The Wingham Times, 1899-05-12, Page 4CAMPBELI'S SRStPM1LL& FOR T: B11000 The BEST Spring Tonic TUE WINUHAMTIME , MAY 12t I aOO. King, 1x11' marched .oat on the school l MARKET T 1t41)0tt;Tu. drestied in white and downed as the e , Wiughatn, May il, 1819. corrected by 1. Deana, �R roduce Dcettite,r. Month of May, to see this planting ab'icur per 190 lira „... . 1 00 to 2 00 the May Qtteen Tree. )itaster Andy Pail WI,eat . . 0 Or, to 0 00 Mitchell, although dither nervous, � i,ita, irc t............0 Oo .tc to 0 0d ; did his Work well, and atter the 'B�iir,,,,, . A 30. o 35 , chorus: by the pupils, "Planting Our Peas • - ..., „ ,..,., o do to o rz „ • , Free, 1111 sttiGg "God lave the Turkey, ,ir,.�vrt , .„.. 0 08 to 0 OJ 4 ween ” and the pupils then =scatter- fi,t•S'6e, ,,.,.. 0 05 to 0 OG (� � p lt� Dupksz�er p,+ir,..,,.,,..,. U d0 to 0. GO ed to indulge in their various gables, lfnttsr...,. „,., ....., 0 ll to 0 11 'until the lunch, which was after l 1:gga per dozen., , •, .. , , , 0 10 to 0 10 wards served on the; l.7unds, was wood per cerci.,. , , ,. 1 60 to 1 7a ready, The Queen, Riiss Lacy 1i'lc I po atloeo, pe 'bahhei, . „ .. , . t u to 0 70 i�ague, and the maids of honor, 1'allow,.lrerlb... ,,,.,.,, 0 s to 0 4 Misses . Nettie Bryce, May Thornton, IDrioiAlrpieq,per la,.,.,., 0 4 to 0 4 Sarah Forton, May IieKague, Edna. waol...,,. ea to 2I Dixon and Nettie Showers all wore ca ae:es4 Saoae . ............. o ;f0 to 0 80 upwlawn, led by little Miss lila Wade, THE PAIR OR OF DI.. WILLIAMS' t PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. _ 1 Cr ,,i 'MAT 1S TUE EX1'EUxrsc.E O1' MRS, ' i SYLiN ,Y I)Rue0, O1 PRSURWNTU, \Clic) g� }IAD $UF'1!J RE1 FOR DIAN1 YRABS 1 r�vXTit RRELTelalmeX ANDCATalt1111 - re O1 TIME 130WELS, Ii I Prom the Tribune, Deserouto, 1 Our attention was lately directed C i to the wonderful cure effected upon a resident of Desoronto, which illus. trates in a. very wanted. way the merits of that widely known health restorer "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." We refer to the dare of Mrs. Drupe, - we of Sydne Druce caretaker of the Nigh School building. Bing TO: A73PERVASERS, desirous of giving our readersthe facts, a reporter of the Tribuuc call- t Notice ofehanges mustbe left at thised. at Mrs. Druce's residenee, and is l office not later than Saturday therefore enabled to present • our moon, The copy for changes readers with the following,facts which mast be left not iaterxthan Tues• can be vouched for by many neigh day everting. Casual advertise-bors and friends. of the family. Mrs. meats accepted up to. noon. i Druce had from the Carly: age of ten Thursday cif each week.. years been a sufferer from amnia tisui and had endured an untold amount of suffering from this dire �tU( disease. She bad tried scas of cliff• � ,4441,4,0 dint medicines to dispel the malady I but in vain. Doctors; toldher it was impossible ossible to eradicate the disease Ai' zail3, MAY 12, 1899.. p from her system and she had at last ' ANNi7AL MEETING. !become resigned to the belief that rheumatism was incurable: In ad - The annual meeting of the Liberal ;clition to rherunlatism, about seven -Association for West Huron, both i Years ago she began to suffer from catarrh of the :bowels with its attend. Dominion and Local, will be held at l an•t headaches and depression of Dungannon, on Tuesday, May .30th. tapirits. The pain of the rheumatism Addresses will be delivered by Robt. I and constant headaches wore her out. Iolnies,M. P. and Hon. J. T. Darrow The doctors prescribed opiates which 31I• P. P. ' ,A large representation is only dulled the pain, but did not re - expected. pel the disease, The two diseases continued to make steady headway EUITURIdL1VOTES. and at times she felt such pain that • she could not even allow ber husband 'TEE writ for a new election for to raise or move her. .The neighbors the Legislative Assembly in North thought she would never, get up, Waterloo has been issued. Polling again. An kinks of remedies were will take piace on the 23rd instantsuggested bind many of them tried attd nominationonthe 16th. abut all in vain, Providentially, as Mrs. Druce expressed it, the•.use of.. TUE Mail and Empire. bas been rDr. Williams' Pink Pills . was men, rut up' a .tree