The Wingham Times, 1899-02-17, Page 4a r; Don't take the Grippe r TAKE SIRUP OF TAO AND V111.0 CUIERRYrte -... and revent it. For sato Duty at t ]; COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S Dt•ng SrLtore. r I Tel t t� TJ E WOO HAM ' rim ES, FE1 Z .r..: tY J 5 699, —$4,988,079,1111. Bojidea the pro - bits a eredit balance of nearly 1 belle million in cold cast) in the bank—$50,000, This is a ooinfortable state l:fcliings which Mr, Matt-lieson, the linauEsial eritie of the Opposition, pati iotic•t11y atteni ted to diiturbs This gentleman renee ed his old time attack, i('peatittg the seine dit'ary c;ltitlog*ue of figures that he has given CJ with industi ems iteration from ses- Orrj, tr: ITI 44-Nt. w•3•' t�,..a�,..s<r �."7�..•:1'-��:' �.,�-z7��..•s-+7• TO .ci.DV.EBV'SERS. Notice ofcbanges.nmet be left at this office not later than Saturday noon, The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- . day evening. Casual advertise• • moots accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. •q tet session. In fact,Mr, Mathie- • son's budget st:eeches are in the main as like to any other as two peas. He waves his hand and, in his mind, the surplus. disappears, and he declares we are gone millions in debt, Yet we draw a comfortable income from our surplus capital, sometimes that is not usually derived from a debt. I claitus we have a short- age of over ;1300,000 in the current year's operations, and if we add enough this shortage is half a mil- lion. Yet, against Mr. Mathieson's • assertion in this regard Iron. Mr. Harcourt opens tis•. I'rovineiai batik hook and -shows a eredit balance of $450,0000. The Opposition may dream. financial dreams and summon up spectres of financial ruin, but against them are hard faets that show anyone endowed with ordinary bueiness common sense, that our financial condition is sound, with large income-producing assets, and with cash in the bank amounting to nearly half a million. b O(atuant times FRIDAY FE BRU AB.Y 17 1899. WEST ELGIN ELECTION, Our Conservative friends are full LIGHT WANTED. Sir Charles Tapper is going up in - i\ta' MC -S1' It le ult,.ri, wiairit:IDl,. Every a vallttble Liberal vote in Wittghtttu,'k`nh:.n, 1800, ret liahilitise of nearly five millions 1 PIJITU1t1AL1t1laTlab. West Huron. should be polled on worreotecl bg P Jewel,.t:'rwdatle i)(:alnr. Tuesday. I fall Wheats 'J'lar Liberals of West Elgin have decided to enter a cross petition in the West Elgin eleetion ease,, 1 lour per 100 alas , ........ 1 5 to a 00 0 07 to 0 68 0 07 t 0 6 Vote early for :Mr. Holmes on Tuesday and try and get •al1 the Mos out you eau. Tile nomination for South Perth, to fill the vacancy in the Lceal Leg. islature will bo held on Tuesday next and eleetion one week later. Sprinatg wheat O r, new 'Iia,rluy Q 0 :7 to 0 28 030 to 036 Peas........,...... 0 64 Go 0 64 V'urkey, drawn..,......... 0 07 to 0 08 SIrt CetAI r Es TUPPER spoke at Clinton on Wednesday night and i Goderieh on Thursday night, in the! Interests of Mr. McLean, the Conser- vative candidate in West Huron. • I Wren, Iir7RON electors will put Mr. Holmes, the Liberal candidate at the head of the poll on Tuesday next. Meetings have been held throughout West Huron during the past week in the interests of Mr, Holmes the Liberltl Candidate. He bas been ably assisted by Hon. Wm, Patterson, Hon. 3. I. Tarte, Dr. Macdonald, M. P,, A. B. McMallum and other pro- minent speakers.. • Mr. Holmes will no doubt have a large majority. lir est+. „ I)uoks, per pair tsutter Eggs Nor duan 0 04 to 0. 05 0 40 to 0 110 ......,. 