The Wingham Times, 1899-04-14, Page 71
0 A• "p^°. r.^,I.G a t4^ ,,t" 'ti l a ^4:. : ^e . M^! '^' + ,^,4$.1 6 ', ' ° , •+14P. , ,A 1gA. %:'V:° T°4 f .
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Autlior of "A Woman's. Love," a` The Wife's Secret," "A Heartless
Woman," "1 -let Fatal Sin," f"A Wife's Peril,"
44A Desperate Woman,"
q; a -4c ^/;,,c9 ,> .ae-bac- ^c '!'dG ee-'O doe-fib- ac yq ' ` ..a 1. / "w .`11• .p ^ -q.frCO
I ° , 11f a':, * p1 4 . fl -22*-2 ,` t^ +C q."f 'x h c7 c*.oc)x $<4.
uric•,' taus rete'tueng ere e: eel,, nine •tl "'.171411 flare travelled on wings, t.ile.+of-
played' at dangerous game, and was,not . Frey," exclaimed Prank Meredith, shalt-
-• yet out of the maze,. ing his frieltd's hand.
"I did not go too sleep, certainly." re -
What if Roy shouldeneet Count +Tui. ?' turned. Mr. Armistead, l;reetieg the
Ola if Alice should see Roy, and i;ere.'caur earl, "and X have worked to •some good,
She grew p010 and then laughed. It too, Frank, our suspicions wore carred,
iWas absurd; she wits growing a r) 'atril• '1'11ere is ar gang of the most notorious
Had. not ;Irmar seeorn 11e noulrlGStarc burglars somewhere about Here. T have
at once for Italy? And Was • she not free: ,
for; ever of a sight laf the 'beautiful girl- braugllt detective,
v , e Newton, *the king
arced detectit e, wha has bee a seeking
jape :face of her rival and the dark, sees- their whereabouts for sone time."
•ter one of her brother? . "They've just fairly puzzle) ma,"
.I. She mounted the staircase and. made spoke a keen -faced man froni ' the three
Iter way to Lauly Darre11's room. Here. behind; "bort I think we have. got them
site felt, she had one secure friend mid now." •
a31y; Pride would trample all outer feel- "But let nee introduce y oa Lord Twat.
iugs underfoot. reel', to an old friend, Sir .I'Tuntphrey
Lady Darrell received her euietb', .Vet Durant, whom I have met abroad imply
. affectionately-. She Was prostrated by times, and. whose acme, doubtless, is
' the blow that had fallen 00 I)u•l+ra.1 familiar to you," added Gcofeley ,arm-
'Castle, and, though she nutde no nigh• •istead,
to Valerie by the knowledge of the Roy grasped the hand the white-hair-
ed stranger held out.
'It is li Mame I have heard all my
life. "(Welcome back once more to your
own, Sir Humphrey! My mother trill' be
glad • to see you again."
"Thanks, Lord Darre11,".answered Sir
I3umplu'ey •quietly.: "Life is very
strange, indeed. 1 Was traveling '.to
?\cstley as quickly as trains would.
bring me, when chance .flung into my
p:atis my friend, 1tIr. Arinistead, Ia'a,•om
11im;I.learnt of the robbery at the Cas,
tie, the attempted. robbery at the Grange
and the suspicion that the burglars bed
taken refuge in the Abbey ruins, my it1-
heritance, Alt Armietead's only feair
was that the„Abbey offered them aotu-
grief her ser orals suffering. Unlike Val-
erie hail auticipated, she did not judge
Alice llrvrshly, but even thought of her
kindly, and eoulcl not dispel 0 vague
feeling that the pool+ young wife was
in danger sinuewhere.
- Meantvilile, .Itoy and Frenk'Meredith
rode on guiekly; both were.silent (lope
• was glowing in Roy's breast; the newts
that Allot, 110(1 evidently carried away
:.he cards with 1*'ranl's address on them
was a ray of light hi the g,rim day'knoss.
They seemed to Peach the ruins on
I( wings, so swiftly slid they ride.
F "Yon know the plaice well," Roy are -
marked with half a smile, its Prank
1 eagerly pushed his horse on in the nris-
t est path; "though I have .lived ivt; the
Castle all lay fife. I clever vis.trd the
ruins till the. other dtty."
"'rlley have a strange fascinations for
'me," Prime.- answered with :n bugle
"Doer no one. ever conte herr?'
1 Roy shook 1115 head.
i "No; the' vilIageis s11un ' the abbey.
they say it is haunted. Even the oWiw1
never conies, but I: fancy it is not fear
et ghosts, but spectres of sorrow thee
keep hint away." '
,-• e'We11, it is gloomy enough for any-
a, t11?n ," Feetalk..exclaimetl, es they replied
In their horses, and gazed at the wreek
Oe what tad once been a noble pile, of
. Masonry. +"I must confessI ,the.
