The Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 6rIrgirfOr" .411h 411 E W IN (21 114 01 TIMES, M AS 19, 18i19. Oatugoaraft ants . _ t$99. 77. OUR OTTAWILLEfIER , peel c!.,•etepensent. Ottasva, May 6.—It has seldom I been the good fortune eftbe Canadian , House of Commous to listen w r of the Canittlutii ,peopie to rend of,, so 1 (inspiring and satiqactory, tstate. t Inent as that prestitited tio Tuesday afternoun by the Minister of Finance, thiwn the Badget for the year 1899 Hat, WS. Fie . lditigoviren he brought -1000. In all the lengthy exposit- ion, bristling with tig,in es and tilled ; with tables and, eumparisui.s, Ithere Nvasuot a, minor Imo, nut itline al qualification .w shading. The en. tire speeeli.was ti.eeter -i inn of pros- perity mid progress, of raPr.1 develop - :Meat in the eountry's lesuureess of steady grsiwth le the national wealth, and of unparalleled elasticity in the public revenues. That good,crops and a natural revi% al of basinesS bad much to do with this, the Minist. cr readily coneeded, but with equal • jastiee. he un heSitit tingly chimed that the progressive poliey of the Govern - meat, taking advantage of and put- ting to the best possible use the ex ceptionally favorable circumstances prevailing, contributed its lull quota, Tim runt. raIRIPF. . Turning to the stastistics for the year just closed Mr Fielding quoted extensivefigures collected from _re- turns that have from time to time been made public, in the press. The re- vonue for 1808 and 1899 had been $40,555,238 or $1,255,238 more than was estimated, and $2,725,4e9 inure than the revenue of the prevms year. The inerease in customs re- ceipcs had been very marked. The great injoiity of imports shared in the increase though of ("nurse there had been some deet•eases. Elaborat- ing upon this particular features of the y -ear's trade tbe Minister paid Special attention tu the contention that there had been no real reduct- ion of the tariff but that the old Nat: lona[ Policy tariff was still in force and that even the preferential clause WAS a fraud and a humbug. He stated to tbe House that in order to ,---„,elepprove this most conclusively he Itlad had the tariff ot 1896 applied- to • te actual import of 1898 with the ecult that the duty would have aiaounted to $24,752,827; but the actual duty collected was n3,036,- 799, an actual. saving of 32,715,0284 through the reduction effected by the eitanges made in the tariff by the present Government, „. wn.s.T. WILL BE SAVED THIS TEAR, been two main criticisma 0 it, whieb USG &avast, and the Substantial re- . to a large extent answered MO diletiOna actually eft eted, are ideally other. When the prefereatial policy above. There is at present a eon. was first announced the Opposition i tidence and stability in trade circles had declared that the Government which has long been lacking, and it had no right to give Great Britain would not be the port of wisdom to something for nothing, that they; unduly disturb this feeling again so should have demanded preference soon. Then the International High for preference, and only given an Joint Commissioner will meet again advantage to British geode coming in August, and may yet be able to into Canada on condition that a like COWS to some definite understanding advantage was given to Canadian 1 upon trade matters, While that hepe goods going into Great Britain.exists no unsettling of present eon. When this contention had been dis. posed of, and the fact made clearer that no such concession could ever be toned from Great Britain inas. much as Canadian Governments had attempted it fur years with absolute- ly no prospect of success,. the contee tion was dropped, and in place there- of it was claimed that the preference was all a humbug anyway that no Taking the imports for the com- pleted nine months of the fiscial year up to March 31st and applying the same test it bas been found that in- stead of the duty amounting to $21,- 035,832 as it would have done under the tariff of 189e, the newel amount (4 (IRV* paid was only $18,711,708 or a saving of $2,324,124, on wbich is 11 per cent oi• about one ninth of the old duty. At the same rate it was ivAltuated that the completed tiscial year ending on the 30tb. of text month, might. be expected to show an actual reduction on duties paid of nearly$3,000,000; —and yet it bad been declared that the Liberals have made no reductions in the tariff. THE litOrIsH RREPERENCES. A'S to tbe preferetices, there bad DL CHASE mcmERED NERVOUS ANEW Titegrmarr DISEASES In his study of diseases of the nerves, Dr. A. W. Chase found that in nearly every ease