The Wingham Times, 1899-04-07, Page 21Rl El a A iii -413 i p atit�.lka.ra the =already enfeebled con- ,sti ulion. These pills matkerich, red, sett elite g' ;wing bion,i, 110(1 tratlsi'oran listless, tired and wurn out men and IPosttavely curets. 'K $ :Qta:3 women ilial smiling healthy, happy IaittIe 1Pi1%1S wurl; loving people, They also relieve Distressfram Dyspepsia.. E. Sims, of the Salvation Army, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per-, Kingston, writes. "At the ti pernI atm'' clown. always r Asing as well as 1 H V 1.N€IIAM TIMES APRIL 7. ISS_)„ .& DEl'II11SSIDTG SEASON, eocnmunieate wit the clerk of the MORRIS. as atlsr NOW �xal'c.ra Marc. alos�r township of l'iokeririg and lied out Another of the old settlers .of TUE EFFECT o> LONG MONTHS Ole what might be tkle cost of steel oast• Dferris township died on Suturdav�, INDTI113'OR, CLOD /NDtr•.O'r. lugs for the purpose of elating March 25th, in the person of John, culvert pipes, of where they are McCuteheon, sr., in the 82nd year of manufactured.—Carried, his rte He was. a native of Fee' Winter is the tnost trying season age, ' j of the year so far as health is cion- i`tackay--Jarvis--That the Pros' managh, Ireland, and on coming to !eerned. Contiament indoors and urer receive all awards re theDltehes Canada, settled first in the township `:overheated and impure air, maii.66. and the Watercourses Aet from the of f; Iwillianisburv,, Simeon county.. even usually strong people feel dull, 1 languid and generally run down. aA tonle is needed to assist nature tin reg•ainine- lost energy, April is elerI and keep_ a separate account of In 1854 he moved to M(.rris town - all disbursements and have the same ° ship, spending; the first night M the eertified to by the auditors, and that home of John McCrae, and the two no money be plaid the engineer by • men were ever since fast friends.,,ile ` the month " of en months when a the parties having his services for leaves a family of five sons and four is fault is of the most service, Dl surveying ditches, daughters, who are among the most Williarun' 1'iuk fills for Pale People .Jarvis— Meyer --That a by-law be ; residents of the township. " Deceased is the only true tonie medicine, drawn up. and passed, appointing i was a member of the Church of Eng- John McKll ue and Graham Scott as gland,and the funeral service was eoTime do not purge and thus Author g take e' the c, nd t cl Rev.of . °iiicar o>: I o n e b ,,ee G. J,b sl eI s toh h eA e gravel road and to have it kept open j St, John's church, the interment in the winter season, and that the i being made at the family burying sum to be paid for men and teams ground on the Gth line. employed by them, be as follows :-- Man and team at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per day for eight hours work aid for a man., one dollar per day for eight hours work. —Carried. Scott— McKague-- Thz.t by-law No, • 8, being a by-law for the em- ployment of a grading machine, be now read, a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed.— Carried. . Scott•--McKague—That the clerk notify the last year's pathmasters by post card, that a meeting of the council will be held on the 10th day of April, for the appointment of path masters and any beat requesting a particular man to be appointed pathmasu r, the council• will' do so.— Carried. Jarvis- -•Meyer—That the Reeve and Graham Scott inspect the Assess- ment Roll before being delivered to clerk and report, thereon, at the next meeting. of , council. — Carried., FRNANOI. • • A. G. Stewart, printing, 815 ; Burt Armstrong, fixing pitch -holes, 75c; Clerk; services, re Caskennelts and Kliens ditches, $4 ; Clerk, 7 copies Municipal World, $6, l Jarvis—Meyer--That the finance. , report, as read,, be adopted . and. ebequesiesuedforpayment.—Carried. i The council then adjourned to. meet again on• Monday, .the 10th feet =reedy for Dizziness,, i4ausea, Drowsi- ordered some of your Dr. Wil cress, T,adTastcinthe Mouth, Coated. Tongue Pink Pills I was physically rU Iain in the Side, TORPID LIVER,. They 1 felt a lack of energy, and *tegulatetheBowels. I'u::elyVegetable. hard a tired feeling. Af Sma9l Pitt. eftraali Dace„ your pills for a time I /el Sala Pace..ever 1 did, ' 1� ri your -- ntr!