The Wingham Times, 1899-04-14, Page 8tl MINDQQ 81013 NEW DRESS G OODS AND SILKS.. More news of new Dress Goods and Rich Silks, 'These elegantt fab. ries come with a strong recommend- ation to your favor. They: have a degree .of beauty and delicacy which belong; only to high class goads. Come and see them. BEADY -TO -WEAR CLOTHING . Men's Worsted, and Tweed Suits. Boys' and Youths' Suits. Unusual variety of Children's Fine Suits, right in style, in fit, in quality, in price. M. II. iicTndoo's Perfect h it- tiug Clothing, CARPETS AND LACE CURTAINS. passed iii aoeordeelee. With the report, of columiteee ; exempting bna£neas plrtcciwe whish were not en#lioientiy signed. Goliey-..,.Irwin—That the report of Speo- ial CQ:rknr:tree re early closing be received Carried. J A kioaton was heard and spoke strong- " ly in favor of Council passing the early oloaing by-law as drafted by him and E presented at last meeting of Council. He showed the Couuoil that the majority of 1 bneiness rnon were in f,vor of early closing 1. and thought it was, the duty of the Council to pose the by law. John Ramie, E T Dickinson, J J Hom- utti and the Counoitiore spoke onthe question and finally the following motion. 1 was broegbt in. Igo .—• r .— Go y Grego y That a bylaw be pre- pared he aeoardance with the report of committee in connection with early closing; --Carried, Counoilior Hanson gttvo notice that be would, at next meeting of Coniroil, intro• duce a by-law to regulate the watering of Josephine street for the conning season. Counoilior Aio.tndoo, on behalf of Fire, Water and Light Committee, reported that T R Manuel had left the town. Com- mittee had got John Murray to look after the pumps and had also asked Tire Cote. pany to select a Chief. He had been. approached with reference to. having Chief Varinorman appointed in Manuel's pleue,. Vannorman had intended going West to see if he could not better himself. He claimed that Vat.norman was the beet Chief the town ever had, and he had been asked by heavy rate payers to support Vannormau's appointment so as to retain him in town, As a member of the Com. mittee, he bed done wrong in asking Firemen to select a Chief, as according to. Our Spring Importation of Carpets have arrived. Inspection is respect- fully . iv'i'ed. In Fine Miltons, Velvets, Brussels, Tapestries and Wools, oar assortment is very large, while Designs and 13eituty of Coloring this seasons production is far in ad vnoe of previous years. SPECIALS. 50 odd pair of Ladies' Shoes, sizes 3, and 4, Black and .Tan, J. D. Xing make, regular price .1,50, $2.00 and . $2.50, for '$1.00. First choice, Also 10 Men's Heavy Water- proof Coats just opened, very special, $2.90, in Black and Grey. Great variety in Hats, Collars, Shirts, Ties, Ribbons, Laces, Em- broidery, Shirt W mists and Ready-to- wear Shirts at M. H. PliciNDOO. TOWN COUNCIL. The adjourned meeting of the Town Council: was held on Monday evening. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopt- ed. A large number of townspeople were present tehear the early closing question discussed. Application was read from Robt Feign• son, for T H kfanuel's place as Chief of the Fire .Brig ede and Caretaker of the Water- works, -.,.A.6mmnnication was read from E L Diokinson an behalf of A L Hamilton, protesting against the passing of the early ,closing by -lacy as ° far as druggists and -chemists were concerned. A petitipn was .read from T A Mills and others protesting against the ' passing of early closing heresy. Hanson---McKenzie— That the counter petition of 'shop -keepers be :fired-Iiost. Petition was read from Alex Ross, asking that'bookstores be closed at $ o'clock. Councillors Hanson and McKenzie thought petition from T A Mills and otbers had nothing to do with previous petition, while the other Councillors were in favor of receiving it. 'Iklclndoo—Gregory—That petition from '1' A Mills and others be received and laid oyer for further consideration—Carried.. Petition from Alex Ross was also laid over to be considered later. Petition. from D McDonald, D Stewart, Burchill andD Robertson, droyers of the Olen, asking Conned to put a weigh scale on G T R property near stock, yards. Hanson—Gregory — That the petition from drovers re scales be referred to Ex- ecutive Committee to report at next meet- eag--Carried. The npeo£al committee, to whom early Closing petition had been referred to, re. potted that they bad: gone carefully over the petition and found the following lines of business men properly represented on the petition. ;—dry goods, flour and