The Wingham Times, 1899-03-24, Page 4• 1 HERBACEUM iP CATTIE AND POULTRY. re I ' • 1.2 .) I `i. HORSES For sale only at COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S Drug Store. : itaTFO-C` 04.:WIRE:51.4-7 ' TO ADVEaVISERS. Notice ofehanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for cleanges Vattit be left not later than Tues. day evening. Casual advertise. ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Orilje6itingijamCimes ERMA:Z. 1114.1W11 24. 1899. • EDITORIAL NOTES. • The Ottawa Government has start ed the session well. The six new members introduced at the opening 'were all Liberals. Sir Charhs Tupper will now proceed to prove Ibat the Government has lost the •confidence of the country. Oou.vin, the Montreal miller, says that Western Ontario municipalities have deluged him- with offers •of bonuses, exemptions and other special privileges if he will locate his mins in any one of them. How do the other millers like the idea of subsi- dized competition? The system is grossly unfair, and the Legislature should put a stop to it. TUE report of the provincial audi- or shows that whereas the losses by municipaliOes through the deficits of 'f arfieials io 1897 exceeded. $100,000, the losses for 1898 from the stone source, owing in a very large degree, to the beneficial results of the action of the government with reference to the method of ,•keeping municipal accounts have been less than $12,000. • A WEARY ORDEAL. Sir Charles Tupper spoke for four hours and a half in the House of Com-' mons Monday. For a man of Sir Chas. Tupper's years this is a notable physical feat, yet it most have been •reatehed by the fortitude of the ,Bouse. Admiration of the veteran's energy Can hardly • carry one over Buell a strech of the veteran's verbosity . Sir Charles has. not, like a Laurier or a Foster, the art ofmaking a speech attractive, but in justice to him it should be said that he is unaware of the flute. His unquestionable figor finds utterance in a fierceness and eflatulence which have become so habitual that they cease to impress. 'As Mr. Blair once said, Sir Charles LOOK OUT . Lots of shoddy watches are being offered as baits for trade by business houses, who don't know half as much about a watch as they do about a turnip. Our advice is, "Don't Bite" but • LOOK IN to our store and secure a genuine reliable Ameri- can Lever Watch, War- ranted five years. We take the risk of their quality, and have them from- $4.50 111). HALSEY PARK .44114444441,41/4411,40110kla4414 time off a cannon at every passing fly. His supporterS keenly regret his garrulity, but the Liberals, who are under no compulsion to sit it through, are well disposed toward the old baronet, and hope tor politi- cal reasons that he will long live to enjoy Ids present position. -Loudon Advertiser. NOT A PARTY QUESTION. The Mail continues to cry out that the prohibitionists have been deceiv- ed. by the Laurier Government; that they were led to believe a majority vote on the last plebiscite would carry prohibition. The Nail is like "an infant crying in the dark," No amount of reasoning will persuade it to cease its irritating wails, and it is impossible to spank a newspaper, Nevertheless, no one has been de. 0eived. The Laurier Government allowed tbe prohibitionists a plebiscite because they represented that there was a popular demand for prohibition. That popular dernand gave an affirm. aUve vote of less than. 23 per cent. of yards today were represented by the voting population. No Such 54 loads, and business was rather =azure as totalprohibition could be slow during the early part of the enforced in this country where only clay. 23 per cant. of the people favor it or was fair, and prices in all lines were UM WINUHAM TIMES,, MARCH 241, ttiu9. Assizes, 1899, for the county or Huron, beg to present that they leave visited the common gaol of the county and found everything neat and clean and in good order, and the gaoler courteons and attentive. AR the male prisoners were actively engaged in the wood yard. The only complaint made by the Prison- ers was that for the past ten days the bread was not good. We ex- amined what was on hand and found it sour, We endorse the amion of the county council in taking steps to reconstruct the gaoler's residence, believing that it will improve the sanitary conditions, more especially the ventilation. All of winch is re• speetfully submitted, John MIDDLETON, FOreMaN The court. rose Wednesday morn ing after discharging the jury, S. F. Washington,e a e was present as Crown proseeutor,' but there were eo criminal eases be. fore the court. 