The Wingham Times, 1899-02-17, Page 5• 10.•••••• " • • • ,•••••••,..,••••-•.••,..,••••.:.,...•••w••••••wear Muitipiy them out. A factory making all kinds' of shoes cannot have as xnany shapes, eizes and widths of lasts, as tlitre are forms and sizes of feet, bes cause it requires so many for each kind made, that there wouldn't be MGM in the factory for theta all, nor money in the bank to pay for them. In the Slater Shoe Factory, where only one specialty is made, there are fourteen shapes in 7 sizes, '5 ball sizes and 5 widths (in other facto- / s.sijii.yy 1 YiFirsET--,77''A. ries there are only two or three shapes \ , in one width). *" Slater Shoes" are I •1 stamped on the Goodyear -welted soles e 49, Pr ,f, With Makers' trade mark and price, e'rir.. OV , le s l' $3.00, $4.00 and 5.00. tit ,10 Catalogue free. Ilk . \ ' .,— Shoes by mall. .i7- -:--Milialinir• For Sale Only by DOMLITH 'It BOWLES STORES FOR SALE LOGS I • -- The arlininistratrix of the estate of lexander Dawsoa, deceased. offers for Mule the ' Two Stores in etringliam now occupied hy Messrs N A Farquhar- eoli and Miss Bey& Offers for the same should be addressed to \ , A MORTON, Wingliam. ' Solicitor for the Estate. Order your_..." TIVIC —AND— • 401134 ICI 1,72S. 1W—FROM THE— HOLSTIEN DAIRY. L G S LIE WINU11101 TIMES, FEBRUARY 17, 1899. BELMORE, appointments made at last meeting of , the Methodist church on Sunday. i A very, pretty but quiet wedding tpwnshi1) Officiate for the current I, Rev. 111.r. McNabb, late Presby- • year. By law Ne. 2, appointing the terian minister at Whitechareln road took piece at the home of Mr. toad Mrs. John llooet ott Wednesday "'men commissioners By• I preached in the Presbyterian chureh 1 evening, February eh, when their law No..8, authorizing the c. II ' pot, ceonteetor jun Sandy, daughter, Lottie was united. in mar- to charge and conceit a I 'file Misses Meltme, of Cranhrook, unp.1714d. !retuned home on. Tuesday morning i liege to M. James Wylie, jr., in the tru on all taxes remaining 'presence or twenty couples of invited awe 15th December neat, -pod by- I fret short visit to Mrs,. George N 1 !guests. son. dr. Mac Nesse Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles,,Ceclar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard, • CUSTOM SAWING, SHINGLE CUTTING. done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get prices be fore disposing of year timber. MeLEAN & SON 1 strew or a penalty of $5 w it:hoetiReMedie:Irkli40: t7rtfort1e4601'1,16: • Path masters mast inspeet atV,, • dens and orchards ba their eiettd . divisions and it any black .ketete is tumid on Cherry or Piave trees, he meet order the panelz-. to lave it cut off and hurried witthiet fifteen days, and any person faitiag• to comply wite such orders alma, be proseeeted before a magistrate and. panielitd as the law directs. The Auditor' report, abstract and Detailed Statement was heti before se ,tetest7fltre eited.eveltri • law o, , , ordering that the tax II Itie levied. and collected from dogs and left on Tuesday 1 endc by a• cousin, bUchea tor the preseta yeer be placed. itorning for Tore o, where he has istovel. mr. by lho treasarer in, the general funds secered a clerkship in the store of' err& of the township tor ordinary tewneldp Cox St Co , druggists. Mr. Messer • ur i is bio The purposes, ewe* severely read and has been head. clerk in Morrow's ty enteled the par •r o lm'Ised. - drug store, Winghan,. for some thelWeet strides ora wedding march! Debentures wore ordered to be years and has been 4 favorite with plaSed by -IV:esettleeee;,e, psittiv , signed for peyneent of the following everyone. On Saturday night the • '''' The ceremony R at:aunts :— Municipality tit Blyth, performed by Rev, Mr. Andersonwao- East Wawanosh share of rent of hall Toronto, a second cousin of the groom ' t Blyth in 1898, for Division Court Prit'Pcses, $7.50 ; A. E. Simmons, !The large uutuber et' hoodsome pre- i and we {Miss Eliza Cle ljelm Wylie d bridal - Oen testified to the esteem in which Wingham' belittle° of printing con. h ride le held by her many friends, ;tenet