The Wingham Times, 1899-03-24, Page 5t
Tired of the same old thing for the
breakfast table
Flake Harley makes
a nice change in
place of the Oat Meal,
Try it—it will do you
good. It nourishes
without heating the
blood. Best grocers. sell it. Any grocer can
get it for you, Sold by the pound.
c;.^..._ -x_41: u1' , ( '.'24h"-:G- . i ▪ x. u !pr C^7 niitass : .
y direct wire.'9
(57, Every pair of "Slater Shoes " ; s r) I
bears a descriptive tag which tells what I
every shoe wearer wants to know before ''7
he buys. He thus gets the information ;I
"by direct wire" from the makers who
ought to know its hidden materials
and could not afford to mis-
rep r
ase It them. e
rn. G
nod -ear
Welted. Stamped ou the
sole, ,$3.00, 4.00 and $3.00
per pair,
11 '' ;ease•
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWLES.
Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized.
MIS I . Y ;4.,4 &l) ttA.M T1. i -AES, MARCH 241 ibt)9.
-..,.w.. . ...,.- . ._..__ .
Remember "t)'kiooligans' Weddln.
• l cm Friday night. 13e sure• to be in
! your seat before the "prelude .of the
!orchestra has ended in one ,grand •
burst ot melody sublime" or you'll
Miss sane of the fun
Mr. Bert Bailey, went to Manitoba
on Tuesday, with Dir. Ernest Nichol.
son of the BIuevale road.
Mr• Will Harvey had the flesh of
Ins hand cut in the ilex milt one day
last week.
In the Presbyterian Church next
Sabbath, instead of having review I
of the lessons, Rev, W. J. IVest will
preach especially for the children,
The Sunday school elaassee twill oc-
cupy the centre•ptiws and the Sunday
sehool chair will lead the singing.
Mrs. Magnus Spence, of the first
line of Morris, who has been in poor
health of late, is improving.
I1ir, John McCracken, of the Blue-
vale road, had a wood bee ;stat
Friday afternoon and It deuce at
night at which all the village yoelag
people and other yuuag• people
tripped till morning.
Mrs, Hugh McEwen, of Dresden,
returned home ,on Tuesday after -
visiting relatives and friends in IZin-
cardine, Turnberry and Morris.
Duff & Stewart shipped two car-
loads of maple rollers to the Old
.Country last week. •
Mr, and `Mrs. Robert, Musgrove
celebrated the fifteenth, anniversary
of their wedding on Monday night
by 'inviting tnauy of their relatives
and friends to spend the evening
with them. A very enjoyable time
was. spent. In the lower left hand
'corner of the, invitation cards were
the words, ''No gifts;',
Mr. John Mitchell, of the firer of
Timothy .Mitchell & Son, Keigley,
• England, was in the village lase week
buying maple rollers...
The flax mill is throw b with this
season's work.
Mr, George Macdonald. returned
biline on Satnrcle.y after taking a
short muse: of study.. at Agricultural
Colloge. ' . '
Miss Lottie Sellars, youngest
daughter of :Mr. anal Mrs. Joseph
Sellars, of the first- line of Morris,
sues married.At-her home last Wed
nesday evening to•Mr. Chas. Turvey,
alsq .of. ' items ti; ^ _ a :, -t::
Amply provides for expansion and contrac- 40111°„
Lon. Only Best Bessemer steel wires ,,t„ei
used. Always of uniform quality.,
Never goes wrong no matter how
great a str aitl
is put upon it.
Does not muti-
late, but does
efficiently turn
cattle, borsese
dogs and pigs.:
(Gail and See it. Can show you how it will save you money.
For sale by JNO. CLEGC &• CO., Hardware Merchants.
Next horse fair Or, Thursday,
pioneer of .tililll towxashiAnother old and, m)aL respected
pr ll (ath, ,a513ed a wa .
Mr. Chas. Muir and family Are on Monday evening, r arch 13th, in
removing to P. Ament's farm in the person of James Me(lowan, De.
