The Wingham Times, 1899-02-17, Page 3•
1 ,t1 W(11 patrot! iPe t krti 1 er shni, l
t a popular meeting pelage:.
t :fhenleinhott the main, and shalt oft
Vii' Yon Would. Avoid the l rho "'""4i.iheFe3 suite "14138'
Troubles,1tf`t f rng- t tr, }leilkingag" !" lttl6rltkeeps "leat reig•rt�
ers ti Stomach De- ink:
r anger tints Bring Qu. If "tone i3 nt,ney^,'• why (boa the
cloak always de) tilt-iile„s "on tick?'”
When It well digger finishes a job,
he probably eon:titter s it "well
dont&" •
"Truth lies at the bot otn of a
Well." I;ut how eon troth "lie"
anywhere ?
The man whose wife chase:l hien
with the frying pan said the spider
Made hint fly. • VIRS',t 1I l.x..DIteWN IS POOREST--
i is r MILK, PAR IIIOTt1 ti AI,tl-
Paine's CelPrj Compound Bao-
. Isles. Every. Difficulty and
Penni Health,
Stomach trouflet) are exceedingly oone-
anon told varied in character. '.1'u day
thoueands colophon "f steatite!) derange-
tti,eots. Stomach Jltlluttities nre ueutiliy
ireantrr$ted by poor e4 petite foul tongue
rand br.,ttth, putrid or bitter mete in the.
9ututh, a desire for acids; hunter have
headache, nieepy feelinge, ts,netipal ion,
inactive 4o yeas, and verbenag a food
and bike.
Tictitus or stotnaoh tr%stib els nl'nolfest
Sow elects, deslrontleut mind, or d have
tears of irupendieg Bangor. It matters
nor, whet the symptoms etre : any of them
indicate low nerve force, fend pont to
alae fact that the digestive system is out
of gear and the blood in uu unhealthy
condition. '
In order to avoid the malty dangers ni
indigee+tton, dyspepsia rind genteritl s+oto
soh dereuttenente, Pa Ws Celery Oulu
pouutl Nthin td be u•,ed when many of tht
unplensitt 13y w'tio' that lend to Irout's,
are expo ten tied. A tett' dor:ee or nittrrr'
?health restorer will quickly set the dt
tgeeettve tnauhiner•y of the body in perfect •
running order, out} good Willi: will 1,,,1 The pt'esent system of musical no-.
lmaiotained•' tatjon was invented in the eleventh
If tt ba th,yt yeti have long neglected •Lenttti' '
the trimliles thtit lritve become deep teat. 3
cid and chronic, du not denneir, The•
. Money `and 'time are the heaviest
faithful use of Paine i Celery Com-
ppound nor a few iit+eke will, %Yahoot fail, hurclens of life, and • the unhappiest
7uanish'ltil your sufferings ; you r appetite of all mortals are those who have
will .bprome natured, your rest and bleep more of either than they knew how
will be refreshing, and your food will
+enri;•h your biped. making bone and to use. .
entiscle, and yonr health will be as -1 as ever before i When Beauty rodeo.
In response to reneeted tnquiriea from
In f"rn•nce''it is A»titer 4f; lnclias with whnt;n Dr, Chase's Ointment
/ese for any, one to give -infants has Iterotne so popular for skin diseases,
under 1 \ enc any form or milli' food asking if face powders are injurious and
Cinlez`s such be ordered by wrfu, can he used whale using the ointtneat,
ws state that while the meinri.ty of face
Isfervous Prostration. so Swore, Lost
Power of Bands, side and limbs, ,
Bat South American Nervine Beat
Off Disease and Saved iier,•
Minnie Stevens, tiaughter of T. A. I '''
Stevens, of the Stereos 111alutttuturiug
Co„ of London, was stricttgn omen with
a very severe (atauit et neri'oue prostra-
tion, which resultotl tri her losing the
power of her limbs. She *mold not lift
or hold ftnythiou i.i her hands, anti ut.h.'t•
tib nplletttiona Nhoeed tt,emt=efvea, (1t r,
parents had lost hope of her recovery
She began tuition oiiit, Aotorican Ner
vine, and after totting twsh a bottles she
wan perfectly reetr,rt+.l, and enYyte smut
health to day. Sold by A. L. llateiltot,.
i'EkittiAl, t7,
When the new electrical t oat is
formed, IL man will have to p t -v for
getting struck with lightning.
