The Wingham Times, 1899-04-14, Page 21.11,14; WJNU.iAM TIMES, . APRIL i4 1899.
Painted Paragrapi*. HOW TO WASLI XQIi'R PAVE.
'When the mercury drops to zero.?
--th t+'s nothing.
A &+'large of dynamite has Fent
many rt jnor tnan up 111r life.
r 17 4 . 1
• VG:
ri l'
:—L I f ret,
y1 W4
r;;;sitliviay cured, by t'tiles0 •
They d e. relieve Distress from Dyspepsias,
Indietetien and Too Ile;trty Eatin . A per-
fect remedy for 1`aizziuess, Wee. ea, Droved
roar, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They.
Beeulc,te the Bowels, i'u:'cly Vegetable.
*flea ?all» Shull. Doses
Oman Pricea
ub titution
the fraud of the day.
See yeti get Carter's,.
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver :'ills. •
Permane ' t
Cure lvf
Perhaps you've suffered with constipa-
tion for years, tried all the pills and pur-
gatives you overheard or read of, without
getting any more relief then the one dose
of the medicine afforded.
Then "you were left worse than before,
bowels bound harder than ever, the con-
stipation aggravated instead of cured.
All the miscrie3 of constipation—Head-
ache, Sick
ozlstipahon—Head-ache,Sic1 Stomach, Biliousness,. Pimples,
Eruptions, Blood Humors, Blotches, Piles,
mato thousand and one other ills crowded
back en you againwith redou bled severity.
Wouldn't you consider it a blessing to.
be cured of your constipation so that it
would stay cured? So that a repetition of
.all the suffering you .have endured would
never come again? Burdock Blood
Bitters .ean cure you—cure so that the
. cure wil% be permanent. •
That's where It differs from all .other.
remedies: It' ,:ices a thorough renova-
tion of the v' `e intestinal tract, tones
the bowel y 4, acts on the liver and
stomach,. ay /causes all the digestive and
secretoryp, organs to so work harmoniously
. and perform their functions properly and
perfectly that constipation, with all its
attelida,lit sickness, suffering andil1health,
become a thing of the past.
Ms Arabella Jolie, living at 99 Carriere
Street, Montreal, Que., bears out all we
say in. regard to the efficacy of Burdock
Blood Bitters in curing constipation per-
manently. This is her statement :
Por over a year I suffered a great
deal from persistent constipation and
could only get temporary relief from the
various remedies I tried until I .started
using Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 amthank-
ful to say that this remedy
has completely and per-
manently cured me and
1 have had no return of
the cor:rt:¢ation.
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds 1.f good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
deltvw" ed in our yard,
done al lowest°prices and satisfaction
guaraneceed.. !;all and get prices be-
fore di.nosing of your timber.
. cw:, 4N & SON
• a.aats and Tradc.Marla obtained and all patent
esin u conducted far MOABf3ATIO PEEL My
ism theimmedtate wicinityof the Psalm:idiot
tayli,ciUties for securing patents areuneurpaseed
id model, sketch or photograph of Invention wit%
_Pptionendstatementes toadvanta es defined,
.14~.74o chart Cr *nude for an opinion rte to
yvarte,rtabtrf and'rity fee for prosecuting the
74 not be carted ,ll'ot" tent the
2,1******_aa�f a Uosaed. •eitrvtirra*t Coasts" cano
tri ed infiireattee stet free. Alt O*e*i*iu11t"
1 "out CQUIIdermd As 8trlotlg Confdcntlah
•1/4 Ott xi fiv.rseto WASIrtitellreirt. D. 4
Telling the girls "Haw to be Wet -
Though Plain,." Mrs. iiuupilry,le
the April Ladies' Home Journal,
gu<.l'antces any girl tt good eotuplex
ion who nen wash her face every
night and, horning, .and twice a flay
besides. according to directions: ;
"The water trust be not quite coir;
in winter, and, soap shotald be used
but once a day. The fingers ale
!letter than any sponge or glove or
flannel, and they should be used es
the masseuse uses hers, pressing
them firmly but gently into the skin,
and pain thele two or three tirnea
over every inch of the face, More
particular paina should be devoted.
