The Wingham Times, 1899-05-05, Page 2#
I. •
L 11E WilsaillAM l'IMELS, MAY 5. tV9.
Pam m the Basalt.
"I suffered with pain in the back Cor
over a year stet multi not get it cured.
Three bottles of Hugyard's Yeeow 011
removed ; pain entbele." elan hell
0. Mao-
Nitte time.; out of ten when 6e
Man Mike grammaticalle he is tiree
,Severe Salt Rheum.
'Burdeek eel Belem cure(' me ut
Balt three yeArit and
bad ma rPtara of it rine". 1 wits trid
-with it .1 nould cot S eep, r 1`041!
two Lott!. n of 13.11.13, lit 41.,.-t.:4 I:
Mrs. Welch. a eon Ont
The C.Vrli'll4 th 1) 0; arc- 1
granting^ divorces at the c‘f 3
a day. The law will he ellanged ori
Julv lst,
3Posillvely cured. by these
They qlez, relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion. cnd Too Hearty Eating. A per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Ba.d Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Alma PRII. Small EillOsagi
Small PFiceo
the -fraud. of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
'Cure of
' —
One sunny Motela,y in the eighties
Of the seventeeth Century, the village
of Stareel became greatly excited on
learning that Squire C'etrr had sold
trio Clogford House. It had always
been a soured of interest to the
•vibagers. They remembered web
enough its last oeetipant:ene TORlin011,
who made his living by the road,
and many a. Kentish evening was
passed in relating the adventures of
the sane gentleman. But he had
rotted on a gibbet at Berling gate
some twenty years before. Since
then nu one hast eared 4, live in i4,
whether for that -or because 14 ptitid,
CbSOCI. few features to 'recommend it
to either puVellatier Or' tetiatit, It
VMS the largest honse for ',obes—
e great stone building of two wings,
set to gether like the arms of a cay-
senter's square, oi.e, to the west arid
the other to tee sends.' There were
many bedrooms,ope opening through
tutother; a large dieing -room that
looked me the Clogforel as it,fiowed
beneath its very nose The draw i ng%
room was above the dining -room,
and bad us tine a view of the villages
on the north as one might wish to
see; the Kitchens and servant's quart•
er's occupied the extreme end ef the
smith wing, Though it was awk-
ward and a trifle displeasing in ap-
pearence, the villagera anticipated
that its purchaser could be no less
than a. gentleman. •
And so Mr. Garren—Mr.Wyeherly
Garren—proved to be when Starkel
saw Lim a, month after; till then he
had been busy renovating Clogford
House. In this he seemed to know
nothing of stint. Mechanics in end-
less numbers were brought from
Berlinge—rough trainers foe the
stables, and for the hOuse, cabinet-
makers, upholsterers, carpenters,
plasterers and painters. The whole
place resounded . with the din of
hammer, saw and ' shouting voices.
Nor did the villagers wonder at these
great repairs; many of them pretess
ed to have known before thisi that
Mr. Garren was rich. . And when
the draught teams came with loads of
Furniture,pletures,carpets, books and
a great deal of apparatus of which
no one could divine the use—though
every one knew well enough after-
wards—they declared that they had
known from the first. that he Ives 6.•
scholar and a scientist and • that he
conducted many queer experiments.
Nor yet did they confess surprise
when, a month after, he was invited
to attend the meeting of the Berling
The permanent cure after per-
manent cure that is being published
-week by week has placed Burdock
flood Bitters far above all other
-Temedies in the estimation of the
esick and suffering.
Even the severest and most chro-
nic diseases that other remedies
:fail to relieve yield to the blood
urifying, blood enriching proper-
ties of B.B.B.
Salt Rheum or Eczema—that
most stubborn of 'skin diseases,
which causes such torture and is so
• difficult to cure with ordinary reme-
dies --cannot withstand B. B. B.'s
healing, soothing power.
The case of Mrs. Jas. Sanderson,
Emerson, Man., shows how effec-
tive B.B.B. is in curing Salt Rheum
at its worst, and curing it to stay
This is what she wrote:
"Burdock Blood Bate& cured me of a
bad attack of Salt Rheum three years ago.
It was so severe that my finger nails came
ME I can truly say that I know of no
more valuable medicine in the world than
B.B.B.• It cured me completely and
weasel:I Ally, as I have never bad a touch
of Salt Rheum since."
hia remaining company, ae Mr, not be, but another form of beets'.
We,e,herly Garen rode away, "I tell If pa had found, it twenty years
yon. he is a vahiab1 an to an, very ago, what a splendid old age I would
nave spent in studying it, in noting
It proved true enough, foe by the it e phenomena, in preparing
time he had attended it half dozen Mr. Garrett shut the study door bee
meeting he was looked apen as the hind ,
soelety'e highest uuthority. He had It couldnot have. been more then
out distanced them all as the Pro. half an bear later when Mr. Gavels,
fesior remarked orie evening to _twee rttuning down stairs, very pale
Squire Carr. end very untelt excited.