Grey.. ceased for a number ,of years past
A sneering of the East lIurou was a great sufferer from rheumatism
Farmers' Institute Directors was held and for the past few weeks he was
in the council chamber on Friday
last. -
Miss ROSS, milliner, removed to
Clinton this week, where she iiatends
going into, business. She is a •com-
petent hand, but tbfnks there is a
wider field at Clinton.
tllessrs, Cardiff a1A Best have already
received and delivered two carloads
of , Massey Harris inaehinery this
Few people. bave a better codec-
tion of aneient coins and bills than
R. Leatherdele. He has added to
his stock of the latter by a bill bear.
ing the date, April 10th, 1777, It
was issued ir. the State of Pennsyl-
vania, the latter word being water
lined in the paper, and is good fur 16
shillings. The hill is in a good state
of preservation, On one side may
he read "This bill shall pass current
for 16 shillings, according to an Aet
'of the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
passed the 20th day of I\lareli,, 1777."
On the reverse bide is the coact of
Arms of thea State and the deterring
words "To Counterfeit is Death."
The signatures of McKinley and
Young etre very legible. Mr. Leather
dale has also several old books in bis
possession upwards of 100 years old.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face. form
and temper will always have friends, but
one who would be attractive must, keep
her health. If she, is weak, sickly
and all run down,. she will be nervous
and irritable. If she has constipation
or kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, akin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Eleotrte
Bitters is the best medicine in the world
to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin,•
rich complexion. 1t will make a good.
looking, charming woman of a run-down
invalid. Only 50 cents at Colin A.
Weddings are the order of the day,
Ion Wednesday of last week Mr. Geo.
j•J;eksen and Miss Rose Cole were,
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, in the
presence of a large number of guests.
Mr. and Mrs.'Jackson were the re
cIpent of a largos number of useful
and valuable presents.
'Also on Tuesday of this week Mr.
W. Mason to Miss H. Cox, by 'the
Rev. Mr. Wilson.
Delivery—On Friday last S. ]3run-
sdon & Son had their annual delivery
of Massey Harris implements, when
43 loads were delivered. Dinner
was served at the Commercial Hotel.
There was also some machinery
which did not come in this shipment
and some not called for.
t r. ance
League Notes—The at e d
was larger than usual on Monday
evening. Miss May Andrews and
Mr. George Millan gave very inter-
esting and instructive papers on pro
hi bitten which were well received.
The interest in the League and
League work is inct•easing rapidly,
A load of oar young people from
the village spent Monday even-
ing at the home of Lou Franham and
report a good time.
Mr. James McLeod and Misses
Reddell and Young spent Sunday
.with friends. nett Belgr.ive.
-31r. J. Johustien and wife spent
Sunday in Wingham visiting friends.
Special serviees in the Methodist
church every evening this week.'
Rev Mr. Stewart preached a very
instructive sermon in knot church
unable to leave his home, so intense
was tlie suffering, finally death re
sieved hint from all pain. Deceased
was a native of Isquesing township,
.Halton county, and removed to the
farm upon which he died. in 1856
Shortly artier his arrival in East
Wawanosh he built a sltw mill upon
the bank of the creek that ran
through hiefarin and for many years
conducted a successful lumber busi-
ness, Ile mauled Miss McLaren, of
''squesing, who sw'vives him, to-
gether with three sons. The eons
are Robert, of Peoria,Illinois; James,
of the Moody Institute, Chicago, and
John at home. Deceased was for
many years a prominentmember of
St. Andrew's church, I3lyth.' The
funeral took place to the Uhion
cemetery on Wednesday of last week,
r•. Joseph. Jackson, a resident of
ltownship'or many years died
on Sunday morning, March 12th., "erred.' Merller;l'lp over 30000
IN TI -1
0f MOM
according to age and amount insured,
$600, $1000, 1600 on $2000.
