The Wingham Times, 1899-03-24, Page 2P.ironolegist Speaks, Prof. T. w, Or:atter Writes from Pena- tanguishene "i was toms:led with P-ell)iiation t he heart whites became sass severs,.nring 14 Mfltuts Heart Nut Norse ! aaterminse to try them, and attar tsklea, teem fur about a week 1 svas eure-l." Mr. A. D. rii.nient, pito:nester at 13rantford, tdead. ;r,:Y7sS.1 47..7" 7.77,r4141Vr.V •"71.,""`, 4 111.1-44 WINUIJAM T1ia,1,6,..NIA.RCII 24. Win), West gWen 1%10403m:1 ASSeelet* !Inc certifietttes 4 short .period wa's I Trait:big which were ea well taken. 'the eause of the lack of performance, as we are %Welled that: tas one weld in the teatibing profession. ,and tit bear that lecture without being The West il.uvnu Te•iiebevs) Ass°• Ismail Salaries. The teaehing pra!greatly benetitted, elation met at the public: sellout, feasipp, waa the, otting groom% in ail ; AFTER/400X. /Exeter, on Thorsday, March 2nd, pmesaiuna The Association met at 1.%), P. ID. the President, Mr, II, N. Anderson, The subject of the address was i Ti President sn the :Mail,. The in the &sale, further dismissed by Messrs, Tilley, Se:wet:try read tee aaditor's MIMI, Mr. S. P. nulit4, M, A., asked for inspeetor Tom, G. W. Holman atni • and finaneial statement to the govern - an explanation front the president s,, a j3eekett. ment, both of whit: on asotioa were and secretary,regarding the :patter of A short intermission WAS then adopted. not memorializing the county couneit taken, tisGer witiet ni.,, J., ,T, Tates. The elocution. of enjoys, wui out •., Iwith A view to securing Thursdays proceeded to oiseuss "History" and taken up and resulted a follows ;---I , for ASSoolatton. pus. The See. dealt with the sabjcet under the President, Air. Malcolm, McDonald seta y : ephed that it was on =omit following• heads t— Vice, Pres , Miss M. A, 0411 I of " misunderstmlaing ",to the tl'ee is History tends to, form moral Treas., Mr. G W. Holman. The Iof meeting of the County s,ou null, notious. 2, It trains to for exact Executive, consisting of the ailirtilan I Mr. Tom spoke or the necessity °t. estimate of character. 3, it breau, of the several local divisions. On dividing the. Association into Junior ens the ideas. 4, it treble tar pond motion of S. P. Halls, M. .A., sewn:l- aud Senior sections, also of referring eat ate. ed by G. W. Holman, it was:agreed iii° algttor or tt,..,lo now school iml to up, Tilley dealt with the roethoci . to elect one delegate to the 01, la, A, the Resolution committee. of teaching the • subject under the for two years atici one for one year. Tile ibllowiug (4°Mtuit'teekl were following heads, viz :---1, Biography Mr, IL X, Anderson was, dilly thee appointed by the President, er ieading, type et. men,. 2, The dis• elected for two years and S. J. A„ viz :— . tinguishing work oreach nationality 'Boyd, who was representative. last t An the up building of the nation, to year was eleeted for one year. Howard, Hagan, MeKay, Johuston .give the pupils an intelligent grasp Mr. Malcolm McDonald, the intwly and Misses Halls and Giii. Auditors. of the trend of progress of the nation, 'elected President, was then called OR MOWS, I?. COWS:PS and 3. El ' Ilarrl' 3, Review .of the preceeding work, and proceeded to disguss "Systematic well, '' The subject was farther discussed teaching of Geography in all st: ades," Mr. W. 11. 4ohnatm introduced by Inspector Tom and =IV of the. which he did in a very eloquent and the subjeet of "Teaching . . , f OuruPusi- teachers.ill asrreeing that Mr. Tilley able manner, lunch to the pleasure . . 1 tion in all grades. The discussion had saceeeded in inspiring the and instruction ot those present. Was. further eeptioued be Messrs, teaehers present to renewed energies Thia paper was further discassed by Holman, Tom', Uotvans, Beekett, in tilts regard. The topics for Inspector TOM, Messrs. Johnston, .Anderson and j4liss Jeekell. - general discussion was then iaken Anderson and others, The next thieg on the prpgramme up by the several. teachers to whsua. Mr. J. 0. Martin was then cabled i was an address* on "What can be topics luta been 4nignea. upon to discuss P. S. L. gearnmer, i done by teachers to foster a. national . • spirit ?" ' 4WD:NINO. and in doing so, advised thorough In the evening; a very successful classification of the parts of speeeh, The address : was well received entertainment was held in the Opera and a great deal -of parsing. Olassi. fieation of phrases should: also be made as to fornisand use: Phst ex- iivesirgaa E .Resolations. — Messrs, Beckett • l'osittvely cured IV these Little Pas. They ciro relieve Distr.