For Over fifty Years,
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mea '
Winslt,w'et Soothing Syrup bus been
used for over 'if ty years by mtltio 13 of
'withers for their ubitdren while teeth. 1
ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
ohtld, soften% the Kama, allays all pain,
cures wind lobe. and is the beat re uedy
for diarrhoea. It is p)epsant to the taste.
Solei by druggists inevery part of the
world. rI,'wenty•rive cents tt bottle. Its
value is ineelunble. $e sure you ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, aid
take no other kind, .
Milclnay fall show is to be on
September 21st..
preset etalons, .:domed by a legally powders are tnjuriouH we van recommend
qualified medical min, • the recipes given in Dr • Clhast'+ supple•
mentary recipe bookon page 471, which
will be Rent to any nddrege nn receipt oe
Wormy Botheren Baby. 5o in seamen. Dr Chase's Ointment is
"My babysuffered terribly with worms'friend for all coin diseases,
atsed doe little of 1)r. Low's Plea•rent Adtl•i,ess hr. A. aft tihnse Co.. Toronto.
.Worm �uup. which it to,lmpltetie.l th,• I
' pereeteg. gee itetr}air ir. +wets•: >tte uifkli 41rnt1,` �l,ett , t estanraut. in the east end `)
cured hes." Mrs IV 1,11 Mem-emir, W ,L
Lord, Ont. of L indon displays before its patrons
London enj)as a great r Nret tel a. t•ar•d cin rrh,ich is written this .:ad -
open space:, than any othu • capital v lee : :I) i rot tip the waiter, .He
makes m 're than the owner and has
ti day
John C+,rIAeit and Charles Roach
An the world.
Children Ci'j sof„
CST � ft?, arra likely to make application to the,
i`••a /t:;' town of P;tin'etiston for a, loan of
`Nothing is s) "noel f +r an :l' n n sept 06000 to put clirtse and run the flax
lir en as silence; and if ht' w'a ptetntii- mill. ••
of this he would not he 14tsorttnt. - The Stonracl'i's Woes—Ara • pl•.tta-
--5tladi. nntly and p' iitively healed 'by .Dr. '1 o
• Stun'tt Prnearrple Tablets.' 'They' net up-
• A CARP. on aud•digrst the food.pilevetit• .terufen-
7Jlr.lii il�intz,nin, 20,3 Mourne M.P., Tla,nk••h
itV:.l. itd+iws all mon who aro woo, (t ri hu sleekstlI *newly and perfect erre to n r l o to
Dr. Gustav 1•I. Bot:ert,z.
352 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mit h. ,
tatit:n and all ditttressee tlf , he Rutty inch .
Eminent .h+sioians have noted their
sterling merit auti the w ind'rf,ll cures
'nought right in their nen practice and
presoriue tic; elieve and buret ,35 cents.
Sold by A. 7 ,.Hamilton.
.I YIC PE :0*L !
)i3y far the largest termly of sufferers hi the world are the . Itidneyi-.sick
peeper -,--but by far the largest army of the cured ones attribute :,lisle
release front disease to the great South American: Kidney Cure—
Cures Bright's disease. Curran diabetes, Otu'es all bladder aiienentst.
Kidney diseases are the most in-
sidious of all' diseases common- to
humanity ; within the past few
years medical science has made
wonderfill strides ire coping with its
ravages. South American' 'Kidney
Cure has proved rich in healing
r s ` ties. WFter
$ t� rfd:t. power, and every day testimony is
ped Y� piled tip for its great curative quiff -
disease exists
`k'-- � e
ty �_��'' �'" it is generally indicated by certain
r -"a` changes la the urine, such as mucus,
sediment, albumen, brick dust, acid
3 '! V^ , ; `moi �%yf and blood -p'aic is hot necessarily an
1 �, :1:15; 4 asigorngpaaitirnent, which; only aggta-
, '� yatcs the i n sidiotte ns tures of it. Test -
°r .. 1' *•. i and e � e imcntiri has disclosed
n �r.pp
:1 hies 'fact that. ,the, passing through
those organs of the solid particles
�' 1 i \ in the ordinary worse -of circulation
do, in a remarkably short while clog
tip, grind out and impair, them so
that the functions of.thos° organs are
notperformed and disease lays hold
on th.e patieettwith aruthloss hand.
