The Wingham Times, 1899-02-10, Page 2TELE WINW., AM TIMES, FEBRUARY 0, 1899* • b't' rvllie;l the t�lovernalent l'ett�ched I�AItI.l;'.%1D IiX TEIBI:IP'1`3Ql>lE. e t : fug am Nni polvcl' at tli(i last elect rL ; in ifilet it is no secret. The feet' 1vnS Went A YOUNG PENsa 1.1 ANI.•t COUPLE WHO 1t'lill}i1Y,.l' 1 1:X1:Y lO, 11399. to ad but the hopelessly blind. that , "11>tisilil"t ro Ii? 'ORIGINAL." •0O • TT .WD LEITER. From one own t'vr,ca;font?err. .obi' asset, Feb. 4, 1S99. A natten:II servlet+ bee been Ion - dorm]. to the euutitr,t by the '.Toronto Globe in 'tliitilll; 11otiee of, and atilswerin; very •eunviocingly tilt, well wurti ictiislt t':trt, the Conserve. tive party eaves' the green Western Territories to Caseate in the leo ct ;asreiiaens oppositi'.m.fI•otit he Libor cls of a tseari.er t'f• a eentury ager. lion llugh ,Eaten M:lcdvuaid wltnnl. the Tenet Opposition in Manitoba, 1n Meier deeporftti,iu, insist upon ;Keeping at the head of their ' party in the focal bat t ieieh hype that his Wheels name ane his own generosity in the matter of glettuitoue prCfes- sional serei. es wa.y land hill in the Premier's chat:, is one of the latest #t3 repeet the aneit'nt legend. "It vas the Conservative para*," he de- clares, 'who purchased the great Northwest from the iudsor, Bay Co. for the small sutra of 51,5000,000, and threw it open for settlement in the Ates of the opposition of all the great papers including the Globe. That journal replies by quoting from Alex MacKKenzie's.Lite of Geo. Brown, in which the late Liberal leader speaks of his colleague (who founded the Globe and controlled it to the clay of his death,) thus :--- "Next to the all -absorbing question of Confederation, Mr. Brown placed the annexation of the Northwest Territory to Canada. An arrange aliens was finally made to accomplish this purpose, which was afterwards 'carried out. For twenty a ears he had steadily urged the vast im- lortauee to Canadaof the acquisition of the northern, and western terri terries so long held in the hands of a grasping monopoly. For many years a portion of the Canadian press, made light of the representa-• tions of Mr. Brown and the Globe. The company industriously circa fated the impression that these terri- tories were valuable chiefly as a hunting ground, and comparatively few people had any knowledge o: the country. Fewer still had any faith• in, it as a valuable one for aetnal and close settlement beyond the banks of the Red River. For many years the late St. George Cartier and his friends resolutely opposed all attempts to open up these regions for settlement oil the pitiful plea that its development v<euld add to .the political power of Ontario. ' Ilnn. Hugh John and bis friends throughout the country, should not forget that Canadians study the History of their own country and are apt fo resent attempts to mis lead thenh by such garbled editions of the reeurdeofthe past, as he treats them to in the portion of •his address +quoted above. Slit CI ARLES HAS FOUND OUP WHY Sir Charles Tapper has found out how it is that Mr. Tarte is still a Minister of the Crnwn,aiid a member ,of the Laurier Cabinet. "If be were dismissed he could and would dis- close the means by which the Gov- ernment overnment reached . power at the last tefectinn. He knows the secret. He ilorild not only have Sir Wilfrid Laurier himself deposed, but be 'Could prevent the Liberal party from reaching power *gain for the next twenty years.'i Tnis is exceedingly interesting, hut it might'be pointed oat to Sir Charles that ethers know the means To• Cure ,t � 9 : r to1 SARSAPARILLA IT IS PROMPT; FIR1.1ABL. AND NSVER FAILS. IT WILL MAKE YOU WELL Blink your Druggist or Dealer for it iI3Toi's SARSAPARILLA. ��LaAd the es'untry was thoroughly tired of the old p;,ilicy and the old le;td'ers nlirti, N. Y., Feb- 1.