0 14 to 0 16 olirto015 Wood •tier a:urd.... ..... , r , 1 51) to 1 7o Hay liar tut:, 4 50 to 6 10) Potatoes, per hnt,)letl, 11 41) Ac, 0 60 Tallow,pe'• lb.., 0 3 to 0 4 Drionl Apples, per ib 0 A to 0. 4 Wool ...,.,, ii) to 27. Pressed hoJ8. , ...•, .... , . , . 5 00 to ft 00 Cluoken.( (25 to 10)•:0 ) 35 A OA. RD. We. the Undersigned, do hereby 'pares to refund an:v.artnnel, on at twenty -lire cent bottle •ref l)r. Willi English Pills, ff,attei thing thiee fourths of contents of bottle. thi•y do not relieve Ct,netipa• tine armor Headache. Wo also warrant that.lot(r bottlos will permanently otire the.most ora ttnate cases of Constipation. Stiti,.ft,r•tinn (rr no play when Wills' Eng- lish 1`l;i- are used • A. A. ivtorrow, Chemist, and Druggist, Wpiahant, Out. Colin A. 0810001, rhettiist and Drug- gist, Nfioufiant, Ont. A. 0 Hamilton. Chemist and Drug- gist, -Wins haat, Oor, CULROS,4) •• • 1:• At the einse•nf the rear 1897 the West Huron Pleeiseite Union. Cult uts Mutual Fite Insurance. Co. had. 015 policies in forte ,with a risk As per notice sent all local nrgani. of. $1)21),8-13, at the closet ot.the year zations throughout West Huron, a 1$08 tlie.ae have 721 policies'in forces public 'convention of Prohibitionists with a•riek of51,025,982, 041 r ��,ti Nrbu,ki}y,i,iNiu.a�eoa.aaMi� r„"`Iy1r' was held in Temperance hall Gode- On Sa,turd,v, Feb 4th, Miss Geor- ieh on Saiurdav last It'ebruary4th, gfrta„ it•caunnestr•danghter of Mr. and of noise over the West El en election, to. West Huron to take a hand in which was fairly well attended. The M J ' 11 r f 1, Culross , gpresident, Mr. Scott' of Clinton, oc- died in•.tho 21st year of her age. but they should make sure of their the bye election contest in that con ary- The sad event, thnagh not unexpect- ground' before hurling charges so stitueney. Let us hope that he will trealaurer, Mred the . airSa The Lawrence, tpre- ed,.is :t severe trial to her mourning. recklessly. The Sault Ste, Marie give us some glimpse of, the plans sensed his financial statement, which .relatives end f lende, • for she was a• Express has interviewed lir. Duncan !and purposes of the Conservative is herewith appended. After tilos 1Il••iset �rrl• 'fayorite. The writer of Bole of that town, who is accused of I party. For the moment one cannot financial. matters were passed by the this paaragra ph,,,reulemhers her. as g being the chief Grit sinner in the quite tell in wbatdirection the party convention, the president announced bright n+atellJgant pupil .whose foot• that the wort; fnt• which the Execu stens in the paths 1;F learning it was riding on election day. Mr. Bole is leaders are going. , rs.John McKenzie Con. <. i ross y, five committee was appointed was ple,esure to &mire: She grew up tb'., an insurance man, whose business' One wing is cursing corporations completed, and it now remained for be a tine voting woman only to be takes him all over the Province. He and the other wing is nursing cor- the full convention to legislate forth Cut down by the tenpet, death, Ilei happened to be in St Thomas on peratems. t et• if they saw fit; 'at the same time, friend t are con tolleit in their afflict. efectini day. While there it trans- Onw e is fur high protection of the he.explained that he thought it`was comlee e= fromv cthe'thth hand ofught Him bila Fired that the deputy returning ' necessary to keep the association hwas t have held the poll old red -parlor brand, the* her for a 1 alive as notice has been received eth all thinge well. . . ..a Aivid-end-of i -per cent bits, h'tt!e orneer who o - • nt Sheddon reported that he vrould