The Wingham Times, 1899-06-02, Page 1•
. eeee
. . .. .
-Trains till and 1809 for 60 cts. I Lome -A Liedyse Vane Glut Lace
t Handkerobief. Finder w' receive a pair
Prom or Wow.-. oirouler sent out by :1)1,26 Xid Ceicivesny le
g time at Xing'e
Messrs, Lau Biel ty, ot liamilten, 'reads 1 Store.
aollows , Time iyeno demand Or two volume Funk
combing w oI from, thU. eS., nothing bav- Wagoalls Stanciard Dictionary, as good a fs t
ing been exported s nee July, 1887, The as new, for sale Onto. Apply at Tufge
GARDEN SEEDS. prices paid the fa neer on. this market dace,
. . . (Rarailton) is 8.3 for unwashed a 180 for , 'rue Freix Besieress -The flax bueinese
s -Buy your Ga.rden 'Seeds by washed merchants le fleeces As tub- ', seems to be a thing o . the past, at leeat so
washed wool cane be expor ed. uuder I far as this section i . conoerned. We are
.--- ! the ounce. It •will pay you auy eiromustanees ( be duty being 86e pee ! informed that the on y mm in operation in
THE BEAR ON THE RAMPAGE We have Onion, Carrot Rad
, - pound) local bnye
i ish, Lettuce, Parsnip, Beet farmers to wash t
There is nothing Hee Barring things , and Cucumber Seeds in bulk. b°4315""
up a tittle occasionally, especially in ; Ten Pepin M
FIELD SEk:DS —We have meeting held On X
business, and we are tieing to try and '
Make a little flutter amongst the buyers
• of this vicinity • and as about the ooly ' Carrot, Ma,ngels and Turnip .0411, of the Mayor,
f.or the parchase this oan tie done is to give theua Seeds. Get our prices before
some special Tallies and Bargains ; we , privilege previous 6 being submitted to Ins lee! yearea stone on bend, being unable
are going to try Rad tickle their appetite purchasing at the ratepayers on if onday next was DCA to Rad a satisfactbr t meta for it.-Clin.
who were present ton New Ea
talk you to death tellieg you what we hugely attended, bi t ell r,
in that line. Now we art not going to h
IVO going to do, bat are goieg to quote HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE seemed to be therm gbly so:defied with°the 1 Weeeue.-Aey (le -entity Dairy Batter.
you some prices tbat ought to set you W111011A11. coarse taken by the council in this matter. / Eggs 1.1 cts cash, 12 eta trade. Are the
Pedlars worth 8 eta per dozen to yon ?
G E leve.
thinking if you .are opal, to take advent- _ . Eel% eeve Maine MS voted to the °hair
-age of a Bargain wben you see it. Here — and after a few rerecieka. in favor of the i
they ue-
ci should advise Western Ontario ia t te one at Winghate,
wool on the eheeP's which hilt joint stool ooueern. The milia
at Seefortb, Mitchel , Blyth, Clinton and
;elect. - The public other points are ail idle, and no flax is
nday evening, at the !being eown. The reeeon of this leelaecause
o consider the by-law the Americans are b aying cheaper grade
Carr Bros' water , of flax in Resale. alr. Forrester teas yet
Special prices for two weeks only.
LOCAL. NEWS. . purchase of the rater privilege, palled I Exemmeexoxs.-T e Entrance exarain-
See Halsey Fark'e, advertisement.
upon Mayor Oleg 1. Mayor Clegg ' a 'one w be he
opening his repaarl s said that he might: 28th;20th and 30th
I over Ontario on the
of Tube. )nBast
Dr. Butler, of .London, .1'011 be at the have refused to scams mayor the, sear had - Huron about 360 no. write on Entrance
Dress Goods Dept. Queen's Hotel, Wingitatn, on the fleetkqusand about a bout 100 on 9 Leaving. The
he now this e. ion would have come
15 pee Fancy Dress Suiting, reg, °Soper yd, no 870 Wedneaday of each month from 11.80 a.m.