, ' Geoffrey has. fallen on the wrong track
this time, for even burgles would ehuu
it; and supposing they did think (ef it
i as a. hbjtug place, what port eould they
chore? ,it is all so exposed."
Roy gazed roiled with a strn1 ge thrill
at his heart; the vision of Alice's sweet,
fair face. with the wondroi a eyes' and
trembling' lips, rose before him, and
seemed to plead for,help,
• Prank Meredith must De right; •ighe
had 'not wronged him, her husband she
wee wronged herself, perhaps in danger.
Xie -turned hurriedly til Frank, with
his. face white to the lips. .
"-Sotnet11ifg tells nit here," be said in
ai lot. voice; • "that yott ere ,n the r ght•
1 I have 141 vague prrsenthnept that elle, i3
in danger. What shall we do? itis
terrible to think of." • •
I "Let its tide..roilld to the otlher side,"
' P rnii said snot116ng1,y.
j They niorecl on over the thick grazes
and. weees, 'endglanced from side to
I side, but nothing met thea gaze .save, Itny passed his hand oyer his lrprott .
18esolathon and (bray•1
1 "Your- granddaughter!" . he repented
t Su<tdenly, . with an exclamation, ` beeiech "I thought -the worldthought1 1''rani- slipped from his horse, and pick ' You had no kith or Iain". .
edtip' something that lacy on tlsetil rets,., "As I hcive thought for Many a cheerer
"What is it?" exclaimed • 1 04 1r(t •i flat,, But come, We must eeturn to the
at once.. others. Ion shrill know all later on. 1
i "I sovereign!"I Frank • held it up. ' was on my tray, to Darrell Castle, to
I "That proves eoncluSrt Cly that soaneone ' Drake myself krlowrl to the (11i1i1 of my
1 has been hero, • nt relatse it aney'he a. i beloved son, when I learnt the sad Deus
1stray visitor, and trot the men .we, chile- of heraibdneti0•n-for abtlnetiou it »nlet
I ed; vet you say -no person eVer tauten t he-au1 once again I fro compelled to
I here?" •wait 'and .hope."
"So the tradition runs," answered ' "" .e will work together to dna het,'.
Roy, tatting the gold coin, t1 ilnsll mount- ! exclaimed .Roy eagoily. "And riots tell
i ing., to his cheek. "'.J:his looks 1114.0 a ; me -you say they. total fibre nests here?
Clue 1%f1'. Meredith."1 i
' , "Indeed they rQtf," Shr 111tznpht'ey at-
( "It sloes ineeed•_+, Prapi: handed his ' s4 eyed as, they ioined.t e. others again.
.. ,, reit), to the earl,- and leered' nbaut. "i .. "Beneath the ruins 11'e series of veldts,
- -
.Hee 110 hole or Corner even where they 1440010 good.' forge', and !211)'. -There, .if
t Could hide," Ile' said, after a few min- .1 we sea14 (h 11 ell, we sha111 (liseovee 0111
titers, Shall w0 'return1 • birds, 1 doubt not,"
"It is 05010ss staying long"," Ito)! 1 Geoffrey Armistead motaonot1 the do-
- said with (11') pp'intnlent; then his WOW i tectives 011. '
' cleared. "We will 00)110 to -eight and ! They ratan produced it revolver,
watele What do fou sae?" i "Now, rrmrmbclt if Ave meetanyone,.In c'ee11rrlt pinu, t, then (acoffrey I endeavo1 toseize him Within -ft hurt, We
Will, have brought the dctocthl'ee." .:do not want to shed blood tlnneces
He rineinted his horse agein and they ,,drily,'" •
rode ,slowly beck on to the path.
1. tem a 'Sir tntphrry 'dismounted'dismountedirons his
X; suppose it is tanimal i21stiu0t ' hOrSe.
'With Prank said sud<1eh1Iy', "brut 1 «Ilett' ow" ream ebie T here stood
tool convinced that the robbery tit the Isere?" he said musingly. "It recalls the
1 CostItt and attempted robbery last eia;ht bNesh days when 1 1)htyed at n•igi is
eft the Grange were all one Piot, and 1 with arty cousin and brothern-'-till (10(1(1
strolrglyee uspeet that foreign count is in now -all dead!"
' it, Lord Darrell." He stood still for one moment, tl4G1a.
"Itseems i
1'f" }Y
< ntredflllr
1 beget! LO • y,, art
M g ,ti le.Y.
•t J
led the wee'
, Ira stopped, "Who are these igen cant e t as round ee 'hr 1111110(1 eft Ah.
