The Wingham Times, 1899-02-03, Page 6• ling - THE WINU 1.3.a' 1 TIMES,' FE1W. VARY 3 . bo !lie, as a departmental grant. In 1 toil: a gigantie task for such a stliell body of people. We undertook to devetupe the vast arra we now con- trol. Many of lis have had ens:Mee fears as to whether we should sue E teed. These fears have passed away and vo are on the threshold of a period of cxpansiun during which l large debts will be created by both individuals and public bodies, To F the extent that . these undertakings are encountered with prudence, acid a just appreciation of the *rave: responsibilities, it will bo well. am es ether words the GovernMent agreed Ito snake the bonus $0 50 in place of •-' . " a°-''-• ;,:I, and to give the money to the p'IttDA- - ' If, 1.BRt7ARY a, i85J , society Laving the arrangenentee in band instead of to the steam ship 'agents. Seine confusion threatened OUR. OTTAWA LEITER. "however, from the fact that the FrOnl OW own Varre3pOndent. 01.1.awa., jun), eau). ;steam -ship grant of S.re WiA3 ouly peld The arrival of the first coutineent ;on adrilt or whole tickets, so a re - Of Doukhobers Lae revived the fitted arrengemeet wee made by which Of nits staottnetito and partisan. me>. the extra bonus of $1.a0 WAS drop- tiaeitV reepeceing the poliey of thelped anti the regulation bonus. of ODD pound eteeling paid on each man, Government anti t he action of the I Departnanit of the Interior in eon. I, woman and (Mid art lying in port. zieetion with tUse people. lu spitel This leeves the total grant practical - of repeated oxplimationsitna donate ly unchanged but simplifies t))e by the Government in thoir behalf, EvEnr CENT SPENT IN CANADA. Opposition papers persist in deliber- ph, „, fins, nni „0, ,z(1 11. 'ately declaring that- the Government --- "" " seheme was an undertaking or un - bas undertaken the expenditure of n cults diffiuuite' but has been success - ^vast sutras of public monies Lo bring fully ala c, and it committee„ of r. • 'them to Gtutnttrt,at.d pause, feed and prominent business men and repre- sentative Doubhobors bas been .'ippai:nted in Winnipeg, for the pur- pose of supervising the eapenditnre relothe them unfit the spring. Asa )atter of fact, ant this, has been reiterated tinge and time again, the Departineut is dohr.g very little anoro of the grant, and nota cent Is laid for the Doukhobcrs than it and its Out until the item at examined and predecessors have been tieing for approved by the committee. To many years past in the pursuance of further assist in expending the the police formulated by the Govern- stoney to the best possible advantage, ment of Sir John Macdonald, and Government immigration agents at continued by succeedingadministra- the various points ,of destination have purchased supplies for the use of the new arrivals, paying for the same out of the aforesaid grant which remains in the hands of the Government for tbat purpose. It is therefore absolutely untrue and misleading to state, as is being persistently done by Opposition papers, that the Government has contracted to house, feed and clothe these people until the spring at the pretelis and other officials qualified to -public's expense, and those making render them general assistance in 'the charge are well aware that it is their emetic() and unknown surround- false.. Ings, and provided wish shelter in Moreover it should be noted, that the immigration sheds while await- whereas hitherto, the per capita ing transportation into the interior. grant has been paid to foreign Care is taken at the port of embark- agents, and therefore sent out of the *don to ascertain that the emigrant t country, the money in. this ease is being spent on supplies right here, and every dollar returns into the pockets of the taxpayers. These little points appear to eseape tho notice of Opposition papers but they are earth noting. - Blows axons. THIS IIAS ALWA'gS BEEN MITE. A part of this policy has always been to offer a bonus of $5, or to be exact, one pound sterIieg, on each while ticket, to European agents of sterni -ship companies, and this has been all ' the monetary assistance given, the emigrants themselves being looked after on the arrival to the extent of being met by inter - bas some means of providing himself with the necessaries of life upon his i'irst arrival', and while an occasional panper, entirely destitute, is found in the eonlpuny upon his arrival and these frool necessity are saved from actual starvation by the authorities, such eases are few' and far between. Then on reaching Winnipeg, or fur- ther west. the newcomers are given opportunities to take up free land or put chase homesteads from the Gov- ernment overnment or the railway, and the fact 'bias the business in both land de- partments has more than doubled this year, and the yet more signifi cent ' filet that the much abused Galiciaus have taken up, by free grant and purchase, more land pro• pirtionately.than any other class or section of emigrants, proves beyond cavil that the Government bas beeii encouraging the right sort of people to eame into the country. Tun ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE DOt.JK13OBORS. 