12 44 • I k 81 00 ‘• b f the n il. No town 1 Ca;dI. presiding examiner are .:-For Clinton,
14 41 4. 22 00 ,t 000 till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation iu °re na
!Prim:Mai Houtsou ; Seaforth, Prinnieal
" 411 wool Pinkie " 85o " 61.25
ao diseases of the eye, ear- pose and throat. hae as Obeap fire eroteetion a,s Wingham
Th Clarkson ; Principal Watters,
3 " Dress Goods, ", Ma " 23 Bar WANTED, -A good, smart boy want- has had for the pa,
ie 0 term suiting, " 26o " . 15 -
.t 250 • .i 15 ed to learn the printing baseless. .A.pply reason for same
All regular 1210 1,rint tow for llo per yard. at the Totes office. " water power, 1
Flannelette, 30 inches wide, Itegular neo per yard,
now for 00. .. Lo-noN CoeveueeteteThe London, Con- would expire with
Shirting reg. 12ic, now ler 11.0 p!u yara. ference of the Meth°. let church is in Bess. let next, and the
ion at Windsor this reek. Messes 11 Para mike a new 'Nate at tbe time the dam ' speetor Robb. Tne
Also a new line of
White reeett -skirts and' Win Peasant ar , the delegates fecina went awey. The clam had withstood the ' tions begin un JuIY
spring feedlot, but it was enderntined and July 18th. PrineiPa
' ' •
Y 3 • ,
Wias because we had , of Fort/moll ; Wroxet
he present lease of dam of Orange ;
Carr Bros on January lEtartley, • of Balmer
o il were trying to 1ForsYth, of Xippen ;
White Pecos Skirts,
reg. 82 25 this town.
with Colored Teaming' 32,50
63.0,0 •SOTIIING- NEW. -T
We have a full line of Ladies' White Wear which/5 no new developme
being eold cheap.
section men's strike.
Gens Furnislang Deillt- receiving eyery encon
Mee's Irmo-0aq Shirts, all *toll rem61.20. novf 700 Quartets at Montreal
It •• 111 it 00 200 -
•' 41 If if " 75C See. 4so be firmer than ever.
ts in the tee T It tumbled over. nhe ratepayera must be / Sealort i , lemma
ere are practically well satisfied ham ; Principal Mu with wbat the council bad I
The local men are done in the matte, or there would have
Inepector B,olab at 0
agement from bead- been more presen ;. : After tile dam went ; writing on these ex
and they seem to away the collude least to aot with prompt- t forth -Form 1, 34 ;
We understand that ness. Steam al d water power had been 22 ; form 4, 3 ; total
thoroughly discuss d by the coned]. In I 29 ; form 2, 36 ; for
was secured' and he : commercial ene6ali
t to eet this eabance ot 1. Wee 93. Wingb
ter ' privilege go by.. sebi-Form 2, 13.
10 dos. Men's Mitts, special line, reduced to 46o Air Homer Westell, of Xineardine, one of
5 doz. Night Shires, reg price find, now • 45c. expert train Galt
Flue nal/Wilson Underwear, rag, 450, now 110o -the iection foreman ha been secured to
15 doz. 'Jaen% Ties in all styles, 8001 n00‘ 180, . lank over, theVoceet froin Ileardirre. tti P.14-1
utged thiconnoil n
Special( Cut'. in Mat% ' eierston, and froze Win rnee London. _
purchasing the w1
Iate,.7t, styles in Men's- Fedoras, reg. 32.60, now $2,00 .„ . Darn or Wt bitniv 411. old thsicient of elete the 4 ayor re a eng ,
al lei I thy letter trona : Weevema-Oa short term plan. A. young
it li 4. 2.00, , L20 Mr Brown, the exp 4, urging the °menu ; man to learn tailoring end crating. Apply
to Webster & Co, Queen's Blook, Wing-
r, Principal Shear-
ordsvich, Principe
; Blyth, Principe
and Brussels, In-
igh Sobool examine -
rd and eoutinue till
Scott will preside at
Cameron at ,Wing-
rove at Brussels and
inton. The numbers
urinations are fe-See-
orm 2, 40; form 3,
0. Clinton -Form. 1,
3, 27 ; form 4, 1;
; 2 ; corn. diploma, ;
Form 2, 21. Brut-
" • •' " " • 1.60, 1.00 Wingharn in the perso of Wm Deew, died to by the water previlege. If they had /
• II .1. i 41 t 6 1 At ' 76 on Saturday evening 1
.4 doz. Children's Caps at .. - . . ' S - Deceased had been ei k for -.some weeks
a in 111 6')t'h Yeare pat in a, stepen pla it end purehoesed the i e.