- A.• y Duni; I and took the simplest anti most `mall and att elderly gentleman call - direct method of tucuring a change; e(I upon oho OV. DI', Jonnings, a t: .t ustee of lbhnit•a College, yesterday, ' 140 WONDER THAT TREY II.t,,TE . tand said they wore Al•be'tRatite and 1 }fief. 1 George Maxwell, both of Williams - while i:be Liberate can efeord oto; port, Pig. They p •odnet'd a Yensy1- Bilalle indulgently at the covert ill• yenta marriage license anti other . stImo dons and veiled threats eon- �. prove to pre their respeetabil- f minedin the above quoted extract sty. 91r, Maxwell, the elder gentle -1 tiny cau'also thoroughly understand , man, explained that the voting man I the: t'onesty of Sir. Charles Tupper's 1 and his daughter, Miss Nellie Max.; appreciation of lir. ri'arte's ability to well, had 'resolved to be married by telephone. Dr: Jennings hesitated, di:t:lose wrongdoing tend bring the tt'ansgressors to justice. The Minis- ter orf Public 1'Ver ks • has very eta• phatically demonstrated this to the insane' sorrow and dis;1'aeo of Sir Charles and hi•lcolleag ues and this fact auflii ientty explains the itnplaeettble hatred with which the Opposition remorselessly pursues. their Ince col- league, who has the honesty to Carle out from among them in the days elf the apparent prosperity, and throw in his lot with their opponents at a time when such acting appeared to the average on -looker to be tant- amount to personal effacement and political suicide. HORSES FOR GREAT I3RITALT. The press despatches this week announce that orders have been pieced in Chicago for 10,000 .light draught horses for the British markeit. The Canadian trade returns show that the breeders in the Dominion are giving attention to this trade but nothing like to the extent that its possibilities warrant, for in spite of the way in which electricity is being utilized as,,a locomotive power the demand for both coach and bus horses in the countries of Europe will long exceed the native supply. Can- ada can turn out the article that the has won for it the confidence of the market demands. and that too at a whole people. price that will make handsome re turns. It is to be hoped that the : .Potultry Pointers, fact that Chicago is now handling an order for ten thousand horses at Even in cold weather gond ventil- priees ranging from $150 to $500 ation is necessary. far best coach horses and $100 to There is no breed that layseggs $250 for ,'bus horses, will give an of uniform color. impetus to the industry throughout Clean out the quarters. often and the Dominion. whitewash the wane. If there are any late hatched chick- ens, see that they are given warm quarters. Pea fowls are smaller birds than they appear. It does not pay to raise them for their flesh. , The dueks and -geese should have but, upon being .urged, consulted a lawyer, who counselled that the pie• eeedings would be legal. The father then ! returned to Wn- lianisport, twenty miles away, and at 9 o'clock last night had his daughter at a telephone station with witnesses, while the groom, Dr. Jen- nings and witnesses were at a tele. pbone he"e. Tho ceremony was duly performed over the wire. The young man received congratulations and returned to Williamsport to day. He did not explain why the marriage was trade in this way, except to say that be and the bride desired to bo original. He !'eft to d,1y to meet the bride at her home, end will engage in business with his father-in-law. • Prepare for Spring. Don't let this season overtake you before you have attended -to the important duty of purifying your blond with EIoand's Sarsaparilla. By taking ibis medi- cine now you save sickness