The Wingham Times, 1899-04-28, Page 4will buy a box of
'3 cakes of good
Drug Store.
.ii i•« .wasoa serer eala l .'
TEL 1117(11r, Pv�E
!From the Ilarristou Tribune,
After long consideration and much
' hesitancy about having her name
Imade public, Mrs, John A. Copland,
wife of the editor and proprietor of
'the Harriston Tribune, has resolved
i that the world should know how
Noticeo£ohanges must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon, The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise•
meats accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
CZ Milldam(Limes
FRIDAX, APRRIL 28, 1899.
LAST Thursday, W. H. Comstock,
the Liberal in the Brockville bye-
election, was elected over tbe Hon.
Peter White by a majority of 243.
'This riding bas been a Conservative
stronghold for years.
THE Liberal Government is appar-
ently not losing favour with the
House of Commons. The Governs
merit has been adding to its strength
ever since the general election of
1890: The first test of the Govern-
ment strength -the first party di-
vision - in the House was made
:Sept. 3rd, 18911, on Hon. Mr. Foster's
amendment to supply. The govern-
ment's majority on that occasion was
3'7. In the session of 1897, on June
17th, the House was divided on Hon.
Mr. Blair's motion that the House go
into committee ou the Drummond
County railway and the extension of
the Intercolonial to Montreal. On
this occassiou the government's ma-
jority was 44. The other day on
the Yukon matter the division show-
ed a government majority of 54.
That is not a bad record. A govern-
ment with a progressive policy, likely
in the natural course of events, from
its effects on personal interests is to
alienate rather than bring support,
has been able not only to hold its
own, but to increase its division
strength from 37 to 54. This in-
crease is due to an increase of public
the government
confidence ino rn
ment as
.expressed in the government and
not from any change din the repre-
sentation complexion of parliament,
and now the return of a Liberal
from Brockville adds another to the
Mr. Robt. Marshall, tea merebant,
of London, Ont., died very suddenly
on Monday.
rsiw'r4 Nti c+
used to call our fathers
it from the field to their
meals. We hear its P
clarion call no longer. It
has passed out of datele 1
have taken its place. We S
have sold hundreds of e
watches to farmers, mech-
anics and others in this ;
section, and it is a fact
that they are giving ex-
cellent satisfaction.
We are now selling
genuine American Lever
Watches at from $4.50
up and warrant thefts. five
I wonderfully her health was restored
i by the timely use of Dr. Williams'
. Pink Pills for Pale People. Our
representative interviewed Mr. Cop-
land and the following ie bis state-
ment of the case :
"Whilst we were living in Toronto
at No. 99 McGill street, my wife
took ill in the autumn of 1894, and
had such racking pains that she
could hardly stir. One of the best
specialists in Toronto was called in
and he diagnosed the case one of
acute infiamatory rheumatism. His
prescriptions were given and he said
the ease was a very severe one and
it would be a wonder if her joints
did not become mis-shapen. What
this eminent physicals.* predicted
came true. At the end of a. month
my wife was worse than ever, and
her wrists and knuckles wer • twisted
greatly out of shape. : ' e was so
disheartened that she ould weep at
the slightest provoca ' ' n. She was
loath to stay in bed and had to be
assisted to ar i -e d dress. 'every
movement giv.n: ler intense pain.
During all th a suing winter this
state of thin continued, she gradu-
ally beaming worse in spite of the
strong medicines and the lotions that
the doctor ' r
prescribed ibe r d ro her. We
tried in vain the massage treatment
and the electrical treatment. ' My
wife would moan nearly all night
with the pain.- • Sbe was unable to
bold the baby, and even could not
bear to have a person ,point a finger
at her. I feared that thespring
would see my wife under the sod,
and you may be sure 1 was terribly
affected by is, All ' this time wtr
continued to give her the doctor's.
treatment and medicinen,until finally
my wife stoutly refused to take any,
more of the drugs: Froni that opt
she began to hnprove, and . one
evening I was astonished to see her
coming to meet me when I 'arrived'
hone from the office. "Why," I
said, "the doctor is doing yougood
' after all." "Not at all," she said
and smiled. Then she produced a
little round wooden box and held it
up. "I have a great secret totell
you," she laughed. "Unknown to
you I have been taking Dr.Williams'
Pink Pills, and this is the seventh
box. They are rapidly euring me."
