The Wingham Times, 1899-05-05, Page 3q BMus alidPenls.
flints on Advertising. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablete. '
. The advertiser has need to keep
himself Iu.t he public view,
Herein lies the chief seerets of suc-
cessn pubflcUv.
I The best advertising man kriows
111 HtvPal poseibilitieand
k dW I Type atyle counts a good deal nowa.
s limitations,
• liokthhulTilidiAgt:I.
Pain's Celerg Compound is the
Word's Urea! Health H-.
storing Agent.
It matters rot whether your trouhle
be rheumatism, neuralgia, eider)), dis-
ease, clyspepeiii, zwvou ostrtA atior
some pasty blood disease, Paine's Celery
Compoond pueeesses virtues sullieient to
meet. your tease and overcome your of-
Dhieases of any kind that have mani-
tested themselvee in the tvlsh,er, and
bave fasteeed their deadly grip in the
bprinif mouths, are terribly perilous to
Affe, if aliowed to ruu into the heat of
summer. 'This is•the time to grapple
with disease, end Paine's Celery Com-
pound' is •the mily euro friendfriend and helper
cif the, sick,
The wiirk of disease beniebing and
bealth 'moonier already aueoniplished
this spriug in Canada by Paine's Celer,y
Compound is marvellous and astonish-
srig, yudg ng from the many letters re-
ceivedfrom cured people, supported by
the endorsation of loading druggists and
merchants to whom tbo cured people
are ino.wa,
Paineei Celery Compound is the only
medicine fiat 0111) honestly claim public
recognithen. Its wore is never-feiling
nnd sore, ft first • eleanties the Wove,
causing the .life Welke to. run pure in
every artery •and vain cif the Wily.It
quickly restores 'net strength ; it wee
perfect digestive vigor, sweet sleep and
lastiog- neultb.
Beady Aaswers.
• - •
Pat MeOltnii was digging petatoes
in when the new parish
prie.St, who waa a very _unpopular.
marl, canie• alor g, and lea n i tee ',tier
the paling said to pat :-" Weil. Pat-
rick, what kind of poet toes are those',
"Raw out, sor," was the laconic
reply. • -"You seem tobe very smart
.. this morning, Petrick," 'said the
,f when. render it' ,)'OU „gelid eine
• ewer a question froni the catechiena
' as neatly P.". • '-'Tr t me, sor," said.
• Pat. "Well, then, what is baPtisin 11"
"Well, sine it was eighteen pince be.
fere you. N3a1110 hear, and it'd half a
crewu now,''
• For Over Fifte-"Xeare.
days with every advertiser,
Anitdvertistnent above all things
should, he convincing. The man
who reads it should believe what it
says. lienee the nearer it conform
to flet the more complete will be
convincingness. Exaggeration may
result in bringing customere, Nit it
never will hold theth.
Many ti. novice in the ativertisin,g
nepartineut is carried off his feet by
an, overdone enthusiasm fur cues.
Pictures do frequently "talk quicker
than type," but as. oftee they over.
shadow the type talk, if they do nut
cast ridicule upon it. Better impress
the mind than the eye simply.
Proprietoty medicine wen adver-
tise more proportionate to their
Lumbers thau other class a dealers
in this country. And more of them
suceeed than any other•class, their
numbers being considered. If one
put these two facts together it is easy
enough to understand that advertis-
ing does pay. .
The newspaper is the accepted
Medium for advertising, All other
methods are going into "inuocuous
desuetude." Ten years hence, the'
bill. poster, the programme,- street
ear. and other 'similar methods will
have; pesseil into the things that have
been and are not. Newspapers not
only insert the advertisement, but
they also distribure it. Publishers_
1 make advertieers' interest their on,
and they make an exact science of
handling the advertisements.
An Old and Well-Trieel Rerrietly-Mra
Winslow's Soothing Syrup hes been
'Used for over 'if ty years by minions of
• mothers for their children. while teeth-
, ing,With perfect success. It soothes the ,
child, softeus the -gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colio, and is the best remedy
tor diarrhced. 'it is pleasant to the mete.
Sold by druggists in every part ot the
Twenty-five gents a bottle. Its
eel lie is incalnable. Be rinse you ask for
Mrs; Witielow'e Suuthiug Syrup, and
take no other •kirid ' •
I nsid iohs„ .Deep Seated, • Relent less
. Disease--LBound to Vanish Under
the Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
Trea tinen t - Re I ief in Ten Minutes.
