The Wingham Times, 1899-04-14, Page 6ot • se „ ▪ „, ee. seed liquor into Yukon.
ttatWitiit A 11.1PLH oat tine "Menem
ss, ri
Thli assertion, indefinite though it
iseweeArum 14, 11:1S. Wile, and it was intentionally Welt
etteaartsee 114(4 that a straight :Wilful might be
itnpossible, was et> promptly andun •
comprisingly denied that iettookItehe
Soul cow ow it (NV; .3;1o:went. asserter's breath awete though be
Ottawa, April S. shortly recovered sufficiently to make
The • politicel event of the week the coarse remark, "I am not sur -
ha* been the speech of the Minister prised, et the 'Minister of interior, 1
.or the Interior in the Housot (ran-: making such h kitatement, because it
alone, in reply to Sir Charles 'Ebben its absolutely impossible at title time
Tupper's extraerdinary harangue of for him to know whether it is true
last week, tentinst the Ouverument or not.' 13uSir Charles 'Ebben
generally, 'n71 the Department and Tupper had rekeoncd without Ids,
Minister of the Interior very par host ; it was impossible for the elm-
ticadariv, iti contest:Lion With their later to know that there was no truth
administration of the Yukon gold. in the statement, for the very simple
gems. Beth speeches will live in though sufficient reason that no per -
Parliamentary annals ot Cana.debut mit had hemi granted to tiny one at
for very different reasons. :—Tlint ef any time, through the intercession of
ex Minister of Justice w111 long hold such party or parties deserthed in
the record awarded it by Mr. Sifton, tile assertion of the member for
when he remarked, eI shall be in Plume Then that honorable
the judgment ef tide House and of gentleman promptly shifted from
the country when I say that there his ground and declared that he had
bad never been a speech delivered said there was not a Liberal in
by a respoasible member of the Britian Columbia who would not be -
Rouse, an ex -Minister of the Crown, lieve that a fee of 8500 could be ob-
t Privy Councillor or which has Wined for "the simple service of
contained so many untrue stete- telegraphing a request et the Minis
enents." Mr. Sifton's own speech in ter of the Interior for a liquor per -
in explanation and vindication, of mit." This is the amended allega.-
the politer which has beeti followed tion—totally different to the Original,
by his department, bristled with and even opponents of the Opposition
facts, overflowed with clear-cut, could not refrain from pity at the
unequivocal statements, supported spectacle ot its respousible leaders
and amplified by documentary evi making so sorry an exhibition .of
denee, and annotated throughout by themselves.
41utue* end dates. 110:dthe at.;q11. KT5151ARY OF THE INDICTMENT.
tf the hall'e 111,Wearyingly through;
out. the five hours and a half that it It is not possible within the limits
took to deliver, and when read by of this letter to go over the wide
the country side bv side with Sir area covered by the debate upon
Charles Hibbert Tupper's remark- this question ; the charges may be
able diatribe, the electorate from briefly summarzed thus : That the
Halifax to Victoria will have little Government policy ehrougheut was
difficulty in estimating each at its incompetent and totally inadequate
true value. to the needs of the case, that the
• officials were appointed for their
services and without regard to their
It was a tedious task imposed up qualifications and as a result they
-on the Minister of the Interior, that have proved incapable and crooked,
of wading through the mass of ver- that the Government . should have
biage, and pickiug out sueh state- known all this and must be. held
=cuts as were definite enough to be responsible for its officials' misdeeds
specifically answered, and then if there areany to be held responsi-
searthing through the mass of de- ble for, and that the development of
partinental correspondence to arcer- the Yukon is retarted because of all
tain what the facts really were, that this and the fair name of Canada.