Naturally I was overjoyed and al-
most wept at the thought of how
1 very near I came losing her. She
co ntmued taking Dr. Williams' k g a s Pink
Pills, and before she had finished
the eleventh box, she was quite well
again and today her wrists and
knuckles are as shapely as ever.
Several of our neighbors in Toron-
to knew how sick she was, and can
corroborate every word I have said.
Either myself or my wife are willing
to swear to the truth of these state-
Mr. Copland has been laughed at
for the enthusiasm with which he
has sung the praises of Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills, but he believes that any-
thing so valuable to mankind should
get all the praise it deserves.
Mrs. Copland was seen at her re-
sidence on King street, Harriston,
and she corroborated every word
her husband has said. She reluct:
antly gave consent to have her name
published, but said that she thought
it proper that the efficacy of these
pills should he made known. She
was led to use Dr. Williams' Pink'
Pills through seeing the aceouuts of
■ ee■ • •■ a■•■ a ! a as vow . sat Oftim4**11/1,14P+ftlif
i . low iVogoi .. ■ •.°•. ii' .>t .1 o1OuVogiono04 10•avoloVog NA
a permanent breach of that ,,vl� h,�z1 April 7 1a9� � . .
llshed in the Metropolitan City of h0ARILLT REPORTS. =t »iii.,; i 1#qgl ;ls�fa sIi,fisg sp,i of t:t ss 3 ,t e•+ ft..•
xu ass. 27,
� r S
immense business established by The Corrected by P. Deus, Produce Dealer.
MnCorniitk harvesting Machine Co., 'Flour pper 100 We 1 90 to 2 00' 4 11
pall Svlluat 0 63 is 0
0 ea to o uh
030 to 0 85
of Chicago, I11. In all the grass and ,
i producingcountries df the Spring beat
$t8, 11059
General office is located at the corner Turkey. drawn
Barley •
The. Toronto branch, with the Paan
of Colborne and Scott Streets where Ute R•
.R,,,0 CO to 0 02 i' ■
008 to 000:.
005 to 0001=1
0 40 to 0 50
uc s, per ll lir
may be seen, large well Appointed ,,0 11 to 0 11
offices, fine show rooms, where sample Eggs per dozen ........ , , , , 0 10 to 0 10
bi b le trio owe ca ►Vcod per writ......., . , 1 50 toil ?i,
be seen at all times. At the same potatoes, per bushel, ,.,0 40 to 0 05
Ray per ton,
.... , , 4 50 to 5 00 •
place are to be sten large extensive Teltow,per lb 0 3 to 0 4
warercoms, capable of holding sever- Dried Apples, per ib 0 4 to 0 4
wool.. ..,.,. 10 to 21
al car loads of machinery and twine, pressed 5 00 to 0 00
and last but not least, an ample °biomes 0 30 to 0 30
supply of repairs which is a very
important matter, and one to which $4 to 84.05 • pi;;- 8.13.$0 to 83.85
our competitors very often pay . 82,5Q'■
roanhs, $3.30 t4 $1f.50• 'stags 5, :1
marked attention by misrepresent- ; 7r ! i,
to o• . i o ; there was a fair clearance
ation and false statements. In order and steady close.
to set at rest at once and forevorLi
Cc .onto, Ont., April 2;3- - ve ee,
this question of repairs, we can stock receipts were About 150 sheep l':I:
1 assure the farmers of this Province al.d lambs, 1,900 hogs, 50 calves and (e
that a frill and complete stock of 75 hitch cows. There were prat -1
repairs, from the largest part to the ticaliy no inquiry for heavy export
smallest bolt,' and sufficient to meet cattle, which were quoted at 15c per
tall the requirements of the trade, cwt lower, or $3.50 to 84.75 per
Fresh and Good Stock
You will find it profitable to buy the small seeds by the oz.
We' have them. Cash paid for Eggs.
Terms Spot Cash or Trade.