Special Ilue ef Ilen'e Soft Felt Gate at - 60 .,„
Tailoring Department • .. with Brights' disease. A ; widow, three ,"Aer privilege .hey . would have had ,
in his 70th year, of Mr Jobe ickson, on
1.1naTu or AN VLD
to put in coffer da in order to work on I Friday
evening of
i. at hiS home on
which we ate making up at the low price of 61100 and Dolly, and ore s , Willie,on of in' 'money was e1,000 and e3,500 for new dam
,, . funeral took pines t ' the Wingham -cella- .
etery on Monday ternoon, was the rentel. as ed by Oen Bros, and
had been in declittir health for some t e
- then we could roe 'y have water - for idre /
, past, and the end wes not unexpected He
he dsath,
daughters, Airs Si lair. Misses Lizzie; -the dam
Just received a line of All -wool Serges and Twee& proper. he amount of purchase
Centre street, adds anotherto the list of
per suit • cerdine, are left to ourn his loss, , Ile aged worthies wh, have passed away
SPecial cut in the prises of Boots and Shoes and and other improv men ts. $500 per year - . .
Groceries.during the past few Months. Mr Dickson
HO 1-1 re,
SO ti 'Clruntax Volume as. -The members of protection. §5 5.50 per year 'MOW pay
- Court ieleitland, Canadian Order of For- the interest on. nvestment and the de. 1 Wee o, naive of Scotland and came to
settling first in Lanark
esters. will bold th dr ,annual anniversary neetures and tile town would own the Calla" in 1634,
L.& II. sere"
ices on Thttesday epinieg, dune 22nd, privilege. Tb y would have revenue county, He afte wards lived in Elora
55 [18111e8S rig tRess 8 o'clock, when they wilt march in a enougli each yes, to pay the yearly outley.
•. body to the Ftesin terie.n- ohurcb. Rev D dounea had an and leondesboio 873. Deceased was
other points. r. moving to •Wingham
BRINGS - Petrie will preach
lizaDING.-Yon can get the Trims
and Weekly Globe until the end of 1890
for 80 omits.
match et the seaso
rn 9
between the Bober y Organ Co's team,
of Minton, and Ma local olub, The
Doherey team were the winners.' of the
game at Olathe o Kay 2.1th. The
kcal boys are getti g in good shape for
n ot to put up a first-
class genie. No clubt a large number
will Attend this, the first baseball game
of the season.
leiow er A.T Deet -The rain on Sunday
and Monday last ea ed the water in the
river to raise very re idly, and on Monday
niternoon the ff dare was in groat
danger of being cern" away. Luckily for
our oitizens, Mr Gree ; had the second span
•of the new dam comp •-•ted arid as soon as
the water was let over all danger of a wasli
out was past. It look • very dangerous for
a wbile during Mon ay afternoon. Mr
Green is pushing the ore along ae quick
as possible and it is expected that the
principal part of the n w dam will be com-
pleted in the course of few days,
Vomiter, Mereu.-T e football match
of the season will be pl
barn park on Saturday
local bova will again
Berlin teara, The
a good shoving t hi
will be in attendance,
large attendance at thi
and help cheer the b
procession will be f
hotel corner at 5.3
the band, followed by
is expected that all
cIoie down early to
time to see the mate
.-The first baseball
will be played on
turclai, Tune 10th,
the oodasion. Tb
to held this IlerViC
as the majority of
holding the aervic
agree with them
be much better
these were held d
It has paid others to attend that we have earl -
CENTRAL, *BUSINESS COLLEGE no excorio for any
tending the servio
er a 000 er year for
it sermon, suitable foe use of surplus ater. Now that the engeged in the milli. g busineen in Londes-
on & week day evening, expeeted that t 0 ratepayers would vote boro, bra since cornieg to Wingham had
Foreeters have decided etoutril had deo ded to purchase it was
. lived retired. He -as one of a family of
ttherirteteiini obileIrNmp
evii, ti) c.o:olou,o
them do not believe in for the by-law o Monday next. If any h:
on Sunday. 'We quite one was -prase it who opposei the Hetvan Lramer a "pand only resigned
tottn of weighs=
nd believe that it ould scheme, he wou d like to hear theta. Some for.
