The Wingham Times, 1899-04-28, Page 7.............._ ...x***** "
qt aim * h ' - C'IXAPT1.It XVIII, A Clover th
t Youth. l�0 EO.a SMALL
v, �Iera'B a good story from the New ,
All that had linseed had been sa shift. York f,atholle it'41w :
e seareely realized what hammed: "(aline 4x pounds of sugar,"
but the tight of Count .Jura's dare: face, demanded a email boy, rushing' into
t.nri the revolver in hits hand, roused her a grocery ewe in breathless haSGe,,
fear to its utmost. 'Four tents a pound 'that'll f)d •1
`'Let uta go!" she +'rigid, wildly, etre;;• ,
giros against his held. "You have shot Cerate," said the lean behind the '
ees; yawned! Let ntc got I will.-.-" counter, as he tied up .his package,
"R('••silent!" hissed the main ilereely, ' i
Bold on . X want ten pounds of
pushing her down into a cornet', and rit'e•-•-•what's that it pound it'
drawing her cloak across her mouth:
"Another word and I serve you OR I 'Six cents' answered the man ; '60
sgifwrd her!" cents. What else did ;oar mother
brtttnl Bend for .
As tate train muted away, Alirt'
ed to her feet and screamed tvlilli
r a
Woman TA Woman4
AG S!' " a,h
* * * * * * *
G Xa
Author of s' A. Woman's Love " a b if ' " "Ac a
, °The W e s Secret," Heartless �/„�
Wtmlan," '41 -kr Fatal $ " «A Wife's Peril,"
«A Desperate Woman."
�, ,� ,� ,� ,� s ,� ,� ,� ,' • Aller. shrink . back cowed by his o' .
r oc 'c 4(..,) enc .,$c 4t,,,Ac` **,.*..0 ,00. 74,074 �✓,� a0.0Xa nettle and grew faint and her eyes 'T want eight (l f beans.
.,,,, -o- ,. „ carts c�
L L e 6 .q. '.p lr • ..,. •e, t..
Ws all tight; but it's main queer to sen
'two young Wooten out this tI(ne o',
•Flold your tongue and lead the tray
np," Mylar commanded; and as the mran
lit a eatndlo, she dragged Alice in, 1141ro
W118 111.11f TU111111tt: with fatigue and free.
"I.attks, she do look ill!" exclaimed
the lean. "Be t,11e going to die, inisa5us?
If so. she can't conte in here."
y "Diel No, fool! Site's upset, as you
. would be "if your brother were as ill as
:Iters. There, go otz! retell uss setae food,
and be quick about it."
1 The. num toiled up the old-fashioned •
staircase, tend Myra followed with some/
difficulty, for she supported Alice,
woe strength was going at every step.'
N Once inside .the sweet-smelling bed-
room, :llyra put her gently into a chair,
and with one faint sigh Alice's head
sank back, and she became unconscious.
i• •
As soon as the food came; Myra
busied herself in restoring the poor
!,girl who lay before her so white and
- cold. •
Her strength 1s gone," she murmured,
i wetting the. pale lips with some brandy
she had ordered; "she wants the fire of
firevenge and jealousy to keep her up as
• I. am 'kept."
I•Ier effoets were soon reworded;
Alice's dark eye-lnshes were lifted, and
she looked roast], She smiled faintly
as she nut the glance of :gyre's great,
dark eyes, and tried, to rise.
"First yon must eat some food. and
then you must lie down on the bed and
sleep. I have told that fool to call us
i at. six -the train goes' at half -past; we
are close to the station."
"But will he not reach us before
then?" gasped Aliee,
"We must risk that," Myra said
gloomily. "IIe will be ifweissibler for
soine time. and then the eart has gone, "Laltks. there's these two young wo-
a so we have a very good stint. But be
brave, you nee free new; trash in tete, • Men!' he exeiaimed, breaking off his
`and' you shell remain free. or my lift' cons -creation.
widi answer for it. IIe shall . not get "I mann just go and wake them, to
you into his power, the cruel,. coWa1:41IY be gore."