for 1898, 88 • P. Porterfield, services as Division Registrarin 1898, he ooromUnit"pv8S, thrown ince a state of sadness on hearing of the ; F. Anderson, postages and death of Thomas iliunilton, which r sietrations, supplies, express orders, took place on Sandey morning emission on cheques, etc., 1898, . . • He was as yeung man last m the prime of $4 8a, JasBNicol, services es i • life and highly respected by all who auditor for 1898 'accounts, $7 ; Jas. knew him. He had been preparing W, Bone, do, do., $7 ; Joan H. Mc - himself for a useful careerwhich Clinton, balance of salary as collector , was eat short by that dreadful dis- of taxes and postages for 1898, $1O. ease, consumption. After completing Mr. McCallum introduced the fol - the public sehool eourse, he continued lowing resolution of eondolence; which his education at the high schools at was carried unanimously t— • Walkerton and Bengston. He Resolved, that we, M. Lockhart, taught for a titne in the township of reeve, Alfred 13. Carr, John 13, Ellis Hawick and then attended Toronto and John McCellum,•members of the University, where he was preparing municipal council of the township. of himself for, the Presbyterian MinistryEast Wawanosh, herewith tender, but his health failed and he returned our .heartfelt sympathy to John T, • to his home here. After a short C111.7le, our fellow member, in the time he secured the principalship of sad loss he has sustained in the Walton public school, but had o death of his daughter, and we there- .give that utalso in a short time. fore commit him and the other mem- p • Gifts! We have a choice stock of • SILVERWARE, SILVER NOVELTIES, CLOCKS, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings in Gold and Diamond: :‹arnii-ie our stock before making your Purthases. 11 oPTICIAN AND JEWELER. • RETURNED ON TIME. Carefully washed, properly ironed, correctly finished and fairly priced— that's the history of your linen when .1+rought here. Not a thing in our washing preparations to injure the fibre of 'the goods and not a thing t- unhealthy about our work rooms. 5\ • j. D. LONG Leave Orders at Cares Feed Store, _auglJer OM oaa • —OIf— BOOTS AND SHOES As 1 have an immense spring sock arriving, I mast have room to pat it, hence for 15 days, I shall sell eiot old shelf -worn stock), but up -to 'date new goods at cost. Remember this is to wind, but Deena' filets. You can save money by 'attending this cele at once. Fair dealings Extra stedees. it -Malang' pro en ptl y attended to. ' b ups 0 THE FRONT SEB WlEtA.T THE DIAMOND PORK SHOP Opposite post Office, Says: Fresie Beef and Pork. Lamb Belogna Pickled Pork 'Headcheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked Ham *Pressed Beef Side Perk Tripe Corn Beef : Pressed Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, Fovvl, &c., always on hand. Our prices are right. Orders called for and &teat delivered to any part of the town..• • Your patronage solicited; DIAMM1 PEE EP, The sorrowing friends have the hers of his family to the .care of our Heavenly Fewer, end the power of sympathy of the community in their sod affliction. His divine grace, who is the only Mrs. .R. Hodgson, of Wingham,' true source of comfort and peace in was visiting with her sister, Miss working. Night and bay dine of affliction. Carrie Lawrie The busiest and mightiest little thing Til clerk. was instrueted to for - Miss J0.00 Smith has returned to The that ever wee made is Dr. Ring's New wal.d a copy of this resolution to Mr. Brockville after spending a few Life Pills. Every p111 18 a sugar-coated Currie forthwith. weeks with her parents and friends globule of health, that changes weakness Oh motion of Mr. Carr, seconded here- . . into ' strength, listlessness into energy, by Mr. McCallum, the •council then Urate fag into mental power. They're • adjourned till Thursday, 28rd March Bents the Klondike. wonderful in building up the health. Only 25e per box. Sold by Colin A. 