*these might be placed before the sullied on account of the "Scandals"
House side by side with the fantastic whieh, beve resulted. '
stories of the imigrative and appar- With a patient and physical en-
ently somewhat gullible member for durance which astonished his hearers
Pietoa. Mr. Salon has been derisive- and with a thoroughness and con
ly dubbed by bis opponents, "The elusiveness whieb convince every
_young Napoleon of the Adniinistra- reasonable man on both sides of the
tion" :—listening to his marvellous House and will with 'equal eertainty
bandling of his forces, noting the convince the country, the Minister of
consummate skill with which he the Interior look up the charges
eliscovered, the weak points in the seriatttm and answered them. He
enemies line of attack and turned gave the history of the country from
their flank, observing the accureey. the bour he assumed control of its
And deadliness of his aim when be administration, showed bow events
turned his guns upon the Opposition had erowded in upon one another
battlements, the conviction was and developments occured which no
Irresistibly forced upon one that the one could possibly antieipate, so that
Itobriquet bad far More substance action which was perfectly wise at
and meaning than its originators one time might have been unadvis-
ever intended or expected. able had it beeit possible to look
INDEFINITAS EVER. ahead a couple of weeks. , E
What were the charges, so long THE OFFICIALS AND THEIR RECORD.
threatened and at 'length produced He gave the record of each
-with such flourish of...trumpets ? The efticial appointed, sheeted that in
same old stories, the identical allegit- every ease there were special 'quaff -
tons, the anonymous miner's fications of fitness, and justified his
grievances., the shadowy prospector's action in the firmer so thoroughly
isdefinite assertions. There might that one is not surprised to note the
bei some small excusethough mighty, opposition criticismthat he dealt
small, for newspapers to give cur- With, the matter "at tiresome length"
iteney to Interviews filled with it certainly is "tiresome" to be so
generalities, and the aitnless ravings convincingly answered. Continuing
of disappointed adventurers, but for Mr. Sifton &lied attention to tbe
a prominent member of Parliament fact that the principal appointments
After months of enquiry and peeper were warmly commended by the
*Von to offer nothing. more definite ,Conservative press at the time they
or tangible, not a single new name were made and that ir the wrong-
er date that would identify the doing had occurred the culprits had
scores of hearsay rumors, so long gone back on all their previous
doing duty in the absence of any- , records for uprightness and pro-
titieg more substantial upon which bity.
to base the "Scandals"—is to say Coming to the question of minis -
the least, distinctly disappointing. terial responsibility for the conduct
Moreover, the spirit with which of the officials the Minister quoted
tbe ex -Minister of Justice approached from Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper's
the Babied and the tone he adopted speech :—"I charge more against
in presenting so extremely grave a the Minister of the Interior the re -
matter to the House was distinctly sponsibility for all I MB going to
disappointing. Vague enough at say. He minim in fairness shelter
the start, no sooner was a statement himself behind their (the officials')
;challenged, than the speaker shifted smiseonduet ; he stands primarily
Ids ground and declared he said charged with all the raseality and
liotnetIting else, or at any rate he all the ne.farious conduct of these
eneant something else. I have only men. This sounds well of course
room for one instance of this—Sir but unfortunately for Sir ilibbert,
Charles Illbliert Tupper declared (1 he has plaeed himself on record as
quote from Hansard) "A heeler and holding very different views ander
friend of theirs, (the Oovernment's) different eonditions. Quoting from
t'Als tr a member of the Bar, Was able the Moser of 1805, Mr. Sifton gave
Th this city of Victoria to charge and -the same gentleman's opinion when
cAlect a Neof8500 beeause be was the Conservative minutes of that day
Able het telegtein and by letter to were charged with the responsiblity
obtain from the Minister of the of the notorious Melling going »w
hese for a permit for his clients to tinder their very noses in this city
and in Montreal. Then the idea
view laughed te scorn by Sir Charles
Hibbert Tupper who pointed out
thee even imperial Ministers could
not hold their positions long if such
prinelple was admitted.
Att to the retarding of the eountry
and the iejury to ant good name of t
tee Dowinion--the sotner the Opp'-'
*Wort realize the untels(10e1 Of further ;
reference to these Mattel% In the'
light ef their ownpolicy the better
for their. reputation for 8anity.
In 13ect For Wools.
filr. Lewis Johnston, living near '
edo, Leeds 0o., Ont.,, says thathe had
Rheumatism so bad that he was contined
to bed for weeks. Two doctors did him
no good. In one we.k
es eowL
tie Pills he was out of
e lied is now cuired.
'Me Ways of Women.
Nothing angers a good woman
quite so much as for the men to ad-
mire a flirt.
When a woman has a little
daughter elm begtus to live her
girlish vanities over again.