11.dve watt maxims Toronto, One, March 21. ---The re- eei ts of cattle at theW ay. e quality of the offerings are interested sufficiently to go out generally unchan. gedCableareport and vote, The Mail knows that, and • a firm market for cattle, both in the prohibitionists know it. London and Liverpool, but shippers • And no fair critic of the Govern, did not show any anxiety to take the went would ask the passingof a Pro' efferings. The best export cattle are hibitory law at tbe wish of Jess than quoted as high as 5c. per pound, but a quarter of the population, to re- tbe majority of sales were recorded, strict the liberty of the • whole.- around 4e per pound. Light ex - Toronto Star. • porters are quoted at 4ee per pound. For butchers' cattle there was a bet. Ms Life W,as Saved. ter demand, and in geme cases for an exceptional good animal 4?„ -e per Mr J. B. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal. Mo., lately bad a wonderful pound was given Tile range was deliverance fro:1),a flighttul death. In from 4e to 43e) per pound, with telling of it he says: "I was taken with ordinary stack selling at Ne to alc Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. per pound. There was a fair en. My lunge became hardened. 1 was so weak 1 couldn't even sit up in bed. No- quiry for stockers, end dealers are • thing helped my. I expected to suon quoting from 3e -,c to '3-14) per pounds die of .Consumption, when 1 heard of In the small meats market there was Dr. Zing's New Discovery. One bolls a good supply of sheep and Iambs. gave great relief'. I continued to use and now am well and struna. I cannot Sheep are quoted at from 30 to 3ee say too mob in its praise." This mar- per pound ; for ewes at 2:e to 2te venous medicine is the surest and quick- per pound. Lambs are quoted at est cure in the world for all Throat and 4.1e to 50 _r Lung Trouble. 50 cents and e1.00, at Pt• pound. Calves are Cohn A. Campbell's ; every bottle gua- quoted at from 2 to $10 per head. ranteed. The hog market is steady. The receipts were represented by about. • Huron Spring Assize:, 1,700 head, with prices unthanged, the best selections selling. at 4ec per The court was opened at 2.30 P. pound. Mach cows, each $25 to $45. m., on Monday, March 13th, by pro- Expert cattle, per cwt., $4.75 to S. claenation, His Lordship Chief Justice . Export cattle, light, $4.25 to $4.60. Armour presiding. Butchers' cattle, choice, cwt., $4 to Following were the grandjury $4.50. Butchers' cattle, common,per John Middleton, foreman, William cwt., $3.50 to $3.75. Stockers, per Acheson, Michael Cumming, Jolln cwt., $3.50 to $3.87i. Sheep, per Emigb, W. D. Fair, James Sheppard, ewt., $2.50 to $3.50. Limbs, per George Harris, John Hutton, Henry cyst., $4.50 to $5. Calves, per head, Keys, Wm. McColl, George Note e2 to $10. Hogs -Choice, per ewt., There were no criminal cases for $4,50 ; heavy, fat, per cwt., $3.$7?, ; the grand jury to take up, and His light. per ewt., $4.12,41 , sows, per Lordship instrected them as to the cwt, $3. routine duties. East Buffalo, N. Y., March 21, - TEM CIVIL CASES. Cattle -There were no fresh offer - Bedford• action for illegal distress and an ac• tee reefing was steady, there were count. His Lordship dispensed with no calves on sale; nominal quotation the jury. Judgment reserv'ecl. G. Tor choice to extra,$6.75 to $7 ; good F. Blair, Brussels, for plff. ; Garrow, to choice, $6 to -$6.75. Sheep and Q. C., tor deft. - Iambs -The offerings were four Hays v. Town of Goderich-Actien loads; the demand was far, and for damages to land in the town Of price fir.m yesterday'eclese; choice Goderieh, Owing to the illness Of a to extra were quotable at $6.25 to material witness, trial of this MIMI $6,75; good to choice, $6 to $6.25; was postponed until the May sittings seep, choice to extra, $5 to $5.25; of tbis court for the county of Heron. good to choice, $4.50 to $5; all sold, Holt for plff. ; Garrow, Q. C., forand the close was firm ; these prices deft. is was an ings'to day, but with a fair inqUiry are here considered beyond the Murray v. MeIvor..