1 ing 'towards 11s?" .he added htu•iiedlee they spot ttltci'e I+rank had pirl4.e(1 1111"
, ' the sovrreigrr.
Prank looked tot an . instant, then ' 'Phis rein wits al'1'eady ii;i1uTed •evece t0
with an e.wlaindtioh sptlero(l III;s horse the enre of. Mr. Newton,
' Sir Humphrey peened "about, then
It is Geoffrey* rsisd: the deteotivoa, Mee looked ms.
igtiiek he, has beefif" "Here is the, door" he Saki, pointing
1 'I'2ie earl drew resit 80(T sated tiff tate to n piece of stone' runt seem ugly 1113'
, Tiding party approached Kira. Geoffrey on alit' tettitis(+rtti' ft bad 1011014; \ it Dade
',Armistead he knew; 1)01 the tall, iiltitt• to the vaults, Come; 1 will lead Y011.'"
haired stranger on his lett he did not, ""Not y'otr,"` tried Itoy. "t itot young
nor the three others mho tide fielded, end .eteee.,, er
ly no protection, bnt I •00tt nucl have
inforntetl him of the truth -that it is
hc,(zecd the very Boole for such u Crete."
"Go on,: go en?" craad Itoy with flash•
ing eyes
Sir Humphrey gazed at him with' a
strange expression, • u
• "Lord Darrell," he said quickly, I
wish to aek you a ipuestion;.these gen-
ticmer! will give me 0110 moment's grace
if I draw 'you aside."-
Prank, and 'Gleotlrey' 'bowed ,
• `
,The olds-nlau 11nd Lord• DarrellIncved
"uptirt e few steps.
"Roy Darrell," , said Sir IIuin1>-hrc'h',
"yon- have lost .more than diamonds. its
this robbery, have you not?"
Roy bit his lip.
• "Yes," he ,said' huskily. "1 -have feet
• '"One other question, anis I' have done.
Was: that wife precioiis to you, or did
you regard tier coldly?" ' •
" hen I' nin.prietl her, my hetet wee
tro1St mine to gii'e, but suite my return
here,' only one short .week, 1: love her
Y with till Mar life; she is to Ole themlet
Precious jewel earth tiro hold"
.'he old man put out his hand silently,
and• Illy grasped lt, His face • be tirhig
. \witness of his words.;
"l thank you for this,"said •Sir Bocci=
phrey, spbel,ing es with difficulty. "Yon'
loop- sni•priee(T--as, indeed, 'you., may. ; I'
ttiil. b it you all in hill afterwards, '•rkt
be brief Aare,. I will -simply say -that the
goal you have .nt.lri,ied is no -low -born
farmer's niece, but the child I weight
for iu(tnv years- ago ---the- child •of my
Reed ,041, • .11inike Duixtllt• 1117' emend,.
dangliter. is heiress -to .nil I possess."
"lieg portion, genus; but if yoth will
permit me, as 4114 ()Meer of the 11140, I
must go first,"
11'11•. Newton took up hit position, and
both Sir Iiiuuplivcy ;red Lord Darrell
fell bark,
The, two detectives, at their eldersorderslifted the stone.,
'1'o their surprise they found It rolled
ever as lightly els possible, (1)1d the way
-was clear.
Itoy tslluddrl'od as lhr glanced dosvii
the dark passage,'
Was she, the w(101104 he loved, e*ntolull•
ed there?
Frank Meredith pushed farwetrd',. but
Geoffrey Armistead held hi re. back,
•"Not so fast, 1*'0ank. You retnaelt here
with Sir Humphrey incl Darrell,"
The .detectives, headed by Mr, 'New-
ton, crept down the step and groped
their way.
(aeoffre)' Arintsteacl went after' them,
"Remain round here, the said eine'
riedl ' to the others, "in ease- of ten
Ito3' flung kdmseif .off his horde, and
eve0 'as he slid s0, a confused sound
came from the vaults,
With Wild excitement he approached
the entrance: 11e heard :lir. Newton's
00100 utter, deep and loud, "Surrender!"
He heard -muffled sounds of men
'Stl'.uggling, lone 0:y101110inn%, the revert
of a revolver shot, and then a soma*1's.
His heart stood still, and -he fled down
the steps,. Sir' Ilumpirrey,, with face as
White. as Itis hair, following,. while
Frank endeclvor'ed• to, quiet •the hessea
tiott were tethered together.
•Geoffrey -Armistead pushed' F'oj' back..
"Outin the fair!" he said ext'- taally.
"They are foliltinll ]lard; but we klo ce
got them T think."
