The Wingham Times, 1899-03-10, Page 6• OlivigOnt CIIIICS ;ll'ktiD4y, 1ttA11t)II 10, 1809. 1 OUR OTTAWA LETTER, From our O,ul CerrfipOndeut. • Ottawa, March 4. Not the least important of the q'ucstions that will wine up for con- eideration tat the ttpllronebleg; session •Dt Parliament will be the negotia- tions that have been in progress lar 'lie sestet two ec1rs for tht).establieh-. #intent of a fast steamship line :ioross. the Atlulitie. 'rhe bug and tedious egotiatrion8, carried on with de- irertitnied persistence in the face: of hvery kind of natural and artificial tbsta(tiles, have been elr sely watched, tevith interest and anxiety, by all • :nesse. of the cumtnunity who are utere ted in the commercial develop - talent of our country ; and those; who inive fully realised the extent and 'force of those di:li,eulties, have ap- preCiated at something like their real value,. the strenuous and unre- nai1 ing efforts of the Government. 'here is still asstronx hope, amount- ing indeed to a certainty, that the scheme will work out successfully et. A 'PALE WITH M1{. PETERSEN- 1. ` The present condition of the _ egotiations Iends considerable inter - et to the visit, to Ottawa this week f ills•. William Petterseu, head of Ithe Petersen -Tate firm, of Newcastle n Tyne, who secured the contract provisionally, but were unable to shoat their stock owing , to the oppce titian of rival interests in the British ittroney market. Th.ongh their elute cost them $80,000 In cold ,Sfash and two years- of valuable time, r. Petersen declares that be is as irluly convinced as ever that the .itelietne was a feasible one at the !rime at the price bis firm tendered, though it would cost more now, wing to a general advance in riees,) and that the Canadian leranspurtation system will be fatally landicapped in its competition for the trade of the Old Country so long lass' this important link is missing. "A fast etearnship line such es • is a pro- -Posed:" remarked Mr. Petersen to a newspaper representative, "would not only have an educational effect in Great Britain but it would tend to attract capital • to develope the •enormous resources of this. country.. 1 never return from Canada without being asked a lot of , very silly questions ' about the country, and. unfortunately many ofthese slues; tions are pat to me by people other- wise well informed. If fast steam- ships were pat on between Great Britain and Canada, people of a • desirable class,. men with money to , invest, would come across and look a e 'the country.over for. themselves, and I. am convinced that when you get .them here they will avail themselves pot the innumerable opportunities for profitable inVestment.',' This is a fair and • concise state - :tient of the situation, and indicates the great importance of bringing the scheme to ultimate success. It is enost evident that the Government Teaiizes that importance to the full, and it is equally certain that they lave the business men and all the greait eommercial interests of • the country at their back in their efforts 4o bring the matter to a successful issue. } nutYARD RIFLING. .,The deepest Interest of the entire English-speaking people of the world .bits been centered -during the past few days upon the sickroom in the iei;;y of New York where the greatest • .C. t 1yyr, ..SCK,rID•.66RTRAn'Mt711y��y11:" W.. _ .•.f .. •vw) $i:: ?i v �� rra •s .�:te.. � r M r� '=LOR1DA WATER Lan mares t�. THE SWEETEST MST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRa8HR O AND ENDURING OF ALL PDM?iJ/ASS FOR T!-iE I,«AilflKEllCHIEF) TOILET OIl UM. ILL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. JIE. \'VID(*tl. M frniths, MAR011 W. 1809. Writer, author and poet of reeenti; 'PALE SILO. veal's. is lighting. for hie life, • "" Rudyard l nesting hue endeared Mitre• i )SVERY PARRY FARMER SUOULP teff to the Anglo-Saxon people to a; HAVE ONE—HOW Tu • degree poatlbly unprecedented in so i MANAGE X. RUM a niand this is evidenced A silo is convenience whichby the r'eniarr;s of the unemotional • everts dairy Biermer should have. It British press that is certainly not open to the charge of learrying its It dnot be requires to 1bo sprang enough neive ie. to heart upon he sleeve, The London hold torn fodder when cut into wilyrl'r_legraph, fur example, de.: lengths of From etre half to One mets. cktrea that '•ttir, Kipliug'a death' le shauld•be fairly close, so as to tv(1111c1 be €1 ,rational calamity, lie ; exclude the air after the ensilage , eoutury with a fresh and mescaline ,, , note:lad bus given bulk to hie cone ; The Main features are strength to note, faith in their old ideals. 