The Wingham Times, 1899-04-07, Page 6TUE WINUIIA.11 `11111INSI APRIL 71 1699.
1,4144 om..444 ••••• •••
encouraged, i dIstinetly limited. •
imcti The capitaliets and farmers who are
always welcome beloeg to a seetaza
cif the community wheat is proverb-
PRIDA.T, APRIL 7. 1899. /ally slow to imigrate, mid the farm
e- laborers to clay is in many cases
sullielently content with bis position
and prospects to hesitate to eeek
From our own earreiltondinn. new borne in a straege lend. More
Ottawa, April 1st. over a large portion of the enquiries
The tratie and eavtgation returns received by all who are connected
for the last fiscal year have just been with imigration work come from
presented to the iloase, and they people who, however, well qualified
Vest °Moe Statestios.
The report of the Postmaster GOD.-
eral for the year ending June 80th,
ma, has just been reeeived. From
it was glean the following interest -
lug iaforenation. The annexed
table shows the busine-s done at
each of the "accounting" offices in
this vicinity and the remuneration
received by the postmeStere;
lug their allowances for fuel, light
and rent ;
znake up a bulky volume presenting otherwise, have not the means to .... _
a mess of figures, bewildering In eros the Atlantic. And until some Gross Int' n t of Other
varietv and detail. The aggregate means is provided. of overcoming or ! Revenuolortirsas
Post. Mo.
ii4atui evens::; anoes.
trade of Canada was ei304,495,736, - unnheizing this difficulty Canada :
Auburn gt . 431.99 790 'P 1.70 ,1t 141.80
of which $111I•,152,083 were exports, bas no "open door" for them, 111. Rayfield ' 099.44 • 792 959 145.79
and 0140,3:23,053 imports, The in- feet, till thisproblena is soloed—and eeletiave _ 664,48 216 19O _1_1?".•P
et•ease In the aggregate trade ewer 'ecaved it assuredly could be if rOSO- ' MY" 1 467.49 81/4 40 215.24
Brueetehl 465.48 100 1.75 30.80
Brussels :1,328.22 2,07 •720 481.92
Pluevale 450 20 317 166 83.83
Clinton 5,109 68 1,925 1,240 505 00
Oranbrook 309.29 102 136 92.02
Crediton 796 90 • 458 - 270 194.2.
Dungannon 715.73 555 220 11088
Ethel • 524.92 207 298 34.89
Eiteter 2,442-,00 1,524. 700 997.28
Fordwich 815 45• 802. 280 134 61
-Goderiolt 6,810.03 2,081 1,900 479.53
Gorrie 1.057.08 810 380 178.15
R 1,316.81 9941 420 186.50
psen372,20 1741 128 53.45
Londesboro 405.51 9741 164 35 69
Luoltnow 2,69356 1,5901 942
Molesworth - 882.70 120 . 92
Seaforth 4,89143 1,6861 1,884
Teeswater 2,010.26 1,388, 550
Wingbarn 4 600,19 1,9121 1,200 •
Wroxeter 835.53 898' 848
the previous year was 647,306,000. lately approached in a business spirit,
The duty inerieieed from 819.891.,- 'and with a clear conception of the
000 in 1807 to e22,157,000 in 1898, , conditions to be taken into nacount,
in spite of euhstantial reduction in • the Dominion cannot hope to attract
the tariff. The trade with Great to her broad acres the "land hungry"
Britain was nearly $21.000.000 who, given this help, woald speedily
greeter, and with the United States be numbered among her prosperous
e13,500,000 more, while the trade of , citizens.
treat Britain exceeded that with the : HOW W1 MAT HELP IT ON,
United States by $13,000,000. It is ! "Meanwhile and subjeet to these
interesting to note, too, that w nile - .ffinttatious, the immediate prospect
there has been an annual average :is, as we have said, distinctly satis-
excess since Confederation, . of 1111- :,factory. le 1899, as in 1898, oana.
ports over exports, of$15,456,000, last !da can justifiably expect to obtaiu
year the excess of exports over im- '
r not only the largest proportion, bat
ports was nearly ae24,000,000. Can- :also the cream of the imigration
stda's exports to Great Britain ifl. i whieh leaves the United Kingdom.
