The Wingham Times, 1899-05-19, Page 4TIM WINO iiAM CMPBELL.'' SRSPRILU 'iO.R THE BLOOD tri The BEST Spring Tonic .. . TO .2.D'7E.RR'V Notice ofehanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noun. .The copy for changes must. be left not later than Tues- day'isVening: Casual advertise- ments ., 'accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. 1!C �L 1rngyyad taus k'I;IDA'Y, MAY 19, 1890.. r< be no doubt hastened her endI The brick wont of Mr. D. Sander I son's new house is completed. The loeal baseball team expect to play matches with the 13russels and Formosa teams in the near Atture. Mrs. A. Goodfellow has moved into her residence on Ann street, which she recently purchased from the Bong estate. ,A new fence has been built around Episcopal church grounds. n Tuesday of last weep, Mr. Willits died as his residence it The deceased, had been in failing health for some year The friends of Mr. J, L, 1Vilson, ex -principal of the Wroxeter Public School,will be pleased to learn of his success at the recent examinat- ions held hi conneetion with Queen's University, Kingston. Although Mr, Wilson was only three months in at- tendance at the University, yet he ranked second in honor Math elnat ies and Physics. ' Mr. John Barnard was on a.buei- ness trip to Kincardine and other northern points this week, EDITORIAL NOTBS. IT is 17 long years since •the;gerry- mander was perpetrated, but to -day its doom will be sealed. HON. Mr. Blair refers to Sir Charles Tupper as a, common scold, The old man's egotism is developing with .his age, and his own party is finding It difficult to stand him.—Kingston Whig. THE Penman Company, of Paris, to -day employs 610 bands. In June, 3.896, it gave employment to 230. .After this fashion is the Liberal trade policy destroying the industries of Brant county.—Brantford Expositor. In the House of Commons, Tues- day, Mr. McMullen, M. P., in reply to Young Sir Chas. Tupper-, got off the following : "Or Tupper young, and Tupper old, 101 belted knight of Tupper fold, Of Tupper scheme and Tupper bluff, Thank the Lord, we've bad .enough." THE nominations to fill the vacancy iu the Legislature.' for North Water- loo were beld at Berlin on Thursday. 3. Breithaupt was nomintaed by the Liberals and Dr. H, G. Lackner, re- cently unseated, was the choice of the Conservatives. The • election takes. place next Tuesday. WROXETE1 . th The 1st of July will be celebrated' lin Wroxeter in grand style. The officers chosen tncomplete arrange- ments are :—Pres., J. E. Black, Vice Pres.,. J. E. Brethauer ; See., Geo. Spotton ;. Treas., Thos. Rae. Fordwieh and Harriston will see many of our citizens on the 24th of M . n Saturday, May 6th, Mrs. Rob- inson , sister of Mrs. Lowery, who ` passed away. lives 6`n Queen street, v She had been ailinr some time and a few weeks ago had a bad fall,. GivibeIVIIWIVesellellWilloW Our up-to-date bow and Stick Pins, BEAUTIES Oar dandy line of Bel and Neek Buckles. BEAUTIES t Our fine stock of Blouse ' Sets. LADIES These goods are too nice to talk about, Colne and see them.. HALSEY PARK J eweler and Optician. LIMES, MAY 19,, lsSO. paralysis, setatica, the after erects of la. grippe, loss of appetito, headache,, dizziness, ehronie erysipelas, scrofula, We. They are also a t uecllic for the troubles, peculiar to the. female system, correcting it'regularitkes, suppression and all furors of tenitale weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the eases or nten they effect a radittal cure in all eases arising from mental worry, overwork or excess of any nature. Protect yourself against imitations by insisting that every box you pur- chase bears the full name Dr. Wil - limes' Pink Pills for Pale People: If your dealer does not have them they will be sent, post paid, itt 50e a box or .six boxes for $2.50, by ad- dressing the Dr, Williams' .Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont, • He Fooled the Sur„ eons. All doctore'told. Renick .Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, be would die unless a costly operation was per- formed ; bat be cured himself with live boxes of 13ocklen'a Arnica Salvo, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the 'World, 25 cents a box: Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. A Hamilton ltquor dealer was fined $20 for taking orders for liquor in; Halton county. The eoal output in Great Britain last year was 202 million tons, and of the United States 178 .million. The mineral productiveness of the British Isles, considering their small area and the length of time their mines have been worked, is almost incredible. It upsets all predictions of their ultimate exhaustion. 9 SERIO:S TIM1 A QUEBEC FARMER SUFFEREDFOR NEARLY TEN YEARS. HAD TETE BEST OF MED/OAT.. TItE,tT- lima, AND TRIED HOT SPRINGS WITHOUT RECEIVING BENEFIT—Din' w3CLLIA.MS' FINK PILLS Ot7REfi Mr. John Story, of Maryland, Pon- Mae ontiae Co., Que., is well known to all the residents of that section, and his cure from an unusually severe attack of rheumatism, by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, after all other remedies had failed, has, if pos ibte, added to the popularity favorite medicine. Mr. St the following statement o ing and eure. He says years ago I was e l ga ing on the Lake 5 the C. P. la. I this y gives is stiffer - "Some ten d in railroad - Igor section of exposed to all kinds of weathe and as a result sustained a severe attack of rheum- atism, which all bat crippled me., and from which I suffered much agony. I spent more than a hun- dred dollars on doctors and for medi- cine but was gradually getting worse and finally had to quit wells, At this juncture the doctor told me that he did not think medicine could eure me, and advised me to go to some $45. Hogs --Choice, per cwt., $4.50 hot springs, I took his advice and went to the Harriston Hot Springs, in British Columbia, where I remain- ed for eight weeks under the care of the house -physician, but experienced no benefit, I then went over to Tacoma, and took a course at the Green River Hot Springs, but with no better reedits, Completely dis- couraged I returned to my home in Quebec, and went to farming, but the rheumatism bothered ane so much that I could scarcely do my work. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were re- eotnmended tome and I decided to give them a trial. After taking a few boxes I found they were helping me and I eentinued their use until I had taken sixteen boxes, by which time every vestige of the trouble which had bothered me for years, and bad cost the so much money, had disappeared. It is now more than a year and a half sineo1 dis- continued the use of the .pills and during that time I have not had the slightest symptom of the trouble, which I regard as the very best evi, dance that the cure is permanent. Dr. 'Williams' Pink Palls are a instruct the pathmasters on Con. A. speciflc for all diseases arising from to get the Carrick pathmasters to an impoverished condition of the put on labor equivalent to Cuirass,. blood or a shattered condition of the or put on only so much hs Carriek � nervous forces, such as St. Vitus' does. dance, locotnotor ataxia, rheumatism, Report of McKey and Scott re alasItE,ET REPORTS. Wiugham, May 18, 1890. Oorreeted by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 the., ...... 1 00 to 9 00 Fall Wheat...... 0 05 to 0 00 Spring Wheat + .. 0 05 to 0 00. Oats, new ,...., ., 0 00 to 0 30 • Baxley .,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 0 30 to 033 Peas. ......... ...... 0 00 to 0 02 !Ave. atoou marisets East Buffalo, N. Y., May 16.--Cat- tle—There were no offerings to days, and only a moderate inquiry ; the feeling was steady and prices nom- inally unchanged. Sheep and lambs —The offerings consisted of six loads ; the demand was fair, there. not be- ing enough to make any particular change in the market; lambs, choice tp extra, were quotable at $6.50 to $6.60 ; good to choice, $6.25 to. $6,50 ; yearlings, choice to extra, $5.25 to 85.40 ; sheep, choice to extra, $5.15 to $5.40 ; good to choice, $5 to 85.10. Hogs—The offerings were 12 loads ; the market was fairly active; heavy quotable at $4.05 to $4.10 ; mixed, $4,02. to $4.07- ; Yorkers, 54 to $4.05 ; pigs, .$4. Toronto, Maya 16.