preferential tariff with Great,Britain; I from the Central committee :.t Te w ' tear' *IPS! vlilvalarell""v 04) t9) ) 1 Selig iRarN4r.R a; d' s. s4 � of Winter Dry Gouds still going. on. We do exactly E; m .it of ..""' what we advertise. We will give you a cliticr�;.l •f e Zia per cent. on all WINTER DRY GOODS. This is your opportunity if you want Overcoats, Ready- made Suits,. Underclothing, Caps, Floods, '`I.oquet, Blankets, &c. 1VIaple Syrup, • 3 lbs for 25 Good Pickles, 10c a bottle, Soap, f cakes for 5e. Sulphu ood, 0 lbs for 25c. Salts, 10 lbs for 25e. Salmon, 9e, 10e, 15e. Macdonald Block, - grarla11alp ' rl�sr�+lrgq c Try our Brown Japan Tea, ei I. a strictly uncolored Sun- ar dried Tea at 20e 25e and 1 40c, - I Pumpkin flour for Pies in 15' i and 25c psteknges. Cream Soda Biseaits 8e a lb.. IT PAYS TO Winghorn, Ont. nes+ qua pre Yrs vaso v .eavv vva„naL raq,Ja,# Slwu gaeiw ra •makidtiurirvYvuuY p YaN�i� wriNGH - e or The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. STILL LEADS • The half century mark has been reach- ed by the number of our,.p,ipiis wbo I have secured good positions since Sept. 1 1st. among those who have secured places recently are:—Sarah Duncan. Steno. Lyon & Hensel!, Barristers, Owosso, Mich. ; Alex. Blott, Molsons Ban g, Trenton,Ont. ; Artber Oldershaw, Merchants Bank, Chatham. Ont ; Vita Clark. Bkpt.. Brown's Woollen Mills, L{ltirsville. Ont; Mary T: Vain, Steno. Paidee & Shau•inesry, Btiti'titters, Sarnia, O,nt, ; Florence'' Sibley,: 'gen. Macey Desk Co,, Grand 'Rtapien." Mich. ; Eva Payne, 'Steno. D. &L. E. ''Fly. '-Office, Chatllatn, Ont. These with turfyfour others have been place since, Sept,. 1st, IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE -BEST. Write for catalogue of either Short - or Business department to D. MCLACIILAN & CO. 4" =•: Oltattaatal„ Ont, moi. ;,, Don't 'throw away .'vour• • .spoiled or faded Clothing. 'Bri.ng them to us.'''Y We will clean, dye. anc .press them, making them look as good as new, f6r a. small expenditure. hop 2 doors., south of Chinese- Laundry ChislaolnNock,. D LOUGHEED5,P,ROP „after f, pins trill at ParkJ-Iottse. not be able to act on account of 111- or even the Fielding preferencw for I onto that further developments in ansinlln(•ec1 anon /;t•,intC' 'Trunk hxrst' = mess, and M r. Bole was asked and British goods. the natter of prolnbiiien Ina v be Y. t sult in 127 votes being cast therefore decided to keep the associ- pre.erenc,• stock.. This i3 the first 'ti./ L •�•-i� �p-�I G s One voice declares that the Can - Consented to take the ptace. The looked for at any'time. It was since 8110, vote resulted �G'� adian commissioners at Washington Parisians' etc 10) 0)0 horses ah- for Mr. Mannish as against 42 for Mr. anon in existence, and it was moved,• " id?fCacdiarmici, and after the ballots are not ear.iestly seeking trade reci- , seconded. awl resolved that the old nualI `• bad been counted the Conservative proeity, another shoots for non -inter- officers of the Executive committee — scrutineers complimented Mr. Bole course with the United States. be all i e-appoin.ed, with ,,power to I impartial hich carry on any business which tbey may consider necessary. The M. lowing is detailed statement of re ! ceipts and expenditure throughout. the constitaency in connection. with the late campaign :—W. S. Lawrence, Sec.-Treas., in account with West Intron Plebiscite Union : upon the manner in w (( Sir Charles Tupper .himself. is or. the poll had been conducted, "In l View of. these facts," says the Ex-, genizing in Quebec; the Winnipeg press. "It is but natural that Mr. organ founded by Mr. 