The Wingham Times, 1899-05-19, Page 11 he VOL. XXVIL—NO. 1413. • • • 1• • • k WINGHATC ONTARIO. FRIDAY. MAY 19, 1899. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANC , • • •-•••••••••••••••••••••••44 1,„,441,....emewees QTIR New Goods have now all arrived, (ma in order to impress the name of the new firm on the buying public, we have Marked all of our stook at a very email mar- gin of profit, DQN'T ironOE'r Tis. We are showing a large and beauti- ful range in Ladies' Dress Goods, which comprises all the latest things in colors ard designs to be found. in the market. Ladies, you must tee the goods to appreciate them, no use trying to clescrible such beautiful goods in printers' ink. We show the largest and must up todate line of Zephyrs, Ginghains, and Muslin's in town • in Zephyrs we shine partica-' larly, having secured a. special line . that cannot be duplicated elsewhere ; it has met the approval of all who have seen it and is going quick. A special importation of the latest dress Trimming just received from Ger- many; having ,bought these goods direct front the wake'', we are in a position to sell them at prices that cannot be tuuolled in town. GENTLEMEN -You all need a new Spring Suit, and why not let us make it for you. It cannot be denied that we keep the largest and best seleoticit. of Woollens in town. Our trimmings are 'the best that 'money can buy, we have good workmen .in our employ, lone ex- perience at the business, and till these factors make it possible for us to gua- rantee to our Patrons a good-fittiog, well made, and stylish Suit. Our Gent's Famishing department is replete with all the latest novelties, Ties, 'Shirts, Underclothing, Rose, Sweaters, Suspenders, Gloves, and every item that goes to make up a well Dressed Man. It is useless to try and quote prices, we cannot give you the Whole of them, and it is misleading to the publio to quote a few special ot bogus prices ass some do. Early Closing May 15th. HOIC1111 Sitl. "Business Brightness" • IttSULTS. It haS paid others to attend. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE svIATroRD. - ONT. .and.lt pay you. 44 of our recant * ,sta51en v e aocepted good situations. BpelACz‘• en are looking for young men and women who are trained as we train them, Three times the number of requests for offi3e assistants have been •reeeived by US this year as eompared -with any preylous year. 'Enter w you can. Prospectus free. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Marriage' Licenses Listed by rearm PaTettsoet, No PS, Vio- ovla street,Wingliam, Ont. No witnesses required. CHEAP READINC ! 1.•••••.64.1•••• Our Clubbing List GARDEN SEEDS. Buy your.Gard.61 Seeds by the ounce. , It will pay you. We have Onion, Carrot, Rad- ish, Lettuce, Parsnip, Beet and Cucumber Seeds in hulk, FIELD SUDS —We have Carrot, Mange's and Turnip Seeds. Get our prices before purchasing at kiAM1LTON'S DRUG STORE wneollaAl. , r • • W A1)VERTM2MENTS:. • New adrortisestetts from the fallowing peopio will be found In the columns of thIsisSme: G. B. King-SpeoIal. TTito; Office-gpeold. A. A. Morrow -Seeds. ' John Burgess-Notiee Halsey Park-Beautles. ;13o3,, bfeegrtig o810-1Taticu.I Jno Kerr-Snape Snaps I .M. It. Melndoo-24th May Simgestions. ' ,t M Bruen-A. Thorough Test. - • LOCALNEWS. tt.t.••••• See Halsey Perk's advertisement. Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the Queen's Hotel.. Wingbarn, on' the first Wednesday of each month from 11.80 man, till 8 o'clock p. m., for consultation in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. FOR Saae.-A two volume Punk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, as good as new, for sale cheap. Apply at TIMES office. , : a Stems ae Mit Lain -There is a move - mein on foot in Lend kn to have the Ten it.:, B train run through '..o Kincarditee from here on Seturdey.eyet kings for the benefit of thee who desire to enjoy a day at the lake. Should the train. run through it will be quite a ccavenience to many Winghamites. PALMERSTON'S Posit Faonntea-The ma- chinery for the Palmerston Pork Packing establishment has arr red in the town and is now being placed n position. The plant will cost where' completed $85,000 and will have a carina capacity of 2,50 hogs per week, Themanagement e ect m to be able to comaf ce operatiot about the 12th of July next. WANTED. --500 tubs of Butter. Eggs, 11 cts cas leorder to 'slice Our aultusrlbers the trouble et Seeking two or store remittances'. we have Made epeetal arratirernente with the embliehers by which WO are enabled tr, offer the HtlOwitirtublitationeit cOnneetiOn veer the 'WINDHAM TIMES at special low rates from now until Dee. 81st,1800. • Thrice and Weekly dlobe, • • $1 26 Times and Western Advertiser, • 1 40 'Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Times and Farmers' Advocate, - 1 00 Times and Vomiter, weekly, - - 1 76 Times and. Montreal Weekly Witness, . 