BELORAVE. t.;apse Reserve, No, '98, 8814,149.85 -
Whoa bees are the order of' the
The. bachelors of Belgrave, gave
the young people a hop in the For.
esters' hall, on Friday night..
Mr, Jas. S. Robertson, of Brandon,
Manitoba,who has been renewing old
acquaintances here for some time past,
returned to his home on Tuesday
Quite a number of young people of
Blyth and Wingham took in the
dance; in the Foresters' halls Tuesday
Mr. D. Sproat shipped a car of
wood last week to London.
' Messrs. Clegg & Dames shipped a
car of cattle from Belgrave on Mon.
day, and also one from Wingham on
the same day to Toronto.
Mr. John Agnew, of Clinton, spent
Sunday at his home here. .
Miss Mary VanNorman is visiting
friends in Blyth, this week.
The tea meeting held by the
Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
eli`urcli" .in . this plate " 1 uesdas
evening of last week was a deckled
success. After an elegant and
bountiful supper at the Forester's
Hall had been served,an adjourntneet •
was made to the church which wile
well filled: The energetic pastor
took the tltair and after the.openanr,
exercises short addresses were -giver.
by Rev. Oaten, Ph. B., of I3elgrave;
Rev: Mr. West, M. A., of Bluevale;
IV. H. Kerr, of The Post, Brussels.
Rev. Mr. West gave an interesting
account of a trip to and through
Scotland. An excellent program of
music. was rendered by the choir of
the Westfield appoint meet, in solo,
quartette and chorus; and two :solos
by Miss Lizzie Sample, of, Brussels,
Miss Jean McLauchlin,. of Brussels,
playing her aceol ipainments. A
vote ef•thanks was passed to those
taking part in the program. Pro
ceeds about $47,00, The Ladies'
Aid, of which Mrs. (Rev.) Ball is that
President, is t) be congratulates on
their success as the proceeds go tc
the Building Fund of the proposed
new church. -
Volcanic, 1iraiiptions
Are grand. but Skin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Buoklen'e• Arnica Salve, cures
them ; also Old, Running and Fever
Sores, Ulcers,. Boils, Felone, Corns,
Warts, Outs, Bruises, Burne,. Stialds,
33r. Chapped Hhuds, Chilblains. Best Pile
31Y' cure on , earth., )rives out, Pains and
,,oy Aches Only 25 ots. a box. Cure gua-
- ranteed. Sold by .Colin A. Campbell,.
Mr. Robt. Blow and family left
- last week for Manitoba,• where they
intend residing., Mr. Blow had
been a resident of Gorrie for nearly
27 years.
Mr. John Donaghy is opening a
millinery • department " under the
management of Miss 1 aehel Patrick.
Mr. Robt. ,Andison has opened a
tailor shop at Alton.
1t r. Robt.• G. McLaughlin and
falttily . have moved to Turnberry,
onto the farm he recently purchased.
from Mr., Oemaiill•
.Dlr. Robt. Knox is attending to
business at his branch store in Tees -
Mr. and Mrs. McDoragil and Mrs.
Wright have returned to their home
in North Dakota.
Drs 1•Jennie Ju eA
a n s has returned
Harrow ; house from a two inunths' visit with
This Is the only Dian Iinrrow made or sold in her sister 'at ()Lillie.
Cet your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scietifically, Correctly, Rea.3onably.
Try us.
The OuffaloAll-Steel Disc
Cunada,,hnviuL independent, adjuntabie spring .
pressure 'anon the inter' ends .of th6 gang discs, - Theostoflice carried over 11,000,-
tdlo:entc any Moffitt of• pressure to ho thrown p
upon the inner ends
s- of the ugs, by the toot of 000 more Letters in the fiscal year
actino is secured and the ground (an lid wrrked to • 1897.98 than in the preceeding year.
o11 tttoI try tis means a- perteotly flexible
a lir r nrin depth, Ex twine this machine carefully
and oompare with. others,.