forseveral days and cloned. it was not until 'the end of refuses 'to come down. It charged the second box that she realf ed any that Hon. 1Vir. Sifton was guilty of benefit. She Hien began to realize nepotism in appointing a horde of that she mentioned she was n this torothe s Ills relations to office in . the civil her husband also observed the ehange service. The Globe promptly for he remarked one day "those pills; C1taIlenged the rib -stabber, as it was are doing you some good, you 1002:~ at one time called, to, name the per- livelier than you have for some time, " She continued the use of Dr.,Will- sons; relatives of Mr. Sifton, whom lams' Pink Pills until she•had taken be has appointed, and after several fourteen boxes, with the gratifying repetitions of the challenge the an- and almost remarkable results that swer was to the effect that it would she was completely cured of the be better for the Globe to explain rheumatism and catarrh, not ,'a why so many of Sichard Car t- solitary symptom of,either trouble' wright's relatives were in e. remaining.Mr.'Druce was present 'Ibis is a fishwife's argument, and it during the interview and confirmed is no wonder that the Mail and Ern• all that his wife had said and was as - pire , gives intelligent and self re• delighted as she in praising the speeting Conservatives a nausea. virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Druce said that out of gratitude for tnis -y onderful' restoration to health she bad told scores of other J. R. Johnston, a pattern -fitter sufferersfrom different diseases of employed by the. McClary Company, the virtues of the medicine which. raf London, and forinerl5 of Woody bad been the undoubted ` means of; stock, has captured a rich widow in prolonging her life. She hoped that Detroit, with a fortune estimated at others would tallow her plan of giv- 660,000. The lady advertised for a ing the pills a fair ' and prolonged husband and chose Johnston out of trial as she was confident -that in the 55 applicants. end success would surely '°follow as in her awn case. The population of Exeter is 1841. GOLD RINGS, A large stock of ele- gant gens set rings at close prices. SPEOTAOLES in gold; gold filled and cheaper frames. We test the eyes free and guarantee satisfaction. T URNBERRY, A very enjoyable time was spent by the pupils. at S. S. No, 6, 'Iast Fri- day afternoon, on the occasion of the Crowning of their May Queen At about 2,30 p. ni.,quite a large num- ber of the parents and friends gath- ered at the school and listened to the programme, which., although short, was very well rendered by the mils, many of whom were very small:. After the rendering of this part of the programme, the May Queen, Miss Lucy Mciag•ue; and the ming, Mast- er Andy Mitchell, accompanied by their eight ladies and gentlemen of honor and two little flower girls,. marched two by two to the platform and took their seats. There the Quern was crowned by her first maid of honor, Miss Nettie Bryce, and the Xing was given a large bouquet of white ]dies ae the sceptre LSEYPARK of hila power, by the first gentleman !4. * of honor, Master ,]Terry Thornton.. After the rendering of a number of eifeler and Optician. EArbor and May day songs and reel• tatiors by the pupils, and the pre 44.1106,4644,640 senting of bouquets to the Queen and white dresses trimmed with flowers. The gentlemen of honor for the King, Master Andy Mitchell,' were Henry Thornton, Tommy Kelly, Leslie Bryce and Earl' Porter, All returned home well pleased with the pleasant afternoon spent with the teacher tied the pupils. fled not Ryon' the Guxe Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, Newark, 1\lich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatmeut helped for 20 years. Thou Bucklen's Aruioa Salve cured hire.. Cures Cuts, Bruises, 13urns, J3oils, Felons. Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile oure on earth. 