that will mean time and money as well as suffer- ing later on. Hood's Sarsaparila will give you riots, red blood. good ap- petite. good digestion, and a sound, healthy body. ; It is the greatest and best spring medicine because it is the One True Blood Purifier. Its un- equalled record of marvelous cures .CITE COPYRIGHT DIFFICULTY•. A meeting is to be held in Toronto at an early date which should be of interest to Canadians generally though it niay directly effect a com- paratively small number only. It is a meeting of literary men to discuss plenty of straw scattered over the floor, upon which they can roost dur ing the winter.. ' Watch for the first appearance of colds among your flock. Attend to ,the question of forming a Canadian Authors' Society. Our Dominion 'can claim a body of litterateurs, of which any country with a much I 1 do not believe there Is a ease of dyspep- ail, . indigestion or any stomach trouble that cannot be re- lieved at once and peermanently cured byn yDDYSPEPSIA MUNXON. At all druggists, 2Ge, a vial. Guide to Health and medi- cal advice free. 1505 Arch street, Philo, Mr. Hugh Girvin rax reeve of Aah. Haid, was found drtt(i in bed on 'r1ti''Srl:'V morning' or hitt wei.k, ills wife had been talking. to him only a few mir,ttsa before. ITN was a rev. ere sufferer frtnn rheornetlsm for many Years, which it is supposed aff- eelf. i1i;t heart. For Over„F1'Ct,r Years. An (till knd Well -Tried Remedy --Mrs Wiosfr.w's Soothing Syrup has been used for over `iffy years by millions of mothors for their ehildrea while teeth- ing, with nerfeet suvt,'ess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, nilays all pain, ouree wind eoltu, and is the, best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleesant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part athe world. Twenty-five menti+ a bottle. Its value is invaluable, . Be sore you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing , Syrup, and take no other kind. • Mr. Moscrip, ex•M. 1D. P., will not run again. in South- Perth. E. A Small & Co., of Montreal, the Fit Reform clothing- people, offer 30e on the dollar which will probably be acre pted h•Gai 'rf`'n Ory for A~ s T # 1� m The Toronto World says the Con- servative piu'ty in Ota io needs • a new organiz'►tinn, it new o''ganiz- er, fresh blood and a ileal etart. 9 PA 0 e.longer histor ' well be proud, -- a ` , S mightP ud, it promptly, acd you will not be tro• / : .l .. �r.,�.. but their efforts have been not a ubled with roup. h�1,,-„z,•' little discouraged in the past by the The fowls should be feel as early unsatisfactory condition of the copy- and 'as late as possible, giving the Dr' n. :, crvi' 't1n,to t -d ofd tits Lrr>Ahty riryht law. This has been a much „ lint ur ISv,•1•yi u.yt r d of ttuuuadcy oro r, heaviest alld, best meal jest before stIIioted by Laney and t.iver'1'roulties. vexed question for many years and .:they go on the roosts. like many otber controversial mat- Eggs for hatching thouid be kept ters has more than one side. The as near 40 degrees as possible. As Dr. Chase in his wisdom foresaw the author, the publisher, the book high as 60 degees will not spoil them need there would be for so grand a seller, and the reader have each brit they should not bo allowed to their point of view and the subject is get chilled.