areased tremendously, in fact the ;And Canadians themselves could
-excess over the previous year is 1 further itnprove the outlook by
greater than the whole exportation !active co operatim on the spot. How
of the United States. I much might be accomplished if
zealous emigration councils in each
district were ready .to welcome the
new arrivals, and advance and help
new settlers, and by correspondence
eent., and there were also increases 'with the English press supply from
In Newfoundland and South America, I their own experience jast the practi-
tted slight decreases with Germany,
i cal information for wbich the intend -
the West Indies, China and. Japan. Ing emigrant seeks. Here is a wide
it is also worth noting that every . .
and pti.nn ng field for pa leo i
division orexports increased except i Canadian effort. Is not the time
lumber and other products of the ripe for at least the first steps in this
forest. The products of mines and direction ?"
fisheries, animals and their produce,
agricultural products, manufactured T1{EY RAVE mourn,
goods, bullion and. coin, all showed The re organizatioft of the Con.
advances. The greatest increase,.
servative party which was under -
awl this fact Is of Paramount nn- taken a short time ago with such a
portanee, was in • the exportation of flourish of trutnpets by Sir ' Charles
grain which almost doubled, being Tupper, does not appear to be mak-
833,783,000 in 1898 as against ing mach headway. In his speech
$17,432,000 in 1897, wbeat advanced on the address the other clay the
from $a,266,000 to 821,933,000 and. veteran leader impressively. warned
'of the. $20,966,000 which Great tbe Government that he would per
Britain imported 816,477,000 was sonally stump Quebec in opposition
grown in panada, flaw and meal to the proposed Senate reform ; with -
advanced from $2,201,000 to $6,016,- in two days the Government midi -
t/00 and oats from 81,83,5,000 to date in Levis was returned in the
$3,320.000, ,Altogether the details byeelection b -y acclarnation, and yet
a Canada's trade in 1598 fully bear Quebec is the Province a here the
out the claims ef progress and pros- re -organization is supposed to be
perity which were made in advance, furthest advanced, and Levis is a'
and are intensely significant of the constituency that bas been as often
tremendous impetus that has been represented by Coniesvatives as by
given to the business of the country Liberals and was only earried by
by the new methods introduced and- the late Dr. Guay at the last Gener-
prosecuted by the present admiuis al election by a very moderate
tration. majority.
EltIGRATION WORK IN BRITAIN.' Now it is announced that the
A recent issue of .the London Ga.. proposed Dominion Convention which
•eette, London, (Eng.), has a lengthy was to be held here by the party
article on imigration to Canada from during the present session is to be
wbich the following extracts are postponed to a more convenient sea -
taken: son, therefore many leaders and
"It is significant to note that the would be leaders of the party realize
eigures for 1898, so tar as Canada is that "eh a gathering would only
'concerned, were much larger than in emphasize the woeful lack of harm -
previous years, and, further, that ony within tbeir ranks, the ehoas
Canada tends alone in this respeet, . that exists in the matter of policy,
and the i•adical differences of opin-
•aa in eveey Other ease a decline is re.
corded. If the returns were based. ion that prevails as to who are and
upon ensile ascertained facts the , who should be leaders.
Canadian increase would probably [ THE RIGHT SOth OE.,PAIIFERS.
be even more marked. Moreover i According. to the offieials of more
ra I than one bank in Winnipeg, a large
Vie efforts te attract suitable settle.
to the Dominion bave been energet-inumber of the newly arrived Donk-
As to other countries, our trade
with France increased over forty per
ically cotainued throughoutthe pasthobors have already Opened accounts
1 i twelve months. Canada has been land many bave eashed drafts for
widely advertised in the press of the Intuuliderable sums, brought with
United Kingdom. The representa- them from Russia. A picturesque
Cysts of the Canadian Government little story is going the rounds of the
and the Canadian Pacific Railway Western press to the effect that
' k
Company have been actively em- quite a crovelof interested passers-by
played tn leeturitig, visiting agricul- collected on Main street the other
tural fairs, markets and shows, anday to watch through the uneurtain-
ed windows of a leading bank a
deSseminating information as to
the resources of the eountry. Mu- small party of free and independent
tattonal work among the rising Donkhobors counting over quite nit.
