The Wingham Times, 1899-04-21, Page 2.• 2 "11114.; a WI G114t.M TIMES, APRIL 21, 1899, lAtiilat�e, Bievalists and hikers should keep Riitxyar•d'e Yellow Oil in hand. Nrthtug Hilal it for Stitt',Pr.:N tttt,) , r,rpnaR3 of the muscles, sprit as, brhose, mete. etc. A olean preparation, will not notstaitn cloth- ing. Pries la LI 11 eleilifo G moi, i¢ CFA 86C •9a I oeithveIy cured Tay Ilreetler Little Prae. They also relieve Distress from D spepsia, Indigestion and Too hearty Eatin;. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pair: in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Smati MIL Small: Poser, &mal/ Prtoe4 Substitution the fraud: o£ the day. See you get Carter's, Ask i'cr, Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver 'Pills. LEGS ENTIRELY RAW From his feet to his body, and ran a blood tinged, irritating water. Mrs. A. Keirstead, Snider Mt., N.B.,tefb how her little boy suffered, and how B.B.B. cured him permanently. FREDDY KEIRSTEAri. There is not a mother in this land who has a child suf- fering from skin dis- ease in any form but will thank Mrs. Keir - stead, of Snider Mt., N.B.,, for telling of the remarkable man- ner in which her boy, Freddy, was cured of one of the sever- est and most tortur- ing of skin diseases by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters ; and not only relieved and cured for the time being, but, nark you, alter eight years the disease has shown no sign of returning. The following is Mrs. Keirstead's letter :-- "With gratitude I can testify to the -•-wonderful curative powers of Burdock Blood Bitters. Eight years ago our little son, Freddy, was afflicted with salt rheum and was in a dreadful condition. His legs, from -the soles of his feet to his. body, were entirely raw, and ran a bloody water, - which appeared to burn and itch until he was often in great agony. " After trying several remedies, wo re- solved to give B.B.B. a trial. a* "You can imagine with 'what delight and gratitude we saw our boy entirely cured after using one bottle and part of the second. We gave him the remainder of the second bottle, and from that time till, the present he has never had a sign of salt rheum or 0 sick day. You need not Wonder that I think there is n6 other medicine can equal Burdock Blood Bitters to purify the blood and build up the health and strength." LOGS ! LOGS Last Huron's Member. pared, with upwards of 200,000,000 (,'ou would quit bothering we." I;nlner see give a s:)cirt synopsis et vista Buffalo and the Erie Canal. He 1 (Mee more the buy went away Dr ltlncdtrnald's speech In the Untlae made a comparison, and toanci that 1 and once mere he returned. t, of Conirnous on Tuesdayeveningto during thoseasouof 1897 the average `NOW see hers, MUM; chap, said the traveler. thoroughly awake last week:— total charge on groin. via. Buffalo to �� by De Macdonald (Huron` safe the New York from. Chicago 5.68 eeiits this tithe. I deli t want any lead 'Government had (tone alt that was per bushel,. and to llloutreel from pencils, prize packages, stationery, possible in the Youkon to preserve Chicago L93 per bltshel, and on books, papers of any kind, cigars, corn the rates were 4.33 cents via fruit, Gandy or skull caps. I have law and order in that far off Grluntry, Buffalo to New York and 4.94 teats nn use for nuts, shelled or otherwise, bttt was not to tie supposed that to Montreal. Ile believed that this and you. can't. sell me any soap, • there worxlti not be irregularities, intoities, 'Thousands of Yuen had rushed .would be remedied when the Canals buckles, (slabs, rduor straps, ,;tiff • th.it gauntry, rough men, whir had are deepened, but in order to secure buttons, pins, almanacs, earn starch, • been miners all their lives,at.d it to the full extent the benefit of the : walking stieks,tnustar•d spoons, wits oily neutral th•it they ^wuulfl triiaspurtariun of Canadian trade ft ;uia)breltas, night shirts, clothes pins, all want to get their claims reeor'ded was