= ii.orn Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating* A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowst- mess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated. Tongue faits in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They aveat:.. c„0 Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Settat: Small llAosea Small Price. .Subs tion ;;',:e.e.tad of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. Take I This 'Twill purify the' system—Glee you strength and energy. Spring, • Very few people escape the enervating influence of spring weather. There is a dullness, drowsiness and inaptitude for work on, account of the -whole system being clogged up with int - 'purities accumulated during the winter. :,znonths. The liver is sluggish, the bowels inclin- •ed to be constipated, the blood impure, and the entire organism is in need of a thorough cleansing. Of all "'Spring- Medicines," Burdock • Blood Bitters is the best. , • It stimulates the sluggish liver to ac- tivity, improves the appetite, acts on the bowels and kidneys, purifies and enriches the blood, removes all poisonous pi -o - duets, and imparts new life and vigor to those who are weak and debilitated. 7 Big Mr. Wm, J. Hepburn writes Boils. from Centralia, Ont.: "1 caa sincerely say that Burdock Blood Bitters is the best spring medicine on the market. Last spring my blood got out of order, and I had seven or eight good sized boils come out on my body, ad the One on ray leg was much larger than an egg, I got A bottle of Burdock Blood Bitterq'and inside of Ai* days, when only half the bottle was taken., there wasn't a boil t be seen. I have recommended B.B.B. 'to different people in our village, and alt derived benefit from it4 I wish Itlf.B. every suceess, as it is indeed a great medicine for the blood." BAP. is a highly- concenttated vege- table compound—teaspoonful doses—add Water yOurselt We guarantee that these Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any - ,other. Put tip only in HEffIl101...,25:dtitnoresgE2 allows you to cut the lift/ D .Plasi1terveanr;1446eami ly fat should have one riASTrit greeandayy.for an mere- pAwst041;TRED, ;AIL% Beware Of imitation 411.441:411,4 ALWAYS KW ON HAND ainv tiler THERE IS ND KIND Or PAIN OR EINE, INTERNAL OR Ktreartat., THAT NUN-KILLEN WILL NOT Kr. Loos oter FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB. STITUTES. TR it OgNIHNI BOTTLA SWANS THE NAWillit PIDDIY DAVI* *SON., and showed that the Inspector had bestpwed plucli thought on this sub jeet. It was full of suggestions to the teachers and delivered in a very earnest „manner, , The principal points in the address may be sum- marized as follows 1, The teacher must be an gent, patriotic- citizen himself, '2, The teacher should givepupils an intelligent knowledge of their coun- try and its forms 1 of governments the 51Z3 resources, commerce and strength tif,the Lominion and Biitish Empire should be fullytinclersteod. 3, Point out and enaphasize the 0-od.., fearing and law-abiding nature of our citizens. Eneouragh the study 'of our National Literature. 5, National song i shOuld be sungby the pupils, and .patriptie Seleetiens memorized. 6, The study of History and Geography should alwAys be along national lines. 7y Encourage the reading in the home of papers and books that are :national and House, The feature of the evening. was a lecture delivered by - 3. J. Tilley, Esq., Model School Inspector, amination paper e should be- used on "Home preparation of the Nbilci, largely. The discussion that follow. for school and life." The address ed . was taken , part. in .' by Messrs, was a splendid effort, brim - full of 1 Tilley, Baird and other teaehers, ' ' THE CENTAIlik COMPANy, TT MUFIVIAY 1:ITIMET r.i Ew yollit CITY. . practical and pointed hints to parents The next thing on theprogramme oassam ss,,..,,,..,s,,s,,,syn - • IttturVelealiffiefilibliblii; on child training, and its importance was ventilation ; of school houses in formation of character, ' which was taken up. by Instieetor The Davidson Orchestra., Miss Tom, . who dealt' with the subject ----- — -• - ' - .--- ---------------'---- ---- — — - ta---7--sces-aasss.svest...ss-s,sassissoss.sssissass-s.s.s..