The Wingham Times, 1899-02-10, Page 4OM tale the
bye elcetine in West Iluron. Holmes,
the ins» for \Vest Huron will win.
Electors of West Hume tieould
u vote for Bub Holmes, and thusen-
courage the best Cot 1...1 =tent Canadat
has ever hail
inr'1.1111 9.
and prevent it. t4
iftFor ewh) only at - t
L)rug Store. rl
TO ADV.t fi,VIesERS.
.Notice of ehangt'e mast be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon, Tee copy for changes
Inuit be left not later than Tues-
day evening. , Casual advertise
meats accepted up to noon.
Teersdav of each week.
the 10tsnug am tumes
_ I?ktIDlY. 1+'EE3PUARY 10. 1890.
The voting in West Huron will be
on. Tuesday, Feb. 21st, and the fight
is becoming hot in the riding. Ro-
bert Holmes is the Liberal candidata
and Robert ille,Lean is the Conser-
vative standard bearer. The former
will assist the Laurier administration
in carrying forward measures to de-
-velope and enrich this country, while
the latter according to his own state-
uident stands with both feet upon the
Tupper platform, will follow Tupper
rd do alt that is in his power to
again place Sir Charles Tupper at
the head of affairs in the Dominion.
The people have a choice,—if they
;elect .the man upon his merits,
Robert Holmes will be elected mem-
ber for West Huron on the 21st in-
stant—1Iineardine Reporter.
The bye•e!ection in West Har')n to
illi the vacancy in the House of Com-
Inons is now on in dead earnest.
Nomination) will take place on Tues-
day next and election one week later.
111r. Holmes, the Liberal candidate is
holding meetings every night in
different parts of the riding and is
toeing well received. The Liberals
leave a good candidate and all our
readers who reside in the riding,
should put forth every effort to make
'his election sure. West Huron can
be kept in the Liberal line if the
friends of the party go into the fight
in earnest and they should do this
when they have such a good candi-
elate in the -field, Vote for Holmes
and let him be tbe front "Bob" of
the sleigh -on February 21st.
Telt: Liberals ofY,uth Perth have
uctnitli.te(l Mr- Valentine Stock, of
Tatvistoc.k, to contest the riding• in
the eonting bye election for the On-
tario Legislature.
Hon. Clarke Wallace, in a speech
tirade. at a Cansernative meeting in a
Toronto Orange lodge room last week
asserted that, it was the most ardent
desire of the Liberate of Canada to
see the manufacturers t'f the Dotnin-
• ion extinguished!This is bearing false
witness against one's own neighbors
with a vengeance. Mr. Clarke
:Wallace cannot be so ignorant as
this assertion would indicate. Ile
was Controller of Customs in the late
Government, and he must know that:
a very large nutnber of the inanufac
turers of the country are Liberals?
Was be speaking on the supposed
i. norarrce of those he addressed?
The great mass of the people of Can
ada, know that the statement he
uttered, as reported in the World, is
a slander, and unworthy of any
man. •
"tote for Holmes.
SYn understand that Sir Charles
'Tupper intends taking a hand in the
0is not a desirable companion,
though if you forget to wind it
4Pyou cannot blame the watch.
it your's has contractees the
habit of silence bring it here
and see what we will do fu,
you. If you have
now is the time to visit us. We
have and can introduce you to
a select comnany of tnerry little
tickers with guaranteed Alneri•
can movements, nicely cased,
ranging from $4,50 tip.
All 'tare eiceely tinted, fully
warranted, and there is not an
unworthy one amnng them.
Everything in Jewelry and
Sllt+erware at elose prices. T0
gather all the information they were .lt.�l,lit:! 1;ti�tlt,TS. •
wEmn M.
able, and the addreaaes delivered " i'r olinen Vele 0, 1819.
were all of the Most praetieel elute.; eerrecteki by P. 1)eul:>i, I'rotiuce Dealer.