to tile e1)rnelet, where dust is always
liable to lodge, around the eyes,aose
and mouth, It' a washcloth is used
it should• be of the softest and
finest, and plenty of water should be
applied after the soap so as to waste'
it all away. The drying process
dflould be equally ' thorough .and
effectual, tt hurried rub opening the
way to all sorts of rougbnessen and
chappings. Not one girl in twenty
knows bow to wash ber face, and
that is the reason why massage
flourishes. It thoroughly cleanses."
It !sever Disappoints.
People who are troubled with any die.
ease caused or promoted by impure Wood
or a low state of the systett. may take
Hood'a Sarsaparilla with the utmost
confidence that itsfaitbful use will effect
a cure. Millions take it nen a spring
medicine, bneause they know toy experi-
ence it, is just what the system needs.
Hood's Pilte are the beat family cath-
artic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable,
is the than, that's here to stay; 4. If the sermon has begun, lake
'l30 the lean who udvertiees with a a stat near tee door"—no !natter if , .. ,
sort of sudden jerk, you are "at home." •
Is the man who Maines the printer ;�, Be thuhuthe oort ctogcmf
•..1 .iA11111"II.111111 1(.111}yyill r,rlL IT.I II.1.1 I I IF ••"/
beoat)se it didn't work,
{ i'ilrpits, bells and humors, tahuw that
the blood le aenpnre. Hood's Sarsapa-
ilie isthe beat, aloud puhtier money alta
The roan who -gets the business uses
{ brainy printer's ink,
Not tt clatter or a stutter, but an ad
that snakes you think;
1 Run. pies on the Fe .,..•()anbecurer!
Writing on "How to he Pretty
Though Plain," in the April Ladies'
Home Journal, Mrs. Humphry con-
tends that "without fresh air the
body cannot be Healthy, and ;n the
absence of' good health the possibil-
ities of good looks are diminished.
Many a girl whose complexInn •
night be cheat and softly tinsed
she only gave it a chance 'goes
through life with a thick and !middy
looking skin that suggests the ad-
visability of an application of emere
paper, because she insists on the
wicdows shut and therefore breaths
bad air for at least three;quarters of•
the night. Scientists inform us that
a room whieh measures ten feet'
wide by fifteen long and twenty feet
high contains enough -air for the
consumption of one person for one
hour. After that its freshness is
gone, owing to the carbonic acid
given off,by the lung's. Yet the.
majority of people sleep with their
windows shut tight. The custom of
having the gas lighted in bedrooms.
eel the y in t e evening and burning
there until bedtime, convenient: as it
certainly is, is also most injurious to
the health. The gas vitiates the air..
and completely robs it of its fresh-
ness and of those qualities which
render it one of the principal
nutrients of the body."
A Quebecer's .Confidence m Dr.
Chase's Catarrh Cure—Gives
Relief at once -He says.
Danville, P. Q., April 9,th,1898
EnMANSON, BATES & Co., Toronto.
Dear Sirs,—Enclosed find Si for
dozen boxes Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure.
Please Gena them at once. Lavery patient
using it says "It is an excellent care,
Rives relief at once."
Jas. lklAssoN, Goal ferohant.
Danville, P. Q.
Brains in Btlinness.
It is much more true to say "Ad-
vertising is the life of trade," than
that "competition is the life of trade."
If you want to succeed ,now -a -days
you must not only advertise, but ad.
vertise with persistance and brains,
If you expect to win in tiie battle ai-
You will have to blow your trumpet
in a firm and steady way.
POr diarrhoea of the infant or adult
there is no more safe and reliable remedy
than 1 r. Fowler's E tract of Wild Straw-
berry. n useimitations,they're danger -
The man that ow',hs bis acres is the
man that plows all day,
*r. Arthur Bycrts, Reek Hill,
Ont., writes as follows ; •"1: Avai5 laid up
with stiff joints and could stet no relief
until I used flegvardce Yellow Oil,
which eared ma." Price 26e.