` f them l hausands some neighbors—have been made well by -1)r. Williams' Pink Pills, but you the fraud of the day. [must get the genuine,•whieh erre sold HO- - in boxes, the wrapper around See you get Carters,w Welt bears the fall name, "Dr. Wil• .. `Hauls' Pink Pills. fur Pale People." Ask for Carter's, Sohl by all dealers or direct from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Insist and demand Brockville, Ont., at 50e. a box or six • boxes for 82.50. Carter's Little Liver Pills, Substitution FLO M. Makes Rech Red Blood. The Bost Remedy for Spring Weather Weakness.' The Elood is the very essence of life. .As it courses through the system it carries with it, if pure and rich, nutrition to every cell in the body.. If impure, it spreads disease. If thin and watery, it fails to nourish, hence we have weakness, debil- ity and decay. It is the wonderful power B.P.B. has i.npurifying impure blood, making thin, watery blood rich and red, - that is at the bottom of its marvellous success in curing disease. Those who are pale, thin, weak, troubled with blotches, pimples or erup- tions of any kind should take B.B.B. It makes the pale cheek rosykthe skill clear and smooth, and infuses new energy into weak,. worn, run down, shattered ' constitutions. Skin "I beg to state I have used Clear. Burdock Blood Bitters for im- pure blood, pimples on the face, &c., and derived great benefit from it. Icily skin is now very clear and free from all eruptions. I only used four bottles of the B.B.B. and can strongly recommend it to any person suffering from impurities in the blood or eruptions of the skin." Mas. G. B. HELMORE, Spence's Bridge, B.C. Every "1 have taken B.B.B. every Spring. spring now for some years, to purify my blood and keep my System in good order, and can honestly say that Ido not know of its equal anywhere.° MRS. AGGIE BARNES, Lunenburg, N.S. LOSS LOGS 4 CULROSS. The Connell met as per motion of adjournment of last meeting, in the Town Hall, Teeswater; March 20th, 1899. The members were all • pre- sent, 1L Maekay,Reeve, in the' chair. The mieutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A communication from the Regis- try Office with the map andplan of the village of Formosa returned to be amended, was laid before the board. Scott —McKague—:ghat the com- munication received from Registry Office be forwarded to Mr. Marshall, township engineer, for his perusal April,. at 9 o'clock a.. m. or at the and request him to recommunicatecall of the Reeve.—Carried. k. his opinion to this council. -Carried. • CH'aS. BUTTON, Clerk. Mr, Martin Geotz, owner of north , half of lot 22, con. A, appeared be fore the council asking to be removed-�` ' from Union separate school at Amble' �Ir Wanna�naker t Aovrco side to public school, con. 8, Carrick township. His. request was Iaid over for consideration.- Mr. Wm. Reny and. Mr. • John Home appeared before the council with regard to a petition sent. in to the council to have certain lots taken from school section No. #, and added to Union school section, Belmore, as no one appeared to represent the Belmore section, no action was taken. Mr. D. A. Ireland,preselited a bill for payment for work in breaking the gravel road, but as the work was not authorized by council and none of the council knew anything about it and could not certify to the work, being done, the bill was not paid. - A communication was received from Mr. Truax, M. P.: P., stating - that he had received the petition forwarded" to him by this council m their last sitting, and that be would lay it before the Legislature. A communieation was also received from the Post Office Deiartment, stating that they were desirous of Highest cash prices paid for all meeting the wishes of the residents kinds of cod Saw Tele raof the counts , but that the present gLogs,g ph train service was carried on at a loss Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts to them, but they would be pleased delivered in our yard. - to hear from the council of any sug- gestions they may have to make in 1 premises. Jarvis—McKague—That the clerk SHINGLE CUTTING. answer the communication from the one at lowest prices and satisfaction Post Office Department, and state uaranteed. Call and get prices be- that we are interested in both the ore disposing of your timber. Grand Trunk and. Canadian Paeifie IVIc:RailvVays,but principally in the O. P. ij 4 "Q Ii., and we would call the attention of the Post Office Department that the township of Calross and village of Teeswater gave a bonus of $43,000 dollars to the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway now part of the C. P. R. System, and the Government was also liberal to said line as also other municipalities, and the county of Bruce, of which we are a part, gave also a large bonus to the Grey t% Bruce Railway now part of the Grand Trunk System, and, there. we are entitled to softie fore,thinko conwe ideration in the matter of mails.. Carried. Jarvis—McTTagne—That the clerk CUSTOM SAWING, 'xweatsAnd Trade•Marki' obtained, and Al patent iaeas conducted for MODERATE FRU. My ace is in the immcdi ate vkinityof the PatentOfficet and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpasseo Sand model, sketch orphotograph of Invention,witr description end statement as toadvanta es claimed, .I No °hared is massae tor art opinion as to ,loatettlatili.t/ and my fee for prosecuting'tiro a cation to 11 slog bwaled ledI'or untt she ii to id '$aIrotnedi. "Itryp',Toas'Gatne," torsi fellinformation met fete. AU Oc tuudt Coovideree As Atrial, Coat1 em Usl. FRANKR.IN H. HOUGH _ otos. sw.h d. wAsiniR6iTON.11. £3. Tompkins. "Good 