The Wingham Times, 1899-05-05, Page 6lee*.
kUflfl i 1MCS The development of Empire goes
ef on a pace, in feet at so great a pace
Thant its by 114 Mem an este
teittlaaY, 28. 18e0.
Matter to keep op with it, and it
- - i May be asserted without much fear
OUR OTTAWA LEITER. ,t)ter°11tn'ta" that Canada will
!continue to hold her piece is the
From ear own Vertelpeedent. 1 funt rank of the. procession, One
Ottewa, April 29. of the mare recent evidences ‘if this,
The practical business of the sea.; leis been in the proposal from Sir
*ion has now begun in earnest, and , Louls,Davies, for the inauguration
every day sees additions to the order and development of a system of
paper, of matters of a more or less training or Can:1(110u sea -men, for
important domestic eharacter. ea the British Navy, and the enthusi-
couple of useful bale were given a Ileac manner in which the proposal
seeond reading at the mai of Ias tma been received, and is being ens -
week, Ott'.1 coming from each side el ceased in England, may be taken aa
the House, Mr. Berti'aei, the Liber- an indication that the possibilities
al member for Toronto, ieintroduced and value of the project are fully
is bill, giving trades unions the, recognized and appreeiated.
right to regleter trade merks andl WORTH SOME ATTENTION.
labels in the same manner that
At the risk of wearying you with ndivideal menaiaeture.s or firms I
can do. This hill went through t 114 WO oft reearring reference to the
Lower House last session peeetieuely subjeet, 1 cannot refrain from calling
attention once more to the necessity
without opposition, beak was thrown
and value cif closley studying the
out in the Senate upon grounds
prejudices of the British consumer
which were not at the time consider -I
ed particulate satisfactory, by the and deferring to his requirements
thousands of working men threngb,_ even though we may believe his
nt thcou.ntrinterested in the judgment is at fault. Speaking of e y
Will. It is not anticipated howeverI theshipment of livestock to Great
that this opposition will be seriously Britain for instance, the. London
renewecl when the bill reaches the correspondent of the Toronto Glebe
' seys :—"From my own observation
• 1
in the matter I am convinced that
• The second measure referred to is
aimed at trade combines, the pres-1with very little extra attention and
ent law rendering these organiza- i effort Canadian farmers might reap
tons illegal being as so ambiguously • a very much better pecuniary return
worded as to be practically inopera. I from this branch of trade. For
tive. The principle and spirit of. instance, very much depends on
!such seemingly small matters as
this law has already been accepted
by the nation and the added ex, conditionand appearance, and it is
perienee of the last year or two of, simple nonsense to say that the
the working of trusts in the neigh- Canadian product cannot be put
boring repablic has given still great- ; upon the market in the most profit-
er reason for legislative protection able fashion. I doubt if there is
to Canadian trade. :any market in the world where at-
tention to details brings so great a
THE PLAINS OP ABRAHAM. profititt inereased price as here,.an
The A.nglo-Sexon race is usually this refers to every line of trade in
looked upon us as such an excessive -1 which Canada may take part.
ly praetical people that sentiment is
MO3 popularly supposed to enter into CONDITIONS NEVER BETTER.
Since the passing of the preter-
its composition to any marked de-
ential tariff act by Canada there bas
.gree, and yet scarcely a day passes
but in some portion of the Empireibeen a very notable increase in the
comes the most irrefutable evidence interest taken in Canada by British
of .the deep rooted and universally 'business men, as Canadians have
prevailing sentiment which iheard from many sources. But, as
s• to a
very great extent the ruling iterSir Wilfrid Laurier said at Ottawa,
iluence of our Government, and of1 the other day, the actual increase in
the people. A striking example oe business has eot been as great as he
this may be found very near home I would have liked to see. Canadians
naturally are most deeply interested
at the present moment, in the rela,:1
tion to the futare of the Plains of in increasing their texports to this
country, but the difficulty of doing
that must be very much enchanced
unless there is a corresponding in-
crease in the business done by
British traders in Canada. It is
worth noting too, that tbe rapid
development of the Australian and
South Africa mining fields by British
business men had large interests in,
and weie in elose touch with, these
colonies though they are very much
more distant from Engleiid than
Canada is.
'Upper House this session.
