The Wingham Times, 1899-02-10, Page 81i1i rfJ '.'.,ti,M T1MES,t FEBRUARY JO LS09 --court Maitland, , 0 F, meats. dais 1. need any fixing. It MCI 11 u 0' [� 0 0: (hrtday) eaentug• � .-:Tiara ore at prose t 0 in Huron house of Refug • ---Regular meeting f the School Board on Tuesday evening t ext, -Mr Thee Walker ahippPda car lead of loss to Torrntc nG \ 'daesday, -•-Tvvo oar 1'tde ut beik were received A wEi,i, 1Ci1OwaN QUN13FC FARMER SUE- "Put in a gallery orecatnethang. by the \Cron', en Tann ng Co this week. k RE0 UN'r)GD MISERY FOR TEIREE Stephenson in goal hadn't much ohance --The 't Vali job dfpertinent is ruched Yi; #RS BEFORE RE FOUND RELIEF, to show WI be eau t.t'ap the puck, Leave your order need anything in • 1 i 1 'you played well Gus, but dig in and �. latest fn''t a . 1 don't be afraid. . I WegueesKin. dine found Skeates DOMINION ElEcTioN skates on s=kates, f. THE AFTER EFFECTS MORE DAN* I Luoknow will ploy in the Wingham GrEROUS THAN THE DISEASE.rink next Monday es'euing I Get wore seating capso:ty Stephenson. TUESDAY, F West Huron Wrinkles in the, ack of the eoat, a shortness or longne$3 of the :~k't.ves, a tendency of the collar to a lrnb tap the neek, a bald fit rotltlil. tilt+ armpits. These are Some of the results when a loath pleat%Mat the wrong clothier. That isn't Mt. The cloth is alit to fade 'Tiff; buttons come off. The sieenats rip. Better &:arae to 11S and see the ditiferent'e, We are the right kind cf clothiers and give your money baek if everything is not all right. Ilats and Furnishings, no 'latter what you may require, you'll find us prepared with an immense as•' sortment of the very latest and daintiest styles and novelties. We have made it possible for you to meet the Dress requirements or the clay at little expense. It will pay you to deal with us. • FURS with work at present, at this ()duce when yet the printing lino. -Targe qu n.tlties • of furniture,, hour and other articles were shipped, train town this weak. For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' fnrnishingi try Webster c Co. Remember the place, in Owen's b oek. -The log yards of Mrs McLean. tr Son and .Button a Masson!, are fast filling up these days, -The Wingham market leads. for all kinds of grain, 'proclu .e, etc, and our merchants give good vdue in their several lines, -Mr W 5 Robertson of town, has been engaged to teach in 3ihxnur's school, Turnberry, until i411ett McLaughlin re- covers from her Meese. Dr. Macdonald is now permanently at borne and can be consulted by his patrons. -A Pleasant time may be spent Tuesday next 14th, by attendin theE l�vorth I League Sootal Evening" in the Methodist church. Good programme, rofreshments Silver collection. -Mr .S D Barna, of Lambton County, organizer for thij 0 0 0 F, is in town lnokimg rift e the interests of the above society. Several have al- ready given their ap ilieation and it is expected the m mbership will be Now is the lilac to buy a Fur largely increased uring Mr. Barns' 'Coat', Cape or Ruff, at very „ow stay. The mole y accepts ladies to full membership wi b. the gentlemen. prices. •Special terms just'- ow. Mr B is stop- ping�faat the Queen's, where ha may be N E � GOODS seen. JUST OPENED UP THIS WEEK Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Tweeds, :Boots and Shoes, and Ready made ,Clothip . Now is the tilne. First choit:e at WINDOWS 1 SMALL LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. ,-Ash Wednesday- -The fire departm with .a new hose slei -We understand a3liortiy hevo a new d -Turnberry .andj �-February 15th. ant has been provided h. that Wingham will ntiet... Morris township councils will meet orf Monday next. Highest prices paid for butter, eggs, dried apples and good maple and beach stove wend. D M Gordon. .--Mr W 3 D.yoll has rented his farm ?pear Zetland to Mr. tchard Pocock. --The second and best carnival of the :Season will be held n the Wingbafu rink sthia (Friday) eveni ---On'tlainside nes of this issue will 'befound a report f the County Council prooeeriings as to en from the Goderieh Star. Cutters went good. 1 have ordered a .oar load of buggies ,from the same firm. .Don't buy until you see me. T. H. Ross. -A number of tit Wingham friends of Nr. and. Mrs 5 C Ho lett, of East Wawan- osh, spent a pieasan evening at their home .on. Wedneeday. -+a, number of onng people of town +drove out to the h me of 11'1r and Mrs. "J.'erdue, East Waw nosh, on Monday and aeeyed a very ple Sant evening. -Mr Wm Gern i11, for many years a resident of Turn rry, Las soy his farm ,and intends skier y to mov - to Mtylitoba, ai tier'e he spent th past sli'+. Allaocounts o.