13, Partnere
Inetrtute. i A OARD.
„. I We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree
The Annual meeting of the si. . to refund the money on a twenty -live
5107 compan Teeswatee on June 5th, the Pres., lit, after using three fourths of contente
. • , Farmers' Institute was held in sent bottle or Dr. Willa' oglish :EPine
Henry Arkell, in the chair. There ;a bottle, they do not relieve elonetipa•
was a good attendance of the mem. I tie° and ileadaohe. Wo also warrant
1: USTlis showed that the inatitute was in a i Satisfaction or no pay when WillealDeg.
f the executive the i reOat obstinate oases
of Conetipation,
that four bottles will permanently cure
bare. The report o
prosperous condition, the member- i fish Pills are used. .
The OnlyMedieineTnat $310.71 n
is Able to Call a Halt I e.avin iat bcialtahneeeexoPetliiilai.leilietttiLro.lii:t11181?91:5158,.
• • V
A. A. Morrow, talon:list and Druggist,
ship having increased 2,5 per cent. 1 winghane opt.'
d urine the year. The receipts were(Min A. nanapbell, Chenaiet and Drug-
giat, Winghain, Ont.
4, L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug.
gist, Winghate, Ont.
Tho following fort:
to All Wasting and
lievel Courtship in Japan,
Dangerous Diseases. ton,' J, Lamb, 1..1a.;, Tolton, K.
sou, J,Darling, T. Inglie, A.. Schmidt,
If sick Peorile—young and old—at:tea
the• • • • H Arkell E Shevrielefol.:
11teNeughton, T. Weaver, W. Meld- A Japanese girl who desires to get
married does not hesitate to inform
the public of her desire. In a recent
issue of the ,Tapanese Journal, Kan -
with greater promptness nod detliston, :R, E. Little, J. Per.ningtort, J. Atkin,
laufferieg, agony tied misery 1,vould be T. MoKenzie, J. Itleiavers, A. D. Me.
vastly reduced. Kenzie, W. L Thompson, W. 'Valens, wawa ceileame), one of these girls
To delay the work of regulating and A. Nieholson, A. Meleennan apd,P, who signs herself Hosuijoshi, is
bracing the nerves and purifying the ...
H. McKenzie. The regular meetings very outspoken pn this point, as the
blood is a serious mistake,
When the blood is sluggish, impure this year are to be held at Walker- following, notice shows :—"I, the un -
and poisoned, when the nervous system ton and Holyrood, and the supple- dersigned, am a ,pretty girl with
is unbalanced, wnen digestion je derang-
ed, and the appetite poor and variable,
mental meetings at Belmore, Tees. abundant hair, Rawer -like face, per.
be assured your
water, Mildmay and Cargill, Tho feet eyebrows and a good figure. I.
condition is critical and
Calls for instent attention before the hot seeretary's salary was increased to have money enough to take life easy
summer weather. brings its many added $40,00. It was suggested that succand to enable me. to spend my years
dangers. essful local farmers be placed on the with some beloved man who will
At tLie time the use of Paine's Celery
Compound will do a marvellous
programs at the meetings of the in- ever be my companion and who can
work tor
every ruedown, elok and diseased man stitute. It was resolved that the in• admire the flowers with mo by day
and woman. he life-giving work tirst stitute try to get up an exeursion to and the moon by night. If any
commences with the blood, which i8 the Fat Steck Show at Xmas. and clever, accoinplished, handsome and
made Olean and pure ; then the nerves
are quiekly set in order, digestive vigor .the prize essays be published in the fastidious gentleman is disposed to
Is fully restored, the appetite is made Meal papers. Hy Arkell was re- accept this offer, T can assure. Min
natural, sleep le refreshing, end the deeleteetea Pres., A. E, Shen ington, vice. that I will be true to him for life
spondeet heart is made light ' and joyous. f pres and J. A. Lamb, ses•treas. and that, after it's over, I will be
it is well to bear in mind that Puice's "
Celery Compound owes its origin to the ;
most distinguiehed physician that this, gra.tiyve.!? be buried with him in one
daily with quicklime
ri; orth Amecan continent ever prod uced, 1 Some Good, Advice.
