The Wingham Times, 1899-03-17, Page 3IN RING TIME 11.1 .e WIMirl-LAIYI TIMES, S,, MARCHH /7, i,9. • Milking 28 Best Done 'When Cows Maitland. Presbyterial W. V. D .. . are Least Excited, Mr. I). 11. Otis, of the Kansas Ag ricultural College, sends the follow- s 9 ink* recommendation in regard to etN�fl)UI docraws,whichw rnldbewellp %Nlt 0 G : for every creamery patron to adopt. a (Mr. Otis says ; Is the Giver of' Health 1 Any excitement or disturbance of and New Liteto the • the animal system always effects the I mile!) cow. In April 1898, the a�1C3I' �3fyec`Sef' Kansas Agricultural College pus• chased twelve head of cows from Sprang, with its bright sunsh►ne, Lincoln County, which had to be Je» thetnng ,rays, worn raves, laud its forwarded by rail. over 1.00 miles. promisee of it ouw lite in' uuture, Is foot Records were kept from individual a1,1)$'r,40hiug utast vita u•+ r.atlwd with' nsilking, and it was found that with true delight by the.old and young who the r'fde 1 erre enjoyingfid!width end bodily . \ocnesicicness and change of trt:twity. [feed, it took nearly two weeks for '.lean thousands the ceasing of spring . these cows to return to their normal tune•.na a fuller imp of agony and suffer.: 'Mg ; it is a time when the dark grave qu"lily of mill. Observations since donne many v:,:tints. , then have demonstrated that any . Wada wen and women are burdened . unusual excitement or disturbanao with death -dealing stekunsses, such +►b -always influences the milk flow. A kidney didcasea, liver eumplaiait, blood tittle knowledge of the structure of troubles, rheumatism, oeuralaia, sod the udder will show why. the terrible after elfecteof grippe, spring' bas no unarms fur teem, They have i The udder is composed of cavities, allowed tbetue elvee to emir into a cut- 'or mills cisterns, and milk ducts, sur- dition of misery and helplessness during rot;nded by muscular connective and the winter that must quickly terrt,inat., fatty tissues life, until boat true beasth and life give), y . At the end of these Paine's Celery Compound, be uiaclo,ube milk ducts we Lind smell cells which of w.ithutit delay.; nave the property of secreting .and The nervous system, weals sun un- t.ransforining . nutrients from the ,strum;, .runet be fortified; the blood, ,sluggish, havers and wintery,, roust he blood into milk. These cells are made clean curd fast flowing, and every most eetive at the time' of milking, organ of digestion meet be toned up to and in fact a large portion of the true health pituh. milk is elaborated at this time, This Nature's wonderfully successful merli- i necessitates a good supply cine, PuinoaCeiery Compound, does this g pp y of blood gciod-work as no ether remedy. can do. to the' udder diirinr the process of It nuts as a nerve and brain fond, it. gives milking, for it is impossible for these life to Stagnant blood, it banishes per cells to manufacture milk without maUently kiduey disease, river complaint, rheumatism,rilspepsra and other lino• t fresh supplies of nutrients from the Wes that make lite a misery. t blood. 'fire thoussude of thunktul letters re-; Any excitement that tends to con- ceived from Canada's best people are the , best and •strongest proofs that. Paine'a treat the muscles of udder or turn Celery Compound, curtWheu your the blond to nther portions of the life is•in•daugei do nut be misled by . body will cause a 'decrease in the common advertised medicines, as many' flow of milk. Beating the cow with of them are dangerous and unsafe. A.oti ; a milk stool ,r speaking to her in for the kind that hes Cured your friends and geighbore—the kind that '•wakes. harsh language may cause the blood people well." I to flow but not to the udder. :Even feeding the cow •while milking her is It is given out semi -oil -Wally ' bad practice, and it tends to divert the 'Toronto financial corporation, i,tle blood from the udder to the; ct• Every act -of the Which is in liquidation, will pay only , • inliter and tive every surrounding of the about 15 cents on the dollar. Toe cow should be such that the latter liabilities are about $50,000 to de - :powers, the her vihule attention to