The Wingham Times, 1899-03-17, Page 5f.,ih; WIN Here is a Cereal Breakfast food that even a little child can eat and yet gain every way from eating, it. Light, delicate and wholesome, —"it don't heat the. blood," Try it in place of oatmeal, Flake Barley tc M6LLED BY MINN." Your ;.•t ger selis it, or can get it for you. ..-.,,a...•m,.r. A fibre bath, followed by honest frictional brilliance. The Life and glory of leather. Si, , 7 u '4 Y tk S , 1•. it a ,i i ♦ .i.N Black or colored leather. For Ladies, Gentlemens or Childrens Shoes. For Sale Only by HQMUTH & BOWLES. AGENCY FOR T MERU STEEL ov IRE FE.Ce Made of Large, Strong s, Heavily Galvanized. ,Amply provides for expansion an ontrac- tion. Only•l3est Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Meyer goes wrong no matter how great a straw is ,put upon it, Does not muti- late, but does efficiently °turil— cattle, horses,_ togs g{ags. 491NCH OOINGa 4'1g,s4it"Au'l'a.4 " 'vlCgISA1,11Alti44 14HO4OZ.4 Ulutl.714.4ru0/ b'tu,J,a f ,1'•t EVERY lY ROD OF AMERICAN. FENCE GUARANTEED BY. THE MANUFACTURERS. Cell and See it. . Can show you how it will save you money.' For sale by at). CLECC & CO., Hardware Merchants, .tt 1 ,` �•.� Prkeles Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT SPECTACLES Scietificall'y, Correctly, Reasonably.. Try us. Jo Re NS T TKN13k11eitY. It is our sad duty this wrest record the death of Agusta A noel zf;S, A Rcir 19, 12419. 1#LTT WALE. to lir and Mrs. John Uoeman Md thew house in the villas A:bertina 1:h,rnuth, beloved wife of ha ; to live in Wingham,, Wm. Johnston, which tied event oe F'ridayevening the Willing 1i'orkers teemed latelliea will soon be moving Order of Orangemen. ' cured et the faulty residence on Society of the Methodist chureh, of from our midst. The church, with A number of the more intim ' Sunday, March Otte, She having which Mrs, Bosnian is a member, which eon have been for so Jong a friends or Mlas 1 Aitenze saptant passed peacefully away to the great to,•li'. her by"surprise kind presentee time, eal9 usandt onsistentrut Tibet's, beyond where ail le pealee, for the her with a cushioned chair: We are suffers an irreparable Joss, bath work given' her to do here was eons sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, Bosman, pastor .and fellow members being pleted. Deceased, along with bey Air. John Gannett tied .an auction .free to state that with timely ativlce parents emigrated to Canada from retie of hie farm stook and imple- acheerfully hands, ye ePaeways- I Freesia about 40 v tars ago, and merits on, Tuesday. y promptly, d ttv r settled in Waterloo e'tunty,' remain- Rev. W, J. West, M. A., attended ed to promote its interests, ing there forafew ears, and then the .Presbyterian tea meeting in And°you, Mr. Gemmill, as a mem eatlie tg Turnberry, , where she resided until her. death. Being married in the year 1896, she, along with her husband, through industry, hewed out for themselves a comfort- able home In what was then called bush country. Deceased bas been. in poor hetllth for a couple of years, but was unable to know what the trotebte wits until nearly a year ago, when it was pronounced c•tncer, which` in spite of all that could be done for her, caused her death. She was in the fifty-ninth year of her age, and leaves a bereaved husband and a family of seven, two sons and five daughters, to mourn the loss of a loving partner and affectionate mother, The children all survive hersJohn Nichol,,c Mr. Mrs. James. Showers, Mrs, Samuel- McBurney, Adam and Rebut, .Amelia and Hannah at home. They have the sympathy of the community in their sfflietion. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternu(,n to the Wing•• haul cemetery, the servicesbeing conducted by Mr. Lowe, of St. Paul's Church. The pall bearers, at her request, being her four brothers,. Messrs. J. J., William, Charles and Augrst Homuth.. Srain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. 