The Wingham Times, 1899-02-10, Page 6• t • • 14. * "...11141,11”101"ri.s • *V. . . -^v.41^"****Feaniellellse,' W INORA.M TMES, FEHR UARY 10. 1899, Qtaattlx Calve of lamatiaa. HURON C0111VitY COUICAL. Ito Committee of the •Whole, and appointed to the board of County Wt. A. ttNyter, 74 Afton Mt.4.1 TOratitne 1 adopted in couticil. Examiners, tee ,feNttaacit sEssioet. :, el was greatly afflicted with A request from Wm. McCreath for The Exeeutive Committee recent letkoa, but atter using one box of Mil betties ltheuntetitt Pills I was We to go w of.s rt throe daye stud have not been Thubei) ai tante A. trolley ear and a locomotive at- tictUrteat• to• make the ltichmend street terosetng Lendon, at the tame time, And tho treltey bet 1L4 rear step. It WESa fertnnate escape foe the mica pants of the ear. •••-t 4. Positively cured lay 1.1:::::$3 Little Pala, They eso relieve Distress from Dysne. Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. j'itrr.r- fet; remede rte. Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- I1ess,. Dad i'arteinthe Mouth, Coated Tongue In xi tlie Side, TORPID LIVER. "-lry Reg,...ete the Dowels. Purely VegetalL--. Col:jail PHI. Small Prteli4e email Price. tt• f.:10 01: cc yo. Czzt.cr's, Ask f:: $, demand Little Liver :Pills. A -Dunnville Jeweller's Wife CURED Or PALPITATION OF 711E .HEART AND SMOTHERING SPELLS BY MiLBURN'S HEART AND E RVE P L LS. Mrs. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn erille„ Ont., whose husband keeps a jewellery store, and is one of the best is4 I* . known. and most progressive citizens of • Dunnville, Ont., gives the following de- scription of her recent ,experience in the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills: I took Milburn's Heart andNerve Pills for weak nerves, dizziness, palpita- tion of the heart, smothering spells at might and sleeplessness. Before I used "them I could not get restful sleep, and tny nerves wore often so unstrung that I would start in alarm . at the least noise, -and easily worried. " Last February I commenced taking 'this valuable medicine, and it proved the ',right remedy for my weak and shattered knervous system. Milburn's Heart and ' Nerve Pills restored my nerves to a tstrong and healthy condition, gave regu. Aar and normal action of the heart. "I sleep well now, and am better in .every way, and I recommend them heartily to all who suffer as I did." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 5oc. a box, or 3 for $145. at all druggists. •T. MIMI URN & Co., Toronto, Ont. Laxa.Liver Pins cure Constipation, Sick Iteadache. Biliousness, Dyspepsia. Every pin guaranteed perfect, and to work with. art a gripe or pain. Price 25c., alt druggists. r*-;.•:; arsaseassifasswase Pylly-Pectoral ..04. QUICK CURB FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remedy in aft affections af the THROAT or LUNGS Large Bottles, 25c. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited Prop's. of Perry Davie' tlacet-edeammetaspAt '.• 11111,404* ALWAYS KEEP ON NANO in, ilk's* THERE 131 KO KIND OF PAIN ON A0112, INTERNAL OK KITERNAL, IIIAT PARII.ICILLAN WILL NOT AK. MOIL, LOOK CBI' reit MUTATIONS AN b li- iTaters:,., Tis tie.NuiNil COTTLE 4 rs t , r 11# If NO ;••••40• ;Ik•fir•fr arro *eta. nirr, rwir I • • The Coen Proceeded with the an inetease ett salary was read and mended the following grantet—$20 following business cm Wednesday seat te E"eutive' to Agricultural and Ilorticnitnral ;attn. seleeting the standing commie, Moved by Dr. Rollins, secended by societies holding exhibitiuns ; et•i5 to tees, which were given tti our lest Jaine3 ConoollY, that the Executive the Childten's Aid Society ; $10 to. tagerASIZZAWV0445461610000Nr • A .......%110MIEWlitiMil,11111111111111101011111111111WW1,111111111111111111,111,11 issue :— Committee be asked to report on the Prisoner' Aid Sudety t $25 to the The commenications salayies ot' county officers,. and report West Huron Teachers' Association; fall-eeng were mat. " L4tt scuthtuttO 8Peelal an changes they may deem advis• $15 to County Libraries ; $25 to each nlittee ifroin Lanark eutinell, ask- able.