The Wingham Times, 1899-05-05, Page 4CAMPBELL'S j SkRSPARLLL& FOR THE BLOOD The BEST Spring Tonle_ -•,p„wr,�rl' ' . 7 fly .7-iaa71.-moi-FTaaa r' ?ga,we Cao ztF- LJ i tA to TO ADV.GRmraano.S. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes Must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments aceepted up to noon Thursday of each week. ,te &flingjjam Cimts F.RIIi1AY,. MAX 5, 1599.. SEAFORTH. Three by-laws granting loans ag- gregating $47,000, to Case and Co., pork packers ; Van Egmond and Co., 'woollen mills ; and Mr. Bell, foundry. Hanan and implement manufacturer, were on Tuesday carried by a plur- ality of nearly 100 overthe necessary two-thirds majority. The Ontario Legislature has passed measures granting the necessary authority upon which the municipality could act. The immediate floating of the debentures will find a ready market, as Seaforth enjoys an enviable re- putation with respeet to its financial standing. The granting of the loan to Messrs. Case and Co. was made conditional on the interesting of British -capital to the extent of $75,000. News Notes. The Comet Cycle Co'y (limited) Itas assigned. . Mr. W. H. Comstock's official majority in Brockville is 208. The Ontario Government got $21;- -000 as fees for new companies, in four months. Senator Sutherland, of Manitoba, diedlast Thursday at his residence at Kildonan. The Manitoba general elections .are to be held on July 21 ; nominee Um one week earlier, C. Seager, Goderich, has resigned The office of Division Court Clerk for the purpose of resuming practice as barrister and solicitor. Mr, James Yates has been appointed to the vacant Division Court Clerkship. Pare and Holden, two of the crooks connected with the Napanee Domin- ion Bank robbery escaped from the Napanee jail on Monday night, The two men were to have appeared at .new trial to be held in. Toronto in a few days, GOLD. RINGS A large stock of ele-. gt:nt gens set rings at close prices. SPEOTAOLES in gold, gold filled and cheaper frames. We test the eyes free and guarantee satisfaction. HALSEY PARK Jeweler and Optician. 1 TI -IE WINO -HAM .'I • ►, MAY 6, 1899, triltp..,Q,ATAX,K, NEABRBT REPORTS. 11!:::11111111 "1"111111I11141111-1!"1"1"1""91""""11!"""11111 t• 040* % 4.044 R Dtifilati Al Miss t' da Ohne was visiting with fraenda wzxoiYiug lea y :;x twn), Ma4, 1i1,1J I In •Seaforth. Correeted by P. Deans, Produce Deader. ~ Reeve, Carter, of Blyth, was in town pa k'lourpper 100 lbs.. ........ 1 00 to 6 00 Wedassday, roll Wheat , ,.,, ., . 0 65 to 0 00 " IS LIFE ONE or EXPOSURE AND Spring Wheat..., ..; . 0 til to 0 60 7 Mr Alex Young wtls au oroato s few Gats, new.... . ....... . 0 80 to 0 tl0 lawn kIA.IIIISIi1I'. •IfE1TMATISM AND KINlDRED TROUBLES. TIM $REQU' NT 1U SUI.T HAS DEEM A GREAT stIvi EItUR SPI1.0 S FOR TIM MBFIT lib' OTlIlaRS. From the Watchman, Lindsay, ant, Wm. McKendry, a gentleman of 52 years of age, has for 28 years. been ai respeeted resident of Fenelon Ftt11s, Ont. For twenty-two years he has held the position of section foreman for the G. T. R., which pos• ition he fills to -flay, and judging from his present robust appearance will be capable of doing so for many years to come, During his residence at Fenelon Falls, Mr.. tfelCendry has taken, an active part' hi educational matters, being an efficient member of the sc'hool heard on different oeeassions. Many times he has been nominated as councillor, but owing to the position he held with an out. `side corporation felt it his duty to. withdraw, although much against the wishes of the representative rate- payers. As the public, well know theduties des oiving,, ou a railway section foreman expose him to all kinds ot inclement weather, and it takes a Man with a strong constitut- ion ::o successfully fill the position. Mr. M:cKendry bad no illn-: until about 3 years ago, when, o use bis own words, he says: --"I was taken down with severe rheu ,• otic pains in the right knee and t i e rnuseles of the leg, I could no sleep or rest night or day. I. co Id not begin to tell you what .uffered. 