It is. not an unheard of thing for
and his great tied worthy presoription is '
publicly indorsed try our tieet medical The successful merchant is hewho European or American girls to ad.-
experts. . . • is governed by business principles. vcrtise for husbands, but it is very
. It alt disheartened sufferers will start He insists%in others meeting their : doubtful if any European or Atneri-
prompt*, with Paine'sCelery Cinajmuud bilis Promptly as he does his. He can paper ever contained such a
they will be astonished and delighted • • . ...
with the speed with, which his wonder- will not undertake any orderthat poetical matrimonial advertisement
fel remedy is able to call a halt to wasit- there is not some profit in. as this one. Moreover, it is very
ing and dangerous diseases. It is now you might as well get right down doubtful if any. European or Ameri'
makidgaens of thousands well and strong to the rock bottom first as last. can girl would ever think of offering
for the but and sickly su III nisi. weather.
Keep your expenses down to the to share the same grave with the
Vrtauss ZutternUlk.
eentoilislated, • A lassit
bran and flaxseed will get into the
e eenspo
wound, which le not abused for
lways desir.
able 13ut when the foot is first nor. The growing practice of aids., 12. 044 $L
erect with a. piece of soft linen before leg the waste products of ay. manu., the rout way by cutting ea
applying the papule% the• saatstase faeturers has *brought out the putting new material in the tie
is there ,i1300 the saw and tbe Piet is fact that buttermilk possesses many Do not cover thenki greel fo
kept cleanCare is needed unsuspeeted qualities. A medleal tion with earth from the side.
. in par-
ing the seat (la prick by a nail, for paper says its reputation as an 13lak; the width ar the a
mistimes it is best ten alone. The agent of superior digestibility has as uniform and the grade 114 easay
simple application of Binh an and. become firmly established. It is in, -passim°,
septic as the chloride of iron or of deed, a ;rue milk peptone—that ha, 14. Remember that good drainage),
antimony will suffice and the risk milk already partially digested, theis absolutely vet:et-tiary.
attending the cutting out is avoided. coagulation of the noagulated por- 15. Wbenever water eincla oil tie
/he bacillus of tenanas lies around Dion being loose and flaky and not:roadway, or by the side of the read,
in damp Moulds and the aperture of that firm, indigestible nature Or whenever the ground la teen•to.
should not be opened unnecessarily Whieh is the result of the action of !remain moist, 'better drainage Is
for the minute for it may be it will the gastrie juice upon sweet cow's needed.
be found large enough to admit milk. IV is of great value in tbei O. See that drains axe free front
germs. treament of typhoid fever, and being! obstruction, !hat they have n good
Often poultices are nobeneficial. a decided laxative, it may be turned I fall and proper nutlets.
Bathing the foot in warm water that to advantage in tbe treatment of ; 17. Surface. water should be dia.
has boiled and then the application ha.bitu,a1 constipation. It is no less 1 posed of in small quantities. Oreat
of an antiseptie is often all that IS valuable in kidney troubles, from its' aceumulations are hard to handle and
needed. Indeed in the most cases it diuretic qualities. It is in great re. , are destruetive, Obtain outlets into
is the best course of treatment. guest for the treatment of diabetes, 'natural VVIiteronises tsS often as
Quite number of troublesome
either alone or alternately with skim I possible.
foot eases have been ascribed to ap. milk, and in cases of gastric ulcer 18. Instead of having deep ditehes
plication of dirty 'poultices and rags, and cancer of the stomach it can to underclrain the road, use tile.
which, as soon as cleanliness and often be retained when no other food 10. Give culverts a good fall .
antiseptic treatment were adopted, can. Chemical analysis shows tbat tree outlet, so that the water will not
began to heal. in its nature it greatly resembles freeze in them.
When a poultice of bran and meal koumiss, with the exception of which 20. Make early arrangement fOr
is used, powdered charcoal and a few it is the most grateful, refreshing having on the ground when required
drops of pure urbane aid should and digestible of the produets of and in good repair all naachiner
be mixed up in it before it is used,. milk. and implemento to be used in the
This will act than antiseptically and performance of statute Jaber.
as a deodorizer. "You May Bend the Sapling, but
In all these injuries attention must Not the Tree." Of course it is a masculine observe.
be directed to the floor and thegun' that there would be more When disease bas bootee chronic and
groand around. offal should be deep seated it is often difficult to cure it. nine communicitats if they were sure
removed and the floor. sprinkled That is the reason why it is best to take of the fit of the back of their gowns.