feed, clothiers, hardware, tinware, harnese. shops, jewelers 'and booksellers They *Iso found that the•following linea of busi- masa were not properly represented on the petition ;Y --druggists and ehemists, boots and shoes, grocers and milliners, A number of aoeounts were referred to finance Committee to report at next •meet- ing., ecuneiiror Eamon wee in 'favor of glowing hylaw to -include all linen of bust• tttlied, snit nhanging time for its coming late effect ftoni letb' to 21st of April. She Mayor thougbat bylaw should be the by-law the Firemen had nothing to do with the appointing of a Chief. The Council looked after the Chief and the Chief looked after the Firemen, . Council. for kfaIndoo read the minutes of the meeting of Alert Fire Brigade in which they put G A. Newton as first choice and Thos 3 Elliott as second choice for Chief of Brigade. The Firemen also understood that position was to be divided. Chief of Flre Brigade to receive $35 per year and Caretaker of Waterworks $65 per year. G A Newton was heard in the matter. He said be did not appear in his own behalf, but in the interests of the Brigade. The Firemen, he said, were of the opinion that position was to be divided. The Firemen had met that evening and they. did not think it would be fair to appoint Mr Vannorman Chief of the Brigade when he was not a firemen. ,He. had understood Mr Vannorman to say he was satisfied to take $65 per year for taking care of Waterworks an d $20 per year far an ordinary fireman. The firemen did ' not think Mr Vannorman eould attend to both the duties of Chief Constable ,and Chief of the Fire Brigade, but they would be pleaeed'to have him as a• fireman and not as Chief,. Chief Vannorman thought that Mr Newton had misunderstood him. He was of the opinion that he was to receive both the Chiefehip of tbe Fire Brigade and Caretaker of Waterworks; Counpillor Gregory thought. Councillor Mcrndoo was flattering our Chief: too much. He had heard grumbling. MoIndoo—Golley-That owing to the removal of T H Manuel, that Chief Van- ,porman be appointed Chief of Fire Brigade and Caretaker of Waterworks, at the rate of $100 a year, so long as he performs the work to the satisfaction of the Council -- Carried. Council then adjourned. PEESoriALS. Harry Day has returned borne from Manitoba. . Miss Murdoch, of Lueknow, is visiting with Miss M Robertson. Miss Doyle, of Clinton, was visiting with Wingham friends this week.. •, '• M E Gurbrigg spent Sunday Under the parental roof at Listowel. Miss Nellie Cline is visiting with .rela- tives and friends in Seaforth. Mr Pethiuk, of London, was visiting with Wingbam friendsthis week. Mrs Ross, of Fergus, is visiting at the home of her brother, Chat; Knetobel. Mrs S E Kent and Miss Belheau are visiting with their parents at. Sottthampton. Mrs T Farrow, of Brussels, was'.vis£ting with friends in Wingham and vicinity lass Week. Mrs fl McInnis has returned home from an extended visit with friends in South• atnpton. Thos Dodds left on Friday last for Seaforth, where be has secured a good situation. Reeve Murdoch, of Iiucknow, was in town on Tuesday, attending the fcneral' of Mrs Ramsey. Dr and Mrs 1endedy attended the funer- al of tbe tatter's brother at Strathroy on Saturday last. Mr Ronna, general freight agent of the R, spent e..rew hours iii' Winghatn on Wednesday. Miss' Olive.Perkllne, of Teeswater, spent her .l% aster holidays with Mr gond Mrs Id Felton of town. Mrs Gee Ireland and obil4t,ltave returned i}ome from art eatelertt, nail E WJNGUA. 'J'. MSS, APRIL SOLD BY YOUNG HELD 4 189L R le rill';',Tac eSGln;atltu of jt ractiCal Painter's.. ' Every gallon of 7:11E 1E SHERWIN-WILIAM PAIN" will cover 300 or more square feet of surface in average cion- dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a. full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable Blouse Paint made. P .WAIN HARDWARE MERCHANTS. with friends in Wiarton. Mrs. Jas Paul is spending a few days at. Mr 0 Gillespie's on her way home from Napanee to Fort William. Mr Wilson, lumber merpbant, of ivIelina, Mich, was - the finest of 1lobt Maxwell, town, a couple of days this week. W Allen, Massey}#arras agent at Luck. now, was in town on Friday, He came over to be present at T H flash' large d elivery. ^fMr F Caesar returned 'home last Friday from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery bavin passed a very successful examinations. Mr Fisher, Deputy Post Office Inspeot- tor for Ontario west, paid an official visit to the Wingbam office this week. He found everytbing in connection with the office in al condition, Mrs C Dallas, of Wingbam, who has been visiting friends in town for the past week left last night to visit friends in Lona don before returning to her home.