Abraham, at Quebec. The an-
nouncement that the lease of title
lender which the Crown holds the
property will shortly expire, and
that there was a strong probability
that tale historic ground, the birth
place of Canadian nationality, would
to all intents and purposes be wiped
out by the desecrating hand of the
Teal estate speculator and jerry
b,uilder, has called forth not only
deep interest but emphatic remon-
.strances both here and in the Old
Country. It was therefore with THE ESTIMATES FOR 1899.1900.
arnieh interest that the country learnt The estimates for the fiscal year
from the Minister of Militia. a few 1899-1900 which have been submit -
days ago that• the Government was ted to Parliament, show the care
quite disposed to favorably .consider which 18 being taken by the Govern -
the proposition to acquire the proper merit to apportion the public funds
ty, "if the price is reasonable." A wheee they will bring the best rd -
young country like Canada has too stilts in the public service. The
nautili to do with her money in the total amount asked for , Is $46,230,.
way of national development to be 550.70 against $47,900,236.41 last
able to stand any frills and unneces. year or a decrease of $1,613,936.41.
eery trimmiugs, but he would be a Some of the individual items, bow-
el:lean souled individual who would ever, show considerable inereaee,and
'take exception to expenditere such in each instance these increases are
ae is contemplated here.Tbs. for the purpose either ot developing
pre-ent lease expires May 1, 1901. the resoarces of the country, or of
' strengthening the bonds of Empire,
— For example the cost of administer-
ing the Yukon is estimated at $270,-
.560 more than last year, and immi,
ration will be assisted by 'an
additional $100,000, The Militia
Department -asks for $100,080 more
than last year to enable more
thorough drilling operations to be
engaged in this summer, and
another $100,000 for improved
There are soine notable decreases
however, foe the cost of legislation is
expeeted to be a quarter of a million
dollars less than last year, and the
mail subsidies will come. down
$155,000, The most noteworthy
decrease hi capital expenditure is in
railways and eanals, whieh are
$2,272,782 below last year's.
• An influential committee has been
formed in England for the purpose
of eollecting funds to establish a::
:memorial to the late Main Illack,
;the novelist, This is expeeted to
take the form of a ilfa.boat to be
,placed on some suitable portion of
the west coast of Scotland about
Positively and permanently
cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's
Tr. A. W. Chase's Ointment is an absolute
'curo for piles, and Inc never been known to fail
to care thewort.t forms of this disease which has
ibafikd Medical skill for ages.
This statement may sound rather strong to
persons who do not knew the superior merits,
of Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment, but it is per-
fectly true, and heartily endorsed by the grate-
ful testimony of thousands of men and women
who have been cured by it afteryears of suffer-
ing, and after trying many preparations and
consulting the best doctors.
Mr. H. Bull, Belleville, Ont, says: "I take
pleasure in stating that after thirty years of
suffering with Itching Piles, Dr, Chases 0i05 -
meat has completely cum) inc. 1 tried every
• remedy that vial advertisterolth little or no
iienefit, but as 1 have told -1141eet persons
isffected as 1 was, Dr, Chase's Ointintnt niede
*perfect cure."
Dr. 1"h2ses Ointment has a record of Mires
anparalleled in the history of Medicine. It is
gutrantted to ire Any ease of,piles. ' For
sale by all deal of Edmanson, Bates & Co.,
whiehUr4 Meek mute SO 13111B11. and
so entertainingly. It has been
suggested that a$ Mr. lehiek had
Wetly readeritt Otinarla, some of
thewmight wish v 'ortkipate in
, the movement. Any Canialiau .ad•
Mirer of Mr. illaele's writhige who
desires to take thelmatter up should
comtnunicate with Aiwa Strynach,
the Secretary of the Committee,
whose address io 118 Wiiewlek
Street, EeeleSton Square, London,
• 511, W.
Wingham People Look for Proper
To win a wager, an English Marquis
stood on London bridge and offered
British sovereigns ($5) for five ebillings
(ei...5). IJ e 00 n .
nu n a customer.
It's not to he wondered at, the public
look askance at any proposition where
the proposer is appareutly a financial
loser without any direct or indirect gain,
uhe&uers haveften been
successful, and in these days skeptics
want better proof than the word of a
stranger. No evidence can be stronger
than the testimony of friends and neigh-
bors of people we know, Here is a casie
of it :—
Mrs. William Armour, wife of the well
known produce dealer, speaks as follows:
—'1 havei
been racked with aevere bead -
Belie, pains n my back and side ever
dace 1 can remember. 1 have used a
great many medicines with little or no
reeplt until T got a box of Doan's Kid-
ney Pills.