1 ad. VIIII6E, and Farmers' Still. . . I. 80 Times and Daily Globe Tit os and Daily World . • 1.1 gg Times and Country Gentleman, , , 2 70 Thustod Weekly Mail and Empire 1 26 ViniolaW Daily Montreal Ilerald, 2 00 artellel 'embattle rates with fin newspapers and teeeingests rooted on application. Address set dam to or tell et the tP/Mg8 OPPICE wnidnAm 2 G E HMO. nurse fund, 4.1,027 ; total receipts, $247, - Passageway eon Feta -A petition signed Lin. ' by Mr TA. Mills and t4te hundred and forty Waieree-On short term plan. A. young more promitent cititeens, has been present- matt to learn tailoring and cutting. Apply ed to the Mayor an Tdwn Councillors, to Webster &Co, Queen's Block, Wing, asking them to bullets passageway for fish "1'1' in the new dame This is It move th; the ABOUT POTAZO Bus .-"Es anyone seen right direction, and As the cost of building a potato bug this spring? In former the passageway is eery slight while the years says the Gu dam is in course .1 erection, the Town I troublesome creator Council will no dou el carry out the wish of ed up while diggin ener this year, is the ratepayers. - total absence, and POOTBILI, Matrai The first football match in the West. rn Football Association that Pr°6ablY las enough to cause th was played in th Wingham park. last be both interesting Saturday afternoon between.Stratford and Wingham. Quite large number were in know theory ge,r enete ai to n potato bugs in the attende.noe, but Aria the weather been Royal City, they veeiil probably be able more favorable a larger number would to secure a 'sufficient number in Wingham have turned mit to witneme the gaine. The to restook their desolate garden plots. game was rather o ie.sided, and very slow, CHSAR Assintio,-You can get the Tina 1 Servant girl wante for 80 gents. ifiere was a g SwigPuesr ts, slight frost lbaseball 1899 ; r Smith, Diagonal 1- WILT, 00 To Cairodub go to and Weekly Globe until tbe end of in this locality ott I Sunday and Monday i to play their first morning, A slight Must of ice formed on I still water in many portions of the town ado will also spelt f It is nee believed lb it the fruit wee very and will compete or , apply to hire 0 . - The Wingham linten on the 24th. arae of the season . The Fire Bri- the day at Clinton, the 000 prize for the di tion et this with the Brussels te (414.1.NODIT--- HIC Wad; . The mtizene of Locknew are considei -ng the advisability of discarding the plank sidewalks on their main streets and tcplaotog them with granolitbie walks. The people of Her- riston have common ed laying new gran- ) olithie walks, people of Wingham Swede Turnips(Hartley's Seeds I have not commonest to move in this seriously damaged. Some early gardennose ree1 race. I% wiso b sh oys every reg y offing. little WANT COW= 'ONDESTS,-- The Tints bEMILCLoSING-T1 a early closing of the Osiness places of ton -u went into effect on is anxious to prom.) geoid lave correspend. Monday evening laet. The stores leave all Y stuff and tender 1 ewers were nipped a. success, G 1' t Onestoss. has beei station a mit at Brussels for the past ten years, ui.a been notified that he will be sent to Bluevale, going to Alma„ going to Dra; now at Drayton, a ham, goes to Bras took effect last we 1•1 Eendall, who mita in all parts of ieWinghani district, been closed and the own, looks as though whioh are not note represented in our it were up-to-date in his line, Shoppers columns, If you see no news in the will soon get acousto. ed to the early otos- of a week or po will own town after 7 p. luevele ; J Collie, of Toms from your locality, we will be ing and in the course Ajma; Cameron, of pleased to send yot the necessary material not think of coining too, and 11, Sutton, ,and instructions as. componclent. tr, to purchase goods. d for erly of Wing. Worm sr THE D.ir. r Walter Green ; HATA. Honnisy.--T and his staff of wc rkmen have been malKeillnion Porniture Ea k. ing things move of the dam. The second an almost unanimo ly signed petition to o employee] of the tory have preaented MIS. COprzti i)in4u.herc died on Tues- day morning of,la t week, at Stratford, Minnie; the wife o4 Fred .1 Colvin, cattle buyer for the Celli gwood Meat eo. De. ceased was a lady greatly esteemed and beloved by all,who knew her. Rer death was mused by typl id fever. Mr Colvin, 1 who is well kuoivrt n Wizigharn,VIU the y ipa ty o. . a r.,..,rts iere.lae CASTLE GrIFFIN.