-ing t 'Mr It 0' Foster, aientcher, must be ,e ti=, with T l3 Dedds :before the 15th of ,reary or they will be placed in coir; or collection. -"Epworth League Social Evening" 'next Tuesday, 14th, in the Methodist -church.. Piece ant .programme, refresh- ments. Silver goIlection. All are 1nvit- .ed. Men's and boys' overcoats, and 'ladies' Rev. T. bail concluded the Services mantles will besold here at shout half in the Methodistoburch on Sunday last. . p ri a for the next thirty C h da s. First et The sato ' 1t Y Y r Rev DrPa choice always the best, D M Gordon. pastor, acne, and his wife are ill with la grippe. -Mr Arthur H k0arr, of Crura Eroa, Next Sunday anniversary eerviees in 'millers, bas purchased the beautifuLionneotion with Wingham Presbyterian property of Mr The Leslie, on Minnie St1 ureh will be held. Rev b Perrie, the %is a ter desir ble 'Thiele y � . property, and Mr pastor, will preach special sermonsrind Our is veryfortunate in securing it. p , g special. mucic will be provided by the i1 rush oysters arriving Wedaily at Meelel. choir. No tea meeting will be held in Star restaurari Ir t e them ,x twe them •n i connection with i on w the ser vi es o thisyear, .au!►y- etylis.-J As. McK*vvrs. a' atir;l in place of this a very liberal i;ol• :.-.e tneettne. of tth Directors of the lection .is naked from the congregation 1 ii. try,' t' .t;,rir•1tifs. nl Snr•inf t. will i•n •f, fate Sunday services. ". ii, t„ ' ° • • .:•''' :,t ' 'i'ifo regalnr meeting Of the W 0 T J'' ' ,. • ••- W• 11 ;till r e n.1.1 next Tuesday at the g. er. P.'1fnseaerAL8. Mr 7 E Swarts is in Toronto for a few days this week, Mrs 0 Dallas was :siting with friends in Blyth this week. Mr L Fortier is siendin; a few days with. Ingersoll friend,!. Mr Wm Grundy, town a few days this Miss. Charlotte Mcl with Blyth friends la Mr H O Bell retu from a business trip u ea Mr John Leslie, o town fol• a few dayr 11'iiss'Norma Dingr f Goderieh, was in eek. onogh was visiting t week, nod on Friday last o Toronto. ' Winnipeg was ' in this week. ,. y has returned from her visit with friends in Ingersoll. • Mr 5 R Brill, of Terswater, was in town Friday last and gave the Tinge a friendly call. Mr John. Dixon, xon o Hamilton, was in town this week, atter4in; the funeralof his brother.' Rev W Lloyd, of Farmington, Mich, is home on a visit to its father, who • has been quite ill. . Mr James Beldon,; of Molesworth, was visiting with Wingham friontrls a'_ couple of days this week. Mr Alfred Mitchell, of Napanee, was home attending the:funeral' of, hie moth- er, Mrs S Mitchell.' Miss McVittie, who has been visiting with her cousin, Mies Beila Elliott' for, some time, returned to her home in To. ronto this week. Dr James Wilsoe,,ef St Joseph, Mci,who has been spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends here, returned home on Saturday last. Mr Beldon and daughter, of Aneta. North Dakota, who have been spending a short time with his brother in town, re- turned • home on Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Josiah Taylor, of Hamil- ton, Mr Wm 1,foMu11en, of London, and Rev W MoMnllen, of Leamington, at- tended a funeral of William Dixon this week. a Mr A'IaaK Messer, who has been in Morrow's drug store for the past four years, leaves net week for Toronto where he has secured aposition. Ken hes been a general favori a with the young people of town, who wi 1 regret to hear . of his departure, but11 join in wishing hili) abundant 'ai meet CIEWItil;tt 11OTE$. Oa Sunday, last Rev. D. Perris preach- edanniversary sermons in the Furdtwich, Presbyterian church. :Rev. Mr. Stewart, of BeImore,. took Mr. Perrie's worts here. Item,... . ..., hori,t; c.t M:s x.'i:r Paulin at •3 o'elook. The fog horn band wore inuch in evi- Tire epidemic of la grippe which deuce, and played same beautiful has swept over Canada like a scourge soleetions, , this winter, has left thousands of I Wilsun, our new man on point, is the weak and despairing sufferers in all best in. his position in thispiirt of the. parts of the land,, irt•ippe is a trot',i country. cherouc disease, You think