"It'e like this yu know," said. the -.Manley's tainted!" lie jerked
Squire," lie and iSlargaret often out, "a glass Of brandy, and a horse,
out together. and\i you'll excuse Mu tor the doctor, quiekl."
sir, but a lather fl/&s to see a daugle Lie ran upstairs with the brandy,'
ter well settled. • She is a good girl, and did what he could.. But it was,
and I would like to ktiont aualowliat useless; be:ore the doetor "at•rivecle
of the Irian she will merry." • Professor Manley was. dead.
"You should be eroud of 'Margaret,'" . "It was like this," Mr, Garrett, ex -
said the Peofessor as he drew the plained. to the aloetor," we were in the ;
Squire to otte side, "but, Ogle Were • midst. of an; experiment when he
my daughter, he whtepei ed,?1' and no . •fell he hardly groaned. 1 lifted
good 'twine and that twice over. I'd ; bins atm placed him on the study
give her, and thc,t with all; My coach. died 111 few minutes.'"
heart." .01Vs plain .enoughe" said the'doe
The Squire rode herne, atl,szrange tor, "old age and failure ot the heart
thougii it may seen, the tirst thing, i brought on by over Much exertioa•
the tette Margaret said after she bad ; in riding from, Berling yesterday,'"
sung to was, ”I've had =safer They that dressed the: corpse res
membered how life -like it was; bum
of marriage, father."
.The Squire loved a joke.. He thitt the band—the right hand, -they
arebed brows in the Most sur- retnembeeed—was clinched fast, and
prised. way imeginahle. Yet idaegeret when they opened it they found; the
did not at all wouder at his surpoise ; palm crisp as. if buret. 1304 they
did not 'wonder at it as he often, used.
Sleeted rods• in; his • 4X•pertaients. at
she did not expect that any one
"It'd Mr, Garren," she explained. home.
"Mr. tearren l" ejac,ulated the When the Mowed, Was over Mr.
Souire's wile, as she eatne in, "•and Garren returned, to' his study and
pray what do you kuow of him, seldom left it.
Maggie? Wm) are his people? "Will he never have done'' ask -
Where does he come from ?" ed the Squire's wlfre inipatiently one
"Mydear," inte.•posed the Steuire, day.. Bat Margaret only ensiled ;
gently, "a friend of mine to whom he ,she Was teaching her boy to walk,
is well known, has, this very day, which was quite engrossing enough.
• told me that he is in all ways &very Day after day. and night after
excellent man. He has known. him, night, they would; hear for halifan
I should judge, for some time." hoar, now and thenethe same whirr -
This statement .of the Squire's ing sound. But sbenever asked him
surely have decided the matter, for what it was ;. in, law had she. want -
by Onristuaas dine Margaret was ed to, she hadsbualittle chap:see She
• mistress of Oloyiurd House. Though seldom saw hinst. She would have
a quiet woman she made a. model, been lonesome- hash it not. .beett, for
hustesg„ which was indeed well !since her boy.
her husband wasnot what was -then. One night, they.: lay sleeping,
known as . a sociable man.. True, her husbandeamein, With, a light.
he occasionally. attended the hunt , "Margaret e Margaret t" tae ealled
and (Hulloes at the Squire'a but be- softly: He Smiled, when shedid not
yond. that limit he could in. no; viaST awaken.
e •
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'• iltIlf•IIII...11i. ...... II ........ III ........ IIIIIIIII11111,10111111111111
) StalitalingilteroodimclRegula-
j ling the Stomarles andBoweLs of
13;..5k7 • Sil.:/:,;.:4?‘.1,....Z.•;•;
Optutic,IVforphine nor MinerW,
.Nardrirefalill7rTiA liZTELPI2r2Y-Ir
_•• PrfniAls Seel- '
.ii • ; Araions. • 1
„P.its Sas-
1 • ..,iniaete ,.
•• .71y/parrinni. -
.11r CarrYanaihror4 •
.1, Prirs;rfieert -
, Clsoiriskitivar .
Idatopron, Fear=
leperfectbetnedy for Constieee
time, Sour Stomseh,Diarrhosa•
1 Werree„convulsions.Feverishe
ness. and LesS OF SLEEEn
Teti iiimile Signature of
• YePT.1441s
4. 4)36'4 •
• EXACT copy 07 WRAPPER.
01 vtappe.,.