Hood's Sarsaparilla when disease first,
shows itself—in pimples, headaches, in- A Business Elopement.
digestion, or other troubles which tell
Taira Notine.
Every editor bas received them,
The postmaster sends theta to the
editor. The postmaster is nor to
blame. For instance there was a
• roan by the name of—well, say Tim
Short, who sent. us three notice a to
stop his paper ; he did not Want it
any longer. 'Upon investigating our
subscripeion book We found that Tiin
was sbort $2.50.. Ile never paid a
cent and Yet he stOppedhis Paper tia.
CHAPTER X. of poor blood, weak stomach or disorder-
aYodr dat.gliter„" said` theyoueg
ed liver or kidney*. This great mecli- .
eine regulates the whole syseeat, It man, "is determined to have a large
never disappoints. society wedding." . .,
HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite fatn- "True," admitted tbe old gentle
ily cathartic. man.
"It will cost not less than $1,200,"
Pointed Paragraphs. continued the young man.
"Whitt of it ?" ..
stgaleenniu%.he ean. make "Why, it has occurred to me," ex. " .•
4. Those sick headecbes arising from uself 't iat' ma another's hhears'
lowest economical want and get gentleman who mignt accept her tion.
right. down to the , lowest notch in offer of marriage. Verily, they 'do a sick stomach are caused by indigesticn. plained the young Man, "that if. we
buying and manufacturing; then, things different in Japan., ' 5. How quickly all these forn.s of in- A crowd of dudes. might be 9,p.
if you are underbid, find out how it digestion, are cured by Dr. Von Stan's propriately designated as a vacant put' our beads together we tnigbt.
avoid that expense and male an
is done, It your eompettior cannot The Beauty that 'Attracts Men Pineapple Tablets. They relieve all lot. Some marriages are failures
distress in an instant—only 35 cents a and someelopement of, it."
buy closer or work cheaper than Is. not so much in tbe featuree as in a box -60 Tablets in a box—small size 10 are but temporary ern- .'My boy," replied the old gentle -
body filled with the vigor and vitality of As a man grows older he spends man, "you are positively aIl. right.
you, then he is losing money and clear, healthy complexion, and a plump "nee. barraesments.
cannot last long. Do. not take work
perfect health. Palo, weak, languiii I suppose my cue is to object to your
attentions." . • .
ir; it up on future bustle ss, because by the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets ailments. el more on his
al a loss, with the intention of mak- women are fully rest.7red to robust health- ' Indigestion Leads to Dyspepsia. less on his pleasures an
the customer who buys from the Food, a condensed feod which creates When a man is Satisfied with his "Preeieely : and I'll do the rest.
, blood and new nerve
tissues •
with ether correctives vviiioli rectify the
- • he always pla•nts a keep off the wweii
And then ----L"
embody the fruit -pepsin of the pineapple, . .
lowest bidder is sharp enough not to. riobl pais
let Yeirget-AVen 'Tlfea'aVity to sue- '
1. Those scalding little cankers in the
mouth are sores caused by indigestion.
2. Those burnings in the throat, as if
yboyllinlicinitigedstireonnk. molten lead, are =zed
3. Those belchings of wind, and those
bitter or acid notations gushed up from
the stomach, are all caused by indiges-
dean gemente of -the stotnach, give ''',.n..vgiaRS' sign .00 it. • "I presume a fee of 50-..pettent. of
A Simpler Way. stant comfort and relief from distress, Notwithstanding the antiquity of what I save you would be go
a matter of economy to ue.. A few .nes is a difficult road to tread at and always effect a lasting cure, 35 cts. ' the theatre hat joke no one has ever Adore
evenings ag.) we stepped into a the commencement, but pursue the They were at a picnic. "Yon for 60 Tablets—small size, 10 eta. They than my share, would et'? . A little'
see " heexplained, heshowed h
., as et
. are delicious. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. extra pocket money, y cm know, over
been able to see through it.
'church and Tim's melodious tenor path honestly end- with the best in-.
