The Wingham Times, 1899-05-19, Page 2'I1IR ' t3RI11,, Dv. t'v;'s Ointment Will Slothe, t'al:ll and Ileal it. IA is ti tl:Et F ei11 i ero; nhingo rrom itoh- •cbirer• t•tt^ntui; Stain ,tllatrtsimi, swill its Ooze u,;, t•'; i r, itch, Salt 1 heum, sciald. bead. spas i thee t' str,s>f air eruptions, oua rtora'ic:+li=on c,t i1: a•,n,�'v'a ('int• r=ent Ata deers.] tit{ fire, give instant relief arts] comfort ; v ill t' aro and leave the E kin clear and bort. In three to live %tights it will cure any kind of piles, Solei ley A.1.4 Ilatt,iltou, • The bole of It, •ttatt'n,,.Xfl men W was .:found on the b •t' ,, toile west of Celehea'et• 1'uitt' Eiiliq Baker, ii sehlaal teacher, jumped out of hi•; tealre en window at Sterceuaville, ,t'td b•t,lce rlt•ck. t1 4.7 FS i1��a.cra cte4 `f; 11� F 4. RILLS t a t9-rirn 'm0411404. f4 J _e:tc y C r?n*f1 by files? . Lt:it''1L "''.112, They w'.: a a:4mo Distress. front.' T,.Syspepsra, mail ,e^' arid Too litZt4ty Latin. A per- fect rel: Dizz;n::s, au sea,. Drows>. tress, Bad Tazt.in,the Mouth, Coated Tongue LIVER. - TORPIDT IVER. They J,)al-t t t.ac 4i<ate,s Regu:Wt. the Rowels. rarely Vegetable. Ser+ii �?y Smog E240e)tt k ILK WINWIA • `.'IM xQW TaiIE3C DO IT,. i Where there is a particularly good i piece of juni;le for home sites it Zvi:l A WARNING TO LADIk AGA1.15T A be quickly appropriated for the (Z;GItTAIN RIND DF ADAEIUTISEMrams. ;purpose, and.soinetimes hundreds of these nests will be found together itt. The following from the Tragers-1 the bush as it is called. towla (Md,) Globe will be read with But thotigh the •bushmen of our interest by some Winghena ladies who Australian colonies WV the very Dave been taken, in by this class of lowest in the scala of ignorance; they advertisement ; possess. a. Imre instinct, that equals - "Ladles Wanted—Te do light and . that of many animals; :and is in its agreetable work at home, No earl• way as. wonderful as wan's reason, vassing, Steady work, good pay. It is almost, impossible .for 'thein to Address or apply to— be lost, Even if they be led away. Recently to lady, who will be from their home blindfolded, for known in, this story as. I%lrs, Snaith,. miles, when released they will un- saw ono of these advertisements, and erringly turn in the right direction, wrote to the concern, which is locat- and make their way to their nest• eclat Boston, and received a reply home, and though these are .all very stating that if she would send $$2' similar, they never make a mistae.. Rite would receive in return a con- tract and.instructions. t She sent. the LA, GRIPPE ITIC1TIIYE`j money and received the following contract Will in. Thousands of Oases Have to This is to certify that we have re- Fight Catarrh ,Unless. Dr. Agnew's calved $2 for instructions in the art • . Catarrhal Powder is Used to Pre, of needle work from Mrs,----, and vent the Sowing of the Seed. that We agree to pay 50 cents for The wife of a prominenit physician. of each perfect pattern she makes after;Torontt viutim of Catarrh in its instruction, said' pattern to be. as "'a good as any we have displayed on the walls of our ofFce o' WOO a forut. She tried almost every treatment known in the world of medi- cine without receiving any lasting bene - h. enehe •almost miracuIous EMBROIDERY ART 00. °tree mad+) by Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal There came with the contract a Powder, she procured it, perservered in its use far ei ht menthe,. and was fully piece of velvet outlined in chalk, restored, and all sytnptonls of the dread- with instruction to embroider it and t=ai disease eradioated.;from her system. return it for inspection 'T'he work She says.:—"After years of suffering 1 rejdige . be frsed:' Name given on t lication. Sold L. Hamiton. w..seasy, and Mrs. Smith had noapp trouble in doing it. She then mailed ' it to the cpinpany, and soon received ..Y 19. 