generation bas been fully maintained concernedly, on a large seat just in.
with the eceeperatien of the two or side the window, a pile of bank bills
three thousand school masters with and gold coin. The bank above
whnm both of these agencies are in elaims to have cashed aa inany aa
torrespondenee. Lantern lectures thirty drafts in one day These are
Iwo been in great demand, and a • the "Paupers" we hoard so much
highly successful new departure has about not
long ago.
been made by the Canadian Nellie
At n11 druggists, 25c. 4
and Iferlleal starlee Inns.
; .
A. cold is danger-
ouil. Don't let it
get the start or You,
A. few doses of ntY !
Cold Cure will,
break up auy oral, i
of colkt In a few 1
hours and. preveut
grippe, diphtheria
and pneumonia. It
should be in ever/
home and evory vest
Pocket. it is better
than. a life 145111‘i I
twee policy.
vial. 0010e to lIcalta
1005 Melt Phila.
: ,;•et
Presbytel bin church a braneh of the
Dominion Lord's- Dey was
organized. .1. G. Maedoih waS eleet •
ed President, the lana clergymen as
Vice Presidents, and 1). 0, Taylor,
S41513441 S111.VICE%
tITLIODIST-Rev. Dr. Pascoe, in
or. Services at 1], a In and 7 p tn.
PaltOr. Services at 11 a re 40d7 p
&PISCOPAL, St. Paura-Rev, Wm.'
Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a in and 7
BAPTIST - Rev; W-Preeci, pastor.
Services at 11 am and 7 p
coffin, pastor. Services at 11 a An and
7 p in.
imono:mud, Services
• SALAV.r.TION ARMY -Capt. McLeod
niliitctwito ail
i ner;pm,
nland. sr v ice$ at 11' a.
Th extoll or am above named churches
Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p m.
R t 6 75000
Special rates ter larger advertisements, or or
er I d
Advortaementa and lacallioticeit without speeille
directions will he Inkerted 110 forbid and charged,
accordingly, Transitory advertisements must he
paid in ad mime
Changes for contract advertiseinents must be In
the Witco by Wednesday noon, to order to appear
that week
A • • t , 1 a 0 r7 g per o s,
004'14. mimeo
Subscription price, Si per year, in advance
i--fri.7i -cs nio:' 1- 3 alO:1-17a71,
Om Column 1 Cal/ 00 -940dr $20 0009
alt ,. 1 40 00 00 12 00 •• e 00
cluurtdr " 20-00 19 00 'I oo I s 00
imo0,011 J----------00 3 pp
Loma mot other castle& aim ttisoment. 8e Per line
far 04.4 inscrtien,miti tie per lint: tor each ettheequont
insertion. Measured by nonparal scale.
,r)341 notices No. ptr line for first insertion,
5.4por 11n, tor each subsequent o Hanka.
Advertisements of Lent, Found, Strayed, Situations
and Ilneinces (Maness Wanted, not exceeding 8 line
00111xmil, 91 for first month, and 80c, for each
subsequent month
houses and Fame for Sale, not exceeding 8 line.
41 for thst month, 60a, per subsequent month
cargor advertisements it, proportion
r • • These terms be strictly adhered to
0 it 1 1 25 000
sere pre tt tome wo 1 ng• took- , I . at the residence of Mrs. K. President -Joon &maim
Catneron, Campbell street In this Vice-Proldeut-.A. G. klAneur.
village On Wednesday eeediee lass • BIBEOT0134,$
Week, when Mr.-, Win. Ste vva r e was Jinni Pitoortsa, Gao, Roam, Wm. Gummi, -M 1', A.
W00% A. ii. 10311 Crorollto).•
united in marriage to Mese Dolma.
895'95 Garnt'ron, yOiltigest dime -hue, of Mrs.