iidiley diseases require a solvent—
South American Kidney Cure is a
,,- solvent --it is a kidney specific--
. ^+ -~` -•- claims to be no more --it has been
tested by eminent medical authorities oft kidney diseases, and proved and testified to by
Them as the surest and safest cure for all diseases' of the kidneys and bladder. It's a
purifier -:a healer -a health builder—efficacious alike to man or woman.
Good News Srom the North Country--• began to realize for himself that his Case was
.A young machinist in a largo t ranufacturing con- hopeless he took his case to his own hands, de-
vern. in Northern Ontario, fell a victim to the termined to fight for his life, 'He experimented
airopiseal form of kidney disease through at- with many so•callc l tures without relief, South
• mcspheric changes in followinghisdallylabors-- Afnnrloan Kidney Cure with brought to his notice;
be continued his work until almost commanded and like everything else, be tried it --to his
to quit by due physician from whom he had been astonishment he hope to feel bettor under its
receiving treatment. He visited Toronto and uso. Ile continued to gain strength—ho took sit
son:tistted an eminent authority en kidney des, betties—and to.daythat same young man can be
eases. The doctor sent htmhomewith aghopefuI found at that same lathe, working for that gams
'a story of himself as he could gtiv0 but' wrote concern, halo and hearty as the first day he went
rrivatcly to the young man's physician that it there, No gives ail the credit to South American
was only a matter of time with litre until death Kidney Cure,
f#;, y.,,•., wouldelai= another kidney viotiel, Lion ha .
,' SOUTH AMERICAN NERVI Ngpp--Ts'a nerve healer. Caret indigestion end en stoniaeit troubles
*Nob Are
i AMl3RICANeRtHEUMAT C CUR'P1-••Itis lifted Mort off ab2,l of pain after afewd.tys'
rase, v./babel/it not ifean free frain suffering for years. '
DR. AONOW'S OINTMENT ogres blind, bleeding, Itchhtg or ulcerating ON le from thred;te
,' .rico, , the nights. 38 ct1. 61:,.e'll:
The Creamery Gazette says that
20 pounds of milk drown at the be
ginning of milking will produce only
about one half pound of butter,
while the same amount drawn at the
enol of milking yields nearly two
pounds of butter. Danish esperi•
tent to the sane line . shows as fol-
lows :
First—.Milk, from the first streams,
172 lb.—gave 1 lb, of butter. •
Second—Milk from the middl.
streams, 88 lb.—gayly 1 lb. of but-
ter .
Third -•••-Milk from the last streams,
27 lb.—gave 1 Ih. of butter.
Fourth—Milk from last drops, 12
lb.—gave 1 lb, of butter. •
This shows that the after milk it,
very rich in butter eiements and
therefore very valuable.
Second, straining the cow's milk-
ing capacity to its utmost will de-
velope the. udder toward rendering
as perfect service as ,possible. •
When the milking is finished the
cow should again • receive a kind
word and a *stroke with the hand --
'lever with the u.ilking stool: ,
Milking with wet hands is, of'
course, a thing of • the past.. The
mnilker's hands should be dry and
elea n;
Whenever a hard milking cow is,
found, ille narrowness of her milk
t'anals :may be obviated by rolling
the-ttats_bet%een,,two heeds. Pas
sink' t straw ie to the•Milk eana1 is.
(Osaattous to the aTlinitrl, and may
Pause an I:+tlaulation of the udder
Ott being milked after the first calf
Many cows are very sensitive to the
milker's touch. Nothit g but patience
and gentle treattnent wild' avail in
dirt 1,1,4 4iSfill• .•
Tnflatned adders lave' been sue
ces•fuIly treaieirt with water as hot
ss eau he borne try the hand, and
applied frequently.
