The Wingham Times, 1899-06-02, Page 34 1- H. to Be Paine's Celery Compound Will Overcome All Your Troubles and Dangers. Well people have pure, clean blood' strong neve, active liver and healthy kid neYES If you are a sufferer from headaohe, or show ei no of rny skindisease, blood is surely renewed with Wept' rates, and needs (Itemising by that grendeet ot ailt loot purifiers—Paine'e Celery Com. pound. It you are nervous, suffer from pro- etration, sleeplessness, mental depression or deepondency, be assured your nervous organism needs repair and toning. Your best and truest medieine for this work is Paine's Celery Compound. It the liver is inautive, if you suffer from constipation and defeethe oiges- Zion, your only effeettve helper ii Paine'e Celery Compound. If you have backache, if the urine is thick or brioky in color, your kidneys need immediate ettention, or Bright's disease may end your life, Pitiee's Celery Compound cures all forms of kidney otieease, and will give health and vigor to all other important organs. The ablest physicinns, jo America are continuelly preecribing and recommend- ing Paine's Celery Compound or the troubles and dangers tbat have been referred to, and thousands of thankful letters from Canada's hest people prove Sully all that le claimed for the marvel- lous medicine. .Had Has Revenge, An aetor, who is thoroughly con- vineed of the vindictiveness of woman reituesthis anecdote in support of his opinion :—"I .had a woman enemy unce.. She wee Jeading woman .in the Company when I was leading man. On the stage we were lovers. Off the stage we uidn't even speak when we met. I had a scene with her, in which I had to clasp her in my arms, while her head sank on my breast. I wore a frock coat and a beautiful light satin scarf. And whet did ' that woman do? See used to make up witb grease paint aiad when her head sank un my breast she used to rub het . cheek against my tie,, and—well, )4 light satin tie with red and. grease. paint on it isn't a thing of beauty. 1 had to buy a new tie ftn, every perloyin- *nee. ed. Stood, it • .ftesse. nigh tse -and then another,' Wome n told me • Ii;liat to do. 1 filledin scarf with pins, points out, send when my lady rub- bed her damask Cheek ageinet tuy breast thnt night bite looked • like a war map." - • Just Like Smoke. A cough is like smoke. Smoke indi- cates that there is fire eomewhere, cough indicatee that tee re is a serious diseese hidden away in the breething orgaes.. Put outthe tire with water and the smoke will disappear. Put uut throat and lung diseases with Shiloh's •Consumption Ouse and your rnigh will disappear. 25 ets, 50 ets. and SI. -.00 a bottle. Guaranteed IC do, everything 1sied to it r . • WIN(*UAM Portnilazo n tno 04rpontor Shop. The carpenter had pat down his tools and gone for his luncheon., "Life with me Is a perfeet bore," said the auger, "I'm a little board Myself," oeid the SwaU ) "There's no art in this country," observed the Screw -Driver. "Every. thing's screwed in my eyes." ' "You don't stick at anything long enough to know what you're driving at," interjected the Glae, "'Mee just it," said the Screw, "Ile never goes beneath the surface the way the Jack -Plane and I do." , , "Tat I" eried the Saw. I go through things just as much as you do. Life's stuffed with sawdust," "Regular grind," said the Grind. stone. "I agree with you," observed the Bench. "It doesn't make any differ ence how well I do my work, I'm always sat ,in," "Let's strike," said the Hammer. "That's it," cried the Auger. "You hit the nail on the bead that time." "P11 hit it again," retorted the Hammer ; and be kept his word, but he bit the wrong nail. That is why the carpenter now wears his thumb in a bandage. It was his thumb -nail the Hammer struck.—Bazar. • • • .. • ..... CIIAP12ERVIIL •14,0••••*.rnmpt JUNE 2, tb09. . , The Outlook for Wool 1. Let not thy stomach offend thee ' with rambling, growling or gurgling 1 melees. • 2,, Nor with theme belchings ef gases , • that arise from over -eating or Ii.di. gested food, 3. Take heed of these warnings as- signs that presage the approach of dyspepaia. _ 4. Take Dr, Von Stfin's Pineapple ' Tablets, which correct all derange. mente of the stomach at once, They relieve distrese, give comfort, and cure I —and they cost only 35 cents a box— sixty tablets in a box—at A. 11.11amil- ton's. A CARD. We, the Uodersigned, do hereby agree to retund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if. fitter using three fourths' ot contents of bottle, they du not relieve Constipa- tion and Headauhe. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently oure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used, 'A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, ing FIM, nt. • Colin A. Campbell, ehernist and Drug - gait, Winghara, Out. A. L. Hamilton. Chemist and Drug- . Do Not A,buse the }logs. ••,..=•••••••••••• The William Davies Company, of Toronto, hal, e issued the following circular, which deals with what they to get across the line before the term a very earnest question : • Dingley duty took effect, and "The quantity of bruised sides at which, notwithstanding the fact that • present is so serious that we write it has the advantage of not having You for the purpose of securing your to carry the 12 per cent. duty whiett co.operation to remedy the evil. the 1898 clip would have to pay When we tell you that one box out there is practically no market in the of every twenty of baeon shipped United States and it remains to -day this week by us is made up of bruis. unsold. The position of Canadian ed sides you will understand we are clip for the present season is this :— dealing with a very earnest The greater part of the last year question. and one which calls for at- clip is unsold; native wools in. the tendon from everyone in the trade, United States, with which Canada Punching hogs • with sticks, whip. fleece can be compared, are to -day ping them with whips, unloading lower than the importation prig° of them from wagons carlessly. and foreign wools with which they may anything else which may cause a be ranked in the American markets el•th ff et of the Din le act on As is Usual in the early part of May when preparations are being made for the coming of the new wool elip on the market, great interest is taken In the prospects presented for this important Industry. The on look is anything but reassuring. To begin with, it is estimated that 75 per cent. of the clip 0 last year is still held in this Province. A good 170 G.O.ARCHIBALD S CASE Didn't Walk for 5 Months. Doctors said Locomotor Ataxia.. I deal of this wool was purchased from Kilburn'S Ileart and Nerve Pills for it to -day hi this naarket is 18c. Cure a.Disease hitherto regarded, Q only s t e u o as year s • clip still held in Ontario by parties The case of Mr. G. O. Archibald, of who a year ago expected to be able Hopewell Cape, N,13.4a. cut of whom to sell it at a profit soon after it was purchased, but a Canadian exporter midmost intractable that has ever been lac to 18e and, the highest plice bid. - appears below), is one of the severest giss, Winghatn, Ont The Presbytery of Paris Met at Woodstock the other afternoon to take action in regard. to the call from Listowel u, Rev. J. C. Hardie, of Ayr. TnA reverend gentleman accepted 1 and the translation was granted. l Rev, G. Patte..rson, of Etnbro, was ' appointed intertnan moderator of the Ipreach bis farewell sermon next Sun - Ay, r congregation. Mr. Hardie will • day, and the induction at Listowel will take place on June 8.. • A Man Named Smith Had a terrible cough.' People said he 1 WAR going into t•onsumption. Asa matter j of fact be was al; eady in the early stages ; or that terrible destroyer. But he had Pelee enough to take Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Oure, and to -day there isn't a healthier man iu Canada. '23 eta., 50 ets. and 8100 a bottle. If it fails to cure the driiggiat will refund your money. Whoever pays you more court than he is accustomed to pay either intends to deeeive ,you or finds you necessary to hian—Courtenay. SKI e • •:11.:0441.• 1.4 tr . $ BEA see.e-e--J I (*CO) tr' ••••••- Te` 111111111' 9. • 4 tr Umtws PISTACENT 01A1111111[5 Bit SIKM T Handsome is that. harid- some does," is the old theoreti- cal adage,' but after allies the skin-deep beauty that's attrac- tive. It would take a big lot of handsome doing to corn- pensate for a skin that is diseased and whose appear- ance is distasteful to all who see it, and the torment of the patient whose daily burden it is to bear it about. Ds. Auentw's OINTMENT is a won- derful cure for all sorts of Skin Diseases—itching, burn- ing, stinging sensations which are acconmanirnents—tetter, salt rheum, staid head, ring worm, eczema, itch, -ulcers, erysipelas, liver spots, and all eruptions of the skin—one ap- plication alleys the irritatiori, and perseverance in its use results in a speedy cure, For blind, bleeding, itching, and ulcerating piles it's a magical bruise is where the mishief is done. an e e e g y If you. will carry into effect the good American native growths has, as a old rule, only apply it to hogs in result, been very disappointing to place of to men, to "do unto others ranch men, who expected