—Carted. Farmers' Institute; $22) to the Coun- The conneil then adjourned to ty Poultry Association ; that $20 be ing amendments to the Iligt} Sahool paid Mi. Henderson in fall of all It'reua Dutierin eounty, regard- meet °Pie at 8 P. 111. claims against the county ; that the lug. improving roadways. County of 8 it. M. tender of Advocate Printing Oom- Wellington, asking amendments to Council met pursuatit to adjaarn- patty, of Exeter, for printing, be ac - County Councils Act of 1806, tnent A coseconded cepted, provided the work be done communication was read on he Moved by Mr MeEwa . ll, to the satisfaction of the Warden and half.[ H. Medd, asktng darauges for Mr. Patterson, that Mr. Ainsley loss of horse. Sent to Executive be instructed to purchase plank re- Clerk; that $10 be granted to pleat Committee. Applications for position (mired for flooring bridges this flowers around the Court House in of auditor froth Messrs. Murilson, season,—Carried the spring; that Seaforth Collegiate C'onsney and Cochrane were rend Moved by Mr. McLean,' seconded Institute be paid $2,234, Clinton $2,- and left on the table. Letter from by Nil.. Menvan, that the Clerk be 148 and Goderieh $L,589-; and that F. Morey, clerk of Usborne, was authorized to purchase one dozen in reference to motion on salaries, tMr. Lane's be e800 per annum, Mr. read calling. attention to county pair handcuffs for county constables. Coats' $150, Dr. Shaws'$200, Mr. bridge 'act ween Usborno and Bid- —Carried. French $275, and Mrs. French -9225. dulph. ,t:lent to Road and Bridge Moved by De. Rollins, seconded - Committee, Resolutions eaafted by by Mi', Snell, that the 'Warden and Grand Trunk E. ngineer Swears by the township of Mniiillup were read, Clerk. enquire into the case of Miss eskii g that the comity ceaseto Dickson, of the township of Grey, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. supply cellec'ors and assessment who by a will WiiS left ward 02 the Mr, Geo. Cummings, for over 20 years rolls. Sent to Special Comintttee. County with a legacy of $1000, and on Grand Trunk running between Tor- e A circular from the :ri'nstces' find if the provisions of the will can ant and Allendale, says : "Thcon- tant duty with my wock gave me oxoee- Association was lead, asking the be enforced, take solicitor's opinion sive pains in my back, racking my kid - council to atpoint one or more dele- if tey deem it necessary, and report neys. I tried eererai remedies until gates to attend the next meeting of at the next session of the Connell— was reeommended by my fireman, Mr. the association. . Educational Oorn, Carried. Dave Conley, to try Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. Two boxes have completely .Tho statement of Molson's Bank, Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded ny 'cured tne arid I feel to -day a better ID a Clinton, showing lealance of county Mit Patterson, that the monthly than .ever. I recommend them to 411, fends, was sent to the Finance Conn visits of the Warden be on .the first my friende. An application from E. Heaton for a Tuesday of each month, instead of grant to the Children's Aid Society, the first IVIouday as heretofore,owing Eugene Field on the Grip. was sent to the Executive' Couto:lit to the rail way accomcdation from • Eugene Fiefd, on recovering from the tee. his home.—Carried. • • ' . Application from. Misses Gilpie The by-lnie appointingre grip, wrote: aaditoThe gods lot slip that fiendish grip and Munroe to appoint. county stud- was. then read•and passed, and the Upon me last week Sunday -- ants and the following communica- Council adjourned to meet on Tues- No fiercer storm than revoked ray form tions were also sent to the same day, the 6th day of June, at 3 E'er swept the Bay of Fundy : committee : G. W. Holman, asking o'clock p. m. . But now, good-bye for grant to West lltiron Teechers' T •SUMMARY .OF THE REPORTS. o drugs say I— Association ; Ontario Rifle Associa-• Good-bye to gnawing sorrow ; tion for .a grant ; Prisoners' , The Gaoler reported nine prison. Association for a grant ; D. French ers—males-r-and called attention to for an increase of salary. the inconvenient and unhealthy A letter from J. J. Fisher, Clinton, sleeping apartments set apart for' re painting court house, was sent to himself and family. Property Committee. The Clerk reported the insurance A letter from Dr. Shaw regarding on the Court House;$12000 ; a House supply -of medicine for •House of of Refuge, barn and contents, Refuge was sent 'to the Executive $10850 ; and Gaol...and Cottage', Committee. 