the cause of trouble wile improper nourish- ment. About one -Mill of all the blood in the Inman body is found in the brain, and unless -ibis blood is rich and pure the nerves eannot obtain proper nourishment, and become worn not arid exhausted. Nervi.ius depression, nervous headache, nervous dyspepsia, lass of sleep and vital force, lack of energy, are symptoms of weak,watery blood and exhausted nerves. It was at a Mod foe blood and nerves that Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food was prepared." Its remarkable success in curing all diseases arising from thin blood and impove.rislied nerves is proof that Dr. Chase's theory of feed. ing tlta nervez; and Wed is the proper one; stimulants only urge on the tired find worn out nervous system until there comes a complete 'collapse. Dr. A. W. Chase's NervePooti -creates new brain and nerve eelle, and makes the blood pure and rii•IL It restores to tbe teihausted eietvesthe vigor Of perfect health. 'gee. a large box, let anineale: 3, par likimarison, Was & Co., Toronto. ditiona is desirable. For these and other reasons the Government has to mark time for another tem, Satia- tied with a year's record that promises' a surplus of nearly $5 000,000 and at the same time, the people in customs reductions some $3,000,000 in cold cash, real advantage was given to British -Deadly. Kidney Disease Had Him in goods at all. A very simple, practical its Clutch—South A.merietin Kid• and sufficient answer was given to nes cure Snapped the Cord and this by Mr. Fielding- who produced Made flim 'Whole Again. an invoice of goods imported. by Montreal merobaut amounting in all to Omit $12,000, the eonsignment consisting of 91 packages of gloves, eaps, woollen goods, laces, ribbons, linens, etc.. a good representative when half the globe had been travelled assortment. of dry goods eta., upon in hope of help and a cure he returned widen a total duty of $3,053.88 had to his home apparently with but a short been paid, tiros to live, but the printed testimony of the cure of a school boy day acquala t - A SAMPLE OF ITS WONG RKI. anbe attracted himAmerican,- to South Kidney (lure. .11(4 procured it and per - This same consignment under the slated use, ite and although it was a stubborn case, to -day he is well and healthy. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. WEALTH COU,L.DN'T SAVE MM. A young man, a son of one of Canada's wealthiest citizens, two years ago =- treated kidney disease by tatting a cold plunge in tre lake when the body was overheated. pecialists could diegnose hut could not cure the malady, and tariff of 1896 would have paid $3,- 754 so that there was an actual sav- ing ot $695,1.2 on that one inaportet ion Mone. If that is not a very sub- stantial preference it would be in Order for the Opposition to explain wbat they understand by the ord "preferenee " Nor is the preference on one side only after all, for as tbe Minister aptly remarked. "If there is not preference for Canadian goods cm the statute' books of Great Britain, there is a strong and very practice' preferenee for our goods in the hearts, of the British people," the result of which is becoming more and more manifest as the months go by. It bad been claimed that the imports to Great Britain from Canada was not inereasing, as they should be, but thet, while there was some increase it was owing to a general improvement of trade, and that the United States imports into Great Britain in 1898 over 1897 was 11 per cent, the increase .of Canadian imports for the same peaiod was 35 per cent. In the old days Canadian goods had to be labelled "American" for there was not only apathy, but :Antipathy, towards Canadian pro- ducts; to -day however the Britisber calls tor Canadian goods and the British importer asks the Canadian producer to see that his products are plainly marked "Made in Canada." SIGNS OF TEE GROWING TIMES. The immense mass of figures col- lected by the Minister and laid be- fore the House in lucid form in the course of his speech cannot be even touehed upon within the limits of this letter. Ey means of a novel but very exellent series of diagrams which were distributed to the memb- it was shown at a glance what tre mendous progress Canada has made in the last two years in imports and exports; hi her shipping both ocean going and coasting; in railway, con- struction and amount of business dote by the railways; in life and fire insurance; in bank deposits, and in the discount business earried on by the chartered baeks. Everyone of these showed phenomenal develop. ment, andthe one table which show- ed a tailing off as