A man's cup of joy resembles an
rang out loand clear in, t het uld tentions, when all that is desired will tbe wishbone of a chicken at lunch-
ud after darner cup of' coffee, but his and above whatever you may settle
' soul•stirring song, Jesus Paid it be iittained.—Paper and Ina. . eon, "you take bold there and I'll BeWare of the Fake. on your daughter."--Chiea*reo Post.
cup cf sorrow holds several gallons.
ll." He might haae been ini4 I • take hold here. Then we must —
• •
taken, but his earnestness itupresied I both wish a . wish and pull, and, A number of people through the .o.ia CIncinnatti genius has invented Pimples on the Face
us: The next day we senthim ai Piles for 15 Years. . wben it breaks the one who has the country are being victimized by a a gilding baby carriage. Parents of Can all be permanently removed by
receiet in full, and1
begged his par Mrs. Jas • 13owles, Councillor, Embro, greater part of; it will have his or couple of fakirs with a lot of female. ,
folding babies will find this a long dook Blood Bitters. Mr. E.P. Barnab , •
Telt wane—Chicago News. Merchant Tailor, Sbelburne, N. S., soya:
g her wish gratified." canaries. Their plan of operation is "After paying out money to doctors and
don for not knowing that he had Ont. -writes :—.eFor over 15 years 1 suf-
made an assignment of his liabilitiee as follows:—One of them rides a not getting cured, I tried B.B.B. After
fereu the misery of bleed; thz, protrialin
The twiny remedies I tried all "But I don't knoW what to xvish You -Try It. usiI3V, it for time the pimples all von -
t() the Laird. —Ex. • failed. I wee advised to use Dr. Chase% for," she protested.
• wheel and in front of it be straps a
Ointment, and must say tbat the first . Oh youcan tlenk of somethin'," staid' wooden cage in which are two If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
• ished and 'have never troubled tue oince.."'
"Like 'diainoads raindrops glisten." i which is sold for the email price of
Dropsof H,o,elesSareapar,1171 are preeious he said. "No, I can't," she replied; canaries. They are carefully CONtr• Oure,
application gave relief. after the third
day the bleeding stopped and two boxes81.00,does not Cure, Cultivate Digestive Power..
jewels. for the blood whish glieten iti cured nie completely." "I can't think of anything I want 6 paper ' • take the
d"with and the first farm 25 cts., 50 cts. and
bottle back ani we will refund
their • ..• .house he has a very plausible story. your money. Sold for over 50 years on The ability to digest its food Prete
. . a ... , He is moving froin one city to an- this guarantee. Price 25 ots. and 50 ots. eerly is, after all, the most important
. other and thought he would carry and necessary characteristic of any
his mother's choice pair of singers About Good Roads. really valuable apimal. It is pos.
with him on his wheel. Now, how• . —
sable to increase digestive power, and
ever, be finds that the poor birds are A. W. Campbell, provincial road it can be done even heforebirth, by
being shaken' to death and rather ' instructor, has issued his report which seeing to it that the darn bearing
than have them abused he will shows throughout the, province a youtg is always supplied with good,
sacrifice them at a very low figure. much deeper interest is being taken nutritious fond in proper quantities.
They are he explains very choice in the question of better roads. A sow with pip which is kept. in
A it
If the digestive organs refuse ta do their work, indigestion and dyspepsia
follow like lightning's ilesh—the nerves are shattered and then insomnia runs
riot, and the patient on the road to the mad -house or insane asylum. A well
known Toronto newspaper man was a victim af nervous prostration and in.
somnia through overwork—retiring at night was more of a dread than a wel-
come. to rest—prejudiced against Medicines and reniedies, he spunial the
thought of resorting to what he called nostrums—he became almost incapaci-
tated for work—he was reconunended tatty South Arriericari Nervine, procured
a bottle end when half of it had been taken, he foetid himself improving—
sleep was induced, dm nerves grewquieter, the appetitereturnecl—he continued
to take the remedy until he bad used six bottles, and at the end of that time the
twenty pounds hadlost in worry and for want of rest was put on again
to -day he says, "1 feel strong enough to do two days' work in one."
South American Nervine is without a peer in the cure of nervousness,
indigestion.and insomnia. A few doses wilt convince the most sceptical. It
gives immediate relief and effects a cure in every case. Strong as thissuttement
may seem it is absolutely true. •
South Ainerican Rheumatic dare is never baffled—relieves in six hours
and cures after years of agony have been suffered.
South American Kidney tiara cures 13right's disease, diabetes rind blad-
der troubles. A few doses will convince. U.
'4- ... •
00Tii EY A L. 1/AMILTON,
very much.I,* . •
"WellEI'll wish for you," he ex-
claimed. •
"Will you really?" she.asked.