Macdonald Block,
will be found not only in our ware• cwt. Light were in ample supply, eG=ts-.
rooms in Toronto,, but also et all of at prices ranging Irons 84 to $4.50
our distributing centres, as well as per cwt. Butchers' cattle -Choice
with our local agents, thus enabling selections at 84 to '84.9.0 per ewt,
the farmer to secure . any part of a Medium and common grades were
machine on the shortest 'possible quote ble at 83 to .$ 3.75 per ewts A
notice. !heavy run of inferior cattle fetcbed
Toronto, with the distributing about 43 per cwt. Bulls were quoted
points, London, Brantford, Hamilton, I at 53.50 to $4 per cwt, and 84.25 for
Harriston, Peterboro and other is .choice selections.. Light stock bulls
being great railway centres,
with confidence .assure far
dealers, of a prompt an
livery of all goods orde
One great source of
is, that we ar ena
farmers of th' • cou
of harvestin
e can
ers and
• quick de -
leasure to us cows and calves -Good to choice
ed to offer the grades brought 83.50 84.50 each,
ry the finest line and poorer grades fetched $20 to
Ines in the known 830 each. 'There was a little firmer
world, and n we take into .con- feeling in tle calf branch. a few'
siderationthe style of finish, the choice selling' up to 89 per head.
e average price ranged from $3
at prices ranging from $3.25 to
$3.50 per cwt.; choice heavy stockers 1
fetched $3.50 to 84 per cwt, and
84.15 for the very choicest. Milch
superiority of structure on symmetri- Th .•
cal lines, the workmanship, the; ti 87 per heed. Sheep and lambs -
expensive material used, combined.' Sheep for .export and hutebers' sold
with all the latest improvements for readily at 83.50 per ewt;, and spring
reducing draft, • whilst preserving' lambs were steady at $2 to $5 each.
strength and durability . to the A small supply ofgrainnfee yearlings
machine, s we feel that we vire. 'offer- met with a very 'good demand at
ing something to gladden the heart firm prick; ef 85 to 85.50 per cwt.
of the farmer, especially when he Barley fed yearlings ' fetched 84 to
H_ 1ES2513fiE1r1suEe
Wingharn, Ont.
pzg�R a/�■,alt'
s� r a =AN6r:
"0 my ! 0 dear ! What will I do
Twine broken again. Have to keep two
men to tie broken sheaves. i will never -
get my harvest off at this rate. Wonder -
what kind neighbor. Brown is using ? He
appears to have no trouble."
realizes that he is receiving better 84,50 per rrc:t., bucks were quiet, at
value for his money than if be were a3 t{, S3 95 per cwt. Iliigs-Choice I T 4.k • PETHICK.
What is the flatter, Jones ? You seem to be having an
awful time with your, twine. ' I use Plymouth. It nevem
breaks, runs free, ' will bind more sheaves, and give you
I better satisfaction than any other twine made. Take hack -the
stuff you have there, get the Plymouth, and be happy."
it pays to buy the best Price guaranteed,. IO%C per Ib..
Call early and book your orders.
Purchase some cheaply constructed
,elections nett, quotable at 84.50 per
machine of poor material which Civ; Light we, t in Moderate supply.
would, during its short existence, bo at $4 per ewt„ and thick fat were
an endless bill of expense to him. 1 steady as es,ee per ea t. Sows were
Always remember that "Price is slow, at 83, and a few stags brought
one thing, but Value is another," ' ee per ,,wt.
Believing as We do, that every , ,_,� .... .
man rich or poor, should be treated
alike, we have determined to es-
tablish a uniform pries such as no
other company has heretofore done.
This we 'firmly believe will make as
many friends, and will tend to re-
move those jealousies and bitter
resentments often caused by ibe,
unwise policy of "Robbing Peter to
pay Paul," that is, by exacting a
very high price from one man to
counterbalance a 'very low one given
to another.
In order to carry out this very
laudable policy, which we sincerely
trust will not only receive . the ap-
proval but also the hearty co=oper-
ation of the farming community, we
rthe rices as low as
are placing p
machines of such a superior class can
be sold,. set up, and properly taken
care of by the agent, who is obliged
to pay more money for a "McCormick
Machine" than he can purchase any
other machine on the market for,
And why does he do this ? . Simply
because he fully realizes that it is
to his interestto place in the hands
of the farmer, the Best, the Very
Best Machine, and one which he can
fully guarantee to give entire sates.
faction, and will be ample value for "
the money he receives for it.
We cordially and respectfully in-
vite a careful examination and a
; comparison of our machines with
others now in the market.