Tierauottt talc tarrtrnge routwry ehutan„ • closed, What'll they he ?'
off wrong was well Rounded, No; he "Good!" muttered .Tnra,ns he watched 'Beans are 15 cents --a dollar
must get alt'ay, her. "Now let us understand one an -
The fewsteps he took seemed miles; other, 1 on arc in my newer. 1 Weal tweet y . ..
the petspirationt trickled from his brow to take you nlarun i. You cannot resist 'Now let me have seven pounds of
still he went on, me. I thrall pro:iadm you as my wife; cod fish, two pounds and a half of
Just as he was growing nitogcther no one eau deny it. Yon wear a ring. tea, two Quarts of vinegar, six dozen
• spent, his quick ear caught the sound It you attempt to escape, I shall say elothespines and three peeks of pots -
of something moving towards him. He yon are nlnd. No one will gainsay that
toes,' called out the boy,eeadin
drew his revolver, and, creeping back You comprehend me?" g
into the bushes, waited. The noise Alive made no sign. from a memorandum in his hand,
enure nearer, his eye saw the outline of IIe bent forward, and tool; her hand. 'and give me a bill of it all, please,'
smite abject. - It was limp and still, .s'•Ier fear was lost When the packages were all done
IIe strode forward . a little with nn in a, dead faint, up and the bill was ready, the grocer
ext•lamal:tion • of delight, nilt, away his "So mach the better," he muttered. banded it bill
r with 'Did 'oveyour
revolver and went towards it. ' "That was cleanly done. Myra will not ,
It sats the pony and cart Myra had trouble ms much more, I tltinl:,*ill mother send the money or does she
deserted. The pony ,walked on slowly, they step me tit rxhier He bit 'ills I want, theta charged, sonny ?'
1lraweing the grass ns he went, lip huddeuly. "Great Iloaveus! I never I 'My mother didn't sent for neat,
Count Jura could have embraced the
thought of that. They will trap true like ing,' was the boy's answer as he
11 dog! What shall I do -what shall I made swiftly for the door. 'That's
Ile thought for n moment, then drew do?" my arithmetic lesson and I ,nod to
the pony back front the road, mbar -He gazed out of the window, as they ,
neesed hiss, tethered him to a tree, then whirled along swiftly, have the answer or get licked.'
biding the rli:lniot1dst under the stuns I:0 saw «10y were approaching. n small
nt the bottom of the cart, he Wrapped viln^•o
himself in the clolik he -hd pureed be- e- 1nnan instant • his determination 1738 James Crichton Browne, of Eng-
fere uuder the seat, and made hirnseif taken.
Considers Laxa-Liver Pills the
best remedy for Biliousness,
One after another is coming forward
and speaking a word in favor of tho new
family medicine--Laxa-Liver Pills.
Mrs. Goo, Small, Sligo Road, Mount
Forest, after givingthese pills athorough.
trial, thus expresses herself ;---" Laxa-
Liver kills aro the best remedy I ever
took for biliousness ; and as a general
family cathartic, they are far superior to
anything in the market for that purpose."
Laza-Liver Pills aro mild in action,
harmless in effect, and do not weaken
the system.
They act promptly on the Liver, tone
up the digestive organs, remove un-
healthy accumulations and cat short the
progress of disease. Pried 25e.
Dr. Wood's cures tho severest
coughs and eolds of
Norway rine young or old quicker
than any other re-
medy. Prise 25e.
land, is of the opinion that if the •
as comfortable as circumstances would lir tonrlird the signal to stop the present rate of .decrease in phthisis =
permit. train -again, then again• cases continued the disease would
He was thoroughly worn out with In a few seconds the train canto to a • have disappeared from Great Britain
fatigue, and in a very few minutes was full stop just beyond the few scattered E
fast asleep.- . - cottnges, and in another instant the in abort 30 J ears,, time.