—Exchange one which admittedly is very difii• , ' cult to deal evith, If, however, the' Authors' Society, comprising as it KICKED ITIS PHYSICi:AZi. no doubt will, such men as Prof. "Never Leaves His Bed Alive,” Said Goldwin . Smith, Hon. G. We Ross; the .. Doctor South AMerican President Louden, Principal Grant Rheumatic Cure Does the Miracle. and many more of like calibre, ' seriously takes the matter In hand,it should not long lack satisfactory Solution. EVE1tYTHISh IS ONCE; MORE LOVELY. M 'S . Theannottncement that the arbi- trators in the dispute between the Grand Trunk Railway and their telegraphers have arrived at an amicable agreement and that their award has been accepted by the disputants, is of interest and• im- portance to the whole country. The vast interests served by the great raitway system are of too vital im- portk e a to the nation as a whole to be lightly disturbed, and as the ex- perience of the part has Shown, any serious interttption to the business of the railways is invariably fraught with grave consequences. The successful carrying through of this arbitration instead of the• alterna- tive of a costly and irritating strike is a splendid victory for pease and good govet'nment redounding as it does to the credit of all concerned and to the substantial benefit of the entire community. A CAIRO. Mr. tit, itetnteman, 208 Monroe Ave., rloheken, N. ,r, al, Wren who are weak and who desire 0 speedy and perfect erre 10 write 10 Dr. Gustav it Bobertz, 3".2 Wet dward Ave„ Detroit, Mich. '1'1'r. Granville Haight, of Sparta, Ont., says bis father, who is a very old man. was very low from a severe attack of rheumatism. His physician assured the family he would never leave his bed alive. A friend took 'a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure to bleu. A few days later upon receiving a visit from the doctor, he ran across the room, and playfully administered a hearty kick, ,H.e is now up and as well as ever. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Great Presence o1i Mind. "That woman showed wonderful presence of mind when her horse ran away." "Is that what ,you call it She threw down the reigns and yelled." "I know she did and the horse ran straight down the street. If she had held on to the reigns she would have doubtless steered hintinto the fence. Mr. J T. Middleton has been ap- pointed Sherif)~ of Wentworth. A CT(VESOLICITORSWsNT5DEVEnlrwIil rat _ex for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat, Ifnletead, eemmisalonud by the tille,nn:ent as udt- afar historian to oho war De,,rotmrnti, Tho honk well written in army camps at San Fransieeo, es, the Pacido w flit General Merritt, in the itospltaly M Ho ordain, In Ilona' Boiler, in the Ans4lean traiiehts at Manila, In tate insurgent tams with Aunrnatrlo, est ',the sleek of the Oittnpie with Dewey, and in the icer of battle at the fall of 1ian11.1. Domingo for agents". Brimful of rrl;riftel ploturos taken bystov- erninent photographers on the spot, Largo book, I Low pric,;n, Brtf profits, Freight Amid. Credit linen. Drop all trashy nnodiefal war beaks, outfit free, Address, J'. T. Darter, See'y., Sinrinenrenco 1kdg„ Chicago, medicine as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and so universally .have they bei• come known alad used that go where. you will round the globe, you'll be a.blo to buy them... They are a pleasamt medicine, efiec- aly live, quick to "lct, mild to use, but pow- erful in hearing. For Constipation, Bit- iousness, Stomach Disorders, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Urinary 'Troubles, Rheumatism, Skin liiruptions, Ialtnple8. Impure Blood,'tthey are specific. None genuine but these having the sif nature and beats -eat of Dr. A. W. Chase. . Beware of counterfeits: THOS. S. MILLER, Esq., Il'lZEa",L•"A` T, LUCENOrl, ONT., l urea of Serious Stotroteh Troubles, !tart• In Trim fla. Yttyst 1 Was troubled for ,twenty years with acute etomdoh trouble an'd oonst1• Dation, and had tried almost every. tiring I Gourd hear of, but got no re- lief. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Villa were s'econontniended to me. The first dose I took gave me relief. I found there to be the 'thing I had been look- ing for. they haire cured me. THOMAS 112ILL1)1t, Oook's# Cotton Itbnt CompovMMC 3s successfully hand monthly bi over 10,000Ladies. Side, effectual. Ladies ask pkenrorniltesilo stood. Taothee.aNM1xur, pills Gd imitations are dangerous. Prloe.No. 1.81 per box, No. 2,30 degrees stronger, $$ per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on reenlist of price. afid two 8-eent st�em_�iis The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. pl'Nos.1 and 2 so -Idaho reedmmended by all rarponsibie Druggists t'i Canada. tNo,1 and No, 8 sof sale by , Colin A, Crdiphell, Drutffrtr•t S41311.4.1Pi . SE VIGES, `, t 1 t`(1.1('1111,q K : � a 4' 4� y' meg, MA'1'IIORIfiT---12ev, Dr. Plumes, lens I VII0 (1• to 6M. or, Services at 11 u ni told 7 p to. PitlaSl3YT` +'.li,I.�.N---Rev, 1e, Perrie 1 pt eueelttllen- pRJtor. ' uervioes at 11 a iIt and 7 p al. 1 1✓VEIt3C FRIDAY liIOItNING, EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's--I'«ov. Wm, f 1.fotV • pM. BA.PTIST.•-Rev, W. Freed, pastor.; TIMES OFF1Ci«, JOS P141141, STRE'i' Services ut 11, a to and i p rot ;`Ir�TGUA ON 'AI'If}. CONGREG A,TIONAL--Rev. II. E.' -AT. TILE- Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a at aitd i3ufai oriptlanprtge,sgiroezenr,trttldvituve 711 In,, CHRISTIAN WORKERS -•- :Misses Outriiati and Look in mid wand, Services at3ti ntand 8pm. 8A,r v .i'.toN ARf'1Y--Cant.: ieLeod not wife in retutaand. Cervices at 11 a. to, S it in and ty 11 ni, In eaelt of the above named ehnrcihea Sttbleath School is held at 5.30 p pt. Ffrpore. A cr. vY �OC °.1' ItIOS'J,Itoable, 1 '10 STld Great eEnommnrmdedyy Nil druggists in Canada, Only reli- able medicine discovered. ', bags guarankefl to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, ail effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en "eoeipt of price, one package $1, six, 35. Ona 1.4111: tensa, six twfti cure. Pamphlets free to env address. The Wooci Company, Windsor, Oct, Sold til Winglnm.by Cohn a Campbell, Druggist. of MLO WINGIiAM. Capital, 01„250,000. Rest, *775,000 Preeld.nt-J ORD 3.TUART. Vice -President -A. G. RAstSAL. nixtm 'roltb JOUR PRonroa, Uap. Ronan, Ws ORISON, tI P, A, T. Wool, A, B, Lax. '(Toronto). Cushier -J. TUR BULL. Savings Laul!-IIoure,10 to S• Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed. bepos is also received at current rates of 1t.:rest. Drafts or, $coat retain and the United States bought and sold W. COBBOULD, AGENT E: L. i)1OCaINSOT, Solicitor. • Money • DC? Loan on • Notes, Notes .Discounted AT REA.'SC=NABLE RATES Motley adveyced on Mortgages at 5 pet contwith privileuo of pacing at the o 0 of any year. Note and accounts coiloctod. ' ROUT. 1t3cXNDOO. Beaver Block winshsun, Ont GRAND 1RUNIC RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston rnixed London and South' Kincardine DEPART ARRIVE 6 49 a. m. 3 OS.p, m 3'3Opm1029pm 855is, TIT 306pm 063am1110am .3epin 800pm 1110a.us 1i49a'In 3301iIn 3SOpm . ADVERTISING RATES socr 1 j yr. i .0 uta. 1 S ono, 1 1 mo... On, Ooi`ur.e s 0 00 $2n 0u 00 83* 00 *,4370 Hadi " 12 0a 4 00 t tarter 20 00 12 GO 7 00 On *me inch 5 00 :> O �_. 2 100 ie,4al Dud etbot,:a,ni i au.ri le inont, Nc par line for Ora. l Weldon and Ito rue iter iOroadss»berryueut lmertinn, 3le.,sutcd by nnnparui shale, I.oatl notices 10.., Icor Ile for Irst insertion, 5:. per lino for each'rubsceoent it seiner,` Advertisements of Lost, 0oiind, Strayed, Situation Hoop all tle81(larr trate month, onti 500. not for lino vubsoctient tooth, ;Dime and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 0 line. la for dist month, fine. per stibeeeneant month, Larger ad vertb,enum rs in ore, n+'tion. Ior¶Iherero termsperiods,esil be strictly adbrred to Special rates