f all such services ae people say we rant water for domestic over twenty years
closing, there should be hardly ready f r that syetem. It would his position * few ; ears ago, owing to
ring the week. Now riurpogeth
s, 1. ought- the toven was failing health. le was a men
loved and respected by ell who knew him,
of the members not at- be very costly. Thought the ratepayers
. death,
Every Forester and should move fist it a matter Of that and all will regret to 1 ear of hie
aught we ehould have a He was an honored tie nber of the Fresher.
tericua church and was1a Conservative in
or domestic purpoaes as ogoce.
well to tap the mains. k' Efe leaves behind a widow to
mourn the loss of a kbd
deeide in the future to and loving hes-
e domestic purpbses, it k toG de
band. The remains v. e
rich by the early train Tuesday morn-
rfere with the present ing for inttment. M at of the me
s a profitable bargain and einbere
raid carry. It was the -of the town council and a number of Mr
ended the funeral
se }melee to go oat tto, lei.stintikosodne:.siohol, friend a
rity of the votes passed ' '-'
byelaw. Robt MoIndoo
little to soy. Re could
ng said by the Mayor.
done what they thought
matter, and the rate.
w do their duty. He
hree persona talk againet
steam plant would be
d the present eolterne
elf in the course of
was not opposed to the
essant was fully in
..1 Neetands OWnery aetlord with wha was said by the Mayor
educed $100 ; r Thee and 'Ulama* Defects scarcely noticeable
it was a bueineee
----------. north patt lot transaction and • considered it a good in children assume
againspoke mid said a
rt lot 4, Josephine steam plant won)
cost $8 a day to dangerous proportions with
nt owner, assessed operate it ; whil water power male advancing years.
0 ; L W rtarison's coat practically thing. All the money
A proper correction now wili
gh, lot 122, Corrtyn now being (spent woold be ve-spent th .
$50. The Court the town. ; If e had bought a, steam
y eventeg, when plant it would b sending the money out prevent serious complica-
Ws will he eon- of town. The
was carried un
• . 4 -Moved bt nos Belli
OILING. meeting 60 -11 elo
log to Whig. ge6".(1" by
will at Once go to n'netIng4PPrel
OTRATFOED.. - ONT. the general public re cordially melted to Mud. He t
and it will pay you. 44 of our recent attend tbe aeivi: e. Invitations have separate plant
.studeets have accepted good situations. been tient to a num aer of the neighboring it would not b
Business Men are lookitig for young Courts and, no doe et, a large number of Should the to -
men antlivernen wbo are trained as we visiting brethren will be present. have a plant
train them. Three times the number of
requeete tor Melo aseistante have been 00unT or itaVzsion4.-The Court of Re would not int
received by us this year as Compared viSion for the town which is composed of system, This
With any previous year. Councillors McKenzie, Gregory, Molndoo, the by-law sh
Enter now if you can. Prospectus free. and Hanson, held is first silting on Tues. duty of every
' e W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal: day evening. Ci nnctllor McKenzie was vote.
'A mai
appointed chairmen. There are some would emery th
forty-six appeals aeainat the assessmeut, said. he had ve
Marriage Lioenees the Iniquity of w iich are additionals to endorse everyt
Dented by Prcamr. Peeteseer, No 23, Vic- be pat on for incintrod franchise. The The Council ha
vete as follows :-W d was right in th
teneeet in ward 1 to payers should n
ntario Loan Co, south had only heard.
Phine street West, the scheme.
a reduced 6200 ; Mrs very expensive a
north part lot would pay for i
98, Pratieds street ea t, assessed too high time. Thee Dell
Our Clubbing List at $600, was Maimed $75 ; lot No 543, Scheme. at
'smut strecee,Winghtun, Ont. No witnessee appeals dealt with
required. Deyell was added a
the vales sgao ;
Cargillet property,
• to ardor to sate our subtorlbere the trouble of LeOpOlii street east,
waging two or more remittances WO have &MOO attOegSed too higl; WAR
espeolai arrangements with the publishers by which
ff th fella tl -----------.7 o
connection with the WINGFIA11 'WAS at special 7, Diagonal street east, aeferesed too high,
Ivo e
low rates from now until NO. 21841800. dne. The Mayor
. . *Let reditoed e500e north p
Times and Weekly Glebe.