MiT.101.121M2- Ws1”" inITMFIT-a=72.::;111:TZ`2,===3
wg.A PPER, '
Castorinniloputnp one-sizs bottles sinip.
is not sold'in, onik. Bc-ft alisw em,yiu,1 ..c)asb
you anyestnireltaii ea the .dos, or promise that. it.
is "just en twirl" and "will answer evt,ra, ppri.
pose. ittr-Ectethat yore got 0-11.-SX,0111,....a..
Ma he-
.isc„,,.......-.„.....„..,2.,,,,„,..,,......m.,..„.. .,......,
. - .s . , A.NIIVIA.L WASH,.
. c
• Pertheetic Sheep Dip andi Apimal What'll is. the most highly con igen tratorll
fand ail roond satisfactorydbrm of power. fore its. euri ng of Rhin dinetisca and! 1
.; dbstroying vermin in cattilee It ispowerful vniitbout being harsh and ina ;•1
mediate in effect without% any irritatingz remits. It iR being suceessfolite C ,
be induced. He spent his -time at "Margaret, waken'!" he called ; at,
home in Lis study.. again. Har eyes, opened, ini a stare:sill usectall over Canada foreuringSeres, &vibes+. Shear Outs, Boils, Rtognmena. ?),I
. Mr. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda. Ont., says:, --"It. goes farther and finPs mosso $
tigrene Scab, and tor destroying verminiared insect pests. Some anal:insist C
This study, which was also a libs ' "I have made n great disestvery ; 1 fe %met than any dip 1 have-eVer used.' 1 usedlit most nuocegisi ully iii castrating"
rary, was at the top of the stairs in the found something wonderful, , It's in 1 '§ la=bs. The wash healing the wounds rapoiIly and hasping the in agapts . - •
second •story of the western, oblong.: 'en the wese.roerale come antleee it." - viay. I moat heartily. recommend it."
4. PI"A'Alr. Crossan: Ringwood, Onti., sit-yet:1- 4:11 Maw. bsen unable ' to 'gain- 'now]
Tnere were rooms onening: througn "Hist, the: boy,,71 said sire as she - gi sa' tisfaetion from Many experiments in diebretst dips tiqii P used Persiatic. re
it toward the end of the building arose. . 4, ,..ebeep Dip and Animal Wash. It destroys lice and vormon perfectitg flea lip
which. no one had ever seen, not And as they tip -toed from the t cattle, and acts as a tonic, healing wounds, sores, etc."
even his wile; she, had never asked ehamberelooking back, they threw St'
. 06'4 it at your deal, The.Pickhardt-Ittifiew Limited Stouffuille. On
GP Or direct from
knowing that they were in some way Out his arm, and; stirred a little, :but i •
• .
connected with the studies, In which still slept,. ';.--es-seoseeteeta-weemouetseeeeeK-stee--tseeete. e-evseeeeseeveseele
Society—a body of men who met she took no interest and, could nut •As they wentup tile stairs he took •. .
velopments in mathematics and ducted his experiments, being seine- the long, time since be had done so Many a lave
moist y to se . , -. undeistan . In t eseroomse on- herhand.e , g
science. times oceapied for an. hour, some- before,, as tear trickled down a joyful to the alter and then resigns his
Manley, haA once been an Oxford pro- •
The president of the society, Wm.
fessor—a strange man whose; greet
ing was never "good day, friend,"
or "What health are you in?" but
always, "Have you heard of that im-
portant discovery in chemistry?" or
"Can you detect the error in this
geometrical proof?" If a man were
versed in a eeience, Professor Manley
invited him to the Society; if he were
versed in several sciences he invited
him to dine a,t his house.
Mr. Wycberly Garrett had been
invited to the first meeting through
the courtesy of the Squire. Bat
when he cleared away the obstacles
surrounding a knotty point in
physics, and took up a mathematical
discourse where D. Ferns had finish -
times a dozen hours,. and, now face.
and then, for days. Then he They walked through. the study
would immerge haggard and wan, and opened. the door. Ale there es
like. a mad who bad lived with a was tianwork, of his hours, and days,,
horror. But after a few fox runs and w.eeks. A giant wheel socketed,
he was almost as robust. as ever. in beams, connected. by au arm to a
One day—it was well remembered metal plate that held, a thonsand,
afterwinci—a few months atter his brushes of guy steel ; another plate,
boy was born, be inedted Professor and,knolas, and rode in such pro
Manley to spend a few days at Clog- fusion, that they quite , bewildered
ford, to assist him, se he said, in a her.
delicate experiment. Thongh the "It's well built," she said, "but I
Professor was then an old man— cannot understand. it." •
past eighty —he rode through a "les not the building of it,"' he
winter's stain to keep his appoint- replied, "but what, the thing can do.
ment. (Theee we're no stage coaches When the wheel turns, then the
in those days.) When he arrived he brushesru.b, and a something tine
was much ratig4ed, but revived runs through these rods that one can
after a short rest. When dinner feel like a vibration, yet it is not
was over his host led him upstairs that."