,And thorium that keeps a humming
in 3days• by the use of Dr. Agnew's
Ointment, flowerer impossible this
may seem, a few applieetions will con.
vines. Many are noted who have been
disfigured fur years. Try it to -day.
Sold by A. L Hamilton.
And he plans his advertisement as
he plains his well bought sloe's,
And the future of his business is ae
'solid as it rook.
others. Take theinside of the pew
if you are the first to enter, and
leave all vacant space at the end
next to the isle.
O. Speak it bright, Cheery word to
alt possible nt the close of the service.
If ) ou are a sti anger, ask one of the
ushers to introduce you to the pastor,
or to some of the church officers..
This will always insure you a hearty
7, Never put an your coat, over-
coat or wraps' during the closing
hymn, and du not make a rut•b for
the dour immediately after the bene-
dictionis prenounerd.
8, There should be no loud talking
and jesting after the service is eon
eluded. They are as much oat of
place in the house of God as in the
Dfilra F DESPAIR P tiouse of n urn tdng.—•Presbyterian
The Tormenting Tortures of Dys- Children Ory for
pepsine and Indigestion Axe
Rising With d f,ilte Mists Before the
Sun ith JDs. Von Stan's ! �l
Pineapple Tablets.
The tirst tablet encourager you to eat j{r
what you tike A single tablet relitsve
the wubt haute distress, and there are
sixty taieete in a box --..vast pocket size—
sold at all druggists for 35reeo.ts,
0HAP7'M. I.:.
I. The days of the dyspeptic are
sorrowful. Selah,
3. In the rosy flushof the early
morn, when all creation is stirred
with the'thrill'of refreshened life -
3. The dyspeptic awakotn, sad-
eyed, and dulled withthe dread of
impending distress.
4. He knoweththat the hot grip
of dyspepsia is wanting to. strangle
the keen relish of hie famished body
for strengthening food..
5. He turns from the delights of
the table, as the wicket, turn front
joys of the pure in. heart. He yearns
for the things of; which. be cannot
U. The juices of h's life are dried.
wp with nulfering,as,a drought dries
the. sap in a stalk of grain,.
7. But, like rich dew, to parched
verdue, so•I)r..Vbn Stan's Pineapple
Tablets will restore the dyspeptic to
a joyous oondltiotl of good health.
8, The first tablet; connects—and;
cures are often effected with but a
single box -only 3S cepts at A. L.
Church, Etiquette.
tus, and to his beautiful letters and
There is melta thing as a church jgoodb advise;, 1! owe mach of my
etiquette, and the leek of it is quite :present success. Yes, young man,
as noticeable as a bveaeh of good if ,you! have. anything, in you, there
in any other relation in life, f is just as good; a chance' for you to -
Right behavior in ohnreh, •should be! day with thdi} old established Houseas religiously observed • as are• any as there was for me. Write then
of the rules and regulation of polite and see whaetthey have to .offers'
society elsewhere.. It is unite certain Tbmkine. "I have seen the ad -
that our conduct at eh.urch has not vertisements of this firm, for agents,
a little, to do in, deelding the measure for years, back, and have often
of blessing which we may hope to thought of writing them, but have .
receive, and, bas a very direet in- never done so., I will .write today ;
fluence upon the mind of those about and I am very thankful to you, Iur. i
us. Wannatnaker, for your good. advise."
The following suggestions are not
altogether new, but they. deserve ,
frequent repetition, and in view of
the fact they are so ellen and soe
flagrantly violater], even by those
who wouldbe quite offended if directs.: +<
ly informed that they wore:gullty of,.
such violations of good breeding.
We should, always be reverent lid.
attentive;, and in all things we should
try to be "an example of the be-
Heart Disease Relieved in. 30,
Minutes.—Dr: Agnew's Cure for the
heart gives perfect relief in all oases of
Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease
in 30 mio,utes, and speedily effects a (sure. ,l
It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, I
Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells,
Pain in left side and all symptotns of a {
Diseased Heart. Ono dose conn'iueee. 1
Sold by A. I, Hamilton.