'next, when pethinasterS, pound- Mr. A. C. Thomas, a Marysville, Tex., Campbell. keepers and feneeviewere will be EA appointed for the current year. . ST W A tresNOSII. % P PoRTERFIELD, clerk. ,i Ir. John S. Coultisks disposed There gently 'Sank to rest at hia 'or his .ferrir tv Me. P,'Vte- 'on. The late residence, let 31, toOnceistee '9..., on price paid ivas$5000.‘^r, Scott the evening '.'f February 10th, 'John has secured one of tbe best farms in 'Lleeeroft in his seventy-ninth sear. the township at a reasonable price. Departed, had been suffering for the We understand Mr. Coultis intends past six weeks from heart failure taking up his residence in Blyth. • and dropsy together with other dis- The council met in the Connell eases, 'which so often accompany de room, February 9th, 1899, pursuant alining age, but the end was tudden to adjournnient. Present, .the reeve and Unexpected when the great and and eoauoillors Carr, Ellis and Me- last messenger, whom, we call death Callum. Minutes. Of last, meeting carte to sever the tie which' hound read and pessed. The anneal certificate from Rte-, and hitting father and to leave that giStrar General, 'Toronto, received,' vacant chair which in this short certifying that the clerk in 1898, had pilgrimage cannot be filled. The fun - registered 52 'births, 14 marriages erei, which: took place on Monday, and 17 deaths, end.further directing was •largely attended. The family that he be paid for samein 0304- have • tbe sympathy of the entire why with the amended Registration neighborhood in this 'their saddest Act of 1:896, ' 7 . ' . alliP:atifiii• ' ' a Accounts of A. E Simmons, Wing- '. 'Air.; Thomas I3eeci•oft, of Barrie, ham and municipality of Blyth, re.; itteitded the lemeral of his fattier.: ceived and ordered to .be paid. - • "*. •Itl'r: David Beecroft, of St. Thomas, The appliCation (Alit .Anderson for rettirifed to resume his duties in an advance of salary vs township school after spending a few days treasurer /mule at last council Meet with bis father previous to'his death ing, brought up awl discussed. No .and attending the funeral on Monday. action taken. The treasurer moaned Miss Carrie McGee, of the 10th is a cash balance on hand at date of. visiting friends in Wingham. • . $160.07. land other planes.. • The auditor's report and treasor• nett Bet from the Gun Mr. Hodgson's farm sale is "'Wed:. er's abstract for 1898; received and Was tbe ball that bit G. B. Steadman, nesday, March 1st. Winghti Football Club of which he. has be n 4 prominent member for SO e, gave lum an oyster sup- per His many friends in Bluevale join in wishing hint every suedess. Brave Hen Vail Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as wotreen, and all feel 'the results in loss of appetite, poisons in. the blood. backache, nervousaess, head sobs and tired, listless, run down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to .:1". W. Gardiner, Idaville, Ind, He says: "Eloctrio Bitters ars just.the thing for a man when ho is all run down, and don't care whether be lives or dies. It did more to give nae new strength and good appetite than anything I could the councilfor final audit. Cruieltehank—Copland-1 bat the. auditors ieport be adopted and that the clerk get 100 copies of aostraei printed for distribution among rate- payers. Carried. The following- accounts were pass- ed and cheques on. Bank of Hamilton issaed:—Thos Bolt, $1.25, iepeirs Bolt's bridge; County Treasurer il7.87 arrears of Taxes. ; Alex AUT.:Veers $10, Auditors salary; Douglas -Frazer, auditor's salary $1.0; Peter Marea, $1.0, betiance saltily, 1898 ; Peter Mc- ' leteell$1,00 postage; Wm. Mattereon $2, attending audit. Oreickshank•seltlitchell—That this • inectitig do now adjourn to. meee take. 1 tian now eat anything and have in Maguires Hall, Bluevalc, t'u 'Slim- e new Jesse on life." Only 50 cents, at day April 3rd 1899 at 10 ifelock • Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store, Every ”. bottle guaranteed. ''' • .,.. • „. JORIC BURGESS, Cleric, WROXETER. • *ss Annie Mair has returned ho e from Mildrnay. iessrs, ,titherfclrd & Munroleha.ve sold their stock of stoves and tin- ware tn Mr. John Douglas'. Mr. Douglas has rented the sterfflately occupied by Mr, Thos. Rae.W him to his home as a true husband GORRIE Howialc commit met at Fertiwiele on Wednesday of this week. The past weeer SO' 1141S been •the coldest *weather on record. • The local Canadian Foresters Will hold a gra.nd eoneert on the...evening' of February 24th. High ChieeRang- er; R. Elliott, of Ingersoll wilt oucap the chair. . Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, of 'Tees - water preached in the Methudiet: church on Sunday last, Rev, Me., Garbuttt preaching in Teeswater. t Gerrie has organized. a liodkby club, with the following.. officerse— Secretary, Will Dane; Trees. Will, Thompson, Captain, E. Blow. Miss Merle Sandereon' has beets i • visiting with her friends in 6 ,elborne and Chatsworth. lyfreShepparcl and sieter; of were Visittng at; Mr,- Yelitillidnefs • . Mr. ,John Lloffman is' actively •en- , „ • gaged replenishing • his vvoed yardl with choice wood and will stem nave': • it filled to its utmost capaciiy, . Since' wood is increasing in price Jhn. in- tends to supply leis Wane en,temers, before attending to his foreign ones. Last week Messrs. Bunter; Elgare . :and Hammond, were out limitless in •'. the neighborhood of the North Branch. rtvef., Reetti era e litetti thtir sight, until .du.6k a ben 1,0 peertd through> tie ' the roots of an (16 turnup and -alai( lenged them to chase him lenge 4 After a council ornitnrods teetabelcV it was decided to give up-thc etairtse and the next mem-lug to resimas the hunt. •111. the night the IA wither changed and Reyliarcl LaSbeen lituite,' ed onlY in dreams. . . • ' ' A.fter spendintr last eummes lee -vesting in,Maniftehn John 8. Akins has returned to liie t. .,w at Osenges . eille where ills tan i'ly rel4 c 1,ns. and Ieibnda gave liim a iokal v. ileotne-.. '44,Jaines NJ on;tgfutnerk,, who aas 4,fbr:*)fne time heed etintile4 to his r • hod on ocean). (get severe lit:tack oft !Otii‘if,'ISi.lias an:alit' resumed 10.4 wort,ed viget' and ru int t topeaihlice. • ....:).; . has found a more valuable discovery than bas ydt been made in the Klondike. For years be suffered untold agony from consumption,. accompanied by bernor- rhages ; and was absolutely cured by Dr. Rititea New Discovery for.Consumption, Coughs ancl Colds. He deolares that i gold is of little value in comparison with this inarveluue cure ; would have it, even if it cost s hundred dollars a .bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and 'Ong affections are positively mired by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum p tion. Sold by Colin A. Campbell. • Re- gular size 50 cente and 81.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. TURNBERRY. • Miss Annie McDonald 'is home. from Detroit. -Mr, Stott, fret/1 Moosotein, Man,. has been visiting with his niece, Mrs. Joseph Rigging. One of our young men,* who boasted that he bad never upset a load of wood, was 'goitig along through some of those delightful pitch holes on the way 1.6 WinghalB, when over he wept load and all. Take euro and drive more steadily, Miss Lizz!e M. Higgins has it - turned frorn Toronto,' where -;she. has been taking - a 'term of nittei'ee, Her mother has also returned Irene visiting at Newcastle BoarrhaiNille Births and marriages are the brder read. otNewarok Mich. in the Civil War. It 14.111is-:-McCallute,,Tbat the same caused. borAbie Ulcers shit no treatment of e day. , • .. • . . • . Cu'lla,'.s -tobacco urpt1,144year as now read be adopted. and that the helped for 20 years. Then liucklen's air Wm. Gemmilinte sold • his. will. he 5.0,00.0 Arnica Salve cured. him. Cures Cuts, auditors be paid $7 each for their Burns, Bruises, Boils, Felons, Corns,. farm to Mr. R. G. cLatighliii,: .of e. - • .: __ . '.' By-law No..1, 1809; ratifying the 4:1) Sain Eruptians. Best Pile cure on' earth. 