The Wingham Times, 1899-06-09, Page 8WE'
0 ' 'T FOR
Linsine::s is good with u; but we
Want to to more,
are t e);ti-" our intense to merit it.
We've gathered the best stock that
brutes, energy and cash could
gather. 1,1re marked the selling
price a close tis passible. One turn-
over i i 1•r 1• e, and. a little on the lot
does f i' us.
P,eepto who do their shopping
here say they buy to better advan-
tage ,tnd get better goods than they
find elsewhere, and the know if you .sats this (Friday) ensuing,
try its you will say the same thing, —The Bruce county °outlet' will meet at
'These departments ai a especially Walkerton on Tuesday. Jane 18th.
interesting : —lir ,i E Swarts has been making some
needed repairs to his block of stores.
Mrs Hanrlyn and baby and Mrs Tait, of
London, and bliss Dallas, of Wingbam,
were visitors at the home of Cain [ uiigh
on Wednesday,
Mrs J H AIcllardy, who has been con -
lined to the house ever einec her coming to
Clinton, left this week on a visit to London
and Woodstock in the hope that the charge
would benefit her health.—Clinton News -
Mrs Andrews and family, of Wingliam,
are visiting her parents, Sir and Mrs
Nath. Purcell, Main street west..., Dar
Whaley, of wingham, has been visiting Mr
and Mrs Jos Shaw, Main street, during the
past week. --Listowel Banner.
Campbell's Headache Wafers pavan -
teed to cure headache.
—lames till end 1899 for 50 cts,
—Douiinion Day—July let—comes on
Statui day.
A oar of bogs was shipped from Wing -
ham on Thursday,
—The Wvingbam 'Minstrels go to Bras-
Drotr,es Goods
The best of all oar best stocks.
Ready -Made Clothing
People that look through our stick
—The London Conference of the Metho-
dist church will meet in St Marys next
—Tho rain on Wednesday afternoon had
had a cooling effeot on the hot srell of
.of clothing and compare values, buy —The regular monthly meeting of the
'where they areready to make the School Board will be held on Tuesday even -
investment. tug next.
—The Guelph horse races were held this
week and a few Winghamites are in at-
—The Huron Poultry and Pet Stock
Association will hold their annual winter
show at Seaforth the first week in February,
.Parasols, Gloves and
The stock is overflowing with
•choieegoods—just the kind that are
sought for by those who know what's
the correct styles.
Carpets and Lace Curtains, Boots
and Shoes, Gents' F.urtiishings and
Waterproof Coats, all at special
The looking in any department at
any time will be appreciated, and
enu'il nee .be made to feel that you
are ezcpt=cted to buy.
Shop early at
M. H. if 9NDO O.
—Myth will celebrate Dominion Day, on
Monday, July Srd, with a baseball match
and an excellent programme of athletic
—Mr John Hanna circulated a petition
this week among the business men of town,
asking for aid for so me of the 0 T R strik-
ing trackmen.
Dr. Macdonald is now permanently
at home and can be consulted by
his patrons.
—Mr Jas A. Cline offers for sale his resi-
dence ot, John St. This is one of the most
desirable properties in Wingham and
should find a ready purchaser.
—The semi annual meeting of the County
Orange Lodge of North Huron will be .held
in the Orange hall, Wingham, on Thurs-
.ltUr Itobt Arscott was in London over day, the 15th inst, at 2.30 p no.
'Stifaday. —Oa Sunday afternoon next, the meta -
Mr R Clegg was in Ingersoll this week bers of Court Wingham, Independent
on business. Foresters and visiting members will attend
Mr. E L D•iekinson waa in Toronto sev- divine service in the Baptist church.
eras days this week.
Mr W J Chapman made a business trip London this week.
Misa Eva Boles, of Ingersoll, is the guest
-of Miss Norma Dingley.
Mr Alex Alderson spent a few days.with
Fergus friendsthis week.
Mr W J Lamont has taken a situation in
the Mt Forest furniture factory.
Airs Weigh has returned to Buffalo after
a fewdays visit with Wingham friends,
Mr E F Davis is spending a week with
friends in 'Hingham.-11itchell Advocate.
