The Wingham Times, 1899-06-02, Page 6e THE WINURAM TIMES, JUNE 2 , r;Iti..) • • 1"` e • frieed or fee, sepporter or opponent, t aed Skins, $80,000; anthracite cosi, otiticoolatgpul intec •the Premier holdthe highest repue $190000 and other lines to a lesser tenon i•er coertlineee and eonsictera- degree, The exports for the Muth t I""""'""4"'""—"e''re---'elres- lion. "Mr. Speaker," said Sir show a falling off of $269,262. The 3IINP. 2, 1999. Wilfrid, "the hon. gentleman (Sir Jen months' exporte to April 80,, s Charles Tupper) has just told us show a decrease of between $4,0000 OUR OTTAWA LEITER. that he is shocked and horrified at , 000 and $5,000,000, leaving the Det niy coeduet on this occesion, I tell tinerease of trade for the ten inoeths Front our on eerrcapon dent. bint, very eoletunly, that 1 ant not of the year at $14,220,491. wawa, May eitn, shocked nor horrified at anything he The lting, expected and eagerly says, scandalous as it was, as it HOW ONTARIO Vial.L13 PARE. stnticipated Redistribution Bill wee always is. The hon. gentleman has lad d ' tee House of Own- given proof attire than once this JJS THE•enew 44441 *4 mons on leritley afternoon by the session that he is no longer able to Prime Minister, and it was foiled discuss, that he is only able to abuse, wherr the details were disclose& that and so use language so scurrilous as the Government had literally to be unworthy even of Billingsgate," carried out the undertaking pre. and when, a moment later, Sir Chas. viously given, for in the ehanges Tupper ventured to interrupt the pronme, county bretedary lines Premier with a denial of a state - have beeu rigidly adhered to, and meat be had jest made, Sir Wilfrid where the number of the eleetorate answered :—"I am accustomed to in. any city or county necessitates its that. Whenever a eharge is divieion into two or more ridings brought against the hon. gentleman sueli division is placed in the hands we hear from him that there is not a of a eommission of judges whose word of truth in it. We have won duty it will be to make an impartial bye -elections by corruption and by and equitable adjustment thereof, the lavish Ilse of money private and. The bill deals with Ontario princi. • pleblie. Sir, there have been more pally for the simple reason. that the than thirty by-elections won by injustice and inequalities of the past the Liberal Government since the have principally affected this pro. General election in 1896. These vinee, though two or three of the hon. gentleman opposite tell us to - more glaring inequalities in the day, whea there is no responsibility Province of Quebec will also be behind their words, tbat we have rectified. obtained tbese victories by the lavish use of money, private and public, NOT A oexarete REVISION. How is it that they have not the courage to bring a single ease be - Recognizing the broad principal that,in thc,. ordinary course of . • events, a redistributIon bill should • only be necessary after each decen- nial censuee—a principal which will be urged by the 'Opposition as their thief criticism of the bill and one which theoretically the Government doee not diepute,--no general plan of redistribution has been attempted at any time. Had it not been for the eteorions gerrytnandering which • eharitetvrised the acts of 188e and 18ee ti ere ould have been no . , thought of revising the electorate boundaries at this time. Of the On- tarin e wiles 23 remain undisturbed while municipal lines are restored in 19 eon:tit-lei and three cities. The total membership of the house will rem' in nneetanged for while Both- well, CA rdwell, and West Ontario wt!lefe,e0 r,o exist as Federal con stenteacies, and eliedlesex will have.. three inetneers instead of tour, the , county ..f Kent will receive two ad- ditlfInTrl members and new constita- enmee will Le created in Dufferin .• sad Parry Sound. • Sele etitted above the only changes in Qtiebee will 1e tbe readjustment • of municipal boundaries in some half dozeit uencies. The same prinelied ie. applied also in Prince Edwaid Island and in the Province of N, -w Brunswick, the cite* and countv of Sr. John will he divided and each given a member instead eoetilluitte in the mixed up con- dition they are in at present. tmvontriry OF BILLINGSGATE. It is net to he expected than an ,aet whLtli heti for its purpose the tletei tuition of the unfair advantages by which toe Conservatives had bene 'Mei in the. last three or four gener- al elections would escape severe trit- keen from the Opposition benches, bat few were prepared for the wild -vituperative and almost incoherent onslaught which Sir Charles Tapper made npon the bill, the Goverdment aed all its works. That this is not • too severe a critieisnemay be judged from the stinging retort which the speech drew from Sir Wilfrid Laurier,—for whetl. er speakibg of CONSTITUENCIES Irr Po1lULATION. Ottawa, May 25.