199, Gems of Thought; ,a Foe every one. of us there is an upper ion), away from the world's bristle and strife, into which we may; enter, and. where we may ba"' the door. And there as we sit rand gray, One in Whose hands are the print of the nails, ort whose brow the sears of the thorns, shall come in saying, "Peace be unto you.'" ---Christian In. 1 telligencer, Mrs, Middleton Wray, writes from Bottocnberg,. Qut.:—"Dr, Fowler's VAN -- ..tract of Wtld !Strawberry is the best remedy 1 know of for Stunmer Complaint and Bowel diseases of children. I have used it for 17 . ears," Blessed are they who have the gift I of making friends, for it is one of ! God's best gifts, It involves litany things, but above all, the power of 1 going out o: one's self, and seeing laud appreciating what ever is noble t and loving in .another,—;Phomas I Hughes. I Worms of n11 kinds are promptly ex - palled by Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm l3 rup. Nice to take. Price 25o. "Vlimt contort, What Strength, what economy, there is in order— material. order, intellectual order, moral order ! Order means light and peace, inward liberty, and free comrnand over ones self. Order is power.—Ainiei'y Journal. Life is the serious thing, and ws have to live. Death is serious, but not so serious, as Life; we have no. responsibility about dyin '. but'we lvOrd that her work was BEDROOM. POINTERS. perfectly , have a great deal of responsibility SEASON.tBLTa ' Illl\TS FUR' ENJOYING about living 1 — James Freeman SOUND AND HEALTHFUL SLEEP. Clarke. satisfactory, and that if she would send $3 the company would send her a dozen pieces of velvet, for w hien they would give ber 50 cents each to embroider, and ieturn her the $3 as soon as the work was returned. email Prt 00 Mrs. Smith was again easy, add sent the e3, making $5 so far invested, Substitution and in return received the dozen samples, all outslined with chalk. the fraudof the day. Sec you tet Carter's, Ask for Career's,. Insist 2nd demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. Permanent CLi re a f Chronic m w Perhaps you've suffered with constipa- tion for years, tried all the pills and pur- gatives youever heard or read of, without getting any more relief than the one dose p£the medicine afforded. Then you were left worse than before, bowels bound harder than ever, the con- stipation aggravated instead of cured. Alt the miseriesof constipation—Head- ache,. Sick Stomach, Biliousness, Pimples, Eruptions, Blood Humors, Blotches, Piles, and a thousand and one other ills crowded back on you againwith redoubled severity. WduIdn't you consider it a blessing to be cured of your constipation so that it would stay cured? So that a repetition of all the suffering you have endured would never come again? Burdock Blood Bitters can cure you—cure so that the cure will be permanent. That's where it differs from all other remedies. It makes a thorough renova- tion of the whole intestinal tract, tones the bewet wall, acts' on the liver and stomach, and causes altthe digestive and, secretory organs to so work harmoniously and perform their functions properly and perfectly that constipation, with all its attendant sickness, suffering and ill health, become athing ofthe p,ast. Miss Arabella Jolie; living at 99 Carriore Street, Montreal, Que., bears out all we say in regard to the efficacy of Burdock Blood Bitters in curing constipation per- manently. This is her statement e 1'or over a year 1 suffered a great deal from persistent constipation and could only get temporary relief from the various remedies I tried until I started using Burdock Blood Bitters. I am thank- ful to say that this remedy has completely and per- manently cured me and I have had Ito return of the cor:stiIation, LOGS I LOGS Mrs, Smith soon had the work finished, and sent it to the company by express, and awaited pay and more velvet. She received in place of .the $6, written on a postal card "Dear Madam—Work not up to the standard. ' Not only that, but you have spoiled the velvet so that itis useless. Practice'•by yourself for a while, and in time you may be able to work for us, but at present your workis far from being what we require. EMBROIDERY ART CO:" Mrs. Smith was as mad. as a March hare, but after studying her certificateconcluded that she had no redress. She is keeping that pretty little contract, however,•as a remind- er for the future.., - The progress of knowledge is very Sunlight is good for everythingmuch retarded by the fact that peo- ple so often devote their attention either to things which are not worth knowing, or to such as are ,not knowable.