striking as the in- creases in the other e WttS that which indicated the business failures in the country. Thep both in number and amount are annually decreasing, very forcible indication of the reality of tbe improvement claimed. . LETTING WELL =TOUGH ALOE. With such a showing of steady and ever growing prosperity it Might have been expeeted by some that the Government would have been pre. pared to propose further reductions in the tariff. The string free trade wing of the Liberal party is naturally anxious to advance towards their goal ,of unrestricied trade as rapidly as possible buttho wisdom of moving slowly is fully appreciated by thent. The Opposition would very speeially Welcome an announcement of propos. ed tariff changes for it would give them some appearance of excuse to complain of tariff tinkering. But the Government has decided that it Wilt be wiser to make no further reducti,ons for a time at least. The present tariff has only been in ,fult force for nine months, that is since The Cookbook. Poultry should never be eaten until 12 or 14 hours after it is kill- ed. Before attempting to chop 'parsley scald it by pouring boiling water over it and squeeze it very dry in a clean cloth. The best flour. has a slight yellow- ish or straw colored tint, . To judge of its excellence squeeze a handful. If it is good, it will retain its shape as given it by your band ; if poor, it will crumble. Hard boiled eggs chopped and covered with a not too rich white sauce that is seasoned with curry, the eggs and dressing .served in a ring of boiled rice, is an. excellent dinner entree or luneheon disb. ,-4.0•PrO•INA•40.00.00P0PAPOP.P.A4IPANA. RUNYON'S 4 cold Is den one. Don't let 1t get the tart of you, few doses etifl Cold Cure will break lin wiz form of cold I a few• hours and prevent grippe, diphtheria cart pneumonia. It should bo in ever" ileum and every vest 'meet. It is better than a lire hour. Lame pelley. • i MURTON, At 4111 drug:1sta, 2e. a slat, GlI14(1 to Monti see 1%fedleal advice free.. USW_ 'Arch at.. Phila. .. 1 1.1 I; '", :'''.•• , ••••• ,...., : • 1 : • • ''. • 1 ,; ' 1., :r• ‘4 ;,,t4.••,174•.,...: .,!•;.1•‘ ; • .go, . ., . :. • ..',..' 0.0 tog, SA.131eATI1 SHRVICSS. MILTIIODIST—Itev. Dr. Paitcoe, pas or. leervicee at 11 a ro and? p .PRitSIIYTERIAN—Rev. D. Petrie pit itor. Services at 11 a 111 413(17 p EPISCOPAL St. Paul'a—liev, Wm. Lowe, rector, Services at 11 a in and 7 P • BAPTIST — Rev. W. Freed, pastor., Services at 11 a in and 7 p to CONGREGATIONA.L.— Revp 11. W. Goal, pastor. Services at 11 a rc and 7pm.. CHRISTIAN WORKERS. — Misses at8pOtrma:gaLsoplt oinin, oro c.annid, Services SALVe.TION ARMY—(apt. McLeod and wire in command. Services at 11. a. in, p in and 8 p ni, In euch.of the above named cburchee • - 1 I. babbath toboo la 101c1 at u p n. —18 P111)1,4811E1)— EVERY FRIDAY AZOBNIVRA P -Al TUB -- TIMES torFICE,, giOsel;+1-1irig STRET • VINO -114.1W, ONTAItIO. eanserietien price, $1 pm yoar, advs4 ADVIMT181110 RATES f. On Column 200 00 240 00 220 011 22 00 Ma( " 40 00 t0 ' 12 00 4 00, quart r 20 00 /2 CO r 00 8 on tine inch 00 8 00 2 00 I fit Legat aim other mem» »Over tlsentetit, So per (02 insi instartIon,und So per line oreachsubscqueek insarti n. ,sured by nonparai scale. t.,onAl notices lec, pa -pun for first insertion, . So, per line for each subsetptent i sorticr . Advertisements of Lost,Round,Strayed, Situation& finOWball Pacid.ng, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding $ lthe nonpareil, 01 for floret • month, and 150e. for *adz ilib$04140/1t month. Rouses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 Boil a (plot or ; thicken with BANK of HAMILTON tbree tablespoonfuls of cornstareb. Beat the yolks of four eggs with half ; WINOHAIVI. a cupful of sugar and mid to the milk; pour Imo a pudding dish and set in the oven to bake for ten mitel utes. Rest the whites (I the eggs -until stiff with four tensonfals of sugar. Add half a teaspoonful of boiled rice, flavored with extract of lemon, and drop in little halls over the pudding. Set in the uvun until a. slight crust is formed, but do not let Ilin,ety Per Cent. • Of the people are afflicted with •some form of burnor, and this causes a variety of diseases. The reason wby Hood's Sarsaparilla curet; when all others fail is found in the fact that it effectually ex- pels tbe bunaor. Scrofula, salt rheuni, boils, and all eruptions are permanently cured by this great naedicirie. Hood's Pills are the best family oath - attic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. Character in Eyebrows. Eyebrows the same color as the hair indicate firmness, constancy