The Wingham Times, 1899-04-21, Page 3• _Ms I Ir I Ir • !% • • • •, like keys are aceidentally swallowed surgeons administer large meals (Or doses) of boiled potatoes or white crackers, which, since they cannot all be digested, serve to enclose the key in a rounded bolus, and to carry it safely along and out. • When, very tired, excited, Angry or warm, per- sons need to he specially on guard as regards what they an eat and diges Ne A/k, Voide. Itellins 1' Ise modesty fetuses thane people to endure in 5(100(3.4 the greatest sin sery imaginable from; itchirta Innis. • One ape j 4t, nt Dr. A. W. Chusrers Ointment ' will ruvidie and (+nee thn itching, one box will completely mire the wont ease Of blind, itching, Ineeditg or protrudieg ones Irwi 1,,keo 14rat to run for Dr. A. W. Ohnee's liniment is goarariteea 60 Onto piles, 1; One Dose Tells the story. When your head aches, and you feel bilious, eons*. stomach..sour and no appetite, lest buy a package of pated, and out IA time, with your • flood's Pill* And take a dote, from 1 to 4 pills. You. wlll bo surprised at how easily thee win do their Work, euro your• headache and bliloustese, rouse the iiver and make you- feel basely agate. • 23 cent. SIM by all rnetliclue dealer& . . • WomarAnfluence Eas Made :11011 41Ni The Great Rome di Mecine. As a Sprin3 Remedy it Meets the Wants at Women m • Every Sphere of Life, When weakly, skin and oroken deWet !Mourn are seem to gain healtta end vigor trone day to day from the use of Pamela i0elery Compoend, no room fur &Met is left to the most seeptionl individual. Medical eaustniadeviried Paine's Calory tompound, amedicine uniformly sue. cessful in baniabing the troubles that %Matt the great minority of womein and honest physicians tire always pleased toe xecowuiend it, It is a well known foot that all the wouleo who have reootered health and strength by means or Pennies Celery Compound were induced to use ie through the intleence man pen:elusion. of (Aber *Waled sisters, moth i'S or freemen in the spring tone, wawa woinee ere week, 'overwereen. nervous, have tiled feelings, dyspepsia; btionaobe.. sideeehe, headache, beuralgias- blood true ulee or any or the tunny nawelees ilherroin •Whieh they buffer in silentie, Paine's (notary. Compound will quickly banish dun• gets nod suirerlogs ; it will impart that strength, health and vivauity trot make women wee:mule uud ecituired. • p•One's Celery Compotinti is at preseet carrying on this joyous transformation worn all over (Inn edit, and women, patine and old, of all ranks and conditions, bless the memory uf Dr. Phelps wito rred alien a uleesing on their sex. Deer women of our eiemtry, who con. itinue in misery and suffering when sucth a friend us Patents Celery Commend iv 'within snob easy reeoh, and ready to do /or you lilt you so rowel desire ? Do not be dereivad by any of the many comes, bitters, sareaparillais or ad ver- tieen pills; they ctionotf bestow that pearto r g reit t priori —goo ci heal h. Paine's Cele* Compound hue given bew health and Mato yotir fritieds ; it will not fail its your ,parti 31liter hour of need. Bear in mind that Pine's Celery Compoued makes sink people well. • Beware of him that is siciw to anger, l'or when it is long corning it IS the stronger. when U.6oines and thelotiger-kept.- Abused patience turn3 to Jury. Pimples on •ft:e Cad be mired in 3 days by the use of D,r Agnew's Ointment. , However imp nesible this nay seen, a few applmatons will con- vince. Many are cured who have berm distieured fur years. Try it tonlay, • ' Bold by A. L Hamilton - Seeding. , has commenced in seine a the western portions of 'Mani. Oh a. severe Diarr.:, cea. IP ,w1.1•0, lilrw Aral Sire W. berrY ttlar•d my tenet o vo; 11t1 ef Diarrhoea, toad 1 h grief r' mutend it ICY i h..114144, .t.' the best •n lane for bowel etien 1 amts o ;shit 1 " Mrs'. 101P1enen, Not th Valles , On I . • NV INUHAM TINS BS, APRIL ABOUT 011BC41,7113. 