1 took many remedies N h internal and ex- ternal prescrib . by doctors and friends, but instead cif improving I was steadily going from bad to worse. One day while reading. the. Presby- terian Review I read of a cure through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, in thecase of a man who had not been expected to recover and this prompted me to give this medicine a trial. The action in my ease did not seem to be speedy and I was using my fifth box before any decided, itnproveni.ent was noted, but by the time I had used. eight...boxes I was a thoroughly Well. mate Since that time my general:health has been the very best and I have no .signs of the old trouble. I Make, this state- ment voluntarily, because I think it the duty of those cured to put others in the possession of the means of ob- taining renewed Health and I am sat- isfied Dr. William$' Pink Pills will do all that is claimed for them if given a trial.,, These pias sure not by purging the system as do ordinary medicines, but by enriching the blood and strengthening the nerves. They Cure rheumatism, sciatica, . loeomotor ataxia, paralysis, heart troubles, erysipelas and all forms of weakness. Ladies will find them au unrivalled medicine for all ailments peculiar to the sex, restoring health and vigor, and bringing a rosy glow to pale. and sallow cheeks. - There is no other medicine "just as good." See that the fall name, Dr. 'Williams' ?ick Pills for Pa1e People is on every package yott buy. If your dealer does not have theta, they will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box,or six boxes for $2 50, by addressing the Dr, Williams' Medieine 0o., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, iv" e'w. York. Bricklayers, stonecutters,diger- makers and moulders; of Toronto, are out OD strike. James McKinley Manuel', for many years proprietor of the Tremont house, Toronto, died at Listowel Friday evening. Mr, Mannell went to'`Toronto from Listowel ten years ago, and was in business until a short time ago, when he retired Ow- ing to ill health. A good story is going the rounds about a Huron township seliool teacher. The blackboard brush through constant ase, was discarded and the teacher enquired of a swill! boy in the front seat, if he wozld not bring part of a sheep's skin next morning to repair the brush. The teacher was informed: that they had none at home. "Why," she replied, "don't you skin your sheep every year. (LThildren Cry far STO IA. l days this week, Barley, ,,. ,.,...,. 0 80. toe ;la county Ootnmifrtaloner Ansley was an Pena., .......... ...... 0 00 to 0 ll3 0.'nrke ' drawn . , to 0 01 derioh tete week. )' to " ' ' ... 0 00 4lrleiae, ,,..., ,. 0 OG to 0 11 b!fr. Jolla jr„ spent a few days in Ducks, per pair , . , . , ..... , , 0 40 to 0 001 Kincardine this: week, Mrs Ueo Wraith ie'vi;iypg with ber parents near Teeswater, li1r Geo Bell, of Ingersoll, has taken a aituation in Bell's factory. Mr Matt Berry, of Kincardine, was in town a few days last week. li., Mutter,,,., ,..., .,,. 0 11 to.0 11,ii , ■ II Bggs per do;en 0 10 to 0 10 , mill. Wood per oord , . , 1 00 to 1. 70'11,11 Bay per ton,:.., ....0011;4 4 00 to 0 Potatoes, per bushel, • . , , , 1) 00 to. 0 00' ;l 'fallow ,per ib .... 0 a to 0 4 EA Dried Apples, per ib.. , , ... 0 4 to 0 4 'FII: j: Wool,.,,.,:.. , 10 to 21,1 I Dressed hose ' a 00 to 0 001 " Mr Harry Hesston left fast Satu le,y for Chiokena . 080 to0'40 Eil St Thomas, whore hs will reside. Ulla , ..... ..._..._-__ .. �..,-.. „I Miss• Eva /witty, of Ethel, visited at Mr BUTTER AND D Y'I �;II Bolloway's *few days last week. «!I'.'; til .Ir • Mr John Adair, of Ingersoll, has taken a EG s laation in Button it h'cssant's factory. 'i 1�MrJatnesElliott hasseoured a situ• titian inig, er and left for that town t is week . r Arthur Heins ;has taken a situation in the nnishing apartment atthe Clinton organ factory. Mr Jas Anderson, ofPontypool, was visiting with friends in Wingham and vicin- ity during the week. Mr A RT Bruce, of London, agent for the &mammy Gasolene Stoves, is at the Brunsw;ck 'House this week, Misses Annie, Ida and Leo herr, of: Wiogham, were guests of Clinton friends oo Sunday. --Clinton News•Iiec0rd. Mr .1 G Bsrges, of Listowel, is spending a few days in town this week. Mr D San- derson is at lois town for a few days. Misses Minerva and Ida 'Hotels and Mr Jenny, of Clifford, attended