4 ery truly yours,
MACiUt E Co.
rove btooit Marxets
cures in the newspapers.East Buffalo, N. 'Y., April 25.-
Cattle -In the absence of sale cattle
MCCorniiek Harvestingmachines; the market was tmchanged ; the
feeling was steady. Sheep and
Mr. J. Campbell, Wingham, is the lambd-The offerings were light,
local agent for the McCormick Her. only two loads; the demand was
vesting Machine Co. Farmers and fairly active, and prices steady at 1
others in need of harvesting machin. yesterday's close ; wool lambs, choice 1
ery should call and see the machines to extra, were quotable at $6.50 to f.
at his vvarerooms. The following $0.70 ; clipped Iambs, choice to extra
letter has been received by Mr. $5.90 to $6; chipped yearlings, 8:5,15
Catnpbell from the Co, :- to $5.30 ; wethers, 85.10 to 85.15 :
It affords us %cry much pleasure wont sheep, 00ice to extra, $5.15 to
to be in a position to inform the farm.. 8.1.80. fingfr-The offerings were
ere of the great Agricultural Pro- 20 loads; tees were 50e lower ,
vis cc of Ontario that we have estab- heavy were 4.10 to U.16 r Yorkers,'
En the !Back?
Then probably the kidneys.
In the Chest
Then probably the lunge
In the Joints?
Then probably rheumatism.
No matter where it is, nor what
kind; you need have it no longer.
It may ; be an hour, a day, or a
year old; it must yield to
Immediately after applying it you
feel its soothing, warming, strength-
ening power.
It quiets congestion; draws out
it is a new plaster.
A new combination of new
remedies. Made after new
'methods. Entirely unlike any
other plaster.
The Triumph of Modern Medical
The Perfected ?reductor yeeador
Patient Toil.
Placed over tho chest it is a
powerful aid to Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in the treatment of all throat
and lung affections.
' Placed over the stomach, it stops
nausea and vomiting; over the
bowels, it controls cramps and colic.
Placed over the small of the back,
it removes all congestion from the
kidneys and greatly strengthens
Por sale by all bivggists.
LC. Ayer ea.. Lowell, Mass.
$5,000 worth of
at cost. 1
This is not a clearing sale to push `
off old, goods but a genuine giving
up business sale. Everything must
go. Others may be selling cheap,
but you will always find we are a
little cheaper, Gild if anyone is out
of sorts'in tbe house it may be all
tbe fault of a badly fitting shoe. A
comfortable shoe is conducive to
good temper. We make it very easy
on tbe pocket, as well,;as easy on the
foot. Every lady should take ad-
vantage of this and'; orae and get a
pair of our pat canvas and cork
insole walking boots.. They are
made in French Kid; latest styles
Welt Process;
Good!vear Wel ere es flex-
ible as a hand turn, and will not
squak: Seee tthem� • . {.
Please do not ask for goods -on
approval without paying for them.
If not satisfactory the money will be
Pupils are in attendance at
Prom the Atlantic Coast to.
the Pacific Slope..
133 Cities, Towns and Villages in Can-
ada and the United States, during the
past year. sent us nearly 300 pupils,
There are now 23 Counties and Districts
in Ontario, 5 States of the Union to -
gather with Manitoba, and the North;
Wet Territories represented.
Over 200 of our pupils have been plac.
ed in good positions since Jan. let, 1898;
We recently had four calls within
three weeks to supply teachers for other
businese colleges.
Among those who have accepted poli -
tions lately, are :-•J'ennie Bateman, as'
Steno. and assistant Wok -keeper, Walk-
erville Brewing Co. ; Annie McRae, as
Steno. and assistant book-keoper, Milton •
Pressed Brick & Sewer 06. ; Catharine
McRae, as Steno., George Angell, Whole-.
sale A.rt Supplies, Detroit, Mich ; Geo
Cartwright, as Steno., with North Ani..
erican Life Assurance Co, Toronto,,
The spring term is one of the best
seasons of the year for making a start.
Enter now. D. McLACHLAN SG CO.
Chatham, Ont.
' Clover,. Timothy, Lawn Grass,
Orchard Grass, Mullet, Hun,.
garian, Corn, Turnip, .i Bangle,
Sugaa Beet Danish Sugar
Beet, Carrots and all Garden
The purest and Tont quality.
always on hand at
Helly F
and a