1'. O.Ilvia, of Barcelona, Spain,.. spends hie winters in Aiken, S. C. Weak °I nerves had caused. severe pains io the back 'of his ht ad, On using Electric Bitters, America's Greatest Blood and Nerve : Rotnecly, all pain soon left bim., Ile says this grand medicine is what hie country needs. All America knows' that it cures liver Heil kkir,ey tumble, puri- ties the blood, tortes up tl,e'stomaeh, strengthens the nenes, puts vim, vigor ant! new life into every muscle, nerve and orgar, of. the l,ody . it tett:,• tired or ailtog ou.ned it. Evory Witte gua- ranteed only 50 cents. Sind by Colin A. Caurpbell'r ,.. s (3 Lats1A.NNN AN, !1 ..,r., cordial relations, so long existing. iM.ST WAWA 0 Ave hetween. us, binding us in the truest Mr, Reba re lereeelattan nue and, fi•iendaahip, .are so soon to be severed, Barrie a ample of day's isee vetiret , er ast end one of the oldest and moat ea. tondiug a jn.eetii of toe Lee • UI'TICIAN AND JEWELER The Buffalo All -Steel Disc Harrow inVaslike period for many ya;t�ra, 1IO011 NSW 9ePPALO PATENT ALL STEEL P100 NARROW. T. a C^w•TMNAL t,P0,NO TOOTN CULtIVATO0 AIr. John Hutton wee. nw':ty this week to Goder�ich, ori tee jury. •Air•. Thos. • Weir is eagag* d M r, R:uha i d \Ya11aae, fee the tette mer, tVu are sora- to report that Mr. Breen is very sick again., but hope S°on-to hear O( hili recovery. Dr, David Eadie had a very sue Mgt ave Last Tuesdae night AIr. W. J.. Duff has received an- other car load of earn: Mrs. Christol.her Brinker has re - tamed home f"rnm Detroit, her of the council of Turnberry for 10 years, by your knowledge of rnunicipal affairs, your mature judge - tient, your conciliatory manner,' your kindly advice and yo'ar gentle.. Air and,. Airs, Ju,•eph miller, of manly respect for the opinions of Morris, visited on Sunday with Air, ' others, made yourself a highly re. and Mrs. Garuiss. spewed and useful member. Mr, J',hn Robertson is stiffering 'Asa Blight token of the respect in from a very sore foot. w hieia we hold you both, we would Mr. and Mrs, Fred AieCraeken,"of aek., Mrs. Gemini:l to accept this Brussels, visited at Mr. John Gar dinner' set (here a souptureen as a Gar - diner's on Saturday. sample of the whole. was produced Mr, and Nies. George Pocock, of for Mrs. Gemmill's inspection) and Wawanosh, and Mrs. lfeim, of Wing,\1rA (�'ernmill, this watch and chain, haul, were visiting Mrs, Rutherford (and here also, Mr. Gemmill was on �T esda� . minded a beautiful chased gold open - 'Thursday evening of last Eked watch and gold guard),. and eek over one hundred friends and we trust that when the hands of the ,. neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, William ,i a►t h point to the noon hour, these Gemmill, of Turnberry, gathered in will bring to your memory, pleasant a surprise party at the Gemmill recollections of your friends in On home to present Mr, and Mrs. Gem- tarty, that the inestimable blessings mill with an address, expressing °f peace comfort and happiness, here their appreciation of them, and their and hereafter, May attend you and regret at their departure tor ltlani- your friends, who now bid you a toba. They also presented. Mrs. sorrowful farewell. Gemmill with a dinner set, and Mr. Detre/ AS FRA$ER. Gemmill with a gold watch and • HERBERT HENNINGS, chain. The Gemmill family start Mr. Gemnpill, on behalf of himself for Manitoba on Tuesday next and. wife, both being visibly much 0' hooligan's Weddin', a grotesque affected, said be mild do no more Irish comedy.. will be presented in than thank the f lends. the Foresters' hall, on Friday- even- The Rev., J. W Goffin, as pastor ing, 1Ylareb 24th, by a number of the of the church of which Mr. and Mrs village young people. The play, will Getnmill are members; was then' be given under the auspices of no- called on to say a few words. He body'and the proceeds are not going 'endorsed the words of the address, to be devoted to new sidewalks or a and spoke of the