for larger aciao,i;i,;omeuts, or or • Adverti and local notice,' t me ments tho directioltotowill l e inserted till IniltOrtandi, charged), paiaccord drn nd.inf;iyance, Trauettury adverttemente must be eMents moot he la Ili,,lofficasby Wedn Wednesday noon,doin order to appear that weak II. R. ELLIOTT, • Pilovairroa men PCBoIauE/i' WINGI-IA.;1-I HOSPITAL. and SUTRGICALor the traCASES of atment allrkinds, ForSASES OFtOMEN pu ticular& address DR. 0. P. IKENNEDY, Medicai Superintendent, wingham, Ont: T)VANSTO1 M, BARRISTER, SuLICITOF, Etc„ Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rata interest, No oentmiaeton char, ea, Mortgagee, town. and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block Wir;oaeat. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Sec., tl'Ingham, Ont. E • L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC.. SOLXOrrolt TO BANE 01' li tnrILTON. ATM; oy TO . LOAN. Office -Never Block. W inghatn lig G. CAMERON, BAILRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o, Office -Corner Banrilton and St. Andrew stre•tg' opposite Colborne Dote!. Commas, °NTARIQ. AliT111J11..1, lawiN, D10 s, LDS, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennst•11•ania,,Dental . 03 Dental lSurgeo ne and siofeOntaiio.f Of ice ove Royaler College-: • Office, W ngham YiENTIST1tY,-J. S. J EROME, L. D. 3., Wiicgatts ti In dtanufaatur arst•claes Bets cit, teeth us cheap as they can be made•' 1141.....i'• ' in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfe.•tly safe.' OFFICE: In tho 'Beaver Block, opposite th Brunswick house. at; F. 10 20 p in 8 30 a in Jornr extemtr SOCIETY MEETINGS. Q ® S.—the ! Camp Caledonia, No. 49, moot S, • .! the first and thi,d Monday in ovcfv month, In .he odd Fellows ltafi. Viaitin* brethren welecrea J. Murray, Chief. -H B Elliott, Rant'• -Sec WINGHAM STEAM PUMP VVORKS Having purchased the edtire.business from .4r. Daniel Showers. I am now prepared to supplje the pu'blio with 'Wood and Iron .Force and Lift Pumps, UtriliSS and iron Cylinders. Galvaniz- ed Iron 'tubing. Cisterns, 'Witter 'trouglia, Sinks, Ilttttlii,Fipe Fitting, Well - Digging and everything in COD- tlectiotl with water supplies. • Galvanized Steel Windmills, for power and pumping water, Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Pettiest writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth r.f well. All w.trk guaranteed or no sale. 0.ORNI tIGSTAR 13"1. 140 Wingham, Ont. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wtNGadM, ONTARIO,. pDEANS, Ja., wixess t, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR .'tiE COUNT OF LIMON, • Sales attended in any part of the Go, Charge ' Moderato. JOHN CURRIdi, WINGaaM, Osr., LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements . epoclalty. Ali orders loft at the Them Dolce promptly ottani.. od to. Tem. reasonable. 46 PIFTYTWO WEEKS WITH GODg" A fascinating study of The Idles . national Sunday School Lessons for' 1899, now ready. No Christian, especially Clergyman or Teacher, should be without it. ' Beautifullir- bound in cloth of two colors, with stiff boards. Price only 35 .cents. Strongly recommended,; by leading., Clergymen. Oh sale by all book r! sellrs, or sent postpaid on receipt of the price by, T11>; 13itADL''Y.GAItit1:TSONt Co., Publishers, Toronto, Can. JOB PRINTiNO, I... NOLUtIIN° books, Pamphlets, Potote, 1;1 lltade, o buiare, &o., deo, ofteouted rn the bitef style of the art, at moderato prleor, and on shoe$ notice, Apply or eddrose 11; 11. ELLIOTT. Y "1r rte Oflf oe ruin h6in a BOOKBINDING. We oro pleased 10 announce that an;f' nohke Dir tiugatines left with 5e for Binding. win hove cave' prompt attention. Prima for Binding Is any idyls • wi{1 he given on application o the Trntte Office