that it as you would have them do anto would result in a sharp rise in values. you," we will immediately see an The best price that can be obtained improvement in the quantity of hogs iu the United States for Canada fleece now is 27c. The duty is 12c, the freight charges 0,55 of a dollar, the Consular charges 0.25 and the com- mission for selling on the other side. of the line q cents per pound, which makes a total of 14.30 per pound for charges after the wool is purchased here. This would leave for the pur- chaser of the wool in Canada, reckon- ing on a sale at 27c in the United States 124c per pound, and that price leaves no margin of profit for the exporter. This is the situation at present as it is figured out by local . exporters. So much for washed fleece. The position of unwashed is On Preserving Fruits • • even more unpromising. Within the last few weeks a Toronto dealer bas ° Miss Parloa, in a talk about fruit, sold some unwashed at 18e in Boston, says that nearly all 'fruits are better which after paying the duty and in color, texture and flavor if the freight and other charges makes the are sugar is. added when they first value of the un4vashed wool in this damaged in this way. Can we look for your help iu this, matter ? For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over afty years by millions of mothers for their children while teeth- ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhcea. [tis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incliluable. Be sure you ask for IST. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and th kind. has at an American point a, large lot of the 1897 elip wbieh he was able reported from the eastern prov ices, and • his cure by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills the more remarkable from the fact that he was given up as incurable by • worthy and respected physicians. The disease, Locomotor Ataxia, with which Mr. Archibald was afflicted is considered the most obstinate and incnr- able disease of' the nervous system known. When once it starts it gradually but surely progresses, paralyzing the .lower extremities and rendering its vic- tim helpless and hopeless, enduring the indescribable agony of seeing himself die by inches. That Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can cure thoroughly and completely a. disease of such severity ought to encour- age those whose disorders are not so serious to trythis remedy. Th. following is Mr. Archibald's letter: Fren=a1 Influence. DIEssas. T. elleerax St Co. "1 CM assure you that my ease was a very severe one, and had it not been for the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I do .net believe I would be aiii"e to.da,y. I do not know, exactly, what was the cause of the disease, but it gradually affected .my legs, until I was unable to -walk hardly any for five months, "I was under the care of Dr. Morse,. of Melrose, who said I had Locomotor Ataxia, and gave me up as incurable. , "Dr. Solomon, a well-known physician of Boston, told no that nothing could be done for me. Every one who came to visit me thought I never could get better. " I saw Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills advertised and thought I would try them anyway, as they gave more pro - liaise of helpings -tie. than any thing I knew of, "If you had seen me when I started taking those wonderful pins—not able to get out of my room, andsaw me naw, working hard, every .day, you aveuldn't know me. " I am agent for P. 0. Vickey, of Augusta Maine, and have sold 3co subs scribers in 8o days and won a fifty dollar pri ze., • " Nothing else in the world saved me • but those pills, and I do not think they have an equal anywhere. The seven boxes I tookhave restored II/0 the full use of my legs and given me strength and energy and batter health than I have enjoyed in a long time." G. 0. ,Aanainatn, Hopewell Cape, N. B. In additicM to the statement by Mr. Archibald, we have the endorsation of two well-known merchants of Hopewell Cape, N. B„ viz.; Messrs, J. E. Dickson and F. J. 13rewster, who certify to the genuineness and accuracy of the facts as given above. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 500. a box, or 3 for x.2,5, at all drug- gists, or sent by mall. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont. ' In a diacussion of this subject by the New York Society for the Study of Lite, Mrs. Almon Hensley, Presi- dent, said that when a young girl gazes into a future she instinctively sees herself with a child in her arms, and Mrs. Hensley thought that girls shoulft be educated to understand :the meaning of motherhood and. all tee responsibility entailed. - , Then, turning to the subject of the discussion, she told a startling story illustrative of prenatal influence. put on to cook. It is this method market exactly 6 1 -Se per pound, A young man who lived. in a vill- age had a singular aversion for the which gives the good effect to the and yet purchases have lately been - sight preserved fruit thatcomefrom France made here of unwashed at 8c to 9c. of meat in juxtaposition to a and. Germany. The hard fruits,how- •. carving knife, and requested his mother never to carve at table. He over like quinces and pears, should said it caused the blood to rush to his .be cooked in water •until they are• d.. bead, and made him "see red." One tender before the sugar is adde Most of the dried fruits, too, if care- day, however, the mother placed a piece of rare beef upon the table and fully and slowly cooked, need very little sugar. With the exception of laid the knife beside it. Her son, after gazing at it fur a moment as prunes, dried fruits should be soak- ed over night, and then cooked slow- though fascinated, bounded for his chair, snatched up the knife, and hacked her to pieces with it—a deed for which he was in due course hanged. A medical man, bearing of the case, said he regretted that he had. not been made aware of the eircum. stances before the execution, as he could have proved that it was a case of prenatal influence, and that the murderer was not responsible tor his actions. He related that twenty years pre - Before Retiring To -night, take a Laxa-Liver Pill. It will work while you sleep without a grip or gripe, curing -Biliousness, Constipa- tion and Sick Headache, and make you feel better in the morning. • Imam t oho application give.s comfort and relief iri an instant, and in from three to five nights the trouble disappears. Price, 35 tts. A London lady bad eczema for years so A.Toronto gentleman, living on llovorcoett 4 badly, her face and neck Were SO disfigured she head, spent a small fortune in treatments and went into a life of seclusion, and the stinging remedies for piles in their vary werst form, was pain.,of it was so intense that, to use her own treated by electricity with temporary relief only, words, the " worn next thing to med." She tried and had decided to go oti the operating table and marry ointments.salves eta washes—Was treated have a Magda' OtleratIM performed, but was by specialists on akin diseases without getting tceommen ed to try Da. AGNEV6 0INTM101Ta any lasting beimfit. She bought a boS of Ds. he did so, The first appilcatinn of it relteved Atttorat't ontemeey—nne apt:mutton gave her the Intense distress—he persisted irl its use and comfort, and to -day, after using three boxes her to -day ho's rewarded with a cure after years of akin is at clear and pink as A baby'*. aullering, VC AGNEW'S CURB FOR Tint HEART—ftelleVea ttnethering, palpitation and fluttering. A regular life savor In eased of organic heart troubles. DR. MINfiW'S CATARRHAL POWDER*Relievess cold in tho head in to minutes, Cures hay fever and catarrh, 13R., AGNEW'S LIVOIR PILLS.negulato the bowels, Tone the eystein. Neer gri,.pe. Pleasant little doses. 40 in a vial ; 20 cis. 8 SO:JD 14"9' A L. ITA:I/LTON, WINGUAlq. ly in the water in which they, have been soaked: Over -cooking for these fruits is recommended, in which case a small earthen pot with a cover is a good. vessel to soak them in, and they should afterwards be placed in the oven for slow simmer- • • ing. In any event, frail should never be cooked in tin or iron. Cut Flowers — How to PreServe Them. Before placing them in vases,, cut from the end of each stem one six- teenth of an inch with a sharp pen- knife—scissors nip the pores together and prevent them absorbing nourish- ment. The vases should be carefully scalded and filled three-quarters full of water, into which should be drop ped five or six drops of sulphate of • Impure Blood. Miss Agnes Faron, Athlone, writes t—"About two years ago troubled with impure blood, but relief until I took Burdock Bio Bitters, which completely and perm nently cured me.' wna's' I ammonia. This anbe obtained from viously the mares raother, returmng got no any chemist, and five cents worth will from a prolonged 'honeymoon trip, od The Toronto Exhibition. Stimulated by by the grand success of last year's Industrial • Fair, the Directors of the Toronto Exhibition are putting forth greater efforts than evee to make the one for the present year eclipse all that have gone be- fore, both as to the extent and var. iety of exhibits as well as the magni- tuddand novelty of the special attra- ctions. The