"Since taking them the pains have left
n.e. My bead, side, and back are free
from these terrible pains which formerly
afflicted me. My friends say that 1 look
like another person, and 1 certainly feel
like one. 1 can recommend Doan's
Kidney Pills very highly indeed. They
I teem to attack the seal, of the trouble,
land 1 believe kidney troubles are re-
eponsible for many of the headaches,
backaches, eto., that people attribute to
Qthercauses." •
Doan's Kidney ,Pills cure backache,
lame or wollil back, Bright's disease,
diabetes, dropsy, gravel, rheumatism,
urinary diffieultiee, weaknesfl of the kid-
neys in children and old people, female
complaints, etc. Sold by all druggists
or sent, by alai' on receipt of price 50u a
box or 3 for $1,25. The Doan Kidney
Pill (Jo., Toronto, Ont. Remember the
name Doan's and refuse all others.
The following . extracts from a
circular issued by D. D. Wilson &
Co.', of Seaforth, %contains some
valuable information :
The beginning of another season
is at hand. We beg to draw the
attention of farmers and others
interested in the production and
handling of eggs to the following:
Eggs at nine cents a dozen, which is
below the average for the year, is
more than six cents a pound, a ,very
much higher figure that is paid to
the fernier for either pork, beef or
mutton, and ' it has been clearly
proven that it does not cost as much
te produce a pound of eggs as it,
does a pound of either of the others.
We would urge any who doubt that
there is a good profit in keeping
hens, to keep a careful record of the
money received and the cost of keep
for one year. Becausethey are
small and require less care and at-
tention than cattle, sheep or bogs,
they are underestimated. Many
will, ho doubt, be surprised to learn
that the valtie of the ' egg and
poultry production of the United
States is larger than that of either
wheat, corn or cotton.
With reference to the most profit-
able fowl to the farmer" , we know
that large brown eggs sell very
much higher in the BritIali market
than *small white ; bakers using
them have to use more cif the small
eggs tban they require of the large
ones. But not only that, they re-
quire to use more in weight of the'
small eggs; because there is more
water in them, thinner in contents
• as well as shell, which is very ob.
• jeetional for another reason, they
spoil very much quicker, being al-
most worthless for shipping to a
distant market like Britain. Large
brow h eggs also carry better on ac-
count of the heavier shell; the
breakage being less. If we wish to
improve the foot hold we have oh,
rained in the British market—whieh
we never would have got if we had
not culled out the small and pow '
(Feeney eggs before shipping—ue
must improve the quality and SIBS
of the' eggs we send there, and to do
that the producers must keep tee
hen which produce the eggs recoil.,
We do not thiels Is necessary re
wine etieo particular tweeds, but
timely say that we do not ca a
what the ti me of the bred is as
long as the gtve lls large eggo,
Aseertients osi to Jost What
Vs* Items:idle* Will Dos
Mums guarantee*
that bis Rheumatism
Cure will cure pearls
all casco of theme.
flan in a few hours;
that Ms Dyspepsia Cure
will euro indigestion and
all stomach troubles:
that his Ifichter cure
veil cure DO per cent,
or all cases of hidee/.
trouble; that his Ca-
tarrh Cure will euro
catarrh no matter how
, long standing; that it
A ,
arAIZa lhOrm
a tow minutes; that
his Cold Cure will
quickly break up any
form of cold and fiCt on through the entire list of
remedies. At all druggists, 25 cents a vial.
xr you nee5 medical advice write Prof. Mums,
1503. dreta st., ran, It is absolutely tree.
. . . . . • .
• thick in Shell and contents, and as
brown as possible, not weighing less
than a poured and a half to •the
dozen. However, we have no. heel.
tation in saying, there are ' a few
breeds we have a decided objection
to, the Leghorns and Hamburge
especially, on account of their egga
j being decidedly watery as well as
Some may say, why do hot ship-
pers pay mere for large •eggs, or
' dock for small? There is not an
exporter but would, do so, if it could
be arranged. With so many buyers
in the field, ,many of whom are
buying for home markets, where
i size is not Bach a consideration, it is
!almost impossible—owing to compe-
tition—for exporters to get their
ibuyers to dock for smell eggs,
I especially when there is no govern ment standard weight for a dozen.