5o much for the general regale,- . tions 011 what way and to what extent have they been varied in the case of the Doukhobors ? When the {;:overnlnent was approached by duly accredited representatives of a a'esponeible organization, charged with developing a scheme for the -wholesale expatriation of this perse- lir. l•ow's Worm Syrup Is the nicest and most effeetive remedy fur expelling all lands et Worms. No need of giving any Oathartie when it is used. Trico tlwe. Where Titans are malted. by Law All twins bora in Diger Coast Protectorate must, according to the native laws, bo put to death, and it is only those who have been rescued by the missionaries and placed beyond the reach of native power who have so far escaped When the twins are born they are at once taken freni their mother and, if ns, one intercedes, they are taken by the feet and head, and have their backs broken across a native woman's knee, in the salve way as one would break a stielr. The bodies are then placed in an earth enware receptacle and taken to the bush, where they are devoured by the flies, insects or animals. Sotur.• times the little victims are pat in these receptacles alive; and are then eaten alive in the same manner, 'The mother becomes an oateast. If she does not at once take her own life she has to flee to the bush., If she ventures near the town or village she must see that she does not re- main in the path when any other native is coming. Her presence, according, to their supervision, would defile the. place for others. She must not drink from the same spring, must not touch anything belonging to her own relatives, and there. is little cause for wonder tbat she takes away her life. When the Whistle •A. SPLENDID LOT OF PEOPLE. it is a signal that thio train is coming, 'and if you do&t get of the track will run over and kill you. When you cough, it is a signal that consumption is cowing, and you had better look out. The way to stop consumption is to stop the cough.. The way to stop the cough is to take Shiloh's Cough and Consuntpttve Cure.• 23 .ors., 50 ets. and $1.00 a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to cure: as time proves their utter lack of • substance. All reports, since their • So much for the actual facts as to the Government's policy. The ,alumnies that have been eo freely disseminated regarding the character and customs of these peoples°, may be safely left to die a natural death Pithy Pointers. arrival, more than verify the good character given them at first, and Whoa you advertise oak, sell oak even those most antagonistic now and not pine. admit that a finer lot of foreigners There are ' , two sides to every never landed on Canadian soil. The question-yonr side and the wrong latest horrible discovery, that their side. lri a is ung' en ti marc t tt ed b ase y any ceremony, beyond the public mutual acceptance of each other by the. principals, is raising a perfeet howl of virtuous indignation, but it may soothe the lacerated sensibilities of our ultra purist friends to learn that this is the exact counterpart of the marriage ceremony of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, (than whom there is not a more respected and right living Feet in existence), in England and elsewhere, and such marriages have al ways been recog- tuted people, the proposition was,nixed by the state and respected by submitted to the Department that a the community. It also differs very grant be made to the immigration 'little iron a form of Scotch marriage fund in place of the bonus usually which which has sufficed in thousands of ee paid to steam ship agents. The eases and has al ways been recognized prutnoters were naturally desirous to by the law of the land. secure as large a grant as possible, • POINTERS ON NATIONAL FINANCE. lied, at first the Government conced- ed an additional grant of $1.50 per A valuable lecture was delivered -..e above regular a few days ago on "National 1 Finance" by Mr. Byron E. Walker, Ilea over and above the r General Manager of the Bank of Commerce, and one of the. 01051; reliable and cautious financiers of this County' . Viewing his subject as he did from a. purely professional standpoint, .aria without a suspicion of political bias, his canclnsions are of nnnsual value and interest. Of the national' expenditure on national public works he observed, "We shall soon finish our Canals, and we . may then pause awhile in that' department of Public Works, only doubtless to take up again some years hence on an even larger reale. There are those who suppose we are near the end of our railroad build- ing with biovernfnent aid. In my opinion we have but begun. 