—Tues- M. GOR ON. Ladies, if you would wish to get the very newest Shades, Patterns err Materials in Spring Dress Goods in either European or American Designs, and at tempting prices; Cone to D. M. Gordon's. You will be sure to, get better sat- isfaction and better value than others can give you. Ladies' Spring Jackets and ,Gapes direct from Berlin, Germany, correct in every particular, are nowopen'for inspection and prices .are 'reasonable.. Our stock of Silks, Embroideries, Laces of all! widths, patterns and qualities, Gloves, Mose, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs,,. &c:, &e., is. very complete and attractive, Gents' .i'. ia0nl: y4t9oth • Our stock of Imported Fine Worsteds, Scrges, Tweeds r aug ter of Peter G. Murdoch, Lower n r rn ngs of rare qua ty s the largest and best that we i •ngt,arn, aged 23 years and 5 rnovtba gave ever shown,which we make up in the very latest style of I+ Caupiamt.—In Whitechurch, on April' tailoring 1iruow years. 2 Camp- We believe' that we have the largest A and best stock of l3t.otvN--in'1'urnberry, on April , nd, a If rederioe, infant son of Leona and Ready-made Clothing' in Wingham, and will sell Boys' Suits Margaret Brown, aged 5 rnonthq.' from $1.2}s• up, and Men's heavy well trimn'-ed and well made b d 75 ie ALKER BROS. & BUTTON Serge Stairs at$.3..c° and up. y . UNDERTAKERS, VJINGHAM. Our Shoe Department Nighto calls at ButtonMorton's. Block, or ois literally amm-ed• with the best and newest Footwear that door -south of J. A. tYIorton s. Shop jammed opposite Macdonald block. money can•procure; Prices still low; .•o r Please remember nber that no house in the trade can, ' better f r you in, all lines of pure fresh Groceries. , TEAK ALWAYS A SPECIALTY Highest prices paid for good Butter, Eggs Eggs.and'brie$ Apples: day 's::ingersolt Chromate. • ce .shoat ' comma: comirectt News N OteS. T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST Clinton Council has purchased a i -- stone crusher. A branch of the Molson Bank will proper. be opened 'shortly in Hensall. The by-law to raise $40,000 for water-vvor ks purposes was c cried at Waterloo. Mr., J. Jones, for twenty-seven years High Constable. of York County died Monday afternoon. . Mr John. Green, :a well-known wholesale dry ' goods merchant . of London, Ont., is dead. Graduate New Veit, Philadelphia, and Toronto Opti-ai Colleges. Call D. M. GORDON. early and avail yourself of lir J valuable opportunity this is arare . PH'GT®GRAI H ©g>portnnity to have your eyes ; Yo er• II Y .A The cost of the last election in the Northwest territories accordin: to Premier Plantain was $1,808. It is reported that most ' of •the 'peach oreharda in Essex County have been destroyed by the frostof: Feb- ruary last. James Yates,' of Goderieh, has been appointed by the Ontario Govern- ment :'sus fishery overseer for the county of Huron. DIRECT" IMPORTER. . E . S . ly tested, free of charge, No ,guess li j work but ascientific certainty. • Diffi- M1\] Zivbrigg• makes the newest things in the. photo line. Just go ( Q WINGt3AM d e he 11 ti h ha hi cult cases .aci. urately fitted. Am,WO1tii GirA'IAANTa D.. are never call 'cit private houses. window, • Will again be at P,LA:A.T71140B A SPECIA.LTSr. Colin A. 'Camphors Drug Store Crayon and Water Color, Enlarg Weel'inesday, April 26 ing and' Copying ,receives special One day only. Gall early: Examination Free. attention: A boy wanted to learn •— - photography. PUBLIC NOTICE. ICE. Illi. E. ZU•R113ItIGG, . . (Opposite Presbyterian Church. Having moved to town to the resi- -- - _ a ace lately occupied by Geo P wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near de S the GTR, I am prepared to pay the PS highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron acid Metal . of all kinds, We build oar pumps to last for delivered at my residence, or if word be left, I will call for same. years, and have them . in price from C' GOODMAN. $Z 50' all • Brass; Cylinders and Galvanized LOUNGE. REPAIRING Iron. Piping.. The West Huron license commis- The undersigned is prepared to receive sioners will i'neet at Clinton next orders for . repairing lounges and Call and get prices when in need Monday afternoon to consider ap- matresses, Lounges re-covered, mat"of anything in our line, plications tor licenses for the year repeals made over, ;carpets sewed and, , 189,3F1;9013, laid. Lowest prices and good workman 341.1iN ]P7ELTON,. ship. Orders promptly