The Wingham Times, 1899-04-14, Page 30 111.E . T .b.F. (*RA r•11. AL fOUata of Health ani `luting th did large o men w a 1 a s t tare 1 1 M #1111 Will ll: of the bravo pioneer work of this vril Minn `Provineo, have been arraltged in a series of very brief biographical Newdie sketchee arekih published The: Compantl Is the Mightiest and Most Ed'ective of All.. 'Known Spring Medi- cines. rl' e, c niung el:D s eta: les are Pai��'s CElery the following of old residents of Huron :--- Thunms Farrow, of Brussels, county cif Huron, cattle into the township of , rfurnberry in 1854, . and was, first engaged in general storekeeping, tin. the sante year he tools up land in' the adjoining township of Morrie, and lints lived in that neighborhood down to the present time. Mr. Farrow en. r tered the Dominion Parliament as representative -for North Huron in 1872, and continued to rept( sent that constituency fcr early fifteen seats 'Tis an Eminent Physician's Pre-' Thomas 8lraelian, (if the townshi scriptien. 'of Grey, county of ,Huron, moved to the. township in .1854, and, in I company with his brother's, took up lid ward E, Phelps, WS, D., LL. D„ a a large section of land. Mr. leading prot'esitor in the celebrated Dart- , Strachan has long been prominent in mouth Medical College, first prescribed what is now .known tuevery bad ut the civilized wurid as i?iuue't Celery Com- pound, a positive dire for the 3ornmon atilrnents anti diseeeeta of sprints, Beata us blood troubles, kidney and liver com- plaints, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, neuralgia'and rheumatism. As at spring medicine, Paine's Celery Compound now occupies first plaee in the estunation of .medical men. It bas been tested by ;umbers of the profession in cases wlaere ordinary preserlptions have municipal affairs and was reeve of the township on several oecltsions, ' ° Robert 'Currie, of, the township of East Wawanosh, county of Huron, was among the early settlers in the township, and has the distinction of having served in the first municipal council about .1857, and since then has on several occassions held the office of reeve. failed,and in,every instance the wonder- James Craig, of the township of ful compouod has maintained its claims 1Mortis, county of Huron, purchased and banished •disease. , the farm he now lives on , in 1868. The aetien.of Pa ineef Celery Compound , Mr. , Craig g' has been ton prominent on the Cervous syetern in spring time, to rnarvellous in health producing re- 1 in matters pertaining to public, in - Sults. it quickly purifies the vitiated „Wrest. in all questions affecting' the and impure blood, braces the nerves,' educational affairs of the township, rebuilds the tissues, adds to fleeh and illlatu Mallpu h of Du1i *anrion weight, increases the appetite, augments I g , F, , the powers of assimilation, and keeps the l township of Asbheld,county of Huron, • whole ,digestive organism in proper re- took up land in 1854, and still oceu pair pies the lot he then settled on. Mr. Pain's Celery Compound has done a Mallon h was reeve of othe toweshi p Sraud workurel h e isor tbe ibestsguarantee in thetfor stt from 1860 to 186i), and has always those who are now ailing and physically been identified with matters affecting broken down. ' Every City, town and tho welfare of the township. Village in this •vastDoniininn can (enlists its proofs of the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound—well attested cures. A few tiottleeof theureat'spring medi- cine used at this time will give to every MO and woman the blessing they are du earnestly seeking— ere e health. OLD HUAQNIANS. NEST WMT') GAVE EVIDENCE BEFORE THE "Q13LIC ACCOUNTS ARBITRATORS. In the arbitration . on public aeonnts between the Dominion, Ontartrs•and'Quebec, the arbitrators,, sitting tit the `Parliament building's at Toronto, heard evidence in regard to the division of the income of the common school fund:, ,and -for this purpose, The Globe says, "many re- presentative and reputable citizen from differeni'r counties were exxlrnin- ed, and gave xuueh valuable informa- tion to tho board of arbitration. The evidence furn6hed by the witnesses referred to was necessarily of character of .little interest on the whole to the public, but it included in every ca:+e an epitome of. the ear- '. eer of the, witness, and those facts, re, rev qv1 . •• ^r+• sr9�}} „•rxr~� t5:. I ✓fit I Stop It ! Stop It t Don't imagine for a minute that a cough amounts to• nothing. Thousands of people are in their, giayes to -day who let a cough take its course; Stop that cough ut onee with Shiloh's Consumption Cure, which 'all druggists sell at 25 Cts:, 50 cls. and 161.00 a bottle, 11 it fails to help fou, your money will be refunded. . 