Mr C Dallas attended a conference of the
G'1' H Itoadmasters at Toronto on Mon-
Mrs R Hill, of Walkertonwas visiting
with her Wingham friends during the
Mr Morton, of Brampton, spent a few
days this week with his son, Air J
Mr Harry' Allan and wife, of Wroxeter,
were visitors with Wingham friends over
Mr Frank Foster left on Tuesday for
.Fort %VilIiam, where he has secured a
CH71BI.41 Nt '1.'$38,
The Presbyterian General Assembly will
convene in Hamilton on Tuesday next.
The sacrament of the Lord's Crupper was
administered in the Presbyterian chum')
on Sunday morning last.
Rev Mr Perney, of Corrie, will conduct
the services in St Paul'e church on Sunday
next. Bev W Lowe will take Mr k'arney's
work at Corrie.
Rev JH Hazelwood, of Paris, well.known
by many of our readers, has been elected
President of the Hamilton Conference.
Bev Joseph Edge, of London, was Qieeted
President of the London Conference.
On Sunday evening next, in the Presby-
terian ohurob, Rev D Perrin will preach a
sermon on "Sabbatli Observance." The
collection on this occasion will be in aid
of the local branch of the Dominior, Lord's
Day Alliance,
Sohool of Methods.
The Bawl of Methods held
in ° the Methodist church at
Seaforth, on Wednesday of last week,
under the auspices of the County
Women's Christian Temperance
Union was a very successful and
pleasant gathering. Delegates were
in attendance from Goderich, Clin-
ton, Wingham and Brussels. There
were two day sessions and a meeting
in the evening. .All were well at-
tended. Numerous interesting and
instructive papers, bearing on the
work of the Union, were read at
each session. Mrs. Thornley,' of
London, provincial president, and a
well-known temperance worker, was
present at the afternoon and evening
meetings, In the evening the aud-
ience room of the Methodist church
was fairly well filled, there being a
considerable sprinkling of gentlemen
in the audience. Miss Fisher, the
county president, presided, and she
seemed to fill the position• as efficient.
ly and pleasantly as any member of
the sterner sex could have done. In.
addition to male by the united
choirs 0: the Methodist and Presby-
terian churches, Mrs. Shaw, of Eg-
mondvitle, and Miss Scott, of Sea -
forth. each gave a solo, while
appropriate • and well rendered
recitations were given by • Misses
Colbo3'ne and Wilson, of Goderich.
Mrs. George Acheson, - of Goderich,
read an excellent paper entitled
"The New Woman," Mrs. Kirkman,
of Seaforth, read an address of wel-
ectne to the visiting sisters, and this
was appropriately replied to by Mrs.
D. McGillicudy, -of Goderich. Tte
feature of the evening, however; was
an address by Mrs. Thornley, who
discussed the extension of the fran-
chise to women. Mrs. Thornley is .a
pleasant and entertaining speaker
—Messrs Duff & Stewart, of Blnevaie. and her excellent address was listen-
ed to with attention and must have
been pleasing to all, no matter what
their personal views on this sabject
may be. She certainly made out a
strong case, and we have no doubt
race at Guelph on Wednesday. Zelda, the that had she a seat in theLegislature
other Wingham horse, got fourth place. her strong arguments and persuasive
—Wednesday was Division Court day in manner would have a powerful in-
Wingham. There were only three cases to fluence with the members of the
come before the Court and these were ad -
sterner sex there who still hold out -
aot9neduntil August 24th. the next Court against this,medern aggression on
the part of our sisters. Rev. Mr.
—Mr Oliver Gilchrist superintendent at Shaw, of Egmondville, and Rev. Mr.
the Union Furniture Factory, has been
off duty for soma day owing to illness. Gilchrist occupied seats on the plat -
We trust that a rest will restore him to form, and the former opened and the
good health, latter closed the meeting by prayer.
—The regular meeting. of Court Melt- On the whole, the meeting was an
the contractors, have finished the rebuild-
ing of that part of the B Line bridge which
was carried away by the spring freshet.
—Mr J E Swart's trotting mare, "Polly
Stanton," took second money in the 2.23
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
10,00ai adieu Safe effectual. Ladies over
Your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com-
pouud• Take no other, as all Mixtures, pine and
imitations are dangerous. Xrioe. No, 1, st er
box; No, 2,10 degrees stronger, es per box. Igo.
/or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 0 -cent
stains. The Cook Company. Windsor Ont.
eMrrlos. 1 and 2 sold ant recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada..
No, 1 and No, 2 for eats by Colin A. Campbell
ANNUAL iv. ELTli' G.