attended to., The county of Huron, one of the Leave orders at my residence, Centre We have a full stock of tale above goods. Opp, Beattie's Livery. largest Counties in the Province, street, next to Wm. Holmes', or address with, a population of about 60,000, box 54, Wingham. presents a very creditable record in • WM. WALKER. regard to the Criminal statistics, A.ceording to the annual report of the AN ITEM OF INTEREST. inspeeJtor of prisons, the county ( Farmers, why pity 53 and 6 per dent. stands second in the list in, the Prov-, interest on your loans ween money may ince in the lowest number of prison- be had cit 5 per cent. Payments made ers committed to goal for the years to suit borrower. Cbaraee low. 189.6, '97 and '98, the number of Agency Ontario Mutual Life anAssur- r;. prisoners being 81, 75 and 44 respect- At Woffirnpaoyce k'riday afternoon and' ell day %vel Saturday. ABNER COSElrlS, Macdonald Blook, Wingbam. 1101411. n,tirtrr--In. Winghanl, on Apr:l7th, the wife of E. P. Paulin; a song/` Mo1,'iiausort—la Culross, on Marc h Order your 29th, the wife of Mr, Thos. McPbersoni a daughter. >` .0.VIE I< Blt1414III6ER—In Whose, on Mar. 30th, the wife of Mr. Matthieus Benninger; a •-AND-- dtr atseie--In Wtnghain, on Apr 1 9th, the wife of C. Gillespie'; n den.'j MARRX$D. ARD—LUNDY--At Melville Manse, Br us 1 se s, W , onWednesday, April 5th, by Rev. John Ross, 13. Ay , kir.'W. J. Ward to Miss : mma B. Lundy, both of Morrie.' WARPla.—i1Ar'etaaRLY-4do the 4th inst, at the residence of the bride's mother by the I.ev. N. S. 13urwash, Mr. George Waren, of Toronto, to Miss Charlotte Hatherly of the tw.wnsbip of Culross. WED. 'Roussy --Th Tomato, on April 8th Mary Ana, wite of Herbert Ramsay, and. tO Pk XVI —PROM TI1E—, 110 STIEN DAIRY. RCook's. Cotton 'toot Compound is suoeeesfull' used monthly by()vet 10,000 Safe, effectual. Ladis ask yyoar druggist for Cook's Ceitou Rosi CNi- ivad.-Take no o tiler, as all Mixtures, piste and imitations aro dangerous. Prlee, No. i, 81 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,811 per hex. No. lot 2. mailed on receipt of price and two E•eent etgtn'ps. The °eel( Coiripatgl`,Windeor Ont. i o5.1 and 2 sold and recommended try all responsible Druggists to Oanads. tl 0,1 And go, 2 for sale by Colin A. Campbell, ettest General Banking Ehsiness trans- acted. Money advanced to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. • garni.ers' S3.ieNates Cashed. Moneys remitted by draft' to all parte of Canada and the States. Notes and nceoutlte collected on reale- onable terms D. et {• inle LEADING WEIGHER' - Having purchased the bu.tcherbusi- ness next the Brnnswicir, I am prepared to supply the public. with nil kinds of Fresh mid Salt -Meats, Sausage, Bologna. do. Orders taken' and meat delivered to any part of town. A call solicited. 'PhoneNd. 9. D. PRI/VOLE. GENUINE SPRING CLEARING SALE .Furniture On Monday, 10th inst., we will begin a Clearing Sale of Parlor Suttee,. Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Ei.tension Tables, Etc.. We have a, large stock and find that the best way to snake room is to put them at such prices as will satisfy any one in. need of any saeh articles that it will pay to take advantage of :;his sale. Note a . few prices of what we will sell FOR CASH ONLY. 4 ft, 2 wide, double stand and 3 drawer Bureau, regular 0.00** ». $ 1.75 1.7xtention'Cables, regular $4,60 for ., .• 3.25 Parlor Rockers, Cobbler. Seat, oak or birch, price $2,25 for 1.58 I only, flail Stand, solid oak,121tooka,. $9.00 5.715 1 only. hall stand, walaut,12 hooka,18 x24 mirror, $i2 for 1.50 1 only, Hall Stand, 16th Century finish, 12 hooks, 14 x2 4 mirror, 510 for . gg fF 1 only, elan Stand, ant. oak ,anisic, 03.80 for 3. 0 Mattra$5 s3es 4 x 2, ,00 for .. .. .. 1.90 We make a specialty of doing neat, clean work In Picture and Wreath Parlor Suite (5 pieces) spring seat and edges, valor covers, worth 828,00 for ..$20.00 Parlor Sotto (4 pee) stuffed over, stik plush, banded fronts and backs, $20.00 for .. 1540 Parlor Suite, (5 08)61414r t'lush,het prides, $34.00 for .. .. .. 26.00 Darter Suite (5 pieces) in Valor Ooyers, 530 00 for 28.00 extra well made . 0 00 for Lounges, at K r+ 4.50 eldeboards,3draware 18x301,lirror, $11,00 tot 1.50 • 14x24 " '1. 00 for 6,80 I1ed.room Suttee, 3 pes, Iledstend 6 ft. high, Training. We have a nice line of Boom Mouldings, in different eolora. A nice line of Baby Carriages just received in prices from $5.50 up. If you 'are wanting I3argains now is the time to come to a •`-.014:Et,..L6A.-CM S Turnututre t 11d Thldertaitmg Store, WI/ltigham. f