-Tbe building knawn as. Castle Griffin is now almost clear of visitors, oely throe remaining within its solid walls at the p Teent time'. Yesterday morning p, peg leg et the establishment shouldering bis leg (the wooden one) and daftly ustng a sr t tch. The trio now resting in this well known resort is made up of oue ttndor re sand for asseult, one. winter traveller, as•cl one who is doing labor for three months.-Goderioli Star. Albert Thomas' Phosphate, manufactur- ed in Engiand, is acknowledged. in this and the Old Country to be a very superior grade of land fertilizer. Young &Paulin, Tutsi Amssansziats s. -Residents of the town and surroundio townships who are readers of tee TWES should never fail to _ read the , advertise ents printed each week. Tie merelt ins who •advertise always have sornethi g to tell that inter- ests shoppers and th t is of benefit to them. It is only he best merchants in a town who advertise na by reading their advertisements iron] eek to week yoa may save money- a money saved is money eerned, e ONTAIII0 ODUFELLO a, - The following statistics of Odcifello s in Ontario are of interest :-Number o lodges, 278 ; mem- bership, 22,741, an in mese of about 800 over the previous y ; total disburse- ments for charity an relief, 03,892, or an average of e2,29 for each day 'of 1898. $13,204 of this amen of widows ; $7,035 fo oice Dairy brother Oddfellowa ; cts trade, fits, $2,955 brethren' t went to tbe relief burial expenses of 51,000 for sick belin. sharing in the latter; 1ph Mercury, these are generally turn - A. prominent gar& eased to report their ventures the opinion Winter was severe ir demise. ' It would and coinforting to correct." If Guelph The Winghana hoe, 4 had the best. of the Various dizens ze play throughout ti a game,and had no aiffi- vanguard of the gre eulty in scoring fo r goals to none. The Scorn, or Meese Stratford team i composed of the niost Christian Temperan gentlemanly let of players Oat we have County purpose 1.1 lailig a Sohool sof seen in Wingham f r some time. The Methods in Seaforth en the 31st inst. The genie was free fr m any )110Iting and following papers will ee read and discus- gerneling which m de it a pleasure to sed : County finati. ea and responsibility witnetis. We were p1oased to see Messrs of local unions on three behalf ; duties of na Conites and W4 Allenby in their old local presidents and superintendents of planet; On the team. Thew gentlemen are departments ; the du ies of county super- twO of the besb pla ere on the the team intendents ;local re rt day ; literature and till their teepee iye places to perfee- helps; scientific tem erance instruction in tion. he next iome garne will be public schools ; work ainong lumbermen ; played. 'here en Sal urday evening with the franchise ques ion, bald objections the Seafotth team. There should be a answered ; a model] yal legion, A public' large attendance at t.liS game, as it Will be platform meeting wi 1 be held in the even. much faster than to one on Saturday ing, when hlra 'Prier by, Prov. Pres, and t to address the meet. 0 T Use in the county ted to send delegates, tried by the Union at orb having seen the bug army. The Woman's Union of Huron last. Mr 8 Bennett, has given the football °there will be prese boys the use of hie p operty for all matches ing. The local and the boys who- al!e in the habit of are cordially reque standing on the fen o and lumber piles who will be eaberti will have to take ~Cling and not repeat Seaforth. Nertil er of delegates dent by their conduct of last Saturday night, The each trliOn should oe reported to the Cots, Weal boys go to Der 'n on the 24th of May See'y, 3Irs M A. C. utter, Beitforth, before and we wish there a4 good luck with iierlin the 25th lila. Visitors will also be and Seeterttt aathsylbave had with Strat- billited and made *looms. Ity order of kra1 *knave Committees. portion is about • orepleted and work ort i the management, a- king that the factory the fourth pier is veil &clvanood.IMie wet close down every Sa urdky afternoon dur- sveather has rat ,er interfered with the '. ing June, July and August. The men work, but all thin ;a considered, Mr Green ' agree'to work three iours during the week is making very sat sfactory progress. • to make up for the holiday and ask the Orates Bonet:vas ie. -A person taking a management to gra 1 them two boars. walk along the dif 'erent streets in town i SoNs or Scow), n.