posttors, and unsecured aebenture , g Itoldera secretion of milk at milking there. In • other words, allow the bloud to flow Erery imosehold shotild"iii1%e Erni hand "to the udcleg a box of Dr. Chase's Ointmaut, The di. varsity of uses to Which it can be put and the many doctor's bills it saves war net it in taking first place in the family Nothing Like a. medicine ehe t. All dealers sell and re• I You should remember that no other eon,meod iL . !medicine is like Shilob's Consumption • A furmer book-keeper of Bunting I Uurtr in any respect: If other remedies Reid & Co., has dleu at Nagasaki. �htive failed to ieheve your cough or gold, g that is all -.the more reason why Sou 'It is reported that he took 860,000 of should try Sbiloh'e. Always sold under other people's money with him when la positive guarantee. It it does opt help be left Toronto. you., the druggist must give back your money. 23 els:, 50 ets. and :1.00 a bottle. Mrs. Joseph Langtry, Brockville, 0nt., •sa,ya '•I htYve weed .Dr.' L' ow'ri Worm Syrup and 1 ono Nay it has done' "I want to ask one more question,"• 1 imy Children g,od._ It, never fails to act said little Frank, as he was being pro►nptiy" Yrice"au• put to bed. "Well," acquiesced the I was an intimate f. fend of your tired mamma. "When holes, come late h tsband Can't A ox give me in stockings, what becomes of ',the something to retneusber hire bar V" piece of stocking that was there bo carne The fifteenth annual meeting of this soefety was held in Kook church, Teeswater, on Tuesday, 11Zarch 7th. A large number of delegates and friends worn in attendance. The church was prettily decorated with plants and flowers. The friends in Teeswater had made every pos- sible arrangement for the eomfort of their Friends, Mrs. Malcolm of Teeilwatcr pre - tided at the opening devotional morning greeting and was assisted by M"s, Reed who gave a helpful Bible reading. 'rile afternoon session )net at f.30 p. ne Airs, Murray, president, open- ed the meeting with the usual de- votional exercises and was assisted by Mrs. Petrie, of Wingham. The president gave an excellent address. A1cs. Grant, in review, gave a mos! interesting • paper on the work done by the Teeswater auxiliary during the 21 years of its existence as a missionary society. The secretary's report showed that progress. had been made, two new auxiliaries and three mission bands being added during the year. ' The fitaneielMatherstatement presented by Miss. Mather showed an increase in contribution. The 'amount contributed from all sources being $1624.Q0. In addition to this a large quantity of warm substantial clothing was sent to the North West for the use of destitute Indians. Mrs. Hunter, of :Unless, dedicated the offering to the Lord in prayer. Mrs. Ballantyne,. of • Molesworth, sang a solo with much sweetness and expression. TWas publication report as read by Miss Anderson and showed that 364 copies of the Missionary Tidings had been subscribed for during the year. • • A selection from the "Junior Mis- sion Band, Teeswater, was •much appreciated. Reception of delegates 'from sister societies:—Mrs. Muxworthy, repre• senting the Methodist Society ; Mins Braden, the Baptist Society; Mrs. J: J. Hiscocks, the W. C. T. U.; all of whom extended cordial greetings to the eociety. A conference on Mission I3an'd work was opened by an excellent paper from ''Mrs. Chadwick, Teen water. A discussion. followed in which the following delegates and friends took part :-Miss Ross, Brus- sels ; Mrs. Eagan, Iiucardine ; Mrs. \lxciiav, Lucknow'; Miss Campbell,. Riversdale; Miss Meiklejobn, Bel- ave; el- ave; Miss Wiet, Kin toss ; Miss •\lcDunald; Wingham; Miss Deabs, Wingliaiti; Miss McDonald, St. Helens; Mrs. M.uxworthy; :Teeswater; Mrs. {'field, Teeswater. A selection by the. Senior Mission • Band, Teeswater, was well received Miss Sharpe read a most.excellerit paper on "Individual Responsibility." Misses Anderson, Campbell and Meiklejohn bad charge of the ques- ion drawer and in a very interest ng way answered a, nunlber'. questions bearing en the work of the oeiety, • •..Election of officers resulted as fol- lows :—President, ollows:---President, Mrs. Murray, 1iin-. eardine ; 1st Vice -Pres., Mrs. Ross, 13russels; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Mal- colm, Teeswater; 3rd Vide -Pres., 1'Vii1ox=—How :would I dos' fore the hole ir Y t�:, i^Y+:•', tG h 4t+c•a�atgPy,fyY�•4i fi�i,?Y.