37 accounts amounting $10000. in the total to $601.27 were read and The Finance Committee recomt referred to the Fhiance Committee, mended payment of a, large number The following -were sent ;t6 -the of accounts, and- that t the 'anode comraivecs named: County Com- statement of the registrar and the missioner's report, to Road and . financial statement of the treasurer' Bridge ; Registrar's return, to. Ft. be printed in the minutes. . nanee ; report showing insurance on Scheel Inspector Tom's report sheeted that there were 62 male and county buildings, pfoperty Com- mittee ; reports of Inspeetors Tom 71 female teachers in West Huron.; tbat the average setlary was—fe- and Robb,to Educational Committee; gaoler's report, to Property . Com- mittee; treasurer's report, to Fi- nance. Moved by Messrs. McLean and .Me Innis, that Philip Holt and William Lane be auditors of criminal justice accounts for 1899.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Mantis and Holt that the usual grant of $300 be made to the County Agricultural and Horticultural Soeieties bolding exhi- bttions in 1889. Sent to Executive Committee. Council adjourned till Thursday at 10 a. tn. THURSDAY. I am up to -day, And, whoop, hooray 1 I'm going out.to-morrow 1 What aches and pain in bones and brain 1 bad I need not mention; It seems to me such pangs must be • Old Satan's own invention ; .Albeit • Was sure I'd die, The doctor reassured me— And true enough, With his vile stuff, He,. ultimately cured ine. As there I lay in. bed all day, How fair outside looked to rue ( A smile so mild old Nature smiled; . • It'seemed to warm clean through me. In chastened mood The scene I viewed, Inyenting, sadly solus, males; $225; and males $375 ; that • Fantastic rhymes the receipts for the year •were $60,- Between the tunes 817 37, and the expenditures $52,- I had to take a bolus 658.79 ; that new school houses will Of quinine slugs and other drugs be built during present year in S. 5 1 guess I took a million— .NO. 7, At:bawd, and No. 10 Hay ; Such drugs as serve to set each nerve that 157 pupils passed the Entrance, To dancing a cotillion; and 16 obtained Public School Leav- The doctors say ing• certificates ; and he called at- The only way tention. to Empire Day, May 23rd, To rout the grip Instanter, saying: "The Canadian flag, with, is to pour in All ktnds of sin— Similibus ourantur. 'Twas luta, and yet Ili soon forget which each school should be provided should be hoisted on the school house ; patriotic addresses 'Should be delivered by the trustees and vis: Those ills and cures distressing; itors, and. patriotic songs and recite, One's future hes 'neath gorgeous skies tions rendered by the pupils. • Wnen one is convalescing! A number accounts'were read and House ofRefuge Sommittee report- So now, good-bye sent to Finance, and statements of ed payment of 31 accounts, aid re- To drugs say I— the County Collegiate Institutes to commended payment that Matters in Good-bye' thou phantom Sorrow! . Executiveconnection with the House Of Refuge • ' a Am up to day, • Messrs. Carrick, Burgess,Ouimette, for 1889 should be dealt with by the And, whoop, 11.2"aYi • . . Cochrane„Hess,. Cousley, Morrison temtnitiee. ' • ' . ' Pin going out to-m(3mm. and Urquhart were. nominated as Road and Bridge 'Committee re• anditors, Mr. Cochrane being elected commended that bridge oh'bottnilatlr Rug and .Mat on the first ballot and Mr. Carrick between Htiron and Middlesex be