610.78 Cameron, in the presenee of a numb.
227.90 I er of invited. guests and Si lends of
483.76 the contrtiCting parties. Tim tiere-
1" 72" MOM,' wily performed by ". Bev. A,
Mcliay, and .the happy young couple
wet e the reeipents of many beautiful
The following are the amounts
paid for conveying the mails between
the points named for the twelve
months ending 30th June, 1898 :
Auburn, Blyth and St. Augustine,
$375 ; Bayfield and Seafortb, 8815;
Belgrave and Marnoch, 860 ; Bel -
grave and ia.ilway station, $131,46 ;
Belgrave and, Sunshine, $70 ; 13e1.
more and Wroxeter, $149 ;,Bluevale
and railway station, 8138.98 ; Blyth
and railway station, 8175.28 ; Brews-
ter and. Parkhill, 8319 ; Brucefield
and railway station, $88.90 ; Bruesels
and Cranbrook, 8150 ; Brussels and
railway station, 5150.24 ; Brussels
and Seafortb, 8175 ; Brussels and
Wroxeter, 8250 ; Centralia and Cred
iton, $225.60 ; Centralia and Swats -
bury,. 848 ; Clinton and railway
station, 8146.88 ; Clinton and Sum-
merbill, $70; Dashwood to Sarepta„
$32.08 Dashwood to Parkhill, $334;
Drysdale to Rippen, $145 ; Dublin to
Farquhar, 8188 ; Dublin to railway
stetion, $90.14 ; Ethel to railway
station, 8116.43; Exeter to railway
station, $187.80 ; Exeter to $t, Marys,
$615 ; Fordwich to Newbridge, $119 ;
Fordwich to railway station, 846.90 ;
Fordyce te Whiteebut•ch, $75 ; Gode-
rieh to Kincardine, $797 ; Gedetieh
to Lueknow, 8410 ; Goderieh and
railway station, 8144,60 Gorrie and
railway station, -$46.95; tiay and
railway station, 8140.14; Henfryn
and railway station, 850 ; Hensall
and, railway station, 4100.1.7 ; Hen -
sail and Lumley, $300.06 ; alohnes-
vale and, Porter's Hill, 875 ; Holmes- enee-a
ville and, railway station, 850 ;
Marva and, Shipka, 875 Kippen
and railway station, 8125.20;
Loekalsh and Ripley, 899 ; Londes-
bore and railway station, $93.90 ;
Lueknow and St. Helens, $166.75 ;
Seaforth and Harlock, $270.83, Sea -
forth and railway station, M8780;
Wingham and railway station,
8250.40-; Wingham and C. P. R.
station, -882.68; Wroxeter and rail-
way station, 871.86 ; Zurich and
Hensall, 8224 ; Beeehwood and Sea -
forth, 891.80.
Mr,' James Battey, tvill hos been
seetmi of the Peesbyteri in church,
Lucknow, during the past 18 years,
•fell ill4itiep on $'4 ti, ,'d v afterneon,
Cashier -J, TUENBIILL.
Savings Barak -hours, 10 to 8; Saturdays, 10 to
'1. Deposits of 41 and upwards received and Interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of ir..."rest.
Drafts 01, Groat Dritain and the United Mato
bought and sold
W. CORF30-ULD, Amax
E. Le DecneiNSON, Solioiter-
Money to Loan on
Mare, 25th, at the ripe ege o75 • Notes Discounted
years. Deceased was bora in lJamil
ton, Scotland, and .While a child his. 'AT REASONABLE. RATES
parents moved to this country and
settled hi Lanark county There
his 'father was killed and lett him- a
boy of 12 years of age the main stay
c;1* his blintI widowed mother, whom
he tenderly eared fiir during all her
after life. About 21 • -years age Mr,
Bailey moved with semen? his family
to Lncknow, where he resided till
his death.• last illness though
painful at times he bore wail mark-
ed patienee, For SOITIC days before
bis death he knew that he would not
recover, and was ckite resigned to
our Heavoilly Father's will. His
consistent ehristain cheractee _Must
be a great source of comfort to his
sorrowing vviding and two daughters,
Mrs. Lair, of Lanark, and yrs. Gilles,
pie, of Whiteehurch.