-Tbe imspibers of will notice many i blues where the boule- Camp Caledonia, S • ns of Scotland, at the Yards in front ofho different residences i regular meeting on Monday evening decid- have been let go v :ry untidy, This is not ed that plaids be ed by the members in. as it should be. Y.,esidents should clean up ' stead of badges, -4. ommittee was appoint. About their preises and let strangers see od to secure the p ids, and any member that we have a clean and tidy population. who wag not presI t on Monday evening Ai Albert '' Thomas' Phosphate will give can get full partic lam from. Messrs D M. a your lawn a very hexer...one growth. Sold 00tobrausait:28%,3`,7 /. Fa •gnbarson at their places at Young Nellie's..e Oun Nser Sem --An exciting serial 1 Fartewetra story, "The Undoi4g of a Double," will be the S A, whohay' , commenced in the Trees in a few weeks. local corps for th The story is said be oect of the best of about to leave fo the day, and maims of the Terns may Their many frien look for a treat in this line. The Times , are leaving so soo will be sent to new subscribers until Jan- al change of °file nary let, 1900, for 50 cents, Now is the necessary that the time to subseribe and get the opening 'Their farewell ser 'ices will be held on chapters of the ne 'story, ' Sunday next at 3 and 8 p m. Special k Mg AT llamas le. - Harriston is to music will be furni lied and a generous have a great delay o May 24th. .Among offering wilt be aske fray to help along the tt a and Mrs McLeod, of been in charge of the Past six months, are another appointment, s will regret that they , but as there is a gener- a taking place, it is the other events aret, fifteen mile bicycle fkrewelling offreers. race, a two mile trar.k bicyble race, open, ! Wear Arman Cn BOH. -- At the last a two mile local race, and a number of regular meeting of C irt Maitland, Cana - other events. En ries meat be in before dian Order of Forest re, it was decided to 10 o'clock on the z ioreing of May 24. hold their annual nniversary services Valuable prizes are being offered, and it some week day evenin during the mon th* of is expected that the racing will be good. June,the arrenging of hide has been left to There will be fire wits in the evening and a committee, In the past these, services ballocu ascension's. races to Secretary of littrriston Tribur Send entries for have been bold on Si day, but by a large ace Committee, care ' majoritye'the Iowa F resters have decided. • I to hold their services on a week night, We Binder Twine in three grades ; our • do not believe in Seel ties holding their ser - dearest at 10 ole per lb. We sell the Oon- ! vises on a Sunday an we are pleased that Burners Cordage Co's Twine. They are the Foresters have t ken this step,' and,no good, honest, reliable. goods and of hothe your order early , aoiibt, ere long Sund y ' y prOduetion ; by placiag s in we will protect you against any further Winghamwill bee t•ling of the past. • advance. Young Le Paulin. tf COUNTY BOA= or EXAMIXED.S.-4 meet - Max TIATI4 BEEN Samoa. le. Vhile Mr - ing of the C`ounty 3oard of Examiners Dennis, milkman, was returning home! was held in the Mod A School, Clinton, on from town nn We inesday morning, he c Saturdey, May 18th persuant to notice: ame in contact w hi the G T It gravel - , There were present -Messrs Tom, Robb, train at Cempbell'rossing. The train Cameron and Bea/att. The following had. become uncou edetnd Mr Dennie at- resolutions were p 'seed 1 -First - That tempted to cross tllc crossing between the I this board grant th ee years' teaching to two seotions ; the ear end of the train holders of professioi al Third Class cer- carne along and =tick the wagon and 1 tie„tee, who hold ,1 knocked the occurnoit out, The wagon .ing ucn-professione was considerably & maged and Mr Dennis received some ugb cuts, hien will lay him off duty for a w days eople can- not be too careful i going oyer railway , certificates who ha crossings, and shot4d alweys look out that early application the whole train ha passed before attempt- Normal and have b trig to cross. thereto shall ladve tended six months. business the board have lost time und factory' te the b teachers holding Ju • nior or. Senior Leav- certificates, .and who circumstances sale- ard ; setirnd -.That ior or Senior Leaving e made a sufficiently or admission to the en refuted admission their certifioates ex - After some routine adjourned to meet in, August in Goderio Geo Baird, See'y, Clinton. Bronze Top), Swede Turnips (Fine West.. bury I p. Swede Turnips (Skirving's