and resolution. When lighter than the hair they denote indecision and Weakness, while if darker it is gener- ally right to .surmise that their owner is an ardent, passionate and inconstant disposition. Straight eyebrows, forming a firm- ly defined line close to the • eyes, denote great will power and. deter. ruination ; these which begin rather strongly and terminate abruptly without passing beyond the eyes invariably denote a violent and irascibk; temper. OfLocal Interest. To all who have felt the evil effects of deranged kidneys is the assurance that Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are meeting with' enormous sale and impute I alleled sticcess. tis this district. Back- aches and aching kidneys are fast be. coming a thing tit the past where Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are knowe. One cent dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers. Just This Difference. Old Maithean Make7ahome'of one little room and cook delicious MOWS over the gas jets in canning little tin kettles, besides making all their own wardrobes. Old bachelors need an army or tailors, waiters, cooks, distant tele.. fives and hotel landlords to keep them 'comfortable. When old maids are sick, they tie np their heads in poeket handker. chiefs, take homeopathy doses out of two bottles alternately and get well again. When 'old bachelors are siek, they ni) to bed, send for four doctor% and the mantel is covered with black bottles. Alt the' amiable married men who belong to the dub stay up with them all night. Oapital, 41,250,000, • Rest, 0775,000 President—deux ereaer. Vigo-President—A. Ramsay. DiltIECTO/IS Jourr P.A001•QA, ORO, 110400, WN GiesoN, At 14', A. Woon, A. D. (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Savistgs Bank—tiours,10 to 3; Saturdays, 16 to Deposits of 81 and upwards reoeWed and interest %a�0YMt. Special Deposits also received at current rates of it...rest. Drafts on areat Britain and the 'United Statei bought and sold W. OORBOU/41), AGEE% L.'.0.COKINSON. Solicitor. For Infant; omit Children. . Money DO Loan on Notes. the Ad. simile Signature of • )ry wrt nett Notes Discounted • IAT REASONABLE RATES "Chimney Climaze." Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pot centwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Nett ' and account s collected. "Chimney climate" is the latest for the climate that is to he found in altlarge cities. Its e,lia racteristics, says n man of lemming', nrc mildness, absence of rain and frequeney of fog as compared with surrounding rural districts. And he ves tt very clever explanation of the presence of the fog: It' in actually man uf a etared right under ouret es. Yon know if you look crosswise at a sunbeam yeti see in it myriad -of• very email part- icals of dust, so densely et owded to- gether that some scientists oyez' at-, tribute to them the color (if the sky: And there is. Iso, a bun AO 'in vis • ible.vapor and this combines with the particles' to give us fog. It may be so; It sounds reasonAle enough when one takes int,: consideration tbo fact that fogs are more frequent in large manufacturing cities than elsewhere. Bat' if it be so, what are men of science about that they don't • find an antidote fur the evil? ' 'Is This Plain Enough.? If ou have a naggiurcough and are losing flesh, go to a drug store and get a buttle of S,hilob's Consumption Oure. Take two-thirds of it, and then, if you are not benefited, return the bottle to your druggist. gad he will return ,3 our money, ,ten't that fide. No one weld ask more. '25 Me., 50 eta. end 81.00 a bottle. In the three years, 1894-8; the returns of vital statistics fur Palmers- ton wete —120 births, 54 marriages, and 69 deaths. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is such a simple, sale and effectual remedy for Woruie Of all kinds, bat no utner should bEP used. No -purgative uet'ded after- wards, Prfue 20u. . The widow of the late Rev. Dr. COOlinalle has istnuved from, Brant- ford to Toronto. 