I The dairymen have ' their associa-
I tions, liberally assisted by our goy-
! •
ernments, to further the interests and
correct abuses of their industries,
I but the egg dealers have no
association, and our governments
have not dore very mueh to -assist
the industev. However, we teak
say that the eggs from some parts
of Western Ontario arein such good
demand from eastern .or western
exporters, that a , highe.i price is
I paid for them than for eggs from
other districts, on account ,of size
and quality.-,
In conclusion, we wonld nage the
production of infertile eggs 1 or the
market, because of the better keeping
quality, and the hens will lay more
Of them; also the getleg the eggs
,into the hands -of the exportee as
soon as possible, if .eve wish to
increase our trade and obtain better
prices in the British market.
• About Eggs.
And Yet Not Beyond the Power of
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
to Save and Cure You—This is
NoteFiction, But Feet.
The constant terror and distress of
those in the tbrawls of heart diesase,
only Cferer can know, *trill what a
boon, sd magioal a relief and cure as Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the- Heart has proved
itself to be. In many toiseti recorded
the patient seemed but a gasp from the
grave, and this wonderful liquid, heart
specific has tided over the oriole, Riven.
relief in 80 ininutee, and after taking a
a bottle ur two perfect health has been
restored and all the distressilw symp-
toms and sufferings seem but as a dream.
It cures hearts weakened by la grippe.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. ,
- •
r 111. 11(1t
1111.EXIIODIST—Itev. Dr, Pascoe, pee j 0,4 tR {WI U1 Cillefi
PRalSBYTERIA.N—Rev. D. Perrie
pa itor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p ni,
SPISCOPAL, St. Paul's—Rev. Wm. I
Lowe, rector. Servicee at 11. a tn. and 7 I
13APT1ST —Rev, W.. Freed, pastor-
or, Servicea at 11. a ni and 7 p at.
Services at 11 a m and 7 p tzi
Gain, pastor., Services, at 11 it m and
7 p m.,
Outram and Leek in coutnaud, Services
at p rn and 8 p
and wife in oorntnancl. cervices at 11 a,
mpns and 8 p ire
In catch of the above named churches
Sabbath School la bald at 2,30 p na,
• W I N SH A IVis
—18 l'UtiLISIIE11-
11STRY VitIDA.t MOills111%
----Al THE—,
Sonseriptionpriee,$1Per year,inaclvanoe
On el Column 1 BO 00 840 00 s2e 00 58 se
ietit - ! 40 00 20 10 00 4 00
quarter" I 20 00 le 00 7 09 2 00,
01.1, inch 1 5 00 500 200 1...99.
"-L61441 anti n(,e ea,uat auertjs,,,er,t 8c tier lino
tot lis; insertiomand So per line foreachstibsequent
imarti a. SI e . au* od by itonpureil scle.
Limed notiees 10e. ptvlii,e tor first insertion,
5' or li • , aquelit inserticp. ,
Ad vertiscruen ts of Lest, Found, Strayed, Situation:1
end Bueitews chances Waeted, not exceeding 8 line
nonpareil, 'St for nut ;smith, and 50o, for each,
subsequent thoatil.
causes and Parma foe Sale, not exceeding fl line.
51 for dist month, 60o, per subsequent month
ativertiseinents in pro ortio
. sp(levarr•aintsetnolpis:rrgtrlyzidvielveliesclamtoents, or or
Advertoements and Meal notices without specie°
directions will be inserted tin forbid and °hawed
President—Jens STUART.
, •accordingly. Trai.sttute. advertisements must bo
, Vice-President—A. 0RAMAT. , paid 11, oth•anou
Capital, §1,250,000, Rest, §775,000 longer ecricels,
' rannerens
• Joust Paoarcitt, OISC, R04011, Ws 010501, X P, A. T,
Ween, A. B, LEE (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL,
Savings Rank—Bours, loth 8; Saturdays, 10 to
Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Apecial Deposita also received at current
ratesr i, of krs
d o eGreat Britain and the United States
bought and sold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Money to Loan On Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 per oentwith
privileee of paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collooted.
Beaver Block Wintrham, Ont
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed •
London and South
S. •0. Clamp Caledonia, No. 49, meet
Ss—the first and third Monday in
every month, in she Odd Follows Hall. Vendee
brethren welocm. J Mu r Chi f B
6 49 a. m. 3 05 p. nt
3 BO n't ?.0 29 p m
8 55 a m 3,05 p na
6 53 a m 11 10 a m
a SC p xrt 8 00 p.m
11 10 a rn 6 49a m
8 30 p m 3 80 p ra
10 29 p m, 8 30 am me, G. CAMERON,
Ohaintes for contact advertlemnents must bo in
She mace by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMENand.