-.Action to re- meets of safety, with probabilities in cover a legaey. Pending the offer favor of a good sized decline by the of a settletnent, trial postponed till end of the week. Hogs-Tbe offer. the tege were light --12 koads; the mar. the May sitting of this court of county of uron. Holt for plff, ; ket was even for the best part of the Garrow, Q. C., for deft. day, but barely steady .a.t the close, Caesar v. Hamlin.- Action , for which was lower; heavy were q damages for for inducing plaintiff to able at $4.05 to $4.10; median), purchase defendant's business in the $4.05 to $1.10 ; Yorkers, $4.05; pigs, county of Norfolk. Dancey for Nit; $3.90 to $4: roughs, $3.80 to $3,60; Garrow, Q. C., for deft. The itirY stags, $2.50 to $2.75. Ibrought in a verdict for plaintiff in $200 and costs, Small v, Bradford.-Aetion for in- V BORN. MUttt-rn Turnberry. on jarl 8t11,the jerks caused plaintiff by negligence. Aft' e of iTcbt Muir ; a set _ On application of plaintiff, trial post- 0 RoniNgtaist-In East Wn 400613,0n Mar poned, destS of clay to, be paid by 16th, theivjeot Geo Robinson uf a plaintiff. Garrow, Q. C. fee pet. deinghter Sateettee.e-en zabt lellawatuttsbr on Dancey for deft. Match lotle, tbe wife of. W. r. Rutledge Fisher.-Aetion on resoner tnortgage. Garrow, Q. C. for piff.; IvLoTy.-In Clinton,.on Saturday Marcie -14e the -wife of Mr. W. J. Fletay, Campion for deft. His Lordship direeted that judgement be enteredraartituto. bti:/if sonV this cause after thirty days for Ist/ttVgY-Satzeing..-In Morrie, on the the ehtintiff to recover possession of 15th inst., et the residence of the bride's the lands mentioned in the proceed. parent 4 bY kev, 13. Rogers, iropitharler rvey to Mies Lottie Sellars ings Olvirre---AttMsrovo-At the Wiehatn Following is the OltaND JURY'S PAVSEXTIVIENT, Mr 444 Snail f M rectory, on March 2ist. by Rev W Lowe. • gary Itis Lordship Chief ,Tristie Aria. gran-filotaratic-It the mane% I Goderieb, Marsh 14th, 109. Ar natrona,o! West Waw bosh our: A re. on efentiatil. sob, A. W. Parker of Nest 'Wee tor . The grand jury at the Spring to Miss X.1, Ceek;r1leteof Attire': J44 Atimtra,ituroitTS. W41101101. Willght110 ..114rob 'a, 1809. Corrected by P. Deans, „Produce Dealer. Flour per 14)0 1 95 to 2- 00 115 68 t:(0).68 0 20 to 0 29 Barley ...... 0 30 to 0 95 Peas.... ...... ...... 0 64 to 0 64 Turkey, drilW It 0 08 to 0 09 (.31.060 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, per poir 0 40 to 0 50 Butter...4a 1.4444 4 •If *144 0 /5 to 0 15 Eggsi`per dozen 0, 09 to 0 09 Avoca per enrd.,.. 1 50 to 1 7a Hay per ton...............4 50 to 5 00 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 40 to 0 80 Tallow ,per lb It 3 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per 0 4 to 0 4 Wool. 19 to 91 Dressed hogs . 5 00 to 6 00 Chiokens 0 30 to 0 30 ItfoAuTen Alit.f.un,-At the alftpea, Hlyth, on March 8th, by Roy. A, McLean,. Mr. John F. Mt rter to Mit-S Jane L.. daourgrliist. r of Mr. Thormia Mil:...rr, bosh of ItNAvr-on-flosiNsotr- at the residence the bride's father, on March 8, by Rev, C. C. Cointens, Goo, Naylor, Ea • Wat.var.osh to '1„nzaie Robioson, We t Wawanoeh, 8t, Augustin aAmtsoN.:-In . Efift W fIIV n n ma b 01) 1 . XlIzp. March 121.1), Joseph Jackson, a ed 03 • snit, 7 mouths and 8 dilYs• -11 w,--In East NV warms 4 en ! . „ ..... T rrITTIMTIX9prirIrTIIIIM!"-117rrIrrr7-Trr.rip :10Vi30 ompauboiiii4 • • 44 A4.4•44.40.14a 4444444 444444.4.44 .4 r . 7... ........ - THE PEG PLE 8 POPULAR STORE F.