—The population ot the counties that will be repre- sented by one member, under the new redistribution bill, • are as fol, - lows : Dufferiu fialdimand Lincoln .. , .. . Peel. ............... ........ -.24,871 Welland , „ .30,031 Weotworth . . . . . . , . ... 20,809 liffuskoka 17,088 Parry Sound .19,317 Tboae that will have two members Population . 20,133 23,440 80,079 are as follows Brant . ... . . . .. . ... Elgin Lambton ......... .. .. . . ... Norfolk Ontario ....... . . ... . . .. . . Oxford The cities are as follows: Toronto (4 members) 1 Ottawa (2 members) ......... Hamilton (2 members) 1.40ndon (1 member) In each case. the population 1 fore the courts P Not a single en according to' the census of 1 election has been contested. They Those that will have three bers are : Brace . Grey :Hume Kent .... .. .... .........„ 1Vlicidlesex elections. but in this, as in all other 'slam° matters, they have failed to act." York 36,445 43 377 53,310 30,992 45,355 49,849 have had their opportunities to prove their charges. The courts were open to them to establish their allegations that we have used money wrongfully in the bye- 81,220 38,492 47,215 32,281 s giv- 891. mem- • M U N YON'S will guarantee teat my Kidney Cure euro 00 per eent,, of ail forms of ItiOney eon:plaint and fib many instances the most eerie:Is forma of Driebt'e dense. If the disease is com. piloted send a four. mune vaI of tame. We will analyze it and advise yon free what to do, BIUNTON, At all druggiste, 25o, a vial. Guide to Dealth and med cot advice free. 1505 Arch at., Phila. Manser, $1.25 for repairing culvert, lot 5, con. 8 ; A. Adams, $4 for building culvert on lot 1, tem. 4 ; Peter Ileckney. $1.10 for gravel; Wm. Henry, $1.50 for lepairing bridge on lot 25, eon, 0 ; C. Caudle, $4,5t) for keep in fall ot' M. Shaepin's child ; Geo. Barrie, 25e for repairing - ealvert on lot 10, eon. 17 A. Dal - triage, $1.90 for flour :.s charity to Isamu Mem) ; Isant.i Wade, $125 as salary ttS asseesor for 1811e Moved by Messrs. poinod Fin- ley that this cortnell du weer adjourn to meet again on the thied Wednes- day in June in the Athena Hotel, Ford wieh.---Onilried. L. WALKER, Clerk. "HIS MONEY IN THE STREET." Catarrh Remedies Cost Him Hun; dreds and No Cure—Two Bottles „ . . . 64,004 of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder . 66,781 Cared Him, ,7518,.$0114, Pre(' fi lisIb, jr , Railroad, 59,968 Yilrk 011, Pa , on January 31$t last wrote 82,72e of Dr. Agnew's Ualarrhol .wder like 59,978 this :-"1 had emu! rh ,of t1,0 ho-nd nnct 81,892 stomach for two a rs. non had it in the worst form. 1 petit -&u“ rt.I hundred dollars tn remed:ee toe! 'eight as well 10,000 SORRY HEARTS. thrown ety money in the slreel. 1 was re.uk,01,1,11fletd to tr Ur. rtsnew's Cat. lilreszo re.o me. I sin n I man, and arrhal Powder, end two Ine lee uf it have wish its makers the greatest of success." t weak 'Sold by A. L. Hemilton. for the it as a Mr. Jem Reid, coed -moor on the nese in O. P. , had both leas cut off at St. Martin's Junction, on the Labelle g from SABBATH. SERVIplefil. MTHODIST—Rev. Dr. Pai/000, pate or. Services at 11 a in and 7 p PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. Perrie Peter. Service's at 11 a m aud7 p in. .NPeSCORA,L, St. Paul'e—Rev. Wm. Lowe, motor, Servmee at 11 a in and 7 Wellington A MISFIT CRITICISM. One criticism that. Sir Charles Tupper offered on the Redistribution Bill does not appear to bang very well together. Having expressed his convietion that the bill had been in- troduced because the Government was afraid to go back to the country under the old condition he proceeded to repeat the old story that they had won the last election by the "Janus- faced police of promising coercion in Manitoba to Qaebee, and no coercion was that followed, by the Government; and therefore, a.ceord- ing to Sir Charles Tupper's own statement, faith was kept with On- tario and broken with Quebec.. But, the redistributipn bill leaves Quebec, practically undisturbed, while it re- adjusts the constituencies in Ontario. There appears to be something a little ont a plumb somewhere in the argument ; perhaps Oppositionists