-as-te,,,--ess-sseetscces-J-stsyss.-vssas Germ Hicks, Miss Martin, Mr, Jos. very fally, • , 4 Seater -and Mr. - Judson - -Davidson The -discussion ,was confirmed.. Mr, , rendered a -splendid musical - sato- III. R.Huston for,rnany. .years chair- • • What is • Castoria is for Infants and , Children, Castoff is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Vuregorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Jt contains neither Oplillus _Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, It is Pleasant. Its • guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of tIothers, Ca,storia destroys WOTTOS and allays Feverish- ness, Castoria: cures Ditarrluna.and Wind Colic. Casts:x.10 relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation - and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Steanaels and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural. sleep. Castorla is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend, Castoria. " Castoria is au excellent medicine for children, Mothers here repeatedly told me of its good effect Rion their children," Da. G. 0. OSGOQD, Loma, ,rifass, • Castoria. CaSt011ik )5 so well adapted to children:, that I Teconamend it as. superior to any prem • scription known to mg." tt. A. saeues.,4 D. BrookflW, Str., THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. ipE,,Rsi A m Jn SHEEP DIP and :.)7 -t--1 ‘'S .aNIMAL WASH Persiatic Sheep Dip and Animal Wash is the most highly coneentrated. jg and till round satisfactory form of power for ite 'curing of Akin diseases and destroying vermin in cattle. It is powerful without being harsh and ice - 6 mediate in effect without any irritating results. It is being successfully. jg 0 used all over Canada for ourib Sarah, Bruiees, Shear Outs, Boils, Ringworm, iy Vaugrene Scab, and tor destroying vermin and insect pasta. Some evidence: "le Mr. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., El aye:—"ft goes farther and does more work than any dip I have ever used. I used it most eiioras'ufly iu cestratiug aashs. The wasb healing the wounds rapidly 'end Joseph:4- the maggots k gramitie. Mr. H. N. Anderson, :man of Exeter P. S. Board,. who was • President of the Association, presid- • present, took part and expressed the ed. At the conclusion Inspeetor opinion that the ipopu.lar ventilation Tom made a' few complimentary of scholia rooms should be naade eom- remarks of Mr. Tilley's admirable pulsory by the government, address. "God Save the Queen" It was moved by Mr. W. IL Johns• brought the proeeedings to a close.. ton, seconded by C. L. Fisher, that FRIDAV' thMer. To's eceltent paper publiComity Council he asked IQ have MORNING. • How to secure regular attend , • mxshed anee," was the next subject taken for distributionemong trustees. The a up by Mr. George Baird, which he resolution was crried,ep did in a very pleasant and able The Resolution Committee's report Mr. Orossan, Ringwood, Ont., says :- "I have been enable to gain real ss away. moat hearily.recommendit,3i • .., , Irtisfacitjit:ixa froAn many experiments in 'different dips until I used Persiatte as amended was adopted, is as fell- , manner. 14Ir;Baird's long experience elevating ; a well selected -School : in teaching, some thirty-eight years .1°w '— Library shouldi be 4establisbed in 1, Resolved that all resolutinne in one and his onlyschool, constitutes every school section. 8, The teacher presented to this Assoeiation be car - him an authority on all subjeets should use his influence to create a pertaining to the teacher's work and ried by a majority of the members public sentiment in 'favor of one his successpresent, language (the Begiish)in our schoo. ls 2, That teachers who have taught Mr. Baird dealt with the subject from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 9, 30 years, and vvho have contributed Under the following heads,-1,'„The In every school house there should be rOs to the Superannuated Teachers' school Law on this subject. 2, '.t.he a national flag. , 10, A picture of Fund, be allowed to superannuate. sehool rooms and the play grounds. our Queen should be lung ha every 3, The teacher and the pupil at 8, That all teachers should receive school room. ; also pictures of leading Sharman, representing the school. 