* •* * * guard was at the door in alarm,
The landlord of the inn was utr enrly. " Ify wife is taken suddenly ill." ex -
It wee market -clay at •Morotown, and claimed. Count Jura abruptly. "We must
he would do good btlsittess. It wanted lift her out" •
a few minutes to Ave o'clock, but al- "What is it?" demanded the gourd
ready the market people Were conning excitr'tlls'
into the town, and he would have to "She siifferis from heart -disease. This
get breakfast for some, is a sort of faint. The action of the
His wife was busy in the kitchen, train will Rill her. Help me to lift her.
and away from iter sharp eye the mord- There, that's right. We have no lug -
lord found many an opportunity to ex- gats o•"
change greetings with his friends. The guard bore away Alice's motion -
So quickly dial the time pass in this lags form, and placed her on the Reline
congcniol occupations, that the clock of ground beside the lines, while the
carnet: sit 'before he remembered the count grasped the diamonds firmly; put
duty he had tp perform. in wakening them dawn, carefully covered with the
Myra and her supposed mistress. cloak, then knelt beside the girl, and
began to try and restore her. -
r•I)o not let me keep you," he said
to 'the guard. "She will he better
directly, I will get help from the
"One instant, sits Your name and
address;. I must take that."
"Frank - Meredith." said Count Jura
gl;bly, "IAncolu's IF'ields, London."
He spoke the first 11111110 that; _rushed
to his mind, and not until it was writ
ten diel he renumber that he -had real
it on the cards taken from Alice's
pocket. •
IIe -frowned at first, then dismissed
his vexation quickly. Mauch was yet at
"'Where do you to ,next?" he asked
"Not until- we reach t xton-a, good
hour's journey on, sir. Sorry I can't
stay to help you. Hope your good lady 1at Charing Cross I.00doll facing
will soon be all right. Coed -day, ' ' '
' The guard blew the whistle, jumped parliament street.
'into his canipertlnent, and once more
the train was in motion and speedily
lest to sight.
Cocutt Jurat watched it miserly.
"'l'hait Was a bold move," he mut-
tered, "but it was the only thing. Now,
what to do next? Let her faint on; it is
the 'safest thing that mild happen, She
will scream perhaps, if. so, I mast gag
An ugly look passed over his faire
then, after bending over Alice ealae
again, he stood upright, lied sectnned
the road.
The village seemed deserted, but while
he was debating whether it would he
\rise to leave the senseless girl alone
with the diamonds while he made en-
quiries, his 03.0s caught sight of at cart
coming leisurely along.
It was a' miller's tlrny, • drawn by
three. stout horses, going its the same
direction ns the train had gone.
Coma Jura hailed it, and in a very
few minutes the driver was beside him.
By (Ent of hutch eloquence he per-
ersuaede'd the- man to believe his talc, and
to moment to their travelling ;it the cart
Alice bent and kissed, - her brown. Tiie farmers nodded, and slouched
hands. - away, all bat one man, who was 'rnb-
i "Reis he wronged you?" she whis- bing clown his pony. with some hay.
pciccl. , "I-11. latndlord!" he -cried, stopping tike
"g're'ased? , ay r, most shatncf0117.•
innkeeper, "I want eon."
But now eat, and toren to sleep;" . ; • "What is it?" asked the other gruffly.•
} Alice swallowed it few mouthfuls 'of i "Dirt ;con say two young women were
j lbrend-she could do no more -then with ; hero?" amended elle man iu it low
feeble steps mode :her wny to the bed, I voice
and flung herself on it. In a few nein- "I slid. •
Utes she 11 its ;Aroma asleep..I The stranger nodded.
Myra folded her arms .and stood gars j "What like?"
Ing at hoe for scene time. The .fair, ; "We:I, one's 0 poor. pale, 'Weak thing,
Dale beauty of the young free touched ; end the other's a bold black-eyed wenoh,
'her great semnatlly heart with -pity: she good to look at."
read the treees of sann•ow ]sound the ' Count 7ura's- brows met; he thought
s sweat mouth, and from the few words for one- second.