1 resist the outward pressure of it3 In trio lnldet of an effeminate and , contents, exclusion of air by the the:afdultt literature, Kiplinn has been' construction of the aides, and a fair ioead us, doleful anti alert :, The; depth of holdrng capacity, in order I Doily News declares that ' he elms to permit the eusilage to settle into a 1 dune mese than any living writer, to ; cornpaet mass Sufficient strength bring house a knowledge of England i of sides can be obtained in most and what she stands for to the world; ,.tilos by the 2. ofby 10 inch or while the Daily Mail declares that, , by 12 inch studs, placed from 18 ' tli inches to 2 feet apart, A clay or "Daring the hast few years Kipling : has sumo to hold the glorious position , earthen floor is most economical, and of Laurate of the Ainelo•Saxon race." 1 as good as any that can be pat in. The world can ill afford to loose i Tho inside of the ovalis may be , ;finished by a single lining of lumber, such a clan prematurely, anti eyes the slight eitcourag;ement which the ; nailed to the studs horizontally. The ; , more hopeful bulletins to hand et1lumber ' should be tongued and this moment gives, is eagerly seized i grooved and dressed on the inside. • upon by millions of anxious sympa-' If each alternate board. be allowed tllizers. J to extend at the corners, so as to make a lock•!oint, that will give .ad.- SCO1VE ONE FOR THE PEOPLE. ditional stregth to the structure. The The success of the appeal to the . corners of the silo,, on the inside, Railway Committee of the Privy should be filled by the use of a board Council egaiust the discriminating i or plank 10 inches wide, set on end. rates granted . by the Railway= I The triangular space behind it Cgrnpanies to the. Standard 011 Com- should' be,fiiled with sand or saw- pany, is a matter for genuine con- !dust. I consider that studs 2 by 10. gratulation, and while it is hardly to inch or 2 by 12 inch, with one ply of• be expected that so powerful a cor- sound tongued and. grooved. lumber, pttration, accustomed as it is to teat nailed horizontally on the inside, are down all opposition and. secure sufficient for an efficient presertation whatever legislation it may choose of the ensilage, • Additions to that to ask for, will submit at the first method of construction may be ad - reverse, without further efforts to vantagtous in a few cases for con - hold the temporary advantage it had venience. secured, this first victory for the To build one with the least outlay people, is a distinct gain, and will ; of cash, the farmer, who has some greatly strengthen the hands of the standing timber may get out tim- opponents of the soulless moncpely i bers hewn on one sine. These may in any future contest they may . ate, be put in a mow in ' the barn and compelled to engage in. It is about I lined on the inside with one thichness the first time that the masses Iliive•1of lumber totigued and grooved and triumphed over the classes in such a nailed horizontally. This big bin, tight, and the, fact is in ,itself :,en- or silo, should be constructed with couregieg, •'e' the corners interlocked by every BOW His l'x EXCELLENCY Loos & Iseennd board , passing through and The effect upon Lord Aberdeen'sl being; nailed on the corner post. appearance, of five years' work 'idi T:bat effectually '= • prevdnts • the Canada must be very marked, for spreading of the silo at the cor- the Parliamentary reporters of the. ners. - London Daily News are constrained If a portion of the ensilage around to deseribe it twice in consecutive the sides becomes frozen, that is paragraphs. According to one, more an inconvenience than a loss. "Though perhaps a trifle thinner he It should be mixed with • the warm looks none the worse of his vice, ensilage, from the middle of .the silo, regal labors in Canada ;" and before it is offered or fed to the according to the other, "Five years' cattle. ; absence in Canada as Governor. General has given him a decidedly Pleasant as a Ci camel.—Dr. Von more robust appearanee than before.", Stan's Pineapple rl'ablets are not a „ nnuseons compoundbut•. pleasant pel- ' Onlya very able Viceroy," absery 1 lets that dissolve on the tongue like a es the London Webs by way of lump of sugar, just as simple, just as comment, "can become a trifie Iharmless, •but a potent aider to digestion thinner and decidedly more robust ; and a prevention to all the ailments in the stomachs category of troubles. Act at one and the sante time. Hadi directly on the digestive organs. Relieve Lord Aberdeen's labors Mid upon 'in one day. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. him more, he would. •look stoutly Hamilton. emaciated or bonily corpulent." AN I1rCREASING. TRADE. Very Safe Indeed. rrhe Toronto Globe remarks :— . There is such a thing as taking "The American Agriculturist has,too good care of a precious article. been making enquiries .• as to the; A Southern exchange tells of '•a' importations of Canadian live stock '"cracker" couple who came to ` a at many points along the. American 1 minister to be married, border and finds that they are I They were to have the ceremony largely increasing. It shows for performed with a ring, and the groom example that for the twelve months , was terribly afraid he should lose it. ending June 1808 the importation of So was the bride, and she kept ask - cattle and calves at various points ing : ; were 71,768 head and for the five, 1 "John, yhu she' you got tha't ring?" months ending November 1898 there "I'm sho' now, Mary:" were 60,597 head. Similarly with � '"I've got it in my month, I sheep. For the twelve months' ain't g'an' to lose it now." ending June 30, 1808, the importa- i When the ceremony was in pro dons were 310,154, for the five gress, and the place was reached months already mentioned they where the ring was in order,the were :07,047. The greatest number clergymen said : ui both cattle and sheep •were � "Let me have the ring, please." entered at Buffalo. The remarkable "The bridegroom gulped, choked, increase is undoubtedly due to the stuttered, and finally exclaimed des- sensible quarantine arrangements pairingly : which Mr. Fisher made with the "Lawshy, 1 done swallered it 1" - United States authorities as soon as he came into office. It is not due 1! will guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum- bago, sciatica and all rheumatic pains in two or three hours, and cure in a rm.- days. ewdays. MUN7fQN, At all druggists,' Zia. a vial. Guide to Health and meds• ell advice free. 2505 ,Arch St„ Phila. to improved tariff conditions at all." h99dPen Cry for CANADA HAS DONE MUCH. Speaking at a dir:nor of the Cana- dian Club in London (ling) some three weeks ago Lord Aberdeen • re -1 narked that, "While every credit was due to the Cape for voting an animal subsidy to the British Navy the Dominion has done mueh in re gard to tariff's and imperial penny put tage. In Canada too, the problem. nas been solved of uniting a French. ,tad J:lritish community ; and the IT; C'ir John Tholnp,f n had wisely air cr bed that dtfilsttity�, as one that was diminishing every year. :+4 ASTOR The employees in all the factories of the Massey -Harris Company have been notified that their wages will be inereased 10 per cent., the. in. Crease to become operative on Mardi 2. The increase will amount to about $10,000 monthly, divided among over two thousand employees. No trouble getting the c'.Iildren to take Dr. Low Pleasant Dorm Syrttp, It always does its work effectual'y with. out any cathartic to be given -afterwards. Price 25e. • Green Food. Fowls closely confined in bare yiird,, unlrt.s they are :Furnished plenty of green food in summer, usually. sonn present an unsightly appearance, They are apt to corn. titmice i'. atiber laluclr!I g.. Yarded fowls should be liberaily supplied every day with green food of some kind. On the fartn. there is not much excuse for keeping; fowls con, fined in small yards. Where it is done the farin alfurds every opp,sr- tunity for securing an abundance of green food, also varied in kind. The weeds from the garden, and, later on, the radish tops, early eabbage and beet leaves, • should always be given to hens. The sweepings of the haymow, especially if the bay contains clover, will. be an excellent subs'!tu'te for greens. - This waste contains too touch dust and dirt to be utilized, for feeding to other live stock, but contains nutriment that is especially valuable to hens that are confined hi close yards. — Boston Cultivator. Write This Man. Markle,15b Lansdowne Ave., Toronto. bridge contractor, was cured by Milburu's Rheumatic Palls of u bad attack e f Rheumatism which laid him up in heal fur weeks. RIs will tell you all about his cafe if you write him. When a man loses faith in humanity be himself a solar -plexus binty. I3a1g yard's Yeli-Jw Oil can he applied externally or taken internally. A