—Tice receipts of. cattle at 'the western yards this morning were heavy, being represen- ed by 75 loads, of which 12 were in annex. With such a wide range buyers were not anxious to seeure stock early, but a large number changed hands before noon. Cables report the Old Country markets a shade firmer, and prices on thotlocal shade timber, and prices on the loeal market were firm. In the export line there was a good demand, and the best stock sold at from 41e to qe per lb; light exporters are quot- ed at from 4ie to 4,11c per lb. For butchers' cattle the choicest animals found a ready 'sale picked lots brought 48e per lb.; medium cattle sold at 4c to 41e ..per Ib., and and common cattle at Sic to ,3e per lb. The , market for stockers' was firm, and shippers were %noting from ate to 40 per lb., accordingly to quality. In the market for small meats the offerings were liberal, and prices ruled about the same as last market day. Sheep are quoted,at from 310. to 4c per ib. for ewes, and Be to 31 a per lb. for bucks. Lambs are quoted at 5c to Sic per lb., and spring lambs at $3.50 to $5 per head. Calver are quoted at 54 to $7 per head. There was the usual run of hogs, with the best selections selling at from qo to 4ae per ib. Export. cattle, per ewt., $4.75 to 54.871• ; do. light, $4.25 to 54.50 ; butchers" cat- tle, choice, per cwt., $4.30 to $4.621•; do. medium, per cwt., $4 to 54.25 ; do. common,, per cwt., $3,50 to $3,75; stockers; do., $3.75 to $4.25. Sheep —Ewes, per cwt., $3.50 to $4; bucks, per cwt , $3 to $3.50;. yearlings do., $5 to $5.50; spring lambs, per head, $3.50 to $5. Calves, per head, $4 to $7. Milch cows per . bead,, $25 to Turkey, drawn ... , , Geese, " Ducks, per pair,,,,, Stutter,.,., , Eggs per dozen.— Wood , Wood per cord, Ray per ton, Potatoes, per bushel, Fallow, per ib, .., . . Dried ra.pples, per lb Wool Dressed hoes Chiokens. to $4.621., light, per cwt., $4 to $4; 12zf,heavy, per cwt., $3,75 to $4. CULR,OSS. A speeial meeting of Council was held hi the Town Hall, Teeswater, May 6th, 1899, at the call of the Reeve. All members were present. The Reeve in the chair. The By- law for enforcing and regulating statute labor was introduced and given the n8ual readings and passed. 1!l.oyed by Jarvis, seconded by Meyer, that John McKague be ap- pointed by this Council to inspect the contract on bridge at lot V, eon. 4. —Carried. Moved by Jarvis, seconded by Melfague, that the Clerk prepare a By law for 'smearing the Statutes for the use of the Reeve; ---Carried. Moved by Scott, seconded by Jarvis, that as we understand the pathmasters of Culross on Con,. A generally put all their statute labor on the Town Line, and that Carrick pathmasters do not putnear as much labor oti said lino ; that the Clerk ;3,1 oU 0 0 05 to 0 00 ,...... 0 40 to 0 50 ...,,. 0 11 to 0.11 . .. , . 0 10 to 0 10 „.., 150 to 1 lo ..,. G 00 to 0 00, ..., 0 CO to 0 75 ...,.., 0 u to 0 4 ...... 6 4 to 0 4 10 to 21, CO” to 0 00 0 30 to 0 30 BUTTER AND EGGS W A. NTH B I am prepared to pay the highest cash price for all, good butter and eggs delivered et luy: warehouse near the G. T. R. •C: Q ILLESPIE. �YNKK4AA PKY YK4�A✓r M41��K, ♦ A ai inspection of assessment roll.. We in`speeted the assessment roll and foiled that there were no heavy al- teiations in assessment, The roll was nice and clean and kept in good condition. The personal property was something new, and the. mode of assessing not well understood, and we think probably. by another year' it will be better. 'Moved by Grabatu Scott, seconded by ,John DicKague, that the Council do now adjourn to meet again, on Monday, June 5th, as per motionof last regular. meeting. Cues. BUTTON, Clerk. Goderich's population is now 4,027, a decrease of 17 over last year. Wm. Ball, a Brockville mail carri- er, aged 22, has been arrested on a charge of tampering with the mails.. Marion Brown, the peg leg, was hanged at London on Wednesday morning for the murder of Constable Toohey, on June 24th, 1898. Four men, named Eliar Weeks, Edward .Chase, John Fitzgerald and Gilbert $outer, were upset in a sail•' boat near Brighton,' Ftlzgerald and Bonter were drowned, and the other two rescued in an uncouseious state. So the falling of the hair tells • of the approach of age and - declining power. No matter how barren the tree , nor how leafless it may seem,. you confidently expect leaves again. And why? Because there is life at the .4 roots. a. So you need not worry about the falling' of ` your hair, tike "" threatened departure of youth