1 am not unmindful of the plea made by certain f;t"raers to Sir Wilfrid Leerier a few days ami, whieh d Serves ever consideration that is possible, apart from staying the pro. I green of this great country. But we Canadians ai,Confederation ander- BRISTOL'S �\ �i e i sT O1{.sf�i ISTOL9S Sarsaparilla and • PAet hitt PILLS The Greatest of all Liver, Stornach and Blood Medicines. A 3PltOrFIO von- liebetimatlem, (cont and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse Purify the Mood. All Druggists and General Dealers. But few mon are vyine enough to render one word sufficient. The Iran who is in the right doesn't have to get mad. If your ad, harvest is a failure inyestigate the seed yon have sown. Some men are long on energy, but shortly on the ability to use it. If you can't get Khat you want, want what you can get. Don't expeet advertising to do it all: Your salesman, your go3ds and prices must join hands. Don't study your own wants so- much omuch as the wants of the public. The most frequent cause for ask- ing advice is to have your opinion confirmed. Some advertisers are like soin songs, they are in vogue for a tune only. A titan seldom improves if he has no other model than himself to copy. Don't1' be a mac >Ine ; a machine does not need brain—you do. The little dog usually barks the loudest, but the big dog generally gets the bone. Your advertisement is your calling card --be sure it is "correct." An advertisement that the public pass unnoticed is just the same as no advertisement at all. The troable is not always biting off Inoro than one can chew, but rather the swallowing thereof. A 'CTIVl: Sr)LICIIAl1s rue EvnisYwnignE la• Ior Tho Story orf the Philippines" by M,,ra; Iltdstt tl, rommissinned by tbo aovernntont its 031- cW 1l13orl iu to the War Deputmsat, Tho b u k (et written In bray eampA at San Fransl,rn, en the Pacific) with General Merritt, in the hospitals et Hoe nolulu, ht stair it' ns,, In the Attuelean trenches at ltfanrle, in the trisnrtrent earnOl with Agtlinaid0, , the deck of the Olympia with bewey, and in.thd roar of tattle et the felt of 1•fanilt. ilonanz•t for af,•ehte, Arimful of ors; ins! pictures taken by iror- ernment nnoeiersphers on this spot, Large bank, Lc* ow I s • Witt Prate, Freight •paid, Credit 8' 3 t' Add+reoes if. T, Barbti Scc'y,, Stet intnran o Yo. i ;rid No. 2 for sale by Goran A. CralpboU, 0,1 Mageeb^uer rt t Y mil guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum- blzgo, sciatica and all rheumatic ;tains in two or three hours, and cure itt, n few days. AIUNYOIY. At • all druggists, 25c. a vial. Outdo to Health and meth - cal advice free. 1305 Arch st., Philo, The Alvin'itnn Innniciltal counptl hag passed tI.i fill 1owini; resolntlon; "Moved by A. Mt',ii1'+llae,„, SC(toll(led by Citrnntiuget that A. 7. Trolley he annninted chief constable,. truant otiieer, c,.retaker ofcemetry, sanitary inspector, overseer if highways, janitor clearing streets and crossings cutting w'nods, collector of poll and dog tax. ringing curfew hell and cleaning snow opposite fife hall, at •a salary of $10," CiaV'4iinnetG Ory y ' or ^� :.5:::: ria s- ti l M' 'a 1 R L TAM, miller. Comber, ship - red Net week • 30,000 pounds of poultry to Leorlon, ],ntrlonrl. This is tate second carload exported by This dealer. Permanent Cures Of sorb diennre•a g's gait h;teuro, Soro fnla, .;oras, Ulcers. 17tenepeia and Con- stipation fire trade by B.13.11.. The daily papers are fall of statements of those who harebeen nermantly cured by B.S.S. The Perth county council has de- ei(ltd topcliOen the got err men to abolish tie ut the routlry registry ufliees. • L. Mie. MO;VI'A UF, I}UNAVLLLE, OXI'., Bast on IntereeitIner that About Dr. th„an's uinttnent, • SIS SUFFERING 1'lt0 1 ULCERATiato t'.(LI:s , Ul1J;lt, He says :—I was troubled with itch- ing piles for five years, and was badly ulcerated. They were very painful, stn much so bleat I could not sleep. 