Mr. laeaj.amin F. Wonch, 31
street, Tie'eate, says :--"I was troubled
with that mild -roes iiisease-eatarrb-for
many ease. it became very deep seat-
ed, and was rapicili growing worse, with
disgusting discharges' from my nostrils
ones the dropping iu my throat almost
uhoking nt . ' d
sia cialled eat:arch :auras: without y re;
lief, but after using a few Whiles of Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder 1 W./14 com;-
•pletely restored, and I believe. Perma-
nently cured front this loathsome
disease." Sold by A. L Hamilton.
It i' computed that,an inch of ramti
failing upon one square mile uf land
13 ecelivaleet to 17- millions gallops;
.of n1Ier.
Dr. 'Low's Worm Syrup is such a
simple, safe and effedtual rem edv for
Worms of all' kinds, that no other shenild
he • used. No pureatiya needed after
ward. Price 2bu.
The Conservetived of North Wale
crier) have nominated Lackner,
their former candidate, for the
Letro ve Assembly.
Skia diseases from the interest pimples to the most obstinate eczema,
salt rheum, running. sores, are quickly, pleasantly and permanently
cured by Dr. Agnew's Ointment -es cents. .
Vhcieloes not envy a baby its soft velvety panion until past middle life, and Dr.
skin? How many suffer from dietressing, Agnew's Ointment has cured speedily and
skin dfseases-Do you suffer? Have you permanently. It is a boon to mothers
tetter-salt•rheum-seald head -ring worm because it is a boon to babyland-scald
-eczema. -ulders-blotches on the skin- head and its irritations, which are accom-
chronic erysipelas -liver spots and what paniments to the teething period,are quickly
mot else of these distasteful and aggravating driven off and restlessness passes away -
disorders which disfigure and and where torture reigned with
discourage? Dr, Agnew's 4.• AA, 04.4 baby this balm brought rest
Ointment. allays the dis- we,' and a cure -it affords in-
tressing itching, bUrn. ,:; , 1..1 stant relief from the
ing, stinging sena- itching distress. . . .
tons which are part : , ' • • :;,`,
. i ,1:',:•)."1:',:,, ; Do you stiffer from
piles-hching, blind,
and parcel of such ... et le e e
- ' ,).iirlfl,
troubles, and ie. a bleeding or ulcer-
. J. N J a 'ell.V%.'
.. '' . 6 q 4, it.i0.41
ated ?-No remedy
thousand cases
'where internal treat-
tnents have failed to
heal and .eradicate .
them it has worked
-wonderful and permari-
tent cures -and no skin dis-
ease, no matter of how leng - it all forms and at all stages-l-
standing,has baffled its curative qualities. one application will relieve the itching,
In cases of chronie eczema it has proved irritating •sensations its an instant -and
its great worth, and cases are on record long standing cases disappear after from
where this dread affection has been the three to five nights' treatment -the pain and
- birthright of its patient and constant coni- soreness quit you and the tumors vanish.
A ladylivingin a northern County town writes that The baby of another lady living on Pacific Ave. in
forseventeenyeareshowaS troubled withsalt rheum. Toronto, was terribly afflicted with scald -head and
She took doctors' treatments and used rawly lotions eczetna—she tried washes proscribed by her physt.
h ernianent relief Reading date cures clan, and soaps advertised for suehpurposes.but the
made by Dr. Agnew's Ointment, she decided to try disease seine ned—Dr. Agnew °lament was
it. The first application allayed the irritation and good friend; half a box cured the baby and cured
the continued using it—the diabase rapidly herselfof troublesome piles which had been tho band
xippeared and now fordwo years there has been no of her life since baby's birth.
sign Of A teturn
sil i;etilt dtigia_Cneit goRtZtjlig. HEIAR1:-Cures palpitation, fluttering, shortness of breath and
DR MINIM'S CActARIZHAL POWDgR-Itas cured cases of catarrh of 3o years' standing -relieves
*told In the head in lo minutes.
DR. AGNEW'S LiveMILS-Stop sick headache -cute corapation, biliousness and liver troublcis
.-plossant little doses -4o irt a box -so seam -4
SOLD Irr A, L. EMI/1'111'011 WINGITAM
has brought so quick
relief, spared painful
surgical operations as
Dr. Agnew's Ointment
-it has proved itself an
absolute cure for piles
z Hamilton's 850 a, fiox-60
3. How vain are the coMplainte or
the thousande whose eternach's are
the abodes of distress
, 2. How idle are the lamentations
i of those that suffer dyspepsia ?