6311© RI:MA D YSPEPSIA Throws all the Blame on the stornaeh—The Real Seat -of Trouble is the Intestines— The PEMITIAllellt Cure- Is Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, It is an old idea long since exploded that digestion is as -dined to the stomachs No modern scientist denies that by far the greater part Of digestion and the more difficult part takes place iri the intestines. This explains why dyspepsia is never really cured by pre- parations which merely aid Stomach digestion 4 tied act only otl the stelnech. This fad also explaiile why Dr, Clias.e's ney-Liver Pins have been so remarkably suc- cessful as a etre for the worst forms of ilyspep- sin. and incligestiom Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver Pills net 'directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, and give new tone tied vigor to the intestines, and make thein able to perform their work of digesting the substances on which the stomach has 00 a:If:3;11114h treatment may do well enough for slight indigestion, but if you have chronic in- digestion or dyspepsia of a serious nature you can peofit by the experience of scores& thou- sands who have been permanently cured by using fYr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Pills. One a dose, osc, a box, At all dealers, or Edmanson, Bales &Co., TOMO). MoZNDOO, Beaver Bloch Windham, Ont GRAND TRUNK liAlLWA./ • Toronto and East' Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine DEPART AnItXVS 6 40 a. m. 3 05 p. 8 80 p in 10 29 p tn„ 8 55 a ra 3 05 p na 1 58 a 'ire 11 10 a m 32 p in BOOpto 11 10 a III 6 40 m 3 sO p 3 30 p in 10 29 p 8 30 a El SOCIETY MEETINGS. 0 _o Camp Caledonia, No. 49, meet • Rthe Arst arni third Mo day In every month, in phis Odd Fellows Hall, brethren weicom. S. Murray. Chief. H fl ften..see r&� m ALMA AISOLUTE NOVELTY /TONGS IT TALKS . IT PLAY -3S 0 S3 PIE.ARE3 A CHILD CAN (Dom:v:414m rr - CtCjiriP :3• PRIGt. Oft ItEGORD 62:5S 81 for dist month, 500, per subsequent mon Larder advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger anvertisemente, or or longer periods. Adertenons and local noticewithoutsp%direction will inserted till forbid and oh $aceordiniir. itrztury advertisements must be paid in adatims Mangos for contract advertisements must ho 10 the °Inca by Wodneaday noon, tri order to %Vest that week • II. B. ELLIOTT, eitersevres ANA PUBblani • RECORDS AGE Ts WADITED aao i.:1 taMPY TOWN AND VILLAGE. - At,DREaS CAN.TALifils6 MACHINE. CO Lor.11.10M. ONT. WINGHAM STEAM PUMP WORKS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with ALLSTEEI UlltiqPILL WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMENanilt SURGICAL CAIS of all kinds. For partiouline add rebs • DR. J. II, KENNEDY, nodical Superintendent, • D VANsTONE, BARRISTER, soLTOITOR, Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged, Mortgages, tohal and farm properkt bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Stook Warms». , • J. A. MORTON • BARRISTER, Ste„ Winghat». Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, RAI -MISTER, ETC. SOLIOITOR TO DANE OP DADILTON. MONET LOAN, Offi• ce—Never Bleck. Windham Wood and. fieditt Force and lifift Pumps, Brass and bon Cylinders, Galvaniz4 ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Tioughs, Sinks. I Balths,Pipe Pitting, Well piggeleg sod everything in con- ° nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power • and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. , Parties writing for informatioe or ordering by mail should always State depth cf well. Ab work guaranteed or no sale. • C. 3/1011N1LIGSTA.Et Dot 140 Wins Ont, M. CAMERON. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVETANOER, &Ai. Office—corner Hamilton and St. Andrew hit opposite Colborke liotl. il• . ,. - . , . , Osumi. • ' °onetime, A liTtfuit J. IRAVIN, .P A S. 1.12 8, • in.etnr r f Dental Rurgery of the Pennsylvania, thattel Coleti,e and Licentiate ti the lkyal College of Dental Surgeons Of 0»tario. Office o% er Fed. Deice, %i• eghein • 8.. JEROME, L. D. S, DENTIST, 1345 Waft 1,2,1), Rims, grduate of OA it, 0,13, 84 of UltAT10, and is prepared to do all manner ot' Dental wo.1% rea4onable prices. Ileaier 1310eIr, oppcaire the Bennswhk Goose, WhiStsni• JOHN 1tITC'1113t. GENERAL INSI/RANCE ,AGNNT wo.onati, ' ONTAR1(4 DE41, JR.. WIROdAit, LICEAsLn AtinTioN roe art COUNt" • OP BMWS'. • • Stine attended in any' part of the co. Charge. Moderate. JOHN OtTliltI,E,IIrtsoutAu, oat:, LICENSED AUCTIONEER • Wee of Term Stock and Farm Implemento spcolalty. Alt orders hitt, At 00 Tittlia office promptly atieh4 et to. . Terr reasonable. JOB .PHINTINC. 44NMUCING Books, eampt;iets, Posters, 011 lientin, Circulars, sm., ne.„ executed in the host style of the art, at moderate prices, arid ou 011011,. 12ott90 .Apply or address it, B. ELLIOTT, '2256 Office, Wier/ham . BOOKBINDING! tire pioateN1 tO AMIOW100 that voro Books Oi•• Mmittair,04-lett With ug for flin4itty, wlfl have 041t prompt intention toe any able Will be:riven noactilcutiog 0 the'Tistin nifiee - WS MAKE . . Sewer and Culvert Pipes .4.11 Slum from 4 in. to 84 In. Also eiriet•tleme. WillTe POO Isit1017."..'. THE 11111010 SEINER Plrf: CEL 80 ADELAIDE Ct. . f PACTOtre• AT 14911/00, TO IZONTO