'Mines and Western Advertiser, . 1 40 street West,Mts M X
Times and Family Herald and 'Weekly Star
too hist], redimed $8
and Picture
Times and rumors' Advneate,.:' . 1 80. property assessed too h
fifties Arid Vanning, weekly
'Times and Montrel aWeekliWftwetle, - 7, es. street west, was reduce
Time.* end Parmers' Sun. . . 1 80 adjourned till Thera!
4 25
Mame anti Dolly Moho
filmes and 1341ly World 6.00' the balance of the ap
'limos and Country Gentleman, 210 -entered.
Timm and Weekly 11411 and. ti,npite 16
Times and Duey 'Montreal levied, 2 00
Special cenheine rates with all newspapers 'rnit; .EtitartWAYILA-N
oertinos quoted on iippeevelen,
The Hightvayman
Ad rem nil orders to or call at the ham and on errivel
alt6vibg" motion which tions
noxiously, brought the
*litmus DIVIDE, MoKeivie's arta bu tendon cigar. The Fillets/AIN t
WINGRA,14 landon is the WO in the land for 5c, buitatelf tf *ire
OR lessaiat, that this
of the Council's action 111 DAUGCMT AND OPTICIAN,
eta privaleitt and the
yod on the Wing -
evening, when the
face the lemons
ye expect to Lemke
game. A band
The boys deserve a
game. Turn oub
ys to vietory.
rmed at. Swarta
o'clock, heeded by
the two teams. It
the factory's will
flow the workmen
were at Berlin they were used like gen-
tlemen, and it is exp eted that our towns-
people will now us the Berlin boys
right. ee
17,net.„ &Veen Ps Rye^."-M.MY oL our
townapeople were wo • ering on Saturda y
Morning last as to he cause of all the
farmers coming to t wn. It was not long
noell all were aware that it was the day
Mr Wm Gannet), the local agent for
Frost & Wood, was having his delivery
of farm machinery. All morning the
workmen were busy ceding the different
wagons with urachi iery at the C) P R
station. All the cu tomers, aortae forty
in number, were given ree tickets for their
dinner at the differe hotels. After
dinner a procession w 8 formed at the
station and they then
North End Grocery
there down Main street
where all were brought t
Tamlyn, jr, eeoured a ph
marched to the
corner ,and from
to Sweets' hotel,
• a belt and Dr
to of tbe crowd.
Mr Gannett informs ue hat the output,
consisted of 57 machines including bind-
ers, mowers and rakes. Mr Gannett is to
be oongratulated on th success of his
delivery, Ur d Tho see, of Leledon,
general treveller ; Mr W
Mr W 0 Riehardson, of
were here in the iuterest
Messrs Frost & Wood
oldest firms manufaot
machinery, and judging
on Saturday their mac
good eatisfaction.
the Ingersoll Daily Ohm idle of May 18th,
• f well-known
n:-"eletry wed-
uesday afternoon,
a most popular
ce Agar, daughter
xon Street, was
wedlock to lefr.
Wingliam. The
at high noon by
presence of about
eg, St. Thomas,
and surrounding
T 10 brute wore 0,
dress of cream satin wit 1 pearl trimmings
and oarried a bouquet of roses. Miss
James, of aisin of the bride,
acted as bridesmaid t was dressed in
a costume of eargandy, trimmed
with lace and ribbol s and carried 5
bouquet 01 narnation The groom was
assisted by Mr. lifeKa , of Toronto. The
bridets travelling suit was of Cadet blue,
trimmed with apangl rot and buttons,
and title wore a Week jam% bat trimmed
with pink and silk ro es. After the cere-
mony and tongratul ions the ;compete,
partook of an elabo te wedding dinner.
,Arneng the guests war Ole groolti'e mother
and sister and Mrs. 911. 0. Boyle. of Port
Colborne, and hitt broker front Lockport.