I who are yet to speak on the debate, would be good enough to make their leader's position a little more clear. OUR POOR RUINED COUNTRY. The trade returns for the month of April are out and still tbere is nol indication of that inevitable disaster and rain which was to follow the advent of the Liberals to power. On the other hand there is the fullest evidence that that progress and prosperity, to which we are becom- ing accustomed, is growing and gaining in strength and volume month by month, The value of .dutiable goods impoeted for home consumption during the month amounted to $8,032,734 upon which duty to the amount of $2,320,419.02 was collected ; iree goods $4,381,805 and coin and, bullion $38,078, mak- ing the total imports $12,452,117 as compared with dutiable goods, $6,082,404 upon which $1,758'653 90 was collected; free goods $3,550,124, in coin and bullion $495,104, with a total of $10,1e,7,681 in April, 1898, or. an increase of $2,324,488, The total imports for the ten months end- ing April 80th, show an increase of nearly $19,000,000 as follows : - 1803 1899 Dutiable 862,017,083 $72,805,331 • Free. 40 055,243 98,321,021 Coln and bullion 5,611187 4,115,777 Total.... $105,285,515 $125,242,129 Duty........ 18,330,592 21,079,127 24733,000 ROME DI OthiriftIS 000GMT G. A feature of the return is that the ,Iportion of the month's exports whieli wine Mader the bead of free goods, shows a heavy increase in the goods which eonstittae the raw materials of various industries. For example, April, 1809, shows an increase over April, 1898, in erode rubber and gutta pereha of $07,000 ; fur skins not dressed, $75,000; iron and steel • other than steel rails for railway, $102,000; sisal, manilla and bemp, undressed, $66,000 ; wool, $80,000 ; dyes and chemicals, *80,000; hides AIN FAG Is the result of Overwork and an Exhausted Nervous System. Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food creates New Brain and Nerve Tissue. Ilusiness and professional men, acceuntants, ztericgtupliem, teachers, students and all brain •workers ::now only toweled what it mewls to Lave Cho brain so tired out that concentration of thought is almost impossible. One-iifth of all the hlootl in the humeri body found in the brain, and unless the blood is VITO Anti rich tho brain becomes exhausted for want of proper nourishment. Dr. A. W. •Chese's Blood Peed creates new train anti nerve t -ate, and produce 4 rich red blood, "the vital fluid" of the body. All 'brain workers quieklyrecognize the merits erflg; great food mire, and after a few doses enter on their work with new energy and ambi- tion. lie tin fat. is unknown to petzmns whose brale *tel nertehavebeen invigorated by the use of Dr. .A. W Chase's Nerve Food, which is fee sale by all dealers at se. a box, • -, Dr. (Um's New /look, "The Ills Of Life and Ilow To Cure Them." sant free 10 your aildrts.. Edniansitn, Dates & Co., 'Dreorito, La Grippe Has made Them So Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Will Bring Joy and Health. La Grippe has left many a bear and diseased. Dr. Agnew's Cure Heart, because of its great mer heart remedy. the magical quick giving relief, and the almost incredible • cures it erforms is snatchin P n. BAPTIST —Rev, W. Freed, pastor. Services itt 1.I. a ria and 7 p CONGREGATIONAL — Rev. J, W. Gan, pastor, Services at 1,1, a ni aue 7 p ro.. CHRISTIAN WORNEBS — Misses Outratn and Look in command, Services at 3 p 111 and 8p in. SALIT4-4TION ARMY—Capt. NI cLeod and wife in coma:awl, Services at 11 it, m,3pm and 8 p 41, In each of the above named caturchee Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p in. BANK of HAMILTON *INGHAM. Capital, 81,250,000. Rest, 8775,000 ereetitea-a aTUART. Vice•President-A, G. Ramso. • XO/R,ECTORS Joinz Plume% ORO R0400, WM Gamow, ilf P, A. T. WoOD. 'A, B. Los (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Citallingllattintes -13etio1.1011k1)--, xoutsTuito -14 TUS TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STHET W INGHAM, ONTARIO. subsorlptionprloorOper yoarrina4va4134` ADVERTISINO BATES - 0- in O -.1" -fire Ono Column $00 01-14.6-00 i4;20 00 es oe Halt quarter $1 50 00 12 00 'I 00 a 00. , 40 00 20 11 00 4 00 t2no inch ft 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 Legal and other casual, tun t rtisereeht, tipper line for aratineertion,and 3c per line for each subserplent Insartian. 