`::?xry ir Z rot • .i air You'd Never Dte If your heart never stopped heating. You would never be sick if your heart was always able to carry rich, healthy blood in sufficient quantity to every organ 1 and tissue of your body. When your heart, through weakness or th'estrain due to worry and overwork, is unable to supply the necessary, mount of deli,'healthyblood, every part of your - betty begins to show signs of weakness and disease. DR. dQNE1N S HEART Mut Strengthens the heart and purifies the blood. It positively gives relief in thirty minutes and effects a speedy, permanent cure. It cures nervousness,sleepless• nesse neuralgia, headache, despondency, female diseases, and all other ailments that spring trent disease of the heart and blood. If you suffer from palpitation, weak or irregular pulse, shortness of breath, fainting spells or a lack of normal strength and vigor in any part of the body, you should secure Dr. AGNr:w'$ HaArt•r CURE'. I)►r. AGNtiw'S C'STARRIIAL POWDER iseniiorsedbyCanada'sgreatrstministers and statesmen. Try it. DR. AGNrw's Once niiwr is without a peer in cure of skin diseases. Relief in it day. 35 Cts, Use Du. Ar;Ni w's Ptr r.s. ea Cts: SOLD 13Y A. L. HAMILTON) WINGHAM. ESE S •s the "Best" is an easy boast. But there's no best without a test. You expect something extra of best ; something extra in bread from best flour; something : extra in wear from best cloth; something extra in cured from best medicines. It's that something extra in Ayer's Sarsa- parilla that makes Ayer's the best. That something extra is quality. Remember it's quality that cures, not quantity. Geo. Smith of the People's Drug Store, Seymour, Conn., says: " I have sold your goods for twenty-five years and when a customer asks me for I say ,, 'If you will take my opinion, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla; I will guar- antee that you will receive more•benefit by using one or two bottles of Ayer's than you would' bye using half a dozen bottles of some other kind.'. When tliey take it, I never hear any complaint." ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin is impure blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tetter, scrofula, etc. It cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. That's why it's best. "After Twenty years' experience as a druggist, I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla superior to any similar preparation on the market, and I give it the preference over all others." A. C. WOODWARD; Worcester, Mass. "In our estimation, as regard's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's is the standard. We have never heard it spoken of iii other than the very highest terms." W. E. T1,RRILL & CO., Pharmacists, 9 State Street, Montpelier, Vt. "I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier on the market." Dr. GRISE & CO,, West Gardner, Nass. "During fifteen years of experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I have yet to learn of a single case wherein it failed to cure if used according to directions." b'. U. COLLINS, Druggist, Paris, ItIo. "I believe Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value than any other similar compound." JAMES DOANE, Dispensing Chemist, Kingsville, Ont. A c •YARD ;Mr,. McLennan, Lttcknow • 4th Vice • - Pres., Mrs.'Millar, Kincardine; Sec. etary, Mrs. alacNabb, Lueknow; Leo net Secretary of Supplies, Miss McDonald, Wingham. Avery hearty vote of thanks was rendered tb thefriendsin Teeswater Tot• their generous hospitality. Mrs. MacKay led the meeting in prayer. The public meeting in the evening was well attended, the church being well filled. A report of the; work of tilts Sr'.ciety was . presented by Rev, W, Whaley, St. ,Helens.. ,addresses were given by Rev. 11. W. Reed, Teeswater: -liev, 3, West, lifuevale, tort Rev. R. P. Maclay, of Toronto. A very. interesting and 'profitable meeting^ was brought to a clu*c, and we trust that some of the missionary zeal and enthusiasm received tit this .iteeting may be carried into the awl{ of every branch of our Society. Stt:DRE'r.111Y. For Oder Pltft,7 Years. An Old mid Wen -Tried Iternetly•-Mrs Winsit,w'e 'Soothing Syrup hue bean used for over'ifty years by millrnns of •t,' i1ierstor their children w tilt teeth• ne, with perfect success. It soothes the 1• ofatt' tip till t n the i n ail ra til sin ,s l k , N, h •1 'lire. wind r•nle = nail is the beat remedy • 1 for diarrhoea. It is pleasantthe tante. Sold by Arueteists in every part of the world. Twentyflve cents b b.ttie. Its 1 value is inealuable. Be sura i on ask for tt Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, end 1 take no other kind. We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on •a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they de not relieve Constipa- tion and Haadnebe. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used• A. A. 'Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. Colin A. rein, pbell, r'.hemist and Drug- gist, Winghrim, Otat, A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Winghuin, Ont Western Ontario Orangemen Barrie, Mardi 10.. -The Primo Grand Lodge.. of Western Ontario, has chosen officers as 'follows : F„ W, junior .graird ms'cter•, J. f. .Siena, Kincardine ; It W. grand newer, D. AT, •rernivn, \Viarton , li. \V. rlepnty is, )t1., ,Inhn 11e,Iiilsn.Toronto; It, VSs, f=, chaplain, Rev F M. Jl;ilcl ,r v' OA, v a•r • t .i win, .\ lett R. V. t N tr n I trettsurc'r, E. E. Clark,. tie,. 'r•n'ottiue it, NV grant K"e"• girt', Willie to Lee, Toronto , W tV, uraesri i1irttctor of eereuloitie , ntttcl Caewr"Il, cure l'ailnerston : lt, \V, depnry grand chaplain, _R 11. Watson, Roy, 11 0, Dixon,'1'ortintu ; Want Raven, Rev. R. Lowe. 1Vin>;htrm ; North Perth, Hey. Jt. f,ardiiil ".l'almerat in ; Simeoe, Itev. Pnllip Jones, Av.:ndng; West Bruce, E A. Ilall, i;ervie ; North Duron, W. W.'Leiteh, White. church ; South. Siirleua, bier. Me Clellan, Cookstown ; E. Bruce, ,I, C. McCracken, Chesley ; Peel, Rev. W. Walsh, Brampton ; ,Munck, E. Barn ey, Port Colborne ; M. W. G. M. Wallace conducted installation sere monies. The next place of meeting was fixed for (3racebridae the second Wednesday in March, 1900, . is This Plain :enough? If you hate a nnsging cough tint are losing flesh. go to a drug gore and get a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption Cure. 'rake 1 wo-thirds of it, and then, if you are not benefited. return the bottle to the druggist, and he will return your money. Isn't that fair. No one could ask more. -25 cts., 50 et% and 81.00 a bottle. ?.. B. Scott, an nld and highly re- spected resident ' of Colborne, Ont. died Snnday evening taf apoplexy, in his 73rd year, Air. Scott was for a number of \ ears justice of the peace and sig member of the school hated and the municipal council, Children Cry to �r � it ,.e it `, '"4 \r. 1' •v rrz: fl 4 ., rx �i ry A 'arenologist Speaks. Prof. 3, W. Grouter writes from Pene. tanguiphene • "I was troubled with palpitation of the heart which because ' veru revere. ueer'ng of Milburn'sHeart and Nerve Pills I determined to try them, and after taking them for about a week I was cuseel " It is expected that railway labor will be in demand in the northwest: 'this nun, mer at good wages. Sprint; tiredness is due to an impover- ished cone )tion of the blood and is cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which enriched the blood. The number of tavern licensee issued in Waterloo county its 1874 was 135 ; in 1897 they numbered'$S The wholesale liquor licenses for the years mentioned were, respeetive.ly, 31 and 10. boD'sT �Iis Aortae, the for pid liver, and mire biliousness, sick headache, jaundice, - )nausea, ind .... tion, ate, They are In Men kill tlernaelves vehrn they.; lire brokr.;women dtin't. The won;en Call stand h better and are more used to it. valuable to prevent a cold or break up a fever. Miid, gentle, certain, they are worthy your drtedeicte1cn bbychfent awo 412. Price, 25e, at all medicine/halm or byi aU of C. I. lISon & Co,, Lowell, Mame 1 1l