"But she!. Glued God! she sereaMed--
ilia .you not hear her? She is hurt, Let
me go?" Roy panted. •
"Back, 1 sat,.," Geoffrey* said hinnlly;
"- there is no one there - but a man, 0
boy 'and an 01(1 Wolnan; it was site who
sem :timed -I s1Vear 1 out spooking t31e
truth. Ah, here comes Newton; Iced at
Scarce knowing what he did, Roy
grasped a struggling arm; Ile dltiil,3'
sett- a Haul's form held by Neweeal and
Are YOU Weak
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Signature 1401144: Ov ITy
Geoffrey; 1111, eye Was Wandering .over • • C✓' 1114 QPB14
the other two prisoners that were -led
out Geoffrey «1s right youth came
first, white and trembling, then on old
women whose-Cour%e face looked ghast-
ly with its fear:- her hands were linked -
together but she was pouring out cries
for •mercy, all of which fell+ .on, destf
ears. .
- Geof(ree Armistead and 'tile- detectives
struggled with the loan and succeeded
in forcing ilius on to ,his knees; then
lifter cc me little difficulty they p.iit the:
handcuffs over his wrists and let him
Roy gaze at hint eagerly; his (heart
fell. It 10118 not Tura.
"Let me search," he said . eagerly.
"We have searched him, 'lord," 'swid
J3fore. n,fter. Wood's FliosVlioaine,
The Great .English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli•
able medicine discovered. ,3131
raaxagea guarand to cu1
forma of Sexual Weakness, ail teeeffects of re abuse4Il a
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- 1
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 1
of price, one package $t, spa, $6. One will ;:lease„
six trill cure. Pamphlets free to env address,
Tho Wood Company. Windsor, Ont.,'
Sold in W,ingtlaui• by c:olip A. CB+trip)Tell,
the deteet4t•o civilly; "t11is is all at pia -
seat•'.' • • '
"Only let me go and I'll tell all,"
screamed Dante Biu'den. "O11 kind ge -
tlonten,. good, land gentlemen, have
Itlercy'-let ene go. - I am ti nom', harm-
less 1Von1an:"
She held out her hancic• and Itoy,
giancing at them, caught thein in his. i.
"You were tight," Ire cried to 14'ra11k;
"the diamonds are here, for She ,Weare I
one -sect 'Theis---"
The 91d woman tried "to snatch back
her hand.
"You answer my question." and Genf -
flee; Armistead alriva,ncrcl to the o1d' we -
'man, (Irene his piste] and pointed it :41
her -head. "Where i,5 the young lady
who, was brotight here two (lay's ago?
Answer quickly -the truth;
Mrs. i3uiden tarred green Will fet1,.
will'5firsik-I tvi11. Speak." She went
a'rr'ay with George; and, oh, ail', I swear
it --I tried to help end give her a so-
vereign -4n my honor I diel"
`Iter- and Prank expltarlFed gl neee5.
"Where have they gone?" cont1 ,tied
!`Yes, speak," broke •in Sir lIltmphrey
"To 1tirrin' parts -I think to Italy."
Ray turned and mounted his horse.
"Where 1415 you gci1ig,",eagerly asked
Prank. a
"To trace thein clown," imsivered nos -
Geoffrey Fitt his 11411441 on the r ie.
"Can Sou say nothing?" he s111(1 to
the prisoner who had struggled so hard.
Peril Itoss lifted his eyes aid glared
at the speaker, hurt tnaide no answer,
"`I)o nothing, Lord Darrell, till we
have miestioned them further. New to
Nestley. gaol,," commanded Geoffrey
'firmly. 1•
o}.lrfrrIt X.VL
- Valerie Ross was chatting lo :hen'
most pleasitiit planner to •Lady Darrell.
tLhesl her •quick ears caught the some
of arrivals 011 the grovelled pats 1. ad -
Jug to the eatstlt' entrance. She rose (4214
swept to the window; her quuk Dyes
caught t 11.n11S
1 r , e of Ilot' o f , ,i !4
and agitated, as he threw himself from
his lioi'se, (11141 her heart told her that
something had happete<l.
'So great WAS 11rr 0111011011 that fila' x21
nlstairt t film
gathered over
ry ••
lit could `+c ti•
o d dJ. tilt 119. It 11 -
0 other fatten„
• the group of horsemen below\ nod 801,-w1
the mkt eleared away they had all dis-
mounted and had entered the •Cn''tic.
At rill hayarcls she Hurst ftll)W t\'htt
tied happened.
She made 80100 hurried e:rei50 tY!
Lady Darrell, and slipped front the
In the iuisstige she met DeivlswAlieee
Maid, The woman lied juice lilted herr,
and since her Very apeii abuse of pow
Alice. had grown to hate 'her.
have secured the services
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Style and fit .goes for ;r
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Carefully washed, properly irancd,
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t. D. LONG
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