niedi. cine chest in itself. Cares Outs, Burns. Sprains, Gatherings, Lumps, Sore Threat, Croup, Qeiniy, Kidney Com- plaint. etc. Price 25c., all dealers. Mr Gladstone.s library eontains no fewer than 35.000 vollames, of which 15,000 are still at Elawarden Castle. P. DE. CHASE 1TIRITIxG THE SIOIC. Raised from aBed of Siokaa+ s. Dr. Chnxe's 'Catarrh Cnre and KId- ney-Liver MIR Combined for Perfect Health—An Interesting Cure After Long Suffering. S4mcoe, Jan. 18th., 1897. Messrs. Edmanson, Bates, and Co., To- ronto, On.t.:— Gen'tlemen,--For over five months I was confined to. my bed, not being able to move. The beet medical skill was called In, all treating me for catarrh of the stomach, but to no avail. I could not eat the most simple fond without being in dreadful misery, and found no relief until same was vomited up. After speooltilg a large sum ,'in rredto..l advice. I was advised to try abox of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I said .it was no use, • for I considered mine a hopeless case from which I could not recover. At length I pur- chased a box from S. Austin and Com- pany, Sialir4e, and to my surprise found great relief. 1V'ot being able to eat T tried a box of Dr.Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills; the pains left Ice the third day. 1VIy appoblte has been fully restored. I consider myself perfectly cured, and feel as well as when a young woman, although T am 05 years old at present. 'I Was almost a eaadot, now I am as fleshy as before my sickness. Have used only three boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney-L)ver Pills, and only two boxes of -ter. Chase'ss Catarrh Cure, z can do rny house work as usual: T ant positive that my marvellous out: (avhic�h I think it Is) is due purely tb Dr. phase's remedies,' which I ,have used, 1 can honestly -recommend the same to any persons suffering from syirtptoms similar to mine. Wishing you every emcees. Yours, truly, MRS. ANN l''Ziti1.GI3ILL, Sr. 84BB'4rill, sa, ;RVICES,"t — MnTIIpl)Ilyd,--•Rev . Ur. Pascoe, pa or. Services at 11 a mond 7 p m, . RItla11Y'l,'1l[ IA.N•--Rev. 1). Porrie pastor, hlervleetl at 111% itt and? p in, EPISCOPAL',, St: Pietro --Rev. Wm. Lowe, rooter. Services Well a in and 7 p1ln. BAPTIST •--Rev. Ver. Freed, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p m CONGREGATIONAL—Rev. II, E.Mason,. pastor, Serviette 'at 11 a m and 7pm. CHRISTIAN WORKERS -••- Misses Outram and Leckie o,.iuipund, Services at3p niand 8j rn. SALVe.PION ARMY—Capt. MoT,tenrl and wife in command. Servicos at 11•11, w,3prn and t)ple, Ineach of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p m, a :' ..4,".1 Era t' �•,•1^,� •. —15 PCTittd8Jt1ilD EVERY7.rltXDAY 11ORNINcl A CARD, We, the Undersigned. do hereby egree to refund the money on a twenty -tire cent bottle of ,Dr. Wills' English Pills, if. nfter utsing three fourths of contents ut bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion, and headache. We albo warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most abstioate cases of Coratipation. Satisrootion or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. ivlcrrow, Chemist and Druggist, Winghatn, Ont. Colin A. Campbell, Chemist and Drug- gist, Wineham, Ont, A. L. Hamilton. Chemist and Drug- gist, Wit ghntu, Ont BANK ofHAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, 61,250,000. Rest, 11775,000 erosidunt—Jeno S'n1 wr. Vice•President—A. G. RAMSAY. AIRECtODS JOHN PRAOroa. GGoo, 110AOn, WM GIBBON, if P, A. T. Wimp. A.13. LOB (Toronto). • Cashier—J. TURNBULL. TIMES OFtc'1Ct, JOSEPHINE STRET" ,tiIN(aF1a11I, UN.IT AItIU. 'Sulieorlption price, ',s1per year, in advance" , ADVERTISING RATES -.. `t.anv.11yi...1 I DIG' l On Uolun.n 1 850 00I 940 00 924) 00 00: 0s 04 I Ilan 40 00 1 12 00 4 oe ' (,:,u.uror" 20 CO 12 00 7 00 2 oa• t•r:e inch • I 5 Ott 1 3 00 2 CO1 00 1 .. t.t'toI ,sur 0Eli0,' 004,4 auroathsumcut, Si'So tier line • fat 9ua iusortion.und 20 per ibne oreach oubsequon ,in-crti.•n, Nw.sured by !ampere! scale. weal notices 10o. per Ilne for hat insertion, I6c,per line for each ,'ibsdquont asurilcr, I AdvertisementsofLont,Found,Strayed,Situations °and Bi 0iiu,s (sham•*.s wanted, not exceeding S line nonpareil, 91 for ant month, and 600. for pact, dulousesl�Ind Farina for Sale, not exceeding S line, 1 for Mgt onnith, 50e. per snbncqu0nt month Lancer advurtisena•t.te io proportion, '['hese tutus will be strictly adhered to Speolal rates fro larger advertisements, or Or longer periwig. Ativert,eaments and local notices without dpeoitlo directions will be inserted till forbid and oharged: accordingly. 