—Goethe, Faith is an entire dependence upon the truth, the power, the justice and the mercy of God ; which depend- ence will certainly incline us to obey him in all things.—Swift. , I am glad to think I am not bound to ;hake ` the world go right, but only to discover and to do with cheerful heart the work that God appoints. -Jean Ingelow. but feathers. •Away with hangings either above or below the bed. Beware ofa dusty, musty carpet; better sweetness and a bare floor. Do not fail to provide some means for ventilation during' the night. Keep the bed cool while sleeping, but not by a draft of cold air falling, upon it. If a folding bed must be used, contrive some way to keep it aired and wholesome. Let the pillow be high enough to brim the head in a natural posiiton; no more or less. Thoroughly' air the sleeping room every day; place the beds and bedd- ing outside as soon as possible. i,.. - A dark out-of-the-way, unwhole- some corner is no more, fitted for a sleeping room than for a parlor. 1 Effects Were Wonderful. "1 had been troubled for years with pains in my sides and kidneys and had aches in all parts of my body, owing to. stomach and liver troubles. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and its effects were wonderful. In a short. time I was entirely cured," Mas. It'RArril;s, 209 Os. sington Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Pills are non -irritating and the only cathartic to take with Hood's Sar- saparilla. NEST-BUILDIN G PEOPLE. THE BUSHMEN OF AUSTRALIA LIVE A CARD. CAST° IA For Infants and Children. eke fac- simile filenatme of (Miryi vnf ppoit Wefund the rn fney on ahereby agree to refund the money on a twenty -fico, 1 cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills,. if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most, obstinate oases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills ars used: A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, `,Vineham, Ont. Colin A. Campbell, Chemist and. Drug- gist, Wingbam, Ont. A. L. Hamilton. Chemist and Drug- gist, Wingham, Ont FMPZRE4. DAY LIKE BEASTS OF THE FIELD., D. MINISTER 01? EDUCATION OFFERS I1i;;h''st cash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in fut� yard, . CUSTOM. SAWING, SHINGLE GUTTING. done at lowest prices and saltisfaetion guaranteed. Call and get pees be- fore d'ow,rryirrw o ,•near timber. laki.L2AN& SON . SGGGRSTIONST FOR ITS You know that, of course, hut- CELEBRATION. nests and nest -building birds and animals are so intimately associated t ``Empire Day'' this years falls on 0 n ._3.'_The�ter of with eggs in solve indefinable way, 1 Tuesday, May . minis that in speaking of men' who. build � education has just issued -a, circular nests to live in, it may not be oiit oft to public school inspectors, giving 'place to emphasize the absence' of suggestions as to bow the day should eggs. be observed in the public schools of Travellers who' have returned the province. Part of the forenoon from the heart of ,Africa and' the occupied with a familiar. talk by the Australian continent; tell wonderful teacher on the British Empire, its ex - stories of nest -building people who , tent and resources; the relation of inhabit the wilds of those countries.. 