uniform'kindness of public library, as the players expect all the. members of the family. He that when their expenses are paid was sure There was no exception to there will be no balance on halide the heartiest wishes Tor their future Some of the latest songs will be sung. Pr"osl erfty and happiness in the new An orchestra consisting of five violins, sphere to which they would so soon a triangle .and a piano will play be,going. Though very sorry to lose between acts.. The play has tour them from the church and neighbor acts and. eleven. characters, Your hood, he• wiehecl them God speed in corn•espondent attended "a recent re- their=:fiitttre home, hersat and can assure parents:that • they may let their children go to the . ANat row Eseape. . play without fear of them being Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada ir'jured either physically., mentally E. Hart, of Gratton, S. D. "Viral taken or morally. In fret, the play as- pires to the high standard of morality maintained by Artemics Ward's famous snakes, and be always said of thein himself that they were as innocent as "new iturned babies." cesofttl woud beet, last \reek,. and as It the company cava give their an usual, a donee at night, dience andthuntselveea good night': 111r. John Ilairtilete, of \Vin„,•hain, fun their highest aim, with regard to is engaged forseven u,oa+th:,-e. ileo Mr. this belay, will Ire reached. Come Peter: li.l,tiiai;, , evert body and help, them • pay for ;, Miss 'Watson, re' Sirn+(lint., u h the wood they beetled while prams was visiting" her eunst)'. stn J on r ing, ltemerilber that it Cost some Fleming, retterOed le;ttle leer. «:enc, wool and•it's all• ur your pleasure. 'A 'Frig 411'0 Blunder der rlrh at `hrobbi�ar .Q ieadacJ,e Vv ill often clause nhorrri.'b Hurn, Scald, ti utiltl gtaiekly leave yeti, if you used CutMri3ruise. aueat�t.'r. A.nat:a wore, rr IS,n, o itis, Erfe •1',lls 'lnousaods the best in.the wur.rl. aril rail tho pain• it ot.ifei +.,,. ia•t.n proved their tutttubless rnwr'if fur it .; .,Teri irrii•vous headaches. I'uey make pure 'dotal and strong nerves auto wino tip, our health. Easy to take. Try 1 hew, (July 2Z cants. Money back if not cured. Soid. to Colin A. Campbell. and promptly heal it, 0ur.e t7d Sures, Fever Sores, Ulcera', Built-. Felons, (leas, all Skin Eruptions. 13L;'t Pile curt- up earth, Ottly h5 cts. a Oo:c. "t„;urti goat ranteed. Sold by Colin A Campbell. The deaths in Goderieh from New Year's until March !1 nawheted (ar more than isati bl..eti recorded On Thursday evening, March 9th, a large company of friends and ac. • ,SALEM. This is the only Disc Harrow made or sold in preventive Officer 1!'hrlriL' of `Ti,-quaintanc s of the Gemmill family banada, having Independent, adjustable ';spring ' met at their home, tilling the house premise upon the inner ends of the) tram; discs, rout'', seized an illicit still Ull tee „ allowing any 'amnia of presently to he thrown fal'ln .,t' Janles f'ai'r t�ti) , . item from cellar to gal Set, almost In"their upon the inner ends of the gag's, by the toot of eagerness to be present to express the operator By this means a perfectly rexible Arthait', Seton is secure • and the ground tan be waked to their warm esteem for the Gemmill n uniform dep•,. JO ,iehte this machine, carefully who ho are leavingthe with others, family, e neigh - nod borhood, on the 21st inst , for Mani- toba, The busy hum of social con- verse was hushed and Mt Andrew Longley, as an old resident in the vicinity and an acquaintance with the family, was voted 'to the chair, In a few well chosen remarks, Mr. Longley made known the special. object for which they had gathered together on that oecaeion, and called .Why is it that nearly alt aged persons are thin ? And yet, when you;think what couldyou expect? Ofit,p �. Three score years of wear and tearare enough to make the digestion weak.. Yet the body nmst be fed. In Scott's Emulsion, the work is all done; that