17TH PBQM GE.RMA,Nr• SOM el /Melee WIII0II ARE NOT osstotat.1.71r KNOWN'. At the meeting of Ontario Edu- cational AlieeeialiOn, Kr, W. Johnsteh on, artered tittenelle tent, commercial master at Upper Canada ; College, read apaper on "Dills. of • Exchange,, Cheques, and Promissory Notes," dealing* more partieularly1 with cheques. Boma facts not gener. ally known were brought out. Jones sending cheques to tha bank for deposit should endorse all .of them,i whether "or toner" or "or hearer," and, to make is imPoshible for the clerk to cash them and deeatup or deposit Olen) tu bk own etwount, Jones should write on the hack of eel "lFor.depoAt to, the account of Jones." A portion purchasing .an article and giving in lea yillent • eherpur on the hank in which he has no fonds. may be indicted for fraua. 13ut if the eheque was given in settle- ment art previ msly,contracted book debt, a charge of fraud nnot be laid. The cheque, however, is not valueless to the holder, inasmuch as it is an acknowledgement of the debt, and; the holder can sue upon the cheque without the troubl3 of proving the debt from tris books. About; the only changes the ,holder of a cheque can safely make- are these two: If !the cheque I undated, he may write in the true date ; if.it be made pay. able.to himself "or bearer," he may cross out -bearer", and write in "order,:' but •he. Intlet net do the re verse tif this, namely, 'cross oat "order" and write in "bearer," A • cheque may he all straight . and re &ruler, umi yet the bank retuse to 1)tl it- The bank's duty and auth ority ate terminated by the draiver's coniderintiod or by his death. A Oereoo reheiving a "eros-net17,' cheque mur,t not prent it fu, payment at the bank on which it hi drawn. He can only kin get it !Mid through the medinni of another Dank, . • Belief an Six Hours. —Distr,Pesinv, Kenney ;mil tilltdder Iniselisets relieyecl in sic !IOW's 1.)‘' the "SOOFH AMEItlOar Kin NE? Curt 61." This new remedy is a great auTrws ti nd delight nn. ecou n t ot its incept ding pr; thothess in relieving in the bladder, twines hank end every pert of Eo u einem passage ip male or female. It, n i tees intent ton or is titer and pain id flSI0t1.it almost ntrenediattily. If 'yon want quick relie and dors ibis to your t0iedy. • Sold len A. ti. fi4rnii,nn rg 14 p.00inel lo erect Lite Es -ter •piswhiuc. 0)1 • 7,-it6ra f rn , the. tettti el st to he about $25,000.The . , Onto do' overninen t k to give 84000, Walk $1,500,.WindSOr $b,000, and the eounty the balance. Starved Nerves. When the Wield is thin and weettry, the neri es ). uotuall y starved and nen- 744; t ion find nt ratter) seine e le seri it •reses Wtt`h D 'iiv .10 tOd a .1 see win otiphrt to t.,•0•11 tied sneer tweets!, r4 • kith. IP 4.4- tiqt. '441.1 C.1,1 son-ilA uhxna , • 17' ••• , . Ceseee ii,11 every b of has fastened its relentless grin upon some member of nearly every family in the land. Competent authorities estimate that from eighty to ninety per cent, of the entire population of this continent suffer from sonieform of this repulsive and dangerous malady. If you or any of your family suffer either from recognized catarrh or from the lingering colds which mark its early stages—don't trifle with it. It is the precursor of consumption and death. never fans, It is the remedy of alt remedies, endorsed by the Most ex. perieined and =Mein noseand throat specialists of the day, end having ti record of a multitude of radical, per- t:inherit cures of ehrotie cases which had been deelared incurable. It also cures cold in the hear!, influenza, hay fever, loss of stnell, deafness, sore throat, tonSilids, asthma and all diseases. It is delightful to use, • "1 have had chronic catarrh ever MHO the war," says J. C.Tayter, of zio N. Clinton Ave„ Trenton, N. J "1 had despaired of ever being cored. 1 used three bottles of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and my Catarrh has entirely left Inc." Rev, C. n.,Whitcombenector of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Beinitton, • Ont„ was a great sufferer, Be used nr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and Tamara - claims It a safe, simple and certain Cure. The Lord Bishop of Termite. Cert., re- commends the remedy ovet bis own signature. sold by druggIsts, Dr. Agnew's Cure -for the Bort relieves 'heart disease in ne minutes. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills—ecie, forted closes—are the best Dr. -Ageter's Ointment relieves in a day come, tetter and all slciri diseases, Cures piles in 0 to 5 Welts. 3sc7 2 BOLD BY A. L. ITAMITATON`f WINGUAllt The following letter from l`str Turnbull, who- anoompamed Dr Agnew, written to the Clinton New klre will Ire read with mull interest by mealy of our xeedere, inerutierns 81',ItA85lf, 06:111.161. N. W. 0 • .. UsanAler, puma 18, 1890 To the nilitor of the new reit: Dna kinif —In accordance with nay pro. rinse to you wine time before leasing Cliuton to write a letter or two to the New lira 4esorilnive of our trip to .14,4trope, I will try mud give a brief. (Altana ot It to mite, We Balled trestle New York ort Etib, el, at 11) a.m., ;and letitted, in Bremen on Tuursday, Uaroh 2nd, at noon. $ many from Lawton and vicinity nave taper the trip to. .kengland er elm:nand thee an ate comet of that part of ear journey would be etreeorne and untuterestiug. We had love- ly weather all the way, ocaeoely a wave, anymore than the 'mud roll that is always on the ocean. I !mow a great many woe wonder if we were sea siokt, and 1 may say here that bete my trayelling companion, Dr Agnew, and myself were geed and sea- sick on after we passed out of the harbor at niew York. On my former trip to Penn ops soxue years ago, 1 was very Biel{ all the way, both going and canting home, and I fully expected it again and was not disap, pointed, Ob, the dreary monotony of life on 'shipboard when one is sick 1 The days seem endless, and one longe for the night when, some hours at least, will pawl quielt- iy during sleep, liosvever, when we got ;iight4of land on Tteesnay evening ott the Soilly Wee, we were at once all right and ready then to make np for lost time. (Lands Eosin and ()attired the English Channel. Our sail that kneeing was very hoe; a clear sky and beautiful moon, nice ware; weather and hundreds of tights on every side tram the numerous lighthouses along the English coast, mid the many vessels anobored in the Chiennel. Some of the passengers remained on dealt all night, but we were anxious to feel in good trine to• enjoy the sail next day, and turned in about ruldnight. Next morning early we were up on deck and found • that we were .anchored off Soethampton. As the tide was imp we had to wait for a smaller vessel to come out and take off the thane and' a few passengers for Epgictud. and a right royal' send off they got, as both vessels steamed away. . The sail for the rest of that day is one never to be forgotten and was one of the finest that any one could imagine. .A. tine ship, clear sky overhead, nice balmy spring weatbnr, tine jovial crowd on board, grand scenery and plenty of musio from the ship's brass band, all mombined to naake it an ideal sail. After leaving Southaroption we passed the Isle of Wight, andhad a splen - (id view of Osborne House, the summer residence of Queen Victoria '• its green lawns, eloping gently up from the water; beautiful groves and driveways between, tend the castle away up in the background make e. versnpretty picture. We had also a splendid view of the fortificationsalong the here, and passed two large stone and 'need fortresses, one on each tilde of the efeen waterway with their dozen or so•large caution.; pointed out across stream, ready et 5 moment's entice to seep everything off the Channel. , We also passed a large luau -of -war and twa torpedo boats. Any one in Canada, who feels his loyalty to the mother land ebbing away. should sesee a trip through the English Channel and see the strength of pld England's defences even in that small part of her territory, and at once his breast will swell out and hie heart beat faster with pride and he will Lel like exclaimieg, "We are the people." Another feature of this part of