aster, and were by Wen of long l: lour per 1110 lbs....., .., 1 ss to 00
'eeperience in the departments of ell "11"t •0 u7 to 0 tit
industry they treated. The afternoon fiprinit \sheat 0 til to 0 tits
t)ate:,.)ety U 'd7 to 0 !?n
session was hastened, so that the Barley 0 tit) Eo 0 35
wetnhcrs might be ably to get away see li 04' to 0 04
ru the outgoing trains, iurl,.e,y, sh.rtwe 0 07 to 0 08
7`he associaltion des laved its a exec"`' „ ' • 0 04 to 0 05
p P Docks, ger pair 0 40 to 0 50
preciation of the splendid and un-. Butter. . ,,,, 0 14 to 0 15
, tiring work of its president, Mr T x3 Ept;s poi d°41%. • .• • 0 ...... 1`' to a 15
1i. oi,a pe , or+i.. , . . , .. , 1 50 to 1 7 )
Millar, now of London, by again ;Hay 00 to 5 00
electing bitn as its chiefoflicer, The Potatose, per baehel, a 1U to 0 50
other officers elected were: Vice: Tallow ,pot ib . . .......... . 0 3 to 0 4
president, 0 Il arr, Sebrin vete• !Moot Apple$, r.,r lb 0 a to 0 4
irectors, Geo Goodlaand, Milverton;
, 7)re„r,:{sed ho•.a
John liruufe, Mapleton; E Agur, ch,ekens
Pine w
James. Morrison, Stratford; TDJlo. LikenlJte,
Barry Ingersoll; \V W Brown,Atter-A coneb is idle smoke, Smoke indi.
cliffe Station; inepeetors, T 13 Millar, 1 elites that there is tire somewhere. A
London; James Morrison, Stratford;'
cough indicates that there is a serious
dairy superintendent; W W 111Tris, (l'eefleo hidden swag in thka bteflthin; or.
13rL135e1s; seCC2L,IrY.trCASRTeI, WW' gtns. Put out the tire with writs'. and
the smoke will disappear. Put
Brown, Attereliffe Station, i and luny diseases will Shiloh`: Consutnp-
111 E Agtll', of I31'otvnsvflle, read a 1 Don Cara and Maar cough will disappear.
paper on "Economy of Fuel." ' 31r i '> (As,. 50 urs. and 01 CO a battle. Guar-
auteetl to do avery thing claimed for it,
U 0 Dublow, instructor of the dairy The Huron Medical Association
school, Kingston, gave a splendid
prae�ieal address on ebeese-making. met at Clinton on Tuesday of last
• week. 'rite election of officers was
held, and Dr. McKenzie. of Monkton
was elected president; Dr. Graham,
of Clinton, vice president, and Dr.
The meeting of the Farmers' In. Hunter, of "Goderich, secretary.
stitute on Wednesday afternoon of The Petrolea waterworks supplies
last week was fairly well attended. 930 services.
It was a very interesting Meeting( .
and the discussions ,which took placef
after each address, were very lively.
1►' -A1 BRS.
Listowel, Ont., Feb. 4.—The first
annual convention of the Cheese and
Butter Makers' Assoeiation of West-
ern Ontario was held here on Wed-
neseay in the McDonald Music Ball,
at which there were about 400 dele-
gates present, who represented near-
ly'every factory in West rn Ontario.
The Convention was opened by
President Millar, who read an ex-
cellent address, dealing largely with
the objects and advantages of the
association, which are purely for
mutual improvement in the seieace
of cheese and butter making.
W. A. Bothweil, of Hickson, read
a paper on the care of .milk, which
brought forth an interesting discuss-,
ion, the consensus of opinion being
that absolute cleanliness must pre-
vail through every detail in the
manufacture of butter and cheese.
Prot. Dean, of the Ontario Agricul-
ture College, delivered an excellent
address on the general conduet of the
cheese and butter business.
An exhibit of butter and cheese
was held. and liberal prizes •offered
tbe winners of which were as follows:
September cheese, white—First,
Mary Morrison, Newry; second, G.
Goudband, Milverton; third, Thomas
Grieve, Wyandotte.
September cheese, •colored—First
N. Cosh, Brantford; second, I. S. Isard
Paisley; third, W. B. Thompson,
Fifty-six pound package, winter
creamery butter—First, J. R. Laing,
Avonbank; second, Jas. Bristow, Se-
bringville; third, T. B. Marshall, Tiv-
Ten one -Pound prints, winter
creamery butter--First,T. B. Marsh.
all-,Tiverton;second,Thomas Malcolm,
Kinlough; third, G. A. B oyes, Maple-
The prizes in each class were $25,
$15 and $10. A number of special
pizes were also awarded
• The evening sessiotw; was called for
7:30. and the music hall wastiled
to overflowing, the citizens of the
town evincing a marked interest in
the proceedings. An address of wel-
come was delivered by Mayor 3. A.