3, How long -0, bent long will they
suffer, ere they know the right thing
• for relief and the cure ?
4, They diet, and doctor, and try
powders and pills -and still suffer the
torments of all manner ills,
5. Why not end all the trout%) and
be freed from dietress, with a (lire for
the stomach that never fails of sue -
cess ?
6. Heertburn,sourstornaoh,nausea,
sick headache, and all other distresses
,of indigestion are remedied cinickly
with Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab-
lets -a single tablet always gives in.
stant relief.
7, Many old armee of dyspepsia are
permanently cured with one box of Dr.
Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets - GO
tablets; in a box -35 cents, at A. L
Must Pay For a Newspaper.
At the last Division Court at
Glencoe the case of the Free Press
Company vs. Edwards was tried.
It was an action on account to re,
cover three yeare' subscription to
the Daily Free Press. Plaintiff
proved that defendant had taken
the paper regularly from the post
office, and was therefore entitled to
pay for it. Defendant alleged that
he never subscribed for the paper ;
and one Carson Adair, who lived in
the premises now occupied by de.
fendant, and in it had
been sent, had ordered the paper ;
diet when, he went away he had
made a present of the paper to de-
fendant, and. had instructed the
postmaster to deliver it to defend-
ant, who bad imagined that Adair
had paid for' it, otherwise- be Would
not have taken it. The judge held
that defendant, paving taken the
paper, got the benefit of it, and
should have stopped it if he did get
want it. Judgement for the plain-
tiff for $6 and costs. Blackburn for
plaintiff. Moss for defendaet. '
. BUSIN FISS mAN,s•FArr.u.
Tortured by Rheumatism for Months,
He Pins His Faith to*South AMeri
can Rheunsatie Cure and is Healed
-It bares in One or Three Days.
Mr. S. Baker is a business man in
Toronto, and lives at 9 Suffolk Piece.
'He contracted very acute rheumatism,
and for months was a great sufferer.
Be treated with best physicians without
any relief. He took South A merictie
Rheumatic Cure for what it claimed to
be in advertisements he read of it, and
when he had taken two bottles.tie was
'completely mired. He says :-"1. volun-
tarily give this testimonial that -Otter
su1iereis may be benefited,. as1 believe
the remedy is a perfect specific." ,Sole
by A. L. Hamilton. . •
Gleanings frem the Shops.
Strong assortments of parasols
in very light coloriegs, elaborately
Beautiful and extremely fine cit
ton feces in exact imitations of the
'hand made goods.
Broad displays of renaissance all
ever and very white bands of large
irregular net.
Refuse all substitutes or imitations of
the genuine Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Willi Strawberry, most of these are
sbsolutely dangerous.
Great variety in golf and cycling
hats eitheieplain or tihnined with
wings or quills.
Taffetasilks'slightly puffed- having
rows of white Bilk cords arranged at
regular intervals.
Full lines of white taffeta tillevet s
decorated with applications of white
silk cord of gold tinsel. ,
Do not put off the duty That ought to
be done tO•day. • lf your blood ie 1 tit of
"order take Hoo.i's Sarsaparilla at ono .
Embroidered swiss muslin showing
black and white figured bayadere
tripes on tinted ground.
Delicate white 6hiffon deeorn Led
with large bowknots made of geld
insels outlined with silk cord. "
Fint • 4
,hibot ate embroideries to he used as
ippliques on cloth enstuin
Allovers eomposed of rows of nor
I .Nit Week velvet ribben touneeted
Peathei stitehinp, o stik in eon
"Women's Troubleb
1ro weeny the reselt ril an etrhaostive
nervous aystein which cun he ruliy re
• Antedby the use ot Dr. A. W. f`l,atte't,
Sl'oeve POOCt. Women inaile nervous and .
.reable by the vesting diretieee
'1rai,i their system find new life. new
vigor, new energy, in De A. W. Melee.
Nerve Foal, the entire greatest 1 loocl
and nerve builder.
is the
"Best" is an easy boast. But there's no best without a. test. You
expect something extra of best ; something extra in bread from best
flour; something extra in wear from best cloth; something extra in
cures from best medicines. It's that something extra in Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla that makes Ayer's the best. That something extra is quality.
Remeniber it's quality that cures, not quantity. Geo. Smith of the
People's Drug StO're, Seymour, Conn., says " I have sold your goods
for twenty-five years and when a customer asks me for
I say: 4 If you will take my opinion, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla; I will guar-
antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of
Ayer's than you would by uing half a ,dozen bottles of some other kind?'