Alight stable well • ventilated, is
of necessity a elean stable. Cleanit
milking esnttot be preeticed in the
absence of sutticient • light. • •
Mileh Battle should 'never be at
lowed to drink ice-cold water:, as ii
is Rare to cause a decrease in lb:•
milk. '
From the Inroads of Dreaded Catarrh
—What Dr'. Aguew's Catarrhal
Powder Did for Mr. LeBlanc lie
Proves Will Do for Others:
Alfred LeBlanc,•of St. Jerome, Que:.
was a great sufferer for yeare with:catarrh.
of a very severe type.. Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder reacued„ hint when
everything else•had failed. 'To -day when
he goats to his lumber' °atop with his L25
men, thisgreat remedy le considered as
necessity to t .. fortable cam
much a net, y tai p
life ne anything else, It relieves Cold in
the head in ten minutes ; pievente the
rowing of catarrh kerne, and when
hey ere sown., it cures them. .Sold A.
L. Ettimilton,
The work of dredging Goderich
Harbor will be commenced early in
the spring. = 1.
Protestants in France Clic' number
rather less than 2 per cent • of the
• It Will or It Won't. '
Sbiloh's Consumption cure will either
cure your cough, or it won't. One or
the other—sure. Try it and see. If it
cures, the druggist keeps the money you
pity far it. If it don't cure the druggist
gives back the money, Every bottle
earries a guarantee• 25 eta., 50 eta. and
$t Cil rt bottle. Good for Cootie tit ptions,
Coughs, Colds, Croup, I3roncl'titta, and
Throat 'Preis blest generally.
The bitterness of It grain of stryeh.
trine call be tasted .n 600,000 grains
vi` water.
• rAvrzo- slvvl ft XT. TRU5T1t o1'tII1f cell•
send in this Ado to mi ndire neer busboys
their own ant nearb) snottiest ttla mainly eeioe
work nandu+.tet{ of h0 • a. Warr straight' $00) a
,. row and ear)bouts-•-ric,inife,bon Hide, no mere no
' o s salary, Mtnthly 4.1, ilctrlonees. 1 neiose
,t'It-adds*•^•t ala,nl5rd oh%eape, tfeebcrt 1I11'rss,
Prost„ Dept. U. Chicago
Is t�� rb
y j c P111
Pills are necessary but not nice. Cathartics are not confections. Tic
fewer pills that you take the better. It's aggravating to tale pills that don't
and pills that won't. It's soothing to know that when you take is pill it's
the pill thatwill do the work for which it's taken.
have gained a reputation for their sure results. The pill that will is
Ayer's.. For all liver troubles, diseases of the stomach and bowels, sick
headache; . biliousness and heartburn, Dr. Ayer's Pills have proven a
specific, and they
as they have cured thousands of others whose testimony is :t matter of
xecord. • Ayer's Cure Book is sent free by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mass.
Send feat . it if you want to: kix,vlr more of the .'power of these pills £hall, is
proven in the following testimonials.
"I suffered nearly all my life with bowel complaints, enduring much pain, and I -tried
almdst all the cathartic remedies advertisedyin the newspapers, without obtainirng permanent
relief until I .used Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The result obtained from the use of these pills
was wonderful. They not only gage immediate relief but effected a permanent cure."'
R. C. STOI)L)ARD, Delhi, get.
"I was ill for some tinte with•Iiver trouble. My back ached and my skin fumed as
yellow as saffron; I became unable to do any work, and at last was confined to my bed too
weak to move without assistance. I commenced the use of Ayer's Pills and less than half
a box cured me. t owe my present good health to theirttse, oral f am net tx a {rhnt.t shunt.•'
WM. OAKLEV, Lobelville, Tenn.
I have used Ayer's Pills with excellent results for constipation. I fad that they do
not gripe nor purge, but do give relief." CHARLES R. WHITE, Pittsgrove,N. J.
"I have used Ayer's Pills since 1845, and consider theta superior to all other pills on
the market. I always keep them in the house in case of emergency, and at one time they
cured my wife of dyspepsia. 1 have found them good for all diseases c lused•by the
Southern climate." A. L. JONES, Elizabeth City, Ni C.
You Should Enow
W tat Hood's Sarsaparilla hoe to do far
Mose who have ilnpureund impoverished
blaotf, ltreal eetbe blood rich and pule,
am curesserofula, snitrheum,dyepept•ia,
eatarrh. rheumyatism, nervousness. If
-i ailment onus -
with, n a Imes
you nrrprnsnoted by impure blood. take
Hood's Sarsaparilla at once.