1 tried almost every remedy heard of, and was recommended to nae Dr. Chase's Oint- ment.. I purchased a box, and from the first application got such relief that I was satisfied a cure would be matte. I used in all two boxes, and am now completely cured. Every remedy given by Dr. Chase cost years of study and research, and with an eye single to its adaptation for tile ailments for which it was intended. Dr. Chase detested cure•alls, and it, has been. proven ten thousand times that not one of his formulas leave a bad after-effect, Dr, Chase's Ointment is based on lanoline, and the elest phy- sicians prescribe It. . Mr. M. T. Wigte, of Kingsl,'iilo, Essex Co. turgid of Itching Nies of 23 Yeard' #'hyeleim:a is'alt to motto a Cure tVhen Dr. t hasd's utnemeet. tinver )'wtlettl- ntS Reiter. M. T. Wigle, better known to every One in the vicinity as "'Uncle Mike," was troubled for over 23 years with itching piles. At times he Was so bad. he would have to quit work. The irrb- tattion becarne so intense With ,constant #'ublsing that they became ulcerated and would bleed. He had been treated by marry physleiatts, bot toilful nothing that gave lion relief. pearling in the paper the cure of a friend who lead nor= fered in a like manner; and being cared by I)r. Chase's Ointment, lie procured a box. ,After the third application he got sueli relief that he had the first comfortable night's sleep he enjoyel In years. The one box made a completc Mire,. and he says he. would not be With- out it for *50 a box if it could not bete.; placed. Mr. WIgIe is a wealthy farmer, tivell knewri fn tae community in which ho resides.• It ie over ted yearsi since he was whietcd, and hs has never been troubled slate. ,Cook's Cotton Boot ComponlluI In successfully used monthly b Direr to o00Ladias, sate, c g.'otuai. Ladlas ask gyout druggist for Cook's Cotton {Foot Uoia- pound. Takonoottser,asalill txtuees,Is11I and iriittatiot:srsdangeroUte. >k'rftror3vn.2.$Ib�aer box,Into.80degr.nsatrong,'r. Aper box. No. holm` 2. his 0)1 receipt of prior and two 8•ernt sateops 7tn freak Cnntprs1ty WtndsOr Ont. Fans. 1731 acid 2 a;ttid sun' recommended by alt responatblo Dragglnts e' Cannde. S 1 li�TR ORRV,IC 1t3 "a` r x lets, 110DT°T-•„lwuv. Dr. Pascoe, pas 1. ti!: (i't �n�t)11ti{ 11, »u or. Services at 11. a ni and p ui. 1'I;,H.SI3YTE IdN—Rev. 1). I.'srrie fits icor, . Services at 11 a m and 7 ;i m. J J'ISCOI'AL. St. k'aul's—Bev. Win. Lowe, motor. Services at; 11 a to and 7 pLn. BAPTIST —Rev. W. 'recd, pastor., Services et 11 a in and 7 it In CONGltl',,G4.TJoNAr--Itev, II, B.1 Mason, pastor. Services at 11. a ru ansi 7prn, CHlttSTIAN' WORKERS --- Peewee: Outram and Lockin 0.luniaud, Service's! at 3 p izi and. 3 p SALATr.TION ARMY—Capt. McLeod and alae in command. Services at 11 a. In, 3 j nt anti 8 p ni, In each of the above named churches! Sabbath School is hold at 2.30 p Pt. We're' Afser" N'OOa"S P 140.'li4ainee 24re Great 2lnr�* 88 Renieclf/. Eold and recommended by all dri. fists in Canada, Onl rcli-• gS yy discovered. tx , medicine st, 8' al le me . In N•packagcs patrrnnteed to cure ell forms of Sexual 'Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt of price, one package 31, six, 36, One wilt ;lease, t+iz vSU cure. Pamphlets free to out, !address. The Wood Company, Wind§or, Ont. Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell, Druggist, • ANK of NAME i WIN.GHAM. Capital, 31,260,000. Rest, $775,000 President—lona $15321, Vheo-rreeidont—A. G. Ramses. Desecrates Jon, Penmen, en, Geo. lemon. war. G BBON, AL P, A. T. Woos, A. S. Ler, (Toronto). Cashier—.l. TUIRNBULL. Savings Bank—iTours, g'0 to 8• Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of S1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current ,rates of It, crest. Drmfta es, OOreatBritain and the United Stater bought and bold W. CORSO.OLT>, AGENT E. D. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE IiAT t'S Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 poi centrvith priviteero of paying at the end of any year. Not, and aacemte co!le,:tc8. ROET. MoIleDOO. Seaver Block wtnrhsm, Out 1xii,AND TRUNK' RA1LWAX . Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine ltll DEPART AIve —is PUilLifill .U-- EV1 1t r TBIDA3' MOItNllgta' *AT, TILE --- TIMES OFFICE, JOSi±PH,N3 l3TRST-' subscription prteo,3tperYour, Infitivttna i AnVEnTINI11a RATES. kitime 1 1 yr. l 0 mo '1 Y nm. 1 1 mpe• ons Oorutl,n St0 0n a330000 e1200 00 Sq Qoa$ knit `• 60 00 ?n OQ�• Quarter " 20 00, 12 00 7 on (1.54neh 6 On 800 '3 OQ 100"t" ucatgrid itne troll suvcmilse,ue,G Se per lin ` for tires insertinn,and 8e per Line preach subsequent i serf; n, 11e siren by nonpareil salve. vont notices IOt. p,1.line for first insertion, aura • 6s. per line for eachenbeuquent moortier, • Ativortisemeuts of Lost, Found, Pavved,Situatious and liminess Chances Wanted, not exceeding' 5 tinge nonpareil, 31 for first month, and 80e. for cub' enheettuorlt month, Homes and Farms for Salo, not oneemiiarn 8 ]mea' Ba en Met month, COu• per o r at o e 9Ue t month Larger ndtertiscnaeats in pRoportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to lon3erS eolaiperiods,, lemon rate. for le advertisements, or or Adrertetetuunte and 1nen1 notices n ithoatt epeoiflo directions will he inserted tilt forbid and obarged' accordingly.. Treesttury udvortleements must be paid in ad stoop Changes for contract Advertisements must be is Om office by Woduosday noon, ei order to appear that week WINDIIAM, ONTARIO, E 11. le ELLIOTT, PROBau,roa AND PUnLIIruRs WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and SURGICAL CASES of all kinds,. For'partioulare, address DR. J. P. RENNEIY, Medical Superintendent, 11'tugbam, Ante. R . VANSTONIi, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto., Private and Company funds to loan et lowest rater interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town. and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Bleak lritunuM. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ea, Winehan, • 'yam •"'. 's, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. 801r0IT0R TO DANE 01' iteanILTox. 6rON8y ro taoAN. office—Meyer Monk. %Ing am miG. CAMERON, e BARRISTER., SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e., Office—Corner nnneitouand St. Andrew streets. opposite Colborne Rotch 0ooctetou, ONTARIO., A ItTIJUR J. IRirIN, DDS, L D S, Doctor of Dental Sureery of the Pennsylvania_, Defied 0ollett°end LI'+eetl'le of the 'Royal Coliege.- of Dental Surgeons of •Untarte. Office over Ptak O/ficu, 1V uy ham DENTISTRY.•.4.S.JERO3Ii.`, L. D. S,,w1re:m.41 G 49- a. m. 3 05 p. m • steel-gee�t to aannufaotur flret-alase sets of 3 30 p m 10 29 p m Any teeth us cheap ng' they can be made• 855am 3Oopm pain, yhtanew 0 53''a nt 11 10 a m process, guaranteed perfectly sato. d 3C p m 8 00 p m OFFICE: . In the Beaver aleck o i 11, 10 a rn G 49 a nt• House. 330put 330pm 10 29 p m 13 30 a m TOHN RITCHIE' J GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT • In the Dominion. Teeth extreetel •• -'-' absolutely witeout b FI . epos to tbe�^ Brunswick Ii SOCIETY MEETINGS. S�p ___Comp dalcdonia, No. 4ti, moot ■ . ■ the first and third Monday in erenry month, in .he odd Fellness Hari. Viettine brethren welccn" J. Murray. Chief. 1C D 1 Ilion, Ren. -Sec M r! IJ,.vl GHA.+1.V3 ST€AM PUMP WOKS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel. Showers, 1 ani now prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron Force and Lift rumps, Brass anis. Iron Cylinders, Gulvaultc- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, )llathe,Plpe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nectido with orator supplies. Galvanized Stool Windniifls for power and pumping water.. Nap. well punps a snecinlity. ]iepairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordef ine by atoll should alts nye State depth oi.well. All worst gIua{�raan�teed��oiy noo-sale. r� 0. IVIOE:i`t .d. I01 GSiTAll Bev ' 140 Winehatn. Ont. Wixom,, fe. DEANS. JR., WINOffAR, ONristg a 'aTc LICENSED ATICTI:E308, ;aIE CO OP ONiHURON.ii I= • . r Setae attended in any part of the Co. Ohatger Moderate. LJOfIN CURR'RIE, T rman, Oar., • ,r,er ;64 , ... LICENSED AUCTIONEER. leder r Salm 'of Farts Stock and Muni Impletneatd • '? Opo&alty, All ordure tort at the Times office prorptly.eites3 ed to. Term. reasonable. FIFTY-TWO WEEKS r WITH GOD,"•r A fascinating study of The Inter -e; national Sunday School Lessons for, 1899, now ready. No Christial�,',; especially Clergyman or Teacher,':': should be without it. 13eautifully, bonnd in cloth of two colors, With still' boards. Price only 35 cents. Strongly recommended by leading Clergymen. On sale by all book sellers, or sent postpaid on receipt oir • the price by, ' :tirilt BRADL rY•GAI4III 'pSOI ' Co., (LI1lzran) Publishers, Toronto, Can. , JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books Pamphlets, ?coterie ,L Heads, Circulars, &ea, ata, tomcatted in the bee_ style of the art, at utorlcrete Arlene and oa eh . notice. Apply Or address II, D. ELLIOTT, Atm Offlco, Wingluiva: BOOKBINDING. We are Welled 30 announe o that any nooks Os , , Atitesstnes lois with et for Binding, will have out's prompt pi1'abe?noes a.4lonn tithe T male Odlee all - if