'rra,•situ,y advertisements trust be paid in nd+ance Changes for oontractadvortieomonts must be ha tbeotflce by Wednesday noon, In order to appear - that week E. B. ELLIOTT, Paooniiwon AND PUBLISHED. --A'r Savings na,nk--Iroiue, lOto 8; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of S1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposita also received at current rates of ir.-pres-t. 7srr.Sts on Great Britain and the United States • bought and sold W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. i)I(;[CINSON, Solicitor. Money no Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT. REASONABLE .RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet oentwirh privilege of p..ying at the end of any year. Nme and accounts collected. ILORT. ltIcINDOO. Beaver Block ulrgham, Ont GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. - DEPAItT ••. ARRIVE Toronto and East ' G 49- a. m. 8 05 p. in 380pm1021)pm Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m 8 00p m Londonand South • 6 53 a m 11 10 a m 38Cpm 800pm r btincardine' 11 10 a in 6 40 a ru 3 80 p na 3 80 p m 1029pm 830am SOCIETY MEETINGS. t+ ._Camp Caledonia, No. 4)1, meet O. .the first and third .Monday in every month, In .he Odd FenowB Mali. Cisitine brethren weleCU'' J. Murray. Chief. 11 D Elliott, Run. -Seo WINGHAM ST,EAM' PNP VVORKS Having purchased the entire business from • Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with THERM - ,WAY i • r. .AI.LS1'EEIUtVitiq PAL - Vete, tt^ MY WI, a A `o1b"ttiir' MILLIS i Wood and Kroll Force and Lift rutiapm, nrass . and Iron Cylinders, Galvttniz- j ed trolls Tubing, Cisterns, 1 Water Troughs, 'links, fllial•ths, FIi►e Fitting, 'Weill 1 Digging and everything in con- n with water supplies. neotro r 1 Galvanized Steel Windmills for power arab pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairiee promptly attended to. Partite: writings for information or ordering by mad should always state depth r.f well. All w irk guaranteed or no sale. , 1 C. 1VEC P,N'm'i rIi All I n G WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and? aulwioAL OAF.L•'S ut ail kinds, For particulars address DR. J. P. KENNEDY, Medical Sepurhitcndunt, winghain, Ont.. VANSTOI4 E, Z. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds, to loon at lowest rater interest, No commission chanted, Mortgagee, town. and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Stook WinoutaN. J. A. MORTON • BARRISTER, So., Wingham, Ont. JL. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITS= TO DANT: or HAMILTON. arOt:etY TC LOAN. Office—Moyer Block. Wh:gham 1��. 0. CAM1:11UN, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, atom. Oltio,:—Connor Ilamiltou and St. Andrew streets. opposite Colborne Hotel, , GODDRI01/, ON1'ARlei. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D D S, L D 8, Decker of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental 0411e>4e wad Licuutl ,te r...f t'to Royal College: of Minna Surgeons of Ontario. Utiiee mer Post Unice, 0' ar;;lien, DENTISTRY.—J. S. JEROM.E, L. D. S.,Wureselt.. ,.. ..: �,• ]s .nanufaotur first•olase sets of teeth as cheap40 they can he piede y r Kt •� in the Dominion. Teeth extraotei absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFIO:;: in the Beaver Block, oppo,ite the. Brunswick .House, y OHR RITCn1A GENERAL 0151:RANCE AObN • fINTARItt' �). DSANS, Ja., u'ING.:A:a, LICIENS tD AUCTIONEER Vila , slit COUNT OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge �Soderato. .j UIIN CII RItIi , Wnio3An, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Sates of Farm Stock and Farm Imptomerts• spoel:allly.. All orders l»91 at the Tints office promptly linear ed to. Terra. reasonable, JOB PRINTING, �CLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets,* Posters, B1 TM= Bends, Circulars, aa., arc., executed in the bes, style of oho art, at moderate prices, and on short. notice. Apply or address Ii, B. ELLIOTT. T sus Otfoe, WInlrham BOOKBINDING. We are pwadod to annonnce that an Books or Mugaeines left with us for Bindingwill have our prompt attention. Priced for Binding in any style will be given on application o tha Tama Office iia IfiEW WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes All Sixes front 4 in. to 24 in. Also Connections. WPM FOR PigILSSI P�III[•f1 , nanw • ` "` ' eo 1.2 ADraLAI E St.Y^wuurt ` 131`< 140 Whit/chant Ont, FACTORY AT MIMZCO. TORONTO