decease r ' that 111ontreat should 'Tubber bands, broritded silks, er,:r- nt once. Hitt if there hall bean he made It "tits"port, as New ' pets, tricycles, knives ar forks, cut • irregularines, no reasonable inan York is the national port of the glass, flour, bacon, diamonds, coal, 'Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts anti Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard, CUSTOM SAWIWC, SHINGLE CUTTING. done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get' prices be - fere disposing of your timber. Mw CLEAN` Sy SON anteaissndTrade•Nrarkc obtained and Operant mamas conducted for MN/ABATE YlfEll, My eltoe le latheimmtdiate vicinity Ofthe hatentOflte sold say facilities for aecurhsgpatents areurnerpasst�l. Send modal. sketch or photograph of investion wit% @ea don enctetatemeet as to advantages ciatmed. Ji«r",21*och'e - ,6 Sr n de for art ()Onion Oslo pettetteatri'tL and. my fee for prosecutin the spoils ufgrt e'd no be mated rows untfttho sista "allowed. "Ttrveriroes' Gums„', eon. side fed htghraration seat free. ` Alt Ooamutti* (*IOU eattsidernet sa strilttf eosndeatittir EA1eas a, �KI $ .HOUGH would blame the Government- to do: d,ntted Buttes, to lleeamp is ts, so you'd be absurd. Hen. members i additional. wharves to. handle the ;t ills be ah ticln betichr,:r wnu• ld , traffic, the largest elevators that can find that this question would not cut l• be constructed, sheds and store. bouses and the atllulitiou of the harbor dues- and let me aione'i "Yee, sir," rejoined the boy in the same monotonous tone. "Want any chewing gum ?" tobacco, > baby carriages, horses, elephants, or any other kind of animal, saw Inge, mining stook or real estate. Now will you go away such ii'swath as they expected lrefi)re I the people. A great deal of difficulty ,ora cent per bushel, which from of governing the euuutry would travel an embargo when the keen eompeti- been Avoided bad the J,roposal of the' tfon with the f,'ee port of New York, Government to butte 'a fight line of are necessary. Dr. Macdonald also railway tattle Yukon not been thrown advocated thedeepening • of the out by the Senate last year. He harbors. on Lake Huron to 20 feet, in was sure that the country was order that tiie largest' vessels which aggrieved that the Senate felt it to pass through the , Sault Canal may be its duty to veto the hitt. He�z as.- he able to enter them with safety. borry that when the temperance The St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Quebec also needs ice prevenient, in order that the extra insurance which vessels using the channel have to pay may be saved, In this connection he urged the people of the country had an oppor- unity to express 'their sentiments upon them tempera nee •siuestlon they (lid nit do so krone (reel, . 11 a prohibitory law was placed on the statute, book at this time, when the' necessity for the establ°shlnent Ufa t Canadian merchant marine, and temperance sentiment bel,il.d it no appealed to the wealthy men of the Dominion to invest a portion of their wealth in developing the merchant marine, and thus contributed more largely to the commttreial welfare and progress of thee. country than is. possible by investing their money in loan companies, banks, ete, The iwprovenaent of the transportat- ion system might, he declared, be justly denominated, the great nation al policy of the Liberal party; The fast Atlantic service and the Pacific cable were also necessary. Dr. Mac- donald justified Crow's Nest Pass Railway contract as a bargain which not only developed southern British Columbia and brought the coal to the smelters, but opened up a large market for the products of eastern Canada, and by securing 50,000 acres of eoal lands the- Government is en- abled to protect the people of the 'rortbwest . from- the coal barons. They bad also, secured ` a reduction of rates from time east and power to regulate freight rates. .The Govern- ment had eonariibnted largely to