25 ots. a box. Cure guaranteed, Sold by Colin A. Campbell. druggist. MORRIS. he residence of Mr. Arch Camp- bell, lst line;` i;irrowly eseaped be- ing destroyed, by hire on Wednesday evening. A spark from the chimney had burnt quite a hole in the roof before it was noticed by the neigh- bors and extinguished. _ BLYTI. Mr. Eli ' Holtzhauer, of Auburn, has purchased the Morgan property on Morris street, Reopening services will be con- ducted in the Methodist church on Sunday next, Rev. W. P. Camp- bell,. M. A., Ph. D., a former pastor, will. be the preacher, M. W, W. .Sloan, who has been in Louisiana and Mississippi for the past month, returned to Blyth on Monday evening and leaves for the south again .epiFriday morning. Mr. Sloan, says business is excellent in the Southern States. 1t1rs..Iiachel-Eggert, relict of the late John Eggert, died at' the regi dente of her son•in•Iaw, -Mr. George Leith, Morris street, Blyth, on Wed• nesday Morning. `The deceased lady was an old resident of this section of Huron county and previous to coming M.Blyth lived near Man- chester, She had' not enjoyed good health all winter, old age being the cause of.death. Assessor,feGill has returned the. Blyth assessment roll and from it we take the following information: Real property, $198,695 ; personal property, $18,900 ; taxable income, $1300 ; total value of real and per- sonal property and taxable income, $218,895. Tat population has in' creased 31 during, the past year and is now dose to the 1100 mark, At a meeting of the Stratford Pres- bytery, the call from Listowel to Rev.. Mr'.Hendrie, of Ayr, was sus- tained. Stipened, -$1,200 and two weeks' holidays. Messrs. Smith cit Soh, n, general mer- chants, Walton, have dissolved past- nerthip. The business will be con- tinued by the senior member of the late firm: Live Atocic atar*eta Toronto, May 9,—Choice heavy exporters were quotable at $4.60 to' $4.80, and $4.85 per Cwt. for an oe- casional bunch of very choice. But- chers' cattle--faood to choice selee• tions being quotable at $4.40 to e4.50 per ewt. ; medium and Common grades • were in heavy supply, but were. very stow of sale, fetching 0.25 to $4,25 per ewt. Inferior grades fetehed $3 to $3,25 per cwt. Good heavy export bulls brought $3,50 to $4 per ewt., . and 64.25 for choice selections.. Light stock bulls met with a fairly good demand,at' steady prices, or $2.50 to $3,25 per, cwt. Stockers and feeders—Cana. titan stockers for Buffalo were in moderate supply, and the quotations were a little firmer, these being only quoted le per cwt. higher, or $3.75 to $4.25 per cwt. ; light were steady; good feeders found a good demand at steady prices, or 64.40 to $14.66 per e.wt, Milch cows and calves. Good milehers met with a good de- mand, and fetched 640 to $55 each poorer grades brought $80 to e40 each. The demand for calves was fairly active, and prices steady, these being quotable at 62 to 68 per head. Sheep and lambs -W Sheep for export BUTTER AND EGGS _, WANT • l urs .propared to pay the highest oast, price tor all g gad butter and eggs delivered :it my . warehouse near the G. T. IL. O. f,,;, ILL $PIE. • and huttthers' use, weighing 125 to 140 1 bs , t'etched 63,50 to $4 per cwt. Spring lambs were steady, at $2 to. $5 each, and bucks weighing from 150 to 175 5 le•ougl,t 63 to 63.25 per ewt, Ye:wilt/;.;•i were a little steadier, at $5.25 to $5 75 per cwt. Lambs. fete heel 64 to $50 per cwt. Hogs --Choice relectx,ns- were quoted be higher, or 6.1a624 per cwt,,. and thick fat were -in higher, or 64.25. per ewe; ligh•t.were in inoclerate supply, at -e higher, or $1,25 per - ewt.. Sows were steady, at $3 per Cwt.; stags fetched $2 per Cwt. 'East Buffalo, N. Y., May 9. ---Cattle —There. were nn I're, it reveipts, but the feeling was firm on the desirable butcher grade.; there were uo calves. Sheep- and lambs --The total offerings were 5 loads; priees ruled the same as yesterday; choice to extra lambs, 4.'G.15 to 65,25 bid; sheep,choice to extra, 65 to $5.25; sales were oil the bares . quoted.. Iiog—There were hardly enough o,r bale to make a market—only t,;'0 loads, and •priees were strong and5,c higher;h;eavy were quotable et $4 15 to 64 25; Mixed $4.- 20; Yortters, $4.20, there were no pigs on sale; roughs, $3,40 • to $3.50; stags, 6.7.5 to $3; offerings cleaned up. 