the wedding of Miss Bertha Holloway, last Wednesday, After an extended visit to her mother, Mrs Tucker, Mrs J J Clegg and children, of Brandon, Man, returned home this week. Mr R ,T Fluetv, - of St Marys, spent a few days. • with his parents in town this week; He has left again for Southhamp- ton, where he will work with his brother o the Beacon. Obhrlie -Rose left here on Wednesday for Winnipeg. He has been promised a situation with the Dominion aprese Co atsome point in 1Ianitoba4Charlie thoroughly understands the express business, and we wish hien every sue,- cess in the West. BABY. BE.A.tTY• "Yon always think of a pretty baby as plump and chubby. Soott's Emulsion gives just that plumpness ; not too fat,just enough for the dimples to come, Babies like it too. Messrs, Avery and Scott were elected County Councillors for the Kincardine district of .Bruce county in .the bye -election on Monday. While 'packing apples ' last fall Leon Jackson,: of Brussels, put a note in one of the barrels, asking the. party who received the note to an- swer, and last week received a letter. and photo from a young lady in, Chicago. T4ve atom Markets East Buffalo, N. Y., May 2.—Cattle —In the absence of offerings, the feeling was steady under unchanged. conditions and a fair inquiry; there were only a few bead of calyes;'arid no cnange in the tone of the market; choice to extra calves were quoted at $5.75 to $6. Sheep and lambs— The offerings were light—nine loader the -market was rather draggy, the basis being $5.80 to $5.95 for choice to extra lambs; sheep choice to extra, were quotable at $4,75 to $5. Hogs —The market was slow and lower, under a moderate demand and corres- pondingly light offerings, which were 17 Ioads; heavy hogs were quotable at $4; mixed, $3.95 to '$4; Yorkers, $3.90 to $3.95; pigs, $3,60 to $3.65; roughs, $3.25 to $3.35; stags, $2,75. Toronto, May 2,—Export Cattle— Heavy exporters were gt:otable at� $4.70 at $4.85 per cwt. ; Iight were' in liberal supply, at $4 to $4.50` per cwt, Butchers' cattle stock was in moderate supply, and those found ready sale at from $4.40 to $4.65 per cwt. The quality was very good. Medium and common grades were in heavy supply, at lower prices, or $3 to $4 per cwt, Bulls ... Choice heavy bulls were quotable at $3.50 to $4per cwt. Light stock hulls brought prtees ranging from $3,25 to $3.50 and $3.60 per ewt, for choice selections. Stockers and feed- ers-Canadiari stockers for Buffalo were its moderate isapply. Prises for good to cbolee were a little firdier,. these being quoted 25e per ewt. ir higher, or $4 to $4.25 per ewt.l Feeders were in ample supply, ftt $1.40 to $4.65 per ewt. l4iileh Cows T'-'11 noltives- Choice pivoted at $B5 to $40 each and inferior fetched $25 to' W ''NTE ani prepared to pay the highest cash price tor all good butter and eggs delivered at my warehouse `, ? near the G. T, 1k. ruYr4uYYY4YCYY"rYYrirli C. GILLESPIE. ti a arly Closing Stores close at 7 o'clock, p, m. on and after May 15th, Will you kindly co-operate with us this move- ment, Shop early and buy your goods at this store. TABLE DELICACIES. Orange Marmalade, in glass, 1-2 pints, jam, assorted, in glass, 1-2 pl'nts, Preserved Cranberries, pint sealers, Canned Strawberries, Peaches, Pineapples, - Tonmatu Catsup in large bottles, - Empire Table Sauce per bottle, Royal Worcestershire Sauce per bottle, - Salad Dressing m pints .and i-2 pints. Smoked Sliced Beef, Canned Corned Beef, Tcngue, Kippered Hegr-ring, &c, gar Co 1E4 Macdonald Block, to $B0 each, Goocl veais quoted at $2 to -$7 per head. • Sheep and lambs --Prices• remained steady, and ;Train - fed yearlings were quotable at $5 to $5.60 per cwt. About five spring lambs fetched 82 to $5 each, and bucks were steadier, at $3 to $3.25 per cwt. Flogs—Prices remained unchanged from Friday, and choice selections were quoted at $4,50 per cwt.; light fetched 84 per ewt.,,and thick fat were steady, at $3.75 per cwt. Sowswere quiet, at 83 per cwt., and a few stags fetched $2. Thorold ratepayer have passed the by-law granting $10,000 bonus to the Ontario Silver Works. Edwin Palmer, G. T. -R. brake man, Chatham, had his hand severly crushed between the drawheads on Saturday. n President