'morning, Mr. Wannamaker, I have called to see if you can give me a position in your - establishment. I can turn my hand to almost anything." Mr. W. "No, we are full in every department, And you are the twen- tieth man' .I have refused to•day. Why don't you take up a line in which there is lesscompetition and better pay ?', - - Tompkins. "I'd only be too thank- ful if you can put me on track of such a position." • •' Mr. W. "When I was twenty years of age, I was a stranger in .a, strange land, with neither work nor money, when a friend of mine, a lawyer, advisedme to take a book agency saying he had educated him- self by canvassing; like drowning Men grasp at straws„ I' took his•ad-. vise, and in five years saved $5,000, and with this sum started my pre- sent business. It is just fifty years ago today that Mr. Bradley, the founder of the'present Firm of The Bradley-Garretson Company, Limited of Toronto, sent me mylfirst prospec- tus, and to his beautiful letters and good advice, I owe much of my present suceess, , Yes, young man, if you have anything, in you, there is just as good a chance for you to- day with this old established Mouse as there was for me. Write them and see what they have to offer," - Tonik ns. "I have seen the ad- vertisements of this firm, for agents, for years back, and have often thought of writing them, but have never done so. I will write to day; and I am very thankful to you, Mr. Wannanaaker, for your good advise." Ir, Bed For Weeks. Mr; Lewis Johnston, living near Tol- edo, Leeds Uo., Oct„ Bays that be had Rheumatism so bad that he was confined to bed fur weeks. Two doctors did nim 1 no good, To oneweek after taking Milburn's Rheumatic Pills he was out of bed and is now cured. CLQhU.(di'en Ory for Tam F, • T Can it be Pos"sib1e. A Flesherton man sold a pair of home made socks recently. Inside one of them the purchaser found a slip of paper announcing that the maker would like to . make the acquaintance of a man with a view to matrimony, and gave her address. Being a bachelor in need of a wife the buyer took the hint and 'wrote a letter of enquiry. In a few days the following very ,suggestive letter was received. in -answer to his query: "Mamma was married twenty years ago and can't consider your proposal„ so she handed your letter to me thinking that I might do: I -.am nineteen years of age." The mer- chant didn't advertise. Cured to Stay Cured. It's a wonderful record of permanent cures Burdock Blood Bitters is present- ing. Instances are given of such serious diseases as,CKncers, Scrofulous Sores, Salt Rbenm, Erysipelas, Abscesses, Run- ning Sores.. etc,, where B.B.B. made a cure three, ,four and 'even twelve years ago, and the disease has shown no signs of returning. Don't Do It. Don't linger at the bottom of the ladder. Either go .up or down. Don't expect a coat of paint to cover a woman's age suecessfully. Don't insure your ,life and then proceed to work yonrself-to death,. Dept think a woman always achieves greatness when she gets a husband. • ` Don't think a man dwells next to the roof merely for the sake of the view. Don't expeet a girl to furnish proofs of herstatement'to the effect that she can't sing. - Don't lock the stable door after the horse is stolen. Possibly , the thief may repent and bring it back. Don't imagine that long hair will give you the strength of Sampson, unless like Sampson, you have a head for it to grow on. - a For diarrhoea of the infant or adult • there .is no more safe and reliable remedy than Dr.Fowler's Extract ot; WVild Straw- berry. Refuse imitations, they're danger - ACTtvE SOLICITORS WANTEDEVEfaiiwHEIE IA. for "Tho -Story of the Philippines" by Mttrat Ifnlstead, conimiseloned by the' Government as OM. tial Iiistor[an to the War Department, The book was written in army coupe at San Frandsen, on the Pacific with General Merritt, In the hospitals at Ito= nolulu, in Hong I{ong, in the Ar,irloa,n trenches at Manila, in the Insurgent camps with. Auuinaldo, on the deck of the 01ginpla with Dewey, and in the Army tf battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents, ]iri,nful of original platting taken by ger- ornmont photographers on the twit, Large book, Love ,prices. Biyr profits, rreleht paid. Credit iris en. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free, .ltddross, r. T. Farber, deo'y.,,Star Inenranoo Bag., Chicago, ons. What is sauee for one may make a goose for another, Theatrical angels rush in where. wise ttnen°•fear to tread. • • 4P" ".:. • l b.vna, w...w.:w.,:. . •,..,.,«isiw.:w+.Aiew:...m-.-.-..x:..3L•;4Yup> � t i Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, l."aregorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, l,Vlorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is (Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrheea and Wind. Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, clues Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach arae. Bowels of Infants and. Children, gluing healthy and natural sleep. Castoria ip the Childrelies Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend.. Castoria. Castoria is,an excellent -rnedieine'for children. Mothers have repeatedly told ore of its good effect upon their children." DR. G. C. OS000n, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castetit, is so well adapted to children that I recouiiuend it as superior to any pre. scription 'known to ore." Ii, A. AnCunn, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y • THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. r vie argra KEM WANWR/W Illi tWAWFW4avW4%sy" EW R I A.1 I C . MAL WAST 0 Persiatic Sheen- Dip'and Animal Wash is the most highly concentrated 0 and all round satisfactory form of power for its curing of skin diseases and destroying vermin in cattle. It is powerful without beine 'harsh And im- - mediate in effect withoutany irritating results•• It is being successfully l used all over Canada for curing Ser'ds, Bruises. Shear Outs, Boils,Ringworm, 1 Gangrene Scab, and tor destroying vermin and insect pests. ;some evidence: Mr, G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., says:—"ft goes farther and does more r work than any dip 1, have ever ivied. I used it most sueoesstully in castrating Iambs. wo The wash bealing.the *dads rapidly and keeping the ma-ggots :-iii ` away. I moat heartily recommend it." Mr. Crosson, Ringwood, Ont., says :="1, have been unable to gain real 1 satisfaction from team' experiments in different dips until 1 used Pt,rsiatie Sb,ee i Dip and Animal Wash. It destroys line and vermon perfectly on , cattle, and acts as a topic, healing wounds, sores, etc " 1 CtetV.divnnrdeal The Piokhardt-Renfrew, Limited, S.tauffuille, O . l cc's or direct from • td— 4 . W RriE- GY(3.4r :. .tt . Oi'WP!' ''moi' - S'1U-SW- a).W.M. ill, Mr. Arthur , Byons, Rock Hill, Ont., writes as foilows: "T was laid up with stiff joints and could get no relief until I used Hogyard's Yellow ill,' which cured me." Price 25c. James Gillies, an employee of the Fonthill, Ont., nurseries, died sud- denly after walking two miles to his work. The man who boasts of his super- ior brains he is seldom able to fusnish the proof. - CASTOR IA Por Infanta and, Children. The fall+ simile ii¢amluoeity Ao it Ai eie e.. tlri Qpeh • Ari -enterprising St, Louis man ex - poets to inake a fortune in Cuba, raising umbrellas during the .rainy season. 7 EXP F-Nce IT PAYS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COP(RIGHTS &C. Anyone sendinga' sketch and description ma?' quickly ascertain onr opinion•free whether an invention is,probably patentable. Communica, tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest hgeney for scouring patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive spectutnotice, without change, lathe b Scientific A ericant. AhandsomelyMutinied leafy. largest ear. culatign of. any scientific jotirnar. Terms, $3 a year; four 'months, V. Sown, an ne Y®rk MUNN -& Co 36113roa waY, New Branch Office. 65 Is 131.. VTnshingten. D.O.. 1,0%0N NW BUFFALO Path AL. San 0150 NARROW. :C'f ItlNA� SPRING TOOTH CULIT ATOA TO ADVERTISE RTISE INTH-114, 'iItVIES. The Buffalo Ali -Steel Disc Narrow - This is the only Dise Raerow - made or sold in Canada, having independent, ,adjustable ° eking present° upon the inner ends at the gang dines, allowing any amonnt of preseuro to he"thrown upon the, inner ends of tho *Mass -by the foot of the operator By this moans a perfeotir flexible action is secured and the ground can be Narked to a uniform depth. Ex•imine this machine carefully and compare whir others, The No. 12 Cultivator is A MARVEL OP SUCCESS, The only Cultivator niade that troth Tines of teeth will cut an aro depth in tho ground. Examine it 'hnd you 1118 ate why, Tboonly Cultivator with a moveable tOotit sat so that the angle of tha tooth can he regulated - to silt any condition of soli. Present% can b0 rogu- lated to act differently on every section requiring it. The teeth are carried between the wheals in- stead of trailing behind, as in other machines, thus securing lighter draft, This machine is lurniohod with grain and grass seed box when required, It has roversablo diamond steel Points for the tooth, also extra wide tiitatle cutting points c Yn bo furnish. cd. Examine 16 and yeti will buy n° other. THE BEST DRILL MADE The Moonier:t sods No Introduction Over 40,000 Drills and Seeders of our manufacture in use in Canada. The only Drill made with lever for natant and perfect regulation or depth of hoe in ail hinds of troll, while team is In motion. Sows absolutely cornet to scale. Saves aced, tut every liernel Is depoelted at a proper depth to grow, i'ur- ohese only the hest and you will be satisfied We also Tea�. tk , Oulmanufacture an/linden, ,aood as h beet. Send for inusteated catalo gue, NOON BROS: MFG.' CO,, (Limited), Ingersoll, Ont., Canada. CAMPB LL, Agent, Winghahi.