Imp.) Swede Turnips (Carter's Im— perial Flardy). Swede Turnips (Bangholm), Mangel Wurtzel (Improved Saw Log). , • MORROW'S • DRU( STORE, A 711iM1511 TNT Has proved the Economy Gasoline Stove with Oven and Iron fleeter (made ;the Cannon' Stove and Oven Co, of Londoe), tO be a perfect summer stoye. is gotten ple, safe way, 'noted to makeit sts•ly e7.75. There it house. These stoves up and operated in a having no large tank c dangerous, and c heat to wart' re now being ely used all over Canada, , and arebecoming quite popular in Wing - ham. A. AI Bruce, representing the above Company, may be found ab the Brunewick House, where he will be pleased to show you a sample stove, or take it to your home for inapectiou. If your neiabbor hese one, be sore and see it. Orders left at the Brunswick House will receive prompt at- tentioa. C. E. AND 8. CONVENTION' AT EXETER, UNE 20 AND 21, • • • ••••• •• ••••••• • • • • • • • CHUB, ta NO TES'. • . The regulax mee of Maitland was he church on Tuesday of the proceedings w ng of the Presbytery a in the Presayterian st.Auo11icial report 11 appear itt our next Mr Goffin is preac ling a series of ser- mons on Old Testament Characters on Sunday evenings it the Congregational church. Last Sunday he took Dr Balsam. as his subject. kft, v Dr Bale,am, High Street Pether Me opotamia, Prophet, Dionier, Enchanter, Its, and (would be) wholesale purveyor of curses to Itis Majesty, King Balak of the Moabite's. Mr Goffin described how ee was baulked in hi efforts to oblige the ing, and how not- withstanding his bri ging into play his most potent charms nd his moat :cunning, spells, he could not c se but bless God's Israel Balak lust ad of promoting to very great honor, k eked lam out of his domitaions as a total allure in the art of cursing. He had whit pered into the king's ear, however, before ving a little bit of adviee which tbe king absequently adopt- ed. Not succeeding y sacrifices to move Heaven he offered a 1 the incense to the devil, and partially eu seeded for the King then, where before he ad failed, number- ing 2G, but with disas routs results to his unworthy self, numbe ng 81,8. Mr Goffin speaks next Sunday e ening to the young people ; subject, three oys singing in a hot idace. The Thum Utility Convention for Christian Endear -Jr, and Sunday School • interests is to be held in James street, church, txeter, o t Tuesday and Wednes- day, June 20th ar41 21st. The executive committeeanet in Clinton some time ago and arranged a et ong programme. The C E Superintende 1. Mise Whitorth, is to bo present, also Dr Daniels, of Sarnia, and the S nday Sehool Sectetare, Air Alfred Day. radical topics will also be dismissed by Ili local workers of the county, and a ape ially helpful convention L,*,100042:1-Junior Wheel° is being prepared by 75 of is looked. for. he exercise entitled "The the Exeter Jonic a, under the leadership Have yeti hit upon a good Spring of Mr T411113 yet Senior d other local workers. This in itself wil be worth going a long If not, let lts suggest • distance to see. The load committee, of DAVIS' SARSAPIkRILLA5 ticeter, aro sparit g no pains to give the delegates a grand reception as this ie the There is no preparation of the kinfirst time they hove had the privelege of hotter, and few as goo& entertaining the combined conventions. TAMMinn. we return thot0000Y Each Young Poole's Society and Sunday if you ere not satisfied. School of the tout ty is expected to sand E. DAVIS, Philia delegates. Tre'rams will beout by the 1111,MICIIST4iW erne -IAN. lira of one. no N. nacox-In East Vawanosh, on the 15th instdbe„wife • Harty Deacon ;a d ughter4- aw-ettrt4410 Rib vale, 00 the 18th lust, the wife nt Mr 150 Gannett ; a son: SeTtous-On'fitay 6,t , the wife of Wit - liana Itomsi of ; a daughter. rerAittt ED. • Vlater-Wemett-A.! the residence ot the bride's father, o t1 ay 17th, by Rev Freed, Mr V1brt Hatt to Mies Edith Welsh, I th o the township a u let berry, • „ DIIgil. Xetzty—On M ny 4h, afthe tesidettee of bei- son Thomet Con. 11, Cola*, xivgaret Xelley; air d 81 years. 11/MoCassr.-Irl Ci airsOlitit Ohio, on • May ilth, P lklcCas , •rmerly of Del. grave, aged 77 year Busosss.-In Dr ssels, on Thursday, 4 ' May llth, Serene Burgess, aged 70 , .‘s yrs, 4: months an• 16 days. igt NIGHT.-.- In orris, an May f:ith,, avid tiigbt, a- .d 74 years turdto 14 months. , ARE YOU LoSTI‘G OLESTE l' Then Something is Wrong. To the young it always mews trouble. 11 13 se warning to any one, unless they ars already too fat. Soott's Emulsion awake this wads and brings up your 'might again.