HOOD'S PILLS are prompt and efIl
Dent, easy to take, easy to operate.
Telephone lines use 19,000,000
pounds Of copper yearly.
ITothin,q contributes more toward
alleviating dorgestie stories than a
etear conscience. '
, Children Cry for
The Grand Trunk is building six
ten wheel passenger engines and six
moguls for freight seri/lee,
British Columbia mills have a
Chinese order for 160,000,000 feet of
Itimber. .
t1 let "`she Story Of the Phililrpines" by Murat
rnleta,d. rtonunisslnned by the Onvernment a,+
alabLIittorian to the War nepartlnrnt• 'rho book
was written in army camps 'et Sur t'eauaitee, on the
fnc{tl0 with General Merritt, in the,tnapl.n)s t,6 Ha. •
manlu, in bong Kong. in the Atheridan tronrhrs ar
Mlanlla, in the insurgent canine with Arnitml,lo, nn
the deck of the t)fyn,pia with Dewey. end 8. the
tor of cattle at the felt of genets. itnn"nz•, inr
agents, Brimful et original pictures token by Itcw-
ernmOnt photographers Os the short, [targe hook,
Low prices. Bi profits, Freight freta. Credit
tree, Address, bP. T. rBathe , Scey. tar I,,stmace
aids., Chicago, ,
I ,I, li. I
A Lawyeraomphmented.
Jitn Webster was being tried for
bribing acolored witness, Sam
Johnsing, to testify falsely.
You say the defendant offered
totestify inhis behalf
,you 1350 tea J ,V .
asked tha lawyer of Sam.
•IYe,s, sah,"
"Norv, repeat what he said, using
his exact words."
"Ile said he would give me $50 if
"He didn't speak in the third per-
son, did he?"
"No, sah; he ttiek good care dat
dare were no third pusson round ;
dtl' was only two—us two."
"I' know that; but he spoke to
yen in the first person, didn't he?"
"I was de fast pussoli myself, sah."
"You don't understand tae. When
he was talking to you, did he say, 'T
will pay you $50 ;sr "
"No, sah, didn't say nothin 'bout'
you payin me $50. Your name
wasn't mentioned, 'eeptin he told
me et gibber I got into .a serape yon
'was'de best lawyer in San Antone
to fool de judge and de jury fee'
you was de 'best in town to cover np
For it brief, breathless moment the
trial was suspended.
Chfldienr .Cry for
Ar1Tryr tnt.rCITttli t WAN TED EVi:1t,Ywl3EliE
f .r• "the vtnr.e f, the Philippines" by ,Murat
11 Ostend. vonnts•lo'leili by the Government as,
1>8i u,i Hiatt rain ce• the war Department. The
nn„k was ,vrlfni hl army estops at San rrransisoo,
On the 1' eifi• with (caecal Merritt, itt ,the hospitals
as Honolulu, in (inns; Konya, in the American trench
e+ at Natalia 1" s he insurgent camps wit's Agub1hf—
dn, on the fleck , a. rho )ivy.„t with Dewey, and in
the roar of hai•ee,nt Manite Mimosa
for nn swe period tl fr pictures taken by
government photcgraphe?e •ort the stent. L:.rste
hark, Low 1,•i is. Kr profits. F•ei¢ht pied.
0'..d t given, Ornp all trashy unotticiai war !woks.,
nett;+ l - Address, S. T, Garber. Secy,, Stir
humans hint,„ Chicago,
Canada Life bead offices bit
moved to Toronto.
Chatham ,rh'' thereafter collect
their taxes semi kotinallv.
The question of building a now
Own hall is receiving its periodical
airing in Wyoming.
The criminal judge may be a man
of troy, words, but he is not always a
man of short sentences,
If your liver ie out Of order, causing
biliousness, Siick Headatlie, Heart-
burn, or Constipation, takes dose of
Htioti 9
s Pills
On retiring, and tomorrow your di-
gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright., *dive and ready
for any kind of work. Ibis has
been the experience of ahem;l
'wilI be your&. HOOD'S PILLS are
gold by all medicine dealers. 86 tate„