is, the oil in it is digested, •all. ready to be taken into the T . No. 12 Cultivator i ISMO , OF' SUCCESS, 't'he'onlyCulttvator in. o that Loth lines of teeth will'• out an even pth- in the ground. Examine it and you will sec vhy, xtrtjouty uuit,vator with a moveable tooth set so that the angle of tier teeth can he regulated 1.0 suit any 0011(1100n of soil. Pressure tan be regi• fated to act differently on every section reouhiu5 it. The teeth are Larded between the wheels 10• stead of trailing behind, as in other ntnehiuee, thus seenrin>li.ht.er draft, This machine fa furnished with grain and grass seed box when required,. It has rove,stble diamond steel points for the teeth, also extra wide thrstlo cutting points eon be'furniob' ed. Examine it and yott will buy no other, THE BEST DRILL MADE The Ttoosier :t'resds No rttrotittetton Ovar 40,1.00' Das and Seeders of Our nlsttnfrrture m use h. Canada., The only Drill made w,th lever for instant and terfeet regulation of doll of I'm in nahindN of suit,, tthile teall SO m is in. blood. The„ body rests,•ibsoln(wresttett orest to scute. Saves seat as overy iterael 111 dw,nRi,r,l at n WOW' depth to crow, t'ut– chase only the bast ani you will be satisfied'. while the all fteds and flour toe also tnanti'f.crave 'Binders, heap -re, Mowers, nkarN lnitivatOrs and Put Srs, as stood as the 15h b et hakes, p es, and the hypophos Se",'ndfar ii:t,sttatcd catalogue, phites makes the nerves UOXO,lrl' BROS, MFG. CO.r (Limited), steady and strong. Ingersoll, Ont., Canada. so:, and $t.00, all druggists. L CAMPBELL, Agent, Wingham. 1 SCOTT ^t tlOwNS, Cltentists, To1ottto. lungs ; cough set in and finally termin a ted in Consumption. Four doctors gave llVflliairns, Martin GrabbyE up, saying 1 cputd live bet a short time Hraehling, .The Tatytor. lkave myeelfuP to Saviour, deter - .S . III.—Thomaslomas Blake Minnie mined if T could not stay w ith.my frieudr A" tLour oe earth 1 would meet my absent Tines .. ftbm•t4.. earth, pleasant evening at her bonne Wier Wer Wed nesdaV t:vt:nlnt;. Mr. Herbert Cainphell has credit- ably eomplered his sl). mantle' ec*r*o at the Chatham Business-- Oollege. Airs. James .Gibson ll in etre Londop Ilusp'ittli at present. ne of those atwac•ti pleasing events took pl.*ee at the home of Mr. J. Robinson, of the relit c'on' on Wednesday morning, Mardi ltd. The oeearsion being the Intim loge :of. his daughter, Lizzie, to M!'. George Naylor,' of the Stit con. Only the immediate relatives ler the contract. ing parties witnessed me ceremony. The heppy couple left Blyth (et the afternoon train to snerid tee. honey- moon at vartrlus points, Tile tea•n eting held in the Methodist church,eun. 10, on Monday evening under the auepiets r•f the Epworth League was Timet decider a success. The weather bring tine and the roads in a fair, stale: a large enough crowd assembled to e,rmfort ably fill the char eh The programme was interesting throw„ trout, rind the good doings prepared 'by the ladies was more :than could be desired. The proceeds amounted to nearly thirty -live dultare winch will go to the repair fund of the church. Miss Switzer, of Chiron is visiting her cousin Miss Lizzie Menzie. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Rautunl lett on Wednesday for Dakota, 1fr. and Mrs, R. Henry, visited. friends in Ooderieb, last week. + Mr. Joe Chaniner' gave the boys and girls, of the neighborhood, a • party one evening later.. Miss Charlotte McBurney, etWing- ham, is visiting her brothers •un the 10th. Mrs: Alex.-'`Tdiutoul ,vit-i visiting her daughter, Mrs, Wal. Paton, this week,, . Mr, ,Elliott Richmond, of Blyth, formerly of the tett, has- eecured 'a position a” school teacher iu llespler. The- following is the report for Union S. S. No. 3, East tI awanosh and Morris, for the month a'f Febru- ary, the naives are arranged iu order of merit :-- V.=.Ka'e Grashy, W. Nether•, A. Ner,ltery, VV. flea ley. Sr. I V.