and beauty. And -why? Because if there is a spark of. life remaining in the roots of the hair 1 wilt arot se it ihealthy kW aetiv ity: The hair ceases to come 1 out: it begins to grow: and the ,i glory of your youth is restored tOloieu, We have a book en the Hair and its Diseases. It is free, ;lid :Cost Advice Prow. If you do not obtain all the benefits ,wife xpee ai outOO. Proba ly those Is 6411)6 a:ittenity frith your goo. Oral system which ow be easily removed. Addrrt, bit. J. 01. AY1aft, Lowell, mum. a 01 We have just put into stock a large quantity of China, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, &e,, purchased at slaughter prices from a wholesale firm who lire going out of business. Many lines we are offering at less than wholesale prices. Call and flee these goods. Lamp Shades with wire frame, 10e, Tete Tete Sets, 7 pieces, worth 5l.110 for 51.00. 41 ,4, 9 4" " 52.00- for $1.50. {4 41 10 ,b $3.00 for $?.00, Carlsbad China Dinner Sets, worth $20,00 for $15.00. ' Cabarets, very pretty, worth 75e for 50e, �LIIIY Banquet Lamps,26 inch, high Brass font and botvl,rottndtvick, .fill• Bell or Globo shade, very handsome, 58.00 to $4.75, worth $4.50 .11111. to $6,50. YNIII. .lam. Lunch Sets, Bread and Milk Sets, Flower Vases, Fancy ■1111 Al Trays, Glove and 'Handkerchief Boxes, &c, Stone China Cups only 30e per dos and up. 4t Saucers only 20c per; cloz. and up. t4 Plates only 25c "4 CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, iti ingbam, Out. • til YI CI a-ckao Macdonald- Block, sarsassaseliessafilb - !FM • assaassasaaalaiss as aussaYY,IsaressetY.YYYsiallaii I= 114 ' IS 1 IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. This Trade Marlsis on every'rag. See tlmt on get it. IS PUREST IS STRONGEST IS EVENEST IS LONGEST Jf your dealer does not handle our Twine' write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54- Bay Strew, Toronto. BEST An MOST ECOHOIt'HCAL. DOES QUALITY COUNT WITH YOU ?' te, Q-.AIN`�T S $.5,000 worth of BOOTS AN SHO at cost. This is not a clearing sale to push off old goods but a genuine giving. up busi.ness'sale. Everything inust go, Others may be selling cheap, but you will always find we are a little cheaper, and if anyone is out of sorts in the house it rnay be all the fault of a badly fitting shoe. A comfortable shoe is Conducive to good temper, We make it -very easy on the pocket, as well as easy 6nthe foot. Every lady should take ad- vantage of this and come and get a pair of our pat canvas and cork insole walking ; booth. They are made' in French Kid, latest styles Goody err Welt Process, are as flex- ible as a hand turn, and will, not squak. See yythem. J. G. KARGES. Please do not ask for goods on approval without, paying for them. Ifttot satisfactory the money will be refunded. 11 SANDERSON. SEEDS S T. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE' ifEST. Pupils are in attendance at The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. Front the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope, 183 Cities, Towns and Villages in Can- . ada and the United States, during the post year, rent us nearly 300 pupils. There are now 23 Counties and Districts in Ontario, 5 States of the Union to- gether with Manitoba, and the North. Wset Territories represented. Over 200 of our pupils have<been plea- ed in good positions since Jan. lst, 1898,. We recently had four calls within, three weeks to supply teachers for other business colleges. Among those who have accepted posit - tions lately,. are:—Jennie Bateman, as. Steno. and assistant bsok-keeper,. Walk- erville Brewing Co. ; Annie MeRae, as Steno, and assistant book-keeper, Milton, Pressed Brick'&; Sewer Co.; Catharine, McRae, as Steno., George Angell, Whole- sale Art Supplies, Detroit, Mach ; Gea Cartwright, as Steno, with North Amt erican Life Assurance Co, Toronto. The sprang 'term is one of the best seasons of the year. for making a start. Enter now. D. TileLACHLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont. Clover, Timothy, Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, . Mullet, Hun- garian, Corn, Turnip, ..,:; angle, Sugar Beet, Danish Sugar Beet,. Carrots and 'alb, Garden Seeds, The purest and best quality always on land at J ' d s Ala <t SEEDS