The happy couple lefttat the &II train for
their home Ifi Wingb ant, followed by the
good wishes ef their tato friends." Mr.
end Ult. Fortier have taken; op their real.
demo on Muter st
Arnistrong, and
he head office,
of the company.
re one of the
ring harvesting
our the delivery
masa tnust give
following from
refers to the marriage
young man of this to
ding bells rang out on.
when one of Ingersoll
young ladies, Miss Vlore
of Mr. Wm. Agar, N
united in the holy boas
Leban B. Fortier, of
ceremony wee performed
Rev. n. it. Witt, in the
fifty guests born Winni
Lookport, N. Y., Buff
towns and country
Swede Turn ps( H artley's 1 nip,
Bronze Top).
Swede Turnips (Fine West-
bury Imp.)
Swede Turnips (Skirving's
I mp, )
Swede Turnips (Carter's Im-
perial Hardy).
Swede Turnips (Bangholm)-.
Mangel Wurtzel (Improved
Saw Log),
an CENTS for the T.OLES and Weekly
%Jed Globe until January, 1900.
The regular annum meating of the
shareholdere of "The Vingham Farmers'
Flax Co, Limited" ill be held in the
town hall, Wingheen, on Monday, Jane
5th, 1899, t 4 o'clock
4. T
ing are the changes
ammo, President.
etoe.-The follow-
-the Wingharre
and Cioderich distriat, of the IYIethodist
church made by the first 'draft of the
Stationing Committe uf the Confer-
enoe now in session at Windsor : e -
ham District -- Winghws, W meg ;
Kincardine, W Rigeb ; Bethel. jameS
A. Snell ; Brussels, W G Howson;
Whitechurob, J l• able. Godericb.
District -G oderieheer etoria street, Thos
Harrison ; Clinton, aeatteribury street,
R Hobbs ; Myth, W -"enhall ; Auburn,
J Eel:M(34y ;Londegh »I% T BCopeland
Tuckeramith, R 811 Vhompson ; Varna,
First-class photos. 3est in town.
ranted never to 'fade. All sizes, 75c tri,e2
per dozen. Armstrong. the new photo-
grapher in Brookenshire's old stand, oppo-
site Brunswick hotel.
TIER LATE MRS FLA actAxidelany were
the expressions of reg et when it became
known on Wednesday of last week that
airs P B Flanagan ad passed over to
try tbe realities of axe unseen world -
The deceased eeet no been strong for
some years and a s
grippe, de.:ng the ed
reduced her strength.
ing effected sbe gra
passed peacefully awe
whose =idea name
milted in marriage to
London, from 'which
Wingbam where they
until they came to
yeara ago.She is e
band, four daughte
The funeral took plac
Saturday, where requi
ere attack of la
ter, still further
Her heart become
nal y sank and
Ire Flanagan,
as Donahue, was
ity they moved to
ontinued to reside
rvived by her htee:
and two eons,
to Catlerhue an
m Maas was cele-
brated in the aurch for the de -
tsarina, after which 11 e Ten:mine were in-
terred in the cemeter In a word. Mrs
Flanagan was a 1 irge.heatted wife,,
mother and neighbor, -Hanover Poet of
May 18th.
' All kinds of garden =c1 field Seetis, in-
cluding tarnips, ming. las. eto. for sale at
J H Young's flour aral Seed store. 21
CHIJItua oTles,
The heavy rain st
evening had a bad eff
at the several church
Sacramental servic
Presbyterien church
next. Preparatory
this (Friday) evening.
Next Sunday tno
Cbildtens service w
Congregational clew
take for his evening s
of Ender, Did Sainu
postponed from lest
for next Sneaky
"True and False Pr
the pastor will prey
to the Ancient Orde
attend in a body,
rd. Subject- st
chapel will be de
rrn of last Sunday
t on the attendance
will be held in the
n Sunday morning
(service will be boa
num at 10 o'clock,
1 be held in the
. Mr. Goff») will
bled, tThe Witch
Rise." which was
(=day evening.
erviees and Subjects
1 R. 01. Subject
verity." 8,45 p. me
It the annual enema
of Foresters who will
11 are welcome, 7 p.
deet Safety." The
rated for the oceiresica
ARM you OXNG,Intiostti
Then something is ,! wrong. to the
young it always means trouble. .11 is as
warning to any one, unless they arealreseiy
too fat. Scott's Braulsion checks thrs
waste and brings up your weight