Occasionally you discover that a
woman you have never thought
good looking thanks she is,
Wben a woman wants to be par
tieularly effective, she speaks of a
triffiing incident as "it bright spot of
color" in her lifo,
When a woman gets ' a brand of
coffee that is not good, she sets it to
one side to use it paying back when
she borrows coffee from her neigh-
When it comes to real prominence,
no one can live on the same street
with the woman Av110 can say. 'My
affairs are in the hands of my law.
Do Not Bb Fooled
With the idea that any preparation
your druggist may put.up and try to
sell you will purify your blood like
Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine
bas a reputation—it has earned its
record. It is prepared under the
personal super) ision of edu gated
pharmacists who .know the
ture, quality and medicinal ef-
feet of all the ingredients used.
Hood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures
all forme of blood disease when other
medicines, fail, to do any good. It is
the World's great Spring Medicine
and the One True Blood Purifier. •
1 In Paris one person in 18 lives on
One-half '4the lend in the. city of
Boston is unoccupied.
A company in London insures um-
brellas. If you can prove that your
umbrella has been stolen, the com-
pany pays you what its worth.
An old woman of 75 died last su-
mer• in a little town in Duttehess
county, N. Y. Her old mother sur-
vived her, and after the funeral she
sAid sadly, "I always knew we'd
never raise that girl."
A Ballville (0.) schoolteacher has
been asked to resign bedause he pun-
ished his -seholars by making them
'hold their noses in a small ring which
he bad drawn on the blackboard.
The punishedment came under the
tiead of "cruel and unusual."
An old clock given to a Warren
(Ills.) academy, to be used before the
elass in physits to demonstrate the
laws of the pendulum, refused to run,
and when the teacher got into its
works he found a roll of bills,
amounting to $242, clogging the I
I will guarantee
that nay Rheumatism
Cure will relieve lum-
bago, sciatica and all
rheumatic palue
two or three houra,
and cure in a few
At all druggists,
2oe. a T10,1, Guide
to Health and medi-
cal advice free.
U$0$ Arch et., Phila.
. TtiODISI,'—ltev. 1)t'.1)t'.Pascoe, pas
1 lii .4
Mt ti 0 1 titgbisv; (Lion'
SAlittAtZle SERV= S.
or. ,Servieea at 11 a m unci 7 p w, 1
1.3Itilt.613YTERIAN —DI
. Porrie --18 YlintasliSit--
pa ;tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p in. i lilVILLtY !Mina." /}101tIsTINt4
itiPISCOPA.L, St. Paul's—Roy, Wm. I
'Lowe, rooter. Somme at. 11. a in and 7 I. —Al TUE—
BAPTIST --Rev, W'. Freed, pastor. , TintlEts OFFICE, Joseetatet Sr nee
Services at 11 a m and 7 p se
poets, pastor. Servicee at 11 a 0111114 . Subacription priec.$1, per year, tu advance
7iin.. I --
Outrain and Look in cx.rinuund, Services
at 3p ou and 8 p ru, I
and wife in command. Services at 11 a.
na, 3 p ru and 8 p
In oaoh of the above named churches
Sabbath School is held at 2,30 p m.
Alum Inge ; and DeatliS," in tito Pr( - BANK HAMILTON
Promthe latest "Report of Births,
viece of Ontario, we glean thefolluw.
ing items of interest --Total number
of births. 47,323; total number of
deaths 27,633; giving an increase t f Capital, 111,250,000.
19,690 in the total of the population
of the'Prov time, in addition to 4,570
by immigration. Of the 27,633
• deaths ;n the Province 3,00U • were
due to Cons.tmaption, that bring, by
all odds, the most .prevalent. disease;
from Typhoid fever 356; and Vora
Diptheria 976. The tetalnumber of
Mari i veva was 15,203, an inerease of
847 over previous year. The de-
nomiratiens were represented in the
'marriages as follows: —Episcopalians
5,004; Presbyterians. 6,315; Metho-
dists 10,480;Roinan Catholics 4,370;
Baptists 1,787; Congregationalists
Items of tnterest.
F. Campbell Bayard, the president
of tbe Royal Meteorological society
of London, said recently in a speech
that statistics gathered by him show-
ed that the United States weather I
bureau is the best organization of its
kind in the world, and its predictions
are the most accurate.