The annual meeting o
f y3
will be held as Nile, Colborne Town-
ship, en.
Tuesday, June 20th, 1899
When ,President and Se"retary will give
their reports for the year. Directors will
be appointed nud officers elected for the
ensuing year,.
President Secretary.
Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House. Shop op-
posite Macdonald block.
. Having moved to town to the resi-
dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTR, I am prepared to pay the
highest cash prices for all kinds of Rage,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse fair, Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residenco,.or if word be
left, i w ill call for same.
land, C 0 F, will be held this (Friday) exceedingly pleasant one and will,
evening. Final arrangements will be made no doubt, have a beneficial influence.
for the anniversary services to be held on Miss Lottie Armstrong, formerly of
the 22nd inst. Lucknow, has been appointed organ-
-It is likely that a number of the mem, est of the Elmira Methodist Church
bers of the local Tent, K 0 T M and Lady in that place.
Maccabees will join the Brussels brothern
and sisters in their annual church service Ales. McLean, of Goderich, had
on Sunday next. his right 1e fractured just above
situation. 80
CENTS for the Times and Weekly the ankle, wile shifting nets on the_
Mrs James McLaughlin and Mr Gus
McLaughlin'were in Seaforth a few days
this week.
Fir Geo 'Wacker, of Leaside Junction,
has taken a situation as cperator at the C'
It station here.
11fr and Mrs John Farquharson and
children, of Teeswater, spent Sunday with
1Vinghain friends.
Mrs :f (i- 'McPherson and children, of
Bothwell, are visiting friends and relatives
in town and vicinity.
Dr Boss is in Toronto this week attend-
ing convocation, having his degree of D D
5 oonferred upon him.
Globe until January, 1900.
....We are in receipt of a press badge for
Ithe opening of Balmy Beach summer re-
sort and from what the aecompaning circu-
lar has to say, a very enjoyable time is snaking their home.
expected in Owen Sound on July lst. i The citizens of Clinton have peti
—We are pleased to notice from Wed• ' tioned the government for a new
nesday's papers, that Mr John D Chisholm, post office to replace the old one
Ben of Dr Chisholm of town has success- we.. h has been in use 32 years,.
fully .passed hie second year examinations
in Medicine at the Toronto University.
--Conductor Quirk, of Wingham, has
moved into the house formerly occupied by
Mr Benj Willson. It is said to be the best
in Wingbam, but the best is none too good
Mr itobt McLeod, formerly teller in the
of lit attilton here, was in town a few
during the week,
W Freed, Postmaster .1t'isher and
Sties g M Fisher attended the Baptist con.
atKtcstion at Atwood this week,
Iter H Davis attended the funeral of
ttliatles Wilwrr et tlorrie on Tuesday.
Deceased sad Mr. Davis were intimate
Bev J ' ' Goan, pastor of the Wingham
'Rational church is in Brantford this
attending a matting in connection
true ah orals work.
lake last ,week.
! Rev. Dr. Williams will leave Listo-
1 wel in a few weeks for California,
where he and Mrs. Williams intend.
IF,a,TAV -- in East Wawanot h,• On
opo 3rd, the ifs of Mr. J. 13. Tierney;
Ginsotas.-- In East Wawanosh, on
„one 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Gibbons,
for the genial conductor. --• I{ineardine a son. h
,p416. w,DIED.
Mr 8 'i'ouhill, real estate agent, has Iner,Afv'n—In Wingham, on June 3rd,.
sold to Mr H Day, lot l3. west side of T sac Ireland, aged 82 years. keF
Centre street, next Presbyterian church i Simrsox--In Wingham, on AM. 2nd',
that property, at a fair figure. We understand , belle Simpson, aged 77 years:" n._ 5
�• Da to erecting a, brick!
Emily Bertha, youngest daughter Of Mr.
learn that Mr John D Nichol, who has bete '
dAM Jb d
dw ing on this lot;
ilia many friends here
Wlt.yolseeln Iiowick, on June 3rd,
. manager of the Bank of Hamilton in Look- Charig WIISJSI, township treasurer,
aged G3 years and o months.
.now for several years, has quit the serviees, NAl'.---fn Iiowick, on May l3tb, !qrs.