'Measured by zionperell scale. weal notices 10e, ptr lima for first insertion, ay. per Ilne Mr each subsequent msertice. Advertisements of Lost,.Found, Strayeri,Situations and Business Channta minted, pot eNseedIng nonpareil, et for first month, and 60c. for Orion subsequent month. ;louses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding a ilne. to. for first month, 80e, per subsequent month Larger advertisements inproportion, These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, er or 1ouger perioda. Advert.soments and local notices without speolfle directions, wilt he inserted till forbid and charger/ accordingly. Transitory advertisements ;mat be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements meet be in the taco by Wednesday aro, in order to appeas that week II. B. ELLIOTT Paoranwon 41114Pronto:a ' :trutslIrriTil,i'il')',tzogoweagrnItRY.Agetot vviNGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and raSt&honflizttl.n.Desetrosits also received at current Drafts on Great Britain and the, United States address T. CASES of all kinds, For particulars bought and eat • aitowed. W. CORSOULD, Amon E. L. Dic KINSON, Solicitor. R VANSTONki., Money ,te Loan on Notes. BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR, Ete.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rata • • interest..No conumaszon charged. Mortgages, town and farm propert bought and old Notes Discounted OFFICE-Reaver 'Block RI/found. • • T • . , , Medical Superintendent, n'inghain, 0141 AT ,REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pez contwith privilege of .13aying at tho end, of any year. Note and accounts collected. Ofm. blcINDOO. Beftva,. ignerwinghnan. Ont WING -HAM STEAM PUMP WORKS death's door many who had been given division, by frilling underneath a Having purchased the entire business over as hopeless cases. it's a wonder freight; train, from Mr. Daniel Showers, I tun now worker ; it's a specific for all heart de- prepared -to supply thepublic with rangements, and no matter how acute or ' - - „r>t. T R seemingly hopeless, will give relief in- ekle of 30 minutes. $old by A. L. Hamilton. There were 21n fewer licenses in Klondike News ftems. Ontario last year than five - years — ago. When the law of 1897 came The Klondike New -4 recently pub - fully into force on May lst of thislished the P4Iowing interesting year at least, 60 more licenses were notes , . cat off. Last year the number, of III;v is worth $400 a ton in Daw- committals for drunkenness it the son. - It grows wed. :111e1there, is a Province of Ontario was only 1, , world of merlow land In the Liu ltitS of while ten years ago the number wad . the trieeteeei„e oenee yneem. 4,797. In Ontaria there was hi There is no neeeseite, for the visit- , MY. WHAT A GO . Nit tie 710-‘-'771ILL IS 1897 one conviction for every 901 of or walking fe om Da we. n to . ' the . • TH E.WE.W 044 41; -t,V4 , ALL5TEri- uiVitigtILL the population e in Quebec one or mime when a go )d saddle horse every 407 ; in Nova Scotia one .for ean be had for $60 par day, . eery 381 ; in New Brunswick one Sr>itie energetic farmer ean make for every 262 ; in Manitoba one for every 887, and in British Columbia one for every 239. Weary of Experimenting With salves, suppositories and ointments and dreading and hundrecis hatg turnd to Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment and found in it an absolute cure for piles. The first appli- cation brings relief from the terrible itching, and it is very seldom that more than one box is required to effect it per- manent cure. Etovviek Council. GORRIE, MAY 17TH, 1899. Council met to -day in the Tp. Hall, pursuant to adjournment, members all present, the ,Reeve itt the chair, minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Moved by Messrs Spence and 1Gregg, that Jacob Mirer receive the • I sum of $50 as payment in fall for ikeeping Mrs, Angst, she bot being a fit subject for the House of Refuge. —Carried. The resignation of Chas. 