'Hugh John Bole should feel annoyed at the' Macdonald and his associates de- -slanderous charges of crookedness nounces the French-Canadians and that are being made, against him,' wants Quebec to strew in its: Laurier' and if an investigation is heard it 'will give him an opportunity of allowing conclusively that every- I Mr. Foster is in New Brunswick *fling in connection with the election • violating the new Whitney doctrine 'with which he had to do was con- of non -relationship between ' Proven. ducted fairly and honestly, and the juice, , 24 8•i >3 55 • cal and Federal ederal arties, and finding are kicking because the don't relish defeat. his justification probably in the con- . pact made between Sir Charles and ONTARIO'S FINANCIAL Mr. Whitney in The Mail building. POSITION. Upon' one thing only are the lead - The provincial treasurer has de--ers unite -1. They are for the main - livered his budget speeeh, and it tenance of the Senate as it is, and. shows' that we are in good shape we do not forget that the Senate as financially. It shows that the pro It is is Tory. . vinee has a surplus of assets over cur- It would be go5od, too, to have some assurance that what Sit Charles eeetofeestaeleweeseteeeetmeeseaneeab,,e Tupper may say will go, and that if he should endorse a Tesl.in. railway Government designed to hold an en - A _ SILENT WATCH 1FOE1PTS.- Col. at Dungannon convention From Asblield township .... ,. " Colborne township ... , " Goderieh township . , .. 31 75 " E: Wawanosh township...:51 00 0 5 V'Vawanosh township... ..3 0:� W. ., Clinton.... . 35 ocJ • " Goderieb town :16 00 8190 59 DISnuBsEMiNTS. Paid for literature 838 28 Organizers 65 95 " See,-Treas., salary 25 00 �• for telephoning and telphg- 5 25 dt stationery and postage 18 75 " Secretary for organizing `5 00 " to Central fund 3a 01) " for incidentals t 55 Balance on hand 0 81 BI<YTH. contract or some other project of the I Mr. George hraechling, of Morris, was fatally injured on Wednesday, is not a desirable companion, 1 ormous trade for the merchants and I though if yott forget to wind it manufacturers of Canada he will not Feb. 8tb, while felling trees in Mt.James McGowan's bush. A splinter vett cannot blame the watch, be forced to shift his ground at the of a tree struck him' in the bead. It t'our's has contracted the demand of other leaders in his party. breaking both : jaw bones and'in)nr- bhabit of silence bring it here It is a bad thing for tt party to ing his palate. He died on Saturday and see what we will do fur have too many leaders in Paella- evening and was buried Tuesday at ', s you. If you hove ; menti it is a bad thing for leaders to , I have too fe-w votes in the constitue1i• I one h clock in the :inion the hasp cies. I ment of St. Andrew's church, given I The Conservative organization just , by the Ladies' Aid on Wednesday 1190 5v0 KC WATCH now is the time to visit ns. We have and can introduce you to a select eotnaany of merry'little tickers with guaranteed Ameri- ep.n movements, nicely cased, ranging from $.1.50 up. et All are cicsely timed, fuliy ed warranted, .and there is not an unworthy one among them. Everything in Jewelry and Silverware at close prices. HALSEY PARK snow is laboring under both of these t• Feb, 22nd. Tea served from six to o disabilities, and we eantot quite tell • . i _ eight. Admission 10 cents. he voice from the echo, and do not I Miss Mat*d Ttinp has returned to quite know whether the party. is Detroit ' I crossing the fields. or going around the eoncessloti. The store north of Mr. J. T. But, in an event, Sir Charles Tupper' Carters harness shop has been se-. is a brave, spiritedt resolute, astonish- I cured for the ills delivered of a laundry. Rev. O. L. Attila delivered a lecture. ing old man, and we shall an listen "Lire Among the Biackfeet Indians," •i with interest to what he may say in on Monday evening, , West Huron and rejoice that he bearoa so well the weight of years and keeps i • ^AN'rflt- SsilrXttAL. 