IIacking, and an engrossed address
to the visiting delegates from the
citizens' committee was�'read by Mr,
E. B. Morph_v. The meeting was
addressed by T. J. Dillon, Charlotte-
town, P. E, I,, S. G. Pablo, dairy in
struetor. Kingston; tied Prof. Dean.
The speakers urged the importanee
of manufacturers producing only the
very best quality of 'cheese and but-
lter, and the necessity of absolute
cleanliness and care ii) the various
!processes of manufacture.
lenertSneit's sessiON.
The convention of the Cheese and
Butter Makers' Association of West-
ern Ontario closed on Thursday
afternoon, and it wad conceded by
men who have (Or years been at-
tending 811t•h tneettngsthat a rnoro•in-
at'uerive session of dairymen was rev
er held. Those in attendance came to
19 to 21
6 1'0 to 6 00
0 25 to 02,1
Many questions were asked by the Y
farmers of the speakers and were Farmers, tt by pay 5/ and 6 per cent.
T Fnterest on your loans wren money tray
well answered. Mr. Gould, of IN:
be bad at 5 per eNnt. Payments made
bridge, said it was the liveliest, most to suit borrower. Chas ces low.
interesting and altogether the best At office Friday afternoon and all day
meeting he had addressed this season, Saturday.
far, .ar, This would indicate that the Macdonald Block, �i inghan .
farmers in this neighborhood are
seeking knowledge, therefore, pro- —_
gressive and better farming may beI
looked for in this district, in the fa-
ture: In the evening Mr. Gould
spoke well on "Remedy for over pro- %" )
ductiou and low prices." Major i
- ' ---..., SHE
Shepherd was ill in the afternoon
and unable to speak, but in the even-
ing gave his lecture on "Three His-
twice.' days on the Niagara River." 1
The three historical days were :— Tilison s Wheatlets 1
The Battle of Queenston, Battle of for breakfast NOW l1
Beavers Dam and the ,Battle :of and besides thepleas-
Lundy's Lane, Mr. Shopnerd is a ins change she gets,
.native. of .Queenston, 'The lecture `'
was very good and interesting, al- she gains in health !
though the Major had to curtail it 1 and strength,because
considerably because he was suffer- the \•\Theatlet s yield•
ing from a bad cold. 'Mr, Peter 'such ideal nourish -
King sang au appropriate song,
"Elle man behind the plow." Revs.
Messrs. D. Rogers and W. J. West
gave shprt addresses. Mr. Thomas
Strachan, of Grey, was chairman, a
position wbieh he filled in an easy,
pleasant manner. At the request of
Mr. McMillan, of Hallett, Mr. Strach-
an sang a Gaelic . song. It was I
Greek to most of them, but they
listened as quietly as, mice, and in-
deed it was a very nicesong whether
we understand it or not.
Mr. Robert B1oemfield, of Morris,
is an interesting old 'man to talk
with. He was, when he first came
to this country, a. shoemaker at Que-
bec and afterwards in Toronto.
Tho garrison was situated at Quebec
and the soldiers ordered their boots
off him. One day a British army
otfficer Came to him and ordered a
pair of boots. Mr, Bloomfield took
his measure and made the boots care-
fully and well. • When the boots
were ready, the officer examined
them eritieally and said they did
not suit. He measured his feet the
second time and tried harder to have
the boots satisfactory, bat tbey did,. NEW HARDWARE
not suit this time either. Mr. Bloom-
contain all the real
good of the entire
wheat berry —• and
nothing else. You
prepare it for the
table about as you
would.any other kind
of porridge.
Best grocers sell it by
the pound.
The Tiilson Co: y, Limited,
Tiisonburg, Ont
field tried with all his might the
third time to have the boots faultless
and when the officer eame be. was
highly pleased and took the three
pairs. This same officer, when go
ing home to,England, ordered shoes
for his faint y and paid bis bill with
nine guineas. Mr. Bloomfield is
proud of the fact that he made shoes
for Lord Elgin, when he was govern.
or general of Canada. He frequent-
ly trade shoes valued at fifteen
dollars a pair.