'Wilson, as member of the I3oard. of Health, was read and accepted by the coun- elt Moved by Messrs. Gregg and Pin- le f that the application of Mr. Chas, Wilson as Treasttrer be aecepted, hs farnishing satisfactory security as mentioned in his applieation, and I that.the Reeve and, Clerk see to ex- 1ecution of Bonds and place them before the amnion at neat meeting. —Carried. Moved by Messrs. Spence and Doig, that by.law No. 3 app.:intim; Chas. Wilson Treasurer be read tic passe&—iiirried. ACCOUNTS PASSED 8. W. Ferguson, 51 for searching title of lots 27 and 28, con. 18 ; C. a fortune bringing a few sacks of seed potatoes. Potatoes rnisea here are worth from $1 to $.2 per pound, and on the Pelly, SceQvart and Sixty -Mile rivers they produce equally as well as they do south of here The bill of fare which, hung in a Dawson restaurant all winter bad these items t Bowl of :soup, $1 ; canted cern, $1 25 ; canned toma- toes, $2 ; stewed fruit, L75$ ; slice of- pie, .75 cents ; doughnuts, pie or sandwiela with tea or coffee, $1.25 ; beans, coffee and bred, 82 ; plain steak, $8.50 ; Porterhouse steak, $5 • Doctors said Incurable But the Notary, Mr. Lemire, was cured of Kidney Disease in two months by Dr. Chases Kidney. Liver Pills. n is only when thoroughly convinced of the superior merit of a remedy that public Inert will give their sanction. Mr. E. H. Lemke, Notary Publle, x692 Notre Dante Street, 'Montreal, tells of his re. markable recovery from a severe attack of kict. toy disease. When doctors had failed, Dr. Chase's Kitiney-Liver Pills saved his life. He writes : "1 give this statement, first because it is only just that the Merit of 1)r. Chases Kid,. lieptiver Pills should be Made known, and again in order that others may profit by Iv experience. For years 1 suffered with kidney disease which doctorspronounced incurable. Thanks to Dr. Chase's Itidnoy-Liver Which 1 have used for two months, 1 am corn. pletely cured. They helped me from the'first, and the CUM is now perfect," Dr. Chase's Kidney.i.iver Pills Act directly on the kidneys, and through their combined influence on the kidneys andliver, cure the most ' complicated diseases of these delicate organs. One pill a dose. es cents a box at all dealers, or Etbautitson, Bates & Co., Tomtit°. Wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, Dross and Iron Cylinders, Oalvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Trotighs, Sinks, Daths,Fipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in' Con- neCtion with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pu °aping water. Deep well pumps a sneeiniity. Repairing promptly attended to. Partiee, writing for information or ordering by mini should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. , C. IVIOANINGSTAR. Bev 140 %Ingham, Ont. EARLY. CLOSING Before placing your order for Spripg .Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one-half more than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to -day. We make clothes that fit. VirEBSTER 8v CO., J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Winghtun, Ont. E. L. DIOICINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. NOLIOPI:OP. TO BANK 01' =MILTON. storey , LOAN. Office -Meyer Block. Winghani le O. CAMERON, BARRLSTNR, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER,. eltot, Oflice-Cover ,Mamilton apd St. Aluit9W,44.43 opposite Colborne Hotel. GONERICO, ONTARIO. AuTiant 161 IN, nes, ties, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental Collette oat Lfrenti •te of the Royal College' of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mace over Post. Office, Wingliam, s. JEROME, L. D. 3, 'DENTIST, HAS WITH' 0 s bhp D. 1). Rots, graduate of the it. 0, D. S. of Ontario, and is prepuce to do all manner ot Dental work at reasonable prices. Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House, Whigham. JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wisetan, ,Osoanzo, pESANS. J11.. WINOltlAk, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOh an coon OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge moderate, JOHN CU1tR/1..1, WINGRAm, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. . sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implemetita specialty. All orders left at the Times office pionintly attend od to. Terms reasonable: GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine DEPART - anetve 6 49 a. m. 3 05 p. m 3 30 p m 10 29 p ra 8 55 a rn 3 05p m 6 SSo. m 11 10 a in, 5 30 p m 8 00 p ixt 11 10 a 111 6 49 a nu 8 80 p m 880pm 10 29 p m 8 30 a rat SOCIETY MEETINGS. n .0.1,p Caledonia, No. i40, meet' Os Us Oi—lhe first and third Monday- in envy month, in she add Fellows Bab. Vliithig brethren • welecti“ J. Murray. eieet. ti B Elliott, Itert..Set JOB PRINTING, TNCLUBING Books, Prunphlets, Posters /31 Weds, Circulars, &o,,.be., executed in the best style ot the bIt, at moderate) pricass, and on. abort *Mies. Apply or Address 11, 11. eettorr. Ot5oe, IYIlighate 1300KBINDING 0.01••“•• we 419 Pird to :ittigrVITualt lits111 gr?:°ort. G se:tines 19 volt u Queen's 13Iock. prompt. attention. Prime for RingIngin any style will be lit en on inonlits.ttrei 0 the Tains Oleos