After serious Sickness
The heart and nerves aro left weak and
the blood is thin and watery. At this
time Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills
should be taken. They strengthen the
heart and nervous system, enrioh the
blood and rapidly restore the health.
50c., all dealers.
The man who succeeds in perfect
ing a Smokeless cigarette Will benefit
humanity more than all the cigar-
ette smokers ih creatioa.
A Man Named Smith
had a terrible cough. People said he
was going into consumption. As a
matter of fact he was already in the
early stages of that terrible destroyer.
Run be hid sense enough to take Shiloh's
Cough and Consumption Cure, and to.
day there isn't a healthier man in Can-
tina. 25 ettz., 50 eta. And $1.00 a bottle.
If it tails to cure, the druggist will
/edited your money.
Children Cry for
Railway with n series of animated A OTW14801./CITORil WANTEDEVERYWITEItt
,t3., for "The Ito y the Philippitti It" by u' CASIO R 1
photographs of Canadian life, which Halstead, comm!ssioned by OM OnVetntnent as
bilielal, historian to the War Department, The k
has proved extremely popular. ntiOk 41•1.4 Writt0.1 in watt? 041aV4 4844 PrartsiSeet, I
On thoraelfic witlt General Merritt, In the hospitals
THE OF VIM worat. ' at trein6n1u, in Hong Rang, in the American trench
ni at Manilla, in the insurgent camps with Airtilnal-
"One or two of the conditions so, on nie deck ot the Oiyolle with Ticircy arid iti
nder which Ibis work is carried on r(1,?Z.Irit'.:1.rbict.1,1:4t(Z;rfrabdintntt titt,ftnrir4 take
must, hovvever, ttlways he borne in rovo.'oniv;.' iti'tir.'trarthli?trthe
grto'rl kbimi,„,rft
trim elass et imigration trap -vet ind. ontgt tree. Addrevi, v., Ruthoi,s, giba"r
I to 0..64 .
which 41;0110 Can be, and is officially asuleete E134.Olureree.
The annual fall fair lhalCinloss
Branch Agricultural Society will be
held In Lneknow this- year on Tries
day and Wednesday, October 8rd
and 4tb,
money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet ceritwlili
privilege of paying at Me end of any year. Not,
and accounts collected.
ROT. menu:ton,.
Beaver Dloolc Winches% Ont
— •
0 49 it. ni. 3 05 p. m
' 3 20p In 10 29p m
' 8 55 m 800m
6 53 a m II 10 a m
3 3C p m 8 00 p m
1110an 649m
3 80 p m 8 30 p rn
10 29 p m 8 BO m
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
SCamp Caledonia.; 11o, -40, meet
s 0 I Sa—.the first anti third Monday in
every month, in are Odd 7ellaws liah. Vlsitinv
brethren welcorri J. Murray. Ohio. 11 D
Elliott, Roo. -Ser
CAPS tam mr.Aon
CHILL, c,'r4
OraeareAlle, IT
Awns wAparD dog
11, 13. ELLIOTT,
Peorantroa AND Purraeasa
For the treatment of DISEASES 011' WOMENand
SURGICA1. CES of alt kinds, rot. particulars.
Medical Siiperinteutlent, Whigham, Out:
BA it RIATER, buLlenote$ Et,.,
Private and Company fund'to loan at lowest rate'
interest. No oonnidesien autism Alert:gages, town
and farm proper4 bought and sold
OPVICE-Eleaver Moak IA thanatt.
E. L,piouiRsu,N,
13AltitISTER, ETC.
dohrotTolt To 3Lt1Z 01? ILIMILTON. .1IOLIXT
Office -Ilex -sr Murk %I higher',
TOR, CO' AINTY.A5'94y8r.i;
019cti-Ciorticfr liamilton ad St..Androwittre eta
opposite Colborne ltotel.
Gonnamn, ONTAItIO.