' Alice had uttered, she brow that some "Tits pale, thin gime ,is my wife," h -e
grief had entered this other girl's life said boldly at last, ."and the other is.
: to. • ' her maid; she hard enticed her niistreess
r "She is too fr'iril to bear much," she to rain away'." - •
nuu'1"rl0d: "whs:t siutll I do iv-ith her? "Lawks, you don't say?" ejaculated
' I am not fit to live With het', besides, 1 the roan in astonishment. -
live now far revenge:" she c' -cached hex • "Where did they saythey were going
hand. "Who is she. I wonder, and why. to, my good man?"
j will She not :•eek her friends.? reshape "Inunaon by the furst train."
'she may think differently in the morn- "Alt, I thought so. Now listen to
- ing. Now I must rest."
Merit flume herself into o (their. She
would not disturb Alice. . pounds; it shall be yours if you do aa
"She cirri sleep," elle murmured; "my I ask. I must , get my wife hack, but
t breill refuses to 11e stilled. She has she is in the power of that other we -
done no wrong. whitest -0h, George-- mote.. When the train is just going to
' George. how cruel you hale beotr;. and start, enil the uloid back about some
flow I loved yon!" mistake in the hill, and I shall get "my
She eerered her 'faee with bol• bagels, wife safely (twee. You understand?"
and choking voles •hroice. from her lips. "Aye, sir, quite. I'll help you. and
I Alice stirroel.ln;oaeiiy in her sleep, but most wiling. bawls, to think I let such
her fatigue 11/18 too great; she did not a bold hussy info my house!"
'oaken, and ICy-and-by JIyra's 1)8)0Xylaut "Pe quick. I shall he at the station,"
of grief died, away and she too slept. • .'rhe than nodded.
* -* * * Count .tetra led his •;ioary across the
• The :two girls were safely -awnv be- road to the .station. ,.Tt was empty: He
fore the . ellloroferm began to leave beckoned 'to a porter.
'Comet .Ttmnr's lu;1i11, then grednn1ly he "Get no a carriage," 'he said an -
came to li%s. senses. He emceed a little tltori'tntilely, cerryiig the .diamonds in
rind' moved cine :sty on •the ;:round, then) hitt 1lttncl t1t • clots: flmtg over his arm; as for ars the nearest town, and- then
ris hi% brant grew clearer, he staggered "and look beer, a pale, thin, .yellow- lifting Alice easily between. them. they
to hi,e fret rind ]carred against at gees= haired hirly is coming, bring her to the placed her on some sacking at the bot-
tion of the broken wall to thick.s;rnre i:nii'itge. She 18 my wife" tool of the cart. '
"Whitt h:tpnened.?" he mused, pitssing "A11. stied sir." r1'1re porter touched Count Jerre placed his precious di;t-
a hand over his brow. c'I Was stifled- his hat and pnct:etrd the fee. - monds beside her, jumped in himself,
fell to the-•- Ah, 1 reinrntber! It 11`aa Cornet aura put the diamonds safely and very soon they werelumbering.unbeai
1,lyl.yra, - eurse holt! 11`dli+re is syr, now? under tile soot and sat down peering along heavily.
Wei -u they be reue2", a Ibt'11111(1 the curtain to see the two 1<'0- He wa telwil Alice like a lynx.; the
- • Hr; stood uptight' and jteered' ittto the I mein antm •jolting motion seen began to rouse her,
• diukiletic( not a1 sound met his ear.' He saw Alice's slender form, the And 11e allsweied the (1t'.er's gnesticnis
"+Curse her. she .is gone,• ilea Ow 0?-110Tf hood drawn over her golden hair, and briefly while he kept h1,. eye on her.