ed it,it was recognized by all that he and on through his study. It was He gave the *heel a turn and
was a valuable acquisition to the then that a whirring sound as if a tested for the current, as he called '
Society. "An interesting meeting, great wheel Were ',turning, was first{ it. He could net feel it. Be turned
sir,"sairl the professor, as they ad- heard. The evening passed to eight, the wheel faster ; still lie could not
jou rned." buts your first appearance. and night to midnight, and still the! feel it ; faster and fasters. and still
but mist that we may see Yon sound was heard. I no current. •
often." Day -light was breaking whet 1 His heart was sinking when he
"I intend becominga member, if Margaret heard them exchange good- I noticed a rod detached. "It's this,"
I may be permitted," replied Mr- Mot mugs at the Professor's roam Margaret could hear him saying
• Garren. door. Then her husband walked'above the swishing of the wheel.
"We shall be glad to receive you "
• back to his study. "It's this that's wrong."
DR. A. W. CHASE'S 0 g,„
• is sent aieget to the diseased.
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ialcers, clears the dr.
passigesstops droppingalh the
throat mud permanently., cures,
Cater:hided may Fever.. tloweO
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
medicine cps. Toronto anc4Buffalto.
- responded the Professor. "Aht 13
the way, a few gentleman dine wi
tne to day, might I wish the hone
I should like to dismiss that coedit
LOGSioofnsootifpB.,o,yle's with -you over a platt
The soup was exhausted befo
!the subject, bat both proved ve
IItelest cash prides. paid for all palatable,
kinds , If good Saw Loge, Telegraph "I tell you," said the Professor
Poke. PoStEi and Shingle dolts e_
delivered in our yard.
V The Professor arose betimes and He raised a rod and put it in its
th when lunch was ready Mr. Garren place, • He fell upon it, and when
joined him in the dinning room" she raised him he was dead ; and
8. They had scarcely seated when a when she wailed for him, her boy's
ter most peculiar conversation began. wail answered her.
The old butler, Donlon, can still', Andthat was how he died, and the
re remember Snatches of it, 1 great machine died with him for ne
ry "We must ascertain," said the I one eared to tench the devilish
Professer, "If this seeming fluid that thing.
you have discovered, is really a'
--•substance; if it inereases the vveight Babies wortured
krone !c4est prices sect satisfaction
guarnniorel:f Call and ect prices he.
fore &loving of your timber.
1Wet:KAN to BON
Baas Were e• ironderifel. of the metals through Which it passes." By flaming, halm; eczema, find comfort
I had been trou e or years w "NVe Meat ALSO," added Mr. Gar- nermanen cure n
ached in an parte of my body, owing to S ren, "test to see if it realist travels ot cures unparalleled m the history of
ment; a preparation which has a record
pales in my sides and kidneys aid bad
stomach rine liver troubles. 1 began and, if it does, we Must find its rate' medicine. Mczeina, salt rheum, tetter,
taking Itoorl's Sarsaparilla and its effects And then they ate in silence for a weed head. old people's rash, and all
were wonderful. In a ',host time X was erne. itching skin dieentes, are absolutely
Oaaington Aveaue, Toronto, Ontario. it was wondering," said the Pro. cured by Dr, Chsse's Ointment.
entirely med." MIK PROM SI • 209 time.
fessor, as they rose from the table, Mr. Noble Montgomery, of Brant.
Hood's Pills are non -irritating and the • '
only cathartic to take with Hood% Sar- "If it will pass equally as well ford„ was struck by a shunting train
saparilia. through wood (wealth, and if it may old wed, „
StND •
YOUR • •
to the grocer whom you
• and your child, will get
from him just what you
ask for. It' pays your
grater to gain your con-
fidence. Yhu can safe-
ly send even your child
to nth a:grocer for
and you won't get
"something just asgood"'
• as Gold Dust from him
but you will get Gold
• Dust itself and your
child will know the dif-
ference. No other Corn
Meal than Tillsons' can
be as yellow as grains of
You can safely trust
your child to order it.
The Tinton Limited,
Tilsotiburg, Ont.
61 uss the latest de • dh he and when he thou ht of b • man leads a woman
set wise dues
lenient% by
selling one derorr•Auetriatt Rose.
Stick Pine leente.oneh. They
are imperishable. pretty' ad
easily eel& Supthenti,rrturn the
manor, and vosend'UIN valueblei
ring in volve•aturateree, by re.
„turn litallo
IIMile Sigteiritty
Dept. ,s Wotatisto, Carr,
. 1 :events anda'rade.Marles clitatatd, and aupotent
Al .. c,..139
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office is in thellumediate v 'cid tymif the Patent Mee,
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Send modek sketch orphotognaph of invention, wit%
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IN TUE 411,
--- TIMES:.