4, The teacher and his one year's profeesional training be - Canadian or British statesman. "teaching " 5 The teacher and; fore entering thi profession, and that Goderich Local Division, then took' - Miss the parent er guardian, This sub, 1 those w,ho are speceesful be granted gradess ject was further discussed by Mesars. permanent certiliates. 1 "Drawing * is Halls' ' ' Holmes - Hagen Gowans I 4, That the Brittsh Ilistory for and practical aadress, covering the u Sharman delivered a very pointed ,,. _ -, mmon, Joh., nston. ' Entrance Classes be limited to two -speriods. I Mr. G. W. Holman was then called ground *Of the different classes' very G. . 5 That Gage's System of vertical on to take up the subject of "Ietera. , fully. A pleasing feature of the . ture in all grades.'.' The method ut writing be authorized. address Was that it was delivered teaching the subject was an epitome 6, That while monthly reports may without rcianuseript, thus leading more interest to the subjeet. Miss of discussion on Literature held in be used to advantage in graded ' the Varna, Local Division. Mr. schools, they cannot be used with arrangement and construetion. of %T Sharman spOlte strongly of the bad ram an prefaced his paper with , the same advantage in ungraded — remarks on the impertanee of litera..Eleueths• , • many of the Ileums in our present ture as a subject which. was best 7, That the :CEls ounty Board of . system of drawing books, on was further disc The ettestis. calculated to conduce to knowledge, 'amblers vonsiat ,of four members n . i discipline and -culture. This ' paper made up of the inspeetors of the sed by several teachers: • was thoroughly discussed by tile County, and of any (say n the county, APTBRNOOlst SESS/Olst. President, llir. Tilley, Mr. Baird and and teaehers actually engaged in The discussion on Mr. Toms ad- tl Mr. Tilley then proceeded teaching who have had not less than o dresser: Patriotism was then taken iers. to discuss teaching Reading A class three year's experience in public up, the following, teachers speaking:: of small boys and girls was sent up school teaching and who hold at least Messrs. Holman, Halls, Anderson from the Exeter Publie 1st' School , mil asecond class certideate. and Mit; Ball alt emphasizing the lent mneh additional ihterest to the On motion duly made and second - importance of the subjeet. occasion. This proved a very edt .Mr. J. 0' Martin was appointed, The President, Mr. H, AN, Ander. interesting and ilietrnetiVa put et chairman of lecti. ,divisioli "N'O; .5; son, then delivered a careful, and the programme, Mr. Tilley coadues., ., ing the class in his usual able inart-, 10_0111PrKpfflftit and West We wanosh ; a Vr. Allan Bowles, Seeretary of praetical address on Progress in Edueation, which was well receives:. ter; and gave a splendid, praetica1 ' the same division. by the teachers. Many of the weak lesson in reading and emphasis. a., . It was also decided that those points in our public school work hearty discussion followed, in which teachers who would be eonvenieneed were pointed out, such as too Ilittal Inspector Tom took part. ,Shereby, be allowed to attend the Geography for entrance! a,n4 too The fellowing resolution moved by. lteetiegs ot any division other than' • S. Halls, . E. a o , 'crutch memory work in general, As to the teacher himself, it was pointed was P, seconded by J. T Viat in whieli they may be loeated. arittraMOusly adopted:— s The Association then adjourreds to out that the training term was too That the members of this Teaehers' 13,,et at the call of the lilkeent . ive short, and the certificate should be Institute desire to express out' high Gto, W. Hotataar, ' valid during good behavior. Limit. appreeiation of the service rendered So'y.Treas., Baylield, to the teachers of 'West Huron by s, Children Cry for A MTN SOLICIRS TOWANTODULRYWHElte the admiral practieat addresses . .ti. for "Tile Story of the Philioptnea" by Murat . WWII. Historian to the War Depart:bent The work by Mr, Tilley, Inspeetor of On thelSTORIA. Gqietead, earniteaaioneit by the Government its given on variatis subjects of school nicine ivith General Merritt, in the liceplees onok qv:went:on in aims, eantps at San rranalson, 1 e3 et ?details, in the insurgent camps with Aguinal. MUM oar sincere thanks foe his °e 0, Man Is SO ignorant that he 't knew What he would do if he se thtmoluitt, hr Gang Kong, in the Anniricini 'trench Model Sehoo s. We also desire to d