Prize List has been published, and copies can be procur- ed by any of our readers by drop- ping a post card to the Secretary at Toronto. The fair is to be held from the 28th August to the 9th of • September. outlast many bunches of flowers. I laid her bonnet on a chair, and a During the day the vases containing ,m,.)py began playing with it, and. flowers should. be placed in the light finally tore it to pieces. Seized with away from the heat and gas. fury the woman snatched up a cary- At night the stems should be spong ing knile that was lying beside a ed off in clear, cold water, so as to re- joint t,1 meat and hacked the dog Moveany decayed matter which may repeatedly with it. According to the have accumulated during the day, doctor, she was not responsible for and all the withered leaves and jaded this outburst, and it had been the petals slim" be removed with a shal) Mita cause of her sharing the ani - pair of scissors. During the n a jell' inal's fate nineteen years later. theyshould be put into a vase contain it a solution of soap and water and set in a cool place. In the morning cut the end of the stems again and leave in clear, cold water for two hours before returning them to the 1 il hate of •Th!lciren Ory for vases -containing t sol p ammonia. Rosebuds will fatten into large fullblo we roses if placed in the icebox for 2.1 hours. White carnations ari be. tinted to almost any shade by put- Seheol Girls' NerVOS, ting dye in the water into which they Many a pale, weak school girl, wirier- are Phwe't. ing ' the evil effects of an exhausted •nervous system, and thin, watery bleed. has been fully restored to the vigor and buoyancy of robust herilth, by using DN A, W. Ohitsrier5 Nerve Food. The health- ful glow oti the cheek and the beght. bees In the eye tell of the building 'up process which taking pl,ries in the body. AO tIN "Tlip LIVE Aoldevements of Adenital Dettiev. ths anther; goo .test haN el here. Py Marta iialstettdtbe Ile. lotto friend nail admirer ef the natioe's 15O th, gest and hest hook 0s0t, 800' pages StO iota" watt. 100 plots hattona innetrotiona, 4{111V ira rparatetts tIpthand.ilbt (4)111'14w:1ton/, thh e. unteveo M s lirptifitte, Write ardert._ 'rho Omit:west tIonspay, Vloor Canton Haig., oblekge, R I A Toronto Contractor. Mr. 3.3. Markle, 257 Landsdowne Stye,, the well known bridge contractor, was cured by Milburn's Rheumatic Pins of a libunsevere uaptt in e of bed for weeks. which Pointed Paragraphs. Some smart men are fools for rev- eflLeotcSoilll'.bright hope is exchanged. for gloomy experience. The giddy girl makes a •merry companion, but a sorry wife. Art is long • that is why women linger in front of mirrors, . Some people can best make their presence felt by their absence, A man's head is apt to feel light when he has a heavy load on. Blessed are they who know enough. to let well enough aloile, It is the heartfelt welcome of the dog that tells the tail. A blind man should never attempt to build a house until he gets his site. It's foolish to worry about the things you can help or the things you eali'PyLramids are so-called because they appear amid the desolation of the desert. The truth that occupies a nutshell finds some minds to narrow to give it room. Conceit is not a virtue, yet every man should have a little of it in his. make up. • The more a man gets the more he wants, and the, more he wants the more he qesn.'t get. Contrary to the general rule the street ear company finds its hangers- on a source of revenue. The man who wears a paste dia. mond isn't necessarily an Irishman just because he wears a shani-rock. Any man who can deliberately pass a dog fight on the Street With- out glaneing at it possesses trtle dignity. "My back is almost broken with this weary, weary load," sighs a poetess, She ought to make her husband• ews.carry up coal.—Chicag No ii.the murder trial of Yon Yon - sot, at North Bay the jury, after bt.4)g, sent •lut for Silt hours, brought iat veedict of "not guilty," and prisener was diseharged, lapraine, straits, contracted cords or pullet(swellings are Owns iirouiptly ro'eve.1 by Hagyard's Yellow 011. lt is t ten n 1.'1 use. Price 25e, the people in the world are unhappy because they have too witch, and the other half are un• pov bemuse they haven't 1 0D S ILLS ..../the ter pid liver, and 'cure htliousnesi, sick headache, jaundice. • indiges tion, etc. They are hie valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they ate worthy your confidence. Purely vegetable, they ram be taken by children or delicate women. Price. 25e,at all medicinealtalers or by Mal 01 C. 1, MOD & LOW01111110S• 9,