The No. 12 Cultivator
10 A Id tiIi'Lt, UM' SUCCESS, The only Cultivator
made that both lines cf teeth will ent an even
depth in the stetted. It:ramiho it and you Will soe
why, The oniy 1 1 ,vatic. with a moveable tooth
sFt so that the angle of th' tooth ban• ho. reguiated
tO suit any c•,nditlon WW1. Pressure eat, be rcgu'
lated t0 act (lifferently, on every section reuniting
it. The teeth are partied between the wligots ht.
steo(1 Of trailing h(hhrd, as in. other machines, thus
tom -trine liehtur drVdtg,• This ntadhine is.furnished
with grain t.11d grass seed box when required. It
has rerers.lhln dinm.ynd steel points for the teeth,
also extra wide thistle cutting points can be furnish-
ed, },amine it and you will buy no other.
Is the baby too thin?
Does be Increase too sip*-
ly'in weight? .
he will be i11?
Then give him more flesh.
The sinner;r 1Qoeds Me Introduction
Uv rr i •,t On Ills and Seeders of our trtanntaeturo
in use in 1':•rm.' . The Only brill made with lever
Mr la,staht at d t,6"fect rood akin of depth of hoe in
„i t11 ry , t N .ji• while t(a'n II in motion sown
char>t,,. 1,• ,mo.t.t" f.'t seine. CnVo„ soe(( to every
kernel is deposla etl at a proper depth to grow. Pur-
chase only the host and you will he satisfied.
., a .o • 10:10,11... ere rr Wert), Reapers, itfowers,
penes, {lultivntorr and Puipers, as Mood as the
Send for illustrated Catalogue,
4407f0N BROS. MrG. CO3, (Lirnited),
Ingersoll, Ont., Canada
J. CAMI'BfiLL, Agent, Winghant.
Are you in constant fear
Give him more power to
resist disease. He certainly
needsa fat -forming food.
Scott's Emulsion is just
that food. It will make the
baby plump; increase the
weight; bring colorto the
cheeks, and prosper ty to the
as they
whole body. Thin
take to it as naturall
do to their milli.
sod. and $s: eo, ell drugg ts.
SCOx r Sc BOOM, Chethists, ' Orento
Sunday afternoon.
Mr, W, E. Whitley and Mr. Jas.
Manning are on the sick- list this
week. We hope to see them out soon,
Mrs, S. woodman who has been
very ill for some time is not. improv
r. MoSes Brown has purchased a
mate for his big horse Prem Mr, 11.
Mr. Thomas Riddell of Auburn
spent Sunday with his father add
sister in the village.
Winter seems loath to give place
to spring, the weather is more like
A quiet Wt dding took place at rile
Presbyterian manse, Aubu •n, a'r'
Wednesday*, March 19th, whs u
Mono Parker, a popular young
Pat•mei. of this township, was martial
oy ].rcv. 'Mr, Henderson,. to Miss .1
l3. Occkerline, it popular young lade
of Mori ia. The young couple have
elle beet -Wishes of their many friends
Ft ti inforination furnished to
stn* of tie Officers or Aletn.-
L ,
. , t i C,:,lal; or address
ii• l;. tt zrsoli. 11131tSze);PAraut,rord'"
tt`'.s l' Ufll t.,ly; 3,Q,, Brantford•
n Wednesday; March 8th, Rev.
A. McLean tied the matrimonial bow
between John F. McArt`er, of Morris
and . Miss Jennie, the estimable
daughter pf• Thomas Miller, an old
and well known resident of the 5th
line, at the inane in filyth, ,6i P>c•P.
and \lrs. McAleer have the hearty
good wishes of ar. largecirele of'friends
for their future happiness and pros.
perity in their home _ in Manitoba.
They left Brussels for Boissevain on
Tuesday of'lesst v ek t taking a car
of settlers efti,ets with ilient.