the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and In WO 1 fof striate. Drinsful of originel plotures taken by ation for Smoot and bite, and we isu in your place plaet, . ,Yeaeph Langtry, rtreelotillei valuable address on "Home I'repar- 1 1 she roar district's et the fall of Manila. fitments . . - -v ss. ss -, ' e)"rhttlent Pilef""Phers .bn the spot. IA" only wish that all parents teachers i)17, book Lew paves. Ilk profits. Freight paid, y ozys t, q have used Dr, Low's Cratatekon. Dole Ittitrushr unonioitir IvAlr books, of the inspectorate had been present my ' 0 Syrop and I can say it has -done Inertoncelfhig„.0tocatto. to have heard the points on Home pr iptly.', Pride 25e. hildree good. It never failo to not Not tree. Address, tr. 'r. 13%604 .0304 eta - '11:o icaledter,°117:reise, eetter.Il vermon perfectly on :catettr, and) ants asAa1,34,toninailc,Tielltin.g rilti:t;giglgt; The Pickhardt-Renfrew, Limited, .Stonfiville, Ont g ta-wsa-Ass-ss.: ca---Vess-ass-wv..--saw:secose-sem-sse---stVesg'ateu-seuft , - Chronic Eczema. Cured. • I 4 •One of the most chronic cases of Eczema ever cured, is the case of Mies Gracie RIM Aiton, of Bartland, N. B. On a. sworn statenaent I%tr. Alton says :1, herebycertify ,that my daughter, tiraele, Ella. was cured oe BozStna of long stead - 16% tige Ttisingfimir la,oritheis t yrrx; eghtreol Hartlatint. d, tile° cerlies 4iat be soldt kyr boxes of Dr. Ohase's Ointment which ---------- cured Gracie Ella. - and see what they have to offer." • Tomkins. "I have seen the ad- vertisements of this firm, for agents, for years back, and have often'. ' thought of writing them, but have: f.• • never clone so. I will write today; and I am very thankful to you; ?dr. Wannatnaker, for 'yotir gond advise, Oysters are sues nervous- ereattires Oat a.eddden shediti Such asa Iona 'tfinnderclap,:• will kill a •whole. 'boat: load-• , „. • rni r: Aivico Tompkins. "Good 'morning, Mr. Virannams,ker, I have called to see if roti cat give inc it position in year - establishment I cad -turn My band :to almest anything." ' ' - Mr, W. "No, we are full in every idepartnient, and you are the tvvert- aietlx man 'I belie refused to day. ;Why don't yott take up a line in 'vvhich there is less competition and better, pay P`, • -•• . " ..,Tornpkitis. "I'd only be too thank. ful if yetr+:41.:I1 put me on track of such a, peaitioie .. Mr.' W. ""Whetv 1 was twenty years of age, I W ftlii astranger in a strange land, With neither work nor money, when a frietcd'•Of mine) a lawyer, advised me to iike a flock agency saying he had edueated bine self by canvassing; like drowning men grasp at strases, I tetait his ad. vise, and, ip five years ,e.aVed 05,000, and with this sum started my pre- sent basiness. It is just fifty years ago today that Mr. Bradley, the founderr tlie presentIr i Th Bradley,Garretson Company, Limited of Toronto, sent me my first prospee- tisk and te his beautiful letters and good advice, I owe much of my present steeess, Yes, young man, if you have anything, in you, there is just as good a theism for you to. play with this Old established House as there was for ine. Write them , Caveats and Trade -Nate ottaineetuld" all petal business conducted for MODERVIIE PEPAI. Ity °SEC iSitt the immediate vicinity of the PatentOffice. and my facilities.forseeuring patents ate onsurpaisad Scud model, sksagfr or photographer intentien, with, description and etatentent es roadvantages claimed.. .192.aro oha rgtei* made for on optnion aver Iserfeestabfficts. and my fee for prorkcuting Nee application t.,0to nob het strafed Jim 'tftsgt M. psetee. tr'tdifestesed. "I riTosts* Goma , eon. mg taming tuft terantadon aeon et. AIVIRIIkinutte Cations CollisIderea ato Et titlfil DOAllegi11111, . FRANKLIN Ft. HOUGH eart }, sassed, w.ksvii*Firosrook IL, SO YtARS' XPEIRIENCE TRADOgstiVio Asfitta • , Atirotio sending shottlacebnPdv:0011703;ittittr Oft;,.hir ascertain our Opinion tree „Whether s illVedtiOA.S9 proboldyluitordablo. COMARMICSA. None l'itridWUblItl oaks'. Tinridbotilton Patents • tenttree. oMsl,t attotioy/ or securingpatent. ,•.,ratente takon _through Maud Co.1•048144 ilsectdOottds, Without churn, 0 thO Scitutific Rattritari. A handsomely illuistrated treoldt. I,argeat Orr. etteslaettiorttotiorftriaounrtahrsarlsominebryllii , 1,11N &CepIGIBmadwaY,NeW TtiK breech MU& Ct. Wesbluetrsu IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TI4E TIMES • r