SUIAGICAL CASKS of all For partieulars
Medical finperintendent, VI Ingham, Ont:
BARRISTER., soracrrort, Eto.,
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate:
interest, No oeminlesten charged. Mortgages, tetra.
and farm propert) bought and eold
OFFICE—Beaver Sleek lememist.
sorgfania TO BANK OPHAM11.TON. aroFa
°flaw—Meyer Bionic. Winghana
J. r e • 1-1
Elliott, Ren. -Sc
ootaibeeei:t.inlilSiguhragueo, us of ontario. office over Post
Dorian' r f Dente! Surgery of the Pennsylvania,.
Dental College and Licentinte of the 114,t al College.
BARRISTER,• sottotTou, muifEYnia
Office—Corner Hamilton and SteAndreW streets
opposite ColborBetel.
4001 AllfiNG
tre5m6,5 IT TALKS
• k
° PIGt
• bite 11 l) Roos graduate of toe i 0, D, 3.
ot. Vaunt, opt! is prepared to do all manner of
Dental wtalt et reasonable price. Deaver Block,
opposite the Brunswick House, Winghanm
i aVci7fY TOWN Actalf.3 VILLAGE.
LON021:41__,,ONT. .
Girls who run away fermi a, pro-
posal sometimes make the mistake by STEAm pump was
running too far.
Children Cry co r
Having pure, lased the entire business
from Mr. Da del Showers, 1 am now
prepared to supply the public with
CAS- g Oniti
Three pet' cent will vont lime to be
the rate p lid' by government say -
jugs batiks.
Tha statetnont that
Mi. Major °Was
his lif0 *fa . . 1DR. CHASE'S
Kidney Liver Pills
Dr. j, T. A. tatathier, of Valloyfield. Quo,,
*ivrites: " 1, the undersigned, certify that. theMY
tontents of this letter, itt regard to the cure of
Mr, Isadore Mruor, by the use of Dr. Chase's
Xidney-Liver Pills, is correct."
Here is Mr. Major's letter; " After 20 years
of suffering from backache and k.ciney disease
, I owe my life to Dr. A. .W. Chase. I had
tried an endless -variety of rented:es to no nveil,
and mt the recommendation of a friend began
the use of Dr Chase's Kidney-Liteir
'Iwo pills that night and two next morning
gave great rdief, and 1 tontinued their use
Until now I am completely awed. My friends
are surprised and pleased to see tue well again,
for I spent hundreds of dollars in vaiu trying
to get cured. before Using 1)r, Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver Pilis my back ached so 1 could not
'put cm my shoes and couldn't lift no lbs. My
shoulders were sore, / had headaches mu! a bad
'taste in the mouth. These troubles are now
entirely gone and what / say I ant ready to
prove, 1 have told my,friends of my wonder-
ful mire, and many have been greatly benefited
by using these pills."
Dr. Chrtse's Kithicy.Liver arethe great.
est kidney cure the world has ever known.
One pill -a dose, tsc, it box nt all dealers, or
tcliartrisOn, I3atos & CO., Toronto,
1 111 11 II III 11111. • las
A COA TITA fr"7"7-17 ILL I S
Wood and IrOn, .Force and
Lift letutnps, iltrass and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Ttthing, Cistern,
Water Troughs, •Sinks,
Bath,Plype Pitting, Well
Digging and everything In, Con-
nection with water -supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pimps a soeciality.
Repairing prouiptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or'
ordering' by mail should always state
depth r,f well.
All ievJrk guaranteed ir no sale.
111...r 140 Willem Ont.
D4Ak„s, JL. witca,a,m,
r .
oF IIt31to.•
Attsolitol itt any part of the C. Ctfargs-
OLIN CU if KIN, WusGaAn, ONT..
Sales of irate' Stock and MUM Dup.:meats:
All noists loft, OI; the Tcis face promptly atten4
od tta Tort reasonable.
Soots, Pamphlets, l'o.tera, 01
1 4,1:11011i/1N, 410., &a...executed the best
sqle tit the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice veldt or 'address
T ass Office, Wing/and ,
it 4,'i'illii('o that a•tV 11100k0
M..-itor.lit,.1r•fi MIL III for binding, will have btu
Pr, for Binding to itny style
1,.. trivpry o the TM*, t)litee
Wk '?
Sewer and •
Culvert Pipes
All Stacie froth 4 is to 24 ie. Also
Imre F0.111 PRIOECI,
THE orrtilstoP::. CO,
VACTOrnt AT11/lICO. 011iNTO