If passible, be in time. You ! -
• need five minutes after conning to get t
warm or cool; to compose •your body {
and mind, and to whisper a prayer
before the service begins.
2. Never pass up the aisle during
prayer or scripture reading. If you.,
do your presenee wilt distract the +,
minds of many in the audience.
8. Be devout in every attitude;1
all whispering should be studfo'bely
. Wannama
ur's Adsioo
1 Tompkins. "Good morning, Mr.
Wannamaker;, I have Bailed to see if
t you ean give me a position in your
Lestablishment. I can turn my hand
to almost anything." •
1- Mr. W. "No, we are full in every
department,. and you, are the twen-
, tieth man 1 have refused today,
Why don't your take up a line in
which there' is. less ev1mpetitioit and
better pay
1 Tompkins. "I'd only be too thank-
ful if you can put me on traek bf
; such a position:.
1, Mr. W. "When I was twenty
. years ofi age, I was a stranger in a
strangelance,. with • neither vwork nor
money, when a friend of mine, a
!lawyer; advised ate to take a book
agency saying, he bad educated him.
self by canvassing; like drowning
men greep at straws, I took his ad-
tvise, and in Ave years saved $5,000,
and with thin suint started my pre -
:tent -busineti,
re-:: ent-business;' It is just 'fifty years
t ago today that Mr. Bradley, the
founder of; the present Firma of The.
{Bradley -t .avretson :Company, Limited
of Tbronto, sent me my first prosper-
avoided, Find the hyntu, and sing
it if you ean. Share the book with
your no:ghbor. If in a strange
church, conform to its customs of
Atter Serums Bleknoas
The heart and nerves are tett weak and
the blood is thin and watery. At thio .-
time Milburn's Heart and Nerve Piffle
should be token. Tboy strengthen the
,heart and nervous system, enrich the
blood and rapidly restore the health.
Weil all dealers.
deserves and ought to
have the best attention
that the manufacturer
can ' give it. We try
our best to pease the
retailgrocer, justas the
grocer tries to please
Am customers.
This is one reason
why wenow put up
our Split Peas, Pct
Barley, Wheatlets and
Wheat Farina in
strong, neatly printed
Jute packages, hold-
ineY z5 lbs, each,
We believe that even
the grocer who does
the ,YfiizalZe,S't business
will like this change of
ours,:. we cater for
his trade as well as
that of the larger one.
The Ttllitou Co,/y Limited, •
Tiiiianbttra, Oat.
A'Vet etablelxrcporatibeibrAs-
sltiailia.tin .iilcTott(landRegU.lil-
tiliatlw Stomas und2oweiL of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerfui-
ness and RestContainsneittier
0 (rtifilorpltitte nor llnerai.
NO.',t' Nam!: OTIC*.
.%t0jlefecyld.Dn37l4 P17GZ 2
,ev'iw p.7s'a .Boer!.- t.
.dLYSm r - !!
Seed. *
J779+ermint -
fiCizaonalca,&... i+
{ ltperecr Remedy for Coristipa
! don, Sour Stomach:Diarrhoea
mess andLOSS OF SLEEP.
Tat: Limile. Signature of
��z��-fir,,: ; tir°•r��rv.
Castoria is put up in sue -size bottles enit,' It!
.18 not sold in hulk. Don't allow. anyone. co sail
you anything else on tho idea or premis•that.itr•.,
is "just as good" and ""will answer every per..
pose." P"x,'Sce that yen gat d -A -S -T -O -IW -d..