RheuMfttien1 Cured in a Day.—
South American Rheumt
atic Cure for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
cures in 1 to 3days, Its action upon the
system is remarkable and inyaterious.
It removes at once the cause, and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents,
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Making the Best of it
In Hall recently a little girl was
invited to a party at a friend's house.
After tea different games was en-
gaged in until it was time to go
home. As the guests were leaving
tbe hcstess Offered the little girl a
"No thank you, ma'am, said the
little girl; "I could not eat any
The hostess then told her to put it
in her pocket.
"I can't," replied the mite,
full already ; but the next time I
come vviii bring a basket,"
Relief In Six Hours.— p istrPssi ng
Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved m
Sig hours by the "Soma AMERICAN KID-
Cu' l'his new remedy is a great
surprise and delight on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain
in the bladder; kidneys, bank and every
part (4 he urinary passage in Male or
female. It relives retention of water and
pain in peeing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief and cure this is
your reined/.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
The advise a man really needs is
usually u n a pprecia ted.
• Children Ory for
Word has been received at Kincar-
dine of the death in Detroit of Mrs.
Rightteeyer, relict of the la.te Mr.
Levi Righeneyee, at one time presi-
dept of the Salt ASSOCISUOD of Can-
They Are the Great Feeders of Our,
Bodies—the Purity of the Blood is
Dependent on Their Clea-
ing Powers.
Dr Cline's Kidney -Liver Pills are
the Only Combined Kidney and
Liver Pi—What They Have Ao-
complisheA. is But ft Glustritsitee of
What They Will Bo.
There's a. time to all, old and young,
man or woman, when poor health
brings trouble, anxiety, and burdens
hard to -stand up under, and one's ef-
forts to rid himself or herself seem
cnly to be baffled at every turn, and
we are prone to gre-y discouraged.
That is not the time to give up—
but the time for action, the time to
seek out the seat of the trouble, and
act as your best judgment and the
experience crf others will help yOu,
guarding against mistakes in the treat-
ment adopted for your particular ail -
wieenouniuti, own, GAYS e
Spasms Lasted for *I oars at a Tinto
—Lett Great Aching and Sorettens—
Br. chase's nidner-Liver Piili
Proved nia nellYerer.
,1 was for over Six months troubled
rith very -sharp pains in the region
of my ktdnoys, tile spasms lasted for
half an hour at a time, and left tne
with great aching, soreness and pain.
I tried Many remedies, but they did
me no good. I commenced taking
Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver. Pills accord.
Ing to directions. I lead not much
faith that they would cure me, but
atter taking one box 1 riot -iced a
change for the better. It May seem
incredible, but after taking the second
box the pains ell left me entirely, and
havo not had them
Ca.rter, Melbourne.
price 25 tents per bet, all &alert.
--. ......._ ....... _ ,,........,.. „
si.iiim i 1 yr. 1 0 ino. j 2 o. t 1...210
... .. ..
ol Colon"' Olio 80 *to eu iido ilk, 1 c,8 00
lbilf ,-- 40 oa 'ii 11 00, t oo,
quarter 's 10 00 • 111 CO 7 oo 11 '2 00
",,o.. e Anvil 5 00 3 OU 5 00 1 00
Legal and 4 they 4.1011(1/ naVt'llithilieftts N. POI' Ulla
fox ilno moor comicial tic per line or each subsequent
in ettlem Mc tau ed In notiparai scale.
e. Bic. pc.rimu for first insertion, •
54. pr line fur each subsequent 0 rertltr. .
Ad vorMsernents of Loot, Found, Etrayed , Elitnatiohis
and Umlaut's Mauna Wanted, not *nosedive 8 line
nonpareil, 51. tor dot month. and 5010 for ?aolt,
selisemieht month,
tionsos and fur S410. not exceeding' 8 lina.
fl ftir dist month, 50uper subsequent month
writer advertisements in proportion.
Those 6t IRIS will IN strictly adhered to
tintlip4oureipaelriroa,t1800. for lamer advertisements, or or
Rest, 11776,00.0 Adrertctements and local notices witboutspeoille
directions will he Inserted till forbid and charged!
the taco by wommlicoty locos, m Doer to apPettr
ont.....4. 0. R.000, paantoirrtifill:Flv.:Itiertrataltury advertisements muig be
Changes for contraotadvertisements Intuit be in.