you are! Be on hand' at the Sink next Monday cured, yet the slightest cold brings evening and see Wing'liam and Ldnkaow on a relapse. Its mains are lett in play booltey. . a weakened condition and fall an 1 The Winghaa. boys went to Ripley on easy prey to its manifold eomplieat- j Friday evening last, and were defeated ions,. Tile" blood is left impure and to the tune of 5 to 3. The boys say they mpoverished;'tho nerves. shatterrd, were not in good trim, and that they and heart troubles and nervous pros. were not onto tt,e' "ins and outs" of the tration are too often the result, 'Ripley rink. Team The following statement !Dade by i IS incafidino„ „t� 3 t7 Lost To play 1 Mr. Daniel Ciossey,'a well known [-Ripley_- 1 a 3 farmer living near West Br•omeQue,, I Wingham.. „ .. 2 2 2 indicates the ravages made by the. Luokuow......., 0 8 3 after effects of this scourge. Mr Nita - .../. Wnel ,aavetl- Clossey says: -"Some five years ago Mr. J. iii. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Thad an attack of da grippe. The Hannibal, Mo., late.y had a wonderful earlier s iptos passed away, yetetdeliverance from frightful death. In I continued to fail in health, and telling of it, be says : of was taken with suffcl'e yintense pain in my head, I Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia.. My lungs became hardened. I was so Was 'subject to attacks of diz tnQss' i weak 1 couldn't even sit up in bed. No - and unless I would grasp e nettling thing helped me. I expected to anon would fall. I gradually grew so die of Ccrnsuniption, when I rof Dr. weak as to be unabl to do any j King's Nety Drseovery. Oneheabottled gave great relief. 1 continued to use it, and work, My legsa d feet were as' now am well and strong. I can't say too cold as ice even' 1 the summer much in its praise." This marvellous months If l• attempted the least � medicine is the surest and quiccest cure in the world for all `throat quad Lung exertion my heart would beat violent- Traublea, 50 cents and $1.00, :tt Celia A. ly. For three years I was in this.'aampbelrs Drug Store ; every bottle helpless condition,' and although dur- I guaranteed. ing that time 1 was attended by three i , different doctors, their treatment pro -1330111,:'. dueed not the slightest benefit. At YtfEtr,-In Culross, on Feb, let, the this time I read the statement of one' wife of Mr. Jas Yuen ; a daaugbter: al aRID. who had suffered from similartrouble, f( elm/ - NET,TRFIELD- At the residence who Was cured by the use of Dr. of the b:ide's parents.. Lower Winghnn., Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided t on the 'evening of February 8th, by to try them, The result was simply pastor Freed,' of the Baptist church, Mr marvelous. ;astir E Seli," of Wingham to Miss A dozen boxes did what Amelia Nettertield; of Turnberry/ three years of exyensive medical Cox-MoLEOD-At the• residenee of treatment failed to accomplish -re- the bride's father, on Feb. 1st. by Rev. stored me ,to full health and vigor, A. Mackay, Mr, James M. Cox to Christy Ann,, youngest daughter of Mr. trona and I am' again a ole 'to do my work Mc eod, all of.Kinloss . , DrWilliams Pink Pills saved m tame- n WianiEn nm • on Feb. r about the farm, I honestly believe� life and I aa glad to make this state- Willam Dixo , aged 74 years, 0 Ront hs days. ment for the benefit it 'may bring to d 15 Mixonetaa- n Wingham, on Feb, 5th, other!?, 'Cglara, wife of Mr-Siiilon Mitchell aged After an attack of la grippe Dr. 4 : years. 3 months and 20 days.''' g 4,Tilli,,tns' Pink .Hills is; the only VCouaIE-In East Wawautlsli, 'nn Feb 'medicine that eon promptly restore 8 7th, :eagle M., daughter of John T. and months Mafgaand ret 1- J. - Currie,. aged 17 years, you to health. They drive every trace 'of the poisonous germs from , _ _• the system build up and enrich the blood and strengthen the nerved. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing' the Dr,WiIliatns' Medicine Co.,' Brockville, Ont. Al- ways refuse imitations or substitutes. HOCKEY MATTERS. Kincardine mat their "Waterloo", here on Monday night last at the hands of the home team by 'a score of 4 to 1. The game was the fastest that has ever been witnessed on the Wingham ice. t ¶!tie rink was jammed to the doors, every available space being taken up by the excited spectators eager to see the. fun, The game generally, wee Wean and fast,. and with the exception' of a few good rushes by the visitors, the home team 1 had the best of the play throughout the! game. The Wingham' forwards;werel constantly bombarding the Kiricardine goal, but Sinclair proved to be almost invinsible, keeping out shoal after shot. J The Kincardine forwards a'xe. atrong,but Dinsley and Wilaon continually broke up their excellent combfnatien. Al, hair time the score stood 2 to 0 in favor of Wingham, and they bolted like sure winners of a hard fought battle. The second half was about a repetition of the fi.rat. The puck was faced off at 8.30. The first goal was scored in 8 minutes by Skeatee. 'This goal was disputed by Kincardine, and a change of umpire was the result. After 20 minutes of hard play, and just before halt time, Dinsley scored by a beautiful lift from centre. In the second -half Wingham were constantly shooting -ea thelCincardine goaI,and froth the strong} play which was put up by the home team it looked as if this score would be 20 to I, but the T incardine goal keeper was like a stone wall, and proved him- self to be the best goal keeper in the league. After seven minutes swift ;play Hunt scored for Wingham. lathe next ,1 minutes Kincardine scored their only goal. The pork was tamed again and after 11 mletutes play i ineardine's keel was pierced again. No more goals were scored, and after a few minutes more play the most ermiting game of the sea. son was finished. norms. A crowded house. Jennings got "011'&' wanted, "Dario a "World beater" and don't Your heart beats over one bun- dred thousand times each day. ▪ One hundred thousand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. Which is it? - If bad, impure blood, then your • brain aches. You are troubled .' withdrowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning . as at night. You have no nerve ▪ power. Your food does you but • a little good. Stimulants, tonics, headache powders, cannot cure you; but t1 - It makes the liver, kidneys, akin and bowels perform their proper work. It removes all im- purities from the blood. And it makes, the blood ,rich in its life• „giving properties. g p openies. To Hae#an RevOvery. You will be more rapidly cured if you will take a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. WP1'lo'10 ori« Dooforeu Wo have the exclusive 'silences of scone of the mat eminentinent h siciana'1n the United Staten. Write freely all the parttoularBIn your Addreess oDH, .1. C, AYER toweth dais, .4c4s+%r L .21,'99 Your vote and influence respectfully solicited for RO6"i".NOLMES FOR SE The Imported G rnau Coach p e WI L 1 EMAR Height 14 hands. Weight 1500 lbs, Color .row black, A Coach horse of the highest type with good knee action, For full pertioulars apply- to Samuel Irwin, Belbrrave P. 0.; C. aline, Brus- sels, or Thos. lames, Oran bro '. PHOTO(RAPHS M. E. Surbrigg makesthe newest things in the photo line. Just go and see the collection be has in his window, PLATIN OS A SPECIA.ZTY. Crayon and Water Color, Enlarg- ing and Copying receives -Special attention. A boy wanted -t x learn photography. ' M. E. ZURRRI1 9, • Opposite Presbyterian Church. EXECUTORS SALE OF Valuable Perm Property . in the Township of Fast Wawanosh in the•Coulity of Auron. Pursuant to the directions contained in the last , will and testunent of Henry 6 rain, deceased, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by Poor Doa'es, auctraneer, at Swarts' Hotel, In the Town of. Wingham, in the County of Huron, on Fridays the 24th day of February, A. D., 1899, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following vain- tslw farm property, viz. : The north halt of lot 24 in the 14 concession of the said Township' of bait Wawanosh, containing 100 'acres n' t1A u, cora or less, This tarn, is situated on the gravel road ieading from Luoknow to Winston' and is about 2 miles from, whiteehureh and s; miles •froen Wiugurun. The sell ie a first class clay. about 02 ores are clear- ,,;drand in ';rood State of cultivation and the balance _1 ti eliliinbered with hardwood timber. There is no wastelarrd ''the pror,etty'isweli fenced mind- - palrytdth stratghtratl tepees, ,well untlerdruined and V641 watered :Wog are•upon the property a;' good 'frame house tanto 'kitchen attached site' Stone foundation and deltas, tiname • barn bO x 154•wh_h'stone foundation dull