the• future' prosperity of the country. At some length he spoke of the beneU- trial resaits which the wise policy of, the Government had produced. The exodus of Canadians has stopped; the repatriation of those 'who bad left the eountl'y under the Conservative, regimeis in progress; British goods receive 'preference. over those of all Lather eountri:•estt our trade and com- merce are increasing .by leaps and= bounds;. the revenue is pouring into, the exehegtuer, and prosperity. abounds., •- HowtoDress WelL, stronger than was indicated by the vote, it would in less than five years be repealed. and by an overwhelm- ing majority, and at the end the temperance people would be in a worse position than at the begtnning. It would not be ie the interest of temperance to enaef'.a prohibitory law now. Replying to the reinarks of the Opposition speakers in reference to the question of reciprocity, be declar ed that the Liberals were in favor of a reciprocity treaty, if they could get cane based on an equitable prin. cipal between the two countries, but the Liberal party bad frequently ex- pressed itself as unwilling tosacrifice any of Canada's interests in' order, to get redprocity. Conditions, he pointed out, have materially chang- ed during the ,last eight years. Many Canadian •farm, products that formerly ,went oto the United,States in large quantities now find at market in Great Britain. and the Dingley bill having killed ' the demand for Canadian barley, farmers had gone into raising ether crops. These and otter causes of a similar nature have removed the necessity that existed' for reciprocity some years ago. In- stead of exporting Ms lean cattle to the United States to be finished •off, the Canadian farmer now fattens them himself and finds a profiitable market for the finished article in the old country. So with eggs, the. Canadian farmer being shut nut of the United States market, found a ready market . in the old country; and the Liberal party being a -pro- gressive party are carrying oat a policy suited to the conditions which now exist. Referring to the redistri- bution bill, he spoke of the hiving of the Grits by the gerrymanderof 1882, under which for `;very 3,i50 votes polled in 1887 a Conservative was sent to the House, while it re- quired 5;560 votes to elect every Liberal that was returned at that election, and assured .the Opposition that the injustice of the bill would Women, who desire to dress neatly and - be removed by the bill whish the well ,final tins Diamond Dyes to be their Government intended to introduce., best and truest helpers., One or two • - M3Tti CHARLES` CFIAT.Y.FAN(31T ACCEPTED.packages (according to weight et dress); will recreate any faded or discolored Bytlising'thu'I'ever Fafling Diamond Dyes, Any Woman ,Can Rave xwo'or More Dresses of the Newest Colors at Trifling Cost. • You Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure: H hich• is sold for the small price of 25. ots , 50, tits. 'anti 51 00, does not -care take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 eta, and 50 ots. tRaaakuiz icy Mr t Tompkins. "Good morning, Mr. Wannarnaker, I have called to see if you, can give me a position in your establishment. 1 can turn my hand to almost anything." Mr. W. .'•iso, we are full is every department; and you are the twen- tieth man. I have refused today. Why don't you take up a line int whish' there is less eclmpetiti'on and better pay 's, Tompkins. "rd only be toothank- ful it gots can put me• 03 track of such, a positions • Mae. W. "When 1 was twenty years. of'age,,, I was a •ptranger• in a strange -tend, with neither work nor money, vuhee a 'friend of mlne, a lawyer; advised me to take. a book agency saying he bad educated Favi• self;' by canvassing; like drowning Wren, grasp at straws, I took bis ad- vi e; and in fide years saved $5,000, ands with thio sum started nay pre- sent business. It is just f3.ity, years ago today that Mr. 