ARTHUR J. Lawns', 13D 9, L D S,
Doctor of Pontasurgery ot the Pennsylvania
Dental Colle„iie Livu,,tt Te of the Royal- College
of Dental &unreal's or untmio. Witco over Post
(Mite, IV.tiglaun.
8, JETIOME, L. D. ,
• • heat er Skit*, Winshion
tri.cial este pit co to the mew,
of pilaus! teeth Cena as anti
Miura a o*. u,d goid Ililmes a specialty. The best.
10,4 alsoith( Tni pai.111,b0rstiettiottet teeth frees
‘,o, k uT. lowest priced,
005 /IVORY TOWN ANT', VILLAE. osrAniti!
LoNiaom, ONT.
DR. A. %V. C114$8 AT MAIM IN 1118
Lasou.tTottY. Having purchased the entire business
THE CATARRH CLUTCH from Mr. Daniel Showers, I ata now
prepared to supply the pubfio with
ithlit•thegtisting malady' la aI the Throat Of
Nine ti unfired In V4V.4.11?v, 4.14411.1$4n1ld Of •
Our Canailirrii Population..
tale IS Not itottrnay, It 14 ktortie tutt by Care,
fully t outlined Mitt Isties 151..e0S0411 Most
ttt:ri,ilitrYtrilitets!gtett.''tIVI Loin e kV/Atli/IOU
runner td t bot hitaintth
0 unman:union-If N egl vet vit.
While There's Life and Dr. Chant -fel
entstreit Cute Ther04 )lope.
T hal stiffered so many years frorn
a atarrh that I don't know that 1 will
ever cfet ,11,1thonutIvf oorny0 reezon,Therance...
- 3°e: p:1*.criPAnlls IrTveg me 11)V the
rnedio'tl man to a druggist, asked
hint bluntly, " Will this cure me, or
will it not 2 Or -0,111 it be like the
rest ?" X was nearly desperate, 3. can
telt yOu. The druggist said :-" No,
nothing can cure catarrh. 1 have it
myself with I often think of suicide. X
take Opium usually to sloop it off." X
took the prescription away unlined end
went home ihinking of what the drug-
gist had said about stlIchIc and wad
utterly clishaarteried. 110.4e that pre-
Scription yet. One day my deliverance
came. A lady told me she had suffered
Just as 3. had, and was nearly insane,
and that a remedy known as Dr,
Chase' t Catarrh Cure had actually
aired her. I had read a lot , about
Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure, but I felt to-
ward it as X dld toward other medl*
eines; had no faith. t tried It as 4
hitt resort. I used two boxes of Dr.
Chal(e`s Catarrh Cure, and found it a
corneas Le ewe
MRS. At V. tOt1, llolloway, Ont,
At a meeting reeently held in the Wine 25 cents, blower included,
Wood and tr011 soiree and
Lift straps, Brass and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water Troughs, Sinks,
Digging and everything in con-
neetion wick water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills foepower
tied -pumping water.
Deep well pumps aoneoialits. •
Parties writing- for information or
ordering by mail should always stale
depth r,f well,
Allvv.ttir guaranteed er no sale.
0. 1/101INIIIGSTA11
Repairing promptly attends to,
,pbaiss: JO., t%tOlOdA5,
Ob. it U.ItO1V.
• ,
SOUS attended in any part of the Co. Obarge•
CURItlkt, Wisenut, oar.,
Sales' of Palau Stock. and Farm Impleteents.
All orders loft at the Touts Office pretuntly aUenI
ed to. Teals reasonable. ,
TNaLU DING Dolce, Pempronts, rosters, 81
Heeds. Oirenittre, tac., .te., executed In the beet
etyle of the art, at moderate priest, and an the*
notice. Apply or address
' T Use Otflce, Winghato s
we are Milked to announce that any Boob of
Magazines Info with us for Binding will have our
prompt attention. Prises for Binding in any 03'10
will be given On tutpliestion 0 theTtmlis °Mod
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes le
All Stade from 4 in. to 24 in. Mob
WU rr,ikiatiailets,
80 1.1aGisLIDE ae,
13r•I 140 Wingham, Ont.- FACTORY AT 14/ABOO. TOROXV)