Tho tae•.
j simile
signature -_
of °• wtappa^^.•
• le ou
s.^,�i..7i�.tl- w aa- l ua:L'k•�it11rei' �eueseia'
?�t�ii^i;1�a��c"�..�'.�-,.�Q•u"c5.�'%=�Qi:.'"��"�7 `= �'Y�;� � �-"�'7 `��t'7'i✓: � tiy�� �T�'L.�
10:. y SHEEP DIP And ?:
PersiatieSheep Dip and Animal Wash is the most highly cnneentratedt ;
and all round satisfactory form of power for its curing of akin .diseases add ,
destroying vlsrn>`rm in cattle: It is powerful without: being harsh and lin; $'
mediate in. effect without • any irritating results. It is beingasuccessfuliy
used alt over Canada for curing Sores, Bruises, Shear Outs, Boils,Ringworm, . i
Gangrene Scalla
and tor destroying vermin and insect pests. etueevidenge ,
,. ,1jr.0. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Qat.. eays:—""[t goes farther and' does snore . , , '
war than anyhave ever used. 1 u
if dip I. a saed it most successfullyia castrating
lambs. The wash healing the wounds rapidly, and keeping' the maggots+
away. 1 most heartily recommend it."
Mr. Crosses, Ringwood, Ont., says.—"1, have been unable to gain real! '
satisfaction) firm many experiments in different dips until fruited Persiatio-
Sheep Dip. and Animal Wash. It destroys lice and vermon perfectly on ,
cattle, and ants as a tonic, healing wounds, sores, etc."
C3et it at your cteai• The p
e's or tti reeertAGr�oe�n� �Pick—hardt Renfrew, Limited St iuffville, Ong, l
150 YEARS'
ucckaDertlnurpd'graqly ao�f and whethen
invention is probably patentable. Communacw
tions strictly confidential: Handbook on Patents
sent free. oldest agents -for recurins tenth,
oa nb:1Munn
seia1,,'v thutestlas
A handsomely Outraged weekly: 7.nraeht ser.
culation of any seientnie journal. Terme, to a
year: Sour months, $l+ Sold byall newsdealer/4.MUNE & Co 381nrmadwaY, New�fork
Bran °M ee. 6 r F i t., vTpshinaten. 0.
1XC,V41, EN Int,/Z4 /PICK/'Ur .l (£L G.✓", XAAAiN,
. .,
The BuffaioAli-Steel Disc Harrow
Thisf affg a; hat�l:nttOtyi Opondon , ndj� table told
pressor° upon the Inner mule of the gang discsr
ellO inx say amount of pressure to he thrown,
upin the Inner ends of the gangs, bribe foot of.
tiavbperstor Cy this moans a perfectly flexible
N6041114 S4011411 and the ground can be worked to.'
^r elv,iforfri depth. i;xaniino this maohlno °artfully
at„t'afnpato with °thorn;
The No. 12 Cultivator
I5i de of kneel, 017 i.1II0UE913, Thu only Cultivator •'
realm, that both limes of teeth will out an even
rrr.ptlr ire thoaround. I"•xamino It and you William
why. Theory fI tlttvetor With a moveable tooth
xet as that trio Angle of the tooth can be regulated
tomtit any condition pt coll. 'Pressure cart be rega-
latortoaat differently on every sontide reoutttee
it, 'the Nell/ are nnrried between the wheels an.
stow' of trailing behind, es in other machines, thus
sa:rrtne liahtor draft, This machine is furnished
with grain end grass secd box when required, it
haw twosome Maumee) Meal pointe for the tooth,
also extra wide thistle cutting points OM be furnish.
ed. 1iStifolllo It And you will buy no -other.
The 2100efor :bloods No Introduction
over 40.000 stills antt'Seeders of out manufacture
in use In Launch. The only Drill trade with lever
for instant mai perfect regulation of depth or "hoe in
Ali dads of troll, while team Is in motion. Sows
Absolutely eorroat to scale, Savo* seed, en every
kernel Is deposited at proper depth to grow. Pur-
chase only the best,nnd you will 'be satisfied.
Rakes, Coltivetore land DPulpere,Itu gooaal heewth
Moitd for Illustrated oatalogne,
NOXON BROS.MP'G. CO,, (Limited),
Ingersoll, Ont., Canada
3, CAMPBELL, Agent, Wlinghani.