' 'frith iter! Now Whitt to do What ' beheld J 1I 's pane revengeful ease; - At the fira,•t look of returned con -
me. Clo up and wake them, Let there
get to the station: See here is five
Heart Disease Relieved in 30
Minutes. -Dr. Agnow'a Cure for the
Heart gives perfect relief in all oases of
Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease
in 3(1 minutes,. and speedily effects a cure.
It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation.
Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells,
Pain in left side and all symptoms of a
Diseased Heart. One dose convinces."
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
An English writer, who, for fifteen
years or more, has been a student of
criminal anthropology, says that
large, voluminous ears are the most
I marked characteristle of the criminal.
The depth of water affects the
speed of steamers very considerably,
the vessels moving more slowly in
i shallow than in. deep water. '
About one German woman in
i every 27 works in a factory.
In no country in the world are
iinfectious di:.eases so frequently
i mortal as in Russia. Children
i especially suffer, and diphtheria,
measles, scarlatina and smallpox
literally decimate villages and coun-
try towns.
The first equestrian statue erected
in Great Britain was that of Charles
t "' ter 1 )''U . ,
i is tide?" Hie foot -struck a box on the-, the landlord followed them, detaining seiott8nese, nater pretence of making
ground: he stoeprd. "The clian ends. I than in arguing her comfortable, he brut over her.
Groat hear0111 they Have left them. i Alice shrink bark frightened. The • "Scream or utter one word" he nntt-
Gond, 11t will hike them. .Which mete engine whietled; Myra motioned het' to head fiercely, "and I shoot yore like a
I cilli they h:avr 'gone.? Qltit'1,•, let me go; the por"ter lifted arer into tier car- .deg,"
' think, The Unity -cart. ToAlnaetort•n, tinge; Nina, white with anger, follow- Aller shrankawsty from his flashing
n )C
of e,tll;sr; then to London. 'Curse that ori; but a11 arm Wats thrust out against .0yee; all tint she 11nd undergone had
': Vermin! I eon}d sting her neck,!'' 2;rx, shr,llrnrd Alice's arroam of terror; unclerrlrinrcl her strength; the fatigue
HP lifted the diamonds and ata gerrl sl estye
air Turn's ti'omnphattt taco; th'. and walking of the night before made
along. t • s rush of shnttting in her cars, thee 1 et loop riche, s
t l R '
, wee a1 he could not incite
'1'110" cart• "Is gone as IR' fenced. Ire time the sound of tt loud report, the 1 any reslstanre to his cowardly threats;
• etood edit a11(1 .thought what to do. srnaation of sharp and awful .pain, and she hod grown ns weak as a child, but
t Ile toner' walk; three was aa 48(1)01' 11yrn sunk to the platform insensible, ns her brain worked wildiy.
Way. It would be irurilness to telly hi the the trate with her betrayer and his viz 1 What was happening? Where was
vaults. Paul Ross tivas growing sone qua steamed away• . she going? Would no one conte to her
melons, and the .count 'felt t'ha't 'curl's aid'?
For Iafatan and Children.
no faa-
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The Wood €ompeei, Windsor, Ont.
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Shattered Nerves and Wake*
ened Heart -4 St. John
Tells About It.
Mrs. John Quigley, who resides at 30
Sheriff St., fit. John, N,II,, states: "Sca st.
time ago I watt attacked by a severe aakl,
which ended up in a bad attaek of La
+Grippe. Since that time I have never.
regained my health, being weak, nervous
and run down. -
"I suffered very much frorn Indiges-
tion, accumulation of gas in the stoats
and was in almost constant distress.
doctored with tome of the best pltysiolaaa
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began using:iilburn's heart and Nen'
Pills, and am pleased to say that they
havo completely cured ane.
"My appetite is restored; my nervousi
system has been toned up to its old -times
condition, and I have no more trouble
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thing I choose.
"I ani only too glad too testify to the
merits of such a marvellous remedy an
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for the
cure of nervousness, heart trouble, Indi-
gestion, etc. Price 500. a box, aril
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