'What is said`to ,be the. largest bog ever raised was, recently slaughtered in Nbw York. The animal was Jer se'y bred ''tear' tWW''-and rind half years old, weighing alive 1,(109 and dressing 1,036 lbs. 7t measured nine feet front tip -of nose to the end Of its tail, two 'and one nag -eet across the loin, two and one: hell' beet 'Across tate hams and stx fee, ill girth. Cured to Stay Cured. It's .a wonderful ree;art'1 of permanent. cures Burdo.+tc ftherd Bitters is present- ing. Inste nese ars given of such serious diseases as {)'tuners, Sera ulous Sores, Salt Rini,u, Nil-vsipeias,Abscesses, Run• n Sora , tie, wvbere 13,B.13. made it mire three, feu r anti even twelve years ague., rind ihri disease has shown no,signs (if mini111,ig, Nature's remedies are not like man's—they never fail. Of the luany remedies intended to cure dyspepsia, sour stomach, distress after eating, weight in the stomach, wind on the stomach,loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, im- poverished • blood, catarrh of the stomach, sick headache, and similar results of indigestion, only one is uniformly awl unfail- ingly successful—that is nature's own remedy, found only ie. DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS. The pineapple contains a large amount of Vegetable Pepsin— nature's most potent aid in digesting food. Mix meat and pineapple and agitate the mixture at a temperature of roe, and the pineapple will'completely digest the meat. Take two of Dr. Von Stan's pineapple Tablets after your meals and they will digest your food without aid from the stomach. This ti course rests, strengthens and heals the stomach. The tablets • will cure the most chronic case of dyspepsia. They give its. tnediate relief. flake thein for a short tune and your stomach will be as strong olid hearty as that of a far'mer's boy. They are pleasant to the palate as candy. At all druggists. -35e. a box -or direct from THE VON STAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto, Can., abet Buffalo, NN.Y. 1 tl e ;:i'r A. r. .. ,'i; • •3 lee O1'4, WOR A u.r. is ieleet :°+e Diamond Dyes Have First Place in the Old Land. A Hamilton Lady Says : "Diamond Dyes are Far Above All Others." Mrs, J, 5, Burton, Hamilton, Qat., says : "While living in England I had 1 tnere until I used .the famond Dyes.. When• 1 Dame to Canada 1 still used the Diamond Dyes, and anti using them now, and will never have any other kind. to do my work. Diamond Dyes are. fur above all others." FOUND TETE, MONEY. • PECtfl1TAIt' EXPERIENOE OP A TELLERTELLEROla' THE BANN OP TORONTO, To be short in his cash after a -day's business is a rare occurenee for the teller in the Bank of Toronto, but a few days. age such a case occurred, and over and over again he counted the cash. but could not find where a bundle of fifties had gone, says a Toronto despatch. Despairing of' ever recovering the zeo.ney he• had• made good the deficiency out of his own funds, bat continued the search for the missing bills in his spare moments. Thinking there was a possibility of the money being around the desk, a carpenter- was called in, who moved the counter, and at the back of it. was found a $i bill. On the floor was found eight fifties, and when these were produced the teller was the happiest official in the jut: - cation. It is believed that the rats, accustomed to'visit the teller's lunch, which was kept in the drawer, were tempted to carry off the bundle of bills, and after getting it on the floor, were' unable to drag it down the bole. considerable experience in home dyeing work, rana had ad perf eet success ee D A CARD We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on •a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, Pr. after