'Bradley, the founder of the present Pimm, of The Bracl'leyGerrotson Company,•Litnited of •Tbronto, sent me my first prospec- tus) ,atsd, to, Mn beautiful letters and good adiviee,. I owe much: of ray` present bu+eeess. Yes, yoneg man, if'yoa, have anything, iliayou, there lejust as good a thanes= for you to- dby with this old established House as there= was for me. Write theism and see what they have to, offer." Tbanlcine. "I have ' Been the ad- ;vertisetnents of this firmhs.for agents,. =for years, back, and have often thought; of writing thein, bat have :never done so. I wile write, today ; ana# is anal very tbenkIltal to you, Air. ' Wannnodnaker, for your good advise." >j the Macdonald accepted Sir Chas. Tuppers' Challenge to show one jet or tittle that the Liberals had done to advance the interests of Canada. ITe would trot refer to what the Liberals had done in the past to, ad- venee the country, but confined him- self to what they bad done since the present Government assumed power. They had settled the Manitoba r school question, secured the removal of the quarantine on cattle going in- to the United states, and made great progress in solving the transportation problem, which was the most im- portant question to day before the people. Ile enlarged upon the bene- fits that had resulted, from the estab- lishment of the eold.stor age system - and the eittension of the Intereolonial. to Montreal. The enlargement of the canals, he said, the Government were pushing with. that grasp whish characterized all their salons. • After recess Mr. Macdonald con- tinued to discuss the transportation I question. The export of grain by tdotltreal was only between 80,0'70,- 000 and A000,000 bushels, as eons. dress orrshirt, that has been cast aside as -' useless, and the 00st wilt not exceed bo or 20.can tb. Instead et having to depend upon one dress for street and church wear, any thrifty and bandy women with the help ot Diamond Dyes can have two or more dreetes in stylish colors ;always ready tor sorties. tin not rtskyourdresses with imitation or adulterated dyes ; see than; your dealer gives you the Diamond Dyes when you ask for them. A Chalice for Dustness. The monotonous voice of the train boy broke in upoti the meditations Of the sleepy traveller. "All papers, tray of the sporting or comic publications, books by pop - tiler authors" — "Not any," drowsily ana§veered the traveler. In a few moments the boy carne back and spoke to bine again "Bananas, oranges, ap"— •' mv, Again the boy went away and l' - again be came back. j "rigs,chocolate caratnels"y--- I "Don't want anything'. I wish A GROCER'S TRADE deserves and ought to have the best attention that the manufacturer can give it. We try our best to please the ,retail grocery just as the grocer tries to please his customers. This is one reason why we now put up our Split Peas, Pct Barley, Wheatlets and Wheat Farina in . strong, neatly printed jute packages, hold- ing 25 lbs. each. We believe that even the grocer who does the smallest business will like this change of ours — we cater for his trade as well as that of the larger one, The Tiflaot Co,'Y xitnitod, Tilsonburg, Ont. II IIII iii 1nIII1111I , tau II I • nn11NN7mpop1IlIN111101111eanittillp11111(N11uNntnu• r .r AVegetaWIePreparationforA,s- slmilatitig tliel'oodandRegula- ting the Stomachs andBoweis or Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ncss anaI3est.Contaiu5neither _O m,Morphine norNineral. NOT NA1e.c7 oTI.C, .221ftimetretriltr 4711VV4ZPOrgiER' Alx,rmnaRodarleadis A*a,Tsgd • pppetnmat - Pion aced•- ekurrud Sugar Ce+�r Aperient Remedy for Consfipa- i tion, Sour Stomaeh,Darr .: Wornna,Cenvu1 ionse everistt �• sits and lass$. OE SLEEP. TacSim•,le Signature of 'NEW '3M E THAT THE FAC• -S T: lt'; .E av .ANATUR! IS ON THE WRAPPER or EVERY BOTTLE OF EXACT c01,,,Y'07' WRAPPER. Castor -la Is petun in one -eine bottles only, It a not sold in bulk, pont allow anyone 'weal on anything else ori the oleo or promise that it fa "just as good» and ``will answer every- Tut, pose." .rase that yah Set Q -A -S -T -a -R -I -A. Tho tan-• aimilo tlsamoQ of t, Y ovosy z��Z<'� Trappe:. il-�,tiita,�t-•� �-�aW� �:5�.