" Well, then, there's no use fussing'
with the old wishbone," she inter-
rupted with a smile. "You can have
For Over Fifty Years,
An Old and, Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winskey'e Soothing Syrup has been
used for over eifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teeth-
ing, with perfect nodose. It soothes tbe
child, softens the gur 1, allays all pain,
cures wind collc, and ie the beat remedy
for diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
vvorld. Twenty•five cents a bottle. Its sold with the privilege of coming tor
value is incaluable. Be sure you ask for 'them after a while, the farmer to
take no other kind. have the birds if left longer than a
Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup, and
certain date. Very often a sale is
Poulticing Horses Feet. made, and before long the discovery
is made that both are hens and do
The general custom of poulticing not shag a note. Of Gentle they are
wands when a poultice can be ap- never called for. '
plied needs more than passing notice. -
It is the common practice after re-
trained singers, one • sings by lamp- In*the last number of Farming, cold quarters and peorly fed wilt
light and the other in the daytime. Mr. Campbell gives a few sbort rules almcst certainly drop two or more .
A small corner of the paper is torn for pathtnasters which might be acted runts in her litter. It IS head work '
away to show the buds, and the on with profit to the roads and an making a runt pay its keep. The
farmer is offered the pair tor $3, or increase of piety in those who tn.. extra food it 'gets would have. paid
.$5, although they are easily worth verse them:— much better if fed to an animal pro.
$15; A stipulation is made that the 1. Carefully plat and lay out the' perly born. All young animalshavee
sale is conditional and the birds are work. before walling out the men. weak digestion. If they are never .
'2. When preparing plans keep the allowed to surfeit themselves, tbie
weak of succeeding years in view. will grow stronger. By the time a
3' Call out for each day only such pig is 4 or 5 months old it will make
a number of men and teams as cap faster growth, though not in propor-
properly be directed. tion to its size, than it did first. It is•
4. In laying out the work, estimate a larger animal and can digest food
on a full days workfrom every -man, that it could not while it was young-,
bud see that it is performed.
5. See that all the gravel hauled. er.—Boston Cultivator.
is clean.
moving the shoe and paring the foot ,
What IS Shlhoh?• The articles that we keep in hopes
when a horse is pricked by a nail to 'Ici a relnetly for Cough. Cold ' O. Every wagon box should hold a
quarter of a cord of gravel. that they will come in good sometime,
aneiroanna old
; usedithroUghout the e generally go out bad SOMetilnee. 9.:
. apply a bran or .flaxseed poultice, w- --or'al for half a ceetury, has cured in- 7. Specify the number of loaas to . . . . .. , . .,,aaaa_aa • .,
often leaving it' on till the next day. numerable cases of incipient coimurnp. constitute .4 day's work.
Now, bran and Meal are substances .tiOn and relieved many. in advaneed 8. Properly grade and erown theit.
liable to held germs, therefore boil. stages. 3 r you, are not satisfied with the road before putting on gravel. •
ite we will refund your money.
in hot water is needei, ar'd even ' O. A fair crown for gravel is one If your liver is out of order, Causing
boiling the poaltice to destroy the '
lgiaoe 25"ots , 50 cts. and el.00. '
inch of rise to each foot of width Biliousness, Sick aleadaehe, Heart -
germs if antiseptic treatment js to be from the side to the centre. burn, or Constipetiore take a dose of
observed. The object of the poultice Iron visiting cards aie popular in 10, Give the roadway on hills a
is, to keep moisture applied to the Gertn"Y• 'rho name is printed me higher crown than on level groand, Hood's Pills
spot. This can be done by cotton the in silver, and the sheets ate 80 otherwise Water will follow the wheel
Waste, clean of course, treated by thin 40 of then only measure one i
1 tracks, Ono and one.half inches to On retiring, and tOmoerOvt your di -
saturation in a weak solution e tenth of an Mai in thickness.
the toot feom siert to centre will be gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright, attive aterteady any kind of wo
biehloride of mercury 1 to 1000,
There is less risk and cotton will not Children Cry for sufficient.
11, Spread the gea•Vel evenly over or work. This has
turn sour, as bran and meal do. •ale been the experience of others; ft
a IA. the road, and keep it raked or seraped will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are.
Wha is en foot injury pared out, if..L.• CM : into the wheel and horse tracks until sold by all. inedieitie dealers. 26 eta.