'n — r�■'�'iT Not worth paying attention to, you say. Perhaps you have had it for weeks. It's annoying because you have a constant desire to cough: It annoys you also because you remember that weak;lungs•is afaniily failing. At first it is .a slight cough. At last it is a hemorrhage. At first it is easy to bore. At last, extremely difficult.. ers' Cherry PCCII'.nl tgulakly conquers your little hacking cough. There is no doubtabout the cure now. Doubt comes from neglect. For over half a century Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been curing colds and coughs and preventingconsumption. It cures Consumption also if taken in time, Iftep ail' Orr Dr. AS'ers CJ1e PJ 9cdoi'ni 3 sle s eve gee Niall §oa cough. Ahad wo send you a book on this subject, trees Ow' Coidtdal b90ptrrleltIG iY yon raw, any coraplalat what. poor and dcolro th, Lea mouu•st ,lo. can cQlYolci the dtio..ty n r oevo aproh»tritle without cwt. .eadroes,Dit. J. n, nygg Lovell, mese. apfo!IIV0I a i11 t lwMMI X m101 s 1M° rK.ir,,P/r/rwirri,ii w K /KIK/rRisrPK 4K,wiii/,iKiPfirr.urwp ■ KhMKPKrK /iwaM+f41i9 ii i'. 1 : dill 81 11111111 r� avu n nr runny 1111 ■III rIy Closin Stores close at. on 7 o'clock. p. malid after nay �r7u z,sth. Will you kindly co-operate with us this move - silent. Shopearly and bt-y ■buryour ur goods at this store. l o TABLE DEL CsCES. Orange Marmalade, in glass, 1-2 pints, Jam, assorted, in glass, 1-2 pints, Preserved Cranberries, pint sealers, / ■ "i Canned Strawberries, Peaches, Pineapples, Tomato Catsup in large bottles, - Empire Table Sauce per bottle, Royal Worcestershire Sauce per bottle, Salad Dressing In taints and 1-2 pints. Smoked Sliced Beef, Canned Corned Tcngue, Kippered Herring, &c. Macdonald Block, - IOC. 1 OC, 1 5C, a0C. 10c. 100. 200. 1,4 Beef, Lunch ru :9..G �■s6� •� �'1;;�E a a � �nK■p■■■■K _ K�P■gg Kr.�Ks ■��. e2C3 =esas vaaa ss.eeleeagO= <ciugiaE_ il.1,��1-1 s'��".+.�-�..� ° ' Wingha,n, Ont. ruuu IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. 41.di 111 ThisTradeItlnrk is on every 'rag. See that you get it. z IS PUREST 15 STRONGEST IS EVENEST IS LONGEST 'If'your dealer does not handle our Twine. write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto, BEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL. - DOES *QUALITY, COOT WITH YOU 65,000. worth of BOOTS AND SHOES • at cost. This is, not a clearing sale to push off old goods but a genuine giving up business sale. Everything must. go. Others may be" selling cheap,. but you will always find we are a little cheaper, and if anyone is out of sorts in the house it' may be all the fault of a badly fitting shoe., A comfortable' ;shoe is conducive to good temper,' We make it very easy on the pocket, as wen as easy on the - foot. Every ladyshould take ad- vantage of this and come and get a pair of our patcanvas and, cork, insole walking' boots. They are. „made in :French 'Kid, latest styles Goodyear Welt Process,` are as flea •ible as a hand turn, andwill not shuck See thews, •, , J. G. KARGES/ Please do - not ask for goods on approval 'without paying for them. If not,satisfaetory the money will•be refunded, ' D. SANDEESON. SEEDS S anolorommounormentommio E IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE.BEST. Pupils are in attendapce at The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE: OHATEA.bl, ONT..,. Prom the Atlantic Coast to the Paeifio Slope: 193 Cities, Towns and.Villages in Can- ada and the United States, during the• past year. sent us nearly 300 -pupils. There are now 23Counties•and Districts. in Ontario, 6 States of the Union to- gether with Manitoba, and the North Weet Territories represented. Over 200 of our pupils have been plat, ed in good positions, since .?an.. 1st, 1898.. We recently had four calls within 'three- Weekb to'supply teachers for other• business colleges. :Among those who have aocepted posi- tions lately, are :-»••Jennie• Bateman, as. Steno. and assistant bank -keeper,: Walk- ervilie Brewing Co. ; Annie • McRae, as Steno, and assistant book-keeper; Milton Pressed Brick & Sewer Co.; Catharine McRae, as Steno„ George Angell, Wh 1 sate A rt 5upplfes, tietrm. t, Mich ; Geo Cartwrtght, as Steno., with' North Am- , erican Life Assurance Co; Toronto, The spring term is one of the best seasons of the year for tuakin.a a start. EnternoW. • D.,lileLACH#IWAN &.CO. Chathalu, Ont Clover, Timothy, Lawn Grass; Orohard Grass, 1Vtu11et, Huxi- gar±an, Corn, Turnip, angle; Sugar Beef; ]anish Sugar Beet, Carrots and all Garden Seeds. The purest and best quality always on hand. tf SEEDS., A. MILLS