- Ets We carry a good assortment of General Mer .13 chandise, which we offer to the public at very low Li prices. It will pay you to deal with" us. We will L convince you of this, if you,will giVe us a chancei FOB TARE USE . , PDS WEEK Sealers, 15e. Craton and Lace Curtains, new Preserved Cranberries in Pint we place in stock Art Illus. , re Fresh OrenbeiTies, per qt , 10e. ,Tam aricl Jelly, in Pints, glass, designs at low prices, • lee. DRESS GOODS Jelly Powder, per pkgo, 10e, for spring are mostly all in Gelatine per pkge, 12e to lee. now. Came early. Braude(' P u intopl2ti5ne, Flour for Pies, 15e Goods, Shot Goods, Plaids, Terms, Spot Cash or Trade. mCborsotiudinere- gal Vi2 silver Drip Syrup in pails, Loitinsttiriseis,4m0, aspainnenrEiesE, , ters' $1.00. ies, Insertions, &c. 1111T; Cooking per lb., Iic. JOHN KERR, Macdonald Block, Winghsm, Ont. omisrawer...mmou.m.n.Nalegq ................ ompsmati WM* 1.4.1 ........ 40.14,11/449.014/11411111142311114•01114.74n: larch 13th, Janes AlcOowas, aged 78 ) est a, 3 months and 8 days. W illieraerelle's Iron eteevee 1 , ; e ctutolla tile will and Iron( talons en« ii.:y $ Was the result of his splendid htmit.h. 1 In Boweie are out of orde-. are not found where Stoa,,wh, Kidneys and qualities and the ease thsy bring. use Dr. liing's New Life- • If you want thekt slit:- '. Pills. They develop every p $ o xer or ,- brain and body. Only :13 cents ar, Colin. frP A. Campbell's. Ingham's Che The 'Windsor .hut0, n Fifth Avail* New York, was destroyed bv fire on Thurscloy afternoon. Fifteen persons were killer) and imp. tio seriously fejured besides erne forty -fur missing. And is it not due to nervous exhaustion? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when, suffer- ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical weakness? Would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits? How? By removing the cause.' By taking - It gives activity to all parts that carry away useless and poisonous materials from your body. It removes the cause of your suffering, because it re- moves all impuritiei from your blood, Send for our book on Nervousness. ^ To keep in good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Pills cure don- stipatiori and biliousness. Write to oW noCtIngs, l'Orbaps you would liko to costar okome tunIneut physicists obout your condition, Thon write uo freely all tho naruentant in your CaiM You *Ill vo- lt:owe& ma* reply: 'without oast. Address, MI. J. 0. AVER, Lowell. Naos. D. Pringle LEADING UTCHER t1ovlb4 to,frettsigod ho•,,oft.t bt18). -1"tIlrooswol.t. • OM prepared to sn»pil t.t I th• lh • '1 k* rP411 uto I 8 )1f Mont 14, *tf w•••gp.4, ji,41‘gna. &% (erste token and n.e.it TN -vitt ered to env +tart A eall sot tted, 'Plme No, 0. 0. PRINGLE, We have ../full sto of Ark • Brand Ready Mixed Paints, and if you inten oing. any painting this season,. you will fir,id our stock nd ices will suit you. We have seeirecl Winchester BicyClesi / the agenc for the -Rambler and See them.• C et our- prices. , $ STOVE AND TINWAR . We ha,-ve a complete stock of every of Stoves Spiles ar ng in the line ' and ,Tinware. thir stock of • ap iai1s arid. selling like hot cakes. e:ari sell you anything: in. the *ay f .General.' =are,;_Stoves, Tinware, etc, at prices as' I w as the A call solieited, - • d Post Office Stand. WINGHA ew Spring Goods New Spring Goods, arriving daily at T. A. Mills. Beautiful Patterns in the New Shadings 'of Dress GOOds, ranging from 25e and upwards, ' A nice • new line Of Mack Lustre Skirts, nicely made, good material, for $2.50. Also a line of Black Moire Underskirts with Frill on bottom, for $1.75, See our Plaid Ginghams for 5c per yard. And Scotch Gingham's, Bright Colors, Suitable for Waists, for Z4 to t5o. Something new in Cretonnes and Art 1VIuslins-selling - very cheap. Cali and inspect our sto*-of new Carpets in Unions, All, • Wools, Tapestry and Brussels. In fact we' -have ever- thin required to furnish a house up-to-d'.te in our line .a busiriesS. Ordered clothing and Ready-mades a specialty,. .