Jous Pitooron. Guo. Itomm,
Wow, A. B. Lua,(Teronto),
Wstiateson, M 1,, A. T.
O. n. timaorr,
that weak
Casblor—J, TgRNBUIX,
Savings Esnalt—Uours,10to 8; Baturday.ra, 10 to
Deposita of $1 and upwards received and interest
Spacial Deposits also received at current
• rates of it. :test.
Drafts at, Great Britain and the United. Statdi
bought and sold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solioitor.
Money to Loan •on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced 'on Mortgages at 6 pot oentwith
privilege of paying at tho ond of any year. Note
and ainounta eollected.
Beaver Block Winahrun, Ont
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
63 4390 ap. mm.180 025, pp rni
8 55 a m 8 05p m
6 53 a m 11 10 a m
13 30 p m 8 00 p
11 30 a In 6 49 a, m
3 30 p m 3 30 p m
10 29 p m 8 80 a m
S 0 cl —•) Caledonia, No. 49, meal
v the first and thitri Monday la
every mouth, 1,, he iiild Fullnivs Hula Vigitir4.
brethren weloon. J. Murray. Chia. li s
Elliott, itils.-8ec
CAN Olt 11a,A140 60r.?
oPER,Arir-jir ONt rpORD
.4EHTS WANTED f.35'; -
t.4 laN/MRY TOWN AN D vise -AGE.
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. DItniet Showers, I am now
prepared to supply the 'public with
• jil4
Tl -1 ENEW .4 -WAY
ulitiqlt ILL
• ilgtif
MY: \
Wood and Iron Force and
Lift Pumps, Brass and
Iron CvJ hiders, GftiValliZ-
ed Strout Tithing. Cisterns,
itVater 'Troughs, Sinks,
Bathii,Pipe Fitting, Weft
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windiniils for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps 8 apeciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering bymad should always state
depth <I well.
All -tv irk gunranteoti or no sale.
For the treatment of DISEASES OP WOMEN ana
SUEGICAL CAlcES of all kinds, ]for particulate.
Sii. l'. KENNEDY,
Medical Superintendent, Wiligharn.Otiti
BARRISTER, buLIctok, Eta.,
Private and Company funds to loan at lopest rate.
Interest, .No commission charm. Mortgagee, town.
and farm propert3 bought and soil
OFFI0E—Bearortilock WINOUtor. •
- 0
Wenghon.„ Ont.
°Moo—Meyer Block. %%Ingham
re -
Office—Corner Ilamilton and St. 'Andrew attests
opposite Colborne llotel.
_ •
AltYllUlt J. IRWIN,»D$ L
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penneyrvallia.
Duna! college .ccid te t,t tho 10.3 al College.
of Ocint..1 Suiceons of Ontario. 011coer PM*whet, 8m
J .8, .ixitotik,. L. D ,
ur BlOrk.
Special 8,00 given to the.plort,
vete!, et frutut al teeth Crowns and
bride sot no:d iIIl.Iq a specialty. Tho beat
'oast t u 00 pai0lcserxtiuction of teeth,/Fee,,
All oi It et Lowed pticet.
o sit J ‘1
vie li LEON.
Sales attended In Any port en the On. Charge
moat ',Ito.
j kiN ijUl41i11, -.%.VV/011.01, UST"
sales of Mum Stock and Paint Implements
.A I I orders "ft at Vito Time udiee promptly atten.t
od to. Tom, reasonable.
• •
'CLU OtNt4 Books, Puffilitilotb, • rosters, B 1
ate., &o., executed in thd been
et▪ ylo of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice Apply or address
T ns Office, Winghatn ,
We are pisueod to . announce that any .Books Of
Magazines loft with us for Binding wilt have Out
prompt attention. Prides for Binding in any Style
will be given on application o the TIMER Office
iffirE 47if
Sewer and
' Culvert Pipes
Alt sixes from 4 in. to 24 in.
moilisirksiG THE ONT11010 SEINER PIPE C11
t6O14 AoLLAion r.e.,
ng att. nt, TACTOB2 AT 11/41/HICO. TORONTO