, The.$est ieottr3 ,Ab soretely
' MissClaraMoffatt, of Toronto was
• s last week,1 i
visiting at Dir. R. Mil e
Mr. IS. m. Genitnill and family, to-
gether with their effects, left here 011
Tuesday last for their now borne in
We cannot • to' strongly nor -too
often urge the butireute importance
o: planting seedsttwt ere ' peifeetiy
pure and fresh. Sera+ remit are etre -
ed at cheap prices 'Pee' Alta acoa inval a ;
'ably of duirhttul t;rietin strias lit'' ain
age, Lute to catut•e tlieliter :'dis-
al,pointtnent ' hr thotight-
ful pla•nter'e r, rry :uiecy lies in
but ing seeds , nig t by a cunscien
tfous and trus' ethyl vri-e: `Avast
number of gartietiere have (and, have
bad for years) the utlne st confidence
in "seeds that bear the naive D. lM.
Ferry & Co.,' Windsor, Out, '''Phe
present generation of plana ars,. can
hardly remember -the. when.
Ferry's Seeds were not on sale every-
where each year and as regularly
planted 'by thottearrrds,'---wfth the.
greatest faith in , the 'tattv+srying
quality of' the signs acini ire thti inte-
grity of the ter;ni that. grew, them.
Every planter, whether l+'ready a
buyer t' f Ferry's Seeds or not, should
send for Ferret is St:ed Az.lrual for
1899. It is rnitfled flee to any one
who wi lies sur it. .
The Sawyer-M•.es•:ey Qomp any, of ,
Hamilton, have tnorease theft. stir
c t:
wages sten P r , o
lU\ t:
Pilot Mound, Mar. The many frend WI=LL KNOWN VIOLINIS`t'
of the family will wish theist evety
success in the p•alirie prov.inee.
Dfr. ISebies, of Brussels has taken
a sitnetion in Gerr•y's hardware store
Mr. W. Turner has returned to
his home in Chatham.
Mr. John Knateen hal sold his
residence to Mr. A. Miller.
Mrs. T: Tipling, of Goderieb, i9
the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Ire,
The action of Panton against the
15ominlrn.Bank has been post)oned
at plaintiffs request until the erm-
ine' charges a •e finally disposed of.
itQfarc. 4f?' +=• 1700(..8 P1SO$psh0able•
the *eat Enttle& Reapedy.
Sold and reeontmended by all
druggists in Canada. Only roli.
able medioino discovered Sri
loackaAes ,fitgoa'Zteed to euro all
forms of Sexual Wenknese, all eiteets of abuse
or excess, Mental worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stiniblants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one hostage $1, six, $r,. One ttnit Dlease,
tit tau '•ttre.
Weal Company, any
Traveled Extensively Throughout the
Provinces -interesting Statements +
Concerning His 'Experienee.
ST1lLLA 1tTONyN. S. -James R. IVlurray,
a well known violinist, of this place,' who
has traveled extensively throughout then
Provinces, makes this statement i
1 watt running down hi health and mitt' 1
weight fell on frorn 175 to 150 pounds. a
1. Prescriptions did me but little good. My
trouble was called nervous tiysliepsia_ l,_,,,,,:„.4,..
resorted to Rood's Sarsaparilla and after
taking five bottles T was greatly benefited.
1 feel as well now as ever in my life, and;
have increased in flesh so that 1 now.
weigh 177 pounds. 1 ant well known in
this part ot the country, having followed
my profession, that' of a violin musician ,
for the last 25 years. I gladly tell my
friends what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done
tor me. Before I began taking the meds...,
cine I did not have arly ambition, but itovt
till is changed and my tlys'peptio trouble'
perfectly Cured." SAXES R. Mmtit>'tt..
H. II. If you decide to take Ro'od's Sir.
sampitilia, do not be indumett to tatty an
hstitute Bo sure to get Howlett.
' Sold in Wing hatn by Colin A. Canijab& ,'mows pills =lima
s .