re- • — ,.. • - • oa the ninth. • _makers built.; that the tender .of Jantie.' R S. Hays, of Seaforth, was nom. eon 889, to erect a bridge between ' inated as trustee of the Sestforth Hallett and Meliillop, be ateepted ; et •-• ' R Collegiate Instittite, John Ransford that the engineer have the Clinton `" otter Their ags and for Clinton, and Rev. Dr. t're for bridge repaired ; that he exatiline . Yarns With Dia- derich, and were duly elected. the Usborne *bridge, and ittnecessarmond Des y- - y ' The council then adjourned to 9.30 have it repaired; that the ten'dertt of . a. m., Friday. . Hunter Bres., Xineardine, $1035•50, •FRIDAY. for iron bridge at Semmerhill, be ac- I The World Pained Dyes for Predue-, eepted, and also that of Futteridge, "lig Brilliant Mid Wading Color. i Council met pursuant to adjourn- of Seaforth, for the abiltments of the ' Malt, Said bridge, at $5.50 'per cubid yard. I have wade several very handsome Tenders for county printing were Property Committee reported that 'Rego and Mate for the bootie that I ani presented and sent to Executive. the jail hadbeen inspected aid found very proud of. The rags and pieces of On motion of Dr. itollings and. Mr, clean with everything well kept ; - cloth.and flannel used in my Rugs and Mats were tai dyed with your wonderful! Chambers, the Inspector of the that, in reference to request of jailer Diamond Dyes. The colors are rich and House of Refuge was instrueted to rot better sleeping accommodation,. brilliant, and I and they are unfailing, have an lee, sous and implement the Warden and Engineer get esti, Diamond Dylftare the best ',fiver used. S. L. F. BOYNTON, shed built, the windmill repaired, mates for the necessary buildings, Winnipeg, Mn. and maples and evergreens planted ifor presentation at the June Session; around the house and farm. that the County Engineer put the Astibstatate for honey has been On motion of Messrs. McLean and fence around the registry office in introduced in Germany under the Ilays, Mr. Chesney' was :allowed $4 proper repair,' and that the County name of sugar honey, and consists of Injury to it horse on Silver Creek Clerk take the necessary steps to, sugar, water, minute amounts of bridge, have the Court House flag placed in mineral substances and free acid. Reports of-Itead and. Bridge, red- proper position. Iwo tion, Specie!, Finance, House of The Education Committee MOM: is liagyttrd'El 'Stellerw. Oil euros all ...aid and takes out Swelling and /n * , defligv, County Property, and Exec. Mended that Mr. Catneron, of Bras ination quieker, than my other remedy, mire Committees were read,referred sets, and Mr. Beckett, of Ai:Wield, be Price 25°- - • AVc g e table PreparationforAse P strnilatin thelbocl andReg lila- ' ting the Stomachs andi3owels of pr 44-,kra. AT T t 13 FAC, -ST M CiY,ANATURN 0 Fromokespigestion,Cheerful-• ite5s and Restkontains neither OptunT,Morphine nor Mineral. t ItTATac °TIC. 4 4 ••• .7trrostefelefErMAZWITIVER Amp& Ses,1- ofbaScana • tggyll=rx i K 1 .4.., Revialla Sea - ecinia &ea • mint - 2 testionalt.rcerer irif,__„....frWeet7.• Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- iton, Sour Siomach,Diarrhora, . Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish - ;loss mdposs or SLEEP. it T.ec Sicc.5ie,natu.rc og (4•7; /; V iltrrs,i7 fry t Wrs'S EXACT COPY or WR A PPE R d IS. ON THE ter WRA PER OF FUMY BOTTLE OF "." • Castorri init oraTsizTlett.7esT,.11,3r. 11. is not geld In hells, Don't allow anyone oe colt anything 61:11 on the aka or promisethat it is "just as good" and "will answer overy per- pchsea.;:o. 4,•3-Sto that you get 0 -A -S -T -0 -E -I -A T . dello dentere of tia7,,,assELWEIMirtirogrilwricsT:rwri7"..,,, (lay ; • Therea,re 672 known volcanoes in the world, of which 270 are active; 80 in America, 24 in Asia, 20 in Africa; Java has 109, In Japan a man can live like a gentleman on $300 a year. .This sum will pay the rent of a house,the wages of two servants and supply; plenty of food. ohHdren Ory for I • The cloth of the old Egytians was so good that, though