—N. Nash, A {xllstnan, Nary Walsh, Adam Curning. ,Ite IV,-1•lamie (1 ,..,San, Thomas husband,was advised to get .Jr 11—Giihett Nethery, Edward Dr Xiing'sNew Discovery for'Consump- Frac r, W. L'tvee,Artie Williams, tion, Coughs • and: Colds. I gave it A° :fuhn Re.l ', Michael Kelly, George' took ok In all eight bottles., It ha Lindsay,, cured me, and thank God, I am saved 1,nd now a healthy wdman." Sold "b) •Ii. class.•–Stellit Netherv, cotter Colin A. Campbell, at 50 ots• and 51.00 • Paylor; 0,311 erine Fr:owl , Alfie Lind- Guaranteed or price refunded. ,. save Bessie Fraser, : sart Kelly, .' Yt, Ii.—Meie-11re 'Williams, Harry GORRIE r Greeley, lava Armour, 'i'ho.mas )eraser, Mrs. 13. Toombs, of Toronto, who Lr cf na lieih . has been visiting with friends here, has gorse to Kincardine to visit her, pone Mrs. Reit. Brox was visiting with; 'f'riends in Teeetvater. Aff Musa elartha hooey, of Wing, visittid with Miss lliaggieBrofell, Net week. Mr. A. C. McDonald, of Montreal,. was in town last week. 1iiss Lily McLaughlin wasvititing with''Vingham friends, last week. Rev. Mr. Basking, of IP'rdwich, preached in the Presbyterian church here, on Sunday afternoon last. WROXIDTER, .lir, Alex. McGotnery and sister Mks Jennie McGotnery were visiting wish Palmerston friends Alr. rind Mrs. David Barnard riavt rutnrnial to their home Michigan, Me, N. 13. Gerry, ry, of Brussels, ha pit' dittoed the Tlat•dwttre stook of tierces. Gibson Bros and has take, possession. Messrs. Gibson Bros. are shippin;a upon - Mr. McTavish, Turnberry 1 large quaintities of temple blocks to township assessor, to read the follow- the Old Country. ing address:— Mr. C. Leckie, of Beauisville, bat• To Mr. and Mrs. Gemmill: ben spending a few holidays here Bear Friends, ---It affords us meeh to Tuesday last week, the fill, pleasure to sleet with you on this denee of Mr. Charles Simmons, sept occasion, the evening of your depart. was the scene of a happy evens, it tire, for your new borne in the West, being the marriage of his daughter, and to have the opportunity of con- Miss Attry to Mr. Thomas 13. Sault %to in to you, in some measure, the dere. the bsppy couple left on tier Y g great esteem in whieh we have. held 1.80 train for Manitoba, where the:% you both during the long period of will reside. our aequaintance. , Our feelings of Miss Jennie Miller bas gone to pleasure are to -night, Mingled with Ooderich, where she will learn the great regret that the exceedingly - millinery business, LIL.L.% B. Isters`rl tt, Teacher. 'rhe :1i,tri e Ilarris fi;-1 n Monday shipr.pt'ti free, '1. rtar,tc' ,J013 wot th of hie\ a len 11 l -rt•, n,qn , and tvoith 1,1, .Lu-rrallai.. The fol lrtr. ing new a ost officer have been e-taialislied in 0tita.rio: lir ;an; en, Nipte- n_'', .Elizabeth 13ay, 1- ot,fllaa ; 8 ,tl1tl,ger, sewn, . re-tt ene ,s "TA)) o,(.,'1 ntigetfot(1, llasti:'gs. The People's Faith Firmly Grounded Upon Read Merit. —They Know Hood"* Sarsaparilla Abilolutety and' Permanently Cures When Ali others Fail. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not merely a simple preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dock, -13th - Jingle and a little iodide of Potassiubxait Besides these excellent alteratives, it Cool contains those great anti -bilious anr;1 livor remedies, Mandrake and Deride-. lion. It also contains those great 'kidney remedies, tOva Orel, Juniper Berries, and ?ipsissewa. 'Nor are these all. Other very valuable curative agents ate harmoniously corn.-' bined In Hood's Sarsaparilla and it is carefully* prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly edrteated pharmacist. Snowing these facts, ie the abiding faith the people have in Rood's Sarsaparilla n natter of surprise? 'Yeti can tee wkly' hood's sarsaparillabures, tii+l ett other inedieines totally, absolutely. fail. Hood's Sarsaparilla lathe best–ht fact the Ono tioTila'lrnrider. Sold by all druggists, ft; art for tta. •YOGIyS 1pe the best llla Dills, *Al Jive