�.�<s�:.'�`.'_-v�'v--�'s`�'—��-tPi'�.'_: �'�:-�i` i!A'� : rA~; : ss E SI A T 1C .eiN MAL WASH d PersiatieSlheep•Dipand Animal Wash is the most highly cannentrated % • and all round satisfactory fossa of power for its curing of skin diseases and destroyinii-vermin, in cattle. It is powerful without being harsh and im- mediate in effeot withoutany irritating results. Jt is being successfully need all.lwer Moeda for curing Scree, Bruises, Shear guts, Boils, Ringworm, Gangrene Scab; and tor destroying vermin and insect pests.. Some evidence: 1, 1Vir. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., says:—"Ct toes farther and does more work than any dip•i'h�ave ever used. 1 uaed it mosteuccesstully in castrating, ; a?. la*bs. 'The wash heating the wouirds rapidly and keeping the'maggots +' away. 1 Brost heartily recommend it," Mr. Croesan, Ringwood, Oot., says:—"1 have been unable to gain real , r.:, satisfaction tram many experiments in different dips until'•I used Persiatie Sheep Dip and Animal Wash. It destroys lice and vernion perfectly on . cattte,and acts as a tonic, healing wounds,sores, etc."' . Get It at your else''• iw' ex's Ort fmot The Piekhardt Renfrew, Limited, Stouffville, Ont. =tqs G'-iGr sCIO � . VF r?.`i r?.'fL1' -110 ...110P-'- :'4��iA':'-,ii' •t--Akv-111• . 5G YEARS' EXPERIENOE TRADE 11ilARItS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone !sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain Our opinion free whether aa invention is nrobably-pntentable. Cotmmuntea. Vona etrbetly confidential. Iiandbookoar Patents sent free oldest agency for seeurtngyatents. Patents taken throng)) Munn & Co. seesaw' special/stetter, withouneharge,'Rahe Scientific American,' A hamdlontely 1Mn ttsted'weekly. h rarest sir. culbtlon, of any scientific journal. Terme, 53 a year; foaar pmonths„ 51. Bold by all newsdealers- muNN O:.Ca.3et8road%vay, New York Branch once. 87511 et., Washington. 3).0. NOxOs NW BUFFALO WENT Alt. MEI PItt NARROW. 1401 Ns ,1 6EOt,ON.l SI NO TOOTH CULTIVATOR 'IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE, IN THE TIMES Tha 6uffaloAIl-Steel Oise Harrow - Title is the -only Dieo Harrow made or soldle, Canada, having independent, adjustable sprint. pressure upon the inner ends of the gang 'discs,. alidwing any anionnt of pressure to • he thrown upon the inner ends of the, gangs,, by the food'th,vs operator By this moans a grertectry flexibto• action is eebured and the ground can be worked to a Uniform depth, Examine this machine ctrefuity and compare with others, , The No. '12 Cultivator Ta A AMAItVZn OF SIYCf1ES5, The only Cultivator, made that both ))nes of tooth will out an even depth In the ground. Examine it and you will see.; why. The only 'Cultivator with a moveable tooth sat so thattho angle ot the teeth can he regulated to suit any condition ot soil. Pressure can hereto.. )aced toast differently on every section reouiting% it. The tooth are carried between the wheels in. stead of trailing behind, as in other machines, *hue securing lighter draft, Thts machine is furnished with grain and erase seed box whenrequired, la hal revereable diamond steel points for the teeth, also extra wide thistle cutting points cin bo Median. ed. .Examine it and you will buy no other. TRE DEBT DRILL. MADE The Hoosier Noods No Tntroduttlott• rn� s le Caannada. and Seeders obrlll bur ds with loam; for instant and perteot regulation of depth of hod la, all tInds of soil, while team is in notion. Nowa abskernet is delutely porrect to osited at iteeide.proper depth to grow oval chase only the hest and you will be satisfied. We also manufacture Binders, Boomers, Mowers, )takes, tultivatortrwnd Ptrlpors, as stood as the beat. Bend for' 9lidetento catalogue, NOXON BROS. PO. CO,, (Limited), Ingersoll, Ont., Canada .1, CAMPBELL, Agent* Wingham.