When they take it, I never hear any complaint."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures'all diseases that have their origin in impure
blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tatter, scrofula, etc.
It cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. That's why it's best.,
',After twenty years' experience as a druggist, I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla superior to
any similar preparation on the 'market, and I give it the preference over all others."
A. C. WOODWARD, Worcester, Mass.
“In our estimation, as regards Sarsaparilla, Ayer's is the standard. We have never
heard it spoken of in other than the very highest terms."
W. E, TERRILL & CO., Pharmacists, 9 State Street, Montpelier, Vt
el consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier on the market."
Dr. Grua: & CO., West Gardner, Mass.
"During fifteen years of experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I have yet to learn of a
single case wherein it failed to cure if used according to directions."
• F. O. COLLIN'S, Druggist, Paris, Mo.
• HI believe Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value than any other similar
compound." JAMES DOANE, Dispensing Chemist, Xingsville, Ont.
Exclusive .e uminer gowns of em-
broidered swiss, corded zephyrs and
dimities einborettely trimmed with
Gowns made w:th long pointed
overdresses -opening ovee skirts
trimmed with row upon row of soft
chiffon frills.
White organdie costumes very
elaborately trimmed with extremely
fine black Chantilly lace in the Fusin
of bayadere insertions.
Many varieties of allovers made of
fancy nets -on which are applied
different forms of white Satin or
-taffeta orelieed well gold or silver
Dark cloth gowns with sleeves,
guimpes some other form of -
ming fashioned from strikingly
contrasting materials, such vs lace,
,orded taffetai, or some of the dainty
oiist,,es or devants theft are so per
We, the Undersigned, do hereby *Tree
,to refund the money on a twenty -tire
cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills,
if. after using three fourths contents,
uf bottle, they do not relieve Consepa.
tion and Headache. We also warrant
that four bottles will permanently cure
the most obstinate cases of Constipation,
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Wiwi -aim, Ont.
Colin A. Campbell, chemist and Drug-
gist, Wingbarn, Ont.
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
Winghane Out
The new C. R. R. liver Across the
continent is to average 45 miles and
Women can't throw n AsOrle, but
when she dropaa fiewer pot out of a
eestly adopted for chis purpose.-, window she always hit., somebody.
Pain ceased First Day.
Mrs. Mary O'Dell, 262 Dutin Ave.,
Toronto. writes :-"I have used Milburn's
Rheumatic Pills and they cured me of a
severe attack of rheumatism: The pain
Ceased *after the first day's trial of the
injury by frost to letting4hp orchard
grower, says his pbcch trees are all
right, and attributes •,' their non.
run to weeds.
A.n......g:s4 Ilf,larmi:nlei,ean Essex peach
.,. :.C.ire• n Cry l'or
ra \..
An operation to remove an injured
eye ?vas performed on Thos. Stuart,
a boy, at the Montreal Hospital.
Through ti. mistake the oeerating
physician removed the boy 's sound.
ye, and his sight is destroyed.
Di.v Good., FAunsillikt.
. • The Average age nt women marry Tonight
tnctvilized countries is said to be
2,131, cat s.
Worse 'Pawl War.
Ttnntlreils area killed in war, but, limn
thomiand4 pre by ton.
a imie ion. There wou:d ee no.deetlis itt
all osestid by thin terrible alone° if
People rould be made to uritterstnnd that
:entir-0e newel nee CionStuti pt ion Caire
iR a sure remedy if neon in the perly
stagita. 25 ots.,50 ots. end $1.00 a bottle.
Druggist will refund the money if a euro
ia not affected.
I:V.1dt 'Women
Ono be merle Stri).SS "1i
Ultra's Bowl. end Ne.
't itt.n an 'Verner let.
:hy by Mil-
rNIills. F
ttawn Pays .-
,\Iliburn'e Heim ard11\ erve Pills nt
r t;Ited my bio -11, t-trengthenoti It(t'l-
reRtortsti Ow In heal th ACM vigor."
A Kent ills pahv shinte d-
- t eqr ealtiteri y t;t,i-ttn tbr,
like. The Ilexes had to be strapped
with iron lb,. transportation over the
If your liver is ont of order, causing
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Hearts
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, and toinorro0 yottr di-
gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright, ectiye and reaay
for any kind of work. This
been the experienbe 0 ct
will be yours. HOOD'S
Sold by all medicine dealers.