using three fourths of contents of bottle. they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. ' We also warrant 'that friar bottles will permanently cure the most, obstinate•cases-of Oonstipat•iuu, Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish fills are used. ++ A. -A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wiri sham, Ont. Colin A.'Carnpbell, Ohemist and Drug - gee, Wire:herd. Ont. :1. L Hamilton. Chemist and Drug- £'ts2, Winehanl, Out Utilizing the Waste. . An interesting branch of the pack- ing business is the utilization of boners, blood .and other things that used to be waste: "'I 'osuch`an extent has the utilization of byproducts been carried on in Chicago that now that- only waste in a steer is the gastric juice, and what'was formerly waste is now worth more than the meat, The horns go into - knife handles or back of combs. The white ho if -i .are sent abroad to return as ivory, while the black hoofs be- come handles for knives and canes and are made into a dozen other things, the soft internal parts being resolved into jellies and candies. From the bones aro produced piano keys, dice and boneblack. Glued gelatine, neats foot oil and au imi-, tation of whalebone are made from I the sinews. The clarified blood is • taken by the sugar refiners, while the remainder of it is made into buttons and fertilizers. The intes- tines serve as easings for sausage and the bladders as cases for snuff, The tall tuft is an insignificant part of the animal, but when steamed, dried and wasted it becomes curled hair sells readily. The financial re turn from a steer as estimated by one is as follows: „From the ineats $40; fromthe'hides, hair, horns anti hoofs, $25 ; from the tats, blood, sinews and bones $15 ; from all other wastes, $15 or $55-,; receive& from the by products ., _. s �,. i . IW .- .' .,- il.,, .,, For five years my husband suffered from -scrofula, The h; st physicians in our city pronounced the Case incurable. Sores appeared, eating tato the mouth and throat, The jugular vein was exposed, the tongue entirely eaten away, the palate and tonsils eatery out,and there waw elarge core cn M the outside of the throat.. After everythint, else bad failed, he -tried Sarsaparilla: lie had to take it through a tube, ao his throat was t :s cera to swallow. Nov,, after years of terrible suffering, he is fully restored to health, and he is able to work every clay, although his speech is greatly affected by the loss of tongue and palate." Idrs,. E. L. FOSTER, Wilmington. Del, "'For seven years I suffered with that terrible scourge scrofula in my shoulder and arm. Every means of cure was tried without success. I had a good physician who tried in every way to help me. - I was told to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I immediately began its, use, and after taking seven bottles of this remedy the scrofula was entirely cured." Mrs, J. A. GENTLE, Fort Fairfield, Me. p 4 t "I was a great sufferer from scrofula, being unable to do any work for twelve months. Not one of the doctors who attended me, nor any of the medicines I took, did me any good. My friends supposed that I could not. live. Cine of my physicians induced me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using eight bottles I am now perfectly well." GEORGE TOWNSEND, French Camp, Miss. rst > r� .ws •l f "For many years Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been one of the constant reme- dies used in the Horne for Little Wanderers, and we have found it valuable. in eliminating humors from the blood which seem to have been inherited, • . especially scrofula and other skin diseases." (Rev). 13. A. COOPER, Supt. N. E. Rome,for Little Wanderers, 13oston, Mass. Dr. Ayer's Pills are specially adapted for use with Ayers; Sarsaparilla. They promote ° digestion- and keep the liver, bowels, and stomach in good working order. C itarrh Relieved m 10 to 60 Min- utes.—One ehort putt of the breath through the Blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and de- lightful to use, it relieves inetantly. and permantly tures Catarrh, 13 ay Fever, Colne, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilttis and Deafness. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. THE EVILS OF FLIRTATION. TF10SE WU0 ENGAGE IN IT GROW IN' CAPABLE OF STEADVAST, ENDURING LOVE. "In flirtation ' there is the• seine dissipated element of excitement so Ibeguilding in gambling—uncertain, ty ; in fact, we might add to the dictionary definition a still later one : 'To flirt, gambling in hearts,' writes [Prances Evans, "About men," in the April Ladies' home Journal. f "The flirt, like the gambler, feeds i upon the intoxication of his passions. In a few nears he becomes incapable 'of steadfast, enduring love, that fee• in which in civilized man is separat\ ed from the love of the barbarian by the element of ideality, of spiritual sympathy as distinct from merely the attraction of brute nature. The open-minded, open•souled, manly man is apt to express fiitnself in ;abr'iipt praise of what he likes, bur the flirt knows better than to take NO Cocaine iii Dr. A. W, Chase's Catarrh Cure. .Prof. Heys, Ont. Sabool of Chemistry old Piiiuivacy, says:--" I have made an examination of Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure for Cocaine and in all ite compounds, "rain sinnplPS purehasert in the open •ut•ritet. and find bob° present." W. offer a reward of $1,000, to be devoted to any charitable institution it any drug. met or doctor eat find the least truce of that deadly drug Cocaine contained in Dr, Chna.: s Catarrh Cure." 1)r. (chase's Critarrh Cure,' recommended by all deal. Ars at 25 cents a box, blower "Waded • free, the edge of of a compliment by giving it. publicity. The flirt is in- variably confidenlal in his mariner. A flirt becomes unscrupulous in his .relations with women, no matter how high a cede of honor he may abide by in other matters. His cords!; ence is callous-rl on one side beyond remedy.- There is no germ which devehipa more rapidly than the flirt• ittihn, bacteria. • Given a young man of WOlri.tfl whose pride is wounded none dt'elrly than his or her love by a. member of the opposite sex, then, if these, hes <„ t•light flirtatious tend eney to begin with ; it will be but over night betore Rahe weed has grown to surprising proportions, ehoking out conscience and kindness' while it supports and strengthens vanity, which stands close by wounded af- fections in the human heart." Ory for ° A •CT(Vt:Stit.IOTTriit9 W ANTED x1vt;uYwilt=L ,tt. for "The Story or the Philippines' AyAlnrat Cl.t etnul, commissioned by the Government as 0111- eial historian to the tv Otor tmen t, 7+he book was written in army c0upa at Silt trrarnsieeo, on the Pacific, with with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Ho- nolulu, In Hong aunt;• in the American trenches at Manile„ the insurgent camas with Aaninaldo, en the deck of the Oivmpin with Dewey, and in the roar of 1,1tttlo at the full et Manila, lienania for agents, Brimful of original pictures taken by iter-. eminent photographers on the spot, Large book, tow prices. hat; profits, Treht tt paid. Credit gtten. Drop all trashy unofficial war books, Outfit free, Address, P. T. Barbet', See'y., Star Insurance Bag., Chiomeo. It Wilt or It Won't. - Shiloh's Consumption Cure will dither pure your cough, or it won't. Ohre or the other—sure. Try and see. If it . cures, the druggist keeps•thr.- ;ey you pay for it. if it don't Cee, - . 0-,f e'iliruggist gives back the money. -beery bottle carries a guarantee. 25 ots., 50 urs. and SLOG a bottle. flood for Cousumptions, Coughs, Colds, Croup, i3rocebitis, and Throat Troubles generally, A fire insurance company considers a conflagration the best thing out. -- Chicago News. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is recog- nized by Mothers as the best remedy they tan give. their Ch Pen, It is simple, safe tied effectual. Price 25e. A cynical bachelor says deeds are masculine and words are feminine. It is better to loose your grip than to have the grill lose v mat Is often a warning that torpid or inactive. troubles may follow.. efftclent cure of all liver troubles, While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular actlon of the els, they do not gripe or paln,seeris _ irritate or inflame the Internal organs,. but have a posttlee tonic effect, 25c. at all druggists or by snail of C. T. Hood St Co., Lowell, Masse