the trip ie the ienuaterable boats of every des- cription that are passed, from the largest oeeau steamers and four- masted schooners, down to tbe tiniest: eleotrio latincees -and Willing smacks,. Soon Enter leaving South- ampton we also passed the Balzer Wil. helm die Groese. the largest steam passen- ger boat afloat and a sister shipto the Lahn. Her decks were crowded with. passengers for America, and such waving of hate and handkerchiefs by the passen.. gers o. both boats I That evening we passed through the Straits of Dover into the Gerrnan Ocean, and next day • at noon landed at Bre erhaven, the port of Bre- men, where it train was waiting to take us to Bremer:. That afternoon we took a look emend Bremen • an,d bid good bye to our frillnw. travellers. It is surprising how well aoquaintedpeople seem to get in a few deys on board a ship. We parted with as enny reef ele and fond good byesas if we Imo been friends for years, instead of ten days. Of course ill Bremen we visited tbo liatImiteller, the oldest wine cellar in e'rwoop, and where every tourist through Bremen is shown tbrougb. What enormous hanks or hog head—it takes a long ladder to gee uu top of ohe. Some of the wine there f 1,1.1'041 frntti thp year 1400, arid is said to be worth rnanyithousand dollars a drop We ale not $71,11,pl5 it. The place wee beauti- folly deenretecl that cher; as the•German Broperor was to visit Bremen the 'next, en , and he always goes to the Itatnekel- le That same night we left for Berlin and roaches bete 1iriday nio n rig.' We ars now settled comfortably and fed quite at home. Berlin is a beautiful oity and hes twine of the finest Streets and parks I ever saw, thaw den Linder', the tarot feeding tenni the Einpetor's , pelves to the Thiergartee, ia as fine as any one could imagine. It is as wide as from thecorner of the "Pr lace dry goods store" to Jaoltson tiros' stems in Clinton. and is divided by row@ of linden trete' iuto promeowdes for foot •passengere, driveways for pleasure rigs, and road for horseback riding, drive way for heavy wartone, tem On this street almost anv afternoon you may Pee the temperor either in his earriage with ti e Rnapretis and -some of the children, nr rid ilm on hAr;whank. WA have Seen hitt: a number of times. Ile rides not go attended .1, t whoir, lel trine of servants, or soldiers, bat only willi his coaehman and fo einem w n 11 his (mileage, or by one iw two ere in ;es when on horseback . 1 he Th • vein ten meaning Morel!). `enema garde in whirls is the geologise, nerder, at one e d, is it lnvelv park. righ' in t he centre of the env i hat I will not Itt tenet to describe it, or any of the mar y tine ora ;es in the city. Perhaps in a totems lot 04 I may uivp some arooll; 6 Of 'lila rbabbere and social totems of OP O. man peopie, and, also of the student and 1 • 21, 1,N7-39., •44 • •e • y w n Thc Thingfor Spring is. • e swine • . 1 • t • • .44.44 4 • V .11i• The popular use of a spring medicine is founded on, experience. With the coming of the spring season comes languor, debility, a dragged- . out" condition and a, general lassitude summed up in the familiar phrase —44' " that tired feeling." 4 *.A 14, 4 from the gross effects of the fatty foods of winter, there is no medicine equal to D. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It not only cleanses the blood, but fo- vitalizes it. It puts aSpring into fhe step and a sparkle into the eye that ' betoken health. It restores the lost appetite, induces refreshing sleep, and reduces the liability to disease by neutralizing the condition d essential to the development of disease germs. stin, "ns e e11 gt Ys r rs • As A spring medicine during the months of Meech, April, anti May, I know on no other preparatioa that can been to compare ivith Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the leader of leaders." W. A, WEISER, M. D., Bourbon, Ind. "I cannot speak too highly la praise of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. From experience, I can recommend it as the best spring medicine." ISAAC S. SPARKS, Patsey, Ky. , " I ha!ve used Ayer's Sarsaparilla hi my family for years and highly recommend it. As a spring medicine, it has no equal.' .tr. B. NICHOLS, Eliery Se, Cambridge, Mass. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been a household comps...Ilion in our family for years. I takeit every spring,. beginning in April. It tones up my nystene gives me an excellent appetite, and makes inc sleep like a top. As a blood medicine, it has no superior in my opinion." H. R. WILDEY, Philadelphia, Pa. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla jr without an equal as a blood purifier and string medicine, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects in chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever usecleand I have tried then all, is so thorough le its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." Dn. IL F. MERRILL, Augusta, Maine. W TPv v V ' Y. 1.° It V -ens 441, 4n,7 military life there, which are entirely different to tbose in America. As far es hospitals and our own work is concerned, it would not be interesting to many, and so I will not say much about it, only that we are getting in splendid work that can- not fail to bo of great assistance to mein the future. The Germans are right up to date in medical science and surgery, and ahead of the world in bacteriology and pathology. We are only three minutes walk from the laboratory of the distinguish- ed Prof Inooh, the discoverer of the bet: - eines of consomption, and titherculin for the cure of consumption, which caused stioh a stir all over the worlct a few years ago. A great deal of the teaching here is by private classes of only a few, which gives a very much better opportunity of studying a subject than in a regular hos- pital clinic. The weather on the whole has been very fine since we landed here, although last everting we were in a regular Canadiau snow storm for an hour or so, but it has all disappeared and today the sun is shining brie,htly and quite pteesant. The trees and -shrubs are 'coming out in leaf, and the tulips and hyaeintlia in the garden aro all in bloom Hoping that I have not trans - armed too -mob on your vent/stile space, one with greetings to all our friends in Clinton and Lendesboro. 1 remain, Yours truly, JAS L Tonsil:um 0,1tarrli Relieved in 10 to 00 Min. tites.—Ous Pilot putt of the breath through the Blowers supplied. with eaph bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface ot the nasal passages. Painless and de. !Wilful to Ilse. It relieves and perm antly cures Cat arrh, thty Pever, Colds, Ruud ache4Sore Throat, Tonsilitis an 1 Deafness. Sold A, L W . Hamilton. Rheumatism. Cured in a Day.— South American Rheumatic Cure: for Rheumatism and. Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to days. Its action upon the system is -remarkable and mysterious, It removes at once the cause, and the disease immediately •dieappeare. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cants. Sold by A. L. Haniiltott. Lord Kitchener is to have a salary of X1,000 a ytar as Governor•Geuer al of the Soudan, with $500 a year fot' travelling expenses, in Addition to his pay as Sirdar or the Egyptian army. Itheumatism•--Have yo 4 tried all the remedies you ever read or henrcl of hoping for a -cure? If you're PITlie ed still, take Milbure's Rheumatic Pins. They never fail, guaranteed to ours or your money baok. Price 50e. • 11athir Food May Poison Vs. An Undigested excess of almost any kind g food is apt to pass into a random lermentation, according' to its Leredients. And, in general, the produets of the fermentations are deleterious, and now and then fairly noxious. The animat fats, beans, fish, pork, sugar, tich cakes auct pies (mince, e66.7, meats and eggs are par tie,ula rly capable of supplying bad fermentations when not dinn- ed. The headitelles ard co ti. SO common after Thanksaivi? g are Usually it sorry outcome if z utIony, and riothink* else. 14.110P25 of twean tuts more clogging. When objects k. • 4