ftdblea underneath, abont 11 agree of orchard and 42 rods of hedge fence, . Tame is also about 14. acres of fall wheat in Mu. ground' and 20 acres of tali plowing. TIioMS OF. SALE. — Ten per cent. of 'the pur- • chase money on the day of sale and the balance Wtchlu 30 dare thereafter. Further. particulars and conditions will be made known on thoday of sign or may be had on application to the undera'gned. noted at %Inghau, this 2nd day of February A. D;. ;sax' ' }t VANSTONE, Wingham, ilY DAVIS,' t olioicor fur'nrecutors. T A +111LLS, Executors A`iTCTION' SALE. or' Va), : ble Property in the To n of W Ingham. Under anby virtue of a power of salon twined in a certain n,or, rage, which will be prn aced of the timeof sale. ' here will be ot2ered f = r sale by pub- lic auction, b; Peter Deans, Anfencer,at the, aruupwiok iiote, 1, the Town of Ingham, In the County of Huron, Friday,tl'1e 1 h Day of February, •A. a ., 1 •: 99 at 1 o'clock in the aftort o he following. prdperty, that in to say :— The north west cnenor lot number one on the south side of` John Stree it Ed. Foley's first surrey in the said Tot' n at W gha , which said parcel is particularly described 'n the ore mentioned reort• • Upon this proppe ;v is situa ed a comfortable 2 stairs, irame daettir r 20 x 28, ,vi kitchen attached 16 X 18, and a st e .foundation nd cellar under. both house and .folder. The property s. well situated, het • g within a' row yards within t e busht,•ss centre of t e town., TIMMS OF `ALB, -Ton percent the day of sole and the alance Within 20 days* eafter. Ar, • ran stnent can be. made, however, to all w a portion - 01 the pu chase money to remain' on m. Naga ; at reaa011ac interest. Farther particulars ,oat e"on ditinns i11 be made known at the time o :ale, or tray' b, had at, applioatien to the auctionee or the rtndo 's softener. 1t ,ed at %Ingham this 25th day M January, 99, P " Elt DEANS, 10, VANSTONE, t%ingl�t t�}t. Auotioever,Vendor', Soliettor, $26.0 PI �MollsPum iu T� T it. I>� »�1 WEBSTEU & CO. 551 W illiani' St., - London, Ont, TOOL CHA T You'll find in our stock of general lairdware tis low piked tools as are safe for you to Buy, or for us to hell, or as high- priced tools as need to buy in order to i•eeure the best. Other luerellanta may charge more fits theta tllail we do, but we sell only the best a t' lowest possible figures, ' Wo have all these in stock, and the prices are right: hand Saws, Iron Planes, Auger Bits, Chinch, Steel Squame. I'lnrnbs and :Levers, IHammers. Files and hasps. J. OLJt.lGG& 00. Irk 31ltalta eecte "#,Si 4'a a "tom • 317 ie LEADING Having purchased .the butcher busi.. nese next the Rrunswica, I am prepare& to supply the public with all kinds OE t3'resh Dud Salt Meats, Sausage, &Aloka, &c. Orders taken and meat delivered to any part of town. A call solicited. 'Phone No. 0. D. JL1t lNGLE. 104 CORDS ft V 004 WANTED. We will pay the htxrhea tcash h prioefoe, 100 cords of good eofl, wood, delivered at our Uphnistering.leaatory iu Wind+. ham. Enqutru at the •factory office for particulars. ' WAL:ta.EE Leri OL1EG A -e.:. PU L8O i9OYRE. Raving moved to town to the resi- dence lately occupied •by- Geo P Wella, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near the GTR, 1 am prepared to pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of Raga, Rubbers, Copper, Horde Hair. Wool. Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my resldenee, or'if word be left, I will call for same. • C. GOODMAN - AUCTION OODMAN A. E. SNITH WINC,HA1L • , General Banking Business ,traitfs. Voted. 'Money advanced to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Stole Notes Cashed.. Moneys remitted by draft to alt imirtes of Canada and the United States. Netes:aid acdounts collected on:'rehs,+'', onitllle terms. A N t N LI(I G I ,aNAes. OLU iE Jt' ft xr /TONGS PT Mt; S Ir PLAYS' CAN Bt HEAR 60F? A CM1LD 1'4 f Pi✓ T IT PRIG BOXED,WITIi Olt kE.GORD gXipA pE i Airs CANTED 35f- . W INVERT TOWN AND VILLAGE. ADDRESS CAN.TALKINf1MACtEle CO LoNC10Ni ONT..... _ _ .. have secured the .services of three first-class coat makers,andr �.lelna posi- tion tion to execute orders E81fL workmanlike manner 4 -ort the shortest notice,. Style and fit goes for a. good deal these days• -y, both are combined i11 the clothes we make.•ir fir goods air all v' •attl the prices are low. Webster Sr Co iCiaCensia l3Wck,