Mr. George Pinker, of Manitoba, V 1 SaRA
visited his brother, Mr. Thomas
Fluker, last week.
The Misses McCrea, of Crafibrook, A complete stork of General
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Hardwaro, Stove:•, Tinware,
Hudson. Paints, O 1s, etc.
Mr. Walter Huggin and Miss
Netlfe Bickle spent Sunday with Give us a call. Get prices I
their aunt, Mrs. George Pocock, ofi and yr e are sure you will buy. I
W awanosh.
M. R. A. Graham, of Winghatn,:
was in the village on Wednesday.
A member in the village are sof j
lcring from bad colds;. Stand --Old Post Office Story,1
of Winter Dry Goods still going on. We do exactly
1 what we advertise, We will give you a disco` -int of
▪ 20 per cent. on all \WINTER I)RY GOODS. This
is your opportunity if you want Overcoats, Ready-
; made Suits, Underclothing, Caps, Hoods, 'J'oclues, 1'
• Blankets, 8.':.
Maple Syt'np, 3 lbs for 25e
Goad Picklce, 10c a bottle,
• Soap, U cakes for Sc.
Sulpllur, gond, 11 lbs for 25e.
.Salts, 10 lbs for 25c,
, Salmon, 9e, 10e, i-rc,
Macdonald Block,
Try our Brown Japan Tea,
aL strietl,y uncolored Sun-
dried. Tea at 20c 25c and
e Pumpkin Flour for Pies in 15
and 25e peckages.
Cream Soda 13i8euits 8c a Ib,
Wingbvm, Ont.
.....t...YYi..D1....... iiOus...lY.Y.... i.::Yi.. YY.R. Y.YYY.YY....LY.I.D.Y
The half century mark has been reach-
ed by the number of our pupils who
'have secured good positions since Sept.
1st. among those who have secured
places recently are : —Sarah Duncan, •
Steno, Lyon & Hereat!. Barristers,
Owosso, Mich. : Alex. Blott. Molsons
Bans, Trenton,Ont. ; Arther Oldershaw,
Merchants Bank, Chatham. Out, ; Vita
Clark,' Bkpr, Brown's Woollen Mills,
Kingsville. Ont ; Mary T, Cain, Steno.
Pardee & Shaunessy, Barristers, Sarnia,
Ont. ; Florence Sibley, Sten. Macey
Desit Co., (rand Rapids,- Mich. ; Eva
Payne. Steno. D. ft L. E. Ry. Office,
Chatham, Ont. These with forty.foar
others have been place since Sept. ]st. •
Write for catalogue of either Short- D Lu c R E E D PROP..
hand or Business department to
D. > eLACHLAN 8s CO.
Chatham, Ont. After l p.m. call at Park House.
Don't throw, away your -
soiled or faded Clothing.
Bring thein to us. We
will clean, dye and press
them, making them look
as good as new, for a.
small expenditure. Shop,
2 doors south of Chinese
Laundry,Chisholm Block,,
T. A. Mills will offer for the next 30 days at special low prices his -
entire stock of Fall and Winter Goods consisting of
Fur Goods, Mantles, Overcoats, Hats and Caps,
Underwear, Flannels, INool Sheetings
and Blankets.
In Ladies' Fur ,jackets our stock is complete in all the different sizes,,
prices ranging at $25.00 and upwards. Extra large sizes always kept ire
stock. All Fur Goods guaranteed.
-Special prices in Ladies' Mantles in Curl Bouckle Broad Cloths, Freize--
and Beaver, These goods have all been bought from the manufacturers at
jobbers prices, and are now being sold for less money that the merchant
could buy them in the earlier part of the season.
See our Ot'ereoats•—Men's Youths' and Boys', in Tweeds, Freize ante,
Beayer, at $3.00 and upwards.
• A large stock of Underwear in Union, American, Fleece -lined and'
All•wool from 22-te and upwards.
Our Wool Sheetings and Blankets are the best made by Fisher, of
Paisley, and McKelvie, of Wroxeter. No shoddy -or Flying in these goods..
Guaranteed to wear.
It is all here now, opened out for your
inspection, and is beautiful goods.
Groceries all fresh and fully assorted,
N`..�.. Farquharson
" The China House," Wingham