it has been Used for thousands of years as wrappings for mummies, the Arabs of to -day can wear it. Nothing so effective for checking sev- ere, Coughs and Colds ns Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25e., all dealers. -Z42.VAlel ale,A ;4111,1eiLL4 kta4 The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. ' WE CURESTRICTURE Thousands of young and middle -aged -I1 men are troubled with this disease:sr-many .1 :unconsciously. They luny have aemert- inggentation, small, twisting stream, + sharp cutting pains at times, slight die- ohargo,,dilliculty in commencing, weak oreans, ernigliOriR, and all thesynronis of nervousdebilityTthey have 8"RIC- TURE. ,Don'tietdootorsexperimenton 1:11.7'htsivt•girign'otateruegybionut al& tewfirlila turn. Our NEW noTpop. TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; ihtenoneenrneomveztersettternst.riextnorreapine74aoestieentelyr.:. be, no detention from business by our method. ThefieSaoloralunlarestropidli- good, The nerves are inilltoSetod, and the bilge efxaanhood returns. 'WECURE GLEIET Thousands of young and middioaged meet are having their actual vigor and vitalitxLeentinually Sapped by thin dis- ease. Timbre frequently unconscious .oftheeatisoefthesesymptems. General WAtakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- err,Irritabibeytt times,Smartingtgen- !anon, Sunken. Eyes, svIth.dark circles, Weak Back General Depression. Lack of Ambition._ Varleocele, Shrunken Parts, ete. GLEET and STRICTURE may be the enure. Don't consent third le doctors, as they have no experience in - these, special diseases --don't allow Quaeksto experiment on you. Consult spootalists, orbs have made a life study of Diseases of Men and Women. On risiEw METHOD 'TREATMENT will posi- tively pure you. One thousand dollars ;. for a case wo accept for treatment and cannot cure. • Tornismodercito fora mut. CURES GUARANTEED 10 ,.*We treat and cure: EMISSIONS. vARICOCELE, SYPHITITS, GIMP STRICTURE, IMPOTIiNCY, SECRET DRAINS.ENNATIRIAL DISCHARG- • E4, KIDNEY and ELA ODER Diseases. _CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS yREIt. If nimble to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME - TEMA:DONT. , ritrtilgio •. • is on, ovory wreepc... a VC, A.014:4•1 ELTO N'S U.MPS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be.given of their durability - than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago. aro still working. /ION and it'ORCE PUMA Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly' attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beatties Livery. JOHN PELTON, ritinzharn. Ont,; ::aveats and Trade•Matia obtained, anti all patent -witless conducted for MoDERAIR FEES. sty . office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Officut..l• and my facilities for securing patents are un surpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention; wit'' description and statement as to advantages olaieted.1, 105rNo charge is made for en opinionktit 1 patentability) and my fee for prosecutiettki014 application tag nee bo called for until *Ai,. patent • allowed. "IsvagToRs' taining fug information sent free. All ,Coinninnbel cations Considered as 'Strictly LIP4 Confidential:1i FRANKH. HOUG ONO Jr $14,oettsiNASIIINOTON•IXIL 50 YEARS" " EXPERIENCE TI1ASEc56,01NA:KS D COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description maw gummy asnortnIn our opinion free 401eSber n111 invention is probably pittoctable. Comniranimu. tions strictly confidential, liandboOk on Patent* sent Inc Oldest agency for securing_patents. Patents taken throwth Munn to co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A liandsoMely inuntrated %secede. lamest cir. dilation Of any selum enizottruni. Tetiyis, ea a, year; four Inolithd, Sold by' all newseealers. IWUNN & CoL661ElmadvinY, New York Branch temee. u fit.. Washinnt.en. D. IT PAYS -otetti. • TO. ADVERTISit KENNEDY4. KERGAN T11.1P, • - Cot. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St.. CI.ETIVPITOVII0fls • • HP • Id TIMES * 44 1 It • 41