25 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed. March. Mi'. Gemmill will shortly Gorrie,'vvho will take post6eien in . ,.... s e , seevices Carried. . . TORONTO, CANADA. ' .14. Sold by Colin A. Campbell. have a sale of his stock ancj imple ments as he' ietends leavin Mier in .BLIIEVALE. • • the spring- for Manitoba At the meeting of the directors of Minutes of Council meeting held on . the Cheese and Butter Association of Monday, Felt 18th, 1899.Members Wettere Ontario, held in Stratford, of council all present, the reeve in the on Saturday last, it was decided chair. The minutes of last meeting to expend $8,400 for instruction atattch were read; approved and signed. dime faetoA cnmmtinication from the were - ries and creameries in 'Western Ontario, as tisk for the ter- tEritretwof the Provincial Board of vieesnf an Association Instructor. mr]......eaaba, re vaccination of school ch d• Geo. McDonald of this' place, was apiren and others were read laid before pointed instructor for the north- the council. ' western division, comprising the Cruickshank — Mosgrove —That enmities of Huron, Bruce, Perth and Waterloo. • The severe frosts of last week did currnsiicipes,raebtele. damage to potato s, La gripee still not trines his an. wki.lomed visits. Among his vietims this week ere Mrs. JeAttehi on and R. N. Daft. Mies Ida Dining, of Cranbrook, is ell akes • The .F,Aenng diilestespo,per of When the children are • the Dominion. • hungry, what do you give them? 'Food. When thirsty? Water. Now use the same good common sense, and what would you give thein when they are too thin? The best fat -forming food, of course. Somehow you think of Scott's Emulsion at once. Por a quarter of a century it has been making thin children, plump; weak child- ren, strong; sick children* healthy. soe, and ffr.se, all tirogghtt. ndorr & 1t0W1fl, cbenn,m,reorentek. -- • TEM DAILY —ling' over 12000 Mote regular circulation -overy day two It had in 1807,4nd nearly —4,000 more than one year ago, IT naoweeartosesa ft r./4a0. IT RAS ALL THE xews EVERY DAY. The Saturday Illuotrated With its 24 28 Pages every Satnrday, its illus. t atud supplement, its many speeb0 features— Short %cages and Sketchy Articles—besides having the rurreut news of the day, has become a atrong rival to the best monthly magazines. IT IS CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER von ran have THE 150.013E every day fuel 11 i Saturday Illustrated for about the same price as yau have to poy for 'limy of the runner dalliea TEM WENICLY GLOBE limb bed Several netv featores added, has all the neWs ()Utile week in concise form, and keeps its readers In •dose tenth with every part of the %Old, mid moru especially 0111' own county, • SnWriyitiim rates and 001 putlenlam can be had at office or this paper, any newsdealer Or pot• master, Of send Mt ti TUE GLOBE,. Toronto, Canada. any ratepayers wanting changes of path -masters must notify some Memb. ber of the council before the tpil meeting. Carried. The eltrk was instruttld to ha-ve the thllowing notice printed or written on road lists berme issuing them to tie pathentiste:s newel: Pathennsters must give SiX dear days notice to all persons liable to Work statute labor in their rood visiting Mrs. Geo. Hudson. divisions before commencing than. ltev, Pear, of Atwood, Preached in statute labor. ell Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepa b3r ex- perionccd pharmacists of today,. o have brought to the production of this great medicine the best results ot medical re- search. Hood's Sarsaparilla is s modert• medicine, containing just those vegetable , ingredients which were seemingly in- tended by ptturo herself for the allevitt- don of human ills. It purifies and en- riches the blood, tones tho stomach and digestive organs and creates an appetite; 1 it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions boils, pimples, sores, salt rheum, an " every form of skin disease; mires liver = complaint, kidney troubles, strengthens and builds tip tiro nervous system. It en- tirely overeotnes that tired feeling, giving strength and energy in place of weakness and languor. It warde off Malaria, ty- phoid fever, and by purifying the blood it keeps the whole syntem healthy. Hood's sars'5% Non& tsthebest—In fact the One 'true Tame huffier. Sold by all druggists. 51; six Int 56. HOOCA PS PfirlS Selig 11111,044"1"1141, 1120441""