'smart vt.tatiY PER.cone at tide state to mannite aur business ha so untamed the fighting spirit that has thole e+t tt and nearby costntics it is matisiy .nivt• made 'lira a eonspicuotis figure in sc' ty'enrandlexp nye Eli triiEtt, bnnnfidetratn llnaireno many fierce and memorable political las, salary Alenthty #7A, rtnteil b Er. .1111 eonte3ts,---bl:t)nday's Globe. i' t.,, D pt. hr, Chi'tu(ke ° tvrial,a, ircrlrcrt ls. acct, 1 11111111 Q If it' was only health, we might let it cling. But it is a cough. One cold no sooner passes • off before another comes. But it's. the h `me. coo all the time. same old g And it's• the same) old story, ' too. There is first the cold, then the cough, then pneu- monia or consumption with the long•sickness, and life tremb- ling in the balance. • ers err '.'.,,-,'i.';1--.•L ,•• loosens the grasp of your cough. The congestion of the • throat and lungs is removed; all in- flammation is subdued; the parts are put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. It bas no. diseased tissues on which to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out itlflammatlon of the lungs. Advi'ce Foes. Remember we have a. Medical napart anent. If. yen haVe any complaint what• ever and desire the belt medical a,lvice you. can possibly- obtain, wr;fe the lector •treely. Yen will receive a promptre,1iVy Without Bost. rldtlr(tsli, DR. J. (1.AVM, iii , T ' .; Mills will offer for the next 30 days at speeitil low prices hitt " entire stock of Fall and Winter Goods i;onsisting of - Fur Goods, Mantles, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Flannels, Wool Sheetlugs and Blankets. In Ladies' Pur Jackets cur stock is complete in all the different, sizes, • pricfs-rpnging at $25.00 and upwards. Extra large sizes always sept in ,stock. 411 Fpr -Goods guaranteed. : Special prices in. Ladies' Mantles in Curl Bouckle Broad Cloths, Freize- and Beaver, These goods have all been bought from the manufacturers at. jobbers prices, and are now being sold for less money that the meat hent could buy them in the earlier part of the season. . i_ See Overcoats —Men's Youths' and Boys', in Tweeds, %;laze and {1 Beaver, at $3.00 and .upwards., • 1. A large stock of underwear in Union, American, Fleece limed and All wool from 22?•c and upwards. - Our Wool Sheetings and Blankets are the best made by' 'ishor, of Paisley, and McKelvie, of Wroi•eter. No shoddy or Flying in these goods. •0uare nteed to wear. . . A. a t.. •. NEW HARDWARE A complete stock -of General Hardware, Stoves, .Tinware, Paints, O:ls, etc. , Give: u5 al call. Get prices and we are sure you will buy. 8. E. KENT Stand -01d Post Office Store. 100 OORD Sood WANTED. • We will pay tho`bighest cash price for 100 cords of good soft, wood, delivered at our Ilphoistering factory in Wing- ham. Enquire at the factory office for particulars. WALKER & C LEGG. Iti NADIA1 j�tL�lWG►'� rf,) AN ABSOLUTE . y es NO/tey/N63 TA IT KS Ir PLAYS CAN CAN BE FICAPD GO T �e' A CHILD CAN :• r EDVI1n - oPr PATS. IT ; DNI EGORDI., -iia, >: its fli 1711 r AGSEJI1 A RCG ri►Ts WANTED 1 hi Mt VICRY'MCWN AFili'vIt.4Af3At, ADMESS CAN TALKING MACIilN15CO -= LONDON ONV. •