. of the batik and into ids leaving shortly for George Nay, oged ee years, 4 months ane
British Columbia 28 days'
an rs. o n 1•tei , • aged 1 year, 1i
will regret to months and 20 rlays.�l
The undersigned is prepared to receive
orders for repairing lounges and
matresses. Lounges re- coves' d, mat-
resses made over, carpets sewed and
laid, Lowest prices and good workman-
ship. 'Orders promptly attended to.
Leave orders at my residence, Centre
street, next to Wno..Holmee, or address
box 54, Wingbam.
rm. 1
Having purchased -She butcher busi-
ness next the Brunswice, I am prepared
to supply the public• with all kinds of
fresh and Salt Meath, Sausage, Bologna,
&c. Orders taken and meat delivered
to any part of town..
A call solicited. 'PhoneNo. 0.
We build our pumps to last for
years and have them in price from
$$2.50 up.
Brass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron Piping.
We have a f
Call and get
of anything in
JOHNstock of the above
prices when in need
our line.
1NL N PE Lrli ON, -
Opp. Beattie's Livery.
The photos M. E. Zurbrigg has in
his window speak tor themselves.
Just look in and see the first time
you are in town or down street.
Photos, Crayon, Water Color, En-
larging and Copyi„ g receives special
attention. e
Good work guaranteed to all.
N. E. Z1Q11£]1i1 UG4l,
Opposite Presbyterian Church,
Boy wanted to learn Photography.
The Kentucky Bred Trotting
will stand for service at Swarts' Hotel
stables during the season of 1800.
ZENO is a beautifuldark bay, stands over 10 bands
high, perfect in symmetry and limb and superior
action, weighs 1400 lbs. As his pedigrceshows, he
!came of noble stock, combining Strains of the
!superior racing families of olden times, and direot)V
,rdating to many of the most distinguished trotters
ever bred in America, and running back through
•numerous branches to Old Messeneer ficlltotntder
i and Hambletonlan, the fountain head of the trot.
tin family, As a stock horse he cannot fall to get
valuable stock for evcrykind of nee as well as speed.
, b Nan carried off tet prizes and diplomas wherever
i 15 will be to the Interest of farmers 10 see this
berm before breeding their mares,
oro, WftAtTH, V.CANN0IttfAN,
Manager. owner,
We guarantee that this Paint, when properly used; will not Brack,
flake or chalk off, and will cover more surface, work better, wear longer
and permanently look better than other paints, including Pure White Lead
and 011.
We hereby agree to forfeit the value of the Paints and the cost of
applying it, if in any instance, it is not found as above represented.
We are prepared .to back this up and do nothing more Or
We will gladly furnish you plans and estimates upon any
of the following litres:
Eave-Troughing, Hot Air, Steam, or Hot Waiter Heat-
ing ;, Bath Room Fittings, Metal Sfding and Roofing, Metal
Interior • Ceilings, Etc.
We always guarantee our work and our prices. are always
in it.
eLaughlin uggies
" One Gracie: Only and That the Best,"
Has been their motto for over thirty
years. Some of the principal features.
(which no other buggy has) are
rubber and brass washers warranted.
three years, one lever top steel effete, &e.
11 ,rt� _ McLauchlin's cost a little more than
._^�f� / others, but they are the cheapest in the:
`-`�� ---
end. You will make a big mistake if
\,;,'«�R �� you don't see our stock before buying.
::i..,::;�.,:'----- _ .,..' We can sell you a good ordinary
buggy as cheap or cheaper tharieany one else. We have them here. '
We can sell you anything- you want in the implement line the same as.
we have done for the•pasv IC years, and guarantee good. value, Or if you
want an Organ, Piano; or Sewing Machine, you will find our stock the best:
that money can buy. Prices and terms all right too. Colne in and see us
anyway. Will be pleased, to show you through.
Office mid' Wareroorns opposite Presbyterian Church,.
Want .GOOD. Binder Twine, and, are
willing to pay a fair price for it. Sen-
sible farmers know GOOD twine is
the cheapest ; and poor twine is dear
at any price. It is not what you pay,
but what you get, that constitutes a
bargain. "Plymouth" make and sell
GOOD' twine as low as GOOD twine
can be sold."Plymouth" does not
make or sell POOR twine at any price.
' .:tVW..114ry .uW�W
This Trade Mark is
on evdry'ITag.
See that : you get it
If your dealer does not handle our Twine, write Ply..
mouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 lay Street, Toronto.
1'1 ' ;tov
They areperfectly safe and warranted
to give satisfaction its beth.
Burning and Baking.