McKinley Monday hand- ed over the $20,000,000 to M. Ctam- bon,'"the French Ambassador, to be given to Spain for the Philippines. Mrs. Goodman who it said to be, about 107 ,years of age, will heponie a member. of Wesley church, .Bamil- ton, at the reception servjce•next Sunday morning. • 71:�,'`+{I.k1h t+•i�t•ll, f',i+t 1' S4eja ke.L.A'a ;KWat, Your heart beats over one bun- dred thousand times_ each day. 1. Ono hundred thousand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. IWhich is it? . , If bad, impure blood, then your brain aches, You are troubled a with drowsiness yet canrrotsleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve ' power. Your food does you but little good. Stimulants, tonics, headache powders, cannot cure you; but eb will, It makes the liver, kidney's,. skin and bowels perforin their proper work. It removes all int- purities from the blood. And it makes the blood rich In its life- " giving properties. 1 , 7o .P3►tiSiOn Yoe will be afore rapidly curets if you will take a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They - - arouse thesiuggish liver and thus - cure biliousness. Walde to Our bootoi. . - we nave the exr1ustve tibnttCes of status of the most eminent p%gatelans to the United States. write freely` all the lyarticularlEAddress DIt J. (l. AYE'itl Lowen, muse. • .•r,. IOC. :: £OCR Edi 1 5C. Y11;Ill1L 1 °C. 111111111' IOC. ": NIS 20 C. unl is al;;s rn,lr Wingbtm, Ont. :i. ii �E�PG ,�±41�- wP44RrrrGr�r4 -i ��r4411'l�ii� quio�isip� ilippi�, 4444Y R�w1,4\ Y Y Y O Y Y 4 Y Y w Y Y Y Y Y 4"�% A Y�F4FG M�;i�41•, ti IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST, This Trade Mark is on every Tag. See that you get it. BEST AND IS PUREST IS STRONGEST IS EVENEST IS LONGEST Ffa—If your dealer does not handle our Twine. write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay Street, Toronto, 1V100.- ECOWDMWCAL. DOES QUALITY CUNT WITH YOU IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. 1-' `ARC-AIINT S $5,000 worth of BOOTS AND SHOES at cost This is not a clearing sale to push off old goods but a genuine giving up fiusiness sale. Everything must go. Others may be selling cheap, but you will always find we are a little cheaper, and if anyone is out of sorts in the house it may be all the fault' of a badly fitting .shoe. A comfortable shoe is conducive to good temper. We make it very easy on the poeket, as well as easy on the foot. Every lady should take ad- vantage of this •and come and get a pair of our pat canvas and cork insole walking boots. They are rnade in French Kid, latest styles Goodyear Welt Process, are as flex- ible as ahand turn, and will not squat. See then. • J. Q. KARG S. Please do not ask 'for goods on. approval without paying for them. If not satisfactory the money will be refunded. D. SANDERSON. fritw 06 Pupils are in attendance at The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE OHATIIA I, ONT. From the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Slope. [[ 133 Cities, Towns and Villages in Can4 ada and the United States, during theta past year. sent us nearly 300 pupils. There are now 23 Counties and Districts in Ontario, 5 States ot the 'Union to- gether with Manitoba, apd the North Wset Territories represented. Over 200 of our pupils have been plac- ed in good positions since Jan. let, 1898. We recently had four calls within three weeks to supply teaa:hers for other business colleges. Among those who have accepted posi- tions lately, are :—Jennie Bateman, se Steno. and assistant. Wok -keener, Waik- erville Brewing Co. ; Annie 1V1eRae, as Steno, and assistant book-keeper, Milton Pressed Brisk & Sewer Co, ; Catharine McRae, as Stene„ George Angell, Wbole- sale Art Supplies, Detroit, Mich ; Cleo Cartwright, as Steno., with North, Ana. erioan Life Assurance Co, Toronto. The spring term- is one of the best seasons of the year for malting a start. Enter now. D..MeLACHLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont. 8EED5 SEEDS 8EED5 17 Clover, Timothy, Lawn Grass, Orchard Grass, 1V1uliot, Hun- garian, !orn, Turnip, r . angje, Sugar Beet Danish Sugar/ Beet, Carrots and all Garden.'' Seeds, The purest and best quality always on hand at' A. MILLS