'Canada to the rtnpire, the unity of In the bushmen of Australia we i the Empire and its advantages, the find perhaps, the lowest order of ' privileges which, as British subjects men that are known. They are so I we enjoy; the extent of Canada and. primitive that they do not know , its resources; readings from Canadian British h aut 1 bythe teacher; enough to build even the simplest ;and s authors , forms of huts for shelter. ' i interesting historical incidents in eon. The nearest they could approach nection. with our own country, The a to it is to gather a lot of twigsnd aim of the teacher in all his referen- grassI. and make them into a thicket ces to Canada and the Empire should or jungle, they build a nest for a, be to make Canadian patronism in- home much as does a bird. The telligeft, and eomprebensive and nest is usually built large enough strong.for a family,and if the latter be The afternoon, commencing at very numerous then the nests are of 30 P. m., ]night be occupied by x atriotic recitations sons a very large size. • p songs, readings Into this place they all turn unit by the pupils, speeches by trustees, snuggle and curl up like so manyclergymen and such. other persons as kittens. Sometimes the foliage will i may be available. grow together and form a sort of The trustees and public generally natural eovering, but there is nevershould be invited to be present at any attempt at constructing a pro- these exercises, tection from the rain and storms,1 During' the day the British gag or and it is a marvel how they endure' Canadian ensign .sbo>itld be hoisted them, over the school building. The Pastor, "Good morning, Bro. Roberts, what makesyou look so sad this morning ?" Bro. R. "I have come to say good-bye, Mr. Brown, for I am out of employment, and must go back to England;", o; The Pastor. aGo back to Eng- land to get employment, what non- sense l I can get lots of work for a young- man like you in this country." Tiro. R. "Well I have hunted high and low and can get nothing, so what atm I to do ?" The Pastor. "I tell you what you can do, Bro. Roberts, take an agency fear a good book, for there is money in canvassing. Bro. R. "Do you think .I would stoop to book canvassing ?" The Pastor. (Somewhat warmly). "Stoop to canvassing 1 Better men than you have canvassed. I put myself tnrougi College with a:book 'prospectus, and I know many sue cessful men who dot their start in life as canvassers.' My youngest son is canvassing now, and he makes enough at the business to pay his way at the University, I induced a man who failed in business, to take up canvassing, and he made enough money money to start i u.einess again, I gave the same advice to ayoung mechanic, who was out of employ- ment, and he is new a prosperous Publisher, Why, some of the big. gestmen in history have been book agents 1 'Stoop to Canvassing' ; you are very fortunate that you can STEP UP to it0 I advise you to write the BradleyGarretson Co., Limited, To. ionto,. Ont., for this ' firm publishes fast selling books, and I know many who are doing well in its employ," Bro. R, "I am sorry kr speaking as I did for I was certainly wrong. I will write the .Sradley•Garretson. Company and see what they have to offer,and will postpone my departure in the meantime." - r 7;17,, lualllllMUletWIIHM{tWll{tuNn,llB,liVli.11lllllpinllonmi .,• •• , .WegetabiPreparationforAs- t simitatinii theFoacldndRegula- ting the Stomichs and Bowels of a re yr.' T T 3 FAC -Stab'.. 31Ai' i irI ( Fromotes Digestion,Cheerful- tress andRest,Contalns neither Oinum,Morpiline 'nor Mineral. AeiOT NARC OTIC. jiervz rora.Di WZ17.rtl '!t Penin Seed - fix. sense aetecrG, Sa$r Jlpparainr *i iL fads 7 4�'aQnalced- fY' .rrl�gifm'- ar �larcr. i . 'Ape ;r. ctfetnedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomactl,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convuisions,Feverislt t tueSS C'i•.d L©SS or SLEEP. % Sinule Signature of 1.• y5 i EW -170131 E. t, u.A IS ON THE. W P R OF EVER BOTTLE, OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Nt Castoria le pot. up in olio -situ bottles only. It is not.cold in bar, Don`, roi:cTr anynts co sol; • yon anything else. on the .ilea or proms€o that it is if 55 good,:''tad ;'tiyiil answer .evert yur- pose." sad- So that rut got O -9. -S -T -04.t -I-. The iits-4r"• "J• tim.ao /Pd �lr io on ciaims:o � s r . 1"+ 1/�ti' r",rj7,6► gyne �o"Mb : o: •Rrappo:. v"• +a+tt-^, i"; 9.'n" fish ig*'ec-,' -; 4 ..,tali ,fir, tat . �.��-y.�� 3Wl�/`=sty%t3tV,:f i*12;v,1-: "5s: P, SHEEP DIP and . i P E S 1 4 1� � I�TTItt�TA L WASH ��, PersiatieSheepDip and Animal Wash is the most highly concentrated t and all round satisfactory form of power for its curing of akin diseases and t 'destroying vermin in cattle. It is powerful without being harsh and im- mediate in effect without any irritating results. It is being successfully used all aver Canada for curing Sores, Bruises, Shear outs, Boils,Riogwortu, Gaugrene Scab, and for destroying vermin and insect pests. Some evidence: Mr, G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., says:—"Itgoes farther and does more work than any dip I have ever used. 1 used it most successfully iu castrating t' lambs. The wash beating the wounds rapidly and keeping the maggots' away. ✓(most heartily recommend it.": ; Q• , Mr. Crosson, ?Ringwood, Ont., says :-01.1, have been uuable to gain^real satisfaction from' many experiments in different dips until I used Pwrsiatie •�1;. Sheep Dip and Animal Wash. It destroys lice and vermon perfectly on J er0'9 pr cl=trOtir The Pickhard, ffvillt-Renfrew Limited, Stouet Ont. cattle, and acts as a tonic, healing wounds, sores, etc." No fool i.sgreater than he who would see ,the vision from the height of life without making the effor't to climb.-Prencis 0. Peabody. Ile is a wise man that can avoid evil; he is a patient man that can endure it; but he is a valiant man that can conquer it. —Quarles. The more we love the mere we understand and trust each other.— Dr. Pusey. "PEOPLE `'Tillson s Gold Dust Curn Meal but they do •not always get It," so write - many grocers to us. If any woman who Asks her grocer for Till- ison's and thinks she does not get it, will send us jtist a little of it in a sealed envelope, we will make it well worth that woma0 while. That woman will get enough of the REAL Gold Dust Corn' Meal ' in re•• turn• to last her a long time and she will get it absolutely free of cost to her if she will give us her grocer's name. People MUST HAVE just what they ask. for. The T111son co,'y Limited, Til!Onturg, Ont. EARN This beautiful rolled gold ring' sot with three brilliants, by selling ono dozen Austrian Rose Sick Pins at 10 cents each. ;i'lie aro imperls,able. pretty and easily sold. Sell tbem, return the money, and we Tend this valuable Mng in velvot•ltned ease, by re. turnrnailr . neat, to speciality Sin. Caveats and Trade -Mark's obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE P' EES, Myr oiiice is in the immediate vicinititof thcPatent Office and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpassett Send model, sketch orphotograph of invention wit.► description and statement as to advantages claimed, 441r1To charge is made for an opinion elate patentabiri0g, and my' fee for prosecuting aha application tont nob be carred for untie she patent u n v .air • Oro@d• Ixvel\'rOIIg Gyros." .... D,tr con. tabling foal information seat free. •All •Ooamllnl• Cations OOnsidered as OtrIelIly ©onftdenllalj FRANKLIN H, HOUGH 9p15 r S -raei. W:ASHINGITO1N. D: Lt. 50 YEARS': EXPERIENCE, TRADE MARKS DesisRS COPYRIGHTS SGC. An'one sending a alcetrh and defiCrtption mar gttlekly aseertatn our opinion free whether all Mos s strictly ention is confidential. Handbook on Pa entre• sent free. Oldest agency for securing:patents. • Patents taken through Munn Co. • Co. r000in.eCWithout charges. Scientific Ainterranb A handsomely Innotrated weakly. Largest Air, ettlatton of any aetentj5O Journal, Terms, R. Year; four months